1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // GB_ij.h: definitions for I and J index lists
3 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 // SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS, Timothy A. Davis, (c) 2017-2021, All Rights Reserved.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
8 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 #ifndef GB_IJ_H
11 #define GB_IJ_H
13 #include "GB.h"
15 GB_PUBLIC   // accessed by the MATLAB interface only
16 void GB_ijlength            // get the length and kind of an index list I
17 (
18     const GrB_Index *I,     // list of indices (actual or implicit)
19     const int64_t ni,       // length I, or special
20     const int64_t limit,    // indices must be in the range 0 to limit-1
21     int64_t *nI,            // actual length of I
22     int *Ikind,             // kind of I: GB_ALL, GB_RANGE, GB_STRIDE, GB_LIST
23     int64_t Icolon [3]      // begin:inc:end for all but GB_LIST
24 ) ;
26 GrB_Info GB_ijproperties        // check I and determine its properties
27 (
28     // input:
29     const GrB_Index *I,         // list of indices, or special
30     const int64_t ni,           // length I, or special
31     const int64_t nI,           // actual length from GB_ijlength
32     const int64_t limit,        // I must be in the range 0 to limit-1
33     // input/output:
34     int *Ikind,                 // kind of I, from GB_ijlength
35     int64_t Icolon [3],         // begin:inc:end from GB_ijlength
36     // output:
37     bool *I_is_unsorted,        // true if I is out of order
38     bool *I_has_dupl,           // true if I has a duplicate entry (undefined
39                                 // if I is unsorted)
40     bool *I_is_contig,          // true if I is a contiguous list, imin:imax
41     int64_t *imin_result,       // min (I)
42     int64_t *imax_result,       // max (I)
43     GB_Context Context
44 ) ;
46 GrB_Info GB_ijsort
47 (
48     const GrB_Index *restrict I, // size ni, where ni > 1 always holds
49     int64_t *restrict p_ni,      // : size of I, output: # of indices in I2
50     GrB_Index *restrict *p_I2,   // size ni2, where I2 [0..ni2-1]
51                         // contains the sorted indices with duplicates removed.
52     size_t *I2_size_handle,
53     GrB_Index *restrict *p_I2k,  // output array of size ni2
54     size_t *I2k_size_handle,
55     GB_Context Context
56 ) ;
58 // given k, return the kth item i = I [k] in the list
GB_ijlist(const GrB_Index * I,const int64_t k,const int Ikind,const int64_t Icolon[3])59 static inline int64_t GB_ijlist     // get the kth item in a list of indices
60 (
61     const GrB_Index *I,         // list of indices
62     const int64_t k,            // return i = I [k], the kth item in the list
63     const int Ikind,            // GB_ALL, GB_RANGE, GB_STRIDE, or GB_LIST
64     const int64_t Icolon [3]    // begin:inc:end for all but GB_LIST
65 )
66 {
67     if (Ikind == GB_ALL)
68     {
69         // I is ":"
70         return (k) ;
71     }
72     else if (Ikind == GB_RANGE)
73     {
74         // I is begin:end
75         return (Icolon [GxB_BEGIN] + k) ;
76     }
77     else if (Ikind == GB_STRIDE)
78     {
79         // I is begin:inc:end
80         // note that iinc can be negative or even zero
81         return (Icolon [GxB_BEGIN] + k * Icolon [GxB_INC]) ;
82     }
83     else // Ikind == GB_LIST
84     {
85         ASSERT (Ikind == GB_LIST) ;
86         ASSERT (I != NULL) ;
87         return (I [k]) ;
88     }
89 }
91 // given i and I, return true there is a k so that i is the kth item in I
GB_ij_is_in_list(const GrB_Index * I,const int64_t nI,int64_t i,const int Ikind,const int64_t Icolon[3])92 static inline bool GB_ij_is_in_list // determine if i is in the list I
93 (
94     const GrB_Index *I,         // list of indices for GB_LIST
95     const int64_t nI,           // length of I if Ikind is GB_LIST
96     int64_t i,                  // find i = I [k] in the list
97     const int Ikind,            // GB_ALL, GB_RANGE, GB_STRIDE, or GB_LIST
98     const int64_t Icolon [3]    // begin:inc:end for all but GB_LIST
99 )
100 {
102     if (Ikind == GB_ALL)
103     {
104         // I is ":", all indices are in the sequence
105         return (true) ;
106     }
107     else if (Ikind == GB_RANGE)
108     {
109         // I is begin:end
110         int64_t b = Icolon [GxB_BEGIN] ;
111         int64_t e = Icolon [GxB_END] ;
112         if (i < b) return (false) ;
113         if (i > e) return (false) ;
114         return (true) ;
115     }
116     else if (Ikind == GB_STRIDE)
117     {
118         // I is begin:inc:end
119         // note that inc can be negative or even zero
120         int64_t b   = Icolon [GxB_BEGIN] ;
121         int64_t inc = Icolon [GxB_INC] ;
122         int64_t e   = Icolon [GxB_END] ;
123         if (inc == 0)
124         {
125             // lo:stride:hi with stride of zero.
126             // I is empty if inc is zero, so i is not in I.
127             return (false) ;
128         }
129         else if (inc > 0)
130         {
131             // forward direction, increment is positive
132             // I = b:inc:e = [b, b+inc, b+2*inc, ..., e]
133             if (i < b) return (false) ;
134             if (i > e) return (false) ;
135             // now i is in the range [b ... e]
136             ASSERT (b <= i && i <= e) ;
137             i = i - b ;
138             ASSERT (0 <= i && i <= (e-b)) ;
139             // the sequence I-b = [0, inc, 2*inc, ... e-b].
140             // i is in the sequence if i % inc == 0
141             return (i % inc == 0) ;
142         }
143         else // inc < 0
144         {
145             // backwards direction, increment is negative
146             inc = -inc ;
147             // now inc is positive
148             ASSERT (inc > 0) ;
149             // I = b:(-inc):e = [b, b-inc, b-2*inc, ... e]
150             if (i > b) return (false) ;
151             if (i < e) return (false) ;
152             // now i is in the range of the sequence, [b down to e]
153             ASSERT (e <= i && i <= b) ;
154             i = b - i ;
155             ASSERT (0 <= i && i <= (b-e)) ;
156             // b-I = 0:(inc):(b-e) = [0, inc, 2*inc, ... (b-e)]
157             // i is in the sequence if i % inc == 0
158             return (i % inc == 0) ;
159         }
160     }
161     else // Ikind == GB_LIST
162     {
163         ASSERT (Ikind == GB_LIST) ;
164         ASSERT (I != NULL) ;
165         // search for i in the sorted list I
166         bool found ;
167         int64_t pleft = 0 ;
168         int64_t pright = nI-1 ;
169         if (i < 0) return (false) ;
170         GrB_Index ui = (GrB_Index) i ;
171         GB_BINARY_SEARCH (ui, I, pleft, pright, found) ;
172         return (found) ;
173     }
174 }
176 #endif