1 /*=========================================================================
3   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4   Module:    vtkCommand.h
6   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7   All rights reserved.
8   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
11      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
12      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
15 // .NAME vtkCommand - superclass for callback/observer methods
16 // .SECTION Description
17 // vtkCommand is an implementation of the observer/command design
18 // pattern.  In this design pattern, any instance of vtkObject can be
19 // "observed" for any events it might invoke. For example,
20 // vtkRenderer invokes a StartEvent as it begins to render and a
21 // EndEvent when it finishes rendering. Filters (subclasses of
22 // vtkProcessObject) invoke StartEvent, ProgressEvent, and EndEvent as
23 // the filter processes data. Observers of events are added with the
24 // AddObserver() method found in vtkObject.  AddObserver(), besides
25 // requiring an event id or name, also takes an instance of vtkCommand
26 // (or a subclasses). Note that vtkCommand is meant to be subclassed,
27 // so that you can package the information necessary to support your
28 // callback.
29 //
30 // Event processing can be organized in priority lists, so it is
31 // possible to truncate the processing of a particular event by
32 // setting the AbortFlag variable. The priority is set using the
33 // AddObserver() method.  By default the priority is 0, events of the
34 // same priority are processed in last-in-first-processed order. The
35 // ordering/aborting of events is important for things like 3D
36 // widgets, which handle an event if the widget is selected (and then
37 // aborting further processing of that event).  Otherwise. the event
38 // is passed along for further processing.
39 //
40 // When an instance of vtkObject invokes an event, it also passes an optional
41 // void pointer to a callData. This callData is NULL most of the time.
42 // The callData is not specific to a type of event but specific to a type
43 // of vtkObject invoking a specific event. For instance, vtkCommand::PickEvent
44 // is invoked by vtkProp with a NULL callData but is invoked by
45 // vtkInteractorStyleImage with a pointer to the vtkInteractorStyleImage object
46 // itself.
47 //
48 // Here is the list of events that may be invoked with a non-NULL callData.
49 // - vtkCommand::ProgressEvent
50 //  - most of the objects return a pointer to a double value ranged between
51 // 0.0 and 1.0
52 //  - Infovis/vtkFixedWidthTextReader returns a pointer to a float value equal
53 // to the number of lines read so far.
54 // - vtkCommand::ErrorEvent
55 //  - an error message as a const char * string
56 // - vtkCommand::WarningEvent
57 //  - a warning message as a const char * string
58 // - vtkCommand::StartAnimationCueEvent
59 //  - a pointer to a vtkAnimationCue::AnimationCueInfo object
60 // - vtkCommand::EndAnimationCueEvent
61 //  - a pointer to a vtkAnimationCue::AnimationCueInfo object
62 // - vtkCommand::AnimationCueTickEvent
63 //  - a pointer to a vtkAnimationCue::AnimationCueInfo object
64 // - vtkCommand::PickEvent
65 //  - Common/vtkProp returns NULL
66 //  - Rendering/vtkInteractorStyleImage returns a pointer to itself
67 // - vtkCommand::StartPickEvent
68 //  - Rendering/vtkPropPicker returns NULL
69 //  - Rendering/vtkInteractorStyleImage returns a pointer to itself
70 // - vtkCommand::EndPickEvent
71 //  - Rendering/vtkPropPicker returns NULL
72 //  - Rendering/vtkInteractorStyleImage returns a pointer to itself
73 // - vtkCommand::WrongTagEvent
74 //  - Parallel/vtkSocketCommunicator returns a received tag as a char *
75 // - vtkCommand::SelectionChangedEvent
76 //  - Views/vtkView returns NULL
77 //  - Views/vtkDataRepresentation returns a pointer to a vtkSelection
78 //  - Rendering/vtkInteractorStyleRubberBand2D returns an array of 5 unsigned
79 // integers (p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, mode), where mode is
80 // vtkInteractorStyleRubberBand2D::SELECT_UNION or
81 // vtkInteractorStyleRubberBand2D::SELECT_NORMAL
82 // - vtkCommand::AnnotationChangedEvent
83 //  - GUISupport/Qt/vtkQtAnnotationView returns a pointer to a
84 // vtkAnnotationLayers
85 // - vtkCommand::PlacePointEvent
86 //  - Widgets/vtkSeedWidget returns a pointer to an int, being the current
87 // handle number
88 // - vtkCommand::ResetWindowLevelEvent
89 //  - Widgets/vtkImagePlaneWidget returns an array of 2 double values (window
90 // and level)
91 //  - Rendering/vtkInteractorStyleImage returns a pointer to itself
92 // - vtkCommand::StartWindowLevelEvent
93 //  - Widgets/vtkImagePlaneWidget returns an array of 2 double values (window
94 // and level)
95 //  - Rendering/vtkInteractorStyleImage returns a pointer to itself
96 // - vtkCommand::EndWindowLevelEvent
97 //  - Widgets/vtkImagePlaneWidget returns an array of 2 double values (window
98 // and level)
99 //  - Rendering/vtkInteractorStyleImage returns a pointer to itself
100 // - vtkCommand::WindowLevelEvent
101 //  - Widgets/vtkImagePlaneWidget returns an array of 2 double values (window
102 // and level)
103 //  - Rendering/vtkInteractorStyleImage returns a pointer to itself
104 // - vtkCommand::CharEvent
105 //  - most of the objects return NULL
106 //  - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKWidget returns a QKeyEvent *
107 // - vtkCommand::TimerEvent
108 //  - most of the objects return a to an int representing a timer id
109 //  - Rendering/vtkXRenderWindowTclInteractor returns NULL
110 //  - Widgets/vtkHoverWidget returns NULL
111 // - vtkCommand::CreateTimerEvent
112 //  - Rendering/vtkGenericRenderWindowInteractor returns a to an int
113 // representing a timer id
114 // - vtkCommand::DestroyTimerEvent
115 //  - Rendering/vtkGenericRenderWindowInteractor returns a to an int
116 // representing a timer id
117 // - vtkCommand::UserEvent
118 //  - most of the objects return NULL
119 //  - Infovis/vtkInteractorStyleTreeMapHover returns a pointer to a vtkIdType
120 // representing a pedigree id
121 // - vtkCommand::KeyPressEvent
122 //  - most of the objects return NULL
123 //  - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKWidget returns a QKeyEvent*
124 // - vtkCommand::KeyReleaseEvent
125 //  - most of the objects return NULL
126 //  - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKWidget returns a QKeyEvent*
127 // - vtkCommand::LeftButtonPressEvent
128 //  - most of the objects return NULL
129 //  - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKWidget returns a QMouseEvent*
130 // - vtkCommand::LeftButtonReleaseEvent
131 //  - most of the objects return NULL
132 //  - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKWidget returns a QMouseEvent*
133 // - vtkCommand::MouseMoveEvent
134 //  - most of the objects return NULL
135 //  - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKWidget returns a QMouseEvent*
136 // - vtkCommand::MouseWheelForwardEvent
137 //  - most of the objects return NULL
138 //  - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKWidget returns a QWheelEvent*
139 // - vtkCommand::MouseWheelBackwardEvent
140 //  - most of the objects return NULL
141 //  - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKWidget returns a QWheelEvent*
142 // - vtkCommand::RightButtonPressEvent
143 //  - most of the objects return NULL
144 //  - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKWidget returns a QMouseEvent*
145 // - vtkCommand::RightButtonReleaseEvent
146 //  - most of the objects return NULL
147 //  - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKWidget returns a QMouseEvent*
148 // - vtkCommand::MiddleButtonPressEvent
149 //  - most of the objects return NULL
150 //  - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKWidget returns a QMouseEvent*
151 // - vtkCommand::MiddleButtonReleaseEvent
152 //  - most of the objects return NULL
153 //  - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKWidget returns a QMouseEvent*
154 // - vtkCommand::CursorChangedEvent
155 //  - most of the objects return a pointer to an int representing a shape
156 //  - Rendering/vtkInteractorObserver returns NULL
157 // - vtkCommand::ResetCameraEvent
158 //  - Rendering/vtkRenderer returns a pointer to itself
159 // - vtkCommand::ResetCameraClippingRangeEvent
160 //  - Rendering/vtkRenderer returns a pointer to itself
161 // - vtkCommand::ActiveCameraEvent
162 //  - Rendering/vtkRenderer returns a pointer to the active camera
163 // - vtkCommand::CreateCameraEvent
164 //  - Rendering/vtkRenderer returns a pointer to the created camera
165 // - vtkCommand::EnterEvent
166 //  - most of the objects return NULL
167 //  - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKWidget returns a QEvent*
168 // - vtkCommand::LeaveEvent
169 //  - most of the objects return NULL
170 //  - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKWidget returns a QEvent*
171 // - vtkCommand::RenderWindowMessageEvent
172 //  - Rendering/vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow return a pointer to a UINT message
173 // - vtkCommand::ComputeVisiblePropBoundsEvent
174 //  - Rendering/vtkRenderer returns a pointer to itself
175 // - QVTKWidget::ContextMenuEvent
176 //  - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKWidget returns a QContextMenuEvent*
177 // - QVTKWidget::DragEnterEvent
178 //  - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKWidget returns a QDragEnterEvent*
179 // - QVTKWidget::DragMoveEvent
180 //  - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKWidget returns a QDragMoveEvent*
181 // - QVTKWidget::DragLeaveEvent
182 //  - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKWidget returns a QDragLeaveEvent*
183 // - QVTKWidget::DropEvent
184 //  - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKWidget returns a QDropEvent*
185 // - vtkCommand::ViewProgressEvent
186 //  - View/vtkView returns a ViewProgressEventCallData*
187 // - vtkCommand::VolumeMapperRenderProgressEvent
188 //  - A pointer to a double value between 0.0 and 1.0
189 // - vtkCommand::VolumeMapperComputeGradientsProgressEvent
190 //  - A pointer to a double value between 0.0 and 1.0
191 // - vtkCommand::TDxMotionEvent (TDx=3DConnexion)
192 //  - A vtkTDxMotionEventInfo*
193 // - vtkCommand::TDxButtonPressEvent
194 //  - A int* being the number of the button
195 // - vtkCommand::TDxButtonReleaseEvent
196 //  - A int* being the number of the button
197 //
198 // .SECTION See Also
199 // vtkObject vtkCallbackCommand vtkOldStyleCallbackCommand
200 // vtkInteractorObserver vtk3DWidget
202 #ifndef vtkCommand_h
203 #define vtkCommand_h
205 #include "vtkCommonCoreModule.h" // For export macro
206 #include "vtkObjectBase.h"
207 #include "vtkObject.h" // Need vtkTypeMacro
209 // Define all types of events here.
210 // Using this macro makes it possible to avoid mismatches between the event
211 // enums and their string counterparts.
212 #define vtkAllEventsMacro() \
213     _vtk_add_event(AnyEvent)\
214     _vtk_add_event(DeleteEvent)\
215     _vtk_add_event(StartEvent)\
216     _vtk_add_event(EndEvent)\
217     _vtk_add_event(RenderEvent)\
218     _vtk_add_event(ProgressEvent)\
219     _vtk_add_event(PickEvent)\
220     _vtk_add_event(StartPickEvent)\
221     _vtk_add_event(EndPickEvent)\
222     _vtk_add_event(AbortCheckEvent)\
223     _vtk_add_event(ExitEvent)\
224     _vtk_add_event(LeftButtonPressEvent)\
225     _vtk_add_event(LeftButtonReleaseEvent)\
226     _vtk_add_event(MiddleButtonPressEvent)\
227     _vtk_add_event(MiddleButtonReleaseEvent)\
228     _vtk_add_event(RightButtonPressEvent)\
229     _vtk_add_event(RightButtonReleaseEvent)\
230     _vtk_add_event(EnterEvent)\
231     _vtk_add_event(LeaveEvent)\
232     _vtk_add_event(KeyPressEvent)\
233     _vtk_add_event(KeyReleaseEvent)\
234     _vtk_add_event(CharEvent)\
235     _vtk_add_event(ExposeEvent)\
236     _vtk_add_event(ConfigureEvent)\
237     _vtk_add_event(TimerEvent)\
238     _vtk_add_event(MouseMoveEvent)\
239     _vtk_add_event(MouseWheelForwardEvent)\
240     _vtk_add_event(MouseWheelBackwardEvent)\
241     _vtk_add_event(ActiveCameraEvent)\
242     _vtk_add_event(CreateCameraEvent)\
243     _vtk_add_event(ResetCameraEvent)\
244     _vtk_add_event(ResetCameraClippingRangeEvent)\
245     _vtk_add_event(ModifiedEvent)\
246     _vtk_add_event(WindowLevelEvent)\
247     _vtk_add_event(StartWindowLevelEvent)\
248     _vtk_add_event(EndWindowLevelEvent)\
249     _vtk_add_event(ResetWindowLevelEvent)\
250     _vtk_add_event(SetOutputEvent)\
251     _vtk_add_event(ErrorEvent)\
252     _vtk_add_event(WarningEvent)\
253     _vtk_add_event(StartInteractionEvent)\
254         /*^ mainly used by vtkInteractorObservers*/\
255     _vtk_add_event(InteractionEvent)\
256     _vtk_add_event(EndInteractionEvent)\
257     _vtk_add_event(EnableEvent)\
258     _vtk_add_event(DisableEvent)\
259     _vtk_add_event(CreateTimerEvent)\
260     _vtk_add_event(DestroyTimerEvent)\
261     _vtk_add_event(PlacePointEvent)\
262     _vtk_add_event(PlaceWidgetEvent)\
263     _vtk_add_event(CursorChangedEvent)\
264     _vtk_add_event(ExecuteInformationEvent)\
265     _vtk_add_event(RenderWindowMessageEvent)\
266     _vtk_add_event(WrongTagEvent)\
267     _vtk_add_event(StartAnimationCueEvent)\
268         /*^ used by vtkAnimationCue*/ \
269     _vtk_add_event(AnimationCueTickEvent)\
270     _vtk_add_event(EndAnimationCueEvent)\
271     _vtk_add_event(VolumeMapperRenderEndEvent)\
272     _vtk_add_event(VolumeMapperRenderProgressEvent)\
273     _vtk_add_event(VolumeMapperRenderStartEvent)\
274     _vtk_add_event(VolumeMapperComputeGradientsEndEvent)\
275     _vtk_add_event(VolumeMapperComputeGradientsProgressEvent)\
276     _vtk_add_event(VolumeMapperComputeGradientsStartEvent)\
277     _vtk_add_event(WidgetModifiedEvent)\
278     _vtk_add_event(WidgetValueChangedEvent)\
279     _vtk_add_event(WidgetActivateEvent)\
280     _vtk_add_event(ConnectionCreatedEvent)\
281     _vtk_add_event(ConnectionClosedEvent)\
282     _vtk_add_event(DomainModifiedEvent)\
283     _vtk_add_event(PropertyModifiedEvent)\
284     _vtk_add_event(UpdateEvent)\
285     _vtk_add_event(RegisterEvent)\
286     _vtk_add_event(UnRegisterEvent)\
287     _vtk_add_event(UpdateInformationEvent)\
288     _vtk_add_event(AnnotationChangedEvent)\
289     _vtk_add_event(SelectionChangedEvent)\
290     _vtk_add_event(UpdatePropertyEvent)\
291     _vtk_add_event(ViewProgressEvent)\
292     _vtk_add_event(UpdateDataEvent)\
293     _vtk_add_event(CurrentChangedEvent)\
294     _vtk_add_event(ComputeVisiblePropBoundsEvent)\
295     _vtk_add_event(TDxMotionEvent)\
296       /*^ 3D Connexion device event */\
297     _vtk_add_event(TDxButtonPressEvent)\
298       /*^ 3D Connexion device event */\
299     _vtk_add_event(TDxButtonReleaseEvent)\
300       /* 3D Connexion device event */\
301     _vtk_add_event(HoverEvent)\
302     _vtk_add_event(LoadStateEvent)\
303     _vtk_add_event(SaveStateEvent)\
304     _vtk_add_event(StateChangedEvent)\
305     _vtk_add_event(WindowMakeCurrentEvent)\
306     _vtk_add_event(WindowIsCurrentEvent)\
307     _vtk_add_event(WindowFrameEvent)\
308     _vtk_add_event(HighlightEvent)\
309     _vtk_add_event(WindowSupportsOpenGLEvent)\
310     _vtk_add_event(WindowIsDirectEvent)\
311     _vtk_add_event(UncheckedPropertyModifiedEvent)\
312     _vtk_add_event(MessageEvent)
314 #define vtkEventDeclarationMacro(_enum_name)\
315   enum _enum_name{\
316     NoEvent = 0,\
317     vtkAllEventsMacro() \
318     UserEvent = 1000\
319   };
322 // The superclass that all commands should be subclasses of
323 class VTKCOMMONCORE_EXPORT vtkCommand : public vtkObjectBase
324 {
325 public:
326   vtkTypeMacro(vtkCommand,vtkObjectBase);
328   // Description:
329   // Decrease the reference count (release by another object). This has
330   // the same effect as invoking Delete() (i.e., it reduces the reference
331   // count by 1).
332   void UnRegister();
UnRegister(vtkObjectBase *)333   virtual void UnRegister(vtkObjectBase *)
334     { this->UnRegister(); }
336   // Description:
337   // All derived classes of vtkCommand must implement this
338   // method. This is the method that actually does the work of the
339   // callback. The caller argument is the object invoking the event,
340   // the eventId parameter is the id of the event, and callData
341   // parameter is data that can be passed into the execute
342   // method. (Note: vtkObject::InvokeEvent() takes two parameters: the
343   // event id (or name) and call data. Typically call data is NULL,
344   // but the user can package data and pass it this
345   // way. Alternatively, a derived class of vtkCommand can be used to
346   // pass data.)
347   virtual void Execute(vtkObject *caller, unsigned long eventId,
348                        void *callData) = 0;
350   // Description:
351   // Convenience methods for translating between event names and event
352   // ids.
353   static const char *GetStringFromEventId(unsigned long event);
354   static unsigned long GetEventIdFromString(const char *event);
356   // Description:
357   // Set/Get the abort flag. If this is set to true no further
358   // commands are executed.
SetAbortFlag(int f)359   void SetAbortFlag(int f)
360     { this->AbortFlag = f; }
GetAbortFlag()361   int GetAbortFlag()
362     { return this->AbortFlag; }
AbortFlagOn()363   void AbortFlagOn()
364     { this->SetAbortFlag(1); }
AbortFlagOff()365   void AbortFlagOff()
366     { this->SetAbortFlag(0); }
368   // Description:
369   // Set/Get the passive observer flag. If this is set to true, this
370   // indicates that this command does not change the state of the
371   // system in any way. Passive observers are processed first, and
372   // are not called even when another command has focus.
SetPassiveObserver(int f)373   void SetPassiveObserver(int f)
374     { this->PassiveObserver = f; }
GetPassiveObserver()375   int GetPassiveObserver()
376     { return this->PassiveObserver; }
PassiveObserverOn()377   void PassiveObserverOn()
378     { this->SetPassiveObserver(1); }
PassiveObserverOff()379   void PassiveObserverOff()
380     { this->SetPassiveObserver(0); }
382 //BTX
383   // Description:
384   // All the currently defined events are listed here.  Developers can
385   // use -- vtkCommand::UserEvent + int to specify their own event
386   // ids.
387   // Add new events by updating vtkAllEventsMacro.
388 #define _vtk_add_event(Enum)  Enum,
389   vtkEventDeclarationMacro(EventIds)
390 #undef _vtk_add_event
391 //ETX
393 protected:
394   int AbortFlag;
395   int PassiveObserver;
397   vtkCommand();
~vtkCommand()398   virtual ~vtkCommand() {}
400   friend class vtkSubjectHelper;
401 //BTX
vtkCommand(const vtkCommand & c)402   vtkCommand(const vtkCommand& c) : vtkObjectBase(c) {}
403   void operator=(const vtkCommand&) {}
404 //ETX
405 };
407 #endif /* vtkCommand_h */
409 // VTK-HeaderTest-Exclude: vtkCommand.h