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50 #include "convolutionfilter.h"
51 #include <cmath>
53 #ifndef M_PI
54 #define M_PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
55 #endif
57 class GaussBlurFilter : public ConvolutionFilter
58 {
59     public:
GaussBlurFilter()60         GaussBlurFilter() : ConvolutionFilter()
61         {
62             m_radius = 4.0;
63         }
65         ////
66         // INHERITED FROM ConvolutionFilter
67         ////
68         QVariant option(int option) const override;
setOption(int option,const QVariant & value)70         bool setOption(int option, const QVariant &value) override
71         {
72             bool ok = true;
73             switch (option) {
74                 case QtImageFilter::Radius:
75                 {
76                     double radius = value.toDouble(&ok);
77                     if (ok) m_radius = radius;
78                 }
79                 break;
81                 default:
82                     ok = ConvolutionFilter::setOption(option, value);
83                 break;
84             }
85             return ok;
86         }
supportsOption(int option)88         bool supportsOption(int option) const override
89         {
90             if (option == QtImageFilter::Radius) return true;
91             return ConvolutionFilter::supportsOption(option);
92         }
94 	QImage apply(const QImage &image, const QRect& clipRect ) const override;
name()96 	QString name() const override { return QLatin1String("GaussBlur"); }
description()97         QString description() const override { return QObject::tr("A gaussian blur filter", "GaussBlurFilter"); }
99     private:
100         qreal m_radius;
101 };
Gauss2DFunction(int x,int y,qreal deviance)104 static qreal Gauss2DFunction(int x, int y, qreal deviance)
105 {
106     /**
107     * A 2-D gaussian distribution has the shape:
108     *
109     *               1         -(x*x + y*y)/(2*dev*dev)
110     * G(x,y) = ---------- * e^
111     *          2*PI*dev^2
112     *
113     * see http://www.cee.hw.ac.uk/hipr/html/gsmooth.html for a more readable version
114     */
115     return exp(-(x*x + y*y)/(2*deviance*deviance))/(2*M_PI*deviance*deviance);
116 }
option(int option)118 QVariant GaussBlurFilter::option(int option) const
119 {
120     if (option == QtImageFilter::Radius) return true;
121     return ConvolutionFilter::option(option);
122 }
apply(const QImage & image,const QRect & clipRect)124 QImage GaussBlurFilter::apply(const QImage &image, const QRect& clipRect ) const
125 {
126     if (m_radius > 0.0) {
127         int uRadius = (int)ceil(m_radius);
129         double deviance = sqrt(-m_radius*m_radius/(2*log(1/255.0)));
130         QtMatrix<double> matLeft(2 * uRadius + 1, 1);
132         for (int x = -uRadius; x <=uRadius; x++) {
133             matLeft.setData(uRadius + x, 0, Gauss2DFunction(x, 0, deviance));
134         }
135         double scalar = matLeft.at(uRadius, 0);
136         matLeft*=(255.0/scalar);
137         QtMatrix<double> matRight = matLeft.transposed();
139         QtConvolutionKernelMatrix integerMatrixLeft = convertMatrixBasetype<int,double>(matLeft);
140         QtConvolutionKernelMatrix integerMatrixRight = convertMatrixBasetype<int,double>(matRight);
142         auto localThis = const_cast<GaussBlurFilter*>(this);
143         localThis->addKernel(integerMatrixLeft, m_channels, m_borderPolicy);
144         localThis->addKernel(integerMatrixRight, m_channels, m_borderPolicy);
145     }
146     return ConvolutionFilter::apply(image, clipRect);
147 }