1 /* ========================================================================== */
2 /* === ldlmain.c: LDL main program, for demo and testing ==================== */
3 /* ========================================================================== */
5 /* LDLMAIN:  this main program has two purposes.  It provides an example of how
6  * to use the LDL routines, and it tests the package.  The output of this
7  * program is in ldlmain.out (without AMD) and ldlamd.out (with AMD).  If you
8  * did not download and install AMD, then the compilation of this program will
9  * not work with USE_AMD defined.  Compare your output with ldlmain.out and
10  * ldlamd.out.
11  *
12  * The program reads in a set of matrices, in the Matrix/ subdirectory.
13  * The format of the files is as follows:
14  *
15  *	one line with the matrix description
16  *	one line with 2 integers: n jumbled
17  *	n+1 lines, containing the Ap array of size n+1 (column pointers)
18  *	nz lines, containing the Ai array of size nz (row indices)
19  *	nz lines, containing the Ax array of size nz (numerical values)
20  *	n lines, containing the P permutation array of size n
21  *
22  * The Ap, Ai, Ax, and P data structures are described in ldl.c.
23  * The jumbled flag is 1 if the matrix could contain unsorted columns and/or
24  * duplicate entries, and 0 otherwise.
25  *
26  * Once the matrix is read in, it is checked to see if it is valid.  Some
27  * matrices are invalid by design, to test the error-checking routines.  If
28  * valid, the matrix factorized twice (A and P*A*P').  A linear
29  * system Ax=b is set up and solved, and the residual computed.
30  * If any system is not solved accurately, this test will fail.
31  *
32  * This program can also be compiled as a MATLAB mexFunction, with the command
33  * "mex ldlmain.c ldl.c".  You can then run the program in MATLAB, with the
34  * command "ldlmain".
35  *
36  * Copyright (c) 2006 by Timothy A Davis, http://www.suitesparse.com.
37  * All Rights Reserved.  See LDL/Doc/License.txt for the License.
38  */
41 #ifndef LDL_LONG
42 #define LDL_LONG
43 #endif
44 #endif
46 #include <stdio.h>
47 #include <stdlib.h>
48 #include "ldl.h"
50 #define NMATRICES 30	    /* number of test matrices in Matrix/ directory */
51 #define LEN 200		    /* string length */
53 #ifdef USE_AMD		    /* get AMD include file, if using AMD */
54 #include "amd.h"
55 #define PROGRAM "ldlamd"
56 #else
57 #define PROGRAM "ldlmain"
58 #endif
61 #include "mex.h"
62 #define EXIT_ERROR mexErrMsgTxt ("failure") ;
63 #define EXIT_OK
64 #else
65 #define EXIT_ERROR exit (EXIT_FAILURE) ;
66 #define EXIT_OK exit (EXIT_SUCCESS) ;
67 #endif
69 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
70 /* ALLOC_MEMORY: allocate a block of memory */
71 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
73 #define ALLOC_MEMORY(p,type,size) \
74 p = (type *) calloc ((((size) <= 0) ? 1 : (size)) , sizeof (type)) ; \
75 if (p == (type *) NULL) \
76 { \
77     printf (PROGRAM ": out of memory\n") ; \
78     EXIT_ERROR ; \
79 }
81 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
82 /* FREE_MEMORY: free a block of memory */
83 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
85 #define FREE_MEMORY(p,type) \
86 if (p != (type *) NULL) \
87 { \
88     free (p) ; \
89     p = (type *) NULL ; \
90 }
92 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
93 /* stand-alone main program, or MATLAB mexFunction */
94 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
mexFunction(int nargout,mxArray * pargout[],int nargin,const mxArray * pargin[])97 void mexFunction
98 (
99     int	nargout,
100     mxArray *pargout[ ],
101     int	nargin,
102     const mxArray *pargin[ ]
103 )
104 #else
105 int main (void)
106 #endif
107 {
109     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
110     /* local variables */
111     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
113 #ifdef USE_AMD
114     double Info [AMD_INFO] ;
115 #endif
116     double r, rnorm, flops, maxrnorm = 0. ;
117     double *Ax, *Lx, *B, *D, *X, *Y ;
118     LDL_int matrix, *Ai, *Ap, *Li, *Lp, *P, *Pinv, *Perm, *PermInv, n, i, j, p,
119 	nz, *Flag, *Pattern, *Lnz, *Parent, trial, lnz, d, jumbled, ok ;
120     FILE *f ;
121     char s [LEN], filename [LEN] ;
123     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
124     /* check the error-checking routines with null matrices */
125     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
127     i = 1 ;
128     n = -1 ;
129     if (LDL_valid_perm (n, (LDL_int *) NULL, &i)
130 	|| !LDL_valid_perm (0, (LDL_int *) NULL, &i)
131 	|| LDL_valid_matrix (n, (LDL_int *) NULL, (LDL_int *) NULL)
132 	|| LDL_valid_matrix (0, &i, &i))
133     {
134 	printf (PROGRAM ": ldl error-checking routine failed\n") ;
136     }
138     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
139     /* read in a factorize a set of matrices */
140     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
142     for (matrix = 1 ; matrix <= NMATRICES ; matrix++)
143     {
145 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
146 	/* read in the matrix and the permutation */
147 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
149 	sprintf (filename, "../Matrix/A%02d", (int) matrix) ;
150 	if ((f = fopen (filename, "r")) == (FILE *) NULL)
151 	{
152 	    printf (PROGRAM ": could not open file: %s\n", filename) ;
153 	    EXIT_ERROR ;
154 	}
155         printf ("\n\n--------------------------------------------------------");
156         printf ("\nInput file: %s\n", filename) ;
157         s [0] = 0 ;
158         ok = (fgets (s, LEN, f) != NULL) ;
159         printf ("%s", s) ;
160         printf ("--------------------------------------------------------\n\n");
161         n = 0 ;
162         if (ok)
163         {
164             ok = ok && (fscanf (f, LDL_ID " " LDL_ID, &n, &jumbled) == 2) ;
165             n = (n < 0) ? (0) : (n) ;
166             ALLOC_MEMORY (P, LDL_int, n) ;
167             ALLOC_MEMORY (Ap, LDL_int, n+1) ;
168         }
169 	for (j = 0 ; ok && j <= n ; j++)
170 	{
171 	    ok = ok && (fscanf (f, LDL_ID, &Ap [j]) == 1) ;
172 	}
173         nz = 0 ;
174         if (ok)
175         {
176             nz = Ap [n] ;
177             ALLOC_MEMORY (Ai, LDL_int, nz) ;
178             ALLOC_MEMORY (Ax, double, nz) ;
179         }
180 	for (p = 0 ; ok && p < nz ; p++)
181 	{
182 	    ok = ok && (fscanf (f, LDL_ID , &Ai [p]) == 1) ;
183 	}
184 	for (p = 0 ; ok && p < nz ; p++)
185 	{
186 	    ok = ok && (fscanf (f, "%lg", &Ax [p]) == 1) ;
187 	}
188 	for (j = 0 ; ok && j < n  ; j++)
189 	{
190 	    ok = ok && (fscanf (f, LDL_ID , &P  [j]) == 1) ;
191 	}
192 	fclose (f) ;
193 	if (!ok)
194         {
195 	    printf (PROGRAM ": error reading file: %s\n", filename) ;
196 	    EXIT_ERROR ;
197         }
199 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
200 	/* check the matrix A and the permutation P */
201 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
203 	ALLOC_MEMORY (Flag, LDL_int, n) ;
205 	/* To test the error-checking routines, some of the input matrices
206 	 * are not valid.  So this error is expected to occur. */
207 	if (!LDL_valid_matrix (n, Ap, Ai) || !LDL_valid_perm (n, P, Flag))
208 	{
209 	    printf (PROGRAM ": invalid matrix and/or permutation\n") ;
210 	    FREE_MEMORY (P, LDL_int) ;
211 	    FREE_MEMORY (Ap, LDL_int) ;
212 	    FREE_MEMORY (Ai, LDL_int) ;
213 	    FREE_MEMORY (Ax, double) ;
214 	    FREE_MEMORY (Flag, LDL_int) ;
215 	    continue ;
216 	}
218 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
219 	/* get the AMD permutation, if available */
220 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
222 #ifdef USE_AMD
224 	/* recompute the permutation with AMD */
225 	/* Assume that AMD produces a valid permutation P. */
227 #ifdef LDL_LONG
229 	if (amd_l_order (n, Ap, Ai, P, (double *) NULL, Info) < AMD_OK)
230 	{
231 	    printf (PROGRAM ": call to AMD failed\n") ;
232 	    EXIT_ERROR ;
233 	}
234 	amd_l_control ((double *) NULL) ;
235 	amd_l_info (Info) ;
237 #else
239 	if (amd_order (n, Ap, Ai, P, (double *) NULL, Info) < AMD_OK)
240 	{
241 	    printf (PROGRAM ": call to AMD failed\n") ;
242 	    EXIT_ERROR ;
243 	}
244 	amd_control ((double *) NULL) ;
245 	amd_info (Info) ;
247 #endif
248 #endif
250 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
251 	/* allocate workspace and the first part of LDL factorization */
252 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
254 	ALLOC_MEMORY (Pinv, LDL_int, n) ;
255 	ALLOC_MEMORY (Y, double, n) ;
256 	ALLOC_MEMORY (Pattern, LDL_int, n) ;
257 	ALLOC_MEMORY (Lnz, LDL_int, n) ;
258 	ALLOC_MEMORY (Lp, LDL_int, n+1) ;
259 	ALLOC_MEMORY (Parent, LDL_int, n) ;
260 	ALLOC_MEMORY (D, double, n) ;
261 	ALLOC_MEMORY (B, double, n) ;
262 	ALLOC_MEMORY (X, double, n) ;
264 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
265 	/* factorize twice, with and without permutation */
266 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
268 	for (trial = 1 ; trial <= 2 ; trial++)
269 	{
271 	    if (trial == 1)
272 	    {
273 		printf ("Factorize PAP'=LDL' and solve Ax=b\n") ;
274 		Perm = P ;
275 		PermInv = Pinv ;
276 	    }
277 	    else
278 	    {
279 		printf ("Factorize A=LDL' and solve Ax=b\n") ;
280 		Perm = (LDL_int *) NULL ;
281 		PermInv = (LDL_int *) NULL ;
282 	    }
284 	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
285 	    /* symbolic factorization to get Lp, Parent, Lnz, and Pinv */
286 	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
288 	    LDL_symbolic (n, Ap, Ai, Lp, Parent, Lnz, Flag, Perm, PermInv) ;
289 	    lnz = Lp [n] ;
291 	    /* find # of nonzeros in L, and flop count for LDL_numeric */
292 	    flops = 0 ;
293 	    for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
294 	    {
295 		flops += ((double) Lnz [j]) * (Lnz [j] + 2) ;
296 	    }
297 	    printf ("Nz in L: "LDL_ID"  Flop count: %g\n", lnz, flops) ;
299 	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
300 	    /* allocate remainder of L, of size lnz */
301 	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
303 	    ALLOC_MEMORY (Li, LDL_int, lnz) ;
304 	    ALLOC_MEMORY (Lx, double, lnz) ;
306 	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
307 	    /* numeric factorization to get Li, Lx, and D */
308 	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
310 	    d = LDL_numeric (n, Ap, Ai, Ax, Lp, Parent, Lnz, Li, Lx, D,
311 		Y, Flag, Pattern, Perm, PermInv) ;
313 	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
314 	    /* solve, or report singular case */
315 	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
317 	    if (d != n)
318 	    {
319 		printf ("Ax=b not solved since D("LDL_ID","LDL_ID") is zero.\n", d, d) ;
320 	    }
321 	    else
322 	    {
323 		/* construct the right-hand-side, B */
324 		for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
325 		{
326 		    B [i] = 1 + ((double) i) / 100 ;
327 		}
329 		/* solve Ax=b */
330 		if (trial == 1)
331 		{
332 		    /* the factorization is LDL' = PAP' */
333 		    LDL_perm (n, Y, B, P) ;			/* y = Pb */
334 		    LDL_lsolve (n, Y, Lp, Li, Lx) ;		/* y = L\y */
335 		    LDL_dsolve (n, Y, D) ;			/* y = D\y */
336 		    LDL_ltsolve (n, Y, Lp, Li, Lx) ;		/* y = L'\y */
337 		    LDL_permt (n, X, Y, P) ;			/* x = P'y */
338 		}
339 		else
340 		{
341 		    /* the factorization is LDL' = A */
342 		    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)			/* x = b */
343 		    {
344 			X [i] = B [i] ;
345 		    }
346 		    LDL_lsolve (n, X, Lp, Li, Lx) ;		/* x = L\x */
347 		    LDL_dsolve (n, X, D) ;			/* x = D\x */
348 		    LDL_ltsolve (n, X, Lp, Li, Lx) ;		/* x = L'\x */
349 		}
351 		/* compute the residual y = Ax-b */
352 		/* note that this code can tolerate a jumbled matrix */
353 		for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
354 		{
355 		    Y [i] = -B [i] ;
356 		}
357 		for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
358 		{
359 		    for (p = Ap [j] ; p < Ap [j+1] ; p++)
360 		    {
361 			Y [Ai [p]] += Ax [p] * X [j] ;
362 		    }
363 		}
364 		/* rnorm = norm (y, inf) */
365 		rnorm = 0 ;
366 		for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
367 		{
368 		    r = (Y [i] > 0) ? (Y [i]) : (-Y [i]) ;
369 		    rnorm = (r > rnorm) ? (r) : (rnorm) ;
370 		}
371 		maxrnorm = (rnorm > maxrnorm) ? (rnorm) : (maxrnorm) ;
372 		printf ("relative maxnorm of residual: %g\n", rnorm) ;
373 	    }
375 	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
376 	    /* free the size-lnz part of L */
377 	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
379 	    FREE_MEMORY (Li, LDL_int) ;
380 	    FREE_MEMORY (Lx, double) ;
382 	}
384 	/* free everything */
385 	FREE_MEMORY (P, LDL_int) ;
386 	FREE_MEMORY (Ap, LDL_int) ;
387 	FREE_MEMORY (Ai, LDL_int) ;
388 	FREE_MEMORY (Ax, double) ;
389 	FREE_MEMORY (Pinv, LDL_int) ;
390 	FREE_MEMORY (Y, double) ;
391 	FREE_MEMORY (Flag, LDL_int) ;
392 	FREE_MEMORY (Pattern, LDL_int) ;
393 	FREE_MEMORY (Lnz, LDL_int) ;
394 	FREE_MEMORY (Lp, LDL_int) ;
395 	FREE_MEMORY (Parent, LDL_int) ;
396 	FREE_MEMORY (D, double) ;
397 	FREE_MEMORY (B, double) ;
398 	FREE_MEMORY (X, double) ;
399     }
401     printf ("\nLargest residual during all tests: %g\n", maxrnorm) ;
402     if (maxrnorm < 1e-8)
403     {
404 	printf ("\n" PROGRAM ": all tests passed\n") ;
405 	EXIT_OK ;
406     }
407     else
408     {
409 	printf ("\n" PROGRAM ": one more tests failed (residual too high)\n") ;
411     }
412 }