1 /*
2  * This file is part of the Yices SMT Solver.
3  * Copyright (C) 2017 SRI International.
4  *
5  * Yices is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8  * (at your option) any later version.
9  *
10  * Yices is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16  * along with Yices.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17  */
19 // get token type
20 #include "frontend/yices/yices_lexer.h"
22 typedef enum state_s {
23   r0,
24   c0, c1, c2, c3, c6, c7, c9, c10, c11, c12, c13,
25   c14, c15, c16, c17, c18, c19, c20,
26   td0, td1, td2, td3,
27   t0, t1, t4, t6,
28   e0, e1, e3, e5, e7, e10, e11, e12, e14, e15, e16, e17, e19, e20,
29 } state_t;
31 typedef struct {
32   state_t source;
33   token_t token;
34   char *value;
35 } triple_t;
37 #define DEFAULT_TOKEN -1
39 /*
40  * Action codes
41  */
42 enum actions {
43   next_goto_c1,
44   empty_command,
45   exit_next_goto_r0,
46   check_next_goto_r0,
47   check_assuming_next_goto_c16,
48   push_next_goto_r0,
49   pop_next_goto_r0,
50   reset_next_goto_r0,
51   dump_context_next_goto_r0,
52   echo_next_goto_c3,
53   include_next_goto_c3,
54   assert_next_push_c20_goto_e0,
55   deftype_next_goto_c2,
56   defterm_next_goto_c6,
57   showmodel_next_goto_r0,
58   eval_next_push_r0_goto_e0,
59   setparam_next_goto_c11,
60   showparam_next_goto_c13,
61   showparams_next_goto_r0,
62   showstats_next_goto_r0,
63   resetstats_next_goto_r0,
64   showtimeout_next_goto_r0,
65   settimeout_next_goto_c14,
66   help_next_goto_c15,
67   efsolve_next_goto_r0,    // New command: (ef-solve)
68   export_next_goto_c3,     // New command: (export-to-dimacs filename)
69   implicant_next_goto_r0,  // New command: (show-implicant)
70   unsat_core_next_goto_r0, // (show-unsat-core)
71   unsat_assumptions_next_goto_r0, // (show-unsat-assumptions)
72   reduced_model_next_goto_r0,     // (show-reduced-model)
74   typename_next_goto_c10,  // token must be a free typename (TK_SYMBOL)
75   string_next_goto_r0,     // string argument to echo, include, help, export
76   termname_next_goto_c7,   // token must be a free termname (TK_SYMBOL)
77   next_push_c9_goto_t0,
78   symbol_next_goto_c12,    // in (set-param <symbol> ...)
79   true_next_goto_r0,       // in (set-param ... true)
80   false_next_goto_r0,      // in (set-param ... false)
81   float_next_goto_r0,      // in (set-param ... <float>)
82   symbol_next_goto_r0,     // in (show-param <symbol>) or (help <symbol>) or (set-param ... <symbol>)
83   ret,                     // return
84   push_r0_goto_e0,
85   push_r0_goto_td0,
87   symbol_next_goto_c16,    // positive assumption
88   next_goto_c17,
89   not_next_goto_c18,
90   symbol_next_goto_c19,   // negated assumption
91   next_goto_c16,
93   int_return,
94   real_return,
95   bool_return,
96   typesymbol_return,      // TK_SYMBOL bound to a type
97   next_goto_td1,
98   scalar_next_goto_td2,
99   bitvector_next_goto_t4,
100   tuple_next_push_t6_goto_t0,
101   arrow_next_push_t6_push_t0_goto_t0,
102   termname_next_goto_td3,  // free termane in scalar definition
104   next_goto_t1,
105   rational_next_goto_r0,
106   push_t6_goto_t0,
108   true_return,
109   false_return,
110   rational_return,
111   float_return,
112   bvbin_return,
113   bvhex_return,
114   termsymbol_return,     // TK_SYMBOL bound to a term
115   next_goto_e1,
117   // all function keywords
118   if_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
119   eq_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
120   diseq_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
121   distinct_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
122   or_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
123   and_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
124   not_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
125   xor_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
126   iff_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
127   implies_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
128   mk_tuple_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
129   select_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
130   update_tuple_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
131   add_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
132   sub_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
133   mul_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
134   div_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
135   pow_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
136   lt_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
137   le_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
138   gt_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
139   ge_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
140   mk_bv_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
141   bv_add_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
142   bv_sub_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
143   bv_mul_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
144   bv_neg_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
145   bv_pow_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
146   bv_not_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
147   bv_and_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
148   bv_or_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
149   bv_xor_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
150   bv_nand_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
151   bv_nor_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
152   bv_xnor_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
153   bv_shift_left0_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
154   bv_shift_left1_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
155   bv_shift_right0_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
156   bv_shift_right1_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
157   bv_ashift_right_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
158   bv_rotate_left_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
159   bv_rotate_right_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
160   bv_extract_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
161   bv_concat_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
162   bv_repeat_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
163   bv_sign_extend_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
164   bv_zero_extend_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
165   bv_ge_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
166   bv_gt_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
167   bv_le_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
168   bv_lt_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
169   bv_sge_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
170   bv_sgt_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
171   bv_sle_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
172   bv_slt_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
173   bv_shl_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
174   bv_lshr_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
175   bv_ashr_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
176   bv_div_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
177   bv_rem_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
178   bv_sdiv_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
179   bv_srem_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
180   bv_smod_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
181   bv_redor_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
182   bv_redand_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
183   bv_comp_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
184   bool_to_bv_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
185   bit_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
186   floor_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
187   ceil_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
188   abs_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
189   idiv_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
190   mod_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
191   divides_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
192   is_int_next_push_e3_goto_e0,
194   update_next_push_e5_goto_e0,
195   forall_next_goto_e10,
196   exists_next_goto_e10,
197   lambda_next_goto_e10,
198   let_next_goto_e15,
199   push_e3_push_e0_goto_e0,
201   push_e3_goto_e0,
202   next_push_e7_goto_e0,
203   next_push_r0_goto_e0,
204   push_e7_goto_e0,
205   next_goto_e11,
206   e11_varname_next_goto_e12,       // first var decl in quantifiers
207   next_push_e14_goto_t0,
208   e14_varname_next_goto_e12,       // var decl in quantifier except the first one
209   e14_next_push_r0_goto_e0,        // end of var decls
211   next_goto_e16,
212   next_goto_e17,
213   termname_next_push_e19_goto_e0,  // name in binding
214   next_goto_e20,
216   error_lpar_expected,
217   error_symbol_expected,
218   error_string_expected,
219   error_colon_colon_expected,
220   error_rational_expected,
221   error_rpar_expected,
222   error_not_expected,
223   error_not_a_command,
224   error,
225 };
227 static triple_t triples[] = {
228   { c0, TK_LP, "next_goto_c1" },
229   { c0, TK_EOS, "empty_command" },
230   { c0, DEFAULT_TOKEN, "error_lpar_expected" },
232   { c1, TK_EXIT, "exit_next_goto_r0" },
233   { c1, TK_CHECK, "check_next_goto_r0" },
234   { c1, TK_CHECK_ASSUMING, "check_assuming_next_goto_c16" },
235   { c1, TK_PUSH, "push_next_goto_r0" },
236   { c1, TK_POP, "pop_next_goto_r0" },
237   { c1, TK_RESET, "reset_next_goto_r0" },
238   { c1, TK_DUMP_CONTEXT, "dump_context_next_goto_r0" },
239   { c1, TK_ECHO, "echo_next_goto_c3" },
240   { c1, TK_INCLUDE, "include_next_goto_c3" },
241   { c1, TK_ASSERT, "assert_next_push_c20_goto_e0" },
242   { c1, TK_DEFINE_TYPE, "deftype_next_goto_c2" },
243   { c1, TK_DEFINE, "defterm_next_goto_c6" },
244   { c1, TK_SHOW_MODEL, "showmodel_next_goto_r0" },
245   { c1, TK_EVAL, "eval_next_push_r0_goto_e0" },
246   { c1, TK_SET_PARAM, "setparam_next_goto_c11" },
247   { c1, TK_SHOW_PARAM, "showparam_next_goto_c13" },
248   { c1, TK_SHOW_PARAMS, "showparams_next_goto_r0" },
249   { c1, TK_SHOW_STATS, "showstats_next_goto_r0" },
250   { c1, TK_SHOW_TIMEOUT, "showtimeout_next_goto_r0" },
251   { c1, TK_RESET_STATS, "resetstats_next_goto_r0" },
252   { c1, TK_SET_TIMEOUT, "settimeout_next_goto_c14" },
253   { c1, TK_HELP, "help_next_goto_c15" },
254   { c1, TK_EF_SOLVE, "efsolve_next_goto_r0" },
255   { c1, TK_EXPORT_TO_DIMACS, "export_next_goto_c3" },
256   { c1, TK_SHOW_IMPLICANT, "implicant_next_goto_r0" },
257   { c1, TK_SHOW_UNSAT_CORE, "unsat_core_next_goto_r0" },
258   { c1, TK_SHOW_UNSAT_ASSUMPTIONS, "unsat_assumptions_next_goto_r0" },
259   { c1, TK_SHOW_REDUCED_MODEL, "reduced_model_next_goto_r0" },
260   { c1, TK_SYMBOL, "error_not_a_command" },
262   { c2, TK_SYMBOL, "typename_next_goto_c10" },
263   { c2, DEFAULT_TOKEN, "error_symbol_expected" },
265   { c3, TK_STRING, "string_next_goto_r0" },
266   { c3, DEFAULT_TOKEN, "error_string_expected" },
268   { c6, TK_SYMBOL, "termname_next_goto_c7" },
269   { c6, DEFAULT_TOKEN, "error_symbol_expected" },
271   { c7, TK_COLON_COLON, "next_push_c9_goto_t0" },
272   { c7, DEFAULT_TOKEN, "error_colon_colon_expected" },
274   { c9, TK_RP, "ret" },
275   { c9, DEFAULT_TOKEN, "push_r0_goto_e0" },
277   { c10, TK_RP, "ret" },
278   { c10, DEFAULT_TOKEN, "push_r0_goto_td0" },
280   { c11, TK_SYMBOL, "symbol_next_goto_c12" },
281   { c11, DEFAULT_TOKEN, "error_symbol_expected" },
283   { c12, TK_TRUE, "true_next_goto_r0" },
284   { c12, TK_FALSE, "false_next_goto_r0" },
285   { c12, TK_NUM_RATIONAL, "rational_next_goto_r0" },
286   { c12, TK_NUM_FLOAT, "float_next_goto_r0" },
287   { c12, TK_SYMBOL, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
289   { c13, TK_SYMBOL, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
291   { c14, TK_NUM_RATIONAL, "rational_next_goto_r0" },
293   // c15: parameters to (help ...): treat all keywords as symbols here
294   { c15, TK_DEFINE_TYPE, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
295   { c15, TK_DEFINE, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
296   { c15, TK_ASSERT, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
297   { c15, TK_CHECK, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
298   { c15, TK_CHECK_ASSUMING, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
299   { c15, TK_PUSH, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
300   { c15, TK_POP, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
301   { c15, TK_RESET, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
302   { c15, TK_DUMP_CONTEXT, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
303   { c15, TK_EXIT, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
304   { c15, TK_ECHO, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
305   { c15, TK_INCLUDE, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
306   { c15, TK_SHOW_MODEL, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
307   { c15, TK_EVAL, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
308   { c15, TK_SET_PARAM, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
309   { c15, TK_SHOW_PARAM, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
310   { c15, TK_SHOW_PARAMS, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
311   { c15, TK_SHOW_STATS, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
312   { c15, TK_RESET_STATS, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
313   { c15, TK_SET_TIMEOUT, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
314   { c15, TK_SHOW_TIMEOUT, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
315   { c15, TK_HELP, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
316   { c15, TK_EF_SOLVE, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
317   { c15, TK_EXPORT_TO_DIMACS, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
318   { c15, TK_SHOW_IMPLICANT, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
319   { c15, TK_SHOW_UNSAT_CORE, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
320   { c15, TK_SHOW_UNSAT_ASSUMPTIONS, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
321   { c15, TK_SHOW_REDUCED_MODEL, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
322   { c15, TK_UPDATE, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
323   { c15, TK_FORALL, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
324   { c15, TK_EXISTS, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
325   { c15, TK_LAMBDA, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
326   { c15, TK_LET, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
327   { c15, TK_BOOL, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
328   { c15, TK_INT, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
329   { c15, TK_REAL, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
330   { c15, TK_BITVECTOR, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
331   { c15, TK_SCALAR, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
332   { c15, TK_TUPLE, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
333   { c15, TK_ARROW, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
334   { c15, TK_TRUE, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
335   { c15, TK_FALSE, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
336   { c15, TK_IF, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
337   { c15, TK_ITE, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
338   { c15, TK_EQ, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
339   { c15, TK_DISEQ, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
340   { c15, TK_DISTINCT, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
341   { c15, TK_OR, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
342   { c15, TK_AND, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
343   { c15, TK_NOT, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
344   { c15, TK_XOR, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
345   { c15, TK_IFF, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
346   { c15, TK_IMPLIES, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
347   { c15, TK_MK_TUPLE, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
348   { c15, TK_SELECT, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
349   { c15, TK_UPDATE_TUPLE, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
350   { c15, TK_ADD, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
351   { c15, TK_SUB, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
352   { c15, TK_MUL, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
353   { c15, TK_DIV, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
354   { c15, TK_POW, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
355   { c15, TK_LT, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
356   { c15, TK_LE, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
357   { c15, TK_GT, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
358   { c15, TK_GE, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
359   { c15, TK_MK_BV, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
360   { c15, TK_BV_ADD, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
361   { c15, TK_BV_SUB, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
362   { c15, TK_BV_MUL, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
363   { c15, TK_BV_NEG, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
364   { c15, TK_BV_POW, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
365   { c15, TK_BV_NOT, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
366   { c15, TK_BV_AND, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
367   { c15, TK_BV_OR, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
368   { c15, TK_BV_XOR, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
369   { c15, TK_BV_NAND, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
370   { c15, TK_BV_NOR, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
371   { c15, TK_BV_XNOR, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
372   { c15, TK_BV_SHIFT_LEFT0, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
373   { c15, TK_BV_SHIFT_LEFT1, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
374   { c15, TK_BV_SHIFT_RIGHT0, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
375   { c15, TK_BV_SHIFT_RIGHT1, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
376   { c15, TK_BV_ASHIFT_RIGHT, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
377   { c15, TK_BV_ROTATE_LEFT, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
378   { c15, TK_BV_ROTATE_RIGHT, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
379   { c15, TK_BV_EXTRACT, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
380   { c15, TK_BV_CONCAT, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
381   { c15, TK_BV_REPEAT, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
382   { c15, TK_BV_SIGN_EXTEND, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
383   { c15, TK_BV_ZERO_EXTEND, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
384   { c15, TK_BV_GE, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
385   { c15, TK_BV_GT, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
386   { c15, TK_BV_LE, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
387   { c15, TK_BV_LT, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
388   { c15, TK_BV_SGE, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
389   { c15, TK_BV_SGT, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
390   { c15, TK_BV_SLE, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
391   { c15, TK_BV_SLT, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
392   { c15, TK_BV_SHL, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
393   { c15, TK_BV_LSHR, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
394   { c15, TK_BV_ASHR, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
395   { c15, TK_BV_DIV, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
396   { c15, TK_BV_REM, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
397   { c15, TK_BV_SDIV, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
398   { c15, TK_BV_SREM, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
399   { c15, TK_BV_SMOD, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
400   { c15, TK_BV_REDOR, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
401   { c15, TK_BV_REDAND, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
402   { c15, TK_BV_COMP, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
403   { c15, TK_BOOL_TO_BV, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
404   { c15, TK_BIT, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
405   { c15, TK_FLOOR, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
406   { c15, TK_CEIL, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
407   { c15, TK_ABS, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
408   { c15, TK_IDIV, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
409   { c15, TK_MOD, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
410   { c15, TK_DIVIDES, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
411   { c15, TK_IS_INT, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
412   { c15, TK_SYMBOL, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
413   { c15, TK_STRING, "string_next_goto_r0" },
414   { c15, TK_RP, "ret" },
416   // list of assumptions
417   { c16, TK_RP, "ret" },
418   { c16, TK_SYMBOL, "symbol_next_goto_c16" },
419   { c16, TK_LP, "next_goto_c17" },
421   { c17, TK_NOT, "not_next_goto_c18" },
422   { c17, DEFAULT_TOKEN, "error_not_expected" },
424   { c18, TK_SYMBOL, "symbol_next_goto_c19" },
425   { c18, DEFAULT_TOKEN, "error_symbol_expected" },
427   { c19, TK_RP, "next_goto_c16" },
428   { c19, DEFAULT_TOKEN, "error_rpar_expected" },
430   { c20, TK_RP, "ret" },
431   { c20, TK_SYMBOL, "symbol_next_goto_r0" },
433   { td0, TK_INT, "int_return" },
434   { td0, TK_REAL, "real_return" },
435   { td0, TK_BOOL, "bool_return" },
436   { td0, TK_SYMBOL, "typesymbol_return" },
437   { td0, TK_LP, "next_goto_td1" },
439   { td1, TK_SCALAR, "scalar_next_goto_td2" },
440   { td1, TK_BITVECTOR, "bitvector_next_goto_t4" },
441   { td1, TK_TUPLE, "tuple_next_push_t6_goto_t0" },
442   { td1, TK_ARROW, "arrow_next_push_t6_push_t0_goto_t0" },
444   { td2, TK_SYMBOL, "termname_next_goto_td3" },
445   { td2, DEFAULT_TOKEN, "error_symbol_expected" },
447   { td3, TK_RP, "ret" },
448   { td3, TK_SYMBOL, "termname_next_goto_td3" },
450   { t0, TK_INT, "int_return" },
451   { t0, TK_REAL, "real_return" },
452   { t0, TK_BOOL, "bool_return" },
453   { t0, TK_SYMBOL, "typesymbol_return" },
454   { t0, TK_LP, "next_goto_t1" },
456   { t1, TK_BITVECTOR, "bitvector_next_goto_t4" },
457   { t1, TK_TUPLE, "tuple_next_push_t6_goto_t0" },
458   { t1, TK_ARROW, "arrow_next_push_t6_push_t0_goto_t0" },
460   { t4, TK_NUM_RATIONAL, "rational_next_goto_r0" },
461   { t4, DEFAULT_TOKEN, "error_rational_expected" },
463   { t6, TK_RP, "ret" },
464   { t6, DEFAULT_TOKEN, "push_t6_goto_t0" },
466   { e0, TK_TRUE, "true_return" },
467   { e0, TK_FALSE, "false_return" },
468   { e0, TK_NUM_RATIONAL, "rational_return" },
469   { e0, TK_NUM_FLOAT, "float_return" },
470   { e0, TK_BV_CONSTANT, "bvbin_return" },
471   { e0, TK_HEX_CONSTANT, "bvhex_return" },
472   { e0, TK_SYMBOL, "termsymbol_return" },
473   { e0, TK_LP, "next_goto_e1" },
475   { e1, TK_IF, "if_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
476   { e1, TK_ITE, "if_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
477   { e1, TK_EQ, "eq_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
478   { e1, TK_DISEQ, "diseq_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
479   { e1, TK_DISTINCT, "distinct_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
480   { e1, TK_OR, "or_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
481   { e1, TK_AND, "and_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
482   { e1, TK_NOT, "not_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
483   { e1, TK_XOR, "xor_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
484   { e1, TK_IFF, "iff_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
485   { e1, TK_IMPLIES, "implies_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
486   { e1, TK_MK_TUPLE, "mk_tuple_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
487   { e1, TK_SELECT, "select_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
488   { e1, TK_UPDATE_TUPLE, "update_tuple_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
489   { e1, TK_ADD, "add_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
490   { e1, TK_SUB, "sub_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
491   { e1, TK_MUL, "mul_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
492   { e1, TK_DIV, "div_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
493   { e1, TK_POW, "pow_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
494   { e1, TK_LT, "lt_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
495   { e1, TK_LE, "le_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
496   { e1, TK_GT, "gt_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
497   { e1, TK_GE, "ge_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
498   { e1, TK_MK_BV, "mk_bv_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
499   { e1, TK_BV_ADD, "bv_add_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
500   { e1, TK_BV_SUB, "bv_sub_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
501   { e1, TK_BV_MUL, "bv_mul_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
502   { e1, TK_BV_NEG, "bv_neg_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
503   { e1, TK_BV_POW, "bv_pow_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
504   { e1, TK_BV_NOT, "bv_not_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
505   { e1, TK_BV_AND, "bv_and_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
506   { e1, TK_BV_OR, "bv_or_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
507   { e1, TK_BV_XOR, "bv_xor_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
508   { e1, TK_BV_NAND, "bv_nand_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
509   { e1, TK_BV_NOR, "bv_nor_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
510   { e1, TK_BV_XNOR, "bv_xnor_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
511   { e1, TK_BV_SHIFT_LEFT0, "bv_shift_left0_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
512   { e1, TK_BV_SHIFT_LEFT1, "bv_shift_left1_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
513   { e1, TK_BV_SHIFT_RIGHT0, "bv_shift_right0_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
514   { e1, TK_BV_SHIFT_RIGHT1, "bv_shift_right1_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
515   { e1, TK_BV_ASHIFT_RIGHT, "bv_ashift_right_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
516   { e1, TK_BV_ROTATE_LEFT, "bv_rotate_left_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
517   { e1, TK_BV_ROTATE_RIGHT, "bv_rotate_right_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
518   { e1, TK_BV_EXTRACT, "bv_extract_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
519   { e1, TK_BV_CONCAT, "bv_concat_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
520   { e1, TK_BV_REPEAT, "bv_repeat_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
521   { e1, TK_BV_SIGN_EXTEND, "bv_sign_extend_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
522   { e1, TK_BV_ZERO_EXTEND, "bv_zero_extend_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
523   { e1, TK_BV_GE, "bv_ge_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
524   { e1, TK_BV_GT, "bv_gt_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
525   { e1, TK_BV_LE, "bv_le_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
526   { e1, TK_BV_LT, "bv_lt_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
527   { e1, TK_BV_SGE, "bv_sge_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
528   { e1, TK_BV_SGT, "bv_sgt_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
529   { e1, TK_BV_SLE, "bv_sle_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
530   { e1, TK_BV_SLT, "bv_slt_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
531   { e1, TK_BV_SHL, "bv_shl_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
532   { e1, TK_BV_LSHR, "bv_lshr_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
533   { e1, TK_BV_ASHR, "bv_ashr_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
534   { e1, TK_BV_DIV, "bv_div_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
535   { e1, TK_BV_REM, "bv_rem_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
536   { e1, TK_BV_SDIV, "bv_sdiv_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
537   { e1, TK_BV_SREM, "bv_srem_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
538   { e1, TK_BV_SMOD, "bv_smod_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
539   { e1, TK_BV_REDOR, "bv_redor_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
540   { e1, TK_BV_REDAND, "bv_redand_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
541   { e1, TK_BV_COMP, "bv_comp_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
542   { e1, TK_BOOL_TO_BV, "bool_to_bv_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
543   { e1, TK_BIT, "bit_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
544   { e1, TK_FLOOR, "floor_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
545   { e1, TK_CEIL, "ceil_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
546   { e1, TK_ABS, "abs_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
547   { e1, TK_IDIV, "idiv_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
548   { e1, TK_MOD, "mod_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
549   { e1, TK_DIVIDES, "divides_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
550   { e1, TK_IS_INT, "is_int_next_push_e3_goto_e0" },
552   { e1, TK_UPDATE, "update_next_push_e5_goto_e0" },
553   { e1, TK_FORALL, "forall_next_goto_e10" },
554   { e1, TK_EXISTS, "exists_next_goto_e10" },
555   { e1, TK_LAMBDA, "lambda_next_goto_e10" },
556   { e1, TK_LET, "let_next_goto_e15" },
557   { e1, DEFAULT_TOKEN, "push_e3_push_e0_goto_e0" },
559   { e3, TK_RP, "ret" },
560   { e3, DEFAULT_TOKEN, "push_e3_goto_e0" },
562   { e5, TK_LP, "next_push_e7_goto_e0" },
563   { e5, DEFAULT_TOKEN, "error_lpar_expected" },
565   { e7, TK_RP, "next_push_r0_goto_e0" },
566   { e7, DEFAULT_TOKEN, "push_e7_goto_e0" },
568   { e10, TK_LP, "next_goto_e11" },
569   { e10, DEFAULT_TOKEN, "error_lpar_expected" },
571   { e11, TK_SYMBOL, "e11_varname_next_goto_e12" },
572   { e11, DEFAULT_TOKEN, "error_symbol_expected" },
574   { e12, TK_COLON_COLON, "next_push_e14_goto_t0" },
575   { e12, DEFAULT_TOKEN, "error_colon_colon_expected" },
577   { e14, TK_RP, "e14_next_push_r0_goto_e0" },
578   { e14, TK_SYMBOL, "e14_varname_next_goto_e12" },
580   { e15, TK_LP, "next_goto_e16" },
581   { e15, DEFAULT_TOKEN, "error_lpar_expected" },
583   { e16, TK_LP, "next_goto_e17" },
584   { e16, DEFAULT_TOKEN, "error_lpar_expected" },
586   { e17, TK_SYMBOL, "termname_next_push_e19_goto_e0" },
587   { e17, DEFAULT_TOKEN, "error_symbol_expected" },
589   { e19, TK_RP, "next_goto_e20" },
590   { e19, DEFAULT_TOKEN, "error_rpar_expected" },
592   { e20, TK_LP, "next_goto_e17" },
593   { e20, TK_RP, "next_push_r0_goto_e0" },
595   { r0, TK_RP, "ret" },
596   { r0, DEFAULT_TOKEN, "error_rpar_expected" },
598   { -1, -1, NULL },
599 };
601 #define NSTATES (e20+1)
602 #define NTOKENS (TK_ERROR+1)
603 #define DEFAULT_VALUE "error"