1 /*
2 XLiFE++ is an extended library of finite elements written in C++
3     Copyright (C) 2014  Lunéville, Eric; Kielbasiewicz, Nicolas; Lafranche, Yvon; Nguyen, Manh-Ha; Chambeyron, Colin
5     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8     (at your option) any later version.
9     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12     GNU General Public License for more details.
13     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14     along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
15  */
17 /*!
18 	\file unit_LargeMatrixSkylineStorage.cpp
19 	\author E. Lunéville
20 	\since 04 jul 2012
21 	\date  12 jul 2012
23 	Low level tests of LargeMatrix class and SkylineStorage classes.
24 	Almost functionalities are checked.
25 	This function may either creates a reference file storing the results (check=false)
26 	or compares results to those stored in the reference file (check=true)
27 	It returns reporting informations in a string
28 */
30 #include "xlife++-libs.h"
31 #include "testUtils.hpp"
33 #include <iostream>
34 #include <fstream>
35 #include <vector>
37 using namespace xlifepp;
39 namespace unit_LargeMatrixSkylineStorage {
unit_LargeMatrixSkylineStorage(bool check)41 String unit_LargeMatrixSkylineStorage(bool check)
42 {
43   String rootname = "unit_LargeMatrixSkylineStorage";
44   trace_p->push(rootname);
45   std::stringstream out;                  // string stream receiving results
46   out.precision(testPrec);
47   verboseLevel(10);
49   Matrix<Real> m22(2, 1, -5.);
51   //EF numbering (regular Q1 of square)
52   Number n = 3;
53   std::vector< std::vector<Number> > elts((n - 1) * (n - 1), std::vector<Number>(4));
54   for(Number j = 1; j <= n - 1; j++)
55     for(Number i = 1; i <= n - 1; i++)
56     {
57       Number e = (j - 1) * (n - 1) + i - 1, p = (j - 1) * n + i;
58       elts[e][0] = p; elts[e][1] = p + 1; elts[e][2] = p + n; elts[e][3] = p + n + 1;
59     }
60   Number n2 = n * n;
61   std::vector< std::vector<Number> >::iterator it;
62   std::vector<Real> x1(n * n, 0.);
63   for(Number i = 0; i < n * n; i++) { x1[i] = i; }
64   out << "x1 = " << x1;
66   std::vector<Number> rs(4);rs[0]=1;rs[1]=2;rs[2]=8;rs[3]=9;
68   out << "\n----------------------------------- test sym skyline storage -----------------------------------\n";
69   SymSkylineStorage* skysym = new SymSkylineStorage(n * n, elts, elts);
70   skysym->visual(out);
71   LargeMatrix<Real> As1(skysym, 0., _symmetric);
72   //fill matrix
73   for(Number i = 1; i <= n * n; i++)
74     for(Number j = 1; j <= i; j++)
75       if(As1.pos(i, j) > 0) { As1(i, j) = 10 * i + j; }
76   out << "symsky real large matrix As1 : " << As1;
77   As1.viewStorage(out);
78   out << "product As1*x1 : " << As1* x1;
79   out << "\nproduct x1*As1 : " << x1* As1;
80   As1.saveToFile("Adense.mat", _dense);
81   out << "\nsave As1 to file Adense.mat in dense format\n";
82   As1.saveToFile("Acoo.mat", _coo);
83   out << "save As1 to file Acoo.mat in coordinates format\n";
84   LargeMatrix<Real> As1reload(n2, n2, _skyline, _symmetric, 0.);
85   As1reload.loadFromFile("Adense.mat", _dense);
86   out << "matrix As1reload from Adense : " << As1reload << "\n";
87   As1reload.loadFromFile("Acoo.mat", _coo);
88   out << "matrix As1reload from Acoo : " << As1reload << "\n";
89   SymSkylineStorage skysymb=SymSkylineStorage(*skysym);
90   out << "matrix storage updated with dense submatrix indices [1,2,8,9]x[1,2,8,9] :\n";
91   skysymb.visual(out);
92   skysymb.addSubMatrixIndices(rs,rs);
93   skysymb.visual(out);
94   out << "row 1 (col & adrs) : " <<As1.getRow(1) << "\n";
95   out << "row 2 (col & adrs) : " <<As1.getRow(2) << "\n";
96   out << "row 3 (col & adrs) : " <<As1.getRow(3) << "\n";
97   out << "row 9 (col & adrs) : " <<As1.getRow(9) << "\n";
98   out << "col 1 (col & adrs) : " <<As1.getCol(1) << "\n";
99   out << "col 2 (col & adrs) : " <<As1.getCol(2) << "\n";
100   out << "col 3 (col & adrs) : " <<As1.getCol(3) << "\n";
101   out << "col 9 (col & adrs) : " <<As1.getCol(9) << "\n";
103   out << "\n---------------test sym skyline storage and non symmetric matrix -------------------\n";
104   skysym->visual(out);
105   LargeMatrix<Real> Ans1(skysym, 0., _noSymmetry);
106   //fill matrix
107   for(Number i = 1; i <= n * n; i++)
108     for(Number j = 1; j <= i; j++)
109       if(Ans1.pos(i, j) > 0) {Ans1(i, j) = 10 * i + j; Ans1(j, i) = Ans1(i, j);}
110   out << "symsky real large non symmetric matrix Ans1 : " << Ans1;
111   Ans1.viewStorage(out);
112   out << "product Ans1*x1 : " << Ans1* x1;
113   out << "\nproduct x1*Ans1 : " << x1* Ans1;
114   Ans1.saveToFile("Adense.mat", _dense);
115   out << "\nsave Ans1 to file Adense.mat in dense format\n";
116   Ans1.saveToFile("Acoo.mat", _coo);
117   out << "save Ans1 to file Acoo.mat in coordinates format\n";
118   LargeMatrix<Real> Ans1reload(n2, n2, _skyline, _sym, 0.);
119   Ans1reload.loadFromFile("Adense.mat", _dense);
120   out << "matrix Ans1reload from Adense : " << Ans1reload << "\n";
121   Ans1reload.loadFromFile("Acoo.mat", _coo);
122   out << "matrix Ans1reload from Acoo : " << Ans1reload << "\n";
124   out << "\n\n----------------------------------- test dual skyline storage -----------------------------------\n";
125   DualSkylineStorage* skydual = new DualSkylineStorage(n * n, n * n, elts, elts);
126   skydual->visual(out);
127   LargeMatrix<Real> Ad1(skydual, 0.);
128   //fill matrix Aij='ij', and symmetric in fact
129   for(Number i = 1; i <= n * n; i++)
130     for(Number j = 1; j <= i; j++)
131       if(Ad1.pos(i, j) > 0) {Ad1(i, j) = 10 * i + j; Ad1(j, i) = Ad1(i, j);}
132   out << "dualsky real large matrix Ad1 : " << Ad1;
133   Ad1.viewStorage(out);
134   out << "product Ad1*x1 : " << Ad1* x1;
135   out << "\nproduct x1*Ad1 : " << x1* Ad1;
136   Ad1.saveToFile("Adense.mat", _dense);
137   out << "\nsave Ad1 to file Adense.mat in dense format\n";
138   Ad1.saveToFile("Acoo.mat", _coo);
139   out << "save Ad1 to file Acoo.mat in coordinates format\n";
140   LargeMatrix<Real> Ad1reload(n2, n2, _skyline, _dual, 0.);
141   Ad1reload.loadFromFile("Adense.mat", _dense);
142   out << "matrix Ad1reload from Adense : " << Ad1reload << "\n";
143   Ad1reload.loadFromFile("Acoo.mat", _coo);
144   out << "matrix Ad1reload from Acoo : " << Ad1reload << "\n";
146   DualSkylineStorage skydualb=DualSkylineStorage(*skydual);
147   out << "matrix storage updated with dense submatrix indices [1,2,8,9]x[1,2,8,9] :\n";
148   skydualb.visual(out);
149   skydualb.addSubMatrixIndices(rs,rs);
150   skydualb.visual(out);
152   out << "row 1 (col & adrs) : " <<Ad1.getRow(1) << "\n";
153   out << "row 2 (col & adrs) : " <<Ad1.getRow(2) << "\n";
154   out << "row 3 (col & adrs) : " <<Ad1.getRow(3) << "\n";
155   out << "row 9 (col & adrs) : " <<Ad1.getRow(9) << "\n";
156   out << "col 1 (col & adrs) : " <<Ad1.getCol(1) << "\n";
157   out << "col 2 (col & adrs) : " <<Ad1.getCol(2) << "\n";
158   out << "col 3 (col & adrs) : " <<Ad1.getCol(3) << "\n";
159   out << "col 9 (col & adrs) : " <<Ad1.getCol(9) << "\n";
161   const Number rowNum = 3;
162   const Number colNum = 3;
164   const std::string rMatrixDataSym("matrix3x3Sym.data");
165   const std::string rMatrixDataSymPosDef("matrix3x3SymPosDef.data");
166   const std::string rMatrixDataNoSym("matrix3x3NoSym.data");
167   const std::string cMatrixDataSymPosDef("cmatrix3x3SymPosDef.data");
169   LargeMatrix<Real> rMatSkylineSymSym(inputsPathTo(rMatrixDataSym), _dense, rowNum, _skyline, _symmetric);
170   LargeMatrix<Real> rMatSkylineSymNoSym(inputsPathTo(rMatrixDataNoSym), _dense, rowNum, _skyline, _noSymmetry);
171   LargeMatrix<Real> rMatSkylineDualNoSym(inputsPathTo(rMatrixDataNoSym), _dense, rowNum, colNum, _skyline, _dual);
172   LargeMatrix<Real> rMatSkylineSymSymPosDef(inputsPathTo(rMatrixDataSymPosDef), _dense, rowNum, _skyline, _symmetric);
173   LargeMatrix<Real> rResSymSkylineLdlt(rMatSkylineSymSymPosDef);
174   LargeMatrix<Real> rResSymSkylineLu(rMatSkylineSymNoSym);
175   LargeMatrix<Real> rResDualSkylineLu(rMatSkylineDualNoSym);
176   Vector<Real> rVecB(3, 1.);
177   Vector<Real> rVecX(3, 1.);
178   LargeMatrix<Complex> cMatSkylineSymSymPosDef(inputsPathTo(cMatrixDataSymPosDef), _dense, rowNum, _skyline, _selfAdjoint);
179   LargeMatrix<Complex> cResLdlStar(cMatSkylineSymSymPosDef);
180   Vector<Complex> cVecB(3, 1.);
181   Vector<Complex> cVecX(3, 1.);
183   out << "\n----------------------------------- test LDLt and LU factorization -----------------------------------\n";
184   // I. Real Matrix
186   ldltFactorize(rResSymSkylineLdlt);
187   out << "The result of LDLt factorizing sym skyline matrix is " << rResSymSkylineLdlt << std::endl;
188   luFactorize(rResSymSkylineLu);
189   out << "The result LU factorizing sym skyline matrix is " << rResSymSkylineLu << std::endl;
192   luFactorize(rResDualSkylineLu);
193   out << "The result of LU factorizing dual skyline matrix is " << rResDualSkylineLu << std::endl;
195   // II. Complex Matrix
197   ldlstarFactorize(cResLdlStar);
198   out << "The result ldlstar factorized matrix is " << cResLdlStar << std::endl;
200   out << "----------------------------------- test solver with factorized matrix -----------------------------------\n";
201   rResSymSkylineLdlt.ldltSolve(rVecB, rVecX);
202   out << "The result LDLt solver of sym skyline matrix is " << rVecX << std::endl;
203   cResLdlStar.ldlstarSolve(cVecB, cVecX);
204   out << "The result LDL* solver of sym skyline matrix is " << cVecX << std::endl;
205   rResSymSkylineLu.luSolve(rVecB, rVecX);
206   out << "The result LU solver of sym skyline matrix is " << rVecX << std::endl;
207   rResDualSkylineLu.luSolve(rVecB, rVecX);
208   out << "The result LU solver of dual skyline matrix is " << rVecX << std::endl;
210   out << "----------------------------------- test diagonalMatrix -----------------------------------\n";
211   out << "Diagonal DualSkyline matrix : " << diagonalMatrix(Ad1, 3.) << std::endl;
212   out << "Diagonal SymSkyline matrix : " << diagonalMatrix(As1, 3.) << std::endl;
214   out << "----------------------------------- test multMatrixScalar -----------------------------------\n";
215   Real sigmaR = 3.0;
216   Complex sigmaC = Complex(3.0, 3.0);
217   out << "product Ad1*sigmaR : " << Ad1* sigmaR << std::endl;
218   out << "product sigmaR*Ad1 : " << sigmaR* Ad1 << std::endl;
219   out << "product Ad1*sigmaC : " << Ad1* sigmaC << std::endl;
220   out << "product sigmaC*Ad1 : " << sigmaC* Ad1 << std::endl;
221   out << "product As1*sigmaR : " << As1* sigmaR << std::endl;
222   out << "product sigmaR*As1 : " << sigmaR* As1 << std::endl;
223   out << "product As1*sigmaC : " << As1* sigmaC << std::endl;
224   out << "product sigmaC*As1 : " << sigmaC* As1 << std::endl;
226   out << "----------------------------------- test addMatrixMatrix -----------------------------------\n";
227   LargeMatrix<Real> rSkylineDual(Ad1); LargeMatrix<Real> rSkylineSym(As1);
228   out << "Sum of two dual skyline matrices : " << rSkylineDual + Ad1 << std::endl;
229   out << "Sum of two sym skyline matrices : " << rSkylineSym + As1 << std::endl;
231   out << "----------------------------- test factorize matrix * vector -------------------------------\n";
232   out<<"symSkyline factorization LLt : A*x-Af*x = "<<Reals(rMatSkylineSymSymPosDef*rVecB)-Reals(rResSymSkylineLdlt*rVecB)<<eol;
233   out<<"symSkyline factorization  LU : A*x-Af*x = "<<Reals(rMatSkylineDualNoSym*rVecB)-Reals(rResSymSkylineLu*rVecB)<<eol;
234   out<<"dualSkyline factorization LU : A*x-Af*x = "<<Reals(rMatSkylineDualNoSym*rVecB)-Reals(rResDualSkylineLu*rVecB)<<eol;
236   //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
237   // save results in a file or compare results with some references value in a file
238   //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
239   trace_p->pop();
240   if (check) { return diffResFile(out, rootname); }
241   else { return saveResToFile(out, rootname); }
242 }
244 }