1 #include "cs_mex.h"
2 /* find nonzero pattern of x=L\sparse(b).  L must be sparse and lower
3  * triangular.  b must be a sparse vector. */
5 static
dfsr(CS_INT j,const cs * L,CS_INT * top,CS_INT * xi,CS_INT * w)6 void dfsr (CS_INT j, const cs *L, CS_INT *top, CS_INT *xi, CS_INT *w)
7 {
8     CS_INT p ;
9     w [j] = 1 ;                                 /* mark node j */
10     for (p = L->p [j] ; p < L->p [j+1] ; p++)   /* for each i in L(:,j) */
11     {
12         if (w [L->i [p]] != 1)                  /* if i is unmarked */
13         {
14             dfsr (L->i [p], L, top, xi, w) ;    /* start a dfs at i */
15         }
16     }
17     xi [--(*top)] = j ;                         /* push j onto the stack */
18 }
20 /* w [0..n-1] == 0 on input, <= 1 on output.  size n */
21 static
reachr(const cs * L,const cs * B,CS_INT * xi,CS_INT * w)22 CS_INT reachr (const cs *L, const cs *B, CS_INT *xi, CS_INT *w)
23 {
24     CS_INT p, n = L->n ;
25     CS_INT top = n ;                            /* stack is empty */
26     for (p = B->p [0] ; p < B->p [1] ; p++)     /* for each i in pattern of b */
27     {
28         if (w [B->i [p]] != 1)                  /* if i is unmarked */
29         {
30             dfsr (B->i [p], L, &top, xi, w) ;   /* start a dfs at i */
31         }
32     }
33     return (top) ;                              /* return top of stack */
34 }
mexFunction(int nargout,mxArray * pargout[],int nargin,const mxArray * pargin[])36 void mexFunction
37 (
38     int nargout,
39     mxArray *pargout [ ],
40     int nargin,
41     const mxArray *pargin [ ]
42 )
43 {
44     cs_dl Lmatrix, Bmatrix, *L, *B ;
45     double *x ;
46     CS_INT i, j, top, *xi ;
48     if (nargout > 1 || nargin != 2)
49     {
50         mexErrMsgTxt ("Usage: x = cs_reachr(L,b)") ;
51     }
53     /* get inputs */
54     L = cs_dl_mex_get_sparse (&Lmatrix, 1, 1, pargin [0]) ;
55     B = cs_dl_mex_get_sparse (&Bmatrix, 0, 1, pargin [1]) ;
56     cs_mex_check (0, L->n, 1, 0, 1, 1, pargin [1]) ;
58     xi = cs_dl_calloc (2*L->n, sizeof (CS_INT)) ;
60     top = reachr (L, B, xi, xi + L->n) ;
62     pargout [0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix (L->n - top, 1, mxREAL) ;
63     x = mxGetPr (pargout [0]) ;
64     for (j = 0, i = top ; i < L->n ; i++, j++) x [j] = xi [i] ;
66     cs_free (xi) ;
67 }