1 /*=========================================================================
3   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4   Module:    vtkTreeLayoutStrategy.cxx
6   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7   All rights reserved.
8   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
11      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
12      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
15 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
16   Copyright 2008 Sandia Corporation.
17   Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation,
18   the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
21 #include "vtkTreeLayoutStrategy.h"
23 #include "vtkAbstractArray.h"
24 #include "vtkAdjacentVertexIterator.h"
25 #ifdef VTK_USE_BOOST
26 #include "vtkBoostBreadthFirstSearchTree.h"
27 #endif
28 #include "vtkDataArray.h"
29 #include "vtkDoubleArray.h"
30 #include "vtkIdTypeArray.h"
31 #include "vtkMath.h"
32 #include "vtkObjectFactory.h"
33 #include "vtkPointData.h"
34 #include "vtkPoints.h"
35 #include "vtkSmartPointer.h"
36 #include "vtkTransform.h"
37 #include "vtkTree.h"
38 #include "vtkTreeDFSIterator.h"
40 vtkStandardNewMacro(vtkTreeLayoutStrategy);
vtkTreeLayoutStrategy()42 vtkTreeLayoutStrategy::vtkTreeLayoutStrategy()
43 {
44   this->Angle = 90;
45   this->Radial = false;
46   this->LogSpacingValue = 1.0;
47   this->LeafSpacing = 0.9;
48   this->DistanceArrayName = NULL;
49   this->Rotation = 0.0;
50   this->ReverseEdges = false;
51 }
~vtkTreeLayoutStrategy()53 vtkTreeLayoutStrategy::~vtkTreeLayoutStrategy()
54 {
55   this->SetDistanceArrayName(NULL);
56 }
58 // Tree layout method
Layout()59 void vtkTreeLayoutStrategy::Layout()
60 {
61   // Do I have a graph to lay out?  Does it have any vertices?
62   if (this->Graph == NULL || this->Graph->GetNumberOfVertices() <= 0)
63   {
64     return;
65   }
67   vtkTree* tree = vtkTree::SafeDownCast(this->Graph);
68   if (tree == NULL)
69     {
70 #ifdef VTK_USE_BOOST
71     // Use the BFS search tree to perform the layout
72     vtkBoostBreadthFirstSearchTree* bfs = vtkBoostBreadthFirstSearchTree::New();
73     bfs->CreateGraphVertexIdArrayOn();
74     bfs->SetReverseEdges(this->ReverseEdges);
75     bfs->SetInputData(this->Graph);
76     bfs->Update();
77     tree = vtkTree::New();
78     tree->ShallowCopy(bfs->GetOutput());
79     bfs->Delete();
80     if (tree->GetNumberOfVertices() != this->Graph->GetNumberOfVertices())
81       {
82       vtkErrorMacro("Tree layout only works on connected graphs");
83       tree->Delete();
84       return;
85       }
86 #else
87     vtkErrorMacro("Layout only works on vtkTree unless VTK_USE_BOOST is on.");
88     return;
89 #endif
90     }
92   vtkPoints *newPoints = vtkPoints::New();
93   newPoints->SetNumberOfPoints(tree->GetNumberOfVertices());
95   vtkDoubleArray *anglesArray = vtkDoubleArray::New();
96   if( this->Radial )
97   {
98     anglesArray->SetName( "subtended_angles" );
99     anglesArray->SetNumberOfComponents(2);
100     anglesArray->SetNumberOfTuples(tree->GetNumberOfVertices());
101     vtkDataSetAttributes *data = tree->GetVertexData();
102     data->AddArray(anglesArray);
103   }
105   // Check if the distance array is defined.
106   vtkDataArray* distanceArr = NULL;
107   if (this->DistanceArrayName != NULL)
108     {
109     vtkAbstractArray* aa = tree->GetVertexData()->
110       GetAbstractArray(this->DistanceArrayName);
111     if (!aa)
112       {
113       vtkErrorMacro("Distance array not found.");
114       return;
115       }
116     distanceArr = vtkDataArray::SafeDownCast(aa);
117     if (!distanceArr)
118       {
119       vtkErrorMacro("Distance array must be a data array.");
120       return;
121       }
122     }
123   double maxDistance = 1.0;
124   if (distanceArr)
125     {
126     maxDistance = distanceArr->GetMaxNorm();
127     }
129   // Count the number of leaves in the tree
130   // and get the maximum depth
131   vtkIdType leafCount = 0;
132   vtkIdType maxLevel = 0;
133   vtkIdType lastLeafLevel = 0;
134   vtkTreeDFSIterator* iter = vtkTreeDFSIterator::New();
135   iter->SetTree(tree);
136   while (iter->HasNext())
137     {
138     vtkIdType vertex = iter->Next();
139     if (tree->IsLeaf(vertex))
140       {
141       leafCount++;
142       lastLeafLevel = tree->GetLevel(vertex);
143       }
144     if (tree->GetLevel(vertex) > maxLevel)
145       {
146       maxLevel = tree->GetLevel(vertex);
147       }
148     }
150   // Divide the "extra spacing" between tree branches among all internal nodes.
151   // When the angle is 360, we want to divide by
152   // internalCount - 1 (taking out just the root),
153   // so that there is extra space where the tree meets itself.
154   // When the angle is lower (here we say 270 or lower),
155   // we should to divide by internalCount - lastLeafLevel,
156   // so that the tree ends exactly at the sweep angle end points.
157   // To do this, we interpolate between these values.
158   vtkIdType internalCount = tree->GetNumberOfVertices() - leafCount;
159   double alpha = (this->Angle - 270) / 90;
160   if (alpha < 0.0)
161     {
162     alpha = 0.0;
163     }
164   double internalCountInterp = alpha*(internalCount - 1) + (1.0 - alpha)*(internalCount - lastLeafLevel);
165   double internalSpacing = 0.0;
166   if (internalCountInterp != 0.0)
167     {
168     internalSpacing = (1.0 - this->LeafSpacing) / internalCountInterp;
169     }
171   // Divide the spacing between tree leaves among all leaf nodes.
172   // This is similar to the interpolation for internal spacing.
173   // When the angle is close to 360, we want space between the first and last leaf nodes.
174   // When the angle is lower (less than 270), we fill the full sweep angle so divide
175   // by leafCount - 1 to take out this extra space.
176   double leafCountInterp = alpha*leafCount + (1.0 - alpha)*(leafCount - 1);
177   double leafSpacing = this->LeafSpacing / leafCountInterp;
179   double spacing = this->LogSpacingValue;
181   // The distance between level L-1 and L is s^L.
182   // Thus, if s < 1 then the distance between levels gets smaller in higher levels,
183   //       if s = 1 the distance remains the same, and
184   //       if s > 1 the distance get larger.
185   // The height (distance from the root) of level L, then, is
186   // s + s^2 + s^3 + ... + s^L, where s is the log spacing value.
187   // The max height (used for normalization) is
188   // s + s^2 + s^3 + ... + s^maxLevel.
189   // The quick formula for computing this is
190   // sum_{i=1}^{n} s^i = (s^(n+1) - 1)/(s - 1) - 1        if s != 1
191   //                   = n                                if s == 1
192   double maxHeight = maxLevel;
193   double eps = 1e-8;
194   double diff = spacing - 1.0 > 0 ? spacing - 1.0 : 1.0 - spacing;
195   if (diff > eps)
196     {
197     maxHeight = (pow(spacing, maxLevel+1.0) - 1.0)/(spacing - 1.0) - 1.0;
198     }
200   vtkSmartPointer<vtkAdjacentVertexIterator> it =
201     vtkSmartPointer<vtkAdjacentVertexIterator>::New();
202   double curPlace = 0;
203   iter->SetMode(vtkTreeDFSIterator::FINISH);
204   while (iter->HasNext())
205     {
206     vtkIdType vertex = iter->Next();
208     double height;
209     if (distanceArr != NULL)
210       {
211       height = spacing * distanceArr->GetTuple1(vertex) / maxDistance;
212       }
213     else
214       {
215       if (diff <= eps)
216         {
217         height = tree->GetLevel(vertex)/maxHeight;
218         }
219       else
220         {
221         height = ((pow(spacing, tree->GetLevel(vertex)+1.0) - 1.0)/(spacing - 1.0) - 1.0)/maxHeight;
222         }
223       }
225     double x, y;
226     if (this->Radial)
227       {
228       double ang;
229       if (tree->IsLeaf(vertex))
230         {
232         // 1) Compute the position in the arc
233         // 2) Spin around so that the tree leaves are at
234         //    the bottom and centered
235         // 3) Convert to radians
236         double angleInDegrees = curPlace * this->Angle;
238         angleInDegrees -= (90+this->Angle/2);
240         // Convert to radians
241         ang = angleInDegrees * vtkMath::Pi() / 180.0;
243         curPlace += leafSpacing;
245           //add the subtended angles to an array for possible use later...
246         double subtended_angle[2];
247         double total_arc = (curPlace*this->Angle) - (90.+this->Angle/2.) - angleInDegrees;
248         double angle1 = angleInDegrees - (total_arc/2.) + 360.;
249         double angle2 = angleInDegrees + (total_arc/2.) + 360.;
250         subtended_angle[0] = angle1;
251         subtended_angle[1] = angle2;
252         anglesArray->SetTuple( vertex, subtended_angle );
253         }
254       else
255         {
256         curPlace += internalSpacing;
257         tree->GetChildren(vertex, it);
258         double minAng = 2*vtkMath::Pi();
259         double maxAng = 0.0;
260         double angSinSum = 0.0;
261         double angCosSum = 0.0;
262         bool first = true;
263         while (it->HasNext())
264           {
265           vtkIdType child = it->Next();
266           double pt[3];
267           newPoints->GetPoint(child, pt);
268           double leafAngle = atan2(pt[1], pt[0]);
269           if (leafAngle < 0)
270             {
271             leafAngle += 2*vtkMath::Pi();
272             }
273           if (first)
274             {
275             minAng = leafAngle;
276             first = false;
277             }
278           if (!it->HasNext())
279             {
280             maxAng = leafAngle;
281             }
282           angSinSum += sin(leafAngle);
283           angCosSum += cos(leafAngle);
284           }
285         // This is how to take the average of the two angles minAng, maxAng
286         ang = atan2(sin(minAng) + sin(maxAng), cos(minAng) + cos(maxAng));
288         // Make sure the angle is on the same "side" as the average angle.
289         // If not, add pi to the angle. This handles some border cases.
290         double avgAng = atan2(angSinSum, angCosSum);
291         if (sin(ang)*sin(avgAng) + cos(ang)*cos(avgAng) < 0)
292           {
293           ang += vtkMath::Pi();
294           }
296           //add the subtended angles to an array for possible use later...
297         double subtended_angle[2];
298         double angle1 = vtkMath::DegreesFromRadians( minAng );
299         double angle2 = vtkMath::DegreesFromRadians( maxAng );
301         subtended_angle[0] = angle1;
302         subtended_angle[1] = angle2;
303         anglesArray->SetTuple( vertex, subtended_angle );
304         }
305       x = height * cos(ang);
306       y = height * sin(ang);
307       }
308     else
309       {
310       double width = 2.0 * tan(vtkMath::Pi()*this->Angle / 180.0 / 2.0);
311       y = -height;
312       if (tree->IsLeaf(vertex))
313         {
314         x = width * curPlace;
315         curPlace += leafSpacing;
316         }
317       else
318         {
319         curPlace += internalSpacing;
320         tree->GetChildren(vertex, it);
321         double minX = VTK_DOUBLE_MAX;
322         double maxX = VTK_DOUBLE_MIN;
323         while (it->HasNext())
324           {
325           vtkIdType child = it->Next();
326           double pt[3];
327           newPoints->GetPoint(child, pt);
328           if (pt[0] < minX)
329             {
330             minX = pt[0];
331             }
332           if (pt[0] > maxX)
333             {
334             maxX = pt[0];
335             }
336           }
337         x = (minX + maxX) / 2.0;
338         }
339       }
340     newPoints->SetPoint(vertex, x, y, 0.0);
341     }
343   // Rotate coordinates
344   if (this->Rotation != 0.0)
345     {
346     vtkSmartPointer<vtkTransform> t = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTransform>::New();
347     t->RotateZ(this->Rotation);
348     double x[3];
349     double y[3];
350     for (vtkIdType p = 0; p < newPoints->GetNumberOfPoints(); ++p)
351       {
352       newPoints->GetPoint(p, x);
353       t->TransformPoint(x, y);
354       newPoints->SetPoint(p, y);
355       }
356     }
358   // Copy coordinates back into the original graph
359   if (vtkTree::SafeDownCast(this->Graph))
360     {
361     this->Graph->SetPoints(newPoints);
362     }
363 #ifdef VTK_USE_BOOST
364   else
365     {
366     // Reorder the points based on the mapping back to graph vertex ids
367     vtkPoints* reordered = vtkPoints::New();
368     reordered->SetNumberOfPoints(newPoints->GetNumberOfPoints());
369     for (vtkIdType i = 0; i < reordered->GetNumberOfPoints(); i++)
370       {
371       reordered->SetPoint(i, 0, 0, 0);
372       }
373     vtkIdTypeArray* graphVertexIdArr = vtkIdTypeArray::SafeDownCast(
374       tree->GetVertexData()->GetAbstractArray("GraphVertexId"));
375     for (vtkIdType i = 0; i < graphVertexIdArr->GetNumberOfTuples(); i++)
376       {
377       reordered->SetPoint(graphVertexIdArr->GetValue(i), newPoints->GetPoint(i));
378       }
379     this->Graph->SetPoints(reordered);
380     tree->Delete();
381     reordered->Delete();
382     }
383 #endif
385   // Clean up.
386   iter->Delete();
387   newPoints->Delete();
388   anglesArray->Delete();
389 }
PrintSelf(ostream & os,vtkIndent indent)391 void vtkTreeLayoutStrategy::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent)
392 {
393   this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os,indent);
394   os << indent << "Angle: " << this->Angle << endl;
395   os << indent << "Radial: " << (this->Radial ? "true" : "false") << endl;
396   os << indent << "LogSpacingValue: " << this->LogSpacingValue << endl;
397   os << indent << "LeafSpacing: " << this->LeafSpacing << endl;
398   os << indent << "Rotation: " << this->Rotation << endl;
399   os << indent << "DistanceArrayName: "
400      << (this->DistanceArrayName ? this->DistanceArrayName : "(null)") << endl;
401   os << indent << "ReverseEdges: " << this->ReverseEdges << endl;
402 }