1 /*++
2 Copyright (c) 2016 Microsoft Corporation
4 Module Name:
6     pb2bv_rewriter.cpp
8 Abstract:
10     Conversion from pseudo-booleans to bit-vectors.
12 Author:
14     Nikolaj Bjorner (nbjorner) 2016-10-23
16 Notes:
18 --*/
20 #include "util/statistics.h"
21 #include "util/lbool.h"
22 #include "util/uint_set.h"
23 #include "util/gparams.h"
24 #include "util/debug.h"
26 #include "ast/rewriter/rewriter.h"
27 #include "ast/rewriter/rewriter_def.h"
28 #include "ast/rewriter/pb2bv_rewriter.h"
29 #include "ast/ast_util.h"
30 #include "ast/ast_pp.h"
31 #include "util/sorting_network.h"
34 static const unsigned g_primes[7] = { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17};
37 struct pb2bv_rewriter::imp {
39     ast_manager&              m;
40     params_ref                m_params;
41     expr_ref_vector           m_lemmas;
42     func_decl_ref_vector      m_fresh;       // all fresh variables
43     unsigned_vector           m_fresh_lim;
44     unsigned                  m_num_translated;
45     unsigned                  m_compile_bv;
46     unsigned                  m_compile_card;
48     struct card2bv_rewriter {
49         typedef expr* pliteral;
50         typedef ptr_vector<expr> pliteral_vector;
51         psort_nw<card2bv_rewriter> m_sort;
52         ast_manager& m;
53         imp&         m_imp;
54         arith_util   au;
55         pb_util      pb;
56         bv_util      bv;
57         expr_ref_vector m_trail;
58         expr_ref_vector m_args;
59         rational     m_k;
60         vector<rational> m_coeffs;
61         bool m_keep_cardinality_constraints;
62         symbol m_pb_solver;
63         unsigned m_min_arity;
65         template<lbool is_le>
mk_le_gepb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter66         expr_ref mk_le_ge(expr_ref_vector& fmls, expr* a, expr* b, expr* bound) {
67             expr_ref x(m), y(m), result(m);
68             unsigned nb = bv.get_bv_size(a);
69             x = bv.mk_zero_extend(1, a);
70             y = bv.mk_zero_extend(1, b);
71             result = bv.mk_bv_add(x, y);
72             x = bv.mk_extract(nb, nb, result);
73             result = bv.mk_extract(nb-1, 0, result);
74             if (is_le != l_false) {
75                 fmls.push_back(m.mk_eq(x, bv.mk_numeral(rational::zero(), 1)));
76                 fmls.push_back(bv.mk_ule(result, bound));
77             }
78             else {
79                 fmls.push_back(m.mk_eq(x, bv.mk_numeral(rational::one(), 1)));
80                 fmls.push_back(bv.mk_ule(bound, result));
81             }
82             return result;
83         }
85         typedef std::pair<rational, expr_ref> ca;
87         struct compare_coeffs {
operator ()pb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter::compare_coeffs88             bool operator()(ca const& x, ca const& y) const {
89                 return x.first > y.first;
90             }
91         };
sort_argspb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter93         void sort_args() {
94             vector<ca> cas;
95             for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_args.size(); ++i) {
96                 cas.push_back(std::make_pair(m_coeffs[i], expr_ref(m_args.get(i), m)));
97             }
98             std::sort(cas.begin(), cas.end(), compare_coeffs());
99             m_coeffs.reset();
100             m_args.reset();
101             for (ca const& ca : cas) {
102                 m_coeffs.push_back(ca.first);
103                 m_args.push_back(ca.second);
104             }
105         }
107         template <lbool is_le>
gcd_reducepb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter108         void gcd_reduce(vector<rational>& coeffs, rational & k) {
109             rational g(0);
110             for (rational const& c : coeffs) {
111                 if (!c.is_int())
112                     return;
113                 g = gcd(g, c);
114                 if (g.is_one())
115                     return;
116             }
117             if (g.is_zero())
118                 return;
119             switch (is_le) {
120             case l_undef:
121                 if (!k.is_int())
122                     return;
123                 g = gcd(k, g);
124                 if (g.is_one() || g.is_zero())
125                     return;
126                 k /= g;
127                 break;
128             case l_true:
129                 k /= g;
130                 k = floor(k);
131                 break;
132             case l_false:
133                 k /= g;
134                 k = ceil(k);
135                 break;
136             }
137             for (rational& c : coeffs)
138                 c /= g;
139         }
141         //
142         // create a circuit of size sz*log(k)
143         // by forming a binary tree adding pairs of values that are assumed <= k,
144         // and in each step we check that the result is <= k by checking the overflow
145         // bit and that the non-overflow bits are <= k.
146         // The procedure for checking >= k is symmetric and checking for = k is
147         // achieved by checking <= k on intermediary addends and the resulting sum is = k.
148         //
149         // is_le = l_true  -  <=
150         // is_le = l_undef -  =
151         // is_le = l_false -  >=
152         //
153         template<lbool is_le>
mk_le_gepb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter154         expr_ref mk_le_ge(rational const & _k) {
155             rational k(_k);
156             //sort_args();
157             gcd_reduce<is_le>(m_coeffs, k);
158             unsigned sz = m_args.size();
159             expr * const* args = m_args.data();
160             TRACE("pb",
161                   for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
162                       tout << m_coeffs[i] << "*" << mk_pp(args[i], m) << " ";
163                       if (i + 1 < sz && !m_coeffs[i+1].is_neg()) tout << "+ ";
164                   }
165                   switch (is_le) {
166                   case l_true:  tout << "<= "; break;
167                   case l_undef: tout << "= "; break;
168                   case l_false: tout << ">= "; break;
169                   }
170                   tout << k << "\n";);
172             if (k.is_zero()) {
173                 if (is_le != l_false) {
174                     return expr_ref(m.mk_not(::mk_or(m_args)), m);
175                 }
176                 else {
177                     return expr_ref(m.mk_true(), m);
178                 }
179             }
180             if (k.is_neg()) {
181                 return expr_ref((is_le == l_false)?m.mk_true():m.mk_false(), m);
182             }
184             if (m_pb_solver == "totalizer") {
185                 expr_ref result(m);
186                 switch (is_le) {
187                 case l_true:  if (mk_le_tot(sz, args, k, result)) return result; else break;
188                 case l_false: if (mk_ge_tot(sz, args, k, result)) return result; else break;
189                 case l_undef: break;
190                 }
191             }
193             if (m_pb_solver == "sorting") {
194                 expr_ref result(m);
195                 switch (is_le) {
196                 case l_true:  if (mk_le(sz, args, k, result)) return result; else break;
197                 case l_false: if (mk_ge(sz, args, k, result)) return result; else break;
198                 case l_undef: if (mk_eq(sz, args, k, result)) return result; else break;
199                 }
200             }
202             if (m_pb_solver == "segmented") {
203 				throw default_exception("segmented encoding is disabled, use a different value for pb.solver");
204                 switch (is_le) {
205                 case l_true:  return mk_seg_le(k);
206                 case l_false: return mk_seg_ge(k);
207                 case l_undef: break;
208                 }
209             }
211             if (m_pb_solver == "binary_merge") {
212                 expr_ref result = binary_merge(is_le, k);
213                 if (result) return result;
214             }
216             // fall back to divide and conquer encoding.
217             SASSERT(k.is_pos());
218             expr_ref zero(m), bound(m);
219             expr_ref_vector es(m), fmls(m);
220             unsigned nb = k.get_num_bits();
221             zero = bv.mk_numeral(rational(0), nb);
222             bound = bv.mk_numeral(k, nb);
223             for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
224                 SASSERT(!m_coeffs[i].is_neg());
225                 if (m_coeffs[i] > k) {
226                     if (is_le != l_false) {
227                         fmls.push_back(m.mk_not(args[i]));
228                     }
229                     else {
230                         fmls.push_back(args[i]);
231                     }
232                 }
233                 else {
234                     es.push_back(mk_ite(args[i], bv.mk_numeral(m_coeffs[i], nb), zero));
235                 }
236             }
237             while (es.size() > 1) {
238                 for (unsigned i = 0; i + 1 < es.size(); i += 2) {
239                     es[i/2] = mk_le_ge<is_le>(fmls, es[i].get(), es[i+1].get(), bound);
240                 }
241                 if ((es.size() % 2) == 1) {
242                     es[es.size()/2] = es.back();
243                 }
244                 es.shrink((1 + es.size())/2);
245             }
246             switch (is_le) {
247             case l_true:
248                 return ::mk_and(fmls);
249             case l_false:
250                 if (!es.empty()) {
251                     fmls.push_back(bv.mk_ule(bound, es.back()));
252                 }
253                 return ::mk_or(fmls);
254             case l_undef:
255                 if (es.empty()) {
256                     fmls.push_back(m.mk_bool_val(k.is_zero()));
257                 }
258                 else {
259                     fmls.push_back(m.mk_eq(bound, es.back()));
260                 }
261                 return ::mk_and(fmls);
262             default:
263                 UNREACHABLE();
264                 return expr_ref(m.mk_true(), m);
265             }
266         }
268         /**
269            \brief Totalizer encoding. Based on a version by Miguel.
270          */
mk_le_totpb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter272         bool mk_le_tot(unsigned sz, expr * const * args, rational const& _k, expr_ref& result) {
273             SASSERT(sz == m_coeffs.size());
274             if (!_k.is_unsigned() || sz == 0) return false;
275             unsigned k = _k.get_unsigned();
276             expr_ref_vector args1(m);
277             rational bound;
278             flip(sz, args, args1, _k, bound);
279             if (bound.get_unsigned() < k) {
280                 return mk_ge_tot(sz, args1.data(), bound, result);
281             }
282             if (k > 20) {
283                 return false;
284             }
285             result = m.mk_not(bounded_addition(sz, args, k + 1));
286             TRACE("pb", tout << result << "\n";);
287             return true;
288         }
mk_ge_totpb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter290         bool mk_ge_tot(unsigned sz, expr * const * args, rational const& _k, expr_ref& result) {
291             SASSERT(sz == m_coeffs.size());
292             if (!_k.is_unsigned() || sz == 0) return false;
293             unsigned k = _k.get_unsigned();
294             expr_ref_vector args1(m);
295             rational bound;
296             flip(sz, args, args1, _k, bound);
297             if (bound.get_unsigned() < k) {
298                 return mk_le_tot(sz, args1.data(), bound, result);
299             }
300             if (k > 20) {
301                 return false;
302             }
303             result = bounded_addition(sz, args, k);
304             TRACE("pb", tout << result << "\n";);
305             return true;
306         }
flippb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter308         void flip(unsigned sz, expr* const* args, expr_ref_vector& args1, rational const& k, rational& bound) {
309             bound = -k;
310             for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
311                 args1.push_back(mk_not(args[i]));
312                 bound += m_coeffs[i];
313             }
314         }
bounded_additionpb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter316         expr_ref bounded_addition(unsigned sz, expr * const * args, unsigned k) {
317             SASSERT(sz > 0);
318             expr_ref result(m);
319             vector<expr_ref_vector> es;
320             vector<unsigned_vector> coeffs;
321             for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_coeffs.size(); ++i) {
322                 unsigned_vector v;
323                 expr_ref_vector e(m);
324                 unsigned c = m_coeffs[i].get_unsigned();
325                 v.push_back(c >= k ? k : c);
326                 e.push_back(args[i]);
327                 es.push_back(e);
328                 coeffs.push_back(v);
329             }
330             while (es.size() > 1) {
331                 for (unsigned i = 0; i + 1 < es.size(); i += 2) {
332                     expr_ref_vector o(m);
333                     unsigned_vector oc;
334                     tot_adder(es[i], coeffs[i], es[i + 1], coeffs[i + 1], k, o, oc);
335                     es[i / 2].set(o);
336                     coeffs[i / 2] = oc;
337                 }
338                 if ((es.size() % 2) == 1) {
339                     es[es.size() / 2].set(es.back());
340                     coeffs[es.size() / 2] = coeffs.back();
341                 }
342                 es.shrink((1 + es.size())/2);
343                 coeffs.shrink((1 + coeffs.size())/2);
344             }
345             SASSERT(coeffs.size() == 1);
346             SASSERT(coeffs[0].back() <= k);
347             if (coeffs[0].back() == k) {
348                 result = es[0].back();
349             }
350             else {
351                 result = m.mk_false();
352             }
353             return result;
354         }
tot_adderpb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter356         void tot_adder(expr_ref_vector const& l, unsigned_vector const& lc,
357                        expr_ref_vector const& r, unsigned_vector const& rc,
358                        unsigned k,
359                        expr_ref_vector& o, unsigned_vector & oc) {
360             SASSERT(l.size() == lc.size());
361             SASSERT(r.size() == rc.size());
362             uint_set sums;
363             vector<expr_ref_vector> trail;
364             u_map<unsigned> sum2def;
365             for (unsigned i = 0; i <= l.size(); ++i) {
366                 for (unsigned j = (i == 0) ? 1 : 0; j <= r.size(); ++j) {
367                     unsigned sum = std::min(k, ((i == 0) ? 0 : lc[i - 1]) + ((j == 0) ? 0 : rc[j - 1]));
368                     sums.insert(sum);
369                 }
370             }
371             for (unsigned u : sums) {
372                 oc.push_back(u);
373             }
374             std::sort(oc.begin(), oc.end());
375             DEBUG_CODE(
376                 for (unsigned i = 0; i + 1 < oc.size(); ++i) {
377                     SASSERT(oc[i] < oc[i+1]);
378                 });
379             for (unsigned i = 0; i < oc.size(); ++i) {
380                 sum2def.insert(oc[i], i);
381                 trail.push_back(expr_ref_vector(m));
382             }
383             for (unsigned i = 0; i <= l.size(); ++i) {
384                 for (unsigned j = (i == 0) ? 1 : 0; j <= r.size(); ++j) {
385                     if (i != 0 && j != 0 && (lc[i - 1] >= k || rc[j - 1] >= k)) continue;
386                     unsigned sum = std::min(k, ((i == 0) ? 0 : lc[i - 1]) + ((j == 0) ? 0 : rc[j - 1]));
387                     expr_ref_vector ands(m);
388                     if (i != 0) {
389                         ands.push_back(l[i - 1]);
390                     }
391                     if (j != 0) {
392                         ands.push_back(r[j - 1]);
393                     }
394                     trail[sum2def.find(sum)].push_back(::mk_and(ands));
395                 }
396             }
397             for (unsigned i = 0; i < oc.size(); ++i) {
398                 o.push_back(::mk_or(trail[sum2def.find(oc[i])]));
399             }
400         }
402         /**
403            \brief MiniSat+ based encoding of PB constraints.
404            Translating Pseudo-Boolean Constraints into SAT,
405            Niklas Een, Niklas Soerensson, JSAT 2006.
406          */
409         vector<rational> m_min_base;
410         rational         m_min_cost;
411         vector<rational> m_base;
create_basispb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter413         void create_basis(vector<rational> const& seq, rational const& carry_in, rational const& cost) {
414             if (cost >= m_min_cost) {
415                 return;
416             }
417             rational delta_cost(0);
418             for (unsigned i = 0; i < seq.size(); ++i) {
419                 delta_cost += seq[i];
420             }
421             if (cost + delta_cost < m_min_cost) {
422                 m_min_cost = cost + delta_cost;
423                 m_min_base = m_base;
424                 m_min_base.push_back(delta_cost + rational::one());
425             }
427             for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(g_primes)/sizeof(*g_primes); ++i) {
428                 vector<rational> seq1;
429                 rational p(g_primes[i]);
430                 rational rest = carry_in;
431                 // create seq1
432                 for (unsigned j = 0; j < seq.size(); ++j) {
433                     rest += seq[j] % p;
434                     if (seq[j] >= p) {
435                         seq1.push_back(div(seq[j],  p));
436                     }
437                 }
439                 m_base.push_back(p);
440                 create_basis(seq1, div(rest, p), cost + rest);
441                 m_base.pop_back();
442             }
443         }
create_basispb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter445         bool create_basis() {
446             m_base.reset();
447             m_min_cost = rational(INT_MAX);
448             m_min_base.reset();
449             rational cost(0);
450             create_basis(m_coeffs, rational::zero(), cost);
451             m_base = m_min_base;
452             TRACE("pb",
453                   tout << "Base: ";
454                   for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_base.size(); ++i) {
455                       tout << m_base[i] << " ";
456                   }
457                   tout << "\n";);
458             return
459                 !m_base.empty() &&
460                 m_base.back().is_unsigned() &&
461                 m_base.back().get_unsigned() <= 20*m_base.size();
462         }
464         /**
465            \brief Check if 'out mod n >= lim'.
466          */
mod_gepb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter467         expr_ref mod_ge(ptr_vector<expr> const& out, unsigned n, unsigned lim) {
468             TRACE("pb", for (unsigned i = 0; i < out.size(); ++i) tout << mk_pp(out[i], m) << " "; tout << "\n";
469                   tout << "n:" << n << " lim: " << lim << "\n";);
470             if (lim == n) {
471                 return expr_ref(m.mk_false(), m);
472             }
473             if (lim == 0) {
474                 return expr_ref(m.mk_true(), m);
475             }
476             SASSERT(0 < lim && lim < n);
477             expr_ref_vector ors(m);
478             for (unsigned j = 0; j + lim - 1 < out.size(); j += n) {
479                 expr_ref tmp(m);
480                 tmp = out[j + lim - 1];
481                 if (j + n - 1 < out.size()) {
482                     tmp = m.mk_and(tmp, m.mk_not(out[j + n - 1]));
483                 }
484                 ors.push_back(tmp);
485             }
486             return ::mk_or(ors);
487         }
489         // x0 + 5x1 + 3x2 >= k
490         // x0 x1 x1 -> s0 s1 s2
491         // s2 x1 x2 -> s3 s4 s5
492         // k = 7: s5 or (s4 & not s2 & s0)
493         // k = 6: s4
494         // k = 5: s4 or (s3 & not s2 & s1)
495         // k = 4: s4 or (s3 & not s2 & s0)
496         // k = 3: s3
497         //
mk_gepb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter498         bool mk_ge(unsigned sz, expr * const* args, rational bound, expr_ref& result) {
499             if (!create_basis()) return false;
500             if (!bound.is_unsigned()) return false;
501             vector<rational> coeffs(m_coeffs);
502             result = m.mk_true();
503             expr_ref_vector carry(m), new_carry(m);
504             m_base.push_back(bound + rational::one());
505             for (const rational& b_i : m_base) {
506                 unsigned B   = b_i.get_unsigned();
507                 unsigned d_i = (bound % b_i).get_unsigned();
508                 bound = div(bound, b_i);
509                 for (unsigned j = 0; j < coeffs.size(); ++j) {
510                     rational c = coeffs[j] % b_i;
511                     SASSERT(c.is_unsigned());
512                     for (unsigned k = 0; k < c.get_unsigned(); ++k) {
513                         carry.push_back(args[j]);
514                     }
515                     coeffs[j] = div(coeffs[j], b_i);
516                 }
517                 TRACE("pb", tout << "Carry: " << carry << "\n";
518                       for (auto c : coeffs) tout << c << " ";
519                       tout << "\n";
520                       );
521                 ptr_vector<expr> out;
522                 m_sort.sorting(carry.size(), carry.data(), out);
524                 expr_ref gt = mod_ge(out, B, d_i + 1);
525                 expr_ref ge = mod_ge(out, B, d_i);
526                 result = mk_and(ge, result);
527                 result = mk_or(gt, result);
528                 TRACE("pb", tout << "b: " << b_i << " d: " << d_i << " gt: " << gt << " ge: " << ge << " " << result << "\n";);
530                 new_carry.reset();
531                 for (unsigned j = B - 1; j < out.size(); j += B) {
532                     new_carry.push_back(out[j]);
533                 }
534                 carry.reset();
535                 carry.append(new_carry);
536             }
537             TRACE("pb", tout << "bound: " << bound << " Carry: " << carry << " result: " << result << "\n";);
538             return true;
539         }
541         /**
542            \brief binary merge encoding.
543         */
binary_mergepb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter544         expr_ref binary_merge(lbool is_le, rational const& k) {
545             expr_ref result(m);
546             unsigned_vector coeffs;
547             for (rational const& c : m_coeffs) {
548                 if (c.is_unsigned()) {
549                     coeffs.push_back(c.get_unsigned());
550                 }
551                 else {
552                     return result;
553                 }
554             }
555             if (!k.is_unsigned()) {
556                 return result;
557             }
558             switch (is_le) {
559             case l_true:
560                 result = m_sort.le(k.get_unsigned(), coeffs.size(), coeffs.data(), m_args.data());
561                 break;
562             case l_false:
563                 result = m_sort.ge(k.get_unsigned(), coeffs.size(), coeffs.data(), m_args.data());
564                 break;
565             case l_undef:
566                 result = m_sort.eq(k.get_unsigned(), coeffs.size(), coeffs.data(), m_args.data());
567                 break;
568             }
569             return result;
570         }
572         /**
573            \brief Segment based encoding.
574            The PB terms are partitoned into segments, such that each segment contains arguments with the same cofficient.
575            The segments are sorted, such that the segment with highest coefficient is first.
576            Then for each segment create circuits based on sorting networks the arguments of the segment.
577         */
mk_seg_gepb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter579         expr_ref mk_seg_ge(rational const& k) {
580             rational bound(-k);
581             for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_args.size(); ++i) {
582                 m_args[i] = mk_not(m_args[i].get());
583                 bound += m_coeffs[i];
584             }
585             return mk_seg_le(bound);
586         }
mk_seg_lepb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter588         expr_ref mk_seg_le(rational const& k) {
589             sort_args();
590             unsigned sz = m_args.size();
591             expr* const* args = m_args.data();
593             // Create sorted entries.
594             vector<ptr_vector<expr>> outs;
595             vector<rational> coeffs;
596             for (unsigned i = 0, seg_size = 0; i < sz; i += seg_size) {
597                 seg_size = segment_size(i);
598                 ptr_vector<expr> out;
599                 m_sort.sorting(seg_size, args + i, out);
600                 out.push_back(m.mk_false());
601                 outs.push_back(out);
602                 coeffs.push_back(m_coeffs[i]);
603             }
604             return mk_seg_le_rec(outs, coeffs, 0, k);
605         }
mk_seg_le_recpb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter607         expr_ref mk_seg_le_rec(vector<ptr_vector<expr>> const& outs, vector<rational> const& coeffs, unsigned i, rational const& k) {
608 			if (k.is_neg()) {
609 				return expr_ref(m.mk_false(), m);
610 			}
611 			if (i == outs.size()) {
612 				return expr_ref(m.mk_true(), m);
613 			}
614             rational const& c = coeffs[i];
615             ptr_vector<expr> const& out = outs[i];
617             if (i + 1 == outs.size() && k >= rational(out.size()-1)*c) {
618                 return expr_ref(m.mk_true(), m);
619             }
620             expr_ref_vector fmls(m);
621             fmls.push_back(m.mk_implies(m.mk_not(out[0]), mk_seg_le_rec(outs, coeffs, i + 1, k)));
622             rational k1;
623             for (unsigned j = 0; j + 1 < out.size(); ++j) {
624                 k1 = k - rational(j+1)*c;
625                 if (k1.is_neg()) {
626                     fmls.push_back(m.mk_not(out[j]));
627                     break;
628                 }
629                 fmls.push_back(m.mk_implies(m.mk_and(out[j], m.mk_not(out[j+1])), mk_seg_le_rec(outs, coeffs, i + 1, k1)));
630             }
631             return ::mk_and(fmls);
632         }
634         // The number of arguments with the same coefficient.
segment_sizepb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter635         unsigned segment_size(unsigned start) const {
636             unsigned i = start;
637             while (i < m_args.size() && m_coeffs[i] == m_coeffs[start]) ++i;
638             return i - start;
639         }
mk_andpb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter641         expr_ref mk_and(expr_ref& a, expr_ref& b) {
642             if (m.is_true(a)) return b;
643             if (m.is_true(b)) return a;
644             if (m.is_false(a)) return a;
645             if (m.is_false(b)) return b;
646             return expr_ref(m.mk_and(a, b), m);
647         }
mk_orpb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter649         expr_ref mk_or(expr_ref& a, expr_ref& b) {
650             if (m.is_true(a)) return a;
651             if (m.is_true(b)) return b;
652             if (m.is_false(a)) return b;
653             if (m.is_false(b)) return a;
654             return expr_ref(m.mk_or(a, b), m);
655         }
mk_lepb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter657         bool mk_le(unsigned sz, expr * const* args, rational const& k, expr_ref& result) {
658             expr_ref_vector args1(m);
659             rational bound(-k);
660             for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
661                 args1.push_back(mk_not(args[i]));
662                 bound += m_coeffs[i];
663             }
664             return mk_ge(sz, args1.data(), bound, result);
665         }
mk_eqpb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter667         bool mk_eq(unsigned sz, expr * const* args, rational const& k, expr_ref& result) {
668             expr_ref r1(m), r2(m);
669             if (mk_ge(sz, args, k, r1) && mk_le(sz, args, k, r2)) {
670                 result = m.mk_and(r1, r2);
671                 return true;
672             }
673             else {
674                 return false;
675             }
676         }
mk_bvpb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter678         expr_ref mk_bv(func_decl * f, unsigned sz, expr * const* args) {
679             ++m_imp.m_compile_bv;
680             decl_kind kind = f->get_decl_kind();
681             rational k = pb.get_k(f);
682             m_coeffs.reset();
683             m_args.reset();
684             for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
685                 m_coeffs.push_back(pb.get_coeff(f, i));
686                 m_args.push_back(args[i]);
687             }
688             CTRACE("pb", k.is_neg(), tout << expr_ref(m.mk_app(f, sz, args), m) << "\n";);
689             SASSERT(!k.is_neg());
690             switch (kind) {
691             case OP_PB_GE:
692             case OP_AT_LEAST_K: {
693                 dualize(f, m_args, k);
694                 SASSERT(!k.is_neg());
695                 return mk_le_ge<l_true>(k);
696             }
697             case OP_PB_LE:
698             case OP_AT_MOST_K:
699                 return mk_le_ge<l_true>(k);
700             case OP_PB_EQ:
701                 return mk_le_ge<l_undef>(k);
702             default:
703                 UNREACHABLE();
704                 return expr_ref(m.mk_true(), m);
705             }
706         }
dualizepb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter708         void dualize(func_decl* f, expr_ref_vector & args, rational & k) {
709             k.neg();
710             for (unsigned i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) {
711                 k += pb.get_coeff(f, i);
712                 args[i] = ::mk_not(m, args[i].get());
713             }
714         }
negatepb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter716         expr* negate(expr* e) {
717             if (m.is_not(e, e)) return e;
718             return m.mk_not(e);
719         }
mk_itepb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter720         expr* mk_ite(expr* c, expr* hi, expr* lo) {
721             while (m.is_not(c, c)) {
722                 std::swap(hi, lo);
723             }
724             if (hi == lo) return hi;
725             if (m.is_true(hi) && m.is_false(lo)) return c;
726             if (m.is_false(hi) && m.is_true(lo)) return negate(c);
727             if (m.is_true(hi)) return m.mk_or(c, lo);
728             if (m.is_false(lo)) return m.mk_and(c, hi);
729             if (m.is_false(hi)) return m.mk_and(negate(c), lo);
730             if (m.is_true(lo)) return m.mk_implies(c, hi);
731             return m.mk_ite(c, hi, lo);
732         }
is_orpb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter734         bool is_or(func_decl* f) {
735             switch (f->get_decl_kind()) {
736             case OP_AT_MOST_K:
737             case OP_PB_LE:
738                 return false;
739             case OP_AT_LEAST_K:
740             case OP_PB_GE:
741                 return pb.get_k(f).is_one();
742             case OP_PB_EQ:
743                 return false;
744             default:
745                 UNREACHABLE();
746                 return false;
747             }
748         }
750     public:
card2bv_rewriterpb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter752         card2bv_rewriter(imp& i, ast_manager& m):
753             m_sort(*this),
754             m(m),
755             m_imp(i),
756             au(m),
757             pb(m),
758             bv(m),
759             m_trail(m),
760             m_args(m),
761             m_keep_cardinality_constraints(false),
762             m_pb_solver(symbol("solver")),
763             m_min_arity(9)
764         {}
set_pb_solverpb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter766         void set_pb_solver(symbol const& s) { m_pb_solver = s; }
mk_apppb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter768         bool mk_app(bool full, func_decl * f, unsigned sz, expr * const* args, expr_ref & result) {
769             if (f->get_family_id() == pb.get_family_id() && mk_pb(full, f, sz, args, result)) {
770                 // skip
771             }
772             else if (au.is_le(f) && is_pb(args[0], args[1])) {
773                 result = mk_le_ge<l_true>(m_k);
774             }
775             else if (au.is_lt(f) && is_pb(args[0], args[1])) {
776                 ++m_k;
777                 result = mk_le_ge<l_true>(m_k);
778             }
779             else if (au.is_ge(f) && is_pb(args[1], args[0])) {
780                 result = mk_le_ge<l_true>(m_k);
781             }
782             else if (au.is_gt(f) && is_pb(args[1], args[0])) {
783                 ++m_k;
784                 result = mk_le_ge<l_true>(m_k);
785             }
786             else if (m.is_eq(f) && is_pb(args[0], args[1])) {
787                 result = mk_le_ge<l_undef>(m_k);
788             }
789             else {
790                 return false;
791             }
792             ++m_imp.m_num_translated;
793             return true;
794         }
mk_app_corepb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter796         br_status mk_app_core(func_decl * f, unsigned sz, expr * const* args, expr_ref & result) {
797             if (mk_app(true, f, sz, args, result)) {
798                 return BR_DONE;
799             }
800             else {
801                 return BR_FAILED;
802             }
803         }
mk_apppb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter805         bool mk_app(bool full, expr* e, expr_ref& r) {
806             app* a;
807             return (is_app(e) && (a = to_app(e), mk_app(full, a->get_decl(), a->get_num_args(), a->get_args(), r)));
808         }
is_pbpb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter810         bool is_pb(expr* x, expr* y) {
811             m_args.reset();
812             m_coeffs.reset();
813             m_k.reset();
814             return is_pb(x, rational::one()) && is_pb(y, rational::minus_one());
815         }
is_pbpb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter817         bool is_pb(expr* e, rational const& mul) {
818             if (!is_app(e)) {
819                 return false;
820             }
821             app* a = to_app(e);
822             rational r, r1, r2;
823             expr* c, *th, *el;
824             unsigned sz = a->get_num_args();
825             if (a->get_family_id() == au.get_family_id()) {
826                 switch (a->get_decl_kind()) {
827                 case OP_ADD:
828                     for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
829                         if (!is_pb(a->get_arg(i), mul)) return false;
830                     }
831                     return true;
832                 case OP_SUB: {
833                     if (!is_pb(a->get_arg(0), mul)) return false;
834                     r = -mul;
835                     for (unsigned i = 1; i < sz; ++i) {
836                         if (!is_pb(a->get_arg(1), r)) return false;
837                     }
838                     return true;
839                 }
840                 case OP_UMINUS:
841                     return is_pb(a->get_arg(0), -mul);
842                 case OP_NUM:
843                     VERIFY(au.is_numeral(a, r));
844                     m_k -= mul * r;
845                     return m_k.is_int();
846                 case OP_MUL:
847                     if (sz != 2) {
848                         return false;
849                     }
850                     if (au.is_numeral(a->get_arg(0), r)) {
851                         r *= mul;
852                         return is_pb(a->get_arg(1), r);
853                     }
854                     if (au.is_numeral(a->get_arg(1), r)) {
855                         r *= mul;
856                         return is_pb(a->get_arg(0), r);
857                     }
858                     return false;
859                 default:
860                     return false;
861                 }
862             }
863             if (m.is_ite(a, c, th, el) &&
864                 au.is_numeral(th, r1) &&
865                 au.is_numeral(el, r2)) {
866                 r1 *= mul;
867                 r2 *= mul;
868                 if (r1 < r2) {
869                     m_args.push_back(::mk_not(m, c));
870                     m_coeffs.push_back(r2-r1);
871                     m_k -= r1;
872                 }
873                 else {
874                     m_args.push_back(c);
875                     m_coeffs.push_back(r1-r2);
876                     m_k -= r2;
877                 }
878                 return m_k.is_int() && (r1-r2).is_int();
879             }
880             return false;
881         }
mk_pbpb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter883         bool mk_pb(bool full, func_decl * f, unsigned sz, expr * const* args, expr_ref & result) {
884             SASSERT(f->get_family_id() == pb.get_family_id());
885             if (is_or(f)) {
886                 result = m.mk_or(sz, args);
887             }
888             else if (pb.is_at_most_k(f) && pb.get_k(f).is_unsigned()) {
889                 if (m_keep_cardinality_constraints && f->get_arity() >= m_min_arity) return false;
890                 result = m_sort.le(full, pb.get_k(f).get_unsigned(), sz, args);
891                 ++m_imp.m_compile_card;
892             }
893             else if (pb.is_at_least_k(f) && pb.get_k(f).is_unsigned()) {
894                 if (m_keep_cardinality_constraints && f->get_arity() >= m_min_arity) return false;
895                 result = m_sort.ge(full, pb.get_k(f).get_unsigned(), sz, args);
896                 ++m_imp.m_compile_card;
897             }
898             else if (pb.is_eq(f) && pb.get_k(f).is_unsigned() && pb.has_unit_coefficients(f)) {
899                 if (m_keep_cardinality_constraints && f->get_arity() >= m_min_arity) return false;
900                 result = m_sort.eq(full, pb.get_k(f).get_unsigned(), sz, args);
901                 ++m_imp.m_compile_card;
902             }
903             else if (pb.is_le(f) && pb.get_k(f).is_unsigned() && pb.has_unit_coefficients(f)) {
904                 if (m_keep_cardinality_constraints && f->get_arity() >= m_min_arity) return false;
905                 result = m_sort.le(full, pb.get_k(f).get_unsigned(), sz, args);
906                 ++m_imp.m_compile_card;
907             }
908             else if (pb.is_ge(f) && pb.get_k(f).is_unsigned() && pb.has_unit_coefficients(f)) {
909                 if (m_keep_cardinality_constraints && f->get_arity() >= m_min_arity) return false;
910                 result = m_sort.ge(full, pb.get_k(f).get_unsigned(), sz, args);
911                 ++m_imp.m_compile_card;
912             }
913             else if (pb.is_eq(f) && pb.get_k(f).is_unsigned() && has_small_coefficients(f) && m_pb_solver == "solver") {
914                 return false;
915             }
916             else if (pb.is_le(f) && pb.get_k(f).is_unsigned() && has_small_coefficients(f) && m_pb_solver == "solver") {
917                 return false;
918             }
919             else if (pb.is_ge(f) && pb.get_k(f).is_unsigned() && has_small_coefficients(f) && m_pb_solver == "solver") {
920                 return false;
921             }
922             else {
923                 result = mk_bv(f, sz, args);
924             }
925             TRACE("pb", tout << "full: " << full << " " << expr_ref(m.mk_app(f, sz, args), m) << " " << result << "\n";
926                   );
927             return true;
928         }
has_small_coefficientspb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter930         bool has_small_coefficients(func_decl* f) {
931             unsigned sz = f->get_arity();
932             unsigned sum = 0;
933             for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
934                 rational c = pb.get_coeff(f, i);
935                 if (!c.is_unsigned()) return false;
936                 unsigned sum1 = sum + c.get_unsigned();
937                 if (sum1 < sum) return false;
938                 sum = sum1;
939             }
940             return true;
941         }
943         // definitions used for sorting network
mk_falsepb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter944         pliteral mk_false() { return m.mk_false(); }
mk_truepb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter945         pliteral mk_true() { return m.mk_true(); }
mk_maxpb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter946         pliteral mk_max(unsigned n, pliteral const* lits) { return trail(m.mk_or(n, lits)); }
mk_minpb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter947         pliteral mk_min(unsigned n, pliteral const* lits) { return trail(m.mk_and(n, lits)); }
mk_notpb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter948         pliteral mk_not(pliteral a) { if (m.is_not(a,a)) return a; return trail(m.mk_not(a)); }
pppb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter950         std::ostream& pp(std::ostream& out, pliteral lit) {  return out << mk_ismt2_pp(lit, m);  }
trailpb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter952         pliteral trail(pliteral l) {
953             m_trail.push_back(l);
954             return l;
955         }
freshpb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter956         pliteral fresh(char const* n) {
957             expr_ref fr(m.mk_fresh_const(n, m.mk_bool_sort()), m);
958             m_imp.m_fresh.push_back(to_app(fr)->get_decl());
959             return trail(fr);
960         }
mk_clausepb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter962         void mk_clause(unsigned n, pliteral const* lits) {
963             m_imp.m_lemmas.push_back(::mk_or(m, n, lits));
964         }
keep_cardinality_constraintspb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter966         void keep_cardinality_constraints(bool f) {
967             m_keep_cardinality_constraints = f;
968         }
set_cardinality_encodingpb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter970         void set_cardinality_encoding(sorting_network_encoding enc) { m_sort.cfg().m_encoding = enc; }
set_min_aritypb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter972         void set_min_arity(unsigned ma) { m_min_arity = ma; }
974     };
976     struct card2bv_rewriter_cfg : public default_rewriter_cfg {
977         card2bv_rewriter m_r;
rewrite_patternspb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter_cfg978         bool rewrite_patterns() const { return false; }
flat_assocpb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter_cfg979         bool flat_assoc(func_decl * f) const { return false; }
reduce_apppb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter_cfg980         br_status reduce_app(func_decl * f, unsigned num, expr * const * args, expr_ref & result, proof_ref & result_pr) {
981             result_pr = nullptr;
982             if (m_r.m.proofs_enabled()) {
983                 return BR_FAILED;
984             }
985             return m_r.mk_app_core(f, num, args, result);
986         }
card2bv_rewriter_cfgpb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter_cfg987         card2bv_rewriter_cfg(imp& i, ast_manager & m):m_r(i, m) {}
keep_cardinality_constraintspb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter_cfg988         void keep_cardinality_constraints(bool f) { m_r.keep_cardinality_constraints(f); }
set_pb_solverpb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter_cfg989         void set_pb_solver(symbol const& s) { m_r.set_pb_solver(s); }
set_cardinality_encodingpb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter_cfg990         void set_cardinality_encoding(sorting_network_encoding enc) { m_r.set_cardinality_encoding(enc); }
set_min_aritypb2bv_rewriter::imp::card2bv_rewriter_cfg991         void set_min_arity(unsigned ma) { m_r.set_min_arity(ma); }
993     };
995     class card_pb_rewriter : public rewriter_tpl<card2bv_rewriter_cfg> {
996     public:
997         card2bv_rewriter_cfg m_cfg;
card_pb_rewriter(imp & i,ast_manager & m)998         card_pb_rewriter(imp& i, ast_manager & m):
999             rewriter_tpl<card2bv_rewriter_cfg>(m, false, m_cfg),
1000             m_cfg(i, m) {}
keep_cardinality_constraints(bool f)1001         void keep_cardinality_constraints(bool f) { m_cfg.keep_cardinality_constraints(f); }
set_pb_solver(symbol const & s)1002         void set_pb_solver(symbol const& s) { m_cfg.set_pb_solver(s); }
set_cardinality_encoding(sorting_network_encoding e)1003         void set_cardinality_encoding(sorting_network_encoding e) { m_cfg.set_cardinality_encoding(e); }
set_min_arity(unsigned ma)1004         void set_min_arity(unsigned ma) { m_cfg.set_min_arity(ma); }
rewrite(bool full,expr * e,expr_ref & r,proof_ref & p)1005         void rewrite(bool full, expr* e, expr_ref& r, proof_ref& p) {
1006             expr_ref ee(e, m());
1007             if (m().proofs_enabled()) {
1008                 r = e;
1009                 return;
1010             }
1011             if (m_cfg.m_r.mk_app(full, e, r)) {
1012                 ee = r;
1013             }
1014             (*this)(ee, r, p);
1015         }
1016     };
1018     card_pb_rewriter m_rw;
keep_cardinalitypb2bv_rewriter::imp1020     bool keep_cardinality() const {
1021         params_ref const& p = m_params;
1022         return
1023             p.get_bool("keep_cardinality_constraints", false) ||
1024             p.get_bool("sat.cardinality.solver", false) ||
1025             p.get_bool("cardinality.solver", false) ||
1026             gparams::get_module("sat").get_bool("cardinality.solver", false);
1027     }
pb_solverpb2bv_rewriter::imp1029     symbol pb_solver() const {
1030         params_ref const& p = m_params;
1031         symbol s = p.get_sym("sat.pb.solver", symbol());
1032         if (s != symbol()) return s;
1033         s = p.get_sym("pb.solver", symbol());
1034         if (s != symbol()) return s;
1035         return gparams::get_module("sat").get_sym("pb.solver", symbol("solver"));
1036     }
min_aritypb2bv_rewriter::imp1038     unsigned min_arity() const {
1039         params_ref const& p = m_params;
1040         unsigned r = p.get_uint("sat.pb.min_arity", UINT_MAX);
1041         if (r != UINT_MAX) return r;
1042         r = p.get_uint("pb.min_arity", UINT_MAX);
1043         if (r != UINT_MAX) return r;
1044         return gparams::get_module("sat").get_uint("pb.min_arity", 9);
1045     }
cardinality_encodingpb2bv_rewriter::imp1047     sorting_network_encoding cardinality_encoding() const {
1048         symbol enc = m_params.get_sym("cardinality.encoding", symbol());
1049         if (enc == symbol()) {
1050             enc = gparams::get_module("sat").get_sym("cardinality.encoding", symbol());
1051         }
1052         if (enc == symbol("grouped")) return sorting_network_encoding::grouped_at_most;
1053         if (enc == symbol("bimander")) return sorting_network_encoding::bimander_at_most;
1054         if (enc == symbol("ordered")) return sorting_network_encoding::ordered_at_most;
1055         if (enc == symbol("unate")) return sorting_network_encoding::unate_at_most;
1056         if (enc == symbol("circuit")) return sorting_network_encoding::circuit_at_most;
1057         return sorting_network_encoding::grouped_at_most;
1058     }
imppb2bv_rewriter::imp1061     imp(ast_manager& m, params_ref const& p):
1062         m(m), m_params(p), m_lemmas(m),
1063         m_fresh(m),
1064         m_num_translated(0),
1065         m_rw(*this, m) {
1066         updt_params(p);
1067         m_compile_bv = 0;
1068         m_compile_card = 0;
1069     }
updt_paramspb2bv_rewriter::imp1071     void updt_params(params_ref const & p) {
1072         m_params.append(p);
1073         m_rw.keep_cardinality_constraints(keep_cardinality());
1074         m_rw.set_pb_solver(pb_solver());
1075         m_rw.set_cardinality_encoding(cardinality_encoding());
1076         m_rw.set_min_arity(min_arity());
1077     }
collect_param_descrspb2bv_rewriter::imp1079     void collect_param_descrs(param_descrs& r) const {
1080         r.insert("keep_cardinality_constraints", CPK_BOOL, "(default: false) retain cardinality constraints (don't bit-blast them) and use built-in cardinality solver");
1081         r.insert("pb.solver", CPK_SYMBOL, "(default: solver) retain pb constraints (don't bit-blast them) and use built-in pb solver");
1082         r.insert("cardinality.encoding", CPK_SYMBOL, "(default: none) grouped, bimander, ordered, unate, circuit");
1083     }
get_num_stepspb2bv_rewriter::imp1085     unsigned get_num_steps() const { return m_rw.get_num_steps(); }
cleanuppb2bv_rewriter::imp1086     void cleanup() { m_rw.cleanup(); }
operator ()pb2bv_rewriter::imp1087     void operator()(bool full, expr * e, expr_ref & result, proof_ref & result_proof) {
1088         // m_rw(e, result, result_proof);
1089         m_rw.rewrite(full, e, result, result_proof);
1090     }
pushpb2bv_rewriter::imp1091     void push() {
1092         m_fresh_lim.push_back(m_fresh.size());
1093     }
poppb2bv_rewriter::imp1094     void pop(unsigned num_scopes) {
1095         SASSERT(m_lemmas.empty()); // lemmas must be flushed before pop.
1096         if (num_scopes > 0) {
1097             SASSERT(num_scopes <= m_fresh_lim.size());
1098             unsigned new_sz = m_fresh_lim.size() - num_scopes;
1099             unsigned lim = m_fresh_lim[new_sz];
1100             m_fresh.resize(lim);
1101             m_fresh_lim.resize(new_sz);
1102         }
1103         m_rw.reset();
1104     }
flush_side_constraintspb2bv_rewriter::imp1106     void flush_side_constraints(expr_ref_vector& side_constraints) {
1107         side_constraints.append(m_lemmas);
1108         m_lemmas.reset();
1109     }
collect_statisticspb2bv_rewriter::imp1111     void collect_statistics(statistics & st) const {
1112         st.update("pb-compile-bv", m_compile_bv);
1113         st.update("pb-compile-card", m_compile_card);
1114         st.update("pb-aux-variables", m_fresh.size());
1115         st.update("pb-aux-clauses", m_rw.m_cfg.m_r.m_sort.m_stats.m_num_compiled_clauses);
1116     }
1118 };
pb2bv_rewriter(ast_manager & m,params_ref const & p)1121 pb2bv_rewriter::pb2bv_rewriter(ast_manager & m, params_ref const& p) {  m_imp = alloc(imp, m, p); }
~pb2bv_rewriter()1122 pb2bv_rewriter::~pb2bv_rewriter() { dealloc(m_imp); }
updt_params(params_ref const & p)1123 void pb2bv_rewriter::updt_params(params_ref const & p) { m_imp->updt_params(p); }
collect_param_descrs(param_descrs & r) const1124 void pb2bv_rewriter::collect_param_descrs(param_descrs& r) const { m_imp->collect_param_descrs(r); }
m() const1126 ast_manager & pb2bv_rewriter::m() const { return m_imp->m; }
get_num_steps() const1127 unsigned pb2bv_rewriter::get_num_steps() const { return m_imp->get_num_steps(); }
cleanup()1128 void pb2bv_rewriter::cleanup() { ast_manager& mgr = m(); params_ref p = m_imp->m_params; dealloc(m_imp); m_imp = alloc(imp, mgr, p);  }
fresh_constants() const1129 func_decl_ref_vector const& pb2bv_rewriter::fresh_constants() const { return m_imp->m_fresh; }
operator ()(bool full,expr * e,expr_ref & result,proof_ref & result_proof)1130 void pb2bv_rewriter::operator()(bool full, expr * e, expr_ref & result, proof_ref & result_proof) { (*m_imp)(full, e, result, result_proof); }
push()1131 void pb2bv_rewriter::push() { m_imp->push(); }
pop(unsigned num_scopes)1132 void pb2bv_rewriter::pop(unsigned num_scopes) { m_imp->pop(num_scopes); }
flush_side_constraints(expr_ref_vector & side_constraints)1133 void pb2bv_rewriter::flush_side_constraints(expr_ref_vector& side_constraints) { m_imp->flush_side_constraints(side_constraints); }
num_translated() const1134 unsigned pb2bv_rewriter::num_translated() const { return m_imp->m_num_translated; }
collect_statistics(statistics & st) const1137 void pb2bv_rewriter::collect_statistics(statistics & st) const { m_imp->collect_statistics(st); }