1 #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 //
3 // Cocircuits.cc
4 //
5 //    produced: 12/09/2006 jr
6 // last change: 12/09/2006 jr
7 //
8 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9 #include <iostream>
10 #include <ctype.h>
11 #include <string.h>
12 #include <assert.h>
14 #include "Cocircuits.hh"
16 // Cocircuit:
Cocircuit(const Chirotope & chiro,const IntegerSet & coplanar_set)18 Cocircuit::Cocircuit(const Chirotope& chiro, const IntegerSet& coplanar_set) {
19   assert(coplanar_set.card() == chiro.rank() - 1);
20   basis_type basis(coplanar_set);
21   int pm(0);
22   bool found_nonzero(false);
23   IntegerSet universe(0, chiro.no());
24   for (IntegerSet::iterator iter = universe.begin();
25        iter != universe.end();
26        ++iter) {
27     if (coplanar_set.contains(*iter)) {
28       pm = -pm;
29     }
30     else {
31       basis += *iter;
32       if (CommandlineOptions::debug()) {
33 	std::cerr << "chiro(" << basis << ") = " << std::endl;
34       }
35       int chiro_on_basis = chiro(basis);
36       if (CommandlineOptions::debug()) {
37 	std::cerr << chiro_on_basis << std::endl;
38       }
39       if (!found_nonzero && (chiro_on_basis != 0)) {
40 	found_nonzero = true;
41 	pm = chiro_on_basis;
42 	first += *iter;
43       }
44       else {
45 	if (chiro_on_basis * pm > 0) {
46 	  first += *iter;
47 	}
48 	else if (chiro_on_basis * pm < 0) {
49 	  second += *iter;
50 	}
51       }
52       basis -= *iter;
53     }
54   }
55 }
57 // Cocircuits:
Cocircuits(const Chirotope & chiro,const bool only_positive)58 Cocircuits::Cocircuits(const Chirotope& chiro, const bool only_positive) :
59   cocircuits_data(), _no(chiro.no()), _rank(chiro.rank()) {
60   size_type count(0);
61   // if (_no == _rank) {
62   //   return;
63   // }
64   Permutation coplanar_perm(_no, _rank - 1);
65   do {
66     IntegerSet coplanar_set(coplanar_perm);
67     if (CommandlineOptions::debug()) {
68       std::cerr << "computing ";
69       if (only_positive) {
70 	std::cerr << " positive ";
71       }
72       std::cerr << " sign vectors from spanning "
73 	       << _rank - 1 << "-subset "
74 	       << coplanar_set
75 	       << " ..."
76 	       << std::endl;
77     }
78     Cocircuit cocircuit(chiro, coplanar_set);
79     if (CommandlineOptions::debug()) {
80       std::cerr << "... done." << std::endl;
81       std::cerr << "result: " << cocircuit << std::endl;
82     }
83     if ((only_positive) && !cocircuit.first.is_empty() && !cocircuit.second.is_empty()) {
84       continue;
85     }
86     if (!cocircuit.first.is_empty() || !cocircuit.second.is_empty()) {
87       insert(cocircuit.first + cocircuit.second, cocircuit);
88       if (CommandlineOptions::verbose() && (++count % 10000 == 0)) {
89 	std::cerr << load();
90 	if (only_positive) {
91 	  std::cerr << " positive ";
92 	}
93 	std::cerr << " cocircuits computed so far." << std::endl;
94       }
95     }
96   } while (coplanar_perm.lexnext());
97   if (CommandlineOptions::verbose()) {
98     std::cerr << load() << " cocircuits in total." << std::endl;
99   }
100 }
102 // stream output/input:
print_string(std::ostream & ost) const103 std::ostream& Cocircuits::print_string(std::ostream& ost) const {
104   ost << _no << ',' << _rank << ':' << std::endl;
105   ost << '{' << std::endl;
106   for (const_iterator iter = begin(); iter != end(); ++iter) {
107     ost << '[' << iter->dataptr()->first << ',' << iter->dataptr()->second << ']' << '\n';
108   }
109   ost << '}' << std::endl;
110   return ost;
111 }
read_string(std::istream & ist)112 std::istream& Cocircuits::read_string(std::istream& ist) {
113   char     c;
114   Cocircuit  cocircuit;
116   clear();
117   if (!(ist >> std::ws >> _no)) {
118 #ifdef READ_DEBUG
119     std::cerr << "Cocircuits::read_string(std::istream&): "
120 	 << "number of points not found." << std::endl;
121 #endif
122     ist.clear(std::ios::failbit);
123     return ist;
124   }
125   if (!(ist >> std::ws >> c)) {
126 #ifdef READ_DEBUG
127     std::cerr << "Cocircuits::read_string(std::istream&): "
128 	 << "separator not found." << std::endl;
129 #endif
130     ist.clear(std::ios::failbit);
131     return ist;
132   }
133   if (!(ist >> std::ws >> _rank)) {
134 #ifdef READ_DEBUG
135     std::cerr << "Cocircuits::read_string(std::istream&): "
136 	 << "rank not found." << std::endl;
137 #endif
138     ist.clear(std::ios::failbit);
139     return ist;
140   }
141   if (!(ist >> std::ws >> c)) {
142 #ifdef READ_DEBUG
143     std::cerr << "Cocircuits::read_string(std::istream&): "
144 	 << "separator not found." << std::endl;
145 #endif
146     ist.clear(std::ios::failbit);
147     return ist;
148   }
149   while (ist >> std::ws >> c) {
150     if (c == '{') {
151       continue;
152     }
153     else if (c == '}') {
154       break;
155     }
156     else {
157       ist.putback(c);
158       if (ist >> cocircuit) {
159 	insert(cocircuit.first + cocircuit.second, cocircuit);
160       }
161       else {
162 #ifdef READ_DEBUG
163 	std::cerr << "Cocircuits::read_string(std::istream&): "
164 	     << "not of appropriate type." << std::endl;
165 #endif
166 	ist.clear(std::ios::failbit);
167 	return ist;
168       }
169     }
170   }
171   return ist;
172 }
174 // eof Cocircuits.cc