1function C = bitand (A, B, assumedtype)
2%BITAND bitwise AND.
3% C = bitand (A,B) is the bitwise AND of A and B.  If A and B are
4% matrices, the pattern of C is the set intersection of A and B.  If one
5% of A or B is a nonzero scalar, the scalar is expanded into a sparse
6% matrix with the same pattern as the other matrix, and the result is a
7% sparse matrix.
9% With a third parameter, C = bitand (A,B,assumedtype) provides a data
10% type to convert A and B to if they are floating-point types.  If A or B
11% already have integer types, then they are not modified.  Otherwise, A or
12% B are converted to assumedtype, which can be 'int8', 'int16', 'int32',
13% 'int64', 'uint8', 'uint16', 'uint32' or 'uint64'.  The default is
14% 'uint64'.
16% The input matrices must be real, and may be either GraphBLAS and/or
17% MATLAB matrices, in any combination.  C is returned as a GraphBLAS
18% matrix.  The type of C is given by GrB.optype (A,B), after any
19% conversion to assumedtype, if needed.
21% Example:
23%   A = GrB (magic (4), 'uint8')
24%   B = GrB (13 * eye (4), 'uint8') ;
25%   B (3,4) = 107
26%   C = bitand (A, B)
27%   fprintf ('\nA: ') ; fprintf ('%3x ', A) ; fprintf ('\n') ;
28%   fprintf ('\nB: ') ; fprintf ('%3x ', B) ; fprintf ('\n') ;
29%   fprintf ('\nC: ') ; fprintf ('%3x ', C) ; fprintf ('\n') ;
30%   % in MATLAB:
31%   C2 = bitand (uint8 (A), uint8 (B))
32%   isequal (C2, C)
34% See also GrB/bitor, GrB/bitxor, GrB/bitcmp, GrB/bitshift, GrB/bitget,
35% GrB/bitset, GrB/bitclr.
37% SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS, Timothy A. Davis, (c) 2017-2021, All Rights Reserved.
38% SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
40if (nargin < 3)
41    assumedtype = 'uint64' ;
44C = GrB (gb_bitwise ('bitand', A, B, assumedtype)) ;