1 /*=========================================================================
3   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4   Module:    vtkPointInterpolator.h
6   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7   All rights reserved.
8   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
11      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
12      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
15 /**
16  * @class   vtkPointInterpolator
17  * @brief   interpolate over point cloud using various kernels
18  *
19  *
20  * vtkPointInterpolator probes a point cloud Pc (the filter Source) with a
21  * set of points P (the filter Input), interpolating the data values from Pc
22  * onto P. Note however that the descriptive phrase "point cloud" is a
23  * misnomer: Pc can be represented by any vtkDataSet type, with the points of
24  * the dataset forming Pc. Similarly, the output P can also be represented by
25  * any vtkDataSet type; and the topology/geometry structure of P is passed
26  * through to the output along with the newly interpolated arrays.
27  *
28  * A key input to this filter is the specification of the interpolation
29  * kernel, and the parameters which control the associated interpolation
30  * process. Interpolation kernels include Voronoi, Gaussian, Shepard, and SPH
31  * (smoothed particle hydrodynamics), with additional kernels to be added in
32  * the future.
33  *
34  * An overview of the algorithm is as follows. For each p from P, Np "close"
35  * points to p are found. (The meaning of what is "close" can be specified as
36  * either the N closest points, or all points within a given radius Rp. This
37  * depends on how the kernel is defined.) Once the Np close points are found,
38  * then the interpolation kernel is applied to compute new data values
39  * located on p. Note that for reasonable performance, finding the Np closest
40  * points requires a point locator. The locator may be specified as input to
41  * the algorithm. (By default, a vtkStaticPointLocator is used because
42  * generally it is much faster to build, delete, and search with. However,
43  * with highly non-uniform point distributions, octree- or kd-tree based
44  * locators may perform better.)
45  *
46  * @warning
47  * This class has been threaded with vtkSMPTools. Using TBB or other
48  * non-sequential type (set in the CMake variable
49  * VTK_SMP_IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE) may improve performance significantly.
50  *
51  * @warning
52  * For widely spaced points in Pc, or when p is located outside the bounding
53  * region of Pc, the interpolation may behave badly and the interpolation
54  * process will adapt as necessary to produce output. For example, if the N
55  * closest points within R are requested to interpolate p, if N=0 then the
56  * interpolation will switch to a different strategy (which can be controlled
57  * as in the NullPointsStrategy).
58  *
59  * @sa
60  * vtkPointInterpolator2D vtkProbeFilter vtkGaussianSplatter
61  * vtkCheckerboardSplatter vtkShepardMethod vtkVoronoiKernel vtkShepardKernel
62  * vtkGaussianKernel vtkSPHKernel
63 */
65 #ifndef vtkPointInterpolator_h
66 #define vtkPointInterpolator_h
68 #include "vtkFiltersPointsModule.h" // For export macro
69 #include "vtkDataSetAlgorithm.h"
70 #include "vtkStdString.h"        // For vtkStdString ivars
71 #include <vector> //For STL vector
73 class vtkAbstractPointLocator;
74 class vtkIdList;
75 class vtkDoubleArray;
76 class vtkInterpolationKernel;
77 class vtkCharArray;
80 class VTKFILTERSPOINTS_EXPORT vtkPointInterpolator : public vtkDataSetAlgorithm
81 {
82 public:
83   //@{
84   /**
85    * Standard methods for instantiating, obtaining type information, and
86    * printing.
87    */
88   static vtkPointInterpolator *New();
89   vtkTypeMacro(vtkPointInterpolator,vtkDataSetAlgorithm);
90   void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
91   //@}
93   //@{
94   /**
95    * Specify the dataset Pc that will be probed by the input points P.  The
96    * Input P defines the dataset structure (the points and cells) for the
97    * output, while the Source Pc is probed (interpolated) to generate the
98    * scalars, vectors, etc. for the output points based on the point
99    * locations.
100    */
101   void SetSourceData(vtkDataObject *source);
102   vtkDataObject *GetSource();
103   //@}
105   /**
106    * Specify the dataset Pc that will be probed by the input points P.  The
107    * Input P defines the structure (the points and cells) for the output,
108    * while the Source Pc is probed (interpolated) to generate the scalars,
109    * vectors, etc. for the output points based on the point locations.
110    */
111   void SetSourceConnection(vtkAlgorithmOutput* algOutput);
113   //@{
114   /**
115    * Specify a point locator. By default a vtkStaticPointLocator is
116    * used. The locator performs efficient searches to locate near a
117    * specified interpolation position.
118    */
119   void SetLocator(vtkAbstractPointLocator *locator);
120   vtkGetObjectMacro(Locator,vtkAbstractPointLocator);
121   //@}
123   //@{
124   /**
125    * Specify an interpolation kernel. By default a vtkLinearKernel is used
126    * (i.e., linear combination of closest points). The interpolation kernel
127    * changes the basis of the interpolation.
128    */
129   void SetKernel(vtkInterpolationKernel *kernel);
130   vtkGetObjectMacro(Kernel,vtkInterpolationKernel);
131   //@}
133   enum Strategy
134   {
135     MASK_POINTS=0,
136     NULL_VALUE=1,
138   };
140   //@{
141   /**
142    * Specify a strategy to use when encountering a "null" point during the
143    * interpolation process. Null points occur when the local neighborhood (of
144    * nearby points to interpolate from) is empty. If the strategy is set to
145    * MaskPoints, then an output array is created that marks points as being
146    * valid (=1) or null (invalid =0) (and the NullValue is set as well). If
147    * the strategy is set to NullValue (this is the default), then the output
148    * data value(s) are set to the NullPoint value (specified in the output
149    * point data). Finally, the strategy ClosestPoint is to simply use the
150    * closest point to perform the interpolation.
151    */
152   vtkSetMacro(NullPointsStrategy,int);
153   vtkGetMacro(NullPointsStrategy,int);
SetNullPointsStrategyToMaskPoints()154   void SetNullPointsStrategyToMaskPoints()
155     { this->SetNullPointsStrategy(MASK_POINTS); }
SetNullPointsStrategyToNullValue()156   void SetNullPointsStrategyToNullValue()
157     { this->SetNullPointsStrategy(NULL_VALUE); }
SetNullPointsStrategyToClosestPoint()158   void SetNullPointsStrategyToClosestPoint()
159     { this->SetNullPointsStrategy(CLOSEST_POINT); }
160   //@}
162   //@{
163   /**
164    * If the NullPointsStrategy == MASK_POINTS, then an array is generated for
165    * each input point. This vtkCharArray is placed into the output of the filter,
166    * with a non-zero value for a valid point, and zero otherwise. The name of
167    * this masking array is specified here.
168    */
169   vtkSetMacro(ValidPointsMaskArrayName, vtkStdString);
170   vtkGetMacro(ValidPointsMaskArrayName, vtkStdString);
171   //@}
173   //@{
174   /**
175    * Specify the null point value. When a null point is encountered then all
176    * components of each null tuple are set to this value. By default the
177    * null value is set to zero.
178    */
179   vtkSetMacro(NullValue,double);
180   vtkGetMacro(NullValue,double);
181   //@}
183   //@{
184   /**
185    * Adds an array to the list of arrays which are to be excluded from the
186    * interpolation process.
187    */
AddExcludedArray(const vtkStdString & excludedArray)188   void AddExcludedArray(const vtkStdString &excludedArray)
189   {
190     this->ExcludedArrays.push_back(excludedArray);
191     this->Modified();
192   }
193   //@}
195   //@{
196   /**
197    * Clears the contents of excluded array list.
198    */
ClearExcludedArrays()199   void ClearExcludedArrays()
200   {
201     this->ExcludedArrays.clear();
202     this->Modified();
203   }
204   //@}
206   /**
207    * Return the number of excluded arrays.
208    */
GetNumberOfExcludedArrays()209   int GetNumberOfExcludedArrays()
210     {return static_cast<int>(this->ExcludedArrays.size());}
212   //@{
213   /**
214    * Return the name of the ith excluded array.
215    */
GetExcludedArray(int i)216   const char* GetExcludedArray(int i)
217   {
218       if ( i < 0 || i >= static_cast<int>(this->ExcludedArrays.size()) )
219       {
220         return nullptr;
221       }
222       return this->ExcludedArrays[i].c_str();
223   }
224   //@}
226   //@{
227   /**
228    * If enabled, then input arrays that are non-real types (i.e., not float
229    * or double) are promoted to float type on output. This is because the
230    * interpolation process may not be well behaved when integral types are
231    * combined using interpolation weights.
232    */
233   vtkSetMacro(PromoteOutputArrays, bool);
234   vtkBooleanMacro(PromoteOutputArrays, bool);
235   vtkGetMacro(PromoteOutputArrays, bool);
236   //@}
238   //@{
239   /**
240    * Indicate whether to shallow copy the input point data arrays to the
241    * output.  On by default.
242    */
243   vtkSetMacro(PassPointArrays, bool);
244   vtkBooleanMacro(PassPointArrays, bool);
245   vtkGetMacro(PassPointArrays, bool);
246   //@}
248   //@{
249   /**
250    * Indicate whether to shallow copy the input cell data arrays to the
251    * output.  On by default.
252    */
253   vtkSetMacro(PassCellArrays, bool);
254   vtkBooleanMacro(PassCellArrays, bool);
255   vtkGetMacro(PassCellArrays, bool);
256   //@}
258   //@{
259   /**
260    * Indicate whether to pass the field-data arrays from the input to the
261    * output. On by default.
262    */
263   vtkSetMacro(PassFieldArrays, bool);
264   vtkBooleanMacro(PassFieldArrays, bool);
265   vtkGetMacro(PassFieldArrays, bool);
266   //@}
268   /**
269    * Get the MTime of this object also considering the locator and kernel.
270    */
271   vtkMTimeType GetMTime() override;
273 protected:
274   vtkPointInterpolator();
275   ~vtkPointInterpolator() override;
277   vtkAbstractPointLocator *Locator;
278   vtkInterpolationKernel *Kernel;
280   int NullPointsStrategy;
281   double NullValue;
282   vtkStdString ValidPointsMaskArrayName;
283   vtkCharArray *ValidPointsMask;
285   std::vector<vtkStdString> ExcludedArrays;
287   bool PromoteOutputArrays;
289   bool PassCellArrays;
290   bool PassPointArrays;
291   bool PassFieldArrays;
293   int RequestData(vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **,
294     vtkInformationVector *) override;
295   int RequestInformation(vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **,
296     vtkInformationVector *) override;
297   int RequestUpdateExtent(vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **,
298     vtkInformationVector *) override;
300   /**
301    * Virtual for specialized subclass(es)
302    */
303   virtual void Probe(vtkDataSet *input, vtkDataSet *source, vtkDataSet *output);
305   /**
306    * Call at end of RequestData() to pass attribute data respecting the
307    * PassCellArrays, PassPointArrays, PassFieldArrays flags.
308    */
309   virtual void PassAttributeData(
310     vtkDataSet* input, vtkDataObject* source, vtkDataSet* output);
312   /**
313    * Internal method to extract image metadata
314    */
315   void ExtractImageDescription(vtkImageData *input, int dims[3],
316                                double origin[3], double spacing[3]);
318 private:
319   vtkPointInterpolator(const vtkPointInterpolator&) = delete;
320   void operator=(const vtkPointInterpolator&) = delete;
322 };
324 #endif