1 // Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions
2 // of Sandia, LLC (NTESS).  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with
3 // NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
4 //
5 // See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details
7 #ifndef IOSS_Iogs_GeneratedMesh_h
8 #define IOSS_Iogs_GeneratedMesh_h
10 #include "vtk_ioss_mangle.h"
12 #include <Ioss_CodeTypes.h>
13 #include <Ioss_EntityType.h> // for EntityType
14 #include <array>
15 #include <cstddef> // for size_t
16 #include <cstdint> // for int64_t
17 #include <map>     // for map, etc
18 #include <string>  // for string
19 #include <utility> // for pair
20 #include <vector>  // for vector
22 namespace Iogs {
23   using MapVector = std::vector<int64_t>;
25   class GeneratedMesh
26   {
27   public:
28     enum ShellLocation { MX = 0, PX = 1, MY = 2, PY = 3, MZ = 4, PZ = 5 };
30     /**
31        Generate a cube mesh of size 'num_x' by 'num_y' by 'num_z' elements.
32        By default, the mesh is gen_struc on a single processor.  If 'proc_count' is
33        greater than 1, then the mesh will be distributed over 'proc_count' processors
34        and this process will get the portion of the mesh for 'my_proc'.
35        The mesh will be decomposed along the 'Z' axis so 'num_z' must be greater than
36        or equal to 'proc_count' and for even distribution of the hexes 'num_z' mod 'proc_count'
37        should be zero.
39        The mesh can optionally include sidesets along each
40        face of the cube mesh.  These are specified via the
41        'add_sidesets' function.
43        If the 'parameters' string constructor is used, the string
44        is parsed to determine the intervals in each direction and,
45        optionally, additional information.  The form of the string
46        is "IxJxK" where I, J, and K are  the number of intervals
47        in the X, Y, and Z directions respectively and the "x" are
48        literal 'x' characters.  For example, the constructor
49        GeneratedMesh("10x12x14") will create the same mesh as
50        GeneratedMesh(10,12,14)
52        Additional valid options are:
53        - help -- no argument, shows valid options
54        - show -- no argument, prints out a summary of the
55        GeneratedMesh() parameters. The output will look similar
56        to:
57        \code
58        "10x12x8|bbox:-10,-10,-10,10,10,10|sideset:XYZ|show"
60        Mesh Parameters:
61        Intervals: 10 by 12 by 8
62        X = 2       * (0..10) + -10     Range: -10 <= X <= 10
63        Y = 1.66667 * (0..12) + -10     Range: -10 <= Y <= 10
64        Z = 2.5     * (0..8)  + -10     Range: -10 <= Z <= 10
65        Node Count (total)    = 1287
66        Element Count (total) = 1152
67        Block Count           = 3
68        SideSet Count         = 3
69        \endcode
71        - sideset -- argument = xXyYzZ which specifies whether there is
72        a sideset at that location. 'x' is minimum x face, 'X' is
73        maximum x face, similarly for y and z.  Note that the argument
74        string is a single multicharacter string.  You can add multiple
75        sidesets to a face, for example, sideset:xxx would add three
76        sidesets on the minimum x face.  An error is output if a non
77        xXyYzZ character is found, but execution continues.
79        - zdecomp -- argument = n0, n1, n2, ..., n#proc-1 which are the number
80        of intervals in the z direction for each processor in a pallel run.
81        If this option is specified, then the total number of intervals in the
82        z direction is the sum of the n0, n1, ... An interval count must be
83        specified for each processor.  If this option is not specified, then
84        the number of intervals on each processor in the z direction is
85        numZ/numProc with the extras added to the lower numbered processors.
87        - scale -- argument = xs, ys, zs which are the scale factors in the x,
88        y, and z directions. All three must be specified if this option is
89        present.
91        - offset -- argument = xoff, yoff, zoff which are the offsets in the
92        x, y, and z directions.  All three must be specified if this option
93        is present.
95        - bbox -- argument = xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax
96        which specify the lower left and upper right corners of
97        the bounding box for the gen_struc mesh.  This will
98        calculate the scale and offset which will fit the mesh in
99        the specified box.  All calculations are based on the currently
100        active interval settings. If scale or offset or zdecomp
101        specified later in the option list, you may not get the
102        desired bounding box.
104        - rotate -- argument = axis,angle,axis,angle,...
105        where axis is 'x', 'y', or 'z' and angle is the rotation angle in
106        degrees. Multiple rotations are cumulative. The composite rotation
107        matrix is applied at the time the coordinates are retrieved after
108        scaling and offset are applied.
110        The unrotated coordinate of a node at grid location i,j,k is:
111        \code
112        x = x_scale * i + x_off,
113        y = z_scale * j + y_off,
114        z = z_scale * k + z_off,
115        \endcode
117        The extent of the unrotated mesh will be:
118        \code
119        x_off <= x <= x_scale * numX + x_off
120        y_off <= y <= y_scale * numY + y_off
121        z_off <= z <= z_scale * numZ + z_off
122        \endcode
124        If an unrecognized option is specified, an error message will be
125        output and execution will continue.
127        An example of valid input is:
128        \code
129        "10x20x40|scale:1,0.5,0.25|offset:-5,-5,-5"
130        \endcode
132        This would create a mesh with 10 intervals in x, 20 in y, 40 in z
133        The mesh would be centered on 0,0,0 with a range of 10 in each
134        direction.
136        NOTE: All options are processed in the order they appear in
137        the parameters string (except rotate which is applied at the
138        time the coordinates are gen_struc/retrieved)
139     */
140     explicit GeneratedMesh(const std::string &parameters, int proc_count = 1, int my_proc = 0);
141     GeneratedMesh(int64_t num_x, int64_t num_y, int64_t num_z, int proc_count = 1, int my_proc = 0);
142     GeneratedMesh();
143     virtual ~GeneratedMesh();
145     /**
146      * Add a sideset along the specified face of the hex mesh.
147      * The sidesets will maintain the order of definition. The
148      * first sideset defined will be sideset 1.
149      * The loc options are:
150      * - MX = add sideset on the face with minimum X
151      * - PX = add sideset on the face with maximum X
152      * - MY = add sideset on the face with minimum Y
153      * - PY = add sideset on the face with maximum Y
154      * - MZ = add sideset on the face with minimum Z
155      * - PZ = add sideset on the face with maximum Z
156      *
157      */
158     int64_t add_sideset(ShellLocation loc);
160     /**
161      * Specify the coordinate scaling and offset in all three
162      * spatial dimensions.
163      *
164      * node location of node at (i,j,k) is
165      * \code
166      * X = scale X * i + offset X
167      * Y = scale Y * i + offset Y
168      * Z = scale Z * i + offset Z
169      * \endcode
170      *
171      * WARNING: Should be called before retrieving node
172      * coordinates.
173      */
174     void set_scale(double scl_x, double scl_y, double scl_z);
175     void set_offset(double off_x, double off_y, double off_z);
176     void set_bbox(double xmin, double ymin, double zmin, double xmax, double ymax, double zmax);
178     /**
179      * Set rotation.  Multiple calls are cumulative.
180      * Rotate 'angle_degrees' degrees about the axis 'axis'
181      * Center of rotation is about the origin and operates
182      * on the scaled/offset coordinates of the mesh.
183      */
184     void set_rotation(const std::string &axis, double angle_degrees);
186     /**
187      * Return number of nodes in the entire model.
188      */
189     virtual int64_t node_count() const;
191     /**
192      * Return number of nodes on this processor.
193      */
194     virtual int64_t node_count_proc() const;
196     /**
197      * Return number of structured blocks in the entire model.
198      */
199     virtual int64_t structured_block_count() const;
201     /**
202      * Return number of sidesets in the entire model.
203      */
204     virtual int64_t sideset_count() const;
206     /**
207      * Return number of sideset 'sides' on sideset 'id'
208      */
209     int64_t sideset_side_count(int64_t id) const;
211     /**
212      * Return number of sideset 'sides' on sideset 'id' on the current
213      * processor.
214      */
215     virtual int64_t sideset_side_count_proc(int64_t id) const;
block_range(int64_t)217     Ioss::IJK_t block_range(int64_t /* id */) const
218     {
219       return Ioss::IJK_t{{(int)numX, (int)numY, (int)numZ}};
220     }
221     Ioss::IJK_t block_range_proc(int64_t id) const;
222     Ioss::IJK_t block_offset_proc(int64_t id) const;
224     /**
225      * Return number of elements in all structured blocks in the model.
226      */
227     virtual int64_t element_count() const;
229     /**
230      * Return number of elements in all structured blocks on this processor.
231      */
232     virtual int64_t element_count_proc() const;
timestep_count()234     int64_t timestep_count() const { return timestepCount; }
235     /**
236      * Return number of elements in the structured block with id
237      * 'block_number'. The 'block_number' ranges from '1' to
238      * 'block_count()'.
239      */
240     virtual int64_t element_count(int64_t block_number) const;
242     /**
243      * Return number of elements on this processor in the structured
244      * block with id 'block_number'. The 'block_number' ranges from
245      * '1' to 'block_count()'.
246      */
247     virtual int64_t element_count_proc(int64_t block_number) const;
249     /**
250      * Returns pair containing "topology type string" and "number of
251      * nodes / element". The topology type string will be "hex8" for
252      * the hex element block
253      */
254     virtual std::pair<std::string, int> topology_type(int64_t block_number) const;
256     void            build_node_map(Ioss::Int64Vector &map, std::vector<int> &proc, int64_t slab,
257                                    size_t slabOffset, size_t adjacentProc, size_t index);
258     virtual int64_t communication_node_count_proc() const;
259     virtual void    node_communication_map(MapVector &map, std::vector<int> &proc);
260     virtual void    owning_processor(int *owner, int64_t num_node);
262     /**
263      * Fill the passed in 'map' argument with the node map
264      * "map[local_position] = global_id" for the nodes on this
265      * processor.
266      */
267     virtual void node_map(MapVector &map) const;
268     virtual void node_map(Ioss::IntVector &map) const;
270     /**
271      * Fill the passed in 'map' argument with the element map
272      * "map[local_position] = global_id" for the elements on this
273      * processor in block "block_number".
274      */
275     virtual void element_map(int64_t block_number, MapVector &map) const;
276     virtual void element_map(int64_t block_number, Ioss::IntVector &map) const;
278     /**
279      * Fill the passed in 'map' argument with the element map
280      * "map[local_position] = global_id" for all elements on this
281      * processor
282      */
283     virtual void element_map(MapVector &map) const;
284     virtual void element_map(Ioss::IntVector &map) const;
286     /**
287      * Fill the passed in 'map' argument with the element map pair
288      * "map[local_position] = element global_id" and
289      * "map[local_position+1] = element local face id (0-based)" for
290      * all elements on the current processor having a face on the
291      * surface defined by ShellLocation.
292      */
293     void element_surface_map(ShellLocation loc, MapVector &map) const;
295     /**
296      * Return the connectivity for the elements on this processor in
297      * the block with id 'block_number'. If the elements in this block
298      * have 'npe' nodes per element, then the first 'npe' entries in
299      * the 'conn' vector will be the nodal connectivity for the first
300      * element; the next 'npe' entries are the nodal connectivity for
301      * the second element.  The 'connect' vector will be resized to the
302      * size required to contain the nodal connectivity for the
303      * specified block; all information in 'connect' will be overwritten.
304      */
305     void         connectivity(int64_t block_number, Ioss::Int64Vector &connect) const;
306     void         connectivity(int64_t block_number, Ioss::IntVector &connect) const;
307     void         connectivity(int64_t block_number, int64_t *connect) const;
308     virtual void connectivity(int64_t block_number, int *connect) const;
310     /**
311      * Return the coordinates for all nodes on this processor.  The
312      * first 3 entries in the 'coord' vector are the x, y, and z
313      * coordinates of the first node, etc.  The 'coord' vector will be
314      * resized to the size required to contain the nodal coordinates;
315      * all information in 'coord' will be overwritten.
316      */
317     virtual void coordinates(std::vector<double> &coord) const;
318     virtual void coordinates(double *coord) const;
320     /**
321      * Return the coordinates for all nodes on this processor in
322      * separate vectors. The vectors will be resized to the size
323      * required to contain the nodal coordinates; all information in
324      * the vectors will be overwritten.
325      */
326     virtual void coordinates(std::vector<double> &x, std::vector<double> &y,
327                              std::vector<double> &z) const;
329     /**
330      * Return the coordinates for componenet 'comp' (1=x, 2=y, 3=z)
331      * for all nodes on this processor. The
332      * vector will be resized to the size required to contain the
333      * nodal coordinates; all information in the vector will be
334      * overwritten.
335      * It is an error to request the coordinates via this function
336      * if a rotation is defined.
337      */
338     virtual void coordinates(int component, std::vector<double> &xyz) const;
340     /**
341      * Return the coordinates for componenet 'comp' (1=x, 2=y, 3=z, 0=all)
342      * for all nodes in zone `zone` on this processor. The
343      * vector will be resized to the size required to contain the
344      * nodal coordinates; all information in the vector will be
345      * overwritten.
346      * It is an error to request the coordinates via this function
347      * if a rotation is defined.
348      */
349     void coordinates(int component, int zone, double *coord) const;
351     /**
352      * Return the list of the face/ordinal pairs
353      * "elem_sides[local_position]   = element global_id" and
354      * "elem_sides[local_position+1] = element local face id (0-based)"
355      * for the faces in sideset 'id' on this
356      * processor.  The 'elem_sides' vector will be resized to the size
357      * required to contain the list. The element ids are global ids,
358      * the side ordinal is 0-based.
359      */
360     virtual void sideset_elem_sides(int64_t id, Ioss::Int64Vector &elem_sides) const;
362     virtual std::vector<std::string> sideset_touching_blocks(int64_t set_id) const;
get_num_x()364     int64_t get_num_x() const { return numX; }
get_num_y()365     int64_t get_num_y() const { return numY; }
get_num_z()366     int64_t get_num_z() const { return numZ; }
get_variable_count(Ioss::EntityType type)368     size_t get_variable_count(Ioss::EntityType type) const
369     {
370       return variableCount.find(type) != variableCount.end() ? variableCount.find(type)->second : 0;
371     }
373   private:
374     template <typename INT> void raw_element_map(int64_t block_number, std::vector<INT> &map) const;
375     template <typename INT> void raw_element_map(std::vector<INT> &map) const;
376     template <typename INT> void raw_connectivity(int64_t block_number, INT *connect) const;
378     GeneratedMesh(const GeneratedMesh &);
379     GeneratedMesh &operator=(const GeneratedMesh &);
381     void set_variable_count(const std::string &type, size_t count);
382     void parse_options(const std::vector<std::string> &groups);
383     void show_parameters() const;
384     void initialize();
386     std::vector<ShellLocation>           sidesets{};
387     std::array<std::array<double, 3>, 3> rotmat;
388     size_t                               numX{0}, numY{0}, numZ{0};
389     size_t                               myNumZ{0}, myStartZ{0};
391     size_t processorCount{1};
392     size_t myProcessor{0};
394     size_t                             timestepCount{0};
395     std::map<Ioss::EntityType, size_t> variableCount{};
397     double offX{0}, offY{0}, offZ{0}; /** Offsets in X, Y, and Z directions */
398     double sclX{1}, sclY{1}, sclZ{1}; /** Scale in X, Y, and Z directions
399                                        * location of node at (i,j,k)
400                                        * position is (sclX*i+offX,
401                                        * sclY*i+offY, sclZ*i+offZ) */
402     bool doRotation{false};
403   };
404 } // namespace Iogs
405 #endif