1 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
2  * Programmer(s): Radu Serban @ LLNL
3  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
4  * SUNDIALS Copyright Start
5  * Copyright (c) 2002-2021, Lawrence Livermore National Security
6  * and Southern Methodist University.
7  * All rights reserved.
8  *
9  * See the top-level LICENSE and NOTICE files for details.
10  *
11  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
12  * SUNDIALS Copyright End
13  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
14  * This program solves a stiff ODE system that arises from a system
15  * of partial differential equations. The PDE system is a food web
16  * population model, with predator-prey interaction and diffusion on
17  * the unit square in two dimensions. The dependent variable vector
18  * is the following:
19  *
20  *        1   2        ns
21  *  c = (c , c , ..., c  )
22  *
23  * and the PDEs are as follows:
24  *
25  *    i               i      i
26  *  dc /dt  =  d(i)*(c    + c   )  +  f (x,y,c)  (i=1,...,ns)
27  *                    xx     yy        i
28  *
29  * where
30  *
31  *                 i          ns         j
32  *  f (x,y,c)  =  c *(b(i) + sum a(i,j)*c )
33  *   i                       j=1
34  *
35  * The number of species is ns = 2*np, with the first np being prey
36  * and the last np being predators. The coefficients a(i,j), b(i),
37  * d(i) are:
38  *
39  *  a(i,i) = -a  (all i)
40  *  a(i,j) = -g  (i <= np, j > np)
41  *  a(i,j) =  e  (i > np, j <= np)
42  *  b(i) =  b*(1 + alpha*x*y)  (i <= np)
43  *  b(i) = -b*(1 + alpha*x*y)  (i > np)
44  *  d(i) = Dprey  (i <= np)
45  *  d(i) = Dpred  (i > np)
46  *
47  * The spatial domain is the unit square. The final time is 10.
48  * The boundary conditions are: normal derivative = 0.
49  * A polynomial in x and y is used to set the initial conditions.
50  *
51  * The PDEs are discretized by central differencing on an MX by
52  * MY mesh. The resulting ODE system is stiff.
53  *
54  * The ODE system is solved by CVODES using Newton iteration and
55  * the SUNLinSol_SPGMR linear solver (scaled preconditioned GMRES).
56  *
57  * The preconditioner matrix used is the product of two matrices:
58  * (1) A matrix, only defined implicitly, based on a fixed number
59  * of Gauss-Seidel iterations using the diffusion terms only.
60  * (2) A block-diagonal matrix based on the partial derivatives
61  * of the interaction terms f only, using block-grouping (computing
62  * only a subset of the ns by ns blocks).
63  *
64  * Additionally, CVODES can integrate backwards in time the
65  * the semi-discrete form of the adjoint PDE:
66  *   d(lambda)/dt = - D^T ( lambda_xx + lambda_yy )
67  *                  - F_c^T lambda
68  * with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions and final conditions
69  *   lambda(x,y,t=t_final) = - g_c^T(t_final)
70  * whose solution at t = 0 represents the sensitivity of
71  *   int_x int _y g(t_final,c) dx dy dt
72  * with respect to the initial conditions of the original problem.
73  *
74  * In this example,
75  *   g(t,c) = c(ISPEC), with ISPEC defined below.
76  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
77  * Reference:  Peter N. Brown and Alan C. Hindmarsh, Reduced Storage
78  * Matrix Methods in Stiff ODE Systems, J. Appl. Math. & Comp., 31
79  * (1989), pp. 40-91.  Also available as Lawrence Livermore National
80  * Laboratory Report UCRL-95088, Rev. 1, June 1987.
81  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
82  */
84 #include <stdio.h>
85 #include <stdlib.h>
86 #include <math.h>
88 #include <cvodes/cvodes.h>             /* main integrator header file          */
89 #include <nvector/nvector_serial.h>    /* access to serial N_Vector            */
90 #include <sunlinsol/sunlinsol_spgmr.h> /* access to SPGMR SUNLinearSolver      */
91 #include <sundials/sundials_dense.h>   /* use generic dense solver in precond. */
92 #include <sundials/sundials_types.h>   /* defs. of realtype, sunindextype      */
94 /* helpful macros */
96 #ifndef MAX
97 #define MAX(A, B) ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B))
98 #endif
100 #ifndef SQR
101 #define SQR(A) ((A)*(A))
102 #endif
104 /* Constants */
106 #define ZERO  RCONST(0.0)
107 #define ONE   RCONST(1.0)
108 #define TWO   RCONST(2.0)
110 /* Problem Specification Constants */
112 #define AA    ONE               /* AA = a */
113 #define EE    RCONST(1.0e4)     /* EE = e */
114 #define GG    RCONST(0.5e-6)    /* GG = g */
115 #define BB    ONE               /* BB = b */
116 #define DPREY ONE
117 #define DPRED RCONST(0.5)
118 #define ALPH  ONE
119 #define NP    3
120 #define NS    (2*NP)
122 /* Method Constants */
124 #define MX    20
125 #define MY    20
126 #define MXNS  (MX*NS)
127 #define AX    ONE
128 #define AY    ONE
129 #define DX    (AX/(realtype)(MX-1))
130 #define DY    (AY/(realtype)(MY-1))
131 #define MP    NS
132 #define MQ    (MX*MY)
133 #define MXMP  (MX*MP)
134 #define NGX   2
135 #define NGY   2
136 #define NGRP  (NGX*NGY)
137 #define ITMAX 5
139 /* CVodeInit Constants */
141 #define NEQ   (NS*MX*MY)
142 #define T0    ZERO
143 #define RTOL  RCONST(1.0e-5)
144 #define ATOL  RCONST(1.0e-5)
146 /* Output Constants */
148 #define TOUT RCONST(10.0)
150 /* Note: The value for species i at mesh point (j,k) is stored in */
151 /* component number (i-1) + j*NS + k*NS*MX of an N_Vector,        */
152 /* where 1 <= i <= NS, 0 <= j < MX, 0 <= k < MY.                  */
154 /* Structure for user data */
156 typedef struct {
157   realtype **P[NGRP];
158   sunindextype *pivot[NGRP];
159   int ns, mxns, mp, mq, mx, my, ngrp, ngx, ngy, mxmp;
160   int jgx[NGX+1], jgy[NGY+1], jigx[MX], jigy[MY];
161   int jxr[NGX], jyr[NGY];
162   realtype acoef[NS][NS], bcoef[NS], diff[NS];
163   realtype cox[NS], coy[NS], dx, dy, srur;
164   realtype fsave[NEQ];
165   realtype fBsave[NEQ];
166   N_Vector rewt;
167   N_Vector vtemp;
168   void *cvode_mem;
169   int indexB;
170 } *WebData;
172 /* Adjoint calculation constants */
173 /* g = int_x int_y c(ISPEC) dy dx at t = Tfinal */
174 #define NSTEPS 80  /* check points every NSTEPS steps */
175 #define ISPEC  6   /* species # in objective */
177 /* Prototypes for user-supplied functions */
179 static int f(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector ydot, void *user_data);
181 static int Precond(realtype t, N_Vector c, N_Vector fc,
182                    booleantype jok, booleantype *jcurPtr,
183                    realtype gamma, void *user_data);
185 static int PSolve(realtype t, N_Vector c, N_Vector fc,
186                   N_Vector r, N_Vector z,
187                   realtype gamma, realtype delta,
188                   int lr, void *user_data);
190 static int fB(realtype t, N_Vector c, N_Vector cB,
191                N_Vector cBdot, void *user_data);
193 static int PrecondB(realtype t, N_Vector c,
194                     N_Vector cB, N_Vector fcB, booleantype jok,
195                     booleantype *jcurPtr, realtype gamma,
196                     void *user_data);
198 static int PSolveB(realtype t, N_Vector c,
199                    N_Vector cB, N_Vector fcB,
200                    N_Vector r, N_Vector z,
201                    realtype gamma, realtype delta,
202                    int lr, void *user_data);
204 /* Prototypes for private functions */
206 static WebData AllocUserData(void);
207 static void InitUserData(WebData wdata);
208 static void SetGroups(int m, int ng, int jg[], int jig[], int jr[]);
209 static void CInit(N_Vector c, WebData wdata);
210 static void CbInit(N_Vector c, int is, WebData wdata);
211 static void PrintOutput(N_Vector c, int ns, int mxns, WebData wdata);
212 static void FreeUserData(WebData wdata);
213 static void WebRates(realtype x, realtype y, realtype t, realtype c[], realtype rate[],
214                      WebData wdata);
215 static void WebRatesB(realtype x, realtype y, realtype t, realtype c[], realtype cB[],
216                       realtype rate[], realtype rateB[], WebData wdata);
217 static void fblock (realtype t, realtype cdata[], int jx, int jy, realtype cdotdata[],
218                     WebData wdata);
219 static void GSIter(realtype gamma, N_Vector z, N_Vector x, WebData wdata);
220 static realtype doubleIntgr(N_Vector c, int i, WebData wdata);
221 static int check_retval(void *returnvalue, const char *funcname, int opt);
223 /* Small Vector Kernels */
225 static void v_inc_by_prod(realtype u[], realtype v[], realtype w[], int n);
226 static void v_sum_prods(realtype u[], realtype p[], realtype q[], realtype v[],
227                         realtype w[], int n);
228 static void v_prod(realtype u[], realtype v[], realtype w[], int n);
229 static void v_zero(realtype u[], int n);
231 /*
232  *--------------------------------------------------------------------
234  *--------------------------------------------------------------------
235  */
main(int argc,char * argv[])237 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
238 {
239   realtype abstol=ATOL, reltol=RTOL, t;
240   N_Vector c;
241   WebData wdata;
242   void *cvode_mem;
243   SUNLinearSolver LS, LSB;
245   int retval, ncheck;
247   int indexB;
249   realtype reltolB=RTOL, abstolB=ATOL;
250   N_Vector cB;
252   c = cB = NULL;
253   wdata = NULL;
254   cvode_mem = NULL;
255   LS = LSB = NULL;
257   /* Allocate and initialize user data */
259   wdata = AllocUserData();
260   if(check_retval((void *)wdata, "AllocUserData", 2)) return(1);
261   InitUserData(wdata);
263   /* Set-up forward problem */
265   /* Initializations */
266   c = N_VNew_Serial(NEQ);
267   if(check_retval((void *)c, "N_VNew_Serial", 0)) return(1);
268   CInit(c, wdata);
270   /* Call CVodeCreate/CVodeInit for forward run */
271   printf("\nCreate and allocate CVODES memory for forward run\n");
272   cvode_mem = CVodeCreate(CV_BDF);
273   if(check_retval((void *)cvode_mem, "CVodeCreate", 0)) return(1);
274   wdata->cvode_mem = cvode_mem; /* Used in Precond */
275   retval = CVodeSetUserData(cvode_mem, wdata);
276   if(check_retval(&retval, "CVodeSetUserData", 1)) return(1);
277   retval = CVodeInit(cvode_mem, f, T0, c);
278   if(check_retval(&retval, "CVodeInit", 1)) return(1);
279   retval = CVodeSStolerances(cvode_mem, reltol, abstol);
280   if(check_retval(&retval, "CVodeSStolerances", 1)) return(1);
282   /* Create SUNLinSol_SPGMR linear solver for forward run */
283   LS = SUNLinSol_SPGMR(c, PREC_LEFT, 0);
284   if(check_retval((void *)LS, "SUNLinSol_SPGMR", 0)) return(1);
286   /* Attach the linear sovler */
287   retval = CVodeSetLinearSolver(cvode_mem, LS, NULL);
288   if (check_retval(&retval, "CVodeSetLinearSolver", 1)) return 1;
290   /* Set the preconditioner solve and setup functions */
291   retval = CVodeSetPreconditioner(cvode_mem, Precond, PSolve);
292   if(check_retval(&retval, "CVodeSetPreconditioner", 1)) return(1);
294   /* Call CVodeSetMaxNumSteps to set the maximum number of steps the
295    * solver will take in an attempt to reach the next output time
296    * during forward integration. */
297   retval = CVodeSetMaxNumSteps(cvode_mem, 2500);
298   if(check_retval(&retval, "CVodeSetMaxNumSteps", 1)) return(1);
300   /* Set-up adjoint calculations */
302   printf("\nAllocate global memory\n");
303   retval = CVodeAdjInit(cvode_mem, NSTEPS, CV_HERMITE);
304   if(check_retval(&retval, "CVodeAdjInit", 1)) return(1);
306   /* Perform forward run */
308   printf("\nForward integration\n");
309   retval = CVodeF(cvode_mem, TOUT, c, &t, CV_NORMAL, &ncheck);
310   if(check_retval(&retval, "CVodeF", 1)) return(1);
312   printf("\nncheck = %d\n", ncheck);
316   printf("\n   g = int_x int_y c%d(Tfinal,x,y) dx dy = %Lf \n\n",
317          ISPEC, doubleIntgr(c,ISPEC,wdata));
318 #else
319   printf("\n   g = int_x int_y c%d(Tfinal,x,y) dx dy = %f \n\n",
320          ISPEC, doubleIntgr(c,ISPEC,wdata));
321 #endif
323   /* Set-up backward problem */
325   /* Allocate cB */
326   cB = N_VNew_Serial(NEQ);
327   if(check_retval((void *)cB, "N_VNew_Serial", 0)) return(1);
328   /* Initialize cB = 0 */
329   CbInit(cB, ISPEC, wdata);
331   /* Create and allocate CVODES memory for backward run */
332   printf("\nCreate and allocate CVODES memory for backward run\n");
333   retval = CVodeCreateB(cvode_mem, CV_BDF, &indexB);
334   if(check_retval(&retval, "CVodeCreateB", 1)) return(1);
335   retval = CVodeSetUserDataB(cvode_mem, indexB, wdata);
336   if(check_retval(&retval, "CVodeSetUserDataB", 1)) return(1);
337   retval = CVodeInitB(cvode_mem, indexB, fB, TOUT, cB);
338   if(check_retval(&retval, "CVodeInitB", 1)) return(1);
339   retval = CVodeSStolerancesB(cvode_mem, indexB, reltolB, abstolB);
340   if(check_retval(&retval, "CVodeSStolerancesB", 1)) return(1);
342   wdata->indexB = indexB;
344   /* Create SUNLinSol_SPGMR linear solver for backward run */
345   LSB = SUNLinSol_SPGMR(cB, PREC_LEFT, 0);
346   if(check_retval((void *)LSB, "SUNLinSol_SPGMR", 0)) return(1);
348   /* Attach the linear sovler */
349   retval = CVodeSetLinearSolverB(cvode_mem, indexB, LSB, NULL);
350   if (check_retval(&retval, "CVodeSetLinearSolverB", 1)) return 1;
352   /* Set the preconditioner solve and setup functions */
353   retval = CVodeSetPreconditionerB(cvode_mem, indexB, PrecondB, PSolveB);
354   if(check_retval(&retval, "CVodeSetPreconditionerB", 1)) return(1);
356   /* Perform backward integration */
358   printf("\nBackward integration\n");
359   retval = CVodeB(cvode_mem, T0, CV_NORMAL);
360   if(check_retval(&retval, "CVodeB", 1)) return(1);
362   retval = CVodeGetB(cvode_mem, indexB, &t, cB);
363   if(check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetB", 1)) return(1);
365   PrintOutput(cB, NS, MXNS, wdata);
367   /* Free all memory */
368   CVodeFree(&cvode_mem);
370   N_VDestroy(c);
371   N_VDestroy(cB);
372   SUNLinSolFree(LS);
373   SUNLinSolFree(LSB);
375   FreeUserData(wdata);
377   return(0);
378 }
380 /*
381  *--------------------------------------------------------------------
383  *--------------------------------------------------------------------
384  */
386 /*
387  * This routine computes the right-hand side of the ODE system and
388  * returns it in cdot. The interaction rates are computed by calls to WebRates,
389  * and these are saved in fsave for use in preconditioning.
390  */
f(realtype t,N_Vector c,N_Vector cdot,void * user_data)392 static int f(realtype t, N_Vector c, N_Vector cdot, void *user_data)
393 {
394   int i, ic, ici, idxl, idxu, idyl, idyu, iyoff, jx, jy, ns, mxns;
395   realtype dcxli, dcxui, dcyli, dcyui, x, y, *cox, *coy, *fsave, dx, dy;
396   realtype *cdata, *cdotdata;
397   WebData wdata;
399   wdata = (WebData) user_data;
400   cdata = N_VGetArrayPointer(c);
401   cdotdata = N_VGetArrayPointer(cdot);
403   mxns = wdata->mxns;
404   ns = wdata->ns;
405   fsave = wdata->fsave;
406   cox = wdata->cox;
407   coy = wdata->coy;
408   mxns = wdata->mxns;
409   dx = wdata->dx;
410   dy = wdata->dy;
412   for (jy = 0; jy < MY; jy++) {
413     y = jy*dy;
414     iyoff = mxns*jy;
415     idyu = (jy == MY-1) ? -mxns : mxns;
416     idyl = (jy == 0) ? -mxns : mxns;
417     for (jx = 0; jx < MX; jx++) {
418       x = jx*dx;
419       ic = iyoff + ns*jx;
420       /* Get interaction rates at one point (x,y). */
421       WebRates(x, y, t, cdata+ic, fsave+ic, wdata);
422       idxu = (jx == MX-1) ? -ns : ns;
423       idxl = (jx == 0) ? -ns : ns;
424       for (i = 1; i <= ns; i++) {
425         ici = ic + i-1;
426         /* Do differencing in y. */
427         dcyli = cdata[ici] - cdata[ici-idyl];
428         dcyui = cdata[ici+idyu] - cdata[ici];
429         /* Do differencing in x. */
430         dcxli = cdata[ici] - cdata[ici-idxl];
431         dcxui = cdata[ici+idxu] - cdata[ici];
432         /* Collect terms and load cdot elements. */
433         cdotdata[ici] = coy[i-1]*(dcyui - dcyli) +
434                         cox[i-1]*(dcxui - dcxli) +
435                         fsave[ici];
436       }
437     }
438   }
440   return(0);
441 }
443 /*
444  * This routine generates the block-diagonal part of the Jacobian
445  * corresponding to the interaction rates, multiplies by -gamma, adds
446  * the identity matrix, and calls denseGETRF to do the LU decomposition of
447  * each diagonal block. The computation of the diagonal blocks uses
448  * the preset block and grouping information. One block per group is
449  * computed. The Jacobian elements are generated by difference
450  * quotients using calls to the routine fblock.
451  *
452  * This routine can be regarded as a prototype for the general case
453  * of a block-diagonal preconditioner. The blocks are of size mp, and
454  * there are ngrp=ngx*ngy blocks computed in the block-grouping scheme.
455  */
Precond(realtype t,N_Vector c,N_Vector fc,booleantype jok,booleantype * jcurPtr,realtype gamma,void * user_data)457 static int Precond(realtype t, N_Vector c, N_Vector fc,
458                    booleantype jok, booleantype *jcurPtr,
459                    realtype gamma, void *user_data)
460 {
461   realtype ***P;
462   sunindextype **pivot;
463   int i, if0, if00, ig, igx, igy, j, jj, jx, jy;
464   int *jxr, *jyr, ngrp, ngx, ngy, mxmp, mp, retval;
465   sunindextype denseretval;
466   realtype uround, fac, r, r0, save, srur;
467   realtype *f1, *fsave, *cdata, *rewtdata;
468   WebData wdata;
469   N_Vector rewt;
471   wdata = (WebData) user_data;
472   rewt = wdata->rewt;
473   retval = CVodeGetErrWeights(wdata->cvode_mem, rewt);
474   if(check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetErrWeights", 1)) return(1);
476   cdata = N_VGetArrayPointer(c);
477   rewtdata = N_VGetArrayPointer(rewt);
479   uround = UNIT_ROUNDOFF;
481   P = wdata->P;
482   pivot = wdata->pivot;
483   jxr = wdata->jxr;
484   jyr = wdata->jyr;
485   mp = wdata->mp;
486   srur = wdata->srur;
487   ngrp = wdata->ngrp;
488   ngx = wdata->ngx;
489   ngy = wdata->ngy;
490   mxmp = wdata->mxmp;
491   fsave = wdata->fsave;
493   /* Make mp calls to fblock to approximate each diagonal block of Jacobian.
494      Here, fsave contains the base value of the rate vector and
495      r0 is a minimum increment factor for the difference quotient. */
497   f1 = N_VGetArrayPointer(wdata->vtemp);
499   fac = N_VWrmsNorm (fc, rewt);
500   r0 = RCONST(1000.0)*fabs(gamma)*uround*NEQ*fac;
501   if (r0 == ZERO) r0 = ONE;
503   for (igy = 0; igy < ngy; igy++) {
504     jy = jyr[igy];
505     if00 = jy*mxmp;
506     for (igx = 0; igx < ngx; igx++) {
507       jx = jxr[igx];
508       if0 = if00 + jx*mp;
509       ig = igx + igy*ngx;
510       /* Generate ig-th diagonal block */
511       for (j = 0; j < mp; j++) {
512         /* Generate the jth column as a difference quotient */
513         jj = if0 + j;
514         save = cdata[jj];
515         r = MAX(srur*fabs(save),r0/rewtdata[jj]);
516         cdata[jj] += r;
517         fac = -gamma/r;
518         fblock (t, cdata, jx, jy, f1, wdata);
519         for (i = 0; i < mp; i++) {
520           P[ig][j][i] = (f1[i] - fsave[if0+i])*fac;
521         }
522         cdata[jj] = save;
523       }
524     }
525   }
527   /* Add identity matrix and do LU decompositions on blocks. */
529    for (ig = 0; ig < ngrp; ig++) {
530      denseAddIdentity(P[ig], mp);
531      denseretval = denseGETRF(P[ig], mp, mp, pivot[ig]);
532      if (denseretval != 0) return(1);
533    }
535   *jcurPtr = SUNTRUE;
536   return(0);
537 }
539 /*
540  * This routine applies two inverse preconditioner matrices
541  * to the vector r, using the interaction-only block-diagonal Jacobian
542  * with block-grouping, denoted Jr, and Gauss-Seidel applied to the
543  * diffusion contribution to the Jacobian, denoted Jd.
544  * It first calls GSIter for a Gauss-Seidel approximation to
545  * ((I - gamma*Jd)-inverse)*r, and stores the result in z.
546  * Then it computes ((I - gamma*Jr)-inverse)*z, using LU factors of the
547  * blocks in P, and pivot information in pivot, and returns the result in z.
548  */
PSolve(realtype t,N_Vector c,N_Vector fc,N_Vector r,N_Vector z,realtype gamma,realtype delta,int lr,void * user_data)550 static int PSolve(realtype t, N_Vector c, N_Vector fc,
551                   N_Vector r, N_Vector z,
552                   realtype gamma, realtype delta,
553                   int lr, void *user_data)
554 {
555   realtype   ***P;
556   sunindextype **pivot;
557   int jx, jy, igx, igy, iv, ig, *jigx, *jigy, mx, my, ngx, mp;
558   WebData wdata;
560   wdata = (WebData) user_data;
562   N_VScale(ONE, r, z);
564   /* call GSIter for Gauss-Seidel iterations */
566   GSIter(gamma, z, wdata->vtemp, wdata);
568   /* Do backsolves for inverse of block-diagonal preconditioner factor */
570   P = wdata->P;
571   pivot = wdata->pivot;
572   mx = wdata->mx;
573   my = wdata->my;
574   ngx = wdata->ngx;
575   mp = wdata->mp;
576   jigx = wdata->jigx;
577   jigy = wdata->jigy;
579   iv = 0;
580   for (jy = 0; jy < my; jy++) {
581     igy = jigy[jy];
582     for (jx = 0; jx < mx; jx++) {
583       igx = jigx[jx];
584       ig = igx + igy*ngx;
585       denseGETRS(P[ig], mp, pivot[ig], &(N_VGetArrayPointer(z)[iv]));
586       iv += mp;
587     }
588   }
590   return(0);
591 }
593 /*
594  * This routine computes the right-hand side of the adjoint ODE system and
595  * returns it in cBdot. The interaction rates are computed by calls to WebRates,
596  * and these are saved in fsave for use in preconditioning. The adjoint
597  * interaction rates are computed by calls to WebRatesB.
598  */
fB(realtype t,N_Vector c,N_Vector cB,N_Vector cBdot,void * user_data)600 static int fB(realtype t, N_Vector c, N_Vector cB,
601               N_Vector cBdot, void *user_data)
602 {
603   int i, ic, ici, idxl, idxu, idyl, idyu, iyoff, jx, jy, ns, mxns;
604   realtype dcxli, dcxui, dcyli, dcyui, x, y, *cox, *coy, *fsave, *fBsave, dx, dy;
605   realtype *cdata, *cBdata, *cBdotdata;
606   WebData wdata;
608   wdata = (WebData) user_data;
609   cdata = N_VGetArrayPointer(c);
610   cBdata = N_VGetArrayPointer(cB);
611   cBdotdata = N_VGetArrayPointer(cBdot);
613   mxns = wdata->mxns;
614   ns = wdata->ns;
615   fsave = wdata->fsave;
616   fBsave = wdata->fBsave;
617   cox = wdata->cox;
618   coy = wdata->coy;
619   mxns = wdata->mxns;
620   dx = wdata->dx;
621   dy = wdata->dy;
623   for (jy = 0; jy < MY; jy++) {
624     y = jy*dy;
625     iyoff = mxns*jy;
626     idyu = (jy == MY-1) ? -mxns : mxns;
627     idyl = (jy == 0) ? -mxns : mxns;
628     for (jx = 0; jx < MX; jx++) {
629       x = jx*dx;
630       ic = iyoff + ns*jx;
631       /* Get interaction rates at one point (x,y). */
632       WebRatesB(x, y, t, cdata+ic, cBdata+ic, fsave+ic, fBsave+ic, wdata);
633       idxu = (jx == MX-1) ? -ns : ns;
634       idxl = (jx == 0) ? -ns : ns;
635       for (i = 1; i <= ns; i++) {
636         ici = ic + i-1;
637         /* Do differencing in y. */
638         dcyli = cBdata[ici] - cBdata[ici-idyl];
639         dcyui = cBdata[ici+idyu] - cBdata[ici];
640         /* Do differencing in x. */
641         dcxli = cBdata[ici] - cBdata[ici-idxl];
642         dcxui = cBdata[ici+idxu] - cBdata[ici];
643         /* Collect terms and load cdot elements. */
644         cBdotdata[ici] = - coy[i-1]*(dcyui - dcyli)
645                          - cox[i-1]*(dcxui - dcxli)
646 	                 - fBsave[ici];
647       }
648     }
649   }
651   return(0);
652 }
654 /*
655  * Preconditioner setup function for the backward problem
656  */
PrecondB(realtype t,N_Vector c,N_Vector cB,N_Vector fcB,booleantype jok,booleantype * jcurPtr,realtype gamma,void * user_data)658 static int PrecondB(realtype t, N_Vector c,
659                     N_Vector cB, N_Vector fcB, booleantype jok,
660                     booleantype *jcurPtr, realtype gamma,
661                     void *user_data)
662 {
663   realtype ***P;
664   sunindextype **pivot;
665   sunindextype denseretval;
666   int i, if0, if00, ig, igx, igy, j, jj, jx, jy;
667   int *jxr, *jyr, mp, ngrp, ngx, ngy, mxmp, retval;
668   realtype uround, fac, r, r0, save, srur;
669   realtype *f1, *fsave, *cdata, *rewtdata;
670   void *cvode_mem;
671   WebData wdata;
672   N_Vector rewt;
674   wdata = (WebData) user_data;
675   cvode_mem = CVodeGetAdjCVodeBmem(wdata->cvode_mem, wdata->indexB);
676   if(check_retval((void *)cvode_mem, "CVadjGetCVodeBmem", 0)) return(1);
677   rewt = wdata->rewt;
678   retval = CVodeGetErrWeights(cvode_mem, rewt);
679   if(check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetErrWeights", 1)) return(1);
681   cdata = N_VGetArrayPointer(c);
682   rewtdata = N_VGetArrayPointer(rewt);
684   uround = UNIT_ROUNDOFF;
686   P = wdata->P;
687   pivot = wdata->pivot;
688   jxr = wdata->jxr;
689   jyr = wdata->jyr;
690   mp = wdata->mp;
691   srur = wdata->srur;
692   ngrp = wdata->ngrp;
693   ngx = wdata->ngx;
694   ngy = wdata->ngy;
695   mxmp = wdata->mxmp;
696   fsave = wdata->fsave;
698   /* Make mp calls to fblock to approximate each diagonal block of Jacobian.
699      Here, fsave contains the base value of the rate vector and
700      r0 is a minimum increment factor for the difference quotient. */
702   f1 = N_VGetArrayPointer(wdata->vtemp);
704   fac = N_VWrmsNorm (fcB, rewt);
705   r0 = RCONST(1000.0)*fabs(gamma)*uround*NEQ*fac;
706   if (r0 == ZERO) r0 = ONE;
708   for (igy = 0; igy < ngy; igy++) {
709     jy = jyr[igy];
710     if00 = jy*mxmp;
711     for (igx = 0; igx < ngx; igx++) {
712       jx = jxr[igx];
713       if0 = if00 + jx*mp;
714       ig = igx + igy*ngx;
715       /* Generate ig-th diagonal block */
716       for (j = 0; j < mp; j++) {
717         /* Generate the jth column as a difference quotient */
718         jj = if0 + j;
719         save = cdata[jj];
720         r = MAX(srur*fabs(save),r0/rewtdata[jj]);
721         cdata[jj] += r;
722         fac = gamma/r;
723         fblock (t, cdata, jx, jy, f1, wdata);
724         for (i = 0; i < mp; i++) {
725           P[ig][i][j] = (f1[i] - fsave[if0+i])*fac;
726         }
727         cdata[jj] = save;
728       }
729     }
730   }
732   /* Add identity matrix and do LU decompositions on blocks. */
734    for (ig = 0; ig < ngrp; ig++) {
735      denseAddIdentity(P[ig], mp);
736      denseretval = denseGETRF(P[ig], mp, mp, pivot[ig]);
737      if (denseretval != 0) return(1);
738    }
740   *jcurPtr = SUNTRUE;
741   return(0);
742 }
744 /*
745  * Preconditioner solve function for the backward problem
746  */
PSolveB(realtype t,N_Vector c,N_Vector cB,N_Vector fcB,N_Vector r,N_Vector z,realtype gamma,realtype delta,int lr,void * user_data)748 static int PSolveB(realtype t, N_Vector c,
749                    N_Vector cB, N_Vector fcB,
750                    N_Vector r, N_Vector z,
751                    realtype gamma, realtype delta,
752                    int lr, void *user_data)
753 {
754   realtype ***P;
755   sunindextype **pivot;
756   int jx, jy, igx, igy, iv, ig, *jigx, *jigy, mx, my, ngx, mp;
757   WebData wdata;
759   wdata = (WebData) user_data;
761   N_VScale(ONE, r, z);
763   /* call GSIter for Gauss-Seidel iterations (same routine but with gamma=-gamma) */
765   GSIter(-gamma, z, wdata->vtemp, wdata);
767   /* Do backsolves for inverse of block-diagonal preconditioner factor */
769   P = wdata->P;
770   pivot = wdata->pivot;
771   mx = wdata->mx;
772   my = wdata->my;
773   ngx = wdata->ngx;
774   mp = wdata->mp;
775   jigx = wdata->jigx;
776   jigy = wdata->jigy;
778   iv = 0;
779   for (jy = 0; jy < my; jy++) {
780     igy = jigy[jy];
781     for (jx = 0; jx < mx; jx++) {
782       igx = jigx[jx];
783       ig = igx + igy*ngx;
784       denseGETRS(P[ig], mp, pivot[ig], &(N_VGetArrayPointer(z)[iv]));
785       iv += mp;
786     }
787   }
789   return(0);
790 }
792 /*
793  *--------------------------------------------------------------------
795  *--------------------------------------------------------------------
796  */
798 /*
799  * Allocate space for user data structure
800  */
AllocUserData(void)802 static WebData AllocUserData(void)
803 {
804   int i, ngrp = NGRP;
805   sunindextype ns = NS;
806   WebData wdata;
808   wdata = (WebData) malloc(sizeof *wdata);
809   for(i=0; i < ngrp; i++) {
810     (wdata->P)[i] = newDenseMat(ns, ns);
811     (wdata->pivot)[i] = newIndexArray(ns);
812   }
813   wdata->rewt  = N_VNew_Serial(NEQ);
814   wdata->vtemp = N_VNew_Serial(NEQ);
816   return(wdata);
817 }
819 /*
820  * Initialize user data structure
821  */
InitUserData(WebData wdata)823 static void InitUserData(WebData wdata)
824 {
825   int i, j, ns;
826   realtype *bcoef, *diff, *cox, *coy, dx, dy;
827   realtype (*acoef)[NS];
829   acoef = wdata->acoef;
830   bcoef = wdata->bcoef;
831   diff = wdata->diff;
832   cox = wdata->cox;
833   coy = wdata->coy;
834   ns = wdata->ns = NS;
836   for (j = 0; j < NS; j++) { for (i = 0; i < NS; i++) acoef[i][j] = ZERO; }
837   for (j = 0; j < NP; j++) {
838     for (i = 0; i < NP; i++) {
839       acoef[NP+i][j] = EE;
840       acoef[i][NP+j] = -GG;
841     }
842     acoef[j][j] = -AA;
843     acoef[NP+j][NP+j] = -AA;
844     bcoef[j] = BB;
845     bcoef[NP+j] = -BB;
846     diff[j] = DPREY;
847     diff[NP+j] = DPRED;
848   }
850   /* Set remaining problem parameters */
852   wdata->mxns = MXNS;
853   dx = wdata->dx = DX;
854   dy = wdata->dy = DY;
855   for (i = 0; i < ns; i++) {
856     cox[i] = diff[i]/SQR(dx);
857     coy[i] = diff[i]/SQR(dy);
858   }
860   /* Set remaining method parameters */
862   wdata->mp = MP;
863   wdata->mq = MQ;
864   wdata->mx = MX;
865   wdata->my = MY;
866   wdata->srur = sqrt(UNIT_ROUNDOFF);
867   wdata->mxmp = MXMP;
868   wdata->ngrp = NGRP;
869   wdata->ngx = NGX;
870   wdata->ngy = NGY;
871   SetGroups(MX, NGX, wdata->jgx, wdata->jigx, wdata->jxr);
872   SetGroups(MY, NGY, wdata->jgy, wdata->jigy, wdata->jyr);
873 }
875 /*
876  * This routine sets arrays jg, jig, and jr describing
877  * a uniform partition of (0,1,2,...,m-1) into ng groups.
878  * The arrays set are:
879  *   jg    = length ng+1 array of group boundaries.
880  *           Group ig has indices j = jg[ig],...,jg[ig+1]-1.
881  *   jig   = length m array of group indices vs node index.
882  *           Node index j is in group jig[j].
883  *   jr    = length ng array of indices representing the groups.
884  *           The index for group ig is j = jr[ig].
885  */
SetGroups(int m,int ng,int jg[],int jig[],int jr[])887 static void SetGroups(int m, int ng, int jg[], int jig[], int jr[])
888 {
889   int ig, j, len1, mper, ngm1;
891   mper = m/ng; /* does integer division */
892   for (ig=0; ig < ng; ig++) jg[ig] = ig*mper;
893   jg[ng] = m;
895   ngm1 = ng - 1;
896   len1 = ngm1*mper;
897   for (j = 0; j < len1; j++) jig[j] = j/mper;
898   for (j = len1; j < m; j++) jig[j] = ngm1;
900   for (ig = 0; ig < ngm1; ig++) jr[ig] = ((2*ig+1)*mper-1)/2;
901   jr[ngm1] = (ngm1*mper+m-1)/2;
902 }
904 /*
905  * This routine computes and loads the vector of initial values.
906  */
CInit(N_Vector c,WebData wdata)908 static void CInit(N_Vector c, WebData wdata)
909 {
910   int i, ici, ioff, iyoff, jx, jy, ns, mxns;
911   realtype argx, argy, x, y, dx, dy, x_factor, y_factor, *cdata;
913   cdata = N_VGetArrayPointer(c);
914   ns = wdata->ns;
915   mxns = wdata->mxns;
916   dx = wdata->dx;
917   dy = wdata->dy;
919   x_factor = RCONST(4.0)/SQR(AX);
920   y_factor = RCONST(4.0)/SQR(AY);
921   for (jy = 0; jy < MY; jy++) {
922     y = jy*dy;
923     argy = SQR(y_factor*y*(AY-y));
924     iyoff = mxns*jy;
925     for (jx = 0; jx < MX; jx++) {
926       x = jx*dx;
927       argx = SQR(x_factor*x*(AX-x));
928       ioff = iyoff + ns*jx;
929       for (i = 1; i <= ns; i++) {
930         ici = ioff + i-1;
931         cdata[ici] = RCONST(10.0) + i*argx*argy;
932       }
933     }
934   }
935 }
937 /*
938  * This function computes and loads the final values for the adjoint variables
939  */
CbInit(N_Vector c,int is,WebData wdata)941 static void CbInit(N_Vector c, int is, WebData wdata)
942 {
943   int i, ici, ioff, iyoff, jx, jy, ns, mxns;
944   realtype *cdata;
946   realtype gu[NS];
948   cdata = N_VGetArrayPointer(c);
949   ns = wdata->ns;
950   mxns = wdata->mxns;
952   for ( i = 1; i <= ns; i++ ) gu[i-1] = ZERO;
953   gu[ISPEC-1] = ONE;
955   for (jy = 0; jy < MY; jy++) {
956     iyoff = mxns*jy;
957     for (jx = 0; jx < MX; jx++) {
958       ioff = iyoff + ns*jx;
959       for (i = 1; i <= ns; i++) {
960         ici = ioff + i-1;
961         cdata[ici] = gu[i-1];
962       }
963     }
964   }
965 }
967 /*
968  * This routine computes the interaction rates for the species
969  * c_1, ... ,c_ns (stored in c[0],...,c[ns-1]), at one spatial point
970  * and at time t.
971  */
WebRates(realtype x,realtype y,realtype t,realtype c[],realtype rate[],WebData wdata)973 static void WebRates(realtype x, realtype y, realtype t, realtype c[],
974                      realtype rate[], WebData wdata)
975 {
976   int i, j, ns;
977   realtype fac, *bcoef;
978   realtype (*acoef)[NS];
980   ns = wdata->ns;
981   acoef = wdata->acoef;
982   bcoef = wdata->bcoef;
984   for (i = 0; i < ns; i++)
985     rate[i] = ZERO;
987   for (j = 0; j < ns; j++)
988     for (i = 0; i < ns; i++)
989       rate[i] += c[j] * acoef[i][j];
991   fac = ONE + ALPH*x*y;
992   for (i = 0; i < ns; i++)
993     rate[i] = c[i]*(bcoef[i]*fac + rate[i]);
994 }
996 /*
997  * This routine computes the interaction rates for the backward problem
998  */
WebRatesB(realtype x,realtype y,realtype t,realtype c[],realtype cB[],realtype rate[],realtype rateB[],WebData wdata)1000 static void WebRatesB(realtype x, realtype y, realtype t, realtype c[], realtype cB[],
1001                       realtype rate[], realtype rateB[], WebData wdata)
1002 {
1003   int i, j, ns;
1004   realtype fac, *bcoef;
1005   realtype (*acoef)[NS];
1007   ns = wdata->ns;
1008   acoef = wdata->acoef;
1009   bcoef = wdata->bcoef;
1011   fac = ONE + ALPH*x*y;
1013   for (i = 0; i < ns; i++)
1014     rate[i] = bcoef[i]*fac;
1016   for (j = 0; j < ns; j++)
1017     for (i = 0; i < ns; i++)
1018       rate[i] += acoef[i][j]*c[j];
1020   for (i = 0; i < ns; i++) {
1021     rateB[i] = cB[i]*rate[i];
1022     rate[i] = c[i]*rate[i];
1023   }
1025   for (j = 0; j < ns; j++)
1026     for (i = 0; i < ns; i++)
1027       rateB[i] += acoef[j][i]*c[j]*cB[j];
1029 }
1031 /*
1032  * This routine computes one block of the interaction terms of the
1033  * system, namely block (jx,jy), for use in preconditioning.
1034  * Here jx and jy count from 0.
1035  */
fblock(realtype t,realtype cdata[],int jx,int jy,realtype cdotdata[],WebData wdata)1037 static void fblock(realtype t, realtype cdata[], int jx, int jy,
1038                    realtype cdotdata[], WebData wdata)
1039 {
1040   int iblok, ic;
1041   realtype x, y;
1043   iblok = jx + jy*(wdata->mx);
1044   y = jy*(wdata->dy);
1045   x = jx*(wdata->dx);
1046   ic = (wdata->ns)*(iblok);
1047   WebRates(x, y, t, cdata+ic, cdotdata, wdata);
1048 }
1050 /*
1051  * This routine performs ITMAX=5 Gauss-Seidel iterations to compute an
1052  * approximation to (P-inverse)*z, where P = I - gamma*Jd, and
1053  * Jd represents the diffusion contributions to the Jacobian.
1054  * The answer is stored in z on return, and x is a temporary vector.
1055  * The dimensions below assume a global constant NS >= ns.
1056  * Some inner loops of length ns are implemented with the small
1057  * vector kernels v_sum_prods, v_prod, v_inc_by_prod.
1058  */
GSIter(realtype gamma,N_Vector z,N_Vector x,WebData wdata)1060 static void GSIter(realtype gamma, N_Vector z, N_Vector x, WebData wdata)
1061 {
1062   int i, ic, iter, iyoff, jx, jy, ns, mxns, mx, my, x_loc, y_loc;
1063   realtype beta[NS], beta2[NS], cof1[NS], gam[NS], gam2[NS];
1064   realtype temp, *cox, *coy, *xd, *zd;
1066   xd = N_VGetArrayPointer(x);
1067   zd = N_VGetArrayPointer(z);
1068   ns = wdata->ns;
1069   mx = wdata->mx;
1070   my = wdata->my;
1071   mxns = wdata->mxns;
1072   cox = wdata->cox;
1073   coy = wdata->coy;
1075   /* Write matrix as P = D - L - U.
1076      Load local arrays beta, beta2, gam, gam2, and cof1. */
1078   for (i = 0; i < ns; i++) {
1079     temp = ONE/(ONE + TWO*gamma*(cox[i] + coy[i]));
1080     beta[i] = gamma*cox[i]*temp;
1081     beta2[i] = TWO*beta[i];
1082     gam[i] = gamma*coy[i]*temp;
1083     gam2[i] = TWO*gam[i];
1084     cof1[i] = temp;
1085   }
1087   /* Begin iteration loop.
1088   Load vector x with (D-inverse)*z for first iteration. */
1090   for (jy = 0; jy < my; jy++) {
1091     iyoff = mxns*jy;
1092     for (jx = 0; jx < mx; jx++) {
1093       ic = iyoff + ns*jx;
1094       v_prod(xd+ic, cof1, zd+ic, ns); /* x[ic+i] = cof1[i]z[ic+i] */
1095     }
1096   }
1097   N_VConst(ZERO, z);
1099   /* Looping point for iterations. */
1101   for (iter=1; iter <= ITMAX; iter++) {
1103     /* Calculate (D-inverse)*U*x if not the first iteration. */
1105     if (iter > 1) {
1106       for (jy=0; jy < my; jy++) {
1107         iyoff = mxns*jy;
1108         for (jx=0; jx < mx; jx++) { /* order of loops matters */
1109           ic = iyoff + ns*jx;
1110           x_loc = (jx == 0) ? 0 : ((jx == mx-1) ? 2 : 1);
1111           y_loc = (jy == 0) ? 0 : ((jy == my-1) ? 2 : 1);
1112           switch (3*y_loc+x_loc) {
1113           case 0 : /* jx == 0, jy == 0 */
1114             /* x[ic+i] = beta2[i]x[ic+ns+i] + gam2[i]x[ic+mxns+i] */
1115             v_sum_prods(xd+ic, beta2, xd+ic+ns, gam2, xd+ic+mxns, ns);
1116             break;
1117           case 1 : /* 1 <= jx <= mx-2, jy == 0 */
1118             /* x[ic+i] = beta[i]x[ic+ns+i] + gam2[i]x[ic+mxns+i] */
1119             v_sum_prods(xd+ic, beta, xd+ic+ns, gam2, xd+ic+mxns, ns);
1120             break;
1121           case 2 : /* jx == mx-1, jy == 0 */
1122             /* x[ic+i] = gam2[i]x[ic+mxns+i] */
1123             v_prod(xd+ic, gam2, xd+ic+mxns, ns);
1124             break;
1125           case 3 : /* jx == 0, 1 <= jy <= my-2 */
1126             /* x[ic+i] = beta2[i]x[ic+ns+i] + gam[i]x[ic+mxns+i] */
1127             v_sum_prods(xd+ic, beta2, xd+ic+ns, gam, xd+ic+mxns, ns);
1128             break;
1129           case 4 : /* 1 <= jx <= mx-2, 1 <= jy <= my-2 */
1130             /* x[ic+i] = beta[i]x[ic+ns+i] + gam[i]x[ic+mxns+i] */
1131             v_sum_prods(xd+ic, beta, xd+ic+ns, gam, xd+ic+mxns, ns);
1132             break;
1133           case 5 : /* jx == mx-1, 1 <= jy <= my-2 */
1134             /* x[ic+i] = gam[i]x[ic+mxns+i] */
1135             v_prod(xd+ic, gam, xd+ic+mxns, ns);
1136             break;
1137           case 6 : /* jx == 0, jy == my-1 */
1138             /* x[ic+i] = beta2[i]x[ic+ns+i] */
1139             v_prod(xd+ic, beta2, xd+ic+ns, ns);
1140             break;
1141           case 7 : /* 1 <= jx <= mx-2, jy == my-1 */
1142             /* x[ic+i] = beta[i]x[ic+ns+i] */
1143             v_prod(xd+ic, beta, xd+ic+ns, ns);
1144             break;
1145           case 8 : /* jx == mx-1, jy == my-1 */
1146             /* x[ic+i] = ZERO */
1147             v_zero(xd+ic, ns);
1148             break;
1149           }
1150         }
1151       }
1152     }  /* end if (iter > 1) */
1154     /* Overwrite x with [(I - (D-inverse)*L)-inverse]*x. */
1156     for (jy=0; jy < my; jy++) {
1157       iyoff = mxns*jy;
1158       for (jx=0; jx < mx; jx++) { /* order of loops matters */
1159         ic = iyoff + ns*jx;
1160         x_loc = (jx == 0) ? 0 : ((jx == mx-1) ? 2 : 1);
1161         y_loc = (jy == 0) ? 0 : ((jy == my-1) ? 2 : 1);
1162         switch (3*y_loc+x_loc) {
1163         case 0 : /* jx == 0, jy == 0 */
1164           break;
1165         case 1 : /* 1 <= jx <= mx-2, jy == 0 */
1166           /* x[ic+i] += beta[i]x[ic-ns+i] */
1167           v_inc_by_prod(xd+ic, beta, xd+ic-ns, ns);
1168           break;
1169         case 2 : /* jx == mx-1, jy == 0 */
1170           /* x[ic+i] += beta2[i]x[ic-ns+i] */
1171           v_inc_by_prod(xd+ic, beta2, xd+ic-ns, ns);
1172           break;
1173         case 3 : /* jx == 0, 1 <= jy <= my-2 */
1174           /* x[ic+i] += gam[i]x[ic-mxns+i] */
1175           v_inc_by_prod(xd+ic, gam, xd+ic-mxns, ns);
1176           break;
1177         case 4 : /* 1 <= jx <= mx-2, 1 <= jy <= my-2 */
1178           /* x[ic+i] += beta[i]x[ic-ns+i] + gam[i]x[ic-mxns+i] */
1179           v_inc_by_prod(xd+ic, beta, xd+ic-ns, ns);
1180           v_inc_by_prod(xd+ic, gam, xd+ic-mxns, ns);
1181           break;
1182         case 5 : /* jx == mx-1, 1 <= jy <= my-2 */
1183           /* x[ic+i] += beta2[i]x[ic-ns+i] + gam[i]x[ic-mxns+i] */
1184           v_inc_by_prod(xd+ic, beta2, xd+ic-ns, ns);
1185           v_inc_by_prod(xd+ic, gam, xd+ic-mxns, ns);
1186           break;
1187         case 6 : /* jx == 0, jy == my-1 */
1188           /* x[ic+i] += gam2[i]x[ic-mxns+i] */
1189           v_inc_by_prod(xd+ic, gam2, xd+ic-mxns, ns);
1190           break;
1191         case 7 : /* 1 <= jx <= mx-2, jy == my-1 */
1192           /* x[ic+i] += beta[i]x[ic-ns+i] + gam2[i]x[ic-mxns+i] */
1193           v_inc_by_prod(xd+ic, beta, xd+ic-ns, ns);
1194           v_inc_by_prod(xd+ic, gam2, xd+ic-mxns, ns);
1195           break;
1196         case 8 : /* jx == mx-1, jy == my-1 */
1197           /* x[ic+i] += beta2[i]x[ic-ns+i] + gam2[i]x[ic-mxns+i] */
1198           v_inc_by_prod(xd+ic, beta2, xd+ic-ns, ns);
1199           v_inc_by_prod(xd+ic, gam2, xd+ic-mxns, ns);
1200           break;
1201         }
1202       }
1203     }
1205     /* Add increment x to z : z <- z+x */
1207     N_VLinearSum(ONE, z, ONE, x, z);
1209   }
1210 }
v_inc_by_prod(realtype u[],realtype v[],realtype w[],int n)1212 static void v_inc_by_prod(realtype u[], realtype v[], realtype w[], int n)
1213 {
1214   int i;
1215   for (i=0; i < n; i++) u[i] += v[i]*w[i];
1216 }
v_sum_prods(realtype u[],realtype p[],realtype q[],realtype v[],realtype w[],int n)1218 static void v_sum_prods(realtype u[], realtype p[], realtype q[],
1219                         realtype v[], realtype w[], int n)
1220 {
1221   int i;
1222   for (i=0; i < n; i++) u[i] = p[i]*q[i] + v[i]*w[i];
1223 }
v_prod(realtype u[],realtype v[],realtype w[],int n)1225 static void v_prod(realtype u[], realtype v[], realtype w[], int n)
1226 {
1227   int i;
1228   for (i=0; i < n; i++) u[i] = v[i]*w[i];
1229 }
v_zero(realtype u[],int n)1231 static void v_zero(realtype u[], int n)
1232 {
1233   int i;
1234   for (i=0; i < n; i++) u[i] = ZERO;
1235 }
1237 /*
1238  * Print maximum sensitivity of G for each species
1239  */
PrintOutput(N_Vector cB,int ns,int mxns,WebData wdata)1241 static void PrintOutput(N_Vector cB, int ns, int mxns, WebData wdata)
1242 {
1243   int i, jx, jy;
1244   realtype *cdata, cij, cmax, x, y;
1246   x = y = ZERO;
1248   cdata = N_VGetArrayPointer(cB);
1250   for (i=1; i <= ns; i++) {
1252     cmax = ZERO;
1254     for (jy=MY-1; jy >= 0; jy--) {
1255       for (jx=0; jx < MX; jx++) {
1256         cij = cdata[(i-1) + jx*ns + jy*mxns];
1257         if (fabs(cij) > cmax) {
1258           cmax = cij;
1259           x = jx * wdata->dx;
1260           y = jy * wdata->dy;
1261         }
1262       }
1263     }
1265     printf("\nMaximum sensitivity with respect to I.C. of species %d\n", i);
1267     printf("  mu max = %Le\n",cmax);
1269     printf("  mu max = %e\n",cmax);
1270 #else
1271     printf("  mu max = %e\n",cmax);
1272 #endif
1273     printf("at\n");
1275     printf("  x = %Le\n  y = %Le\n", x, y);
1277     printf("  x = %e\n  y = %e\n", x, y);
1278 #else
1279     printf("  x = %e\n  y = %e\n", x, y);
1280 #endif
1282   }
1284 }
1286 /*
1287  * Compute double space integral
1288  */
doubleIntgr(N_Vector c,int i,WebData wdata)1290 static realtype doubleIntgr(N_Vector c, int i, WebData wdata)
1291 {
1292   realtype *cdata;
1293   int ns, mx, my, mxns;
1294   realtype dx, dy;
1295   realtype intgr_xy, intgr_x;
1296   int jx, jy;
1298   cdata = N_VGetArrayPointer(c);
1300   ns   = wdata->ns;
1301   mx   = wdata->mx;
1302   my   = wdata->my;
1303   mxns = wdata->mxns;
1304   dx   = wdata->dx;
1305   dy   = wdata->dy;
1307   jy = 0;
1308   intgr_x = cdata[(i-1)+jy*mxns];
1309   for (jx = 1; jx < mx-1; jx++) {
1310     intgr_x += TWO*cdata[(i-1) + jx*ns + jy*mxns];
1311   }
1312   intgr_x += cdata[(i-1)+(mx-1)*ns+jy*mxns];
1313   intgr_x *= RCONST(0.5)*dx;
1315   intgr_xy = intgr_x;
1317   for (jy = 1; jy < my-1; jy++) {
1319     intgr_x = cdata[(i-1)+jy*mxns];
1320     for (jx = 1; jx < mx-1; jx++) {
1321       intgr_x += TWO*cdata[(i-1) + jx*ns + jy*mxns];
1322     }
1323     intgr_x += cdata[(i-1)+(mx-1)*ns+jy*mxns];
1324     intgr_x *= RCONST(0.5)*dx;
1326     intgr_xy += TWO*intgr_x;
1328   }
1330   jy = my-1;
1331   intgr_x = cdata[(i-1)+jy*mxns];
1332   for (jx = 1; jx < mx-1; jx++) {
1333     intgr_x += TWO*cdata[(i-1) + jx*ns + jy*mxns];
1334   }
1335   intgr_x += cdata[(i-1)+(mx-1)*ns+jy*mxns];
1336   intgr_x *= RCONST(0.5)*dx;
1338   intgr_xy += intgr_x;
1340   intgr_xy *= RCONST(0.5)*dy;
1342   return(intgr_xy);
1343 }
1345 /*
1346  * Free space allocated for the user data structure
1347  */
FreeUserData(WebData wdata)1349 static void FreeUserData(WebData wdata)
1350 {
1351   int i, ngrp;
1353   ngrp = wdata->ngrp;
1354   for(i=0; i < ngrp; i++) {
1355     destroyMat((wdata->P)[i]);
1356     destroyArray((wdata->pivot)[i]);
1357   }
1358   N_VDestroy(wdata->rewt);
1359   N_VDestroy(wdata->vtemp);
1360   free(wdata);
1361 }
1363 /*
1364  * Check function return value.
1365  *    opt == 0 means SUNDIALS function allocates memory so check if
1366  *             returned NULL pointer
1367  *    opt == 1 means SUNDIALS function returns an integer value so check if
1368  *             retval < 0
1369  *    opt == 2 means function allocates memory so check if returned
1370  *             NULL pointer
1371  */
check_retval(void * returnvalue,const char * funcname,int opt)1373 static int check_retval(void *returnvalue, const char *funcname, int opt)
1374 {
1375   int *retval;
1377   /* Check if SUNDIALS function returned NULL pointer - no memory allocated */
1378   if (opt == 0 && returnvalue == NULL) {
1379     fprintf(stderr, "\nSUNDIALS_ERROR: %s() failed - returned NULL pointer\n\n",
1380 	    funcname);
1381     return(1); }
1383   /* Check if retval < 0 */
1384   else if (opt == 1) {
1385     retval = (int *) returnvalue;
1386     if (*retval < 0) {
1387       fprintf(stderr, "\nSUNDIALS_ERROR: %s() failed with retval = %d\n\n",
1388 	      funcname, *retval);
1389       return(1); }}
1391   /* Check if function returned NULL pointer - no memory allocated */
1392   else if (opt == 2 && returnvalue == NULL) {
1393     fprintf(stderr, "\nMEMORY_ERROR: %s() failed - returned NULL pointer\n\n",
1394 	    funcname);
1395     return(1); }
1397   return(0);
1398 }