1 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
2  * Programmer(s): Scott D. Cohen, Alan C. Hindmarsh, Radu Serban,
3  *                and Dan Shumaker @ LLNL
4  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
5  * SUNDIALS Copyright Start
6  * Copyright (c) 2002-2021, Lawrence Livermore National Security
7  * and Southern Methodist University.
8  * All rights reserved.
9  *
10  * See the top-level LICENSE and NOTICE files for details.
11  *
12  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
13  * SUNDIALS Copyright End
14  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
15  * This is the implementation file for the main CVODE integrator.
16  * -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
18 /*=================================================================*/
19 /* Import Header Files                                             */
20 /*=================================================================*/
22 #include <stdio.h>
23 #include <stdlib.h>
24 #include <stdarg.h>
25 #include <string.h>
27 #include "cvode_impl.h"
28 #include <sundials/sundials_math.h>
29 #include <sundials/sundials_types.h>
30 #include <sunnonlinsol/sunnonlinsol_newton.h>
32 /*=================================================================*/
33 /* CVODE Private Constants                                         */
34 /*=================================================================*/
36 #define ZERO    RCONST(0.0)     /* real 0.0     */
37 #define TINY    RCONST(1.0e-10) /* small number */
38 #define PT1     RCONST(0.1)     /* real 0.1     */
39 #define POINT2  RCONST(0.2)     /* real 0.2     */
40 #define FOURTH  RCONST(0.25)    /* real 0.25    */
41 #define HALF    RCONST(0.5)     /* real 0.5     */
42 #define PT9     RCONST(0.9)     /* real 0.9     */
43 #define ONE     RCONST(1.0)     /* real 1.0     */
44 #define ONEPT5  RCONST(1.50)    /* real 1.5     */
45 #define TWO     RCONST(2.0)     /* real 2.0     */
46 #define THREE   RCONST(3.0)     /* real 3.0     */
47 #define FOUR    RCONST(4.0)     /* real 4.0     */
48 #define FIVE    RCONST(5.0)     /* real 5.0     */
49 #define TWELVE  RCONST(12.0)    /* real 12.0    */
50 #define HUNDRED RCONST(100.0)   /* real 100.0   */
52 /*=================================================================*/
53 /* CVODE Routine-Specific Constants                                */
54 /*=================================================================*/
56 /*
57  * Control constants for lower-level rootfinding functions
58  * -------------------------------------------------------
59  *
60  * cvRcheck1 return values:
61  *    CV_SUCCESS
63  * cvRcheck2 return values:
64  *    CV_SUCCESS
66  *    CLOSERT
67  *    RTFOUND
68  * cvRcheck3 return values:
69  *    CV_SUCCESS
71  *    RTFOUND
72  * cvRootfind return values:
73  *    CV_SUCCESS
75  *    RTFOUND
76  */
78 #define RTFOUND          +1
79 #define CLOSERT          +3
81 /*
82  * Control constants for tolerances
83  * --------------------------------
84  */
86 #define CV_NN  0
87 #define CV_SS  1
88 #define CV_SV  2
89 #define CV_WF  3
91 /*
92  * Algorithmic constants
93  * ---------------------
94  *
95  * CVodeGetDky and cvStep
96  *
97  *    FUZZ_FACTOR fuzz factor used to estimate infinitesimal time intervals
98  *
99  * cvHin
100  *
101  *    HLB_FACTOR  factor for upper bound on initial step size
102  *    HUB_FACTOR  factor for lower bound on initial step size
103  *    H_BIAS      bias factor in selection of initial step size
104  *    MAX_ITERS   maximum attempts to compute the initial step size
105  *
106  * CVodeCreate
107  *
108  *   CORTES       constant in nonlinear iteration convergence test
109  *
110  * cvStep
111  *
112  *    THRESH      if eta < THRESH reject a change in step size or order
113  *    ETAMX1      -+
114  *    ETAMX2       |
115  *    ETAMX3       |-> bounds for eta (step size change)
116  *    ETAMXF       |
117  *    ETAMIN       |
118  *    ETACF       -+
119  *    ADDON       safety factor in computing eta
120  *    BIAS1       -+
121  *    BIAS2        |-> bias factors in eta selection
122  *    BIAS3       -+
123  *    ONEPSM      (1+epsilon) used in testing if the step size is below its bound
124  *
125  *    SMALL_NST   nst > SMALL_NST => use ETAMX3
126  *    MXNCF       max no. of convergence failures during one step try
127  *    MXNEF       max no. of error test failures during one step try
128  *    MXNEF1      max no. of error test failures before forcing a reduction of order
129  *    SMALL_NEF   if an error failure occurs and SMALL_NEF <= nef <= MXNEF1, then
130  *                reset eta =  SUNMIN(eta, ETAMXF)
131  *    LONG_WAIT   number of steps to wait before considering an order change when
132  *                q==1 and MXNEF1 error test failures have occurred
133  *
134  * cvNls
135  *
136  *    DGMAX       |gamma/gammap-1| > DGMAX => call lsetup
137  *
138  */
141 #define FUZZ_FACTOR RCONST(100.0)
143 #define HLB_FACTOR RCONST(100.0)
144 #define HUB_FACTOR RCONST(0.1)
145 #define H_BIAS     HALF
146 #define MAX_ITERS  4
148 #define CORTES RCONST(0.1)
150 #define THRESH RCONST(1.5)
151 #define ETAMX1 RCONST(10000.0)
152 #define ETAMX2 RCONST(10.0)
153 #define ETAMX3 RCONST(10.0)
154 #define ETAMXF RCONST(0.2)
155 #define ETAMIN RCONST(0.1)
156 #define ETACF  RCONST(0.25)
157 #define ADDON  RCONST(0.000001)
158 #define BIAS1  RCONST(6.0)
159 #define BIAS2  RCONST(6.0)
160 #define BIAS3  RCONST(10.0)
161 #define ONEPSM RCONST(1.000001)
163 #define SMALL_NST    10
164 #define MXNCF        10
165 #define MXNEF         7
166 #define MXNEF1        3
167 #define SMALL_NEF     2
168 #define LONG_WAIT    10
170 #define DGMAX  RCONST(0.3)
173 /*=================================================================*/
174 /* Private Helper Functions Prototypes                             */
175 /*=================================================================*/
177 static booleantype cvCheckNvector(N_Vector tmpl);
179 /* Initial setup */
181 static int cvInitialSetup(CVodeMem cv_mem);
183 /* Memory allocation/deallocation */
185 static booleantype cvAllocVectors(CVodeMem cv_mem, N_Vector tmpl);
186 static void cvFreeVectors(CVodeMem cv_mem);
188 static int cvEwtSetSS(CVodeMem cv_mem, N_Vector ycur, N_Vector weight);
189 static int cvEwtSetSV(CVodeMem cv_mem, N_Vector ycur, N_Vector weight);
192 extern
193 int cvEwtSetSS_fused(const booleantype atolmin0,
194                      const realtype reltol,
195                      const realtype Sabstol,
196                      const N_Vector ycur,
197                      N_Vector tempv,
198                      N_Vector weight);
200 extern
201 int cvEwtSetSV_fused(const booleantype atolmin0,
202                      const realtype reltol,
203                      const N_Vector Vabstol,
204                      const N_Vector ycur,
205                      N_Vector tempv,
206                      N_Vector weight);
207 #endif
209 /* Initial stepsize calculation */
211 static int cvHin(CVodeMem cv_mem, realtype tout);
212 static realtype cvUpperBoundH0(CVodeMem cv_mem, realtype tdist);
213 static int cvYddNorm(CVodeMem cv_mem, realtype hg, realtype *yddnrm);
215 /* Main cvStep function */
217 static int cvStep(CVodeMem cv_mem);
219 /* Function called at beginning of step */
221 static void cvAdjustParams(CVodeMem cv_mem);
222 static void cvAdjustOrder(CVodeMem cv_mem, int deltaq);
223 static void cvAdjustAdams(CVodeMem cv_mem, int deltaq);
224 static void cvAdjustBDF(CVodeMem cv_mem, int deltaq);
225 static void cvIncreaseBDF(CVodeMem cv_mem);
226 static void cvDecreaseBDF(CVodeMem cv_mem);
227 static void cvPredict(CVodeMem cv_mem);
228 static void cvSet(CVodeMem cv_mem);
229 static void cvSetAdams(CVodeMem cv_mem);
230 static realtype cvAdamsStart(CVodeMem cv_mem, realtype m[]);
231 static void cvAdamsFinish(CVodeMem cv_mem, realtype m[], realtype M[], realtype hsum);
232 static realtype cvAltSum(int iend, realtype a[], int k);
233 static void cvSetBDF(CVodeMem cv_mem);
234 static void cvSetTqBDF(CVodeMem cv_mem, realtype hsum, realtype alpha0,
235                        realtype alpha0_hat, realtype xi_inv, realtype xistar_inv);
237 /* Nonlinear solver functions */
239 static int cvNls(CVodeMem cv_mem, int nflag);
241 static int cvCheckConstraints(CVodeMem cv_mem);
243 extern
244 int cvCheckConstraints_fused(const N_Vector c,
245                              const N_Vector ewt,
246                              const N_Vector y,
247                              const N_Vector mm,
248                              N_Vector tempv);
249 #endif
251 static int cvHandleNFlag(CVodeMem cv_mem, int *nflagPtr, realtype saved_t,
252                          int *ncfPtr);
254 /* Error Test */
256 static int cvDoErrorTest(CVodeMem cv_mem, int *nflagPtr,
257                          realtype saved_t, int *nefPtr, realtype *dsmPtr);
259 /* Function called after a successful step */
261 static void cvCompleteStep(CVodeMem cv_mem);
262 static void cvPrepareNextStep(CVodeMem cv_mem, realtype dsm);
263 static void cvSetEta(CVodeMem cv_mem);
264 static realtype cvComputeEtaqm1(CVodeMem cv_mem);
265 static realtype cvComputeEtaqp1(CVodeMem cv_mem);
266 static void cvChooseEta(CVodeMem cv_mem);
268 /* Function to handle failures */
270 static int cvHandleFailure(CVodeMem cv_mem,int flag);
272 /* Functions for BDF Stability Limit Detection */
274 static void cvBDFStab(CVodeMem cv_mem);
275 static int cvSLdet(CVodeMem cv_mem);
277 /* Functions for rootfinding */
279 static int cvRcheck1(CVodeMem cv_mem);
280 static int cvRcheck2(CVodeMem cv_mem);
281 static int cvRcheck3(CVodeMem cv_mem);
282 static int cvRootfind(CVodeMem cv_mem);
285 /*
286  * =================================================================
287  * Exported Functions Implementation
288  * =================================================================
289  */
291 /*
292  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
293  * Creation, allocation and re-initialization functions
294  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
295  */
297 /*
298  * CVodeCreate
299  *
300  * CVodeCreate creates an internal memory block for a problem to
301  * be solved by CVODE.
302  * If successful, CVodeCreate returns a pointer to the problem memory.
303  * This pointer should be passed to CVodeInit.
304  * If an initialization error occurs, CVodeCreate prints an error
305  * message to standard err and returns NULL.
306  */
CVodeCreate(int lmm)308 void *CVodeCreate(int lmm)
309 {
310   int maxord;
311   CVodeMem cv_mem;
313   /* Test inputs */
315   if ((lmm != CV_ADAMS) && (lmm != CV_BDF)) {
316     cvProcessError(NULL, 0, "CVODE", "CVodeCreate", MSGCV_BAD_LMM);
317     return(NULL);
318   }
320   cv_mem = NULL;
321   cv_mem = (CVodeMem) malloc(sizeof(struct CVodeMemRec));
322   if (cv_mem == NULL) {
323     cvProcessError(NULL, 0, "CVODE", "CVodeCreate", MSGCV_CVMEM_FAIL);
324     return(NULL);
325   }
327   /* Zero out cv_mem */
328   memset(cv_mem, 0, sizeof(struct CVodeMemRec));
330   maxord = (lmm == CV_ADAMS) ? ADAMS_Q_MAX : BDF_Q_MAX;
332   /* copy input parameters into cv_mem */
333   cv_mem->cv_lmm  = lmm;
335   /* Set uround */
336   cv_mem->cv_uround = UNIT_ROUNDOFF;
338   /* Set default values for integrator optional inputs */
339   cv_mem->cv_f                = NULL;
340   cv_mem->cv_user_data        = NULL;
341   cv_mem->cv_itol             = CV_NN;
342   cv_mem->cv_atolmin0         = SUNTRUE;
343   cv_mem->cv_user_efun        = SUNFALSE;
344   cv_mem->cv_efun             = NULL;
345   cv_mem->cv_e_data           = NULL;
346   cv_mem->cv_ehfun            = cvErrHandler;
347   cv_mem->cv_eh_data          = cv_mem;
348   cv_mem->cv_monitorfun       = NULL;
349   cv_mem->cv_monitor_interval = 0;
350   cv_mem->cv_errfp            = stderr;
351   cv_mem->cv_qmax             = maxord;
352   cv_mem->cv_mxstep           = MXSTEP_DEFAULT;
353   cv_mem->cv_mxhnil           = MXHNIL_DEFAULT;
354   cv_mem->cv_sldeton          = SUNFALSE;
355   cv_mem->cv_hin              = ZERO;
356   cv_mem->cv_hmin             = HMIN_DEFAULT;
357   cv_mem->cv_hmax_inv         = HMAX_INV_DEFAULT;
358   cv_mem->cv_tstopset         = SUNFALSE;
359   cv_mem->cv_maxnef           = MXNEF;
360   cv_mem->cv_maxncf           = MXNCF;
361   cv_mem->cv_nlscoef          = CORTES;
362   cv_mem->cv_msbp             = MSBP;
363   cv_mem->convfail            = CV_NO_FAILURES;
364   cv_mem->cv_constraints      = NULL;
365   cv_mem->cv_constraintsSet   = SUNFALSE;
367   /* Initialize root finding variables */
369   cv_mem->cv_glo        = NULL;
370   cv_mem->cv_ghi        = NULL;
371   cv_mem->cv_grout      = NULL;
372   cv_mem->cv_iroots     = NULL;
373   cv_mem->cv_rootdir    = NULL;
374   cv_mem->cv_gfun       = NULL;
375   cv_mem->cv_nrtfn      = 0;
376   cv_mem->cv_gactive    = NULL;
377   cv_mem->cv_mxgnull    = 1;
379   /* Initialize projection variables */
380   cv_mem->proj_mem     = NULL;
381   cv_mem->proj_enabled = SUNFALSE;
382   cv_mem->proj_applied = SUNFALSE;
384   /* Set the saved value for qmax_alloc */
386   cv_mem->cv_qmax_alloc = maxord;
388   /* Initialize lrw and liw */
390   cv_mem->cv_lrw = 58 + 2*L_MAX + NUM_TESTS;
391   cv_mem->cv_liw = 40;
393   /* No mallocs have been done yet */
395   cv_mem->cv_VabstolMallocDone     = SUNFALSE;
396   cv_mem->cv_MallocDone            = SUNFALSE;
397   cv_mem->cv_constraintsMallocDone = SUNFALSE;
399   /* Initialize nonlinear solver variables */
400   cv_mem->NLS    = NULL;
401   cv_mem->ownNLS = SUNFALSE;
403   /* Initialize fused operations variable */
404   cv_mem->cv_usefused = SUNFALSE;
406   /* Return pointer to CVODE memory block */
408   return((void *)cv_mem);
409 }
411 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
413 /*
414  * CVodeInit
415  *
416  * CVodeInit allocates and initializes memory for a problem. All
417  * problem inputs are checked for errors. If any error occurs during
418  * initialization, it is reported to the file whose file pointer is
419  * errfp and an error flag is returned. Otherwise, it returns CV_SUCCESS
420  */
CVodeInit(void * cvode_mem,CVRhsFn f,realtype t0,N_Vector y0)422 int CVodeInit(void *cvode_mem, CVRhsFn f, realtype t0, N_Vector y0)
423 {
424   CVodeMem cv_mem;
425   booleantype nvectorOK, allocOK;
426   sunindextype lrw1, liw1;
427   int i,k, retval;
428   SUNNonlinearSolver NLS;
430   /* Check cvode_mem */
432   if (cvode_mem==NULL) {
433     cvProcessError(NULL, CV_MEM_NULL, "CVODE", "CVodeInit", MSGCV_NO_MEM);
434     return(CV_MEM_NULL);
435   }
436   cv_mem = (CVodeMem) cvode_mem;
438   /* Check for legal input parameters */
440   if (y0==NULL) {
441     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_ILL_INPUT, "CVODE", "CVodeInit", MSGCV_NULL_Y0);
442     return(CV_ILL_INPUT);
443   }
445   if (f == NULL) {
446     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_ILL_INPUT, "CVODE", "CVodeInit", MSGCV_NULL_F);
447     return(CV_ILL_INPUT);
448   }
450   /* Test if all required vector operations are implemented */
452   nvectorOK = cvCheckNvector(y0);
453   if(!nvectorOK) {
454     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_ILL_INPUT, "CVODE", "CVodeInit",
455                    MSGCV_BAD_NVECTOR);
456     return(CV_ILL_INPUT);
457   }
459   /* Set space requirements for one N_Vector */
461   if (y0->ops->nvspace != NULL) {
462     N_VSpace(y0, &lrw1, &liw1);
463   } else {
464     lrw1 = 0;
465     liw1 = 0;
466   }
467   cv_mem->cv_lrw1 = lrw1;
468   cv_mem->cv_liw1 = liw1;
470   /* Allocate the vectors (using y0 as a template) */
472   allocOK = cvAllocVectors(cv_mem, y0);
473   if (!allocOK) {
474     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_MEM_FAIL, "CVODE", "CVodeInit", MSGCV_MEM_FAIL);
475     return(CV_MEM_FAIL);
476   }
478   /* create a Newton nonlinear solver object by default */
479   NLS = SUNNonlinSol_Newton(y0);
481   /* check that nonlinear solver is non-NULL */
482   if (NLS == NULL) {
483     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_MEM_FAIL, "CVODE", "CVodeInit", MSGCV_MEM_FAIL);
484     cvFreeVectors(cv_mem);
485     return(CV_MEM_FAIL);
486   }
488   /* attach the nonlinear solver to the CVODE memory */
489   retval = CVodeSetNonlinearSolver(cv_mem, NLS);
491   /* check that the nonlinear solver was successfully attached */
492   if (retval != CV_SUCCESS) {
493     cvProcessError(cv_mem, retval, "CVODE", "CVodeInit",
494                    "Setting the nonlinear solver failed");
495     cvFreeVectors(cv_mem);
496     SUNNonlinSolFree(NLS);
497     return(CV_MEM_FAIL);
498   }
500   /* set ownership flag */
501   cv_mem->ownNLS = SUNTRUE;
503   /* All error checking is complete at this point */
505   /* Copy the input parameters into CVODE state */
507   cv_mem->cv_f  = f;
508   cv_mem->cv_tn = t0;
510   /* Set step parameters */
512   cv_mem->cv_q      = 1;
513   cv_mem->cv_L      = 2;
514   cv_mem->cv_qwait  = cv_mem->cv_L;
515   cv_mem->cv_etamax = ETAMX1;
517   cv_mem->cv_qu    = 0;
518   cv_mem->cv_hu    = ZERO;
519   cv_mem->cv_tolsf = ONE;
521   /* Set the linear solver addresses to NULL.
522      (We check != NULL later, in CVode) */
524   cv_mem->cv_linit  = NULL;
525   cv_mem->cv_lsetup = NULL;
526   cv_mem->cv_lsolve = NULL;
527   cv_mem->cv_lfree  = NULL;
528   cv_mem->cv_lmem   = NULL;
530   /* Initialize zn[0] in the history array */
532   N_VScale(ONE, y0, cv_mem->cv_zn[0]);
534   /* Initialize all the counters */
536   cv_mem->cv_nst     = 0;
537   cv_mem->cv_nfe     = 0;
538   cv_mem->cv_ncfn    = 0;
539   cv_mem->cv_netf    = 0;
540   cv_mem->cv_nni     = 0;
541   cv_mem->cv_nsetups = 0;
542   cv_mem->cv_nhnil   = 0;
543   cv_mem->cv_nstlp   = 0;
544   cv_mem->cv_nscon   = 0;
545   cv_mem->cv_nge     = 0;
547   cv_mem->cv_irfnd   = 0;
549   /* Initialize other integrator optional outputs */
551   cv_mem->cv_h0u      = ZERO;
552   cv_mem->cv_next_h   = ZERO;
553   cv_mem->cv_next_q   = 0;
555   /* Initialize Stablilty Limit Detection data */
556   /* NOTE: We do this even if stab lim det was not
557      turned on yet. This way, the user can turn it
558      on at any time */
560   cv_mem->cv_nor = 0;
561   for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
562     for (k = 1; k <= 3; k++)
563       cv_mem->cv_ssdat[i-1][k-1] = ZERO;
565   /* Problem has been successfully initialized */
567   cv_mem->cv_MallocDone = SUNTRUE;
569   return(CV_SUCCESS);
570 }
572 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
574 /*
575  * CVodeReInit
576  *
577  * CVodeReInit re-initializes CVODE's memory for a problem, assuming
578  * it has already been allocated in a prior CVodeInit call.
579  * All problem specification inputs are checked for errors.
580  * If any error occurs during initialization, it is reported to the
581  * file whose file pointer is errfp.
582  * The return value is CV_SUCCESS = 0 if no errors occurred, or
583  * a negative value otherwise.
584  */
CVodeReInit(void * cvode_mem,realtype t0,N_Vector y0)586 int CVodeReInit(void *cvode_mem, realtype t0, N_Vector y0)
587 {
588   CVodeMem cv_mem;
589   int i,k;
591   /* Check cvode_mem */
593   if (cvode_mem==NULL) {
594     cvProcessError(NULL, CV_MEM_NULL, "CVODE", "CVodeReInit", MSGCV_NO_MEM);
595     return(CV_MEM_NULL);
596   }
597   cv_mem = (CVodeMem) cvode_mem;
599   /* Check if cvode_mem was allocated */
601   if (cv_mem->cv_MallocDone == SUNFALSE) {
602     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_NO_MALLOC, "CVODE", "CVodeReInit",
603                    MSGCV_NO_MALLOC);
604     return(CV_NO_MALLOC);
605   }
607   /* Check for legal input parameters */
609   if (y0 == NULL) {
610     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_ILL_INPUT, "CVODE", "CVodeReInit",
611                    MSGCV_NULL_Y0);
612     return(CV_ILL_INPUT);
613   }
615   /* Copy the input parameters into CVODE state */
617   cv_mem->cv_tn = t0;
619   /* Set step parameters */
621   cv_mem->cv_q      = 1;
622   cv_mem->cv_L      = 2;
623   cv_mem->cv_qwait  = cv_mem->cv_L;
624   cv_mem->cv_etamax = ETAMX1;
626   cv_mem->cv_qu    = 0;
627   cv_mem->cv_hu    = ZERO;
628   cv_mem->cv_tolsf = ONE;
630   /* Initialize zn[0] in the history array */
632   N_VScale(ONE, y0, cv_mem->cv_zn[0]);
634   /* Initialize all the counters */
636   cv_mem->cv_nst     = 0;
637   cv_mem->cv_nfe     = 0;
638   cv_mem->cv_ncfn    = 0;
639   cv_mem->cv_netf    = 0;
640   cv_mem->cv_nni     = 0;
641   cv_mem->cv_nsetups = 0;
642   cv_mem->cv_nhnil   = 0;
643   cv_mem->cv_nstlp   = 0;
644   cv_mem->cv_nscon   = 0;
645   cv_mem->cv_nge     = 0;
647   cv_mem->cv_irfnd   = 0;
649   /* Initialize other integrator optional outputs */
651   cv_mem->cv_h0u      = ZERO;
652   cv_mem->cv_next_h   = ZERO;
653   cv_mem->cv_next_q   = 0;
655   /* Initialize Stablilty Limit Detection data */
657   cv_mem->cv_nor = 0;
658   for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
659     for (k = 1; k <= 3; k++)
660       cv_mem->cv_ssdat[i-1][k-1] = ZERO;
662   /* Problem has been successfully re-initialized */
664   return(CV_SUCCESS);
665 }
667 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
669 /*
670  * CVodeSStolerances
671  * CVodeSVtolerances
672  * CVodeWFtolerances
673  *
674  * These functions specify the integration tolerances. One of them
675  * MUST be called before the first call to CVode.
676  *
677  * CVodeSStolerances specifies scalar relative and absolute tolerances.
678  * CVodeSVtolerances specifies scalar relative tolerance and a vector
679  *   absolute tolerance (a potentially different absolute tolerance
680  *   for each vector component).
681  * CVodeWFtolerances specifies a user-provides function (of type CVEwtFn)
682  *   which will be called to set the error weight vector.
683  */
CVodeSStolerances(void * cvode_mem,realtype reltol,realtype abstol)685 int CVodeSStolerances(void *cvode_mem, realtype reltol, realtype abstol)
686 {
687   CVodeMem cv_mem;
689   if (cvode_mem==NULL) {
690     cvProcessError(NULL, CV_MEM_NULL, "CVODE", "CVodeSStolerances",
691                    MSGCV_NO_MEM);
692     return(CV_MEM_NULL);
693   }
694   cv_mem = (CVodeMem) cvode_mem;
696   if (cv_mem->cv_MallocDone == SUNFALSE) {
697     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_NO_MALLOC, "CVODE", "CVodeSStolerances",
698                    MSGCV_NO_MALLOC);
699     return(CV_NO_MALLOC);
700   }
702   /* Check inputs */
704   if (reltol < ZERO) {
705     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_ILL_INPUT, "CVODE", "CVodeSStolerances",
706                    MSGCV_BAD_RELTOL);
707     return(CV_ILL_INPUT);
708   }
710   if (abstol < ZERO) {
711     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_ILL_INPUT, "CVODE", "CVodeSStolerances",
712                    MSGCV_BAD_ABSTOL);
713     return(CV_ILL_INPUT);
714   }
716   /* Copy tolerances into memory */
718   cv_mem->cv_reltol = reltol;
719   cv_mem->cv_Sabstol = abstol;
720   cv_mem->cv_atolmin0 = (abstol == ZERO);
722   cv_mem->cv_itol = CV_SS;
724   cv_mem->cv_user_efun = SUNFALSE;
725   cv_mem->cv_efun = cvEwtSet;
726   cv_mem->cv_e_data = NULL; /* will be set to cvode_mem in InitialSetup */
728   return(CV_SUCCESS);
729 }
CVodeSVtolerances(void * cvode_mem,realtype reltol,N_Vector abstol)732 int CVodeSVtolerances(void *cvode_mem, realtype reltol, N_Vector abstol)
733 {
734   CVodeMem cv_mem;
735   realtype atolmin;
737   if (cvode_mem==NULL) {
738     cvProcessError(NULL, CV_MEM_NULL, "CVODE", "CVodeSVtolerances",
739                    MSGCV_NO_MEM);
740     return(CV_MEM_NULL);
741   }
742   cv_mem = (CVodeMem) cvode_mem;
744   if (cv_mem->cv_MallocDone == SUNFALSE) {
745     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_NO_MALLOC, "CVODE", "CVodeSVtolerances",
746                    MSGCV_NO_MALLOC);
747     return(CV_NO_MALLOC);
748   }
750   /* Check inputs */
752   if (reltol < ZERO) {
753     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_ILL_INPUT, "CVODE", "CVodeSVtolerances",
754                    MSGCV_BAD_RELTOL);
755     return(CV_ILL_INPUT);
756   }
758   if (abstol->ops->nvmin == NULL) {
759     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_ILL_INPUT, "CVODE", "CVodeSVtolerances",
760                    "Missing N_VMin routine from N_Vector");
761     return(CV_ILL_INPUT);
762   }
763   atolmin = N_VMin(abstol);
764   if (atolmin < ZERO) {
765     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_ILL_INPUT, "CVODE", "CVodeSVtolerances",
766                    MSGCV_BAD_ABSTOL);
767     return(CV_ILL_INPUT);
768   }
770   /* Copy tolerances into memory */
772   if ( !(cv_mem->cv_VabstolMallocDone) ) {
773     cv_mem->cv_Vabstol = N_VClone(cv_mem->cv_ewt);
774     cv_mem->cv_lrw += cv_mem->cv_lrw1;
775     cv_mem->cv_liw += cv_mem->cv_liw1;
776     cv_mem->cv_VabstolMallocDone = SUNTRUE;
777   }
779   cv_mem->cv_reltol = reltol;
780   N_VScale(ONE, abstol, cv_mem->cv_Vabstol);
781   cv_mem->cv_atolmin0 = (atolmin == ZERO);
783   cv_mem->cv_itol = CV_SV;
785   cv_mem->cv_user_efun = SUNFALSE;
786   cv_mem->cv_efun = cvEwtSet;
787   cv_mem->cv_e_data = NULL; /* will be set to cvode_mem in InitialSetup */
789   return(CV_SUCCESS);
790 }
CVodeWFtolerances(void * cvode_mem,CVEwtFn efun)793 int CVodeWFtolerances(void *cvode_mem, CVEwtFn efun)
794 {
795   CVodeMem cv_mem;
797   if (cvode_mem==NULL) {
798     cvProcessError(NULL, CV_MEM_NULL, "CVODE", "CVodeWFtolerances",
799                    MSGCV_NO_MEM);
800     return(CV_MEM_NULL);
801   }
802   cv_mem = (CVodeMem) cvode_mem;
804   if (cv_mem->cv_MallocDone == SUNFALSE) {
805     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_NO_MALLOC, "CVODE", "CVodeWFtolerances",
806                    MSGCV_NO_MALLOC);
807     return(CV_NO_MALLOC);
808   }
810   cv_mem->cv_itol = CV_WF;
812   cv_mem->cv_user_efun = SUNTRUE;
813   cv_mem->cv_efun = efun;
814   cv_mem->cv_e_data = NULL; /* will be set to user_data in InitialSetup */
816   return(CV_SUCCESS);
817 }
819 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
821 /*
822  * CVodeRootInit
823  *
824  * CVodeRootInit initializes a rootfinding problem to be solved
825  * during the integration of the ODE system.  It loads the root
826  * function pointer and the number of root functions, and allocates
827  * workspace memory.  The return value is CV_SUCCESS = 0 if no errors
828  * occurred, or a negative value otherwise.
829  */
CVodeRootInit(void * cvode_mem,int nrtfn,CVRootFn g)831 int CVodeRootInit(void *cvode_mem, int nrtfn, CVRootFn g)
832 {
833   CVodeMem cv_mem;
834   int i, nrt;
836   /* Check cvode_mem pointer */
837   if (cvode_mem == NULL) {
838     cvProcessError(NULL, CV_MEM_NULL, "CVODE", "CVodeRootInit", MSGCV_NO_MEM);
839     return(CV_MEM_NULL);
840   }
841   cv_mem = (CVodeMem) cvode_mem;
843   nrt = (nrtfn < 0) ? 0 : nrtfn;
845   /* If rerunning CVodeRootInit() with a different number of root
846      functions (changing number of gfun components), then free
847      currently held memory resources */
848   if ((nrt != cv_mem->cv_nrtfn) && (cv_mem->cv_nrtfn > 0)) {
849     free(cv_mem->cv_glo); cv_mem->cv_glo = NULL;
850     free(cv_mem->cv_ghi); cv_mem->cv_ghi = NULL;
851     free(cv_mem->cv_grout); cv_mem->cv_grout = NULL;
852     free(cv_mem->cv_iroots); cv_mem->cv_iroots = NULL;
853     free(cv_mem->cv_rootdir); cv_mem->cv_rootdir = NULL;
854     free(cv_mem->cv_gactive); cv_mem->cv_gactive = NULL;
856     cv_mem->cv_lrw -= 3 * (cv_mem->cv_nrtfn);
857     cv_mem->cv_liw -= 3 * (cv_mem->cv_nrtfn);
858   }
860   /* If CVodeRootInit() was called with nrtfn == 0, then set cv_nrtfn to
861      zero and cv_gfun to NULL before returning */
862   if (nrt == 0) {
863     cv_mem->cv_nrtfn = nrt;
864     cv_mem->cv_gfun = NULL;
865     return(CV_SUCCESS);
866   }
868   /* If rerunning CVodeRootInit() with the same number of root functions
869      (not changing number of gfun components), then check if the root
870      function argument has changed */
871   /* If g != NULL then return as currently reserved memory resources
872      will suffice */
873   if (nrt == cv_mem->cv_nrtfn) {
874     if (g != cv_mem->cv_gfun) {
875       if (g == NULL) {
876         free(cv_mem->cv_glo); cv_mem->cv_glo = NULL;
877         free(cv_mem->cv_ghi); cv_mem->cv_ghi = NULL;
878         free(cv_mem->cv_grout); cv_mem->cv_grout = NULL;
879         free(cv_mem->cv_iroots); cv_mem->cv_iroots = NULL;
880         free(cv_mem->cv_rootdir); cv_mem->cv_rootdir = NULL;
881         free(cv_mem->cv_gactive); cv_mem->cv_gactive = NULL;
883         cv_mem->cv_lrw -= 3*nrt;
884         cv_mem->cv_liw -= 3*nrt;
886         cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_ILL_INPUT, "CVODE", "CVodeRootInit",
887                        MSGCV_NULL_G);
888         return(CV_ILL_INPUT);
889       }
890       else {
891         cv_mem->cv_gfun = g;
892         return(CV_SUCCESS);
893       }
894     }
895     else return(CV_SUCCESS);
896   }
898   /* Set variable values in CVode memory block */
899   cv_mem->cv_nrtfn = nrt;
900   if (g == NULL) {
901     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_ILL_INPUT, "CVODE", "CVodeRootInit",
902                    MSGCV_NULL_G);
903     return(CV_ILL_INPUT);
904   }
905   else cv_mem->cv_gfun = g;
907   /* Allocate necessary memory and return */
908   cv_mem->cv_glo = NULL;
909   cv_mem->cv_glo = (realtype *) malloc(nrt*sizeof(realtype));
910   if (cv_mem->cv_glo == NULL) {
911     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_MEM_FAIL, "CVODE", "CVodeRootInit",
912                    MSGCV_MEM_FAIL);
913     return(CV_MEM_FAIL);
914   }
916   cv_mem->cv_ghi = NULL;
917   cv_mem->cv_ghi = (realtype *) malloc(nrt*sizeof(realtype));
918   if (cv_mem->cv_ghi == NULL) {
919     free(cv_mem->cv_glo); cv_mem->cv_glo = NULL;
920     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_MEM_FAIL, "CVODE", "CVodeRootInit",
921                    MSGCV_MEM_FAIL);
922     return(CV_MEM_FAIL);
923   }
925   cv_mem->cv_grout = NULL;
926   cv_mem->cv_grout = (realtype *) malloc(nrt*sizeof(realtype));
927   if (cv_mem->cv_grout == NULL) {
928     free(cv_mem->cv_glo); cv_mem->cv_glo = NULL;
929     free(cv_mem->cv_ghi); cv_mem->cv_ghi = NULL;
930     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_MEM_FAIL, "CVODE", "CVodeRootInit",
931                    MSGCV_MEM_FAIL);
932     return(CV_MEM_FAIL);
933   }
935   cv_mem->cv_iroots = NULL;
936   cv_mem->cv_iroots = (int *) malloc(nrt*sizeof(int));
937   if (cv_mem->cv_iroots == NULL) {
938     free(cv_mem->cv_glo); cv_mem->cv_glo = NULL;
939     free(cv_mem->cv_ghi); cv_mem->cv_ghi = NULL;
940     free(cv_mem->cv_grout); cv_mem->cv_grout = NULL;
941     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_MEM_FAIL, "CVODE", "CVodeRootInit",
942                    MSGCV_MEM_FAIL);
943     return(CV_MEM_FAIL);
944   }
946   cv_mem->cv_rootdir = NULL;
947   cv_mem->cv_rootdir = (int *) malloc(nrt*sizeof(int));
948   if (cv_mem->cv_rootdir == NULL) {
949     free(cv_mem->cv_glo); cv_mem->cv_glo = NULL;
950     free(cv_mem->cv_ghi); cv_mem->cv_ghi = NULL;
951     free(cv_mem->cv_grout); cv_mem->cv_grout = NULL;
952     free(cv_mem->cv_iroots); cv_mem->cv_iroots = NULL;
953     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_MEM_FAIL, "CVODE", "CVodeRootInit",
954                    MSGCV_MEM_FAIL);
955     return(CV_MEM_FAIL);
956   }
958   cv_mem->cv_gactive = NULL;
959   cv_mem->cv_gactive = (booleantype *) malloc(nrt*sizeof(booleantype));
960   if (cv_mem->cv_gactive == NULL) {
961     free(cv_mem->cv_glo); cv_mem->cv_glo = NULL;
962     free(cv_mem->cv_ghi); cv_mem->cv_ghi = NULL;
963     free(cv_mem->cv_grout); cv_mem->cv_grout = NULL;
964     free(cv_mem->cv_iroots); cv_mem->cv_iroots = NULL;
965     free(cv_mem->cv_rootdir); cv_mem->cv_rootdir = NULL;
966     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_MEM_FAIL, "CVODES", "CVodeRootInit",
967                    MSGCV_MEM_FAIL);
968     return(CV_MEM_FAIL);
969   }
971   /* Set default values for rootdir (both directions) */
972   for(i=0; i<nrt; i++) cv_mem->cv_rootdir[i] = 0;
974   /* Set default values for gactive (all active) */
975   for(i=0; i<nrt; i++) cv_mem->cv_gactive[i] = SUNTRUE;
977   cv_mem->cv_lrw += 3*nrt;
978   cv_mem->cv_liw += 3*nrt;
980   return(CV_SUCCESS);
981 }
983 /*
984  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
985  * Main solver function
986  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
987  */
989 /*
990  * CVode
991  *
992  * This routine is the main driver of the CVODE package.
993  *
994  * It integrates over a time interval defined by the user, by calling
995  * cvStep to do internal time steps.
996  *
997  * The first time that CVode is called for a successfully initialized
998  * problem, it computes a tentative initial step size h.
999  *
1000  * CVode supports two modes, specified by itask: CV_NORMAL, CV_ONE_STEP.
1001  * In the CV_NORMAL mode, the solver steps until it reaches or passes tout
1002  * and then interpolates to obtain y(tout).
1003  * In the CV_ONE_STEP mode, it takes one internal step and returns.
1004  */
CVode(void * cvode_mem,realtype tout,N_Vector yout,realtype * tret,int itask)1006 int CVode(void *cvode_mem, realtype tout, N_Vector yout,
1007           realtype *tret, int itask)
1008 {
1009   CVodeMem cv_mem;
1010   long int nstloc;
1011   int retval, hflag, kflag, istate, ir, ier, irfndp;
1012   int ewtsetOK;
1013   realtype troundoff, tout_hin, rh, nrm;
1014   booleantype inactive_roots;
1016   /*
1017    * -------------------------------------
1018    * 1. Check and process inputs
1019    * -------------------------------------
1020    */
1022   /* Check if cvode_mem exists */
1023   if (cvode_mem == NULL) {
1024     cvProcessError(NULL, CV_MEM_NULL, "CVODE", "CVode", MSGCV_NO_MEM);
1025     return(CV_MEM_NULL);
1026   }
1027   cv_mem = (CVodeMem) cvode_mem;
1029   /* Check if cvode_mem was allocated */
1030   if (cv_mem->cv_MallocDone == SUNFALSE) {
1031     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_NO_MALLOC, "CVODE", "CVode", MSGCV_NO_MALLOC);
1032     return(CV_NO_MALLOC);
1033   }
1035   /* Check for yout != NULL */
1036   if ((cv_mem->cv_y = yout) == NULL) {
1037     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_ILL_INPUT, "CVODE", "CVode", MSGCV_YOUT_NULL);
1038     return(CV_ILL_INPUT);
1039   }
1041   /* Check for tret != NULL */
1042   if (tret == NULL) {
1043     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_ILL_INPUT, "CVODE", "CVode", MSGCV_TRET_NULL);
1044     return(CV_ILL_INPUT);
1045   }
1047   /* Check for valid itask */
1048   if ( (itask != CV_NORMAL) && (itask != CV_ONE_STEP) ) {
1049     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_ILL_INPUT, "CVODE", "CVode", MSGCV_BAD_ITASK);
1050     return(CV_ILL_INPUT);
1051   }
1053   if (itask == CV_NORMAL) cv_mem->cv_toutc = tout;
1054   cv_mem->cv_taskc = itask;
1056   /*
1057    * ----------------------------------------
1058    * 2. Initializations performed only at
1059    *    the first step (nst=0):
1060    *    - initial setup
1061    *    - initialize Nordsieck history array
1062    *    - compute initial step size
1063    *    - check for approach to tstop
1064    *    - check for approach to a root
1065    * ----------------------------------------
1066    */
1068   if (cv_mem->cv_nst == 0) {
1070     cv_mem->cv_tretlast = *tret = cv_mem->cv_tn;
1072     /* Check inputs for corectness */
1074     ier = cvInitialSetup(cv_mem);
1075     if (ier!= CV_SUCCESS) return(ier);
1077     /* Call f at (t0,y0), set zn[1] = y'(t0). */
1079     retval = cv_mem->cv_f(cv_mem->cv_tn, cv_mem->cv_zn[0],
1080                           cv_mem->cv_zn[1], cv_mem->cv_user_data);
1081     cv_mem->cv_nfe++;
1082     if (retval < 0) {
1083       cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_RHSFUNC_FAIL, "CVODE", "CVode",
1084                      MSGCV_RHSFUNC_FAILED, cv_mem->cv_tn);
1085       return(CV_RHSFUNC_FAIL);
1086     }
1087     if (retval > 0) {
1088       cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_FIRST_RHSFUNC_ERR, "CVODE", "CVode",
1089                      MSGCV_RHSFUNC_FIRST);
1090       return(CV_FIRST_RHSFUNC_ERR);
1091     }
1093     /* Test input tstop for legality. */
1095     if (cv_mem->cv_tstopset) {
1096       if ( (cv_mem->cv_tstop - cv_mem->cv_tn)*(tout - cv_mem->cv_tn) <= ZERO ) {
1097         cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_ILL_INPUT, "CVODE", "CVode",
1098                        MSGCV_BAD_TSTOP, cv_mem->cv_tstop, cv_mem->cv_tn);
1099         return(CV_ILL_INPUT);
1100       }
1101     }
1103     /* Set initial h (from H0 or cvHin). */
1105     cv_mem->cv_h = cv_mem->cv_hin;
1106     if ( (cv_mem->cv_h != ZERO) && ((tout-cv_mem->cv_tn)*cv_mem->cv_h < ZERO) ) {
1107       cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_ILL_INPUT, "CVODE", "CVode", MSGCV_BAD_H0);
1108       return(CV_ILL_INPUT);
1109     }
1110     if (cv_mem->cv_h == ZERO) {
1111       tout_hin = tout;
1112       if ( cv_mem->cv_tstopset &&
1113            (tout-cv_mem->cv_tn)*(tout-cv_mem->cv_tstop) > ZERO )
1114         tout_hin = cv_mem->cv_tstop;
1115       hflag = cvHin(cv_mem, tout_hin);
1116       if (hflag != CV_SUCCESS) {
1117         istate = cvHandleFailure(cv_mem, hflag);
1118         return(istate);
1119       }
1120     }
1121     rh = SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_h)*cv_mem->cv_hmax_inv;
1122     if (rh > ONE) cv_mem->cv_h /= rh;
1123     if (SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_h) < cv_mem->cv_hmin)
1124       cv_mem->cv_h *= cv_mem->cv_hmin/SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_h);
1126     /* Check for approach to tstop */
1128     if (cv_mem->cv_tstopset) {
1129       if ( (cv_mem->cv_tn + cv_mem->cv_h - cv_mem->cv_tstop)*cv_mem->cv_h > ZERO )
1130         cv_mem->cv_h = (cv_mem->cv_tstop - cv_mem->cv_tn)*(ONE-FOUR*cv_mem->cv_uround);
1131     }
1133     /* Scale zn[1] by h.*/
1135     cv_mem->cv_hscale = cv_mem->cv_h;
1136     cv_mem->cv_h0u    = cv_mem->cv_h;
1137     cv_mem->cv_hprime = cv_mem->cv_h;
1139     N_VScale(cv_mem->cv_h, cv_mem->cv_zn[1], cv_mem->cv_zn[1]);
1141     /* Check for zeros of root function g at and near t0. */
1143     if (cv_mem->cv_nrtfn > 0) {
1145       retval = cvRcheck1(cv_mem);
1147       if (retval == CV_RTFUNC_FAIL) {
1148         cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_RTFUNC_FAIL, "CVODE", "cvRcheck1",
1149                        MSGCV_RTFUNC_FAILED, cv_mem->cv_tn);
1150         return(CV_RTFUNC_FAIL);
1151       }
1153     }
1155   } /* end of first call block */
1157   /*
1158    * ------------------------------------------------------
1159    * 3. At following steps, perform stop tests:
1160    *    - check for root in last step
1161    *    - check if we passed tstop
1162    *    - check if we passed tout (NORMAL mode)
1163    *    - check if current tn was returned (ONE_STEP mode)
1164    *    - check if we are close to tstop
1165    *      (adjust step size if needed)
1166    * -------------------------------------------------------
1167    */
1169   if (cv_mem->cv_nst > 0) {
1171     /* Estimate an infinitesimal time interval to be used as
1172        a roundoff for time quantities (based on current time
1173        and step size) */
1174     troundoff = FUZZ_FACTOR * cv_mem->cv_uround *
1175       (SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_tn) + SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_h));
1177     /* First, check for a root in the last step taken, other than the
1178        last root found, if any.  If itask = CV_ONE_STEP and y(tn) was not
1179        returned because of an intervening root, return y(tn) now.     */
1180     if (cv_mem->cv_nrtfn > 0) {
1182       irfndp = cv_mem->cv_irfnd;
1184       retval = cvRcheck2(cv_mem);
1186       if (retval == CLOSERT) {
1187         cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_ILL_INPUT, "CVODE", "cvRcheck2",
1188                        MSGCV_CLOSE_ROOTS, cv_mem->cv_tlo);
1189         return(CV_ILL_INPUT);
1190       } else if (retval == CV_RTFUNC_FAIL) {
1191         cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_RTFUNC_FAIL, "CVODE", "cvRcheck2",
1192                        MSGCV_RTFUNC_FAILED, cv_mem->cv_tlo);
1193         return(CV_RTFUNC_FAIL);
1194       } else if (retval == RTFOUND) {
1195         cv_mem->cv_tretlast = *tret = cv_mem->cv_tlo;
1196         return(CV_ROOT_RETURN);
1197       }
1199       /* If tn is distinct from tretlast (within roundoff),
1200          check remaining interval for roots */
1201       if ( SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_tn - cv_mem->cv_tretlast) > troundoff ) {
1203         retval = cvRcheck3(cv_mem);
1205         if (retval == CV_SUCCESS) {     /* no root found */
1206           cv_mem->cv_irfnd = 0;
1207           if ((irfndp == 1) && (itask == CV_ONE_STEP)) {
1208             cv_mem->cv_tretlast = *tret = cv_mem->cv_tn;
1209             N_VScale(ONE, cv_mem->cv_zn[0], yout);
1210             return(CV_SUCCESS);
1211           }
1212         } else if (retval == RTFOUND) {  /* a new root was found */
1213           cv_mem->cv_irfnd = 1;
1214           cv_mem->cv_tretlast = *tret = cv_mem->cv_tlo;
1215           return(CV_ROOT_RETURN);
1216         } else if (retval == CV_RTFUNC_FAIL) {  /* g failed */
1217           cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_RTFUNC_FAIL, "CVODE", "cvRcheck3",
1218                          MSGCV_RTFUNC_FAILED, cv_mem->cv_tlo);
1219           return(CV_RTFUNC_FAIL);
1220         }
1222       }
1224     } /* end of root stop check */
1226     /* In CV_NORMAL mode, test if tout was reached */
1227     if ( (itask == CV_NORMAL) && ((cv_mem->cv_tn-tout)*cv_mem->cv_h >= ZERO) ) {
1228       cv_mem->cv_tretlast = *tret = tout;
1229       ier =  CVodeGetDky(cv_mem, tout, 0, yout);
1230       if (ier != CV_SUCCESS) {
1231         cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_ILL_INPUT, "CVODE", "CVode",
1232                        MSGCV_BAD_TOUT, tout);
1233         return(CV_ILL_INPUT);
1234       }
1235       return(CV_SUCCESS);
1236     }
1238     /* In CV_ONE_STEP mode, test if tn was returned */
1239     if ( itask == CV_ONE_STEP &&
1240          SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_tn - cv_mem->cv_tretlast) > troundoff ) {
1241       cv_mem->cv_tretlast = *tret = cv_mem->cv_tn;
1242       N_VScale(ONE, cv_mem->cv_zn[0], yout);
1243       return(CV_SUCCESS);
1244     }
1246     /* Test for tn at tstop or near tstop */
1247     if ( cv_mem->cv_tstopset ) {
1249       if ( SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_tn - cv_mem->cv_tstop) <= troundoff ) {
1250         ier =  CVodeGetDky(cv_mem, cv_mem->cv_tstop, 0, yout);
1251         if (ier != CV_SUCCESS) {
1252           cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_ILL_INPUT, "CVODE", "CVode",
1253                          MSGCV_BAD_TSTOP, cv_mem->cv_tstop, cv_mem->cv_tn);
1254           return(CV_ILL_INPUT);
1255         }
1256         cv_mem->cv_tretlast = *tret = cv_mem->cv_tstop;
1257         cv_mem->cv_tstopset = SUNFALSE;
1258         return(CV_TSTOP_RETURN);
1259       }
1261       /* If next step would overtake tstop, adjust stepsize */
1262       if ( (cv_mem->cv_tn + cv_mem->cv_hprime - cv_mem->cv_tstop)*cv_mem->cv_h > ZERO ) {
1263         cv_mem->cv_hprime = (cv_mem->cv_tstop - cv_mem->cv_tn)*(ONE-FOUR*cv_mem->cv_uround);
1264         cv_mem->cv_eta = cv_mem->cv_hprime / cv_mem->cv_h;
1265       }
1267     }
1269   } /* end stopping tests block */
1271   /*
1272    * --------------------------------------------------
1273    * 4. Looping point for internal steps
1274    *
1275    *    4.1. check for errors (too many steps, too much
1276    *         accuracy requested, step size too small)
1277    *    4.2. take a new step (call cvStep)
1278    *    4.3. stop on error
1279    *    4.4. perform stop tests:
1280    *         - check for root in last step
1281    *         - check if tout was passed
1282    *         - check if close to tstop
1283    *         - check if in ONE_STEP mode (must return)
1284    * --------------------------------------------------
1285    */
1287   nstloc = 0;
1288   for(;;) {
1290     cv_mem->cv_next_h = cv_mem->cv_h;
1291     cv_mem->cv_next_q = cv_mem->cv_q;
1293     /* Reset and check ewt */
1294     if (cv_mem->cv_nst > 0) {
1296       ewtsetOK = cv_mem->cv_efun(cv_mem->cv_zn[0], cv_mem->cv_ewt, cv_mem->cv_e_data);
1298       if (ewtsetOK != 0) {
1300         if (cv_mem->cv_itol == CV_WF)
1301           cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_ILL_INPUT, "CVODE", "CVode",
1302                          MSGCV_EWT_NOW_FAIL, cv_mem->cv_tn);
1303         else
1304           cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_ILL_INPUT, "CVODE", "CVode",
1305                          MSGCV_EWT_NOW_BAD, cv_mem->cv_tn);
1307         istate = CV_ILL_INPUT;
1308         cv_mem->cv_tretlast = *tret = cv_mem->cv_tn;
1309         N_VScale(ONE, cv_mem->cv_zn[0], yout);
1310         break;
1311       }
1312     }
1314     /* Check for too many steps */
1315     if ( (cv_mem->cv_mxstep>0) && (nstloc >= cv_mem->cv_mxstep) ) {
1316       cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_TOO_MUCH_WORK, "CVODE", "CVode",
1317                      MSGCV_MAX_STEPS, cv_mem->cv_tn);
1318       istate = CV_TOO_MUCH_WORK;
1319       cv_mem->cv_tretlast = *tret = cv_mem->cv_tn;
1320       N_VScale(ONE, cv_mem->cv_zn[0], yout);
1321       break;
1322     }
1324     /* Check for too much accuracy requested */
1325     nrm = N_VWrmsNorm(cv_mem->cv_zn[0], cv_mem->cv_ewt);
1326     cv_mem->cv_tolsf = cv_mem->cv_uround * nrm;
1327     if (cv_mem->cv_tolsf > ONE) {
1328       cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_TOO_MUCH_ACC, "CVODE", "CVode",
1329                      MSGCV_TOO_MUCH_ACC, cv_mem->cv_tn);
1330       istate = CV_TOO_MUCH_ACC;
1331       cv_mem->cv_tretlast = *tret = cv_mem->cv_tn;
1332       N_VScale(ONE, cv_mem->cv_zn[0], yout);
1333       cv_mem->cv_tolsf *= TWO;
1334       break;
1335     } else {
1336       cv_mem->cv_tolsf = ONE;
1337     }
1339     /* Check for h below roundoff level in tn */
1340     if (cv_mem->cv_tn + cv_mem->cv_h == cv_mem->cv_tn) {
1341       cv_mem->cv_nhnil++;
1342       if (cv_mem->cv_nhnil <= cv_mem->cv_mxhnil)
1343         cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_WARNING, "CVODE", "CVode", MSGCV_HNIL,
1344                        cv_mem->cv_tn, cv_mem->cv_h);
1345       if (cv_mem->cv_nhnil == cv_mem->cv_mxhnil)
1346         cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_WARNING, "CVODE", "CVode", MSGCV_HNIL_DONE);
1347     }
1349     /* Call cvStep to take a step */
1350     kflag = cvStep(cv_mem);
1352     /* Process failed step cases, and exit loop */
1353     if (kflag != CV_SUCCESS) {
1354       istate = cvHandleFailure(cv_mem, kflag);
1355       cv_mem->cv_tretlast = *tret = cv_mem->cv_tn;
1356       N_VScale(ONE, cv_mem->cv_zn[0], yout);
1357       break;
1358     }
1360     nstloc++;
1362     /* Check for root in last step taken. */
1363     if (cv_mem->cv_nrtfn > 0) {
1365       retval = cvRcheck3(cv_mem);
1367       if (retval == RTFOUND) {  /* A new root was found */
1368         cv_mem->cv_irfnd = 1;
1369         istate = CV_ROOT_RETURN;
1370         cv_mem->cv_tretlast = *tret = cv_mem->cv_tlo;
1371         break;
1372       } else if (retval == CV_RTFUNC_FAIL) { /* g failed */
1373         cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_RTFUNC_FAIL, "CVODE", "cvRcheck3",
1374                        MSGCV_RTFUNC_FAILED, cv_mem->cv_tlo);
1375         istate = CV_RTFUNC_FAIL;
1376         break;
1377       }
1379       /* If we are at the end of the first step and we still have
1380        * some event functions that are inactive, issue a warning
1381        * as this may indicate a user error in the implementation
1382        * of the root function. */
1384       if (cv_mem->cv_nst==1) {
1385         inactive_roots = SUNFALSE;
1386         for (ir=0; ir<cv_mem->cv_nrtfn; ir++) {
1387           if (!cv_mem->cv_gactive[ir]) {
1388             inactive_roots = SUNTRUE;
1389             break;
1390           }
1391         }
1392         if ((cv_mem->cv_mxgnull > 0) && inactive_roots) {
1393           cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_WARNING, "CVODES", "CVode",
1394                          MSGCV_INACTIVE_ROOTS);
1395         }
1396       }
1398     }
1400     /* In NORMAL mode, check if tout reached */
1401     if ( (itask == CV_NORMAL) &&  (cv_mem->cv_tn-tout)*cv_mem->cv_h >= ZERO ) {
1402       istate = CV_SUCCESS;
1403       cv_mem->cv_tretlast = *tret = tout;
1404       (void) CVodeGetDky(cv_mem, tout, 0, yout);
1405       cv_mem->cv_next_q = cv_mem->cv_qprime;
1406       cv_mem->cv_next_h = cv_mem->cv_hprime;
1407       break;
1408     }
1410     /* Check if tn is at tstop or near tstop */
1411     if ( cv_mem->cv_tstopset ) {
1413       troundoff = FUZZ_FACTOR * cv_mem->cv_uround *
1414         (SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_tn) + SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_h));
1415       if ( SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_tn - cv_mem->cv_tstop) <= troundoff) {
1416         (void) CVodeGetDky(cv_mem, cv_mem->cv_tstop, 0, yout);
1417         cv_mem->cv_tretlast = *tret = cv_mem->cv_tstop;
1418         cv_mem->cv_tstopset = SUNFALSE;
1419         istate = CV_TSTOP_RETURN;
1420         break;
1421       }
1423       if ( (cv_mem->cv_tn + cv_mem->cv_hprime - cv_mem->cv_tstop)*cv_mem->cv_h > ZERO ) {
1424         cv_mem->cv_hprime = (cv_mem->cv_tstop - cv_mem->cv_tn)*(ONE-FOUR*cv_mem->cv_uround);
1425         cv_mem->cv_eta = cv_mem->cv_hprime / cv_mem->cv_h;
1426       }
1428     }
1430     /* In ONE_STEP mode, copy y and exit loop */
1431     if (itask == CV_ONE_STEP) {
1432       istate = CV_SUCCESS;
1433       cv_mem->cv_tretlast = *tret = cv_mem->cv_tn;
1434       N_VScale(ONE, cv_mem->cv_zn[0], yout);
1435       cv_mem->cv_next_q = cv_mem->cv_qprime;
1436       cv_mem->cv_next_h = cv_mem->cv_hprime;
1437       break;
1438     }
1440   } /* end looping for internal steps */
1442   return(istate);
1443 }
1445 /*
1446  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
1447  * Interpolated output and extraction functions
1448  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
1449  */
1451 /*
1452  * CVodeGetDky
1453  *
1454  * This routine computes the k-th derivative of the interpolating
1455  * polynomial at the time t and stores the result in the vector dky.
1456  * The formula is:
1457  *         q
1458  *  dky = SUM c(j,k) * (t - tn)^(j-k) * h^(-j) * zn[j] ,
1459  *        j=k
1460  * where c(j,k) = j*(j-1)*...*(j-k+1), q is the current order, and
1461  * zn[j] is the j-th column of the Nordsieck history array.
1462  *
1463  * This function is called by CVode with k = 0 and t = tout, but
1464  * may also be called directly by the user.
1465  */
CVodeGetDky(void * cvode_mem,realtype t,int k,N_Vector dky)1467 int CVodeGetDky(void *cvode_mem, realtype t, int k, N_Vector dky)
1468 {
1469   realtype s, r;
1470   realtype tfuzz, tp, tn1;
1471   int i, j, nvec, ier;
1472   CVodeMem cv_mem;
1474   /* Check all inputs for legality */
1476   if (cvode_mem == NULL) {
1477     cvProcessError(NULL, CV_MEM_NULL, "CVODE", "CVodeGetDky", MSGCV_NO_MEM);
1478     return(CV_MEM_NULL);
1479   }
1480   cv_mem = (CVodeMem) cvode_mem;
1482   if (dky == NULL) {
1483     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_BAD_DKY, "CVODE", "CVodeGetDky", MSGCV_NULL_DKY);
1484     return(CV_BAD_DKY);
1485   }
1487   if ((k < 0) || (k > cv_mem->cv_q)) {
1488     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_BAD_K, "CVODE", "CVodeGetDky", MSGCV_BAD_K);
1489     return(CV_BAD_K);
1490   }
1492   /* Allow for some slack */
1493   tfuzz = FUZZ_FACTOR * cv_mem->cv_uround *
1494     (SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_tn) + SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_hu));
1495   if (cv_mem->cv_hu < ZERO) tfuzz = -tfuzz;
1496   tp = cv_mem->cv_tn - cv_mem->cv_hu - tfuzz;
1497   tn1 = cv_mem->cv_tn + tfuzz;
1498   if ((t-tp)*(t-tn1) > ZERO) {
1499     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_BAD_T, "CVODE", "CVodeGetDky", MSGCV_BAD_T,
1500                    t, cv_mem->cv_tn-cv_mem->cv_hu, cv_mem->cv_tn);
1501     return(CV_BAD_T);
1502   }
1504   /* Sum the differentiated interpolating polynomial */
1505   nvec = 0;
1507   s = (t - cv_mem->cv_tn) / cv_mem->cv_h;
1508   for (j=cv_mem->cv_q; j >= k; j--) {
1509     cv_mem->cv_cvals[nvec] = ONE;
1510     for (i=j; i >= j-k+1; i--)
1511       cv_mem->cv_cvals[nvec] *= i;
1512     for (i=0; i < j-k; i++)
1513       cv_mem->cv_cvals[nvec] *= s;
1514     cv_mem->cv_Xvecs[nvec] = cv_mem->cv_zn[j];
1515     nvec += 1;
1516   }
1517   ier = N_VLinearCombination(nvec, cv_mem->cv_cvals, cv_mem->cv_Xvecs, dky);
1518   if (ier != CV_SUCCESS) return (CV_VECTOROP_ERR);
1520   if (k == 0) return(CV_SUCCESS);
1521   r = SUNRpowerI(cv_mem->cv_h, -k);
1522   N_VScale(r, dky, dky);
1523   return(CV_SUCCESS);
1524 }
1526 /*
1527  * CVodeComputeState
1528  *
1529  * Computes y based on the current prediction and given correction.
1530  */
CVodeComputeState(void * cvode_mem,N_Vector ycor,N_Vector y)1532 int CVodeComputeState(void *cvode_mem, N_Vector ycor, N_Vector y)
1533 {
1534   CVodeMem cv_mem;
1536   if (cvode_mem == NULL) {
1537     cvProcessError(NULL, CV_MEM_NULL, "CVODE", "CVodeComputeState",
1538                    MSGCV_NO_MEM);
1539     return(CV_MEM_NULL);
1540   }
1542   cv_mem = (CVodeMem) cvode_mem;
1544   N_VLinearSum(ONE, cv_mem->cv_zn[0], ONE, ycor, y);
1546   return(CV_SUCCESS);
1547 }
1549 /*
1550  * CVodeFree
1551  *
1552  * This routine frees the problem memory allocated by CVodeInit.
1553  * Such memory includes all the vectors allocated by cvAllocVectors,
1554  * and the memory lmem for the linear solver (deallocated by a call
1555  * to lfree).
1556  */
CVodeFree(void ** cvode_mem)1558 void CVodeFree(void **cvode_mem)
1559 {
1560   CVodeMem cv_mem;
1562   if (*cvode_mem == NULL) return;
1564   cv_mem = (CVodeMem) (*cvode_mem);
1566   cvFreeVectors(cv_mem);
1568   /* if CVODE created the nonlinear solver object then free it */
1569   if (cv_mem->ownNLS) {
1570     SUNNonlinSolFree(cv_mem->NLS);
1571     cv_mem->ownNLS = SUNFALSE;
1572     cv_mem->NLS = NULL;
1573   }
1575   if (cv_mem->cv_lfree != NULL) cv_mem->cv_lfree(cv_mem);
1577   if (cv_mem->cv_nrtfn > 0) {
1578     free(cv_mem->cv_glo); cv_mem->cv_glo = NULL;
1579     free(cv_mem->cv_ghi); cv_mem->cv_ghi = NULL;
1580     free(cv_mem->cv_grout); cv_mem->cv_grout = NULL;
1581     free(cv_mem->cv_iroots); cv_mem->cv_iroots = NULL;
1582     free(cv_mem->cv_rootdir); cv_mem->cv_rootdir = NULL;
1583     free(cv_mem->cv_gactive); cv_mem->cv_gactive = NULL;
1584   }
1586   free(*cvode_mem);
1587   *cvode_mem = NULL;
1588 }
1590 /*
1591  * =================================================================
1592  *  Private Functions Implementation
1593  * =================================================================
1594  */
1596 /*
1597  * cvCheckNvector
1598  * This routine checks if all required vector operations are present.
1599  * If any of them is missing it returns SUNFALSE.
1600  */
cvCheckNvector(N_Vector tmpl)1602 static booleantype cvCheckNvector(N_Vector tmpl)
1603 {
1604   if((tmpl->ops->nvclone     == NULL) ||
1605      (tmpl->ops->nvdestroy   == NULL) ||
1606      (tmpl->ops->nvlinearsum == NULL) ||
1607      (tmpl->ops->nvconst     == NULL) ||
1608      (tmpl->ops->nvprod      == NULL) ||
1609      (tmpl->ops->nvdiv       == NULL) ||
1610      (tmpl->ops->nvscale     == NULL) ||
1611      (tmpl->ops->nvabs       == NULL) ||
1612      (tmpl->ops->nvinv       == NULL) ||
1613      (tmpl->ops->nvaddconst  == NULL) ||
1614      (tmpl->ops->nvmaxnorm   == NULL) ||
1615      (tmpl->ops->nvwrmsnorm  == NULL))
1616     return(SUNFALSE);
1617   else
1618     return(SUNTRUE);
1619 }
1621 /*
1622  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
1623  * Memory allocation/deallocation
1624  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
1625  */
1627 /*
1628  * cvAllocVectors
1629  *
1630  * This routine allocates the CVODE vectors ewt, acor, tempv, ftemp, and
1631  * zn[0], ..., zn[maxord].
1632  * If all memory allocations are successful, cvAllocVectors returns SUNTRUE.
1633  * Otherwise all allocated memory is freed and cvAllocVectors returns SUNFALSE.
1634  * This routine also sets the optional outputs lrw and liw, which are
1635  * (respectively) the lengths of the real and integer work spaces
1636  * allocated here.
1637  */
cvAllocVectors(CVodeMem cv_mem,N_Vector tmpl)1639 static booleantype cvAllocVectors(CVodeMem cv_mem, N_Vector tmpl)
1640 {
1641   int i, j;
1643   /* Allocate ewt, acor, tempv, ftemp */
1645   cv_mem->cv_ewt = N_VClone(tmpl);
1646   if (cv_mem->cv_ewt == NULL) return(SUNFALSE);
1648   cv_mem->cv_acor = N_VClone(tmpl);
1649   if (cv_mem->cv_acor == NULL) {
1650     N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_ewt);
1651     return(SUNFALSE);
1652   }
1654   cv_mem->cv_tempv = N_VClone(tmpl);
1655   if (cv_mem->cv_tempv == NULL) {
1656     N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_ewt);
1657     N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_acor);
1658     return(SUNFALSE);
1659   }
1661   cv_mem->cv_ftemp = N_VClone(tmpl);
1662   if (cv_mem->cv_ftemp == NULL) {
1663     N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_tempv);
1664     N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_ewt);
1665     N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_acor);
1666     return(SUNFALSE);
1667   }
1669   cv_mem->cv_vtemp1 = N_VClone(tmpl);
1670   if (cv_mem->cv_vtemp1 == NULL) {
1671     N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_ftemp);
1672     N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_tempv);
1673     N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_ewt);
1674     N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_acor);
1675     return(SUNFALSE);
1676   }
1678   cv_mem->cv_vtemp2 = N_VClone(tmpl);
1679   if (cv_mem->cv_vtemp2 == NULL) {
1680     N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_vtemp1);
1681     N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_ftemp);
1682     N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_tempv);
1683     N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_ewt);
1684     N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_acor);
1685     return(SUNFALSE);
1686   }
1688   cv_mem->cv_vtemp3 = N_VClone(tmpl);
1689   if (cv_mem->cv_vtemp3 == NULL) {
1690     N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_vtemp2);
1691     N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_vtemp1);
1692     N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_ftemp);
1693     N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_tempv);
1694     N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_ewt);
1695     N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_acor);
1696     return(SUNFALSE);
1697   }
1699   /* Allocate zn[0] ... zn[qmax] */
1701   for (j=0; j <= cv_mem->cv_qmax; j++) {
1702     cv_mem->cv_zn[j] = N_VClone(tmpl);
1703     if (cv_mem->cv_zn[j] == NULL) {
1704       N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_ewt);
1705       N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_acor);
1706       N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_tempv);
1707       N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_ftemp);
1708       N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_vtemp1);
1709       N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_vtemp2);
1710       N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_vtemp3);
1711       for (i=0; i < j; i++) N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_zn[i]);
1712       return(SUNFALSE);
1713     }
1714   }
1716   /* Update solver workspace lengths  */
1717   cv_mem->cv_lrw += (cv_mem->cv_qmax + 8)*cv_mem->cv_lrw1;
1718   cv_mem->cv_liw += (cv_mem->cv_qmax + 8)*cv_mem->cv_liw1;
1720   /* Store the value of qmax used here */
1721   cv_mem->cv_qmax_alloc = cv_mem->cv_qmax;
1723   return(SUNTRUE);
1724 }
1726 /*
1727  * cvFreeVectors
1728  *
1729  * This routine frees the vectors allocated in cvAllocVectors.
1730  */
cvFreeVectors(CVodeMem cv_mem)1732 static void cvFreeVectors(CVodeMem cv_mem)
1733 {
1734   int j, maxord;
1736   maxord = cv_mem->cv_qmax_alloc;
1738   N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_ewt);
1739   N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_acor);
1740   N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_tempv);
1741   N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_ftemp);
1742   N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_vtemp1);
1743   N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_vtemp2);
1744   N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_vtemp3);
1745   for (j=0; j <= maxord; j++) N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_zn[j]);
1747   cv_mem->cv_lrw -= (maxord + 8)*cv_mem->cv_lrw1;
1748   cv_mem->cv_liw -= (maxord + 8)*cv_mem->cv_liw1;
1750   if (cv_mem->cv_VabstolMallocDone) {
1751     N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_Vabstol);
1752     cv_mem->cv_lrw -= cv_mem->cv_lrw1;
1753     cv_mem->cv_liw -= cv_mem->cv_liw1;
1754   }
1756   if (cv_mem->cv_constraintsMallocDone) {
1757     N_VDestroy(cv_mem->cv_constraints);
1758     cv_mem->cv_lrw -= cv_mem->cv_lrw1;
1759     cv_mem->cv_liw -= cv_mem->cv_liw1;
1760   }
1761 }
1764 /*
1765  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
1766  * Initial setup
1767  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
1768  */
1771 /*
1772  * cvInitialSetup
1773  *
1774  * This routine performs input consistency checks at the first step.
1775  * If needed, it also checks the linear solver module and calls the
1776  * linear solver initialization routine.
1777  */
cvInitialSetup(CVodeMem cv_mem)1779 static int cvInitialSetup(CVodeMem cv_mem)
1780 {
1781   int ier;
1782   booleantype conOK;
1784   /* Did the user specify tolerances? */
1785   if (cv_mem->cv_itol == CV_NN) {
1786     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_ILL_INPUT, "CVODE", "cvInitialSetup",
1787                    MSGCV_NO_TOL);
1788     return(CV_ILL_INPUT);
1789   }
1791   /* If using a built-in routine for error weights with abstol==0,
1792      ensure that N_VMin is available */
1793   if ((!cv_mem->cv_user_efun) && (cv_mem->cv_atolmin0) && (!cv_mem->cv_tempv->ops->nvmin)) {
1794     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_ILL_INPUT, "CVODE", "cvInitialSetup",
1795                    "Missing N_VMin routine from N_Vector");
1796     return(CV_ILL_INPUT);
1797   }
1799   /* Set data for efun */
1800   if (cv_mem->cv_user_efun) cv_mem->cv_e_data = cv_mem->cv_user_data;
1801   else                      cv_mem->cv_e_data = cv_mem;
1803   /* Check to see if y0 satisfies constraints */
1804   if (cv_mem->cv_constraintsSet) {
1805     conOK = N_VConstrMask(cv_mem->cv_constraints, cv_mem->cv_zn[0], cv_mem->cv_tempv);
1806     if (!conOK) {
1807       cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_ILL_INPUT, "CVODE", "cvInitialSetup",
1808                      MSGCV_Y0_FAIL_CONSTR);
1809       return(CV_ILL_INPUT);
1810     }
1811   }
1813   /* Load initial error weights */
1814   ier = cv_mem->cv_efun(cv_mem->cv_zn[0], cv_mem->cv_ewt, cv_mem->cv_e_data);
1815   if (ier != 0) {
1816     if (cv_mem->cv_itol == CV_WF)
1817       cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_ILL_INPUT, "CVODE", "cvInitialSetup",
1818                      MSGCV_EWT_FAIL);
1819     else
1820       cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_ILL_INPUT, "CVODE", "cvInitialSetup",
1821                      MSGCV_BAD_EWT);
1822     return(CV_ILL_INPUT);
1823   }
1825   /* Call linit function (if it exists) */
1826   if (cv_mem->cv_linit != NULL) {
1827     ier = cv_mem->cv_linit(cv_mem);
1828     if (ier != 0) {
1829       cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_LINIT_FAIL, "CVODE", "cvInitialSetup",
1830                      MSGCV_LINIT_FAIL);
1831       return(CV_LINIT_FAIL);
1832     }
1833   }
1835   /* Initialize the nonlinear solver (must occur after linear solver is
1836      initialized) so that lsetup and lsolve pointer have been set */
1837   ier = cvNlsInit(cv_mem);
1838   if (ier != 0) {
1839     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_NLS_INIT_FAIL, "CVODE", "cvInitialSetup",
1840                    MSGCV_NLS_INIT_FAIL);
1841     return(CV_NLS_INIT_FAIL);
1842   }
1844   /* Initialize projection data */
1845   if (cv_mem->proj_enabled && cv_mem->proj_mem == NULL) {
1846     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_PROJ_MEM_NULL, "CVODE",
1847                    "cvInitialSetup", MSG_CV_PROJ_MEM_NULL);
1848     return(CV_PROJ_MEM_NULL);
1849   }
1851   if (cv_mem->proj_mem != NULL) {
1852     ier = cvProjInit(cv_mem->proj_mem);
1853     if (ier != CV_SUCCESS) {
1854       cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_MEM_FAIL, "CVODE", "cvInitialSetup",
1855                      MSGCV_MEM_FAIL);
1856       return(CV_MEM_FAIL);
1857     }
1858     cv_mem->proj_applied = SUNFALSE;
1859   }
1861   /* Initial setup complete */
1862   return(CV_SUCCESS);
1863 }
1866 /*
1867  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
1868  * Initial stepsize calculation
1869  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
1870  */
1872 /*
1873  * cvHin
1874  *
1875  * This routine computes a tentative initial step size h0.
1876  * If tout is too close to tn (= t0), then cvHin returns CV_TOO_CLOSE
1877  * and h remains uninitialized. Note that here tout is either the value
1878  * passed to CVode at the first call or the value of tstop (if tstop is
1879  * enabled and it is closer to t0=tn than tout).
1880  * If the RHS function fails unrecoverably, cvHin returns CV_RHSFUNC_FAIL.
1881  * If the RHS function fails recoverably too many times and recovery is
1882  * not possible, cvHin returns CV_REPTD_RHSFUNC_ERR.
1883  * Otherwise, cvHin sets h to the chosen value h0 and returns CV_SUCCESS.
1884  *
1885  * The algorithm used seeks to find h0 as a solution of
1886  *       (WRMS norm of (h0^2 ydd / 2)) = 1,
1887  * where ydd = estimated second derivative of y.
1888  *
1889  * We start with an initial estimate equal to the geometric mean of the
1890  * lower and upper bounds on the step size.
1891  *
1892  * Loop up to MAX_ITERS times to find h0.
1893  * Stop if new and previous values differ by a factor < 2.
1894  * Stop if hnew/hg > 2 after one iteration, as this probably means
1895  * that the ydd value is bad because of cancellation error.
1896  *
1897  * For each new proposed hg, we allow MAX_ITERS attempts to
1898  * resolve a possible recoverable failure from f() by reducing
1899  * the proposed stepsize by a factor of 0.2. If a legal stepsize
1900  * still cannot be found, fall back on a previous value if possible,
1901  * or else return CV_REPTD_RHSFUNC_ERR.
1902  *
1903  * Finally, we apply a bias (0.5) and verify that h0 is within bounds.
1904  */
cvHin(CVodeMem cv_mem,realtype tout)1906 static int cvHin(CVodeMem cv_mem, realtype tout)
1907 {
1908   int retval, sign, count1, count2;
1909   realtype tdiff, tdist, tround, hlb, hub;
1910   realtype hg, hgs, hs, hnew, hrat, h0, yddnrm;
1911   booleantype hgOK;
1913   /* If tout is too close to tn, give up */
1915   if ((tdiff = tout-cv_mem->cv_tn) == ZERO) return(CV_TOO_CLOSE);
1917   sign = (tdiff > ZERO) ? 1 : -1;
1918   tdist = SUNRabs(tdiff);
1919   tround = cv_mem->cv_uround * SUNMAX(SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_tn), SUNRabs(tout));
1921   if (tdist < TWO*tround) return(CV_TOO_CLOSE);
1923   /*
1924      Set lower and upper bounds on h0, and take geometric mean
1925      as first trial value.
1926      Exit with this value if the bounds cross each other.
1927   */
1929   hlb = HLB_FACTOR * tround;
1930   hub = cvUpperBoundH0(cv_mem, tdist);
1932   hg  = SUNRsqrt(hlb*hub);
1934   if (hub < hlb) {
1935     if (sign == -1) cv_mem->cv_h = -hg;
1936     else            cv_mem->cv_h =  hg;
1937     return(CV_SUCCESS);
1938   }
1940   /* Outer loop */
1942   hs = hg;         /* safeguard against 'uninitialized variable' warning */
1944   for(count1 = 1; count1 <= MAX_ITERS; count1++) {
1946     /* Attempts to estimate ydd */
1948     hgOK = SUNFALSE;
1950     for (count2 = 1; count2 <= MAX_ITERS; count2++) {
1951       hgs = hg*sign;
1952       retval = cvYddNorm(cv_mem, hgs, &yddnrm);
1953       /* If the RHS function failed unrecoverably, give up */
1954       if (retval < 0) return(CV_RHSFUNC_FAIL);
1955       /* If successful, we can use ydd */
1956       if (retval == CV_SUCCESS) {hgOK = SUNTRUE; break;}
1957       /* The RHS function failed recoverably; cut step size and test again */
1958       hg *= POINT2;
1959     }
1961     /* If the RHS function failed recoverably MAX_ITERS times */
1963     if (!hgOK) {
1964       /* Exit if this is the first or second pass. No recovery possible */
1965       if (count1 <= 2) return(CV_REPTD_RHSFUNC_ERR);
1966       /* We have a fall-back option. The value hs is a previous hnew which
1967          passed through f(). Use it and break */
1968       hnew = hs;
1969       break;
1970     }
1972     /* The proposed step size is feasible. Save it. */
1973     hs = hg;
1975     /* Propose new step size */
1976     hnew = (yddnrm*hub*hub > TWO) ? SUNRsqrt(TWO/yddnrm) : SUNRsqrt(hg*hub);
1978     /* If last pass, stop now with hnew */
1979     if (count1 == MAX_ITERS) break;
1981     hrat = hnew/hg;
1983     /* Accept hnew if it does not differ from hg by more than a factor of 2 */
1984     if ((hrat > HALF) && (hrat < TWO)) break;
1986     /* After one pass, if ydd seems to be bad, use fall-back value. */
1987     if ((count1 > 1) && (hrat > TWO)) {
1988       hnew = hg;
1989       break;
1990     }
1992     /* Send this value back through f() */
1993     hg = hnew;
1995   }
1997   /* Apply bounds, bias factor, and attach sign */
1999   h0 = H_BIAS*hnew;
2000   if (h0 < hlb) h0 = hlb;
2001   if (h0 > hub) h0 = hub;
2002   if (sign == -1) h0 = -h0;
2003   cv_mem->cv_h = h0;
2005   return(CV_SUCCESS);
2006 }
2008 /*
2009  * cvUpperBoundH0
2010  *
2011  * This routine sets an upper bound on abs(h0) based on
2012  * tdist = tn - t0 and the values of y[i]/y'[i].
2013  */
cvUpperBoundH0(CVodeMem cv_mem,realtype tdist)2015 static realtype cvUpperBoundH0(CVodeMem cv_mem, realtype tdist)
2016 {
2017   realtype hub_inv, hub;
2018   N_Vector temp1, temp2;
2020   /*
2021    * Bound based on |y0|/|y0'| -- allow at most an increase of
2022    * HUB_FACTOR in y0 (based on a forward Euler step). The weight
2023    * factor is used as a safeguard against zero components in y0.
2024    */
2026   temp1 = cv_mem->cv_tempv;
2027   temp2 = cv_mem->cv_acor;
2029   N_VAbs(cv_mem->cv_zn[0], temp2);
2030   cv_mem->cv_efun(cv_mem->cv_zn[0], temp1, cv_mem->cv_e_data);
2031   N_VInv(temp1, temp1);
2032   N_VLinearSum(HUB_FACTOR, temp2, ONE, temp1, temp1);
2034   N_VAbs(cv_mem->cv_zn[1], temp2);
2036   N_VDiv(temp2, temp1, temp1);
2037   hub_inv = N_VMaxNorm(temp1);
2039   /*
2040    * bound based on tdist -- allow at most a step of magnitude
2041    * HUB_FACTOR * tdist
2042    */
2044   hub = HUB_FACTOR*tdist;
2046   /* Use the smaller of the two */
2048   if (hub*hub_inv > ONE) hub = ONE/hub_inv;
2050   return(hub);
2051 }
2053 /*
2054  * cvYddNorm
2055  *
2056  * This routine computes an estimate of the second derivative of y
2057  * using a difference quotient, and returns its WRMS norm.
2058  */
cvYddNorm(CVodeMem cv_mem,realtype hg,realtype * yddnrm)2060 static int cvYddNorm(CVodeMem cv_mem, realtype hg, realtype *yddnrm)
2061 {
2062   int retval;
2064   N_VLinearSum(hg, cv_mem->cv_zn[1], ONE, cv_mem->cv_zn[0], cv_mem->cv_y);
2065   retval = cv_mem->cv_f(cv_mem->cv_tn+hg, cv_mem->cv_y,
2066                         cv_mem->cv_tempv, cv_mem->cv_user_data);
2067   cv_mem->cv_nfe++;
2068   if (retval < 0) return(CV_RHSFUNC_FAIL);
2069   if (retval > 0) return(RHSFUNC_RECVR);
2071   N_VLinearSum(ONE/hg, cv_mem->cv_tempv, -ONE/hg, cv_mem->cv_zn[1], cv_mem->cv_tempv);
2073   *yddnrm = N_VWrmsNorm(cv_mem->cv_tempv, cv_mem->cv_ewt);
2075   return(CV_SUCCESS);
2076 }
2079 /*
2080  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
2081  * Main cvStep function
2082  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
2083  */
2085 /*
2086  * cvStep
2087  *
2088  * This routine performs one internal cvode step, from tn to tn + h.
2089  * It calls other routines to do all the work.
2090  *
2091  * The main operations done here are as follows:
2092  * - preliminary adjustments if a new step size was chosen;
2093  * - prediction of the Nordsieck history array zn at tn + h;
2094  * - setting of multistep method coefficients and test quantities;
2095  * - solution of the nonlinear system;
2096  * - testing the local error;
2097  * - updating zn and other state data if successful;
2098  * - resetting stepsize and order for the next step.
2099  * - if SLDET is on, check for stability, reduce order if necessary.
2100  * On a failure in the nonlinear system solution or error test, the
2101  * step may be reattempted, depending on the nature of the failure.
2102  */
cvStep(CVodeMem cv_mem)2104 static int cvStep(CVodeMem cv_mem)
2105 {
2106   realtype saved_t;          /* time to restore to if a failure occurs   */
2107   realtype dsm;              /* local truncation error estimate          */
2108   int ncf;                   /* corrector failures in this step attempt  */
2109   int npf;                   /* projection failures in this step attempt */
2110   int nef;                   /* error test failures in this step attempt */
2111   int nflag, kflag;          /* nonlinear solver flags                   */
2112   int pflag;                 /* projection return flag                   */
2113   int eflag;                 /* error test return flag                   */
2114   booleantype doProjection;  /* flag to apply projection in this step    */
2116   saved_t = cv_mem->cv_tn;
2117   ncf = npf = nef = 0;
2118   nflag = FIRST_CALL;
2119   doProjection = SUNFALSE;
2121   /* If the step size has changed, update the history array */
2122   if ((cv_mem->cv_nst > 0) && (cv_mem->cv_hprime != cv_mem->cv_h)) {
2123     cvAdjustParams(cv_mem);
2124   }
2126   /* Check if this step should be projected */
2127   if (cv_mem->proj_enabled)
2128     doProjection = cv_mem->proj_mem->freq > 0 &&
2129       (cv_mem->cv_nst == 0 || (cv_mem->cv_nst >= cv_mem->proj_mem->nstlprj
2130                                + cv_mem->proj_mem->freq));
2132   /* Looping point for attempts to take a step */
2133   for(;;) {
2135     cvPredict(cv_mem);
2136     cvSet(cv_mem);
2138     nflag = cvNls(cv_mem, nflag);
2139     kflag = cvHandleNFlag(cv_mem, &nflag, saved_t, &ncf);
2141     /* Go back in loop if we need to predict again (nflag=PREV_CONV_FAIL) */
2142     if (kflag == PREDICT_AGAIN) continue;
2144     /* Return if nonlinear solve failed and recovery is not possible. */
2145     if (kflag != DO_ERROR_TEST) return(kflag);
2147     /* Check if a projection needs to be performed */
2148     cv_mem->proj_applied = SUNFALSE;
2150     if (doProjection) {
2152       /* Perform projection (nflag=CV_SUCCESS) */
2153       pflag = cvDoProjection(cv_mem, &nflag, saved_t, &npf);
2155       /* Go back in loop if we need to predict again (nflag=PREV_PROJ_FAIL) */
2156       if (pflag == PREDICT_AGAIN) continue;
2158       /* Return if projection failed and recovery is not possible */
2159       if (pflag != CV_SUCCESS) return(pflag);
2160     }
2162     /* Perform error test (nflag=CV_SUCCESS) */
2163     eflag = cvDoErrorTest(cv_mem, &nflag, saved_t, &nef, &dsm);
2165     /* Go back in loop if we need to predict again (nflag=PREV_ERR_FAIL) */
2166     if (eflag == TRY_AGAIN) continue;
2168     /* Return if error test failed and recovery not possible. */
2169     if (eflag != CV_SUCCESS) return(eflag);
2171     /* Error test passed (eflag=CV_SUCCESS), break from loop */
2172     break;
2174   }
2176   /* Nonlinear system solve and error test were both successful.
2177      Update data, and consider change of step and/or order.       */
2179   cvCompleteStep(cv_mem);
2181   cvPrepareNextStep(cv_mem, dsm);
2183   /* If Stablilty Limit Detection is turned on, call stability limit
2184      detection routine for possible order reduction. */
2186   if (cv_mem->cv_sldeton) cvBDFStab(cv_mem);
2188   cv_mem->cv_etamax = (cv_mem->cv_nst <= SMALL_NST) ? ETAMX2 : ETAMX3;
2190   /*  Finally, we rescale the acor array to be the
2191       estimated local error vector. */
2193   N_VScale(cv_mem->cv_tq[2], cv_mem->cv_acor, cv_mem->cv_acor);
2195   return(CV_SUCCESS);
2196 }
2198 /*
2199  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
2200  * Function called at beginning of step
2201  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
2202  */
2204 /*
2205  * cvAdjustParams
2206  *
2207  * This routine is called when a change in step size was decided upon,
2208  * and it handles the required adjustments to the history array zn.
2209  * If there is to be a change in order, we call cvAdjustOrder and reset
2210  * q, L = q+1, and qwait.  Then in any case, we call cvRescale, which
2211  * resets h and rescales the Nordsieck array.
2212  */
cvAdjustParams(CVodeMem cv_mem)2214 static void cvAdjustParams(CVodeMem cv_mem)
2215 {
2216   if (cv_mem->cv_qprime != cv_mem->cv_q) {
2217     cvAdjustOrder(cv_mem, cv_mem->cv_qprime-cv_mem->cv_q);
2218     cv_mem->cv_q = cv_mem->cv_qprime;
2219     cv_mem->cv_L = cv_mem->cv_q+1;
2220     cv_mem->cv_qwait = cv_mem->cv_L;
2221   }
2222   cvRescale(cv_mem);
2223 }
2225 /*
2226  * cvAdjustOrder
2227  *
2228  * This routine is a high level routine which handles an order
2229  * change by an amount deltaq (= +1 or -1). If a decrease in order
2230  * is requested and q==2, then the routine returns immediately.
2231  * Otherwise cvAdjustAdams or cvAdjustBDF is called to handle the
2232  * order change (depending on the value of lmm).
2233  */
cvAdjustOrder(CVodeMem cv_mem,int deltaq)2235 static void cvAdjustOrder(CVodeMem cv_mem, int deltaq)
2236 {
2237   if ((cv_mem->cv_q==2) && (deltaq != 1)) return;
2239   switch(cv_mem->cv_lmm){
2240   case CV_ADAMS:
2241     cvAdjustAdams(cv_mem, deltaq);
2242     break;
2243   case CV_BDF:
2244     cvAdjustBDF(cv_mem, deltaq);
2245     break;
2246   }
2247 }
2249 /*
2250  * cvAdjustAdams
2251  *
2252  * This routine adjusts the history array on a change of order q by
2253  * deltaq, in the case that lmm == CV_ADAMS.
2254  */
cvAdjustAdams(CVodeMem cv_mem,int deltaq)2256 static void cvAdjustAdams(CVodeMem cv_mem, int deltaq)
2257 {
2258   int i, j;
2259   realtype xi, hsum;
2261   /* On an order increase, set new column of zn to zero and return */
2263   if (deltaq==1) {
2264     N_VConst(ZERO, cv_mem->cv_zn[cv_mem->cv_L]);
2265     return;
2266   }
2268   /*
2269    * On an order decrease, each zn[j] is adjusted by a multiple of zn[q].
2270    * The coeffs. in the adjustment are the coeffs. of the polynomial:
2271    *        x
2272    * q * INT { u * ( u + xi_1 ) * ... * ( u + xi_{q-2} ) } du
2273    *        0
2274    * where xi_j = [t_n - t_(n-j)]/h => xi_0 = 0
2275    */
2277   for (i=0; i <= cv_mem->cv_qmax; i++) cv_mem->cv_l[i] = ZERO;
2278   cv_mem->cv_l[1] = ONE;
2279   hsum = ZERO;
2280   for (j=1; j <= cv_mem->cv_q-2; j++) {
2281     hsum += cv_mem->cv_tau[j];
2282     xi = hsum / cv_mem->cv_hscale;
2283     for (i=j+1; i >= 1; i--)
2284       cv_mem->cv_l[i] = cv_mem->cv_l[i]*xi + cv_mem->cv_l[i-1];
2285   }
2287   for (j=1; j <= cv_mem->cv_q-2; j++)
2288     cv_mem->cv_l[j+1] = cv_mem->cv_q * (cv_mem->cv_l[j] / (j+1));
2290   for (j=2; j < cv_mem->cv_q; j++)
2291     cv_mem->cv_cvals[j-2] = -cv_mem->cv_l[j];
2293   if (cv_mem->cv_q > 2)
2294     (void) N_VScaleAddMulti(cv_mem->cv_q-2, cv_mem->cv_cvals,
2295                             cv_mem->cv_zn[cv_mem->cv_q],
2296                             cv_mem->cv_zn+2, cv_mem->cv_zn+2);
2297 }
2299 /*
2300  * cvAdjustBDF
2301  *
2302  * This is a high level routine which handles adjustments to the
2303  * history array on a change of order by deltaq in the case that
2304  * lmm == CV_BDF.  cvAdjustBDF calls cvIncreaseBDF if deltaq = +1 and
2305  * cvDecreaseBDF if deltaq = -1 to do the actual work.
2306  */
cvAdjustBDF(CVodeMem cv_mem,int deltaq)2308 static void cvAdjustBDF(CVodeMem cv_mem, int deltaq)
2309 {
2310   switch(deltaq) {
2311   case 1:
2312     cvIncreaseBDF(cv_mem);
2313     return;
2314   case -1:
2315     cvDecreaseBDF(cv_mem);
2316     return;
2317   }
2318 }
2320 /*
2321  * cvIncreaseBDF
2322  *
2323  * This routine adjusts the history array on an increase in the
2324  * order q in the case that lmm == CV_BDF.
2325  * A new column zn[q+1] is set equal to a multiple of the saved
2326  * vector (= acor) in zn[indx_acor].  Then each zn[j] is adjusted by
2327  * a multiple of zn[q+1].  The coefficients in the adjustment are the
2328  * coefficients of the polynomial x*x*(x+xi_1)*...*(x+xi_j),
2329  * where xi_j = [t_n - t_(n-j)]/h.
2330  */
cvIncreaseBDF(CVodeMem cv_mem)2332 static void cvIncreaseBDF(CVodeMem cv_mem)
2333 {
2334   realtype alpha0, alpha1, prod, xi, xiold, hsum, A1;
2335   int i, j;
2337   for (i=0; i <= cv_mem->cv_qmax; i++) cv_mem->cv_l[i] = ZERO;
2338   cv_mem->cv_l[2] = alpha1 = prod = xiold = ONE;
2339   alpha0 = -ONE;
2340   hsum = cv_mem->cv_hscale;
2341   if (cv_mem->cv_q > 1) {
2342     for (j=1; j < cv_mem->cv_q; j++) {
2343       hsum += cv_mem->cv_tau[j+1];
2344       xi = hsum / cv_mem->cv_hscale;
2345       prod *= xi;
2346       alpha0 -= ONE / (j+1);
2347       alpha1 += ONE / xi;
2348       for (i=j+2; i >= 2; i--)
2349         cv_mem->cv_l[i] = cv_mem->cv_l[i]*xiold + cv_mem->cv_l[i-1];
2350       xiold = xi;
2351     }
2352   }
2353   A1 = (-alpha0 - alpha1) / prod;
2354   N_VScale(A1, cv_mem->cv_zn[cv_mem->cv_indx_acor],
2355            cv_mem->cv_zn[cv_mem->cv_L]);
2357   /* for (j=2; j <= cv_mem->cv_q; j++) */
2358   if (cv_mem->cv_q > 1)
2359     (void) N_VScaleAddMulti(cv_mem->cv_q-1, cv_mem->cv_l+2,
2360                             cv_mem->cv_zn[cv_mem->cv_L],
2361                             cv_mem->cv_zn+2, cv_mem->cv_zn+2);
2362 }
2364 /*
2365  * cvDecreaseBDF
2366  *
2367  * This routine adjusts the history array on a decrease in the
2368  * order q in the case that lmm == CV_BDF.
2369  * Each zn[j] is adjusted by a multiple of zn[q].  The coefficients
2370  * in the adjustment are the coefficients of the polynomial
2371  *   x*x*(x+xi_1)*...*(x+xi_j), where xi_j = [t_n - t_(n-j)]/h.
2372  */
cvDecreaseBDF(CVodeMem cv_mem)2374 static void cvDecreaseBDF(CVodeMem cv_mem)
2375 {
2376   realtype hsum, xi;
2377   int i, j;
2379   for (i=0; i <= cv_mem->cv_qmax; i++) cv_mem->cv_l[i] = ZERO;
2380   cv_mem->cv_l[2] = ONE;
2381   hsum = ZERO;
2382   for (j=1; j <= cv_mem->cv_q-2; j++) {
2383     hsum += cv_mem->cv_tau[j];
2384     xi = hsum / cv_mem->cv_hscale;
2385     for (i=j+2; i >= 2; i--)
2386       cv_mem->cv_l[i] = cv_mem->cv_l[i]*xi + cv_mem->cv_l[i-1];
2387   }
2389   for (j=2; j < cv_mem->cv_q; j++)
2390     cv_mem->cv_cvals[j-2] = -cv_mem->cv_l[j];
2392   if (cv_mem->cv_q > 2)
2393     (void) N_VScaleAddMulti(cv_mem->cv_q-2, cv_mem->cv_cvals,
2394                             cv_mem->cv_zn[cv_mem->cv_q],
2395                             cv_mem->cv_zn+2, cv_mem->cv_zn+2);
2396 }
2398 /*
2399  * cvRescale
2400  *
2401  * This routine rescales the Nordsieck array by multiplying the
2402  * jth column zn[j] by eta^j, j = 1, ..., q.  Then the value of
2403  * h is rescaled by eta, and hscale is reset to h.
2404  */
cvRescale(CVodeMem cv_mem)2406 void cvRescale(CVodeMem cv_mem)
2407 {
2408   int j;
2410   /* compute scaling factors */
2411   cv_mem->cv_cvals[0] = cv_mem->cv_eta;
2412   for (j=1; j <= cv_mem->cv_q; j++)
2413     cv_mem->cv_cvals[j] = cv_mem->cv_eta * cv_mem->cv_cvals[j-1];
2415   (void) N_VScaleVectorArray(cv_mem->cv_q, cv_mem->cv_cvals,
2416                              cv_mem->cv_zn+1, cv_mem->cv_zn+1);
2418   cv_mem->cv_h = cv_mem->cv_hscale * cv_mem->cv_eta;
2419   cv_mem->cv_next_h = cv_mem->cv_h;
2420   cv_mem->cv_hscale = cv_mem->cv_h;
2421   cv_mem->cv_nscon = 0;
2422 }
2424 /*
2425  * cvPredict
2426  *
2427  * This routine advances tn by the tentative step size h, and computes
2428  * the predicted array z_n(0), which is overwritten on zn.  The
2429  * prediction of zn is done by repeated additions.
2430  * If tstop is enabled, it is possible for tn + h to be past tstop by roundoff,
2431  * and in that case, we reset tn (after incrementing by h) to tstop.
2432  */
cvPredict(CVodeMem cv_mem)2434 static void cvPredict(CVodeMem cv_mem)
2435 {
2436   int j, k;
2438   cv_mem->cv_tn += cv_mem->cv_h;
2439   if (cv_mem->cv_tstopset) {
2440     if ((cv_mem->cv_tn - cv_mem->cv_tstop)*cv_mem->cv_h > ZERO)
2441       cv_mem->cv_tn = cv_mem->cv_tstop;
2442   }
2444   for (k = 1; k <= cv_mem->cv_q; k++)
2445     for (j = cv_mem->cv_q; j >= k; j--)
2446       N_VLinearSum(ONE, cv_mem->cv_zn[j-1], ONE,
2447                    cv_mem->cv_zn[j], cv_mem->cv_zn[j-1]);
2448 }
2450 /*
2451  * cvSet
2452  *
2453  * This routine is a high level routine which calls cvSetAdams or
2454  * cvSetBDF to set the polynomial l, the test quantity array tq,
2455  * and the related variables  rl1, gamma, and gamrat.
2456  *
2457  * The array tq is loaded with constants used in the control of estimated
2458  * local errors and in the nonlinear convergence test.  Specifically, while
2459  * running at order q, the components of tq are as follows:
2460  *   tq[1] = a coefficient used to get the est. local error at order q-1
2461  *   tq[2] = a coefficient used to get the est. local error at order q
2462  *   tq[3] = a coefficient used to get the est. local error at order q+1
2463  *   tq[4] = constant used in nonlinear iteration convergence test
2464  *   tq[5] = coefficient used to get the order q+2 derivative vector used in
2465  *           the est. local error at order q+1
2466  */
cvSet(CVodeMem cv_mem)2468 static void cvSet(CVodeMem cv_mem)
2469 {
2470   switch(cv_mem->cv_lmm) {
2471   case CV_ADAMS:
2472     cvSetAdams(cv_mem);
2473     break;
2474   case CV_BDF:
2475     cvSetBDF(cv_mem);
2476     break;
2477   }
2478   cv_mem->cv_rl1 = ONE / cv_mem->cv_l[1];
2479   cv_mem->cv_gamma = cv_mem->cv_h * cv_mem->cv_rl1;
2480   if (cv_mem->cv_nst == 0) cv_mem->cv_gammap = cv_mem->cv_gamma;
2481   cv_mem->cv_gamrat = (cv_mem->cv_nst > 0) ?
2482     cv_mem->cv_gamma / cv_mem->cv_gammap : ONE;  /* protect x / x != 1.0 */
2483 }
2485 /*
2486  * cvSetAdams
2487  *
2488  * This routine handles the computation of l and tq for the
2489  * case lmm == CV_ADAMS.
2490  *
2491  * The components of the array l are the coefficients of a
2492  * polynomial Lambda(x) = l_0 + l_1 x + ... + l_q x^q, given by
2493  *                          q-1
2494  * (d/dx) Lambda(x) = c * PRODUCT (1 + x / xi_i) , where
2495  *                          i=1
2496  *  Lambda(-1) = 0, Lambda(0) = 1, and c is a normalization factor.
2497  * Here xi_i = [t_n - t_(n-i)] / h.
2498  *
2499  * The array tq is set to test quantities used in the convergence
2500  * test, the error test, and the selection of h at a new order.
2501  */
cvSetAdams(CVodeMem cv_mem)2503 static void cvSetAdams(CVodeMem cv_mem)
2504 {
2505   realtype m[L_MAX], M[3], hsum;
2507   if (cv_mem->cv_q == 1) {
2508     cv_mem->cv_l[0] = cv_mem->cv_l[1] = cv_mem->cv_tq[1] = cv_mem->cv_tq[5] = ONE;
2509     cv_mem->cv_tq[2] = HALF;
2510     cv_mem->cv_tq[3] = ONE/TWELVE;
2511     cv_mem->cv_tq[4] = cv_mem->cv_nlscoef / cv_mem->cv_tq[2];       /* = 0.1 / tq[2] */
2512     return;
2513   }
2515   hsum = cvAdamsStart(cv_mem, m);
2517   M[0] = cvAltSum(cv_mem->cv_q-1, m, 1);
2518   M[1] = cvAltSum(cv_mem->cv_q-1, m, 2);
2520   cvAdamsFinish(cv_mem, m, M, hsum);
2521 }
2523 /*
2524  * cvAdamsStart
2525  *
2526  * This routine generates in m[] the coefficients of the product
2527  * polynomial needed for the Adams l and tq coefficients for q > 1.
2528  */
cvAdamsStart(CVodeMem cv_mem,realtype m[])2530 static realtype cvAdamsStart(CVodeMem cv_mem, realtype m[])
2531 {
2532   realtype hsum, xi_inv, sum;
2533   int i, j;
2535   hsum = cv_mem->cv_h;
2536   m[0] = ONE;
2537   for (i=1; i <= cv_mem->cv_q; i++) m[i] = ZERO;
2538   for (j=1; j < cv_mem->cv_q; j++) {
2539     if ((j==cv_mem->cv_q-1) && (cv_mem->cv_qwait == 1)) {
2540       sum = cvAltSum(cv_mem->cv_q-2, m, 2);
2541       cv_mem->cv_tq[1] = cv_mem->cv_q * sum / m[cv_mem->cv_q-2];
2542     }
2543     xi_inv = cv_mem->cv_h / hsum;
2544     for (i=j; i >= 1; i--) m[i] += m[i-1] * xi_inv;
2545     hsum += cv_mem->cv_tau[j];
2546     /* The m[i] are coefficients of product(1 to j) (1 + x/xi_i) */
2547   }
2548   return(hsum);
2549 }
2551 /*
2552  * cvAdamsFinish
2553  *
2554  * This routine completes the calculation of the Adams l and tq.
2555  */
cvAdamsFinish(CVodeMem cv_mem,realtype m[],realtype M[],realtype hsum)2557 static void cvAdamsFinish(CVodeMem cv_mem, realtype m[], realtype M[], realtype hsum)
2558 {
2559   int i;
2560   realtype M0_inv, xi, xi_inv;
2562   M0_inv = ONE / M[0];
2564   cv_mem->cv_l[0] = ONE;
2565   for (i=1; i <= cv_mem->cv_q; i++)
2566     cv_mem->cv_l[i] = M0_inv * (m[i-1] / i);
2567   xi = hsum / cv_mem->cv_h;
2568   xi_inv = ONE / xi;
2570   cv_mem->cv_tq[2] = M[1] * M0_inv / xi;
2571   cv_mem->cv_tq[5] = xi / cv_mem->cv_l[cv_mem->cv_q];
2573   if (cv_mem->cv_qwait == 1) {
2574     for (i=cv_mem->cv_q; i >= 1; i--) m[i] += m[i-1] * xi_inv;
2575     M[2] = cvAltSum(cv_mem->cv_q, m, 2);
2576     cv_mem->cv_tq[3] = M[2] * M0_inv / cv_mem->cv_L;
2577   }
2579   cv_mem->cv_tq[4] = cv_mem->cv_nlscoef / cv_mem->cv_tq[2];
2580 }
2582 /*
2583  * cvAltSum
2584  *
2585  * cvAltSum returns the value of the alternating sum
2586  *   sum (i= 0 ... iend) [ (-1)^i * (a[i] / (i + k)) ].
2587  * If iend < 0 then cvAltSum returns 0.
2588  * This operation is needed to compute the integral, from -1 to 0,
2589  * of a polynomial x^(k-1) M(x) given the coefficients of M(x).
2590  */
cvAltSum(int iend,realtype a[],int k)2592 static realtype cvAltSum(int iend, realtype a[], int k)
2593 {
2594   int i, sign;
2595   realtype sum;
2597   if (iend < 0) return(ZERO);
2599   sum = ZERO;
2600   sign = 1;
2601   for (i=0; i <= iend; i++) {
2602     sum += sign * (a[i] / (i+k));
2603     sign = -sign;
2604   }
2605   return(sum);
2606 }
2608 /*
2609  * cvSetBDF
2610  *
2611  * This routine computes the coefficients l and tq in the case
2612  * lmm == CV_BDF.  cvSetBDF calls cvSetTqBDF to set the test
2613  * quantity array tq.
2614  *
2615  * The components of the array l are the coefficients of a
2616  * polynomial Lambda(x) = l_0 + l_1 x + ... + l_q x^q, given by
2617  *                                 q-1
2618  * Lambda(x) = (1 + x / xi*_q) * PRODUCT (1 + x / xi_i) , where
2619  *                                 i=1
2620  *
2621  * The components of the array p (for projections) are the
2622  * coefficients of a polynomial Phi(x) = p_0 + p_1 x + ... + p_q x^q,
2623  * given by
2624  *             q
2625  * Phi(x) = PRODUCT (1 + x / xi_i)
2626  *            i=1
2627  *
2628  * Here xi_i = [t_n - t_(n-i)] / h.
2629  *
2630  * The array tq is set to test quantities used in the convergence
2631  * test, the error test, and the selection of h at a new order.
2632  */
cvSetBDF(CVodeMem cv_mem)2634 static void cvSetBDF(CVodeMem cv_mem)
2635 {
2636   realtype alpha0, alpha0_hat, xi_inv, xistar_inv, hsum;
2637   int i,j;
2639   cv_mem->cv_l[0] = cv_mem->cv_l[1] = xi_inv = xistar_inv = ONE;
2640   for (i=2; i <= cv_mem->cv_q; i++) cv_mem->cv_l[i] = ZERO;
2641   alpha0 = alpha0_hat = -ONE;
2642   hsum = cv_mem->cv_h;
2644   if (cv_mem->proj_enabled)
2645     for (i=0; i <= cv_mem->cv_q; i++)
2646       cv_mem->cv_p[i] = cv_mem->cv_l[i];
2648   if (cv_mem->cv_q > 1) {
2649     for (j=2; j < cv_mem->cv_q; j++) {
2650       hsum += cv_mem->cv_tau[j-1];
2651       xi_inv = cv_mem->cv_h / hsum;
2652       alpha0 -= ONE / j;
2653       for (i=j; i >= 1; i--) cv_mem->cv_l[i] += cv_mem->cv_l[i-1]*xi_inv;
2654       /* The l[i] are coefficients of product(1 to j) (1 + x/xi_i) */
2655     }
2657     /* j = q */
2658     alpha0 -= ONE / cv_mem->cv_q;
2659     xistar_inv = -cv_mem->cv_l[1] - alpha0;
2660     hsum += cv_mem->cv_tau[cv_mem->cv_q-1];
2661     xi_inv = cv_mem->cv_h / hsum;
2662     alpha0_hat = -cv_mem->cv_l[1] - xi_inv;
2664     if (cv_mem->proj_enabled)
2665       for (i = cv_mem->cv_q; i >= 1; i--)
2666         cv_mem->cv_p[i] = cv_mem->cv_l[i] + cv_mem->cv_p[i-1] * xi_inv;
2668     for (i=cv_mem->cv_q; i >= 1; i--)
2669       cv_mem->cv_l[i] += cv_mem->cv_l[i-1]*xistar_inv;
2670   }
2672   cvSetTqBDF(cv_mem, hsum, alpha0, alpha0_hat, xi_inv, xistar_inv);
2673 }
2675 /*
2676  * cvSetTqBDF
2677  *
2678  * This routine sets the test quantity array tq in the case
2679  * lmm == CV_BDF.
2680  */
cvSetTqBDF(CVodeMem cv_mem,realtype hsum,realtype alpha0,realtype alpha0_hat,realtype xi_inv,realtype xistar_inv)2682 static void cvSetTqBDF(CVodeMem cv_mem, realtype hsum, realtype alpha0,
2683                        realtype alpha0_hat, realtype xi_inv, realtype xistar_inv)
2684 {
2685   realtype A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6;
2686   realtype C, Cpinv, Cppinv;
2688   A1 = ONE - alpha0_hat + alpha0;
2689   A2 = ONE + cv_mem->cv_q * A1;
2690   cv_mem->cv_tq[2] = SUNRabs(A1 / (alpha0 * A2));
2691   cv_mem->cv_tq[5] = SUNRabs(A2 * xistar_inv / (cv_mem->cv_l[cv_mem->cv_q] * xi_inv));
2692   if (cv_mem->cv_qwait == 1) {
2693     if (cv_mem->cv_q > 1) {
2694       C = xistar_inv / cv_mem->cv_l[cv_mem->cv_q];
2695       A3 = alpha0 + ONE / cv_mem->cv_q;
2696       A4 = alpha0_hat + xi_inv;
2697       Cpinv = (ONE - A4 + A3) / A3;
2698       cv_mem->cv_tq[1] = SUNRabs(C * Cpinv);
2699     }
2700     else cv_mem->cv_tq[1] = ONE;
2701     hsum += cv_mem->cv_tau[cv_mem->cv_q];
2702     xi_inv = cv_mem->cv_h / hsum;
2703     A5 = alpha0 - (ONE / (cv_mem->cv_q+1));
2704     A6 = alpha0_hat - xi_inv;
2705     Cppinv = (ONE - A6 + A5) / A2;
2706     cv_mem->cv_tq[3] = SUNRabs(Cppinv / (xi_inv * (cv_mem->cv_q+2) * A5));
2707   }
2708   cv_mem->cv_tq[4] = cv_mem->cv_nlscoef / cv_mem->cv_tq[2];
2709 }
2711 /*
2712  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
2713  * Nonlinear solver functions
2714  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
2715  */
2717 /*
2718  * cvNls
2719  *
2720  * This routine attempts to solve the nonlinear system associated
2721  * with a single implicit step of the linear multistep method.
2722  */
cvNls(CVodeMem cv_mem,int nflag)2724 static int cvNls(CVodeMem cv_mem, int nflag)
2725 {
2726   int flag = CV_SUCCESS;
2727   booleantype callSetup;
2728   long int nni_inc;
2730   /* Decide whether or not to call setup routine (if one exists) and */
2731   /* set flag convfail (input to lsetup for its evaluation decision) */
2732   if (cv_mem->cv_lsetup) {
2733     cv_mem->convfail = ((nflag == FIRST_CALL) || (nflag == PREV_ERR_FAIL)) ?
2736     callSetup = (nflag == PREV_CONV_FAIL) || (nflag == PREV_ERR_FAIL) ||
2737       (cv_mem->cv_nst == 0) ||
2738       (cv_mem->cv_nst >= cv_mem->cv_nstlp + cv_mem->cv_msbp) ||
2739       (SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_gamrat-ONE) > DGMAX);
2740   } else {
2741     cv_mem->cv_crate = ONE;
2742     callSetup = SUNFALSE;
2743   }
2745   /* initial guess for the correction to the predictor */
2746   N_VConst(ZERO, cv_mem->cv_acor);
2748   /* call nonlinear solver setup if it exists */
2749   if ((cv_mem->NLS)->ops->setup) {
2750     flag = SUNNonlinSolSetup(cv_mem->NLS, cv_mem->cv_acor, cv_mem);
2751     if (flag < 0) return(CV_NLS_SETUP_FAIL);
2752     if (flag > 0) return(SUN_NLS_CONV_RECVR);
2753   }
2755   /* solve the nonlinear system */
2756   flag = SUNNonlinSolSolve(cv_mem->NLS, cv_mem->cv_zn[0], cv_mem->cv_acor,
2757                            cv_mem->cv_ewt, cv_mem->cv_tq[4], callSetup, cv_mem);
2759   /* increment counter */
2760   nni_inc = 0;
2761   (void) SUNNonlinSolGetNumIters(cv_mem->NLS, &(nni_inc));
2762   cv_mem->cv_nni += nni_inc;
2764   /* if the solve failed return */
2765   if (flag != CV_SUCCESS) return(flag);
2767   /* solve successful */
2769   /* update the state based on the final correction from the nonlinear solver */
2770   N_VLinearSum(ONE, cv_mem->cv_zn[0], ONE, cv_mem->cv_acor, cv_mem->cv_y);
2772   /* compute acnrm if is was not already done by the nonlinear solver */
2773   if (!cv_mem->cv_acnrmcur)
2774     cv_mem->cv_acnrm = N_VWrmsNorm(cv_mem->cv_acor, cv_mem->cv_ewt);
2776   /* update Jacobian status */
2777   cv_mem->cv_jcur = SUNFALSE;
2779   /* check inequality constraints */
2780   if (cv_mem->cv_constraintsSet)
2781     flag = cvCheckConstraints(cv_mem);
2783   return(flag);
2784 }
2786 /*
2787  * cvCheckConstraints
2788  *
2789  * This routine determines if the constraints of the problem
2790  * are satisfied by the proposed step
2791  *
2792  * Possible return values are:
2793  *
2794  *   CV_SUCCESS     ---> allows stepping forward
2795  *
2796  *   CONSTR_RECVR   ---> values failed to satisfy constraints
2797  *
2798  *   CV_CONSTR_FAIL ---> values failed to satisfy constraints with hmin
2799  */
cvCheckConstraints(CVodeMem cv_mem)2801 static int cvCheckConstraints(CVodeMem cv_mem)
2802 {
2803   booleantype constraintsPassed;
2804   realtype vnorm;
2805   N_Vector mm  = cv_mem->cv_ftemp;
2806   N_Vector tmp = cv_mem->cv_tempv;
2808   /* Get mask vector mm, set where constraints failed */
2809   constraintsPassed = N_VConstrMask(cv_mem->cv_constraints, cv_mem->cv_y, mm);
2810   if (constraintsPassed) return(CV_SUCCESS);
2812   /* Constraints not met */
2814   /* Compute correction to satisfy constraints */
2816   if (cv_mem->cv_usefused)
2817   {
2818     cvCheckConstraints_fused(cv_mem->cv_constraints,
2819                              cv_mem->cv_ewt,
2820                              cv_mem->cv_y,
2821                              mm,
2822                              tmp);
2823   }
2824   else
2825 #endif
2826   {
2827     N_VCompare(ONEPT5, cv_mem->cv_constraints, tmp); /* a[i]=1 when |c[i]|=2  */
2828     N_VProd(tmp, cv_mem->cv_constraints, tmp);       /* a * c                 */
2829     N_VDiv(tmp, cv_mem->cv_ewt, tmp);                /* a * c * wt            */
2830     N_VLinearSum(ONE, cv_mem->cv_y, -PT1, tmp, tmp); /* y - 0.1 * a * c * wt  */
2831     N_VProd(tmp, mm, tmp);                           /* v = mm*(y-0.1*a*c*wt) */
2832   }
2834   vnorm = N_VWrmsNorm(tmp, cv_mem->cv_ewt);        /* ||v|| */
2836   /* If vector v of constraint corrections is small in norm, correct and
2837      accept this step */
2838   if (vnorm <= cv_mem->cv_tq[4]) {
2839     N_VLinearSum(ONE, cv_mem->cv_acor,
2840                  -ONE, tmp, cv_mem->cv_acor);      /* acor <- acor - v */
2841     return(CV_SUCCESS);
2842   }
2844   /* Return with error if |h| == hmin */
2845   if (SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_h) <= cv_mem->cv_hmin*ONEPSM) return(CV_CONSTR_FAIL);
2847   /* Constraint correction is too large, reduce h by computing eta = h'/h */
2848   N_VLinearSum(ONE, cv_mem->cv_zn[0], -ONE, cv_mem->cv_y, tmp);
2849   N_VProd(mm, tmp, tmp);
2850   cv_mem->cv_eta = PT9*N_VMinQuotient(cv_mem->cv_zn[0], tmp);
2851   cv_mem->cv_eta = SUNMAX(cv_mem->cv_eta, PT1);
2852   cv_mem->cv_eta = SUNMAX(cv_mem->cv_eta,
2853                           cv_mem->cv_hmin / SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_h));
2855   /* Reattempt step with new step size */
2856   return(CONSTR_RECVR);
2857 }
2861 /*
2862  * cvHandleNFlag
2863  *
2864  * This routine takes action on the return value nflag = *nflagPtr
2865  * returned by cvNls, as follows:
2866  *
2867  * If cvNls succeeded in solving the nonlinear system, then
2868  * cvHandleNFlag returns the constant DO_ERROR_TEST, which tells cvStep
2869  * to perform the error test.
2870  *
2871  * If the nonlinear system was not solved successfully, then ncfn and
2872  * ncf = *ncfPtr are incremented and Nordsieck array zn is restored.
2873  *
2874  * If the solution of the nonlinear system failed due to an
2875  * unrecoverable failure by setup, we return the value CV_LSETUP_FAIL.
2876  *
2877  * If it failed due to an unrecoverable failure in solve, then we return
2878  * the value CV_LSOLVE_FAIL.
2879  *
2880  * If it failed due to an unrecoverable failure in rhs, then we return
2881  * the value CV_RHSFUNC_FAIL.
2882  *
2883  * Otherwise, a recoverable failure occurred when solving the nonlinear system
2884  * (cvNls returned SUN_NLS_CONV_RECVR or RHSFUNC_RECVR).
2885  *
2886  * If ncf is now equal to maxncf or |h| = hmin, we return the value
2889  * Otherwise, we set *nflagPtr = PREV_CONV_FAIL and return the value
2890  * PREDICT_AGAIN, telling cvStep to reattempt the step.
2891  *
2892  */
cvHandleNFlag(CVodeMem cv_mem,int * nflagPtr,realtype saved_t,int * ncfPtr)2894 static int cvHandleNFlag(CVodeMem cv_mem, int *nflagPtr, realtype saved_t,
2895                          int *ncfPtr)
2896 {
2897   int nflag;
2899   nflag = *nflagPtr;
2901   if (nflag == CV_SUCCESS) return(DO_ERROR_TEST);
2903   /* The nonlinear soln. failed; increment ncfn and restore zn */
2904   cv_mem->cv_ncfn++;
2905   cvRestore(cv_mem, saved_t);
2907   /* Return if failed unrecoverably */
2908   if (nflag < 0) {
2909     if (nflag == CV_LSETUP_FAIL)       return(CV_LSETUP_FAIL);
2910     else if (nflag == CV_LSOLVE_FAIL)  return(CV_LSOLVE_FAIL);
2911     else if (nflag == CV_RHSFUNC_FAIL) return(CV_RHSFUNC_FAIL);
2912     else                               return(CV_NLS_FAIL);
2913   }
2915   /* At this point, a recoverable error occured. */
2917   (*ncfPtr)++;
2918   cv_mem->cv_etamax = ONE;
2920   /* If we had maxncf failures or |h| = hmin, return failure. */
2922   if ((SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_h) <= cv_mem->cv_hmin*ONEPSM) ||
2923       (*ncfPtr == cv_mem->cv_maxncf)) {
2924     if (nflag == SUN_NLS_CONV_RECVR) return(CV_CONV_FAILURE);
2925     if (nflag == CONSTR_RECVR)       return(CV_CONSTR_FAIL);
2926     if (nflag == RHSFUNC_RECVR)      return(CV_REPTD_RHSFUNC_ERR);
2927   }
2929   /* Reduce step size; return to reattempt the step
2930      Note that if nflag = CONSTR_RECVR, then eta was already set in cvCheckConstraints */
2931   if (nflag != CONSTR_RECVR)
2932     cv_mem->cv_eta = SUNMAX(ETACF, cv_mem->cv_hmin / SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_h));
2933   *nflagPtr = PREV_CONV_FAIL;
2934   cvRescale(cv_mem);
2936   return(PREDICT_AGAIN);
2937 }
2939 /*
2940  * cvRestore
2941  *
2942  * This routine restores the value of tn to saved_t and undoes the
2943  * prediction.  After execution of cvRestore, the Nordsieck array zn has
2944  * the same values as before the call to cvPredict.
2945  */
cvRestore(CVodeMem cv_mem,realtype saved_t)2947 void cvRestore(CVodeMem cv_mem, realtype saved_t)
2948 {
2949   int j, k;
2951   cv_mem->cv_tn = saved_t;
2952   for (k = 1; k <= cv_mem->cv_q; k++)
2953     for (j = cv_mem->cv_q; j >= k; j--)
2954       N_VLinearSum(ONE, cv_mem->cv_zn[j-1], -ONE,
2955                    cv_mem->cv_zn[j], cv_mem->cv_zn[j-1]);
2956 }
2958 /*
2959  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
2960  * Error Test
2961  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
2962  */
2964 /*
2965  * cvDoErrorTest
2966  *
2967  * This routine performs the local error test.
2968  * The weighted local error norm dsm is loaded into *dsmPtr, and
2969  * the test dsm ?<= 1 is made.
2970  *
2971  * If the test passes, cvDoErrorTest returns CV_SUCCESS.
2972  *
2973  * If the test fails, we undo the step just taken (call cvRestore) and
2974  *
2975  *   - if maxnef error test failures have occurred or if SUNRabs(h) = hmin,
2976  *     we return CV_ERR_FAILURE.
2977  *
2978  *   - if more than MXNEF1 error test failures have occurred, an order
2979  *     reduction is forced. If already at order 1, restart by reloading
2980  *     zn from scratch. If f() fails we return either CV_RHSFUNC_FAIL
2981  *     or CV_UNREC_RHSFUNC_ERR (no recovery is possible at this stage).
2982  *
2983  *   - otherwise, set *nflagPtr to PREV_ERR_FAIL, and return TRY_AGAIN.
2984  *
2985  */
cvDoErrorTest(CVodeMem cv_mem,int * nflagPtr,realtype saved_t,int * nefPtr,realtype * dsmPtr)2987 static int cvDoErrorTest(CVodeMem cv_mem, int *nflagPtr, realtype saved_t,
2988                          int *nefPtr, realtype *dsmPtr)
2989 {
2990   realtype dsm;
2991   int retval;
2993   dsm = cv_mem->cv_acnrm * cv_mem->cv_tq[2];
2995   /* If est. local error norm dsm passes test, return CV_SUCCESS */
2996   *dsmPtr = dsm;
2997   if (dsm <= ONE) return(CV_SUCCESS);
2999   /* Test failed; increment counters, set nflag, and restore zn array */
3000   (*nefPtr)++;
3001   cv_mem->cv_netf++;
3002   *nflagPtr = PREV_ERR_FAIL;
3003   cvRestore(cv_mem, saved_t);
3005   /* At maxnef failures or |h| = hmin, return CV_ERR_FAILURE */
3006   if ((SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_h) <= cv_mem->cv_hmin*ONEPSM) ||
3007       (*nefPtr == cv_mem->cv_maxnef))
3008     return(CV_ERR_FAILURE);
3010   /* Set etamax = 1 to prevent step size increase at end of this step */
3011   cv_mem->cv_etamax = ONE;
3013   /* Set h ratio eta from dsm, rescale, and return for retry of step */
3014   if (*nefPtr <= MXNEF1) {
3015     cv_mem->cv_eta = ONE / (SUNRpowerR(BIAS2*dsm,ONE/cv_mem->cv_L) + ADDON);
3016     cv_mem->cv_eta = SUNMAX(ETAMIN, SUNMAX(cv_mem->cv_eta,
3017                                            cv_mem->cv_hmin / SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_h)));
3018     if (*nefPtr >= SMALL_NEF) cv_mem->cv_eta = SUNMIN(cv_mem->cv_eta, ETAMXF);
3019     cvRescale(cv_mem);
3020     return(TRY_AGAIN);
3021   }
3023   /* After MXNEF1 failures, force an order reduction and retry step */
3024   if (cv_mem->cv_q > 1) {
3025     cv_mem->cv_eta = SUNMAX(ETAMIN, cv_mem->cv_hmin / SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_h));
3026     cvAdjustOrder(cv_mem,-1);
3027     cv_mem->cv_L = cv_mem->cv_q;
3028     cv_mem->cv_q--;
3029     cv_mem->cv_qwait = cv_mem->cv_L;
3030     cvRescale(cv_mem);
3031     return(TRY_AGAIN);
3032   }
3034   /* If already at order 1, restart: reload zn from scratch */
3036   cv_mem->cv_eta = SUNMAX(ETAMIN, cv_mem->cv_hmin / SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_h));
3037   cv_mem->cv_h *= cv_mem->cv_eta;
3038   cv_mem->cv_next_h = cv_mem->cv_h;
3039   cv_mem->cv_hscale = cv_mem->cv_h;
3040   cv_mem->cv_qwait = LONG_WAIT;
3041   cv_mem->cv_nscon = 0;
3043   retval = cv_mem->cv_f(cv_mem->cv_tn, cv_mem->cv_zn[0],
3044                         cv_mem->cv_tempv, cv_mem->cv_user_data);
3045   cv_mem->cv_nfe++;
3046   if (retval < 0) return(CV_RHSFUNC_FAIL);
3047   if (retval > 0) return(CV_UNREC_RHSFUNC_ERR);
3049   N_VScale(cv_mem->cv_h, cv_mem->cv_tempv, cv_mem->cv_zn[1]);
3051   return(TRY_AGAIN);
3052 }
3054 /*
3055  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
3056  * Functions called after a successful step
3057  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
3058  */
3060 /*
3061  * cvCompleteStep
3062  *
3063  * This routine performs various update operations when the solution
3064  * to the nonlinear system has passed the local error test.
3065  * We increment the step counter nst, record the values hu and qu,
3066  * update the tau array, and apply the corrections to the zn array.
3067  * The tau[i] are the last q values of h, with tau[1] the most recent.
3068  * The counter qwait is decremented, and if qwait == 1 (and q < qmax)
3069  * we save acor and tq[5] for a possible order increase.
3070  */
cvCompleteStep(CVodeMem cv_mem)3072 static void cvCompleteStep(CVodeMem cv_mem)
3073 {
3074   int i;
3076   cv_mem->cv_nst++;
3077   cv_mem->cv_nscon++;
3078   cv_mem->cv_hu = cv_mem->cv_h;
3079   cv_mem->cv_qu = cv_mem->cv_q;
3081   for (i=cv_mem->cv_q; i >= 2; i--)  cv_mem->cv_tau[i] = cv_mem->cv_tau[i-1];
3082   if ((cv_mem->cv_q==1) && (cv_mem->cv_nst > 1))
3083     cv_mem->cv_tau[2] = cv_mem->cv_tau[1];
3084   cv_mem->cv_tau[1] = cv_mem->cv_h;
3086   /* Apply correction to column j of zn: l_j * Delta_n */
3087   (void) N_VScaleAddMulti(cv_mem->cv_q+1, cv_mem->cv_l, cv_mem->cv_acor,
3088                           cv_mem->cv_zn, cv_mem->cv_zn);
3090   /* Apply the projection correction to column j of zn: p_j * Delta_n */
3091   if (cv_mem->proj_applied) {
3092     (void) N_VScaleAddMulti(cv_mem->cv_q+1,
3093                             cv_mem->cv_p, cv_mem->cv_tempv, /* tempv = acorP */
3094                             cv_mem->cv_zn, cv_mem->cv_zn);
3095   }
3097   cv_mem->cv_qwait--;
3098   if ((cv_mem->cv_qwait == 1) && (cv_mem->cv_q != cv_mem->cv_qmax)) {
3099     N_VScale(ONE, cv_mem->cv_acor, cv_mem->cv_zn[cv_mem->cv_qmax]);
3100     cv_mem->cv_saved_tq5 = cv_mem->cv_tq[5];
3101     cv_mem->cv_indx_acor = cv_mem->cv_qmax;
3102   }
3105   /* If user access function was provided, call it now */
3106   if (cv_mem->cv_monitorfun != NULL &&
3107       !(cv_mem->cv_nst % cv_mem->cv_monitor_interval)) {
3108     cv_mem->cv_monitorfun((void*) cv_mem, cv_mem->cv_user_data);
3109   }
3110 #endif
3111 }
3113 /*
3114  * cvPrepareNextStep
3115  *
3116  * This routine handles the setting of stepsize and order for the
3117  * next step -- hprime and qprime.  Along with hprime, it sets the
3118  * ratio eta = hprime/h.  It also updates other state variables
3119  * related to a change of step size or order.
3120  */
cvPrepareNextStep(CVodeMem cv_mem,realtype dsm)3122 static void cvPrepareNextStep(CVodeMem cv_mem, realtype dsm)
3123 {
3124   /* If etamax = 1, defer step size or order changes */
3125   if (cv_mem->cv_etamax == ONE) {
3126     cv_mem->cv_qwait = SUNMAX(cv_mem->cv_qwait, 2);
3127     cv_mem->cv_qprime = cv_mem->cv_q;
3128     cv_mem->cv_hprime = cv_mem->cv_h;
3129     cv_mem->cv_eta = ONE;
3130     return;
3131   }
3133   /* etaq is the ratio of new to old h at the current order */
3134   cv_mem->cv_etaq = ONE /(SUNRpowerR(BIAS2*dsm,ONE/cv_mem->cv_L) + ADDON);
3136   /* If no order change, adjust eta and acor in cvSetEta and return */
3137   if (cv_mem->cv_qwait != 0) {
3138     cv_mem->cv_eta = cv_mem->cv_etaq;
3139     cv_mem->cv_qprime = cv_mem->cv_q;
3140     cvSetEta(cv_mem);
3141     return;
3142   }
3144   /* If qwait = 0, consider an order change.   etaqm1 and etaqp1 are
3145      the ratios of new to old h at orders q-1 and q+1, respectively.
3146      cvChooseEta selects the largest; cvSetEta adjusts eta and acor */
3147   cv_mem->cv_qwait = 2;
3148   cv_mem->cv_etaqm1 = cvComputeEtaqm1(cv_mem);
3149   cv_mem->cv_etaqp1 = cvComputeEtaqp1(cv_mem);
3150   cvChooseEta(cv_mem);
3151   cvSetEta(cv_mem);
3152 }
3154 /*
3155  * cvSetEta
3156  *
3157  * This routine adjusts the value of eta according to the various
3158  * heuristic limits and the optional input hmax.
3159  */
cvSetEta(CVodeMem cv_mem)3161 static void cvSetEta(CVodeMem cv_mem)
3162 {
3164   /* If eta below the threshhold THRESH, reject a change of step size */
3165   if (cv_mem->cv_eta < THRESH) {
3166     cv_mem->cv_eta = ONE;
3167     cv_mem->cv_hprime = cv_mem->cv_h;
3168   } else {
3169     /* Limit eta by etamax and hmax, then set hprime */
3170     cv_mem->cv_eta = SUNMIN(cv_mem->cv_eta, cv_mem->cv_etamax);
3171     cv_mem->cv_eta /= SUNMAX(ONE, SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_h) *
3172                              cv_mem->cv_hmax_inv*cv_mem->cv_eta);
3173     cv_mem->cv_hprime = cv_mem->cv_h * cv_mem->cv_eta;
3174     if (cv_mem->cv_qprime < cv_mem->cv_q) cv_mem->cv_nscon = 0;
3175   }
3176 }
3178 /*
3179  * cvComputeEtaqm1
3180  *
3181  * This routine computes and returns the value of etaqm1 for a
3182  * possible decrease in order by 1.
3183  */
cvComputeEtaqm1(CVodeMem cv_mem)3185 static realtype cvComputeEtaqm1(CVodeMem cv_mem)
3186 {
3187   realtype ddn;
3189   cv_mem->cv_etaqm1 = ZERO;
3190   if (cv_mem->cv_q > 1) {
3191     ddn = N_VWrmsNorm(cv_mem->cv_zn[cv_mem->cv_q], cv_mem->cv_ewt) * cv_mem->cv_tq[1];
3192     cv_mem->cv_etaqm1 = ONE/(SUNRpowerR(BIAS1*ddn, ONE/cv_mem->cv_q) + ADDON);
3193   }
3194   return(cv_mem->cv_etaqm1);
3195 }
3197 /*
3198  * cvComputeEtaqp1
3199  *
3200  * This routine computes and returns the value of etaqp1 for a
3201  * possible increase in order by 1.
3202  */
cvComputeEtaqp1(CVodeMem cv_mem)3204 static realtype cvComputeEtaqp1(CVodeMem cv_mem)
3205 {
3206   realtype dup, cquot;
3208   cv_mem->cv_etaqp1 = ZERO;
3209   if (cv_mem->cv_q != cv_mem->cv_qmax) {
3210     if (cv_mem->cv_saved_tq5 == ZERO) return(cv_mem->cv_etaqp1);
3211     cquot = (cv_mem->cv_tq[5] / cv_mem->cv_saved_tq5) *
3212       SUNRpowerI(cv_mem->cv_h/cv_mem->cv_tau[2], cv_mem->cv_L);
3213     N_VLinearSum(-cquot, cv_mem->cv_zn[cv_mem->cv_qmax], ONE,
3214                  cv_mem->cv_acor, cv_mem->cv_tempv);
3215     dup = N_VWrmsNorm(cv_mem->cv_tempv, cv_mem->cv_ewt) * cv_mem->cv_tq[3];
3216     cv_mem->cv_etaqp1 = ONE / (SUNRpowerR(BIAS3*dup, ONE/(cv_mem->cv_L+1)) + ADDON);
3217   }
3218   return(cv_mem->cv_etaqp1);
3219 }
3221 /*
3222  * cvChooseEta
3223  * Given etaqm1, etaq, etaqp1 (the values of eta for qprime =
3224  * q - 1, q, or q + 1, respectively), this routine chooses the
3225  * maximum eta value, sets eta to that value, and sets qprime to the
3226  * corresponding value of q.  If there is a tie, the preference
3227  * order is to (1) keep the same order, then (2) decrease the order,
3228  * and finally (3) increase the order.  If the maximum eta value
3229  * is below the threshhold THRESH, the order is kept unchanged and
3230  * eta is set to 1.
3231  */
cvChooseEta(CVodeMem cv_mem)3233 static void cvChooseEta(CVodeMem cv_mem)
3234 {
3235   realtype etam;
3237   etam = SUNMAX(cv_mem->cv_etaqm1, SUNMAX(cv_mem->cv_etaq, cv_mem->cv_etaqp1));
3239   if (etam < THRESH) {
3240     cv_mem->cv_eta = ONE;
3241     cv_mem->cv_qprime = cv_mem->cv_q;
3242     return;
3243   }
3245   if (etam == cv_mem->cv_etaq) {
3247     cv_mem->cv_eta = cv_mem->cv_etaq;
3248     cv_mem->cv_qprime = cv_mem->cv_q;
3250   } else if (etam == cv_mem->cv_etaqm1) {
3252     cv_mem->cv_eta = cv_mem->cv_etaqm1;
3253     cv_mem->cv_qprime = cv_mem->cv_q - 1;
3255   } else {
3257     cv_mem->cv_eta = cv_mem->cv_etaqp1;
3258     cv_mem->cv_qprime = cv_mem->cv_q + 1;
3260     if (cv_mem->cv_lmm == CV_BDF) {
3261       /*
3262        * Store Delta_n in zn[qmax] to be used in order increase
3263        *
3264        * This happens at the last step of order q before an increase
3265        * to order q+1, so it represents Delta_n in the ELTE at q+1
3266        */
3268       N_VScale(ONE, cv_mem->cv_acor, cv_mem->cv_zn[cv_mem->cv_qmax]);
3270     }
3271   }
3272 }
3274 /*
3275  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
3276  * Function to handle failures
3277  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
3278  */
3280 /*
3281  * cvHandleFailure
3282  *
3283  * This routine prints error messages for all cases of failure by
3284  * cvHin and cvStep.
3285  * It returns to CVode the value that CVode is to return to the user.
3286  */
cvHandleFailure(CVodeMem cv_mem,int flag)3288 static int cvHandleFailure(CVodeMem cv_mem, int flag)
3289 {
3291   /* Set vector of  absolute weighted local errors */
3292   /*
3293   N_VProd(acor, ewt, tempv);
3294   N_VAbs(tempv, tempv);
3295   */
3297   /* Depending on flag, print error message and return error flag */
3298   switch (flag) {
3299   case CV_ERR_FAILURE:
3300     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_ERR_FAILURE, "CVODE", "CVode",
3301                    MSGCV_ERR_FAILS, cv_mem->cv_tn, cv_mem->cv_h);
3302     break;
3303   case CV_CONV_FAILURE:
3304     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_CONV_FAILURE, "CVODE", "CVode",
3305                    MSGCV_CONV_FAILS, cv_mem->cv_tn, cv_mem->cv_h);
3306     break;
3307   case CV_LSETUP_FAIL:
3308     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_LSETUP_FAIL, "CVODE", "CVode",
3309                    MSGCV_SETUP_FAILED, cv_mem->cv_tn);
3310     break;
3311   case CV_LSOLVE_FAIL:
3312     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_LSOLVE_FAIL, "CVODE", "CVode",
3313                    MSGCV_SOLVE_FAILED, cv_mem->cv_tn);
3314     break;
3315   case CV_RHSFUNC_FAIL:
3316     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_RHSFUNC_FAIL, "CVODE", "CVode",
3317                    MSGCV_RHSFUNC_FAILED, cv_mem->cv_tn);
3318     break;
3320     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_UNREC_RHSFUNC_ERR, "CVODE", "CVode",
3321                    MSGCV_RHSFUNC_UNREC, cv_mem->cv_tn);
3322     break;
3324     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_REPTD_RHSFUNC_ERR, "CVODE", "CVode",
3325                    MSGCV_RHSFUNC_REPTD, cv_mem->cv_tn);
3326     break;
3327   case CV_RTFUNC_FAIL:
3328     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_RTFUNC_FAIL, "CVODE", "CVode",
3329                    MSGCV_RTFUNC_FAILED, cv_mem->cv_tn);
3330     break;
3331   case CV_TOO_CLOSE:
3332     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_TOO_CLOSE, "CVODE", "CVode",
3333                    MSGCV_TOO_CLOSE);
3334     break;
3335   case CV_MEM_NULL:
3336     cvProcessError(NULL, CV_MEM_NULL, "CVODE", "CVode",
3337                    MSGCV_NO_MEM);
3338     break;
3339   case SUN_NLS_MEM_NULL:
3340     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_MEM_NULL, "CVODE", "CVode",
3341                    MSGCV_NLS_INPUT_NULL, cv_mem->cv_tn);
3342     break;
3343   case CV_NLS_SETUP_FAIL:
3344     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_NLS_SETUP_FAIL, "CVODE", "CVode",
3345                    MSGCV_NLS_SETUP_FAILED, cv_mem->cv_tn);
3346     break;
3347   case CV_CONSTR_FAIL:
3348     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_CONSTR_FAIL, "CVODE", "CVode",
3349                    MSGCV_FAILED_CONSTR, cv_mem->cv_tn);
3350     break;
3351   case CV_NLS_FAIL:
3352     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_NLS_FAIL, "CVODE", "CVode",
3353                    MSGCV_NLS_FAIL, cv_mem->cv_tn);
3354     break;
3355   case CV_PROJ_MEM_NULL:
3356     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_PROJ_MEM_NULL, "CVODE", "CVode",
3357                    MSG_CV_PROJ_MEM_NULL);
3358     break;
3359   case CV_PROJFUNC_FAIL:
3360     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_PROJFUNC_FAIL, "CVODE", "CVode",
3361                    MSG_CV_PROJFUNC_FAIL, cv_mem->cv_tn);
3362     break;
3364     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_REPTD_PROJFUNC_ERR, "CVODE", "CVode",
3365                    MSG_CV_REPTD_PROJFUNC_ERR, cv_mem->cv_tn);
3366     break;
3367   default:
3368     /* This return should never happen */
3369     cvProcessError(cv_mem, CV_UNRECOGNIZED_ERR, "CVODE", "CVode",
3370                    "CVODE encountered an unrecognized error. Please report this to the Sundials developers at sundials-users@llnl.gov");
3371     return (CV_UNRECOGNIZED_ERR);
3372   }
3374   return(flag);
3375 }
3377 /*
3378  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
3379  * Functions for BDF Stability Limit Detection
3380  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
3381  */
3383 /*
3384  * cvBDFStab
3385  *
3386  * This routine handles the BDF Stability Limit Detection Algorithm
3387  * STALD.  It is called if lmm = CV_BDF and the SLDET option is on.
3388  * If the order is 3 or more, the required norm data is saved.
3389  * If a decision to reduce order has not already been made, and
3390  * enough data has been saved, cvSLdet is called.  If it signals
3391  * a stability limit violation, the order is reduced, and the step
3392  * size is reset accordingly.
3393  */
cvBDFStab(CVodeMem cv_mem)3395 static void cvBDFStab(CVodeMem cv_mem)
3396 {
3397   int i,k, ldflag, factorial;
3398   realtype sq, sqm1, sqm2;
3400   /* If order is 3 or greater, then save scaled derivative data,
3401      push old data down in i, then add current values to top.    */
3403   if (cv_mem->cv_q >= 3) {
3404     for (k = 1; k <= 3; k++)
3405       for (i = 5; i >= 2; i--)
3406         cv_mem->cv_ssdat[i][k] = cv_mem->cv_ssdat[i-1][k];
3407     factorial = 1;
3408     for (i = 1; i <= cv_mem->cv_q-1; i++) factorial *= i;
3409     sq = factorial * cv_mem->cv_q * (cv_mem->cv_q+1) *
3410       cv_mem->cv_acnrm / SUNMAX(cv_mem->cv_tq[5],TINY);
3411     sqm1 = factorial * cv_mem->cv_q *
3412       N_VWrmsNorm(cv_mem->cv_zn[cv_mem->cv_q], cv_mem->cv_ewt);
3413     sqm2 = factorial *
3414       N_VWrmsNorm(cv_mem->cv_zn[cv_mem->cv_q-1], cv_mem->cv_ewt);
3415     cv_mem->cv_ssdat[1][1] = sqm2*sqm2;
3416     cv_mem->cv_ssdat[1][2] = sqm1*sqm1;
3417     cv_mem->cv_ssdat[1][3] = sq*sq;
3418   }
3420   if (cv_mem->cv_qprime >= cv_mem->cv_q) {
3422     /* If order is 3 or greater, and enough ssdat has been saved,
3423        nscon >= q+5, then call stability limit detection routine.  */
3425     if ( (cv_mem->cv_q >= 3) && (cv_mem->cv_nscon >= cv_mem->cv_q+5) ) {
3426       ldflag = cvSLdet(cv_mem);
3427       if (ldflag > 3) {
3428         /* A stability limit violation is indicated by
3429            a return flag of 4, 5, or 6.
3430            Reduce new order.                     */
3431         cv_mem->cv_qprime = cv_mem->cv_q-1;
3432         cv_mem->cv_eta = cv_mem->cv_etaqm1;
3433         cv_mem->cv_eta = SUNMIN(cv_mem->cv_eta,cv_mem->cv_etamax);
3434         cv_mem->cv_eta = cv_mem->cv_eta /
3435           SUNMAX(ONE,SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_h)*cv_mem->cv_hmax_inv*cv_mem->cv_eta);
3436         cv_mem->cv_hprime = cv_mem->cv_h * cv_mem->cv_eta;
3437         cv_mem->cv_nor = cv_mem->cv_nor + 1;
3438       }
3439     }
3440   }
3441   else {
3442     /* Otherwise, let order increase happen, and
3443        reset stability limit counter, nscon.     */
3444     cv_mem->cv_nscon = 0;
3445   }
3446 }
3448 /*
3449  * cvSLdet
3450  *
3451  * This routine detects stability limitation using stored scaled
3452  * derivatives data. cvSLdet returns the magnitude of the
3453  * dominate characteristic root, rr. The presence of a stability
3454  * limit is indicated by rr > "something a little less then 1.0",
3455  * and a positive kflag. This routine should only be called if
3456  * order is greater than or equal to 3, and data has been collected
3457  * for 5 time steps.
3458  *
3459  * Returned values:
3460  *    kflag = 1 -> Found stable characteristic root, normal matrix case
3461  *    kflag = 2 -> Found stable characteristic root, quartic solution
3462  *    kflag = 3 -> Found stable characteristic root, quartic solution,
3463  *                 with Newton correction
3464  *    kflag = 4 -> Found stability violation, normal matrix case
3465  *    kflag = 5 -> Found stability violation, quartic solution
3466  *    kflag = 6 -> Found stability violation, quartic solution,
3467  *                 with Newton correction
3468  *
3469  *    kflag < 0 -> No stability limitation,
3470  *                 or could not compute limitation.
3471  *
3472  *    kflag = -1 -> Min/max ratio of ssdat too small.
3473  *    kflag = -2 -> For normal matrix case, vmax > vrrt2*vrrt2
3474  *    kflag = -3 -> For normal matrix case, The three ratios
3475  *                  are inconsistent.
3476  *    kflag = -4 -> Small coefficient prevents elimination of quartics.
3477  *    kflag = -5 -> R value from quartics not consistent.
3478  *    kflag = -6 -> No corrected root passes test on qk values
3479  *    kflag = -7 -> Trouble solving for sigsq.
3480  *    kflag = -8 -> Trouble solving for B, or R via B.
3481  *    kflag = -9 -> R via sigsq[k] disagrees with R from data.
3482  */
cvSLdet(CVodeMem cv_mem)3484 static int cvSLdet(CVodeMem cv_mem)
3485 {
3486   int i, k, j, it, kmin = 0, kflag = 0;
3487   realtype rat[5][4], rav[4], qkr[4], sigsq[4], smax[4], ssmax[4];
3488   realtype drr[4], rrc[4],sqmx[4], qjk[4][4], vrat[5], qc[6][4], qco[6][4];
3489   realtype rr, rrcut, vrrtol, vrrt2, sqtol, rrtol;
3490   realtype smink, smaxk, sumrat, sumrsq, vmin, vmax, drrmax, adrr;
3491   realtype tem, sqmax, saqk, qp, s, sqmaxk, saqj, sqmin;
3492   realtype rsa, rsb, rsc, rsd, rd1a, rd1b, rd1c;
3493   realtype rd2a, rd2b, rd3a, cest1, corr1;
3494   realtype ratp, ratm, qfac1, qfac2, bb, rrb;
3496   /* The following are cutoffs and tolerances used by this routine */
3498   rrcut  = RCONST(0.98);
3499   vrrtol = RCONST(1.0e-4);
3500   vrrt2  = RCONST(5.0e-4);
3501   sqtol  = RCONST(1.0e-3);
3502   rrtol  = RCONST(1.0e-2);
3504   rr = ZERO;
3506   /*  Index k corresponds to the degree of the interpolating polynomial. */
3507   /*      k = 1 -> q-1          */
3508   /*      k = 2 -> q            */
3509   /*      k = 3 -> q+1          */
3511   /*  Index i is a backward-in-time index, i = 1 -> current time, */
3512   /*      i = 2 -> previous step, etc    */
3514   /* get maxima, minima, and variances, and form quartic coefficients  */
3516   for (k=1; k<=3; k++) {
3517     smink = cv_mem->cv_ssdat[1][k];
3518     smaxk = ZERO;
3520     for (i=1; i<=5; i++) {
3521       smink = SUNMIN(smink,cv_mem->cv_ssdat[i][k]);
3522       smaxk = SUNMAX(smaxk,cv_mem->cv_ssdat[i][k]);
3523     }
3525     if (smink < TINY*smaxk) {
3526       kflag = -1;
3527       return(kflag);
3528     }
3529     smax[k] = smaxk;
3530     ssmax[k] = smaxk*smaxk;
3532     sumrat = ZERO;
3533     sumrsq = ZERO;
3534     for (i=1; i<=4; i++) {
3535       rat[i][k] = cv_mem->cv_ssdat[i][k] / cv_mem->cv_ssdat[i+1][k];
3536       sumrat = sumrat + rat[i][k];
3537       sumrsq = sumrsq + rat[i][k]*rat[i][k];
3538     }
3539     rav[k] = FOURTH*sumrat;
3540     vrat[k] = SUNRabs(FOURTH*sumrsq - rav[k]*rav[k]);
3542     qc[5][k] = cv_mem->cv_ssdat[1][k] * cv_mem->cv_ssdat[3][k] -
3543       cv_mem->cv_ssdat[2][k] * cv_mem->cv_ssdat[2][k];
3544     qc[4][k] = cv_mem->cv_ssdat[2][k] * cv_mem->cv_ssdat[3][k] -
3545       cv_mem->cv_ssdat[1][k] * cv_mem->cv_ssdat[4][k];
3546     qc[3][k] = ZERO;
3547     qc[2][k] = cv_mem->cv_ssdat[2][k] * cv_mem->cv_ssdat[5][k] -
3548       cv_mem->cv_ssdat[3][k] * cv_mem->cv_ssdat[4][k];
3549     qc[1][k] = cv_mem->cv_ssdat[4][k] * cv_mem->cv_ssdat[4][k] -
3550       cv_mem->cv_ssdat[3][k] * cv_mem->cv_ssdat[5][k];
3552     for (i=1; i<=5; i++)
3553       qco[i][k] = qc[i][k];
3555   }                            /* End of k loop */
3557   /* Isolate normal or nearly-normal matrix case. The three quartics will
3558      have a common or nearly-common root in this case.
3559      Return a kflag = 1 if this procedure works. If the three roots
3560      differ more than vrrt2, return error kflag = -3.    */
3562   vmin = SUNMIN(vrat[1],SUNMIN(vrat[2],vrat[3]));
3563   vmax = SUNMAX(vrat[1],SUNMAX(vrat[2],vrat[3]));
3565   if (vmin < vrrtol*vrrtol) {
3567     if (vmax > vrrt2*vrrt2) {
3568       kflag = -2;
3569       return(kflag);
3570     } else {
3571       rr = (rav[1] + rav[2] + rav[3])/THREE;
3572       drrmax = ZERO;
3573       for (k = 1;k<=3;k++) {
3574         adrr = SUNRabs(rav[k] - rr);
3575         drrmax = SUNMAX(drrmax, adrr);
3576       }
3577       if (drrmax > vrrt2) { kflag = -3; return(kflag); }
3579       kflag = 1;
3581       /*  can compute charactistic root, drop to next section   */
3582     }
3584   } else {
3586     /* use the quartics to get rr. */
3588     if (SUNRabs(qco[1][1]) < TINY*ssmax[1]) {
3589       kflag = -4;
3590       return(kflag);
3591     }
3593     tem = qco[1][2]/qco[1][1];
3594     for (i=2; i<=5; i++) {
3595       qco[i][2] = qco[i][2] - tem*qco[i][1];
3596     }
3598     qco[1][2] = ZERO;
3599     tem = qco[1][3]/qco[1][1];
3600     for (i=2; i<=5; i++) {
3601       qco[i][3] = qco[i][3] - tem*qco[i][1];
3602     }
3603     qco[1][3] = ZERO;
3605     if (SUNRabs(qco[2][2]) < TINY*ssmax[2]) {
3606       kflag = -4;
3607       return(kflag);
3608     }
3610     tem = qco[2][3]/qco[2][2];
3611     for (i=3; i<=5; i++) {
3612       qco[i][3] = qco[i][3] - tem*qco[i][2];
3613     }
3615     if (SUNRabs(qco[4][3]) < TINY*ssmax[3]) {
3616       kflag = -4;
3617       return(kflag);
3618     }
3620     rr = -qco[5][3]/qco[4][3];
3622     if (rr < TINY || rr > HUNDRED) {
3623       kflag = -5;
3624       return(kflag);
3625     }
3627     for (k=1; k<=3; k++)
3628       qkr[k] = qc[5][k] + rr*(qc[4][k] + rr*rr*(qc[2][k] + rr*qc[1][k]));
3630     sqmax = ZERO;
3631     for (k=1; k<=3; k++) {
3632       saqk = SUNRabs(qkr[k])/ssmax[k];
3633       if (saqk > sqmax) sqmax = saqk;
3634     }
3636     if (sqmax < sqtol) {
3637       kflag = 2;
3639       /*  can compute charactistic root, drop to "given rr,etc"   */
3641     } else {
3643       /* do Newton corrections to improve rr.  */
3645       for (it=1; it<=3; it++) {
3646         for (k=1; k<=3; k++) {
3647           qp = qc[4][k] + rr*rr*(THREE*qc[2][k] + rr*FOUR*qc[1][k]);
3648           drr[k] = ZERO;
3649           if (SUNRabs(qp) > TINY*ssmax[k]) drr[k] = -qkr[k]/qp;
3650           rrc[k] = rr + drr[k];
3651         }
3653         for (k=1; k<=3; k++) {
3654           s = rrc[k];
3655           sqmaxk = ZERO;
3656           for (j=1; j<=3; j++) {
3657             qjk[j][k] = qc[5][j] + s*(qc[4][j] + s*s*(qc[2][j] + s*qc[1][j]));
3658             saqj = SUNRabs(qjk[j][k])/ssmax[j];
3659             if (saqj > sqmaxk) sqmaxk = saqj;
3660           }
3661           sqmx[k] = sqmaxk;
3662         }
3664         sqmin = sqmx[1] + ONE;
3665         for (k=1; k<=3; k++) {
3666           if (sqmx[k] < sqmin) {
3667             kmin = k;
3668             sqmin = sqmx[k];
3669           }
3670         }
3671         rr = rrc[kmin];
3673         if (sqmin < sqtol) {
3674           kflag = 3;
3675           /*  can compute charactistic root   */
3676           /*  break out of Newton correction loop and drop to "given rr,etc" */
3677           break;
3678         } else {
3679           for (j=1; j<=3; j++) {
3680             qkr[j] = qjk[j][kmin];
3681           }
3682         }
3683       } /*  end of Newton correction loop  */
3685       if (sqmin > sqtol) {
3686         kflag = -6;
3687         return(kflag);
3688       }
3689     } /*  end of if (sqmax < sqtol) else   */
3690   } /*  end of if (vmin < vrrtol*vrrtol) else, quartics to get rr. */
3692   /* given rr, find sigsq[k] and verify rr.  */
3693   /* All positive kflag drop to this section  */
3695   for (k=1; k<=3; k++) {
3696     rsa = cv_mem->cv_ssdat[1][k];
3697     rsb = cv_mem->cv_ssdat[2][k]*rr;
3698     rsc = cv_mem->cv_ssdat[3][k]*rr*rr;
3699     rsd = cv_mem->cv_ssdat[4][k]*rr*rr*rr;
3700     rd1a = rsa - rsb;
3701     rd1b = rsb - rsc;
3702     rd1c = rsc - rsd;
3703     rd2a = rd1a - rd1b;
3704     rd2b = rd1b - rd1c;
3705     rd3a = rd2a - rd2b;
3707     if (SUNRabs(rd1b) < TINY*smax[k]) {
3708       kflag = -7;
3709       return(kflag);
3710     }
3712     cest1 = -rd3a/rd1b;
3713     if (cest1 < TINY || cest1 > FOUR) {
3714       kflag = -7;
3715       return(kflag);
3716     }
3717     corr1 = (rd2b/cest1)/(rr*rr);
3718     sigsq[k] = cv_mem->cv_ssdat[3][k] + corr1;
3719   }
3721   if (sigsq[2] < TINY) {
3722     kflag = -8;
3723     return(kflag);
3724   }
3726   ratp = sigsq[3]/sigsq[2];
3727   ratm = sigsq[1]/sigsq[2];
3728   qfac1 = FOURTH*(cv_mem->cv_q*cv_mem->cv_q - ONE);
3729   qfac2 = TWO/(cv_mem->cv_q - ONE);
3730   bb = ratp*ratm - ONE - qfac1*ratp;
3731   tem = ONE - qfac2*bb;
3733   if (SUNRabs(tem) < TINY) {
3734     kflag = -8;
3735     return(kflag);
3736   }
3738   rrb = ONE/tem;
3740   if (SUNRabs(rrb - rr) > rrtol) {
3741     kflag = -9;
3742     return(kflag);
3743   }
3745   /* Check to see if rr is above cutoff rrcut  */
3746   if (rr > rrcut) {
3747     if (kflag == 1) kflag = 4;
3748     if (kflag == 2) kflag = 5;
3749     if (kflag == 3) kflag = 6;
3750   }
3752   /* All positive kflag returned at this point  */
3754   return(kflag);
3756 }
3758 /*
3759  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
3760  * Functions for rootfinding
3761  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
3762  */
3764 /*
3765  * cvRcheck1
3766  *
3767  * This routine completes the initialization of rootfinding memory
3768  * information, and checks whether g has a zero both at and very near
3769  * the initial point of the IVP.
3770  *
3771  * This routine returns an int equal to:
3772  *  CV_RTFUNC_FAIL < 0 if the g function failed, or
3773  *  CV_SUCCESS     = 0 otherwise.
3774  */
cvRcheck1(CVodeMem cv_mem)3776 static int cvRcheck1(CVodeMem cv_mem)
3777 {
3778   int i, retval;
3779   realtype smallh, hratio, tplus;
3780   booleantype zroot;
3782   for (i = 0; i < cv_mem->cv_nrtfn; i++) cv_mem->cv_iroots[i] = 0;
3783   cv_mem->cv_tlo = cv_mem->cv_tn;
3784   cv_mem->cv_ttol = (SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_tn) + SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_h)) *
3785     cv_mem->cv_uround*HUNDRED;
3787   /* Evaluate g at initial t and check for zero values. */
3788   retval = cv_mem->cv_gfun(cv_mem->cv_tlo, cv_mem->cv_zn[0],
3789                            cv_mem->cv_glo, cv_mem->cv_user_data);
3790   cv_mem->cv_nge = 1;
3791   if (retval != 0) return(CV_RTFUNC_FAIL);
3793   zroot = SUNFALSE;
3794   for (i = 0; i < cv_mem->cv_nrtfn; i++) {
3795     if (SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_glo[i]) == ZERO) {
3796       zroot = SUNTRUE;
3797       cv_mem->cv_gactive[i] = SUNFALSE;
3798     }
3799   }
3800   if (!zroot) return(CV_SUCCESS);
3802   /* Some g_i is zero at t0; look at g at t0+(small increment). */
3803   hratio = SUNMAX(cv_mem->cv_ttol/SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_h), PT1);
3804   smallh = hratio*cv_mem->cv_h;
3805   tplus = cv_mem->cv_tlo + smallh;
3806   N_VLinearSum(ONE, cv_mem->cv_zn[0], hratio, cv_mem->cv_zn[1], cv_mem->cv_y);
3807   retval = cv_mem->cv_gfun(tplus, cv_mem->cv_y,
3808                            cv_mem->cv_ghi, cv_mem->cv_user_data);
3809   cv_mem->cv_nge++;
3810   if (retval != 0) return(CV_RTFUNC_FAIL);
3812   /* We check now only the components of g which were exactly 0.0 at t0
3813    * to see if we can 'activate' them. */
3814   for (i = 0; i < cv_mem->cv_nrtfn; i++) {
3815     if (!cv_mem->cv_gactive[i] && SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_ghi[i]) != ZERO) {
3816       cv_mem->cv_gactive[i] = SUNTRUE;
3817       cv_mem->cv_glo[i] = cv_mem->cv_ghi[i];
3818     }
3819   }
3820   return(CV_SUCCESS);
3821 }
3823 /*
3824  * cvRcheck2
3825  *
3826  * This routine checks for exact zeros of g at the last root found,
3827  * if the last return was a root.  It then checks for a close pair of
3828  * zeros (an error condition), and for a new root at a nearby point.
3829  * The array glo = g(tlo) at the left endpoint of the search interval
3830  * is adjusted if necessary to assure that all g_i are nonzero
3831  * there, before returning to do a root search in the interval.
3832  *
3833  * On entry, tlo = tretlast is the last value of tret returned by
3834  * CVode.  This may be the previous tn, the previous tout value,
3835  * or the last root location.
3836  *
3837  * This routine returns an int equal to:
3838  *     CV_RTFUNC_FAIL  < 0 if the g function failed, or
3839  *     CLOSERT         = 3 if a close pair of zeros was found, or
3840  *     RTFOUND         = 1 if a new zero of g was found near tlo, or
3841  *     CV_SUCCESS      = 0 otherwise.
3842  */
cvRcheck2(CVodeMem cv_mem)3844 static int cvRcheck2(CVodeMem cv_mem)
3845 {
3846   int i, retval;
3847   realtype smallh, hratio, tplus;
3848   booleantype zroot;
3850   if (cv_mem->cv_irfnd == 0) return(CV_SUCCESS);
3852   (void) CVodeGetDky(cv_mem, cv_mem->cv_tlo, 0, cv_mem->cv_y);
3853   retval = cv_mem->cv_gfun(cv_mem->cv_tlo, cv_mem->cv_y,
3854                            cv_mem->cv_glo, cv_mem->cv_user_data);
3855   cv_mem->cv_nge++;
3856   if (retval != 0) return(CV_RTFUNC_FAIL);
3858   zroot = SUNFALSE;
3859   for (i = 0; i < cv_mem->cv_nrtfn; i++) cv_mem->cv_iroots[i] = 0;
3860   for (i = 0; i < cv_mem->cv_nrtfn; i++) {
3861     if (!cv_mem->cv_gactive[i]) continue;
3862     if (SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_glo[i]) == ZERO) {
3863       zroot = SUNTRUE;
3864       cv_mem->cv_iroots[i] = 1;
3865     }
3866   }
3867   if (!zroot) return(CV_SUCCESS);
3869   /* One or more g_i has a zero at tlo.  Check g at tlo+smallh. */
3870   cv_mem->cv_ttol = (SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_tn) + SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_h)) *
3871     cv_mem->cv_uround * HUNDRED;
3872   smallh = (cv_mem->cv_h > ZERO) ? cv_mem->cv_ttol : -cv_mem->cv_ttol;
3873   tplus = cv_mem->cv_tlo + smallh;
3874   if ( (tplus - cv_mem->cv_tn)*cv_mem->cv_h >= ZERO) {
3875     hratio = smallh/cv_mem->cv_h;
3876     N_VLinearSum(ONE, cv_mem->cv_y, hratio, cv_mem->cv_zn[1], cv_mem->cv_y);
3877   } else {
3878     (void) CVodeGetDky(cv_mem, tplus, 0, cv_mem->cv_y);
3879   }
3880   retval = cv_mem->cv_gfun(tplus, cv_mem->cv_y,
3881                            cv_mem->cv_ghi, cv_mem->cv_user_data);
3882   cv_mem->cv_nge++;
3883   if (retval != 0) return(CV_RTFUNC_FAIL);
3885   /* Check for close roots (error return), for a new zero at tlo+smallh,
3886   and for a g_i that changed from zero to nonzero. */
3887   zroot = SUNFALSE;
3888   for (i = 0; i < cv_mem->cv_nrtfn; i++) {
3889     if (!cv_mem->cv_gactive[i]) continue;
3890     if (SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_ghi[i]) == ZERO) {
3891       if (cv_mem->cv_iroots[i] == 1) return(CLOSERT);
3892       zroot = SUNTRUE;
3893       cv_mem->cv_iroots[i] = 1;
3894     } else {
3895       if (cv_mem->cv_iroots[i] == 1)
3896         cv_mem->cv_glo[i] = cv_mem->cv_ghi[i];
3897     }
3898   }
3899   if (zroot) return(RTFOUND);
3900   return(CV_SUCCESS);
3901 }
3903 /*
3904  * cvRcheck3
3905  *
3906  * This routine interfaces to cvRootfind to look for a root of g
3907  * between tlo and either tn or tout, whichever comes first.
3908  * Only roots beyond tlo in the direction of integration are sought.
3909  *
3910  * This routine returns an int equal to:
3911  *     CV_RTFUNC_FAIL  < 0 if the g function failed, or
3912  *     RTFOUND         = 1 if a root of g was found, or
3913  *     CV_SUCCESS      = 0 otherwise.
3914  */
cvRcheck3(CVodeMem cv_mem)3916 static int cvRcheck3(CVodeMem cv_mem)
3917 {
3918   int i, ier, retval;
3920   /* Set thi = tn or tout, whichever comes first; set y = y(thi). */
3921   if (cv_mem->cv_taskc == CV_ONE_STEP) {
3922     cv_mem->cv_thi = cv_mem->cv_tn;
3923     N_VScale(ONE, cv_mem->cv_zn[0], cv_mem->cv_y);
3924   }
3925   if (cv_mem->cv_taskc == CV_NORMAL) {
3926     if ( (cv_mem->cv_toutc - cv_mem->cv_tn)*cv_mem->cv_h >= ZERO) {
3927       cv_mem->cv_thi = cv_mem->cv_tn;
3928       N_VScale(ONE, cv_mem->cv_zn[0], cv_mem->cv_y);
3929     } else {
3930       cv_mem->cv_thi = cv_mem->cv_toutc;
3931       (void) CVodeGetDky(cv_mem, cv_mem->cv_thi, 0, cv_mem->cv_y);
3932     }
3933   }
3935   /* Set ghi = g(thi) and call cvRootfind to search (tlo,thi) for roots. */
3936   retval = cv_mem->cv_gfun(cv_mem->cv_thi, cv_mem->cv_y,
3937                            cv_mem->cv_ghi, cv_mem->cv_user_data);
3938   cv_mem->cv_nge++;
3939   if (retval != 0) return(CV_RTFUNC_FAIL);
3941   cv_mem->cv_ttol = (SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_tn) + SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_h)) *
3942     cv_mem->cv_uround * HUNDRED;
3943   ier = cvRootfind(cv_mem);
3944   if (ier == CV_RTFUNC_FAIL) return(CV_RTFUNC_FAIL);
3945   for(i=0; i<cv_mem->cv_nrtfn; i++) {
3946     if(!cv_mem->cv_gactive[i] && cv_mem->cv_grout[i] != ZERO)
3947       cv_mem->cv_gactive[i] = SUNTRUE;
3948   }
3949   cv_mem->cv_tlo = cv_mem->cv_trout;
3950   for (i = 0; i < cv_mem->cv_nrtfn; i++)
3951     cv_mem->cv_glo[i] = cv_mem->cv_grout[i];
3953   /* If no root found, return CV_SUCCESS. */
3954   if (ier == CV_SUCCESS) return(CV_SUCCESS);
3956   /* If a root was found, interpolate to get y(trout) and return.  */
3957   (void) CVodeGetDky(cv_mem, cv_mem->cv_trout, 0, cv_mem->cv_y);
3958   return(RTFOUND);
3959 }
3961 /*
3962  * cvRootfind
3963  *
3964  * This routine solves for a root of g(t) between tlo and thi, if
3965  * one exists.  Only roots of odd multiplicity (i.e. with a change
3966  * of sign in one of the g_i), or exact zeros, are found.
3967  * Here the sign of tlo - thi is arbitrary, but if multiple roots
3968  * are found, the one closest to tlo is returned.
3969  *
3970  * The method used is the Illinois algorithm, a modified secant method.
3971  * Reference: Kathie L. Hiebert and Lawrence F. Shampine, Implicitly
3972  * Defined Output Points for Solutions of ODEs, Sandia National
3973  * Laboratory Report SAND80-0180, February 1980.
3974  *
3975  * This routine uses the following parameters for communication:
3976  *
3977  * nrtfn    = number of functions g_i, or number of components of
3978  *            the vector-valued function g(t).  Input only.
3979  *
3980  * gfun     = user-defined function for g(t).  Its form is
3981  *            (void) gfun(t, y, gt, user_data)
3982  *
3983  * rootdir  = in array specifying the direction of zero-crossings.
3984  *            If rootdir[i] > 0, search for roots of g_i only if
3985  *            g_i is increasing; if rootdir[i] < 0, search for
3986  *            roots of g_i only if g_i is decreasing; otherwise
3987  *            always search for roots of g_i.
3988  *
3989  * gactive  = array specifying whether a component of g should
3990  *            or should not be monitored. gactive[i] is initially
3991  *            set to SUNTRUE for all i=0,...,nrtfn-1, but it may be
3992  *            reset to SUNFALSE if at the first step g[i] is 0.0
3993  *            both at the I.C. and at a small perturbation of them.
3994  *            gactive[i] is then set back on SUNTRUE only after the
3995  *            corresponding g function moves away from 0.0.
3996  *
3997  * nge      = cumulative counter for gfun calls.
3998  *
3999  * ttol     = a convergence tolerance for trout.  Input only.
4000  *            When a root at trout is found, it is located only to
4001  *            within a tolerance of ttol.  Typically, ttol should
4002  *            be set to a value on the order of
4003  *               100 * UROUND * max (SUNRabs(tlo), SUNRabs(thi))
4004  *            where UROUND is the unit roundoff of the machine.
4005  *
4006  * tlo, thi = endpoints of the interval in which roots are sought.
4007  *            On input, these must be distinct, but tlo - thi may
4008  *            be of either sign.  The direction of integration is
4009  *            assumed to be from tlo to thi.  On return, tlo and thi
4010  *            are the endpoints of the final relevant interval.
4011  *
4012  * glo, ghi = arrays of length nrtfn containing the vectors g(tlo)
4013  *            and g(thi) respectively.  Input and output.  On input,
4014  *            none of the glo[i] should be zero.
4015  *
4016  * trout    = root location, if a root was found, or thi if not.
4017  *            Output only.  If a root was found other than an exact
4018  *            zero of g, trout is the endpoint thi of the final
4019  *            interval bracketing the root, with size at most ttol.
4020  *
4021  * grout    = array of length nrtfn containing g(trout) on return.
4022  *
4023  * iroots   = int array of length nrtfn with root information.
4024  *            Output only.  If a root was found, iroots indicates
4025  *            which components g_i have a root at trout.  For
4026  *            i = 0, ..., nrtfn-1, iroots[i] = 1 if g_i has a root
4027  *            and g_i is increasing, iroots[i] = -1 if g_i has a
4028  *            root and g_i is decreasing, and iroots[i] = 0 if g_i
4029  *            has no roots or g_i varies in the direction opposite
4030  *            to that indicated by rootdir[i].
4031  *
4032  * This routine returns an int equal to:
4033  *      CV_RTFUNC_FAIL  < 0 if the g function failed, or
4034  *      RTFOUND         = 1 if a root of g was found, or
4035  *      CV_SUCCESS      = 0 otherwise.
4036  */
cvRootfind(CVodeMem cv_mem)4038 static int cvRootfind(CVodeMem cv_mem)
4039 {
4040   realtype alph, tmid, gfrac, maxfrac, fracint, fracsub;
4041   int i, retval, imax, side, sideprev;
4042   booleantype zroot, sgnchg;
4044   imax = 0;
4046   /* First check for change in sign in ghi or for a zero in ghi. */
4047   maxfrac = ZERO;
4048   zroot = SUNFALSE;
4049   sgnchg = SUNFALSE;
4050   for (i = 0;  i < cv_mem->cv_nrtfn; i++) {
4051     if(!cv_mem->cv_gactive[i]) continue;
4052     if (SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_ghi[i]) == ZERO) {
4053       if(cv_mem->cv_rootdir[i]*cv_mem->cv_glo[i] <= ZERO) {
4054         zroot = SUNTRUE;
4055       }
4056     } else {
4057       if ( (cv_mem->cv_glo[i]*cv_mem->cv_ghi[i] < ZERO) &&
4058            (cv_mem->cv_rootdir[i]*cv_mem->cv_glo[i] <= ZERO) ) {
4059         gfrac = SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_ghi[i]/(cv_mem->cv_ghi[i] - cv_mem->cv_glo[i]));
4060         if (gfrac > maxfrac) {
4061           sgnchg = SUNTRUE;
4062           maxfrac = gfrac;
4063           imax = i;
4064         }
4065       }
4066     }
4067   }
4069   /* If no sign change was found, reset trout and grout.  Then return
4070      CV_SUCCESS if no zero was found, or set iroots and return RTFOUND.  */
4071   if (!sgnchg) {
4072     cv_mem->cv_trout = cv_mem->cv_thi;
4073     for (i = 0; i < cv_mem->cv_nrtfn; i++) cv_mem->cv_grout[i] = cv_mem->cv_ghi[i];
4074     if (!zroot) return(CV_SUCCESS);
4075     for (i = 0; i < cv_mem->cv_nrtfn; i++) {
4076       cv_mem->cv_iroots[i] = 0;
4077       if(!cv_mem->cv_gactive[i]) continue;
4078       if ( (SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_ghi[i]) == ZERO) &&
4079            (cv_mem->cv_rootdir[i]*cv_mem->cv_glo[i] <= ZERO) )
4080         cv_mem->cv_iroots[i] = cv_mem->cv_glo[i] > 0 ? -1 : 1;
4081     }
4082     return(RTFOUND);
4083   }
4085   /* Initialize alph to avoid compiler warning */
4086   alph = ONE;
4088   /* A sign change was found.  Loop to locate nearest root. */
4090   side = 0;  sideprev = -1;
4091   for(;;) {                                    /* Looping point */
4093     /* If interval size is already less than tolerance ttol, break. */
4094       if (SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_thi - cv_mem->cv_tlo) <= cv_mem->cv_ttol) break;
4096     /* Set weight alph.
4097        On the first two passes, set alph = 1.  Thereafter, reset alph
4098        according to the side (low vs high) of the subinterval in which
4099        the sign change was found in the previous two passes.
4100        If the sides were opposite, set alph = 1.
4101        If the sides were the same, then double alph (if high side),
4102        or halve alph (if low side).
4103        The next guess tmid is the secant method value if alph = 1, but
4104        is closer to tlo if alph < 1, and closer to thi if alph > 1.    */
4106     if (sideprev == side) {
4107       alph = (side == 2) ? alph*TWO : alph*HALF;
4108     } else {
4109       alph = ONE;
4110     }
4112     /* Set next root approximation tmid and get g(tmid).
4113        If tmid is too close to tlo or thi, adjust it inward,
4114        by a fractional distance that is between 0.1 and 0.5.  */
4115     tmid = cv_mem->cv_thi - (cv_mem->cv_thi - cv_mem->cv_tlo) *
4116       cv_mem->cv_ghi[imax] / (cv_mem->cv_ghi[imax] - alph*cv_mem->cv_glo[imax]);
4117     if (SUNRabs(tmid - cv_mem->cv_tlo) < HALF*cv_mem->cv_ttol) {
4118       fracint = SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_thi - cv_mem->cv_tlo)/cv_mem->cv_ttol;
4119       fracsub = (fracint > FIVE) ? PT1 : HALF/fracint;
4120       tmid = cv_mem->cv_tlo + fracsub*(cv_mem->cv_thi - cv_mem->cv_tlo);
4121     }
4122     if (SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_thi - tmid) < HALF*cv_mem->cv_ttol) {
4123       fracint = SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_thi - cv_mem->cv_tlo)/cv_mem->cv_ttol;
4124       fracsub = (fracint > FIVE) ? PT1 : HALF/fracint;
4125       tmid = cv_mem->cv_thi - fracsub*(cv_mem->cv_thi - cv_mem->cv_tlo);
4126     }
4128     (void) CVodeGetDky(cv_mem, tmid, 0, cv_mem->cv_y);
4129     retval = cv_mem->cv_gfun(tmid, cv_mem->cv_y, cv_mem->cv_grout,
4130                              cv_mem->cv_user_data);
4131     cv_mem->cv_nge++;
4132     if (retval != 0) return(CV_RTFUNC_FAIL);
4134     /* Check to see in which subinterval g changes sign, and reset imax.
4135        Set side = 1 if sign change is on low side, or 2 if on high side.  */
4136     maxfrac = ZERO;
4137     zroot = SUNFALSE;
4138     sgnchg = SUNFALSE;
4139     sideprev = side;
4140     for (i = 0;  i < cv_mem->cv_nrtfn; i++) {
4141       if(!cv_mem->cv_gactive[i]) continue;
4142       if (SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_grout[i]) == ZERO) {
4143         if(cv_mem->cv_rootdir[i]*cv_mem->cv_glo[i] <= ZERO) zroot = SUNTRUE;
4144       } else {
4145         if ( (cv_mem->cv_glo[i]*cv_mem->cv_grout[i] < ZERO) &&
4146              (cv_mem->cv_rootdir[i]*cv_mem->cv_glo[i] <= ZERO) ) {
4147           gfrac = SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_grout[i] /
4148                           (cv_mem->cv_grout[i] - cv_mem->cv_glo[i]));
4149           if (gfrac > maxfrac) {
4150             sgnchg = SUNTRUE;
4151             maxfrac = gfrac;
4152             imax = i;
4153           }
4154         }
4155       }
4156     }
4157     if (sgnchg) {
4158       /* Sign change found in (tlo,tmid); replace thi with tmid. */
4159       cv_mem->cv_thi = tmid;
4160       for (i = 0; i < cv_mem->cv_nrtfn; i++)
4161         cv_mem->cv_ghi[i] = cv_mem->cv_grout[i];
4162       side = 1;
4163       /* Stop at root thi if converged; otherwise loop. */
4164       if (SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_thi - cv_mem->cv_tlo) <= cv_mem->cv_ttol) break;
4165       continue;  /* Return to looping point. */
4166     }
4168     if (zroot) {
4169       /* No sign change in (tlo,tmid), but g = 0 at tmid; return root tmid. */
4170       cv_mem->cv_thi = tmid;
4171       for (i = 0; i < cv_mem->cv_nrtfn; i++)
4172         cv_mem->cv_ghi[i] = cv_mem->cv_grout[i];
4173       break;
4174     }
4176     /* No sign change in (tlo,tmid), and no zero at tmid.
4177        Sign change must be in (tmid,thi).  Replace tlo with tmid. */
4178     cv_mem->cv_tlo = tmid;
4179     for (i = 0; i < cv_mem->cv_nrtfn; i++)
4180       cv_mem->cv_glo[i] = cv_mem->cv_grout[i];
4181     side = 2;
4182     /* Stop at root thi if converged; otherwise loop back. */
4183     if (SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_thi - cv_mem->cv_tlo) <= cv_mem->cv_ttol) break;
4185   } /* End of root-search loop */
4187   /* Reset trout and grout, set iroots, and return RTFOUND. */
4188   cv_mem->cv_trout = cv_mem->cv_thi;
4189   for (i = 0; i < cv_mem->cv_nrtfn; i++) {
4190     cv_mem->cv_grout[i] = cv_mem->cv_ghi[i];
4191     cv_mem->cv_iroots[i] = 0;
4192     if(!cv_mem->cv_gactive[i]) continue;
4193     if ( (SUNRabs(cv_mem->cv_ghi[i]) == ZERO) &&
4194          (cv_mem->cv_rootdir[i]*cv_mem->cv_glo[i] <= ZERO) )
4195       cv_mem->cv_iroots[i] = cv_mem->cv_glo[i] > 0 ? -1 : 1;
4196     if ( (cv_mem->cv_glo[i]*cv_mem->cv_ghi[i] < ZERO) &&
4197          (cv_mem->cv_rootdir[i]*cv_mem->cv_glo[i] <= ZERO) )
4198       cv_mem->cv_iroots[i] = cv_mem->cv_glo[i] > 0 ? -1 : 1;
4199   }
4200   return(RTFOUND);
4201 }
4203 /*
4204  * =================================================================
4205  * Internal EWT function
4206  * =================================================================
4207  */
4209 /*
4210  * cvEwtSet
4211  *
4212  * This routine is responsible for setting the error weight vector ewt,
4213  * according to tol_type, as follows:
4214  *
4215  * (1) ewt[i] = 1 / (reltol * SUNRabs(ycur[i]) + abstol), i=0,...,neq-1
4216  *     if tol_type = CV_SS
4217  * (2) ewt[i] = 1 / (reltol * SUNRabs(ycur[i]) + abstol[i]), i=0,...,neq-1
4218  *     if tol_type = CV_SV
4219  *
4220  * cvEwtSet returns 0 if ewt is successfully set as above to a
4221  * positive vector and -1 otherwise. In the latter case, ewt is
4222  * considered undefined.
4223  *
4224  * All the real work is done in the routines cvEwtSetSS, cvEwtSetSV.
4225  */
cvEwtSet(N_Vector ycur,N_Vector weight,void * data)4227 int cvEwtSet(N_Vector ycur, N_Vector weight, void *data)
4228 {
4229   CVodeMem cv_mem;
4230   int flag = 0;
4232   /* data points to cv_mem here */
4234   cv_mem = (CVodeMem) data;
4236   switch(cv_mem->cv_itol) {
4237   case CV_SS:
4238     flag = cvEwtSetSS(cv_mem, ycur, weight);
4239     break;
4240   case CV_SV:
4241     flag = cvEwtSetSV(cv_mem, ycur, weight);
4242     break;
4243   }
4245   return(flag);
4246 }
4248 /*
4249  * cvEwtSetSS
4250  *
4251  * This routine sets ewt as decribed above in the case tol_type = CV_SS.
4252  * If the absolute tolerance is zero, it tests for non-positive components
4253  * before inverting. cvEwtSetSS returns 0 if ewt is successfully set to a
4254  * positive vector and -1 otherwise. In the latter case, ewt is considered
4255  * undefined.
4256  */
cvEwtSetSS(CVodeMem cv_mem,N_Vector ycur,N_Vector weight)4258 static int cvEwtSetSS(CVodeMem cv_mem, N_Vector ycur, N_Vector weight)
4259 {
4261   if (cv_mem->cv_usefused)
4262   {
4263     /* We compute weight (inverse of tempv) regardless of the component test
4264        since it will be thrown away in this case anyways. */
4265     cvEwtSetSS_fused(cv_mem->cv_atolmin0, cv_mem->cv_reltol,
4266                      cv_mem->cv_Sabstol, ycur, cv_mem->cv_tempv,
4267                      weight);
4268     if (cv_mem->cv_atolmin0) {
4269       if (N_VMin(cv_mem->cv_tempv) <= ZERO) return(-1);
4270     }
4271   }
4272   else
4273 #endif
4274   {
4275     N_VAbs(ycur, cv_mem->cv_tempv);
4276     N_VScale(cv_mem->cv_reltol, cv_mem->cv_tempv, cv_mem->cv_tempv);
4277     N_VAddConst(cv_mem->cv_tempv, cv_mem->cv_Sabstol, cv_mem->cv_tempv);
4278     if (cv_mem->cv_atolmin0) {
4279       if (N_VMin(cv_mem->cv_tempv) <= ZERO) return(-1);
4280     }
4281     N_VInv(cv_mem->cv_tempv, weight);
4282   }
4284   return(0);
4285 }
4287 /*
4288  * cvEwtSetSV
4289  *
4290  * This routine sets ewt as decribed above in the case tol_type = CV_SV.
4291  * If any absolute tolerance is zero, it tests for non-positive components
4292  * before inverting. cvEwtSetSV returns 0 if ewt is successfully set to a
4293  * positive vector and -1 otherwise. In the latter case, ewt is considered
4294  * undefined.
4295  */
cvEwtSetSV(CVodeMem cv_mem,N_Vector ycur,N_Vector weight)4297 static int cvEwtSetSV(CVodeMem cv_mem, N_Vector ycur, N_Vector weight)
4298 {
4300   if (cv_mem->cv_usefused)
4301   {
4302     /* We compute weight (inverse of tempv) regardless of the component test
4303        since it will be thrown away in this case anyways. */
4304     cvEwtSetSV_fused(cv_mem->cv_atolmin0, cv_mem->cv_reltol,
4305                      cv_mem->cv_Vabstol, ycur, cv_mem->cv_tempv,
4306                      weight);
4307     if (cv_mem->cv_atolmin0) {
4308       if (N_VMin(cv_mem->cv_tempv) <= ZERO) return(-1);
4309     }
4310   }
4311   else
4312 #endif
4313   {
4314     N_VAbs(ycur, cv_mem->cv_tempv);
4315     N_VLinearSum(cv_mem->cv_reltol, cv_mem->cv_tempv, ONE,
4316                  cv_mem->cv_Vabstol, cv_mem->cv_tempv);
4317     if (cv_mem->cv_atolmin0) {
4318       if (N_VMin(cv_mem->cv_tempv) <= ZERO) return(-1);
4319     }
4320     N_VInv(cv_mem->cv_tempv, weight);
4321   }
4323   return(0);
4324 }
4326 /*
4327  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
4328  * Error message handling functions
4329  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
4330  */
4332 /*
4333  * cvProcessError is a high level error handling function.
4334  * - If cv_mem==NULL it prints the error message to stderr.
4335  * - Otherwise, it sets up and calls the error handling function
4336  *   pointed to by cv_ehfun.
4337  */
cvProcessError(CVodeMem cv_mem,int error_code,const char * module,const char * fname,const char * msgfmt,...)4339 void cvProcessError(CVodeMem cv_mem,
4340                     int error_code, const char *module, const char *fname,
4341                     const char *msgfmt, ...)
4342 {
4343   va_list ap;
4344   char msg[256];
4346   /* Initialize the argument pointer variable
4347      (msgfmt is the last required argument to cvProcessError) */
4349   va_start(ap, msgfmt);
4351   /* Compose the message */
4353   vsprintf(msg, msgfmt, ap);
4355   if (cv_mem == NULL) {    /* We write to stderr */
4356 #ifndef NO_FPRINTF_OUTPUT
4357     fprintf(stderr, "\n[%s ERROR]  %s\n  ", module, fname);
4358     fprintf(stderr, "%s\n\n", msg);
4359 #endif
4361   } else {                 /* We can call ehfun */
4362     cv_mem->cv_ehfun(error_code, module, fname, msg, cv_mem->cv_eh_data);
4363   }
4365   /* Finalize argument processing */
4366   va_end(ap);
4368   return;
4369 }
4371 /*
4372  * cvErrHandler is the default error handling function.
4373  * It sends the error message to the stream pointed to by cv_errfp.
4374  */
cvErrHandler(int error_code,const char * module,const char * function,char * msg,void * data)4376 void cvErrHandler(int error_code, const char *module,
4377                   const char *function, char *msg, void *data)
4378 {
4379   CVodeMem cv_mem;
4380   char err_type[10];
4382   /* data points to cv_mem here */
4384   cv_mem = (CVodeMem) data;
4386   if (error_code == CV_WARNING)
4387     sprintf(err_type,"WARNING");
4388   else
4389     sprintf(err_type,"ERROR");
4391 #ifndef NO_FPRINTF_OUTPUT
4392   if (cv_mem->cv_errfp!=NULL) {
4393     fprintf(cv_mem->cv_errfp,"\n[%s %s]  %s\n",module,err_type,function);
4394     fprintf(cv_mem->cv_errfp,"  %s\n\n",msg);
4395   }
4396 #endif
4398   return;
4399 }