1 /*! \file
2 Copyright (c) 2003, The Regents of the University of California, through
3 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required
4 approvals from U.S. Dept. of Energy)
6 All rights reserved.
8 The source code is distributed under BSD license, see the file License.txt
9 at the top-level directory.
10 */
11 /*
12  * -- SuperLU routine (version 5.2) --
13  * Univ. of California Berkeley, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center,
14  * and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.
15  * June 30, 2009
16  *
17  * Modified:
18  *   September 25, 2011,  compatible with 64-bit integer in R2006b
19  *   January 17, 2016,    compatible with SuperLU_5.0 interface
20  */
21 #include <stdio.h>
22 #include "mex.h"
23 #include "matrix.h"
25 #include "slu_ddefs.h"
27 #define  MatlabMatrix mxArray
30 /* Aliases for input and output arguments */
31 #define A_in		prhs[0]
32 #define Pc_in		prhs[1]
33 #define L_out    	plhs[0]
34 #define U_out          	plhs[1]
35 #define Pr_out     	plhs[2]
36 #define Pc_out   	plhs[3]
38 void LUextract(SuperMatrix *, SuperMatrix *, double *, mwIndex *, mwIndex *,
39 	       double *, mwIndex *, mwIndex *, int *, int*);
41 #define verbose (SPUMONI>0)
42 #define babble  (SPUMONI>1)
43 #define burble  (SPUMONI>2)
mexFunction(int nlhs,MatlabMatrix * plhs[],int nrhs,const MatlabMatrix * prhs[])45 void mexFunction(
46     int          nlhs,           /* number of expected outputs */
47     MatlabMatrix *plhs[],        /* matrix pointer array returning outputs */
48     int          nrhs,           /* number of inputs */
49     const MatlabMatrix *prhs[]   /* matrix pointer array for inputs */
50     )
51 {
52     int SPUMONI;             /* ... as should the sparse monitor flag */
53     double FlopsInSuperLU;   /* ... as should the flop counter */
54     extern flops_t LUFactFlops(SuperLUStat_t *);
56     /* Arguments to C dgstrf(). */
57     superlu_options_t options;
58     SuperMatrix Ac;        /* Matrix postmultiplied by Pc */
59     SuperMatrix L, U;
60     GlobalLU_t Glu; /* Not needed on return. */
61     int         panel_size, relax;
62     int    	*etree, *perm_r, *perm_c;
63     SuperLUStat_t stat;
65     /* other local variables */
66     SuperMatrix A;
67     int	   	m, n, nnz;
68     double      *val;
69     int       	*rowind;
70     int		*colptr;
71     mwSize      *perm_c_64;
72     mwSize      *rowind_64;
73     mwSize      *colptr_64;
74     double      thresh = 1.0;       /* diagonal pivoting threshold */
75     int		info;
76     MatlabMatrix *X, *Y;            /* args to calls back to Matlab */
77     int         i, mexerr;
78     double      *dp;
79     double      *Lval, *Uval;
80     int         *Lrow, *Urow;
81     int         *Lcol, *Ucol;
82     mwIndex     *Lrow_64, *Lcol_64, *Urow_64, *Ucol_64;
83     int         nnzL, nnzU, snnzL, snnzU;
85     /* Check number of arguments passed from Matlab. */
86     if (nrhs != 2) {
87 	mexErrMsgTxt("SUPERLU requires 2 input arguments.");
88     } else if (nlhs != 4) {
89       	mexErrMsgTxt("SUPERLU requires 4 output arguments.");
90     }
92     /* Read the Sparse Monitor Flag */
93     X = mxCreateString("spumoni");
94     mexerr = mexCallMATLAB(1, &Y, 1, &X, "sparsfun");
95     SPUMONI = mxGetScalar(Y);
96     mxDestroyArray(Y);
97     mxDestroyArray(X);
99     m = mxGetM(A_in);
100     n = mxGetN(A_in);
101     val = mxGetPr(A_in);
102     rowind_64 = mxGetIr(A_in);
103     colptr_64 = mxGetJc(A_in);
104     perm_c_64 = mxGetIr(Pc_in);
105     nnz = colptr_64[n];
106     if ( verbose ) mexPrintf("m = %d, n = %d, nnz  = %d\n", m, n, nnz);
108     etree = (int *) mxCalloc(n, sizeof(int));
109     perm_r = (int *) mxCalloc(m, sizeof(int));
110     perm_c = (int *) mxMalloc(n * sizeof(int));
111     rowind = (int *) mxMalloc(nnz * sizeof(int));
112     colptr = (int *) mxMalloc((n+1) * sizeof(int));
114     for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
115 	perm_c[i] = perm_c_64[i];
116 	colptr[i] = colptr_64[i];
117 	/*printf("perm_c[%d] %d\n", i, perm_c[i]);*/
118     }
119     colptr[n] = colptr_64[n];
120     for (i = 0; i < nnz; ++i) rowind[i] = rowind_64[i];
122     dCreate_CompCol_Matrix(&A, m, n, nnz, val, rowind, colptr,
123 			   SLU_NC, SLU_D, SLU_GE);
124     panel_size = sp_ienv(1);
125     relax      = sp_ienv(2);
126     thresh     = 1.0;
127     FlopsInSuperLU      = 0;
129     set_default_options(&options);
130     StatInit(&stat);
132     if ( verbose ) mexPrintf("Apply column perm to A and compute etree...\n");
133     sp_preorder(&options, &A, perm_c, etree, &Ac);
135     if ( verbose ) {
136 	mexPrintf("LU factorization...\n");
137 	mexPrintf("\tpanel_size %d, relax %d, diag_pivot_thresh %.2g\n",
138 		  panel_size, relax, thresh);
139     }
141     dgstrf(&options, &Ac, relax, panel_size, etree,
142 	   NULL, 0, perm_c, perm_r, &L, &U, &Glu, &stat, &info);
144     if ( verbose ) mexPrintf("INFO from dgstrf %d\n", info);
146 #if 0 /* FLOPS is not available in the new Matlab. */
147     /* Tell Matlab how many flops we did. */
148     FlopsInSuperLU += LUFactFlops(&stat);
149     if (verbose) mexPrintf("SUPERLU flops: %.f\n", FlopsInSuperLU);
150     mexerr = mexCallMATLAB(1, &X, 0, NULL, "flops");
151     *(mxGetPr(X)) += FlopsInSuperLU;
152     mexerr = mexCallMATLAB(1, &Y, 1, &X, "flops");
153     mxDestroyArray(Y);
154     mxDestroyArray(X);
155 #endif
157     /* Construct output arguments for Matlab. */
158     if ( info >= 0 && info <= n ) {
159 	Pr_out = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(m, 1, mxREAL);   /* output row perm */
160 	dp = mxGetPr(Pr_out);
161 	for (i = 0; i < m; *dp++ = (double) perm_r[i++]+1);
163 	Pc_out = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(n, 1, mxREAL);   /* output col perm */
164 	dp = mxGetPr(Pc_out);
165 	for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) dp[i] = (double) perm_c[i]+1;
167 	/* Now for L and U */
168 	nnzL = ((SCformat*)L.Store)->nnz; /* count diagonals */
169    	nnzU = ((NCformat*)U.Store)->nnz;
170 	L_out = mxCreateSparse(m, n, nnzL, mxREAL);
171 	Lval = mxGetPr(L_out);
172 	Lrow_64 = mxGetIr(L_out);
173 	Lcol_64 = mxGetJc(L_out);
174 	U_out = mxCreateSparse(m, n, nnzU, mxREAL);
175 	Uval = mxGetPr(U_out);
176 	Urow_64 = mxGetIr(U_out);
177 	Ucol_64 = mxGetJc(U_out);
179 	LUextract(&L, &U, Lval, Lrow_64, Lcol_64, Uval, Urow_64, Ucol_64,
180 		  &snnzL, &snnzU);
182 	if ( babble )
183 	  for (i = 0; i <= n; ++i) printf("Lcol_64[%d] %d\n", i, Lcol_64[i]);
185 	printf("nnzL = %d, nnzU = %d\n", nnzL, nnzU);
186 	if ( babble ) {
187 	  for (i=0; i < nnzL; ++i)
188 	    mexPrintf("Lrow_64[%d] %d\n", i, Lrow_64[i]);
189 	  for (i = 0; i < snnzU; ++i)
190 	    mexPrintf("Urow_64[%d] = %d\n", i, Urow_64[i]);
191 	}
193         Destroy_CompCol_Permuted(&Ac);
194 	Destroy_SuperNode_Matrix(&L);
195 	Destroy_CompCol_Matrix(&U);
197 	if (verbose) mexPrintf("factor nonzeros: %d unsqueezed, %d squeezed.\n",
198 			      nnzL + nnzU, snnzL + snnzU);
199     } else {
200 	mexErrMsgTxt("Error returned from C dgstrf().");
201     }
203     mxFree(etree);
204     mxFree(perm_r);
205     mxFree(perm_c);
206     mxFree(rowind);
207     mxFree(colptr);
209     StatFree(&stat);
211     return;
212 }
214 void
LUextract(SuperMatrix * L,SuperMatrix * U,double * Lval,mwIndex * Lrow,mwIndex * Lcol,double * Uval,mwIndex * Urow,mwIndex * Ucol,int * snnzL,int * snnzU)215 LUextract(SuperMatrix *L, SuperMatrix *U, double *Lval, mwIndex *Lrow,
216 	  mwIndex *Lcol, double *Uval, mwIndex *Urow, mwIndex *Ucol,
217 	  int *snnzL, int *snnzU)
218 {
219     int         i, j, k;
220     int         upper;
221     int         fsupc, istart, nsupr;
222     int         lastl = 0, lastu = 0;
223     SCformat    *Lstore;
224     NCformat    *Ustore;
225     double      *SNptr;
227     Lstore = L->Store;
228     Ustore = U->Store;
229     Lcol[0] = 0;
230     Ucol[0] = 0;
232     /* for each supernode */
233     for (k = 0; k <= Lstore->nsuper; ++k) {
235 	fsupc = L_FST_SUPC(k);
236 	istart = L_SUB_START(fsupc);
237 	nsupr = L_SUB_START(fsupc+1) - istart;
238 	upper = 1;
240 	/* for each column in the supernode */
241 	for (j = fsupc; j < L_FST_SUPC(k+1); ++j) {
242 	    SNptr = &((double*)Lstore->nzval)[L_NZ_START(j)];
244 	    /* Extract U */
245 	    for (i = U_NZ_START(j); i < U_NZ_START(j+1); ++i) {
246 		Uval[lastu] = ((double*)Ustore->nzval)[i];
247  		/* Matlab doesn't like explicit zero. */
248 		if (Uval[lastu] != 0.0) Urow[lastu++] = (mwIndex) U_SUB(i);
249 	    }
250 	    for (i = 0; i < upper; ++i) { /* upper triangle in the supernode */
251 		Uval[lastu] = SNptr[i];
252  		/* Matlab doesn't like explicit zero. */
253 		if (Uval[lastu] != 0.0) Urow[lastu++] = (mwIndex)L_SUB(istart+i);
254 	    }
255 	    Ucol[j+1] = lastu;
257 	    /* Extract L */
258 	    Lval[lastl] = 1.0; /* unit diagonal */
259 	    Lrow[lastl++] = L_SUB(istart + upper - 1);
260 	    for (i = upper; i < nsupr; ++i) {
261 		Lval[lastl] = SNptr[i];
262  		/* Matlab doesn't like explicit zero. */
263 		if (Lval[lastl] != 0.0) Lrow[lastl++] = (mwIndex)L_SUB(istart+i);
264 	    }
265 	    Lcol[j+1] = lastl;
267 	    ++upper;
269 	} /* for j ... */
271     } /* for k ... */
273     *snnzL = lastl;
274     *snnzU = lastu;
275 }