1 /*=========================================================================
3   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4   Module:    vtkImageStencilSource.h
6   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7   All rights reserved.
8   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
11      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
12      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
15 /**
16  * @class   vtkImageStencilSource
17  * @brief   generate an image stencil
18  *
19  * vtkImageStencilSource is a superclass for filters that generate image
20  * stencils.  Given a clipping object such as a vtkImplicitFunction, it
21  * will set up a list of clipping extents for each x-row through the
22  * image data.  The extents for each x-row can be retrieved via the
23  * GetNextExtent() method after the extent lists have been built
24  * with the BuildExtents() method.  For large images, using clipping
25  * extents is much more memory efficient (and slightly more time-efficient)
26  * than building a mask.  This class can be subclassed to allow clipping
27  * with objects other than vtkImplicitFunction.
28  * @sa
29  * vtkImplicitFunction vtkImageStencil vtkPolyDataToImageStencil
30  */
32 #ifndef vtkImageStencilSource_h
33 #define vtkImageStencilSource_h
35 #include "vtkImageStencilAlgorithm.h"
36 #include "vtkImagingCoreModule.h" // For export macro
38 class vtkImageStencilData;
39 class vtkImageData;
41 class VTKIMAGINGCORE_EXPORT vtkImageStencilSource : public vtkImageStencilAlgorithm
42 {
43 public:
44   static vtkImageStencilSource* New();
45   vtkTypeMacro(vtkImageStencilSource, vtkImageStencilAlgorithm);
47   void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
49   ///@{
50   /**
51    * Set a vtkImageData that has the Spacing, Origin, and
52    * WholeExtent that will be used for the stencil.  This
53    * input should be set to the image that you wish to
54    * apply the stencil to.  If you use this method, then
55    * any values set with the SetOutputSpacing, SetOutputOrigin,
56    * and SetOutputWholeExtent methods will be ignored.
57    */
58   virtual void SetInformationInput(vtkImageData*);
59   vtkGetObjectMacro(InformationInput, vtkImageData);
60   ///@}
62   ///@{
63   /**
64    * Set the Origin to be used for the stencil.  It should be
65    * set to the Origin of the image you intend to apply the
66    * stencil to. The default value is (0,0,0).
67    */
68   vtkSetVector3Macro(OutputOrigin, double);
69   vtkGetVector3Macro(OutputOrigin, double);
70   ///@}
72   ///@{
73   /**
74    * Set the Spacing to be used for the stencil. It should be
75    * set to the Spacing of the image you intend to apply the
76    * stencil to. The default value is (1,1,1)
77    */
78   vtkSetVector3Macro(OutputSpacing, double);
79   vtkGetVector3Macro(OutputSpacing, double);
80   ///@}
82   ///@{
83   /**
84    * Set the whole extent for the stencil (anything outside
85    * this extent will be considered to be "outside" the stencil).
86    */
87   vtkSetVector6Macro(OutputWholeExtent, int);
88   vtkGetVector6Macro(OutputWholeExtent, int);
89   ///@}
91   /**
92    * Report object referenced by instances of this class.
93    */
94   void ReportReferences(vtkGarbageCollector*) override;
96 protected:
97   vtkImageStencilSource();
98   ~vtkImageStencilSource() override;
100   int RequestInformation(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*) override;
102   vtkImageData* InformationInput;
104   int OutputWholeExtent[6];
105   double OutputOrigin[3];
106   double OutputSpacing[3];
108 private:
109   vtkImageStencilSource(const vtkImageStencilSource&) = delete;
110   void operator=(const vtkImageStencilSource&) = delete;
111 };
113 #endif