1 /*
2 XLiFE++ is an extended library of finite elements written in C++
3     Copyright (C) 2014  Lunéville, Eric; Kielbasiewicz, Nicolas; Lafranche, Yvon; Nguyen, Manh-Ha; Chambeyron, Colin
5     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8     (at your option) any later version.
9     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12     GNU General Public License for more details.
13     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14     along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
15  */
17 /*!
18   \file VolMeshHexCube.cpp
19   \author Y. Lafranche
20   \since 24 Feb 2014
21   \date 24 Feb 2014
23   \brief Implementation of xlifepp::subdivision::VolMeshHexCube class members and related functions
24 */
26 #include "VolMeshHexCube.hpp"
28 using namespace std;
30 namespace xlifepp {
31 namespace subdivision {
33 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 //  Constructors, Destructor
35 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 /*!
37  Build a mesh of hexahedrons by successive subdivisions.
39  \param rots : rotations to be applied to the cube to get its final position.
40    Each rotation, if any, is defined by an angle in degrees and the number of the
41    absolute axis (1, 2 or 3) around which the rotation is made.
42    Each rotation is applied in turn to the cube starting from the canonical initial
43    position where the cube is centered at the origin and its edges are parallel to the axes.
45  \param nboctants : number of octants to be filled
46    nboctants may take a value in [1, 8].
47    For the big cube, the initial mesh may consist of 1 hexahedron instead of
48    8 when this big cube is the juxtatposition of 8 small cubes, which reduces
49    the number of hexahedrons of the final mesh by a factor 8.
50    In order to activate this behaviour, nboctants must take the value -8.
52  \param nbsubdiv  : subdivision level (0 by default)
53    nbsubdiv = 0 corresponds to the initial mesh.
54    For nbsubdiv > 0, each hexahedron is subdivided into 8 hexahedrons with the
55    same orientation as the original one.
57  \param order     : order of the hexahedra in the final mesh (1 by default)
58    The default value is 1, which leads to a Q1 mesh, in which case each
59    hexahedron is defined by its 8 vertices.
60    For higher orders, the supplemental vertices correspond to the regular
61    Lagrange mesh.
63  \param edgeLength    : edge length of the cube (1. by default)
64  \param Center        : center of the cube ((0,0,0) by default)
65  \param minVertexNum  : minimum number associated to the vertices of the mesh (1 by default)
66  \param minElementNum : minimum number associated to the elements of the mesh (1 by default)
67  */
VolMeshHexCube(const vector<pair<real_t,dimen_t>> & rots,const int nboctants,const number_t nbsubdiv,const number_t order,const real_t edgeLength,const Point Center,const number_t minVertexNum,const number_t minElementNum)68 VolMeshHexCube::VolMeshHexCube(const vector<pair<real_t, dimen_t> >& rots, const int nboctants,
69                                const number_t nbsubdiv, const number_t order,
70                                const real_t edgeLength, const Point Center,
71                                const number_t minVertexNum, const number_t minElementNum)
72 :HexahedronMesh(nbsubdiv, order, 0, minVertexNum, minElementNum)
73 {
74 //   Initialization (nbsubdiv=0)
75    number_t VertexNum, ElementNum;
76    initMesh(rots,nboctants,edgeLength,Center,VertexNum,ElementNum);
77    buildNcheck(VertexNum);
78 }
80 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
81 //  Private member functions
82 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
83 /*!
84   Create the initial mesh (or "seed" of the mesh) to be subdivided.
85   In each octant, one cube is subdivided into 8 hexahedrons.
86  */
initMesh(const vector<pair<real_t,dimen_t>> & rots,const int nboctants,const real_t edLen,const Point & Center,number_t & VertexNum,number_t & ElementNum)87 void VolMeshHexCube::initMesh(const vector<pair<real_t, dimen_t> >& rots, const int nboctants,
88                               const real_t edLen, const Point& Center,
89                               number_t& VertexNum, number_t& ElementNum){
90 // Define the 27 characteristic points of the cube near the origin Pt[4] (corners,
91 // middle of the edges and faces) in order to define the selected octants.
92    vector<Point> Pt(cubePoints(edLen, rots, Center));
94    // to help numbering: i = index i vector Pt, V[i] = rank in the global list of vertices
95    //                0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27
96    const int V[] = {-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26};
97    int iPh = 0, iPhI;
98    ElementNum = minElementNum_ - 1;
99    VertexNum = minVertexNum_ - 1;
100    number_t mVN = minVertexNum_, nbBound, nbIntrf, nbSbDom, sITF, sDOM;
101    switch (int(std::abs(float(nboctants)))) {
102    default:
103 //      1 octant (1/8 cube)  = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
104    case 1:
105       title_ = "Cube - Hexahedron mesh over 1 octant X>0, Y>0, Z>0";
106       nbBound = 6, nbIntrf = 0, nbSbDom = 1;
107       TG_ = TopoGeom(nbBound,nbIntrf,nbSbDom);
108 //       Description of the boundary patches
109       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: YZ plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4)";
110       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XZ plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4)";
111       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XY plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4)";
112       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: YZ plane, containing the center point (vertex 4)";
113       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XZ plane, containing the center point (vertex 4)";
114       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XY plane, containing the center point (vertex 4)";
115 //       Description of the subdomain patches
116       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Interior of the domain"; sDOM = TG_.sigma(iPh);
118 //       Definition of the initial vertices, taking into account the boundaries,
119 //       interfaces and subdomains they belong to.
120       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[1]+mVN,TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(6)|sDOM,Pt[1]));
121       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[2]+mVN,TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(6)|sDOM,Pt[2]));
122       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[3]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(6)|sDOM,Pt[3]));
123       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[4]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(6)|sDOM,Pt[4]));
124       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[5]+mVN,TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(3)|sDOM,Pt[5]));
125       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[6]+mVN,TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(3)|sDOM,Pt[6]));
126       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[7]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(3)|sDOM,Pt[7]));
127       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[8]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(3)|sDOM,Pt[8]));
128       VertexNum += 8;
129       listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[4],V[8],V[3],V[7],V[1],V[5],V[2],V[6]));
130       break;
131 //      2 octants (1/4 cube) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
132    case 2:
133       title_ = "Cube - Hexahedron mesh over 2 octants Y>0, Z>0";
134       nbBound = 6, nbIntrf = 1, nbSbDom = 1;
135       TG_ = TopoGeom(nbBound,nbIntrf,nbSbDom);
136 //       Description of the boundary patches
137       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: YZ plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4), X>0";
138       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XZ plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4)";
139       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XY plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4)";
140       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: YZ plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4), X<0";
141       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XZ plane, containing the center point (vertex 4)";
142       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XY plane, containing the center point (vertex 4)";
143 //       Description of the interface patches
144       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Interface: YZ plane"; iPhI = iPh; // patch 7
145 //       Description of the subdomain patches
146       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Interior of the domain"; sDOM = TG_.sigma(iPh);
148 //       Definition of the initial vertices, taking into account the boundaries,
149 //       interfaces and subdomains they belong to.
150         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI);
151       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 1]+mVN,TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(6)     |sDOM,Pt[1]));
152       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 2]+mVN,TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(6)     |sDOM,Pt[2]));
153       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 3]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|             TG_.sigma(6)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[3]));
154       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 4]+mVN,             TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(6)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[4]));
155       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 5]+mVN,TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(3)     |sDOM,Pt[5]));
156       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 6]+mVN,TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(3)     |sDOM,Pt[6]));
157       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 7]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|             TG_.sigma(3)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[7]));
158       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 8]+mVN,             TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(3)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[8]));
159       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 9]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(6)     |sDOM,Pt[9]));
160       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[10]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(6)     |sDOM,Pt[10]));
161       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[11]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(3)     |sDOM,Pt[11]));
162       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[12]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(3)     |sDOM,Pt[12]));
163       VertexNum += 12;
164       listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[4],V[8],V[3],V[7],V[1],V[5],V[2],V[6]));
165       listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[9],V[12],V[10],V[11],V[4],V[8],V[3],V[7]));
166       break;
167 //      3 octants (3/8 cube) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
168    case 3:
169       title_ = "Cube - Hexahedron mesh over 3 octants Z>0, minus the octant X>0, Y<0";
170       nbBound = 8, nbIntrf = 2, nbSbDom = 1;
171       TG_ = TopoGeom(nbBound,nbIntrf,nbSbDom);
172 //       Description of the boundary patches
173       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: YZ plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4), X>0";
174       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XZ plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4), Y>0";
175       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XY plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4)";
176       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: YZ plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4), X<0";
177       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XZ plane, containing the center point (vertex 4)";
178       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XY plane, containing the center point (vertex 4)";
179       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: YZ plane, containing the center point (vertex 4)";
180       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XZ plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4), Y<0";
181 //       Description of the interface patches
182       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Interface: YZ plane"; iPhI = iPh; // patch 9
183       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Interface: XZ plane";
184 //       Description of the subdomain patches
185       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Interior of the domain"; sDOM = TG_.sigma(iPh);
187 //       Definition of the initial vertices, taking into account the boundaries,
188 //       interfaces and subdomains they belong to.
189       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 1]+mVN,TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(6)     |sDOM,Pt[1]));
190       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 2]+mVN,TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(6)     |sDOM,Pt[2]));
191         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI);
192       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 3]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|             TG_.sigma(6)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[3]));
193         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+1);
194       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 4]+mVN,TG_.sigma(7)|TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(6)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[4]));
195       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 5]+mVN,TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(3)     |sDOM,Pt[5]));
196       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 6]+mVN,TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(3)     |sDOM,Pt[6]));
197         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI);
198       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 7]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|             TG_.sigma(3)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[7]));
199         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+1);
200       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 8]+mVN,TG_.sigma(7)|TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(3)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[8]));
201         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+1);
202       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 9]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)|             TG_.sigma(6)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[9]));
203       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[10]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(6)     |sDOM,Pt[10]));
204       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[11]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(3)     |sDOM,Pt[11]));
205         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+1);
206       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[12]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)|             TG_.sigma(3)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[12]));
207       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[13]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(8)|TG_.sigma(3)     |sDOM,Pt[13]));
208       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[14]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(8)|TG_.sigma(6)     |sDOM,Pt[14]));
209       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[15]+mVN,TG_.sigma(8)|TG_.sigma(7)|TG_.sigma(6)     |sDOM,Pt[15]));
210       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[16]+mVN,TG_.sigma(8)|TG_.sigma(7)|TG_.sigma(3)     |sDOM,Pt[16]));
211       VertexNum += 16;
212       listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[4],V[8],V[3],V[7],V[1],V[5],V[2],V[6]));
213       listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[9],V[12],V[10],V[11],V[4],V[8],V[3],V[7]));
214       listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[14],V[13],V[9],V[12],V[15],V[16],V[4],V[8]));
215       break;
216 //      4 octants (1/2 cube) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
217    case 4:
218       title_ = "Cube - Hexahedron mesh over 4 octants Z>0";
219       nbBound = 6, nbIntrf = 2; nbSbDom = 1;
220       TG_ = TopoGeom(nbBound,nbIntrf,nbSbDom);
221 //       Description of the boundary patches
222       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: YZ plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4), X>0";
223       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XZ plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4), Y>0";
224       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XY plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4)";
225       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: YZ plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4), X<0";
226       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XZ plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4), Y<0";
227       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XY plane, containing the center point (vertex 4)";
228 //       Description of the interface patches
229       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Interface: YZ plane"; iPhI = iPh; // patch 7
230       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Interface: XZ plane";
231 //       Description of the subdomain patches
232       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Interior of the domain"; sDOM = TG_.sigma(iPh);
234 //       Definition of the initial vertices, taking into account the boundaries,
235 //       interfaces and subdomains they belong to.
236         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+1);
237       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 1]+mVN,             TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(6)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[1]));
238       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 2]+mVN,TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(6)     |sDOM,Pt[2]));
239         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI);
240       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 3]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|             TG_.sigma(6)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[3]));
241         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+1);
242       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 4]+mVN,                          TG_.sigma(6)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[4]));
243         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+1);
244       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 5]+mVN,             TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(3)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[5]));
245       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 6]+mVN,TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(3)     |sDOM,Pt[6]));
246         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI);
247       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 7]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|             TG_.sigma(3)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[7]));
248         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+1);
249       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 8]+mVN,                          TG_.sigma(3)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[8]));
250         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+1);
251       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 9]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)|             TG_.sigma(6)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[9]));
252       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[10]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(6)     |sDOM,Pt[10]));
253       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[11]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(3)     |sDOM,Pt[11]));
254         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+1);
255       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[12]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)|             TG_.sigma(3)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[12]));
256       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[13]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(3)     |sDOM,Pt[13]));
257       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[14]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(6)     |sDOM,Pt[14]));
258         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI);
259       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[15]+mVN,TG_.sigma(5)|             TG_.sigma(6)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[15]));
260       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[16]+mVN,TG_.sigma(5)|             TG_.sigma(3)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[16]));
261       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[17]+mVN,TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(3)     |sDOM,Pt[17]));
262       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[18]+mVN,TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(6)     |sDOM,Pt[18]));
263       VertexNum += 18;
264       listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[4],V[8],V[3],V[7],V[1],V[5],V[2],V[6]));
265       listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[9],V[12],V[10],V[11],V[4],V[8],V[3],V[7]));
266       listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[14],V[13],V[9],V[12],V[15],V[16],V[4],V[8]));
267       listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[15],V[16],V[4],V[8],V[18],V[17],V[1],V[5]));
268       break;
269 //      5 octants (5/8 cube) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
270    case 5:
271       title_ = "Cube - Hexahedron mesh over 5 octants, 4 with Z>0, plus the octant X>0, Y>0, Z<0";
272       nbBound = 9, nbIntrf = 3, nbSbDom = 1;
273       TG_ = TopoGeom(nbBound,nbIntrf,nbSbDom);
274 //       Description of the boundary patches
275       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: YZ plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4), X>0";
276       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XZ plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4), Y>0";
277       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XY plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4), Z>0";
278       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: YZ plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4), X<0";
279       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XZ plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4), Y<0";
280       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XY plane, containing the center point (vertex 4)";
281       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: YZ plane, containing the center point (vertex 4)";
282       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XZ plane, containing the center point (vertex 4)";
283       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XY plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4), Z<0";
284 //       Description of the interface patches
285       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Interface: YZ plane"; iPhI = iPh; // patch 10
286       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Interface: XZ plane";
287       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Interface: XY plane";
288 //       Description of the subdomain patches
289       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Interior of the domain"; sDOM = TG_.sigma(iPh);
291 //       Definition of the initial vertices, taking into account the boundaries,
292 //       interfaces and subdomains they belong to.
293         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+1)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+2);
294       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 1]+mVN,TG_.sigma(8)|TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(6)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[1]));
295         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+2);
296       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 2]+mVN,TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(2)             |sITF|sDOM,Pt[2]));
297         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+2);
298       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 3]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(7)|TG_.sigma(6)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[3]));
299         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+1)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+2);
300       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 4]+mVN,TG_.sigma(8)|TG_.sigma(7)|TG_.sigma(6)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[4]));
301         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+1);
302       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 5]+mVN,             TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(3)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[5]));
303       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 6]+mVN,TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(3)     |sDOM,Pt[6]));
304         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI);
305       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 7]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|             TG_.sigma(3)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[7]));
306         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+1);
307       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 8]+mVN,                          TG_.sigma(3)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[8]));
308         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+1);
309       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 9]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)|             TG_.sigma(6)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[9]));
310       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[10]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(6)     |sDOM,Pt[10]));
311       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[11]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(3)     |sDOM,Pt[11]));
312         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+1);
313       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[12]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)|             TG_.sigma(3)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[12]));
314       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[13]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(3)     |sDOM,Pt[13]));
315       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[14]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(6)     |sDOM,Pt[14]));
316         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI);
317       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[15]+mVN,TG_.sigma(5)|             TG_.sigma(6)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[15]));
318       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[16]+mVN,TG_.sigma(5)|             TG_.sigma(3)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[16]));
319       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[17]+mVN,TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(3)     |sDOM,Pt[17]));
320       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[18]+mVN,TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(6)     |sDOM,Pt[18]));
321       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[19]+mVN,TG_.sigma(8)|TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(9)     |sDOM,Pt[19]));
322       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[20]+mVN,TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(9)     |sDOM,Pt[20]));
323       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[21]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(7)|TG_.sigma(9)     |sDOM,Pt[21]));
324       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[22]+mVN,TG_.sigma(8)|TG_.sigma(7)|TG_.sigma(9)     |sDOM,Pt[22]));
325       VertexNum += 22;
326       // Cubes with Z>0
327       listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[4],V[8],V[3],V[7],V[1],V[5],V[2],V[6]));
328       listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[9],V[12],V[10],V[11],V[4],V[8],V[3],V[7]));
329       listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[14],V[13],V[9],V[12],V[15],V[16],V[4],V[8]));
330       listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[15],V[16],V[4],V[8],V[18],V[17],V[1],V[5]));
331       // Cube with Z<0
332       listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[22],V[4],V[21],V[3],V[19],V[1],V[20],V[2]));
333       break;
334 //      6 octants (3/4 cube) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
335    case 6:
336       title_ = "Cube - Hexahedron mesh over 6 octants, 4 with Z>0, plus 2 octants Y>0, Z<0";
337       nbBound = 8, nbIntrf = 3, nbSbDom = 1;
338       TG_ = TopoGeom(nbBound,nbIntrf,nbSbDom);
339 //       Description of the boundary patches
340       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: YZ plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4), X>0";
341       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XZ plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4), Y>0";
342       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XY plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4), Z>0";
343       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: YZ plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4), X<0";
344       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XZ plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4), Y<0";
345       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XY plane, containing the center point (vertex 4)";
346       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XZ plane, containing the center point (vertex 4)";
347       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XY plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4), Z<0";
348 //       Description of the interface patches
349       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Interface: YZ plane"; iPhI = iPh; // patch 9
350       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Interface: XZ plane";
351       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Interface: XY plane";
352 //       Description of the subdomain patches
353       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Interior of the domain"; sDOM = TG_.sigma(iPh);
355 //       Definition of the initial vertices, taking into account the boundaries,
356 //       interfaces and subdomains they belong to.
357         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+1)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+2);
358       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 1]+mVN,TG_.sigma(7)|TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(6)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[1]));
359         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+2);
360       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 2]+mVN,TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(2)             |sITF|sDOM,Pt[2]));
361         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+2);
362       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 3]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)                          |sITF|sDOM,Pt[3]));
363         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+1)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+2);
364       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 4]+mVN,TG_.sigma(7)|             TG_.sigma(6)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[4]));
365         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+1);
366       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 5]+mVN,             TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(3)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[5]));
367       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 6]+mVN,TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(3)     |sDOM,Pt[6]));
368         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI);
369       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 7]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|             TG_.sigma(3)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[7]));
370         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+1);
371       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 8]+mVN,                          TG_.sigma(3)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[8]));
372         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+1)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+2);
373       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 9]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(7)|TG_.sigma(6)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[9]));
374         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+2);
375       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[10]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(4)             |sITF|sDOM,Pt[10]));
376       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[11]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(3)     |sDOM,Pt[11]));
377         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+1);
378       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[12]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)|             TG_.sigma(3)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[12]));
379       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[13]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(3)     |sDOM,Pt[13]));
380       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[14]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(6)     |sDOM,Pt[14]));
381         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI);
382       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[15]+mVN,TG_.sigma(5)|             TG_.sigma(6)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[15]));
383       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[16]+mVN,TG_.sigma(5)|             TG_.sigma(3)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[16]));
384       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[17]+mVN,TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(3)     |sDOM,Pt[17]));
385       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[18]+mVN,TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(6)     |sDOM,Pt[18]));
386       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[19]+mVN,TG_.sigma(7)|TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(8)     |sDOM,Pt[19]));
387       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[20]+mVN,TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(8)     |sDOM,Pt[20]));
388       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[21]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(8)             |sITF|sDOM,Pt[21]));
389       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[22]+mVN,TG_.sigma(7)|TG_.sigma(8)             |sITF|sDOM,Pt[22]));
390       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[23]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(7)|TG_.sigma(8)     |sDOM,Pt[23]));
391       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[24]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(8)     |sDOM,Pt[24]));
392       VertexNum += 24;
393       // Cubes with Z>0
394       listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[4],V[8],V[3],V[7],V[1],V[5],V[2],V[6]));
395       listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[9],V[12],V[10],V[11],V[4],V[8],V[3],V[7]));
396       listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[14],V[13],V[9],V[12],V[15],V[16],V[4],V[8]));
397       listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[15],V[16],V[4],V[8],V[18],V[17],V[1],V[5]));
398       // Cubes with Z<0
399       listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[22],V[4],V[21],V[3],V[19],V[1],V[20],V[2]));
400       listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[23],V[9],V[24],V[10],V[22],V[4],V[21],V[3]));
401       break;
402 //      7 octants (7/8 cube) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
403    case 7:
404       title_ = "Cube - Hexahedron mesh over 7 octants, 8 octants minus the octant X>0, Y<0, Z<0";
405       nbBound = 9, nbIntrf = 6, nbSbDom = 1;
406       TG_ = TopoGeom(nbBound,nbIntrf,nbSbDom);
407 //       Description of the boundary patches
408       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: YZ plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4), X>0";
409       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XZ plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4), Y>0";
410       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XY plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4), Z>0";
411       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: YZ plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4), X<0";
412       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XZ plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4), Y<0";
413       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XY plane, containing the center point (vertex 4)";
414       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: YZ plane, containing the center point (vertex 4)";
415       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XZ plane, containing the center point (vertex 4)";
416       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XY plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4), Z<0";
417 //       Description of the interface patches
418       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Interface: YZ plane, Z>=0"; iPhI = iPh; // patch iPhI (10)
419       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Interface: XZ plane, Z>=0";        // patch iPhI+1
420       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Interface: XY plane, Y>=0";        // patch iPhI+2
421       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Interface: XY plane, Y<=0";        // patch iPhI+3
422       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Interface: YZ plane, Z<=0";        // patch iPhI+4
423       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Interface: XZ plane, Z<=0";        // patch iPhI+5
424 //       Description of the subdomain patches
425       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Interior of the domain"; sDOM = TG_.sigma(iPh);
427 //       Definition of the initial vertices, taking into account the boundaries,
428 //       interfaces and subdomains they belong to.
429         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+1)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+2);
430       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 1]+mVN,TG_.sigma(8)|TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(6)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[1]));
431         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+2);
432       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 2]+mVN,TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(2)             |sITF|sDOM,Pt[2]));
433         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+2)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+4);
434       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 3]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)                          |sITF|sDOM,Pt[3]));
435         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+1)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+2)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+3)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+4)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+5);
436       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 4]+mVN,TG_.sigma(7)|TG_.sigma(8)|TG_.sigma(6)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[4]));
437         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+1);
438       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 5]+mVN,             TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(3)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[5]));
439       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 6]+mVN,TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(3)     |sDOM,Pt[6]));
440         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI);
441       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 7]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|             TG_.sigma(3)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[7]));
442         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+1);
443       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 8]+mVN,                          TG_.sigma(3)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[8]));
444         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+1)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+2)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+3)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+5);
445       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 9]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)                          |sITF|sDOM,Pt[9]));
446         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+2);
447       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[10]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(4)             |sITF|sDOM,Pt[10]));
448       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[11]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(3)     |sDOM,Pt[11]));
449         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+1);
450       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[12]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)|             TG_.sigma(3)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[12]));
451       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[13]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(3)     |sDOM,Pt[13]));
452         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+3);
453       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[14]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(5)             |sITF|sDOM,Pt[14]));
454         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+3);
455       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[15]+mVN,TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(7)|TG_.sigma(6)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[15]));
456         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI);
457       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[16]+mVN,TG_.sigma(5)|             TG_.sigma(3)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[16]));
458       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[17]+mVN,TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(3)     |sDOM,Pt[17]));
459       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[18]+mVN,TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(6)     |sDOM,Pt[18]));
460       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[19]+mVN,TG_.sigma(8)|TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(9)     |sDOM,Pt[19]));
461       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[20]+mVN,TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(9)     |sDOM,Pt[20]));
462         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+4);
463       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[21]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|             TG_.sigma(9)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[21]));
464         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+4)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+5);
465       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[22]+mVN,TG_.sigma(7)|TG_.sigma(8)|TG_.sigma(9)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[22]));
466         sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+5);
467       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[23]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)|             TG_.sigma(9)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[23]));
468       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[24]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(9)     |sDOM,Pt[24]));
469       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[25]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(9)     |sDOM,Pt[25]));
470       listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[26]+mVN,TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(7)|TG_.sigma(9)     |sDOM,Pt[26]));
471       VertexNum += 26;
472       // Cubes with Z>0
473       listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[4],V[8],V[3],V[7],V[1],V[5],V[2],V[6]));
474       listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[9],V[12],V[10],V[11],V[4],V[8],V[3],V[7]));
475       listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[14],V[13],V[9],V[12],V[15],V[16],V[4],V[8]));
476       listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[15],V[16],V[4],V[8],V[18],V[17],V[1],V[5]));
477       // Cubes with Z<0
478       listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[22],V[4],V[21],V[3],V[19],V[1],V[20],V[2]));
479       listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[23],V[9],V[24],V[10],V[22],V[4],V[21],V[3]));
480       listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[25],V[14],V[23],V[9],V[26],V[15],V[22],V[4]));
481       break;
482 //      8 octants (cube) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
483    case 8:
484       title_ = "Cube - Hexahedron mesh over 8 octants";
485       if (nboctants > 0) {
486          nbBound = 6, nbIntrf = 3, nbSbDom = 1;
487          TG_ = TopoGeom(nbBound,nbIntrf,nbSbDom);
488          // With 5x8 initial hexahedrons.
489 //       Description of the boundary patches
490          TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: YZ plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4), X>0";
491          TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XZ plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4), Y>0";
492          TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XY plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4), Z>0";
493          TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: YZ plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4), X<0";
494          TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XZ plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4), Y<0";
495          TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XY plane, opposite to the center point (vertex 4), Z<0";
496 //       Description of the interface patches
497          TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Interface: YZ plane"; iPhI = iPh; // patch 7
498          TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Interface: XZ plane";
499          TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Interface: XY plane";
500 //       Description of the subdomain patches
501          TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Interior of the domain"; sDOM = TG_.sigma(iPh);
503 //       Definition of the initial vertices, taking into account the boundaries,
504 //       interfaces and subdomains they belong to.
505            sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+1)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+2);
506          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 1]+mVN,TG_.sigma(1)                          |sITF|sDOM,Pt[1]));
507            sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+2);
508          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 2]+mVN,TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(2)             |sITF|sDOM,Pt[2]));
509            sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+2);
510          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 3]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)                          |sITF|sDOM,Pt[3]));
511            sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+1)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+2);
512          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 4]+mVN,                                       sITF|sDOM,Pt[4]));
513            sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+1);
514          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 5]+mVN,             TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(3)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[5]));
515          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 6]+mVN,TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(3)     |sDOM,Pt[6]));
516            sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI);
517          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 7]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|             TG_.sigma(3)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[7]));
518            sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+1);
519          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 8]+mVN,                          TG_.sigma(3)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[8]));
520            sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+1)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+2);
521          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[ 9]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)                          |sITF|sDOM,Pt[9]));
522            sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+2);
523          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[10]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(4)             |sITF|sDOM,Pt[10]));
524          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[11]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(3)     |sDOM,Pt[11]));
525            sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+1);
526          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[12]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)|             TG_.sigma(3)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[12]));
527          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[13]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(3)     |sDOM,Pt[13]));
528            sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+2);
529          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[14]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(5)             |sITF|sDOM,Pt[14]));
530            sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+2);
531          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[15]+mVN,TG_.sigma(5)                          |sITF|sDOM,Pt[15]));
532            sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI);
533          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[16]+mVN,TG_.sigma(5)|             TG_.sigma(3)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[16]));
534          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[17]+mVN,TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(3)     |sDOM,Pt[17]));
535            sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+2);
536          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[18]+mVN,TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(1)             |sITF|sDOM,Pt[18]));
537            sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+1);
538          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[19]+mVN,             TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(6)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[19]));
539          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[20]+mVN,TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(6)     |sDOM,Pt[20]));
540            sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI);
541          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[21]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|             TG_.sigma(6)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[21]));
542            sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI)|TG_.sigma(iPhI+1);
543          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[22]+mVN,                          TG_.sigma(6)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[22]));
544            sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI+1);
545          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[23]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)|             TG_.sigma(6)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[23]));
546          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[24]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(6)     |sDOM,Pt[24]));
547          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[25]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(6)     |sDOM,Pt[25]));
548            sITF = TG_.sigma(iPhI);
549          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[26]+mVN,TG_.sigma(5)|             TG_.sigma(6)|sITF|sDOM,Pt[26]));
550          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[27]+mVN,TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(6)     |sDOM,Pt[27]));
551          VertexNum += 27;
552          // Cubes with Z>0
553          listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[4],V[8],V[3],V[7],V[1],V[5],V[2],V[6]));
554          listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[9],V[12],V[10],V[11],V[4],V[8],V[3],V[7]));
555          listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[14],V[13],V[9],V[12],V[15],V[16],V[4],V[8]));
556          listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[15],V[16],V[4],V[8],V[18],V[17],V[1],V[5]));
557          // Cubes with Z<0
558          listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[22],V[4],V[21],V[3],V[19],V[1],V[20],V[2]));
559          listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[23],V[9],V[24],V[10],V[22],V[4],V[21],V[3]));
560          listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[25],V[14],V[23],V[9],V[26],V[15],V[22],V[4]));
561          listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[26],V[15],V[22],V[4],V[27],V[18],V[19],V[1]));
562       }
563       else {
564          nbBound = 6, nbIntrf = 0, nbSbDom = 1;
565          TG_ = TopoGeom(nbBound,nbIntrf,nbSbDom);
566          // With 5 initial hexahedrons.
567 //       Description of the boundary patches
568          TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: YZ plane, opposite to the center of the cube, X>0";
569          TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XZ plane, opposite to the center of the cube, Y>0";
570          TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XY plane, opposite to the center of the cube, Z>0";
571          TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: YZ plane, opposite to the center of the cube, X<0";
572          TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XZ plane, opposite to the center of the cube, Y<0";
573          TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Boundary: XY plane, opposite to the center of the cube, Z<0";
574 //       Description of the subdomain patches
575       TG_.setDescription(++iPh) = "Interior of the domain"; sDOM = TG_.sigma(iPh);
577 //       Definition of the initial vertices, taking into account the boundaries,
578 //       interfaces and subdomains they belong to.
579          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[1]+mVN,TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(6)|sDOM,Pt[27]));
580          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[2]+mVN,TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(6)|sDOM,Pt[20]));
581          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[3]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(6)|sDOM,Pt[24]));
582          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[4]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(6)|sDOM,Pt[25]));
583          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[5]+mVN,TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(3)|sDOM,Pt[17]));
584          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[6]+mVN,TG_.sigma(1)|TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(3)|sDOM,Pt[6]));
585          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[7]+mVN,TG_.sigma(2)|TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(3)|sDOM,Pt[11]));
586          listV_.push_back(Vertex(V[8]+mVN,TG_.sigma(4)|TG_.sigma(5)|TG_.sigma(3)|sDOM,Pt[13]));
587          VertexNum += 8;
588          listT_.push_back(Hexahedron(++ElementNum, V[4],V[8],V[3],V[7],V[1],V[5],V[2],V[6]));
589       }
590       break;
591    }
592 }
594 } // end of namespace subdivision
595 } // end of namespace xlifepp