1 #include <symengine/complex.h>
2 #include <symengine/ntheory.h>
4 namespace SymEngine
5 {
is_re_zero() const7 bool ComplexBase::is_re_zero() const
8 {
9     return this->real_part()->is_zero();
10 }
Complex(rational_class real,rational_class imaginary)12 Complex::Complex(rational_class real, rational_class imaginary)
13     : real_{real}, imaginary_{imaginary}
14 {
16     SYMENGINE_ASSERT(is_canonical(this->real_, this->imaginary_))
17 }
is_canonical(const rational_class & real,const rational_class & imaginary) const19 bool Complex::is_canonical(const rational_class &real,
20                            const rational_class &imaginary) const
21 {
22     rational_class re = real;
23     rational_class im = imaginary;
24     canonicalize(re);
25     canonicalize(im);
26     // If 'im' is 0, it should not be Complex:
27     if (get_num(im) == 0)
28         return false;
29     // if 'real' or `imaginary` are not in canonical form:
30     if (get_num(re) != get_num(real))
31         return false;
32     if (get_den(re) != get_den(real))
33         return false;
34     if (get_num(im) != get_num(imaginary))
35         return false;
36     if (get_den(im) != get_den(imaginary))
37         return false;
38     return true;
39 }
__hash__() const41 hash_t Complex::__hash__() const
42 {
43     // only the least significant bits that fit into "signed long int" are
44     // hashed:
45     hash_t seed = SYMENGINE_COMPLEX;
46     hash_combine<long long int>(seed, mp_get_si(get_num(this->real_)));
47     hash_combine<long long int>(seed, mp_get_si(get_den(this->real_)));
48     hash_combine<long long int>(seed, mp_get_si(get_num(this->imaginary_)));
49     hash_combine<long long int>(seed, mp_get_si(get_den(this->imaginary_)));
50     return seed;
51 }
__eq__(const Basic & o) const53 bool Complex::__eq__(const Basic &o) const
54 {
55     if (is_a<Complex>(o)) {
56         const Complex &s = down_cast<const Complex &>(o);
57         return ((this->real_ == s.real_)
58                 and (this->imaginary_ == s.imaginary_));
59     }
60     return false;
61 }
compare(const Basic & o) const63 int Complex::compare(const Basic &o) const
64 {
65     SYMENGINE_ASSERT(is_a<Complex>(o))
66     const Complex &s = down_cast<const Complex &>(o);
67     if (real_ == s.real_) {
68         if (imaginary_ == s.imaginary_) {
69             return 0;
70         } else {
71             return imaginary_ < s.imaginary_ ? -1 : 1;
72         }
73     } else {
74         return real_ < s.real_ ? -1 : 1;
75     }
76 }
real_part() const78 RCP<const Number> Complex::real_part() const
79 {
80     return Rational::from_mpq(real_);
81 }
imaginary_part() const83 RCP<const Number> Complex::imaginary_part() const
84 {
85     return Rational::from_mpq(imaginary_);
86 }
conjugate() const88 RCP<const Basic> Complex::conjugate() const
89 {
90     return Complex::from_mpq(real_, -imaginary_);
91 }
from_mpq(const rational_class re,const rational_class im)93 RCP<const Number> Complex::from_mpq(const rational_class re,
94                                     const rational_class im)
95 {
96     // It is assumed that `re` and `im` are already in canonical form.
97     if (get_num(im) == 0) {
98         return Rational::from_mpq(re);
99     } else {
100         return make_rcp<const Complex>(re, im);
101     }
102 }
from_two_rats(const Rational & re,const Rational & im)104 RCP<const Number> Complex::from_two_rats(const Rational &re, const Rational &im)
105 {
106     return Complex::from_mpq(re.as_rational_class(), im.as_rational_class());
107 }
from_two_nums(const Number & re,const Number & im)109 RCP<const Number> Complex::from_two_nums(const Number &re, const Number &im)
110 {
111     if (is_a<Integer>(re) and is_a<Integer>(im)) {
112         rational_class re_mpq(
113             down_cast<const Integer &>(re).as_integer_class(),
114             down_cast<const Integer &>(*one).as_integer_class());
115         rational_class im_mpq(
116             down_cast<const Integer &>(im).as_integer_class(),
117             down_cast<const Integer &>(*one).as_integer_class());
118         return Complex::from_mpq(re_mpq, im_mpq);
119     } else if (is_a<Rational>(re) and is_a<Integer>(im)) {
120         rational_class re_mpq
121             = down_cast<const Rational &>(re).as_rational_class();
122         rational_class im_mpq(
123             down_cast<const Integer &>(im).as_integer_class(),
124             down_cast<const Integer &>(*one).as_integer_class());
125         return Complex::from_mpq(re_mpq, im_mpq);
126     } else if (is_a<Integer>(re) and is_a<Rational>(im)) {
127         rational_class re_mpq(
128             down_cast<const Integer &>(re).as_integer_class(),
129             down_cast<const Integer &>(*one).as_integer_class());
130         rational_class im_mpq
131             = down_cast<const Rational &>(im).as_rational_class();
132         return Complex::from_mpq(re_mpq, im_mpq);
133     } else if (is_a<Rational>(re) and is_a<Rational>(im)) {
134         rational_class re_mpq
135             = down_cast<const Rational &>(re).as_rational_class();
136         rational_class im_mpq
137             = down_cast<const Rational &>(im).as_rational_class();
138         return Complex::from_mpq(re_mpq, im_mpq);
139     } else {
140         throw SymEngineException(
141             "Invalid Format: Expected Integer or Rational");
142     }
143 }
pow_number(const Complex & x,unsigned long n)145 RCP<const Number> pow_number(const Complex &x, unsigned long n)
146 {
147     unsigned long mask = 1;
148     rational_class r_re(1);
149     rational_class r_im(0);
151     rational_class p_re = x.real_;
152     rational_class p_im = x.imaginary_;
154     rational_class tmp;
156     while (true) {
157         if (n & mask) {
158             // Multiply r by p
159             tmp = r_re * p_re - r_im * p_im;
160             r_im = r_re * p_im + r_im * p_re;
161             r_re = tmp;
162         }
163         mask = mask << 1;
164         if (not(mask > 0 and n >= mask)) {
165             break;
166         }
167         // Multiply p by p
168         tmp = p_re * p_re - p_im * p_im;
169         p_im = 2 * p_re * p_im;
170         p_re = tmp;
171     }
172     return Complex::from_mpq(r_re, r_im);
173 }
powcomp(const Integer & other) const175 RCP<const Number> Complex::powcomp(const Integer &other) const
176 {
177     if (this->is_re_zero()) {
178         // Imaginary Number raised to an integer power.
179         RCP<const Number> im = Rational::from_mpq(this->imaginary_);
180         long rem = mod_f(other, *integer(4))->as_int();
181         RCP<const Number> res;
182         if (rem == 0) {
183             res = one;
184         } else if (rem == 1) {
185             res = I;
186         } else if (rem == 2) {
187             res = minus_one;
188         } else {
189             res = mulnum(I, minus_one);
190         }
191         return mulnum(im->pow(other), res);
192     } else if (other.is_positive()) {
193         return pow_number(*this, other.as_int());
194     } else {
195         return one->div(*pow_number(*this, -1 * other.as_int()));
196     }
197 }
198 } // namespace SymEngine