1// Code generated by private/model/cli/gen-api/main.go. DO NOT EDIT.
3package organizations
5const (
7	// ErrCodeAWSOrganizationsNotInUseException for service response error code
8	// "AWSOrganizationsNotInUseException".
9	//
10	// Your account isn't a member of an organization. To make this request, you
11	// must use the credentials of an account that belongs to an organization.
12	ErrCodeAWSOrganizationsNotInUseException = "AWSOrganizationsNotInUseException"
14	// ErrCodeAccessDeniedException for service response error code
15	// "AccessDeniedException".
16	//
17	// You don't have permissions to perform the requested operation. The user or
18	// role that is making the request must have at least one IAM permissions policy
19	// attached that grants the required permissions. For more information, see
20	// Access Management (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access.html)
21	// in the IAM User Guide.
22	ErrCodeAccessDeniedException = "AccessDeniedException"
24	// ErrCodeAccessDeniedForDependencyException for service response error code
25	// "AccessDeniedForDependencyException".
26	//
27	// The operation that you attempted requires you to have the iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole
28	// for organizations.amazonaws.com permission so that AWS Organizations can
29	// create the required service-linked role. You don't have that permission.
30	ErrCodeAccessDeniedForDependencyException = "AccessDeniedForDependencyException"
32	// ErrCodeAccountNotFoundException for service response error code
33	// "AccountNotFoundException".
34	//
35	// We can't find an AWS account with the AccountId that you specified, or the
36	// account whose credentials you used to make this request isn't a member of
37	// an organization.
38	ErrCodeAccountNotFoundException = "AccountNotFoundException"
40	// ErrCodeAccountOwnerNotVerifiedException for service response error code
41	// "AccountOwnerNotVerifiedException".
42	//
43	// You can't invite an existing account to your organization until you verify
44	// that you own the email address associated with the master account. For more
45	// information, see Email Address Verification (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_manage_create.html#about-email-verification)
46	// in the AWS Organizations User Guide.
47	ErrCodeAccountOwnerNotVerifiedException = "AccountOwnerNotVerifiedException"
49	// ErrCodeAlreadyInOrganizationException for service response error code
50	// "AlreadyInOrganizationException".
51	//
52	// This account is already a member of an organization. An account can belong
53	// to only one organization at a time.
54	ErrCodeAlreadyInOrganizationException = "AlreadyInOrganizationException"
56	// ErrCodeChildNotFoundException for service response error code
57	// "ChildNotFoundException".
58	//
59	// We can't find an organizational unit (OU) or AWS account with the ChildId
60	// that you specified.
61	ErrCodeChildNotFoundException = "ChildNotFoundException"
63	// ErrCodeConcurrentModificationException for service response error code
64	// "ConcurrentModificationException".
65	//
66	// The target of the operation is currently being modified by a different request.
67	// Try again later.
68	ErrCodeConcurrentModificationException = "ConcurrentModificationException"
70	// ErrCodeConstraintViolationException for service response error code
71	// "ConstraintViolationException".
72	//
73	// Performing this operation violates a minimum or maximum value limit. For
74	// example, attempting to remove the last service control policy (SCP) from
75	// an OU or root, inviting or creating too many accounts to the organization,
76	// or attaching too many policies to an account, OU, or root. This exception
77	// includes a reason that contains additional information about the violated
78	// limit.
79	//
80	// Some of the reasons in the following list might not be applicable to this
81	// specific API or operation:
82	//
83	//    * ACCOUNT_CANNOT_LEAVE_WITHOUT_EULA: You attempted to remove an account
84	//    from the organization that doesn't yet have enough information to exist
85	//    as a standalone account. This account requires you to first agree to the
86	//    AWS Customer Agreement. Follow the steps at To leave an organization when
87	//    all required account information has not yet been provided (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_manage_accounts_remove.html#leave-without-all-info)
88	//    in the AWS Organizations User Guide.
89	//
91	//    an account from the organization that doesn't yet have enough information
92	//    to exist as a standalone account. This account requires you to first complete
93	//    phone verification. Follow the steps at To leave an organization when
94	//    all required account information has not yet been provided (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_manage_accounts_remove.html#leave-without-all-info)
95	//    in the AWS Organizations User Guide.
96	//
97	//    * ACCOUNT_CREATION_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: You attempted to exceed the number
98	//    of accounts that you can create in one day.
99	//
100	//    * ACCOUNT_NUMBER_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: You attempted to exceed the limit on
101	//    the number of accounts in an organization. If you need more accounts,
102	//    contact AWS Support (https://console.aws.amazon.com/support/home#/) to
103	//    request an increase in your limit. Or the number of invitations that you
104	//    tried to send would cause you to exceed the limit of accounts in your
105	//    organization. Send fewer invitations or contact AWS Support to request
106	//    an increase in the number of accounts. Deleted and closed accounts still
107	//    count toward your limit. If you get receive this exception when running
108	//    a command immediately after creating the organization, wait one hour and
109	//    try again. If after an hour it continues to fail with this error, contact
110	//    AWS Support (https://console.aws.amazon.com/support/home#/).
111	//
112	//    * HANDSHAKE_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: You attempted to exceed the number of
113	//    handshakes that you can send in one day.
114	//
116	//    in this organization, you first must migrate the organization's master
117	//    account to the marketplace that corresponds to the master account's address.
118	//    For example, accounts with India addresses must be associated with the
119	//    AISPL marketplace. All accounts in an organization must be associated
120	//    with the same marketplace.
121	//
122	//    * MASTER_ACCOUNT_MISSING_CONTACT_INFO: To complete this operation, you
123	//    must first provide contact a valid address and phone number for the master
124	//    account. Then try the operation again.
125	//
126	//    * MASTER_ACCOUNT_NOT_GOVCLOUD_ENABLED: To complete this operation, the
127	//    master account must have an associated account in the AWS GovCloud (US-West)
128	//    Region. For more information, see AWS Organizations (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/govcloud-us/latest/UserGuide/govcloud-organizations.html)
129	//    in the AWS GovCloud User Guide.
130	//
131	//    * MASTER_ACCOUNT_PAYMENT_INSTRUMENT_REQUIRED: To create an organization
132	//    with this master account, you first must associate a valid payment instrument,
133	//    such as a credit card, with the account. Follow the steps at To leave
134	//    an organization when all required account information has not yet been
135	//    provided (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_manage_accounts_remove.html#leave-without-all-info)
136	//    in the AWS Organizations User Guide.
137	//
138	//    * MAX_POLICY_TYPE_ATTACHMENT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: You attempted to exceed the
139	//    number of policies of a certain type that can be attached to an entity
140	//    at one time.
141	//
142	//    * MAX_TAG_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: You have exceeded the number of tags allowed
143	//    on this resource.
144	//
145	//    * MEMBER_ACCOUNT_PAYMENT_INSTRUMENT_REQUIRED: To complete this operation
146	//    with this member account, you first must associate a valid payment instrument,
147	//    such as a credit card, with the account. Follow the steps at To leave
148	//    an organization when all required account information has not yet been
149	//    provided (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_manage_accounts_remove.html#leave-without-all-info)
150	//    in the AWS Organizations User Guide.
151	//
152	//    * MIN_POLICY_TYPE_ATTACHMENT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: You attempted to detach a
153	//    policy from an entity that would cause the entity to have fewer than the
154	//    minimum number of policies of a certain type required.
155	//
156	//    * OU_DEPTH_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: You attempted to create an OU tree that is
157	//    too many levels deep.
158	//
159	//    * ORGANIZATION_NOT_IN_ALL_FEATURES_MODE: You attempted to perform an operation
160	//    that requires the organization to be configured to support all features.
161	//    An organization that supports only consolidated billing features can't
162	//    perform this operation.
163	//
164	//    * OU_NUMBER_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: You attempted to exceed the number of OUs
165	//    that you can have in an organization.
166	//
167	//    * POLICY_NUMBER_LIMIT_EXCEEDED. You attempted to exceed the number of
168	//    policies that you can have in an organization.
169	ErrCodeConstraintViolationException = "ConstraintViolationException"
171	// ErrCodeCreateAccountStatusNotFoundException for service response error code
172	// "CreateAccountStatusNotFoundException".
173	//
174	// We can't find an create account request with the CreateAccountRequestId that
175	// you specified.
176	ErrCodeCreateAccountStatusNotFoundException = "CreateAccountStatusNotFoundException"
178	// ErrCodeDestinationParentNotFoundException for service response error code
179	// "DestinationParentNotFoundException".
180	//
181	// We can't find the destination container (a root or OU) with the ParentId
182	// that you specified.
183	ErrCodeDestinationParentNotFoundException = "DestinationParentNotFoundException"
185	// ErrCodeDuplicateAccountException for service response error code
186	// "DuplicateAccountException".
187	//
188	// That account is already present in the specified destination.
189	ErrCodeDuplicateAccountException = "DuplicateAccountException"
191	// ErrCodeDuplicateHandshakeException for service response error code
192	// "DuplicateHandshakeException".
193	//
194	// A handshake with the same action and target already exists. For example,
195	// if you invited an account to join your organization, the invited account
196	// might already have a pending invitation from this organization. If you intend
197	// to resend an invitation to an account, ensure that existing handshakes that
198	// might be considered duplicates are canceled or declined.
199	ErrCodeDuplicateHandshakeException = "DuplicateHandshakeException"
201	// ErrCodeDuplicateOrganizationalUnitException for service response error code
202	// "DuplicateOrganizationalUnitException".
203	//
204	// An OU with the same name already exists.
205	ErrCodeDuplicateOrganizationalUnitException = "DuplicateOrganizationalUnitException"
207	// ErrCodeDuplicatePolicyAttachmentException for service response error code
208	// "DuplicatePolicyAttachmentException".
209	//
210	// The selected policy is already attached to the specified target.
211	ErrCodeDuplicatePolicyAttachmentException = "DuplicatePolicyAttachmentException"
213	// ErrCodeDuplicatePolicyException for service response error code
214	// "DuplicatePolicyException".
215	//
216	// A policy with the same name already exists.
217	ErrCodeDuplicatePolicyException = "DuplicatePolicyException"
219	// ErrCodeFinalizingOrganizationException for service response error code
220	// "FinalizingOrganizationException".
221	//
222	// AWS Organizations couldn't perform the operation because your organization
223	// hasn't finished initializing. This can take up to an hour. Try again later.
224	// If after one hour you continue to receive this error, contact AWS Support
225	// (https://console.aws.amazon.com/support/home#/).
226	ErrCodeFinalizingOrganizationException = "FinalizingOrganizationException"
228	// ErrCodeHandshakeAlreadyInStateException for service response error code
229	// "HandshakeAlreadyInStateException".
230	//
231	// The specified handshake is already in the requested state. For example, you
232	// can't accept a handshake that was already accepted.
233	ErrCodeHandshakeAlreadyInStateException = "HandshakeAlreadyInStateException"
235	// ErrCodeHandshakeConstraintViolationException for service response error code
236	// "HandshakeConstraintViolationException".
237	//
238	// The requested operation would violate the constraint identified in the reason
239	// code.
240	//
241	// Some of the reasons in the following list might not be applicable to this
242	// specific API or operation:
243	//
244	//    * ACCOUNT_NUMBER_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: You attempted to exceed the limit on
245	//    the number of accounts in an organization. Note that deleted and closed
246	//    accounts still count toward your limit. If you get this exception immediately
247	//    after creating the organization, wait one hour and try again. If after
248	//    an hour it continues to fail with this error, contact AWS Support (https://console.aws.amazon.com/support/home#/).
249	//
250	//    * ALREADY_IN_AN_ORGANIZATION: The handshake request is invalid because
251	//    the invited account is already a member of an organization.
252	//
253	//    * HANDSHAKE_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: You attempted to exceed the number of
254	//    handshakes that you can send in one day.
255	//
256	//    * INVITE_DISABLED_DURING_ENABLE_ALL_FEATURES: You can't issue new invitations
257	//    to join an organization while it's in the process of enabling all features.
258	//    You can resume inviting accounts after you finalize the process when all
259	//    accounts have agreed to the change.
260	//
261	//    * ORGANIZATION_ALREADY_HAS_ALL_FEATURES: The handshake request is invalid
262	//    because the organization has already enabled all features.
263	//
264	//    * ORGANIZATION_FROM_DIFFERENT_SELLER_OF_RECORD: The request failed because
265	//    the account is from a different marketplace than the accounts in the organization.
266	//    For example, accounts with India addresses must be associated with the
267	//    AISPL marketplace. All accounts in an organization must be from the same
268	//    marketplace.
269	//
271	//    change the membership of an account too quickly after its previous change.
272	//
273	//    * PAYMENT_INSTRUMENT_REQUIRED: You can't complete the operation with an
274	//    account that doesn't have a payment instrument, such as a credit card,
275	//    associated with it.
276	ErrCodeHandshakeConstraintViolationException = "HandshakeConstraintViolationException"
278	// ErrCodeHandshakeNotFoundException for service response error code
279	// "HandshakeNotFoundException".
280	//
281	// We can't find a handshake with the HandshakeId that you specified.
282	ErrCodeHandshakeNotFoundException = "HandshakeNotFoundException"
284	// ErrCodeInvalidHandshakeTransitionException for service response error code
285	// "InvalidHandshakeTransitionException".
286	//
287	// You can't perform the operation on the handshake in its current state. For
288	// example, you can't cancel a handshake that was already accepted or accept
289	// a handshake that was already declined.
290	ErrCodeInvalidHandshakeTransitionException = "InvalidHandshakeTransitionException"
292	// ErrCodeInvalidInputException for service response error code
293	// "InvalidInputException".
294	//
295	// The requested operation failed because you provided invalid values for one
296	// or more of the request parameters. This exception includes a reason that
297	// contains additional information about the violated limit:
298	//
299	// Some of the reasons in the following list might not be applicable to this
300	// specific API or operation:
301	//
302	//    * IMMUTABLE_POLICY: You specified a policy that is managed by AWS and
303	//    can't be modified.
304	//
305	//    * INPUT_REQUIRED: You must include a value for all required parameters.
306	//
307	//    * INVALID_ENUM: You specified an invalid value.
308	//
309	//    * INVALID_FULL_NAME_TARGET: You specified a full name that contains invalid
310	//    characters.
311	//
312	//    * INVALID_LIST_MEMBER: You provided a list to a parameter that contains
313	//    at least one invalid value.
314	//
315	//    * INVALID_PAGINATION_TOKEN: Get the value for the NextToken parameter
316	//    from the response to a previous call of the operation.
317	//
318	//    * INVALID_PARTY_TYPE_TARGET: You specified the wrong type of entity (account,
319	//    organization, or email) as a party.
320	//
321	//    * INVALID_PATTERN: You provided a value that doesn't match the required
322	//    pattern.
323	//
324	//    * INVALID_PATTERN_TARGET_ID: You specified a policy target ID that doesn't
325	//    match the required pattern.
326	//
327	//    * INVALID_ROLE_NAME: You provided a role name that isn't valid. A role
328	//    name can't begin with the reserved prefix AWSServiceRoleFor.
329	//
330	//    * INVALID_SYNTAX_ORGANIZATION_ARN: You specified an invalid Amazon Resource
331	//    Name (ARN) for the organization.
332	//
333	//    * INVALID_SYNTAX_POLICY_ID: You specified an invalid policy ID.
334	//
335	//    * INVALID_SYSTEM_TAGS_PARAMETER: You specified a tag key that is a system
336	//    tag. You can’t add, edit, or delete system tag keys because they're
337	//    reserved for AWS use. System tags don’t count against your tags per
338	//    resource limit.
339	//
340	//    * MAX_FILTER_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: You can specify only one filter parameter
341	//    for the operation.
342	//
343	//    * MAX_LENGTH_EXCEEDED: You provided a string parameter that is longer
344	//    than allowed.
345	//
346	//    * MAX_VALUE_EXCEEDED: You provided a numeric parameter that has a larger
347	//    value than allowed.
348	//
349	//    * MIN_LENGTH_EXCEEDED: You provided a string parameter that is shorter
350	//    than allowed.
351	//
352	//    * MIN_VALUE_EXCEEDED: You provided a numeric parameter that has a smaller
353	//    value than allowed.
354	//
355	//    * MOVING_ACCOUNT_BETWEEN_DIFFERENT_ROOTS: You can move an account only
356	//    between entities in the same root.
357	ErrCodeInvalidInputException = "InvalidInputException"
359	// ErrCodeMalformedPolicyDocumentException for service response error code
360	// "MalformedPolicyDocumentException".
361	//
362	// The provided policy document doesn't meet the requirements of the specified
363	// policy type. For example, the syntax might be incorrect. For details about
364	// service control policy syntax, see Service Control Policy Syntax (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_reference_scp-syntax.html)
365	// in the AWS Organizations User Guide.
366	ErrCodeMalformedPolicyDocumentException = "MalformedPolicyDocumentException"
368	// ErrCodeMasterCannotLeaveOrganizationException for service response error code
369	// "MasterCannotLeaveOrganizationException".
370	//
371	// You can't remove a master account from an organization. If you want the master
372	// account to become a member account in another organization, you must first
373	// delete the current organization of the master account.
374	ErrCodeMasterCannotLeaveOrganizationException = "MasterCannotLeaveOrganizationException"
376	// ErrCodeOrganizationNotEmptyException for service response error code
377	// "OrganizationNotEmptyException".
378	//
379	// The organization isn't empty. To delete an organization, you must first remove
380	// all accounts except the master account, delete all OUs, and delete all policies.
381	ErrCodeOrganizationNotEmptyException = "OrganizationNotEmptyException"
383	// ErrCodeOrganizationalUnitNotEmptyException for service response error code
384	// "OrganizationalUnitNotEmptyException".
385	//
386	// The specified OU is not empty. Move all accounts to another root or to other
387	// OUs, remove all child OUs, and try the operation again.
388	ErrCodeOrganizationalUnitNotEmptyException = "OrganizationalUnitNotEmptyException"
390	// ErrCodeOrganizationalUnitNotFoundException for service response error code
391	// "OrganizationalUnitNotFoundException".
392	//
393	// We can't find an OU with the OrganizationalUnitId that you specified.
394	ErrCodeOrganizationalUnitNotFoundException = "OrganizationalUnitNotFoundException"
396	// ErrCodeParentNotFoundException for service response error code
397	// "ParentNotFoundException".
398	//
399	// We can't find a root or OU with the ParentId that you specified.
400	ErrCodeParentNotFoundException = "ParentNotFoundException"
402	// ErrCodePolicyInUseException for service response error code
403	// "PolicyInUseException".
404	//
405	// The policy is attached to one or more entities. You must detach it from all
406	// roots, OUs, and accounts before performing this operation.
407	ErrCodePolicyInUseException = "PolicyInUseException"
409	// ErrCodePolicyNotAttachedException for service response error code
410	// "PolicyNotAttachedException".
411	//
412	// The policy isn't attached to the specified target in the specified root.
413	ErrCodePolicyNotAttachedException = "PolicyNotAttachedException"
415	// ErrCodePolicyNotFoundException for service response error code
416	// "PolicyNotFoundException".
417	//
418	// We can't find a policy with the PolicyId that you specified.
419	ErrCodePolicyNotFoundException = "PolicyNotFoundException"
421	// ErrCodePolicyTypeAlreadyEnabledException for service response error code
422	// "PolicyTypeAlreadyEnabledException".
423	//
424	// The specified policy type is already enabled in the specified root.
425	ErrCodePolicyTypeAlreadyEnabledException = "PolicyTypeAlreadyEnabledException"
427	// ErrCodePolicyTypeNotAvailableForOrganizationException for service response error code
428	// "PolicyTypeNotAvailableForOrganizationException".
429	//
430	// You can't use the specified policy type with the feature set currently enabled
431	// for this organization. For example, you can enable SCPs only after you enable
432	// all features in the organization. For more information, see Enabling and
433	// Disabling a Policy Type on a Root (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_manage_policies.html#enable_policies_on_root)
434	// in the AWS Organizations User Guide.
435	ErrCodePolicyTypeNotAvailableForOrganizationException = "PolicyTypeNotAvailableForOrganizationException"
437	// ErrCodePolicyTypeNotEnabledException for service response error code
438	// "PolicyTypeNotEnabledException".
439	//
440	// The specified policy type isn't currently enabled in this root. You can't
441	// attach policies of the specified type to entities in a root until you enable
442	// that type in the root. For more information, see Enabling All Features in
443	// Your Organization (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_manage_org_support-all-features.html)
444	// in the AWS Organizations User Guide.
445	ErrCodePolicyTypeNotEnabledException = "PolicyTypeNotEnabledException"
447	// ErrCodeRootNotFoundException for service response error code
448	// "RootNotFoundException".
449	//
450	// We can't find a root with the RootId that you specified.
451	ErrCodeRootNotFoundException = "RootNotFoundException"
453	// ErrCodeServiceException for service response error code
454	// "ServiceException".
455	//
456	// AWS Organizations can't complete your request because of an internal service
457	// error. Try again later.
458	ErrCodeServiceException = "ServiceException"
460	// ErrCodeSourceParentNotFoundException for service response error code
461	// "SourceParentNotFoundException".
462	//
463	// We can't find a source root or OU with the ParentId that you specified.
464	ErrCodeSourceParentNotFoundException = "SourceParentNotFoundException"
466	// ErrCodeTargetNotFoundException for service response error code
467	// "TargetNotFoundException".
468	//
469	// We can't find a root, OU, or account with the TargetId that you specified.
470	ErrCodeTargetNotFoundException = "TargetNotFoundException"
472	// ErrCodeTooManyRequestsException for service response error code
473	// "TooManyRequestsException".
474	//
475	// You have sent too many requests in too short a period of time. The limit
476	// helps protect against denial-of-service attacks. Try again later.
477	//
478	// For information on limits that affect AWS Organizations, see Limits of AWS
479	// Organizations (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_reference_limits.html)
480	// in the AWS Organizations User Guide.
481	ErrCodeTooManyRequestsException = "TooManyRequestsException"
483	// ErrCodeUnsupportedAPIEndpointException for service response error code
484	// "UnsupportedAPIEndpointException".
485	//
486	// This action isn't available in the current Region.
487	ErrCodeUnsupportedAPIEndpointException = "UnsupportedAPIEndpointException"