1package vtk;
3import java.io.File;
6 * Enum used to load native library more easily. If you don't want to set the
7 * specific environment variable you can provide the path of the directory that
8 * contains the VTK library through a Java Property. Like in the following
9 * command line:
10 *
11 * > java -cp vtk.jar -Dvtk.lib.dir=.../vtk-libs vtk.sample.SimpleVTK
12 *
13 * The directory .../vtk-libs must contain the so/dll/dylib + the jnilib files
14 *
15 * @author sebastien jourdain - sebastien.jourdain@kitware.com
16 */
17public enum vtkNativeLibrary {
21  /**
22   * Try to load all library
23   *
24   * @return true if all library have been successfully loaded
25   */
26  public static boolean LoadAllNativeLibraries() {
27    boolean isEveryThingLoaded = true;
28    for (vtkNativeLibrary lib : values()) {
29      try {
30        if(lib.IsBuilt()) {
31          lib.LoadLibrary();
32        }
33      } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
34        isEveryThingLoaded = false;
35        e.printStackTrace();
36      }
37    }
39    return isEveryThingLoaded;
40  }
42  /**
43   * Load the set of given library and trows runtime exception if any given
44   * library failed in the loading process
45   *
46   * @param nativeLibraries
47   */
48  public static void LoadNativeLibraries(vtkNativeLibrary... nativeLibraries) {
49    for (vtkNativeLibrary lib : nativeLibraries) {
50      lib.LoadLibrary();
51    }
52  }
54  /**
55   * Disable the pop-in vtkErrorWindow by writing the error to a log file.
56   * If the provided logFile is null the default "vtkError.txt" file will be
57   * used.
58   *
59   * @param logFile
60   */
61  public static void DisableOutputWindow(File logFile) {
62    if(logFile == null) {
63      logFile = new File("vtkError.txt");
64    }
65    vtkFileOutputWindow outputError = new vtkFileOutputWindow();
66    outputError.SetFileName(logFile.getAbsolutePath());
67    outputError.SetInstance(outputError);
68  }
70  private vtkNativeLibrary(String nativeLibraryName, boolean built) {
71    this.nativeLibraryName = nativeLibraryName;
72    this.loaded = false;
73    this.built = built;
74  }
76  /**
77   * Load the library and throws runtime exception if the library failed in
78   * the loading process
79   */
80  public void LoadLibrary() throws UnsatisfiedLinkError {
81    if (!loaded) {
82      if (System.getProperty("vtk.lib.dir") != null) {
83        File dir = new File(System.getProperty("vtk.lib.dir"));
84        patchJavaLibraryPath(dir.getAbsolutePath());
85        File libPath = new File(dir, System.mapLibraryName(nativeLibraryName));
86        if (libPath.exists()) {
87          try {
88            Runtime.getRuntime().load(libPath.getAbsolutePath());
89            loaded = true;
90            return;
91          } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
92            e.printStackTrace();
93          }
94        }
95      }
96      System.loadLibrary(nativeLibraryName);
97    }
98    loaded = true;
99  }
101  /**
102   * @return true if the library has already been successfully loaded
103   */
104  public boolean IsLoaded() {
105    return loaded;
106  }
108  /**
109   * @return true if the module was enabled and therefore build
110   */
111  public boolean IsBuilt() {
112    return built;
113  }
115  /**
116   * @return the library name
117   */
118  public String GetLibraryName() {
119    return nativeLibraryName;
120  }
122  private static void patchJavaLibraryPath(String vtkLibDir) {
123    if (vtkLibDir != null) {
124      String path_separator = System.getProperty("path.separator");
125      String s = System.getProperty("java.library.path");
126      if (!s.contains(vtkLibDir)) {
127        s = s + path_separator + vtkLibDir;
128        System.setProperty("java.library.path", s);
129      }
130    }
131  }
133  private String nativeLibraryName;
134  private boolean loaded;
135  private boolean built;