2--                                                                          --
3--                         GNAT RUN-TIME COMPONENTS                         --
4--                                                                          --
5--                       ADA.STRINGS.TEXT_OUTPUT.UTILS                      --
6--                                                                          --
7--                                 B o d y                                  --
8--                                                                          --
9--            Copyright (C) 2020, Free Software Foundation, Inc.            --
10--                                                                          --
11-- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
12-- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
13-- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
14-- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
15-- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
16-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                     --
17--                                                                          --
18-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
19-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception,   --
20-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.               --
21--                                                                          --
22-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and    --
23-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;     --
24-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see    --
25-- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                                          --
26--                                                                          --
27-- GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. --
28-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc.      --
29--                                                                          --
32with Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding.Wide_Wide_Strings;
34package body Ada.Strings.Text_Output.Utils is
36   procedure Put_Octet (S : in out Sink'Class; Item : Character) with Inline;
37   --  Send a single octet to the current Chunk
39   procedure Adjust_Column (S : in out Sink'Class) with Inline;
40   --  Adjust the column for a non-NL character.
42   procedure Put_UTF_8_Outline (S : in out Sink'Class; Item : UTF_8);
43   --  Out-of-line portion of Put_UTF_8. This exists solely to make Put_UTF_8
44   --  small enough to reasonably inline it.
46   procedure Full (S : in out Sink'Class) is
47   begin
48      pragma Assert (S.Last = S.Chunk_Length);
49      Full_Method (S);
50      pragma Assert (S.Last = 0);
51   end Full;
53   procedure Flush (S : in out Sink'Class) is
54   begin
55      Flush_Method (S);
56   end Flush;
58   procedure Put_Octet (S : in out Sink'Class; Item : Character) is
59   begin
60      S.Last := @ + 1;
61      S.Cur_Chunk.Chars (S.Last) := Item;
62      pragma Assert (S.Chunk_Length = S.Cur_Chunk.Chars'Length);
63      if S.Last = S.Chunk_Length then
64         Full (S);
65      end if;
66   end Put_Octet;
68   procedure Adjust_Column (S : in out Sink'Class) is
69   begin
70      --  If we're in the first column, indent. This is handled here, rather
71      --  than when we see NL, because we don't want spaces in a blank line.
72      --  The character we're about to put is not NL; NL is handled in
73      --  New_Line. So after indenting, we simply increment the Column.
75      if S.Column = 1 then
76         Tab_To_Column (S, S.Indentation + 1);
77      end if;
78      S.Column := @ + 1;
79   end Adjust_Column;
81   procedure Put_7bit (S : in out Sink'Class; Item : Character_7) is
82   begin
83      Adjust_Column (S);
84      Put_Octet (S, Item);
85   end Put_7bit;
87   procedure Put_7bit_NL (S : in out Sink'Class; Item : Character_7) is
88   begin
89      if Item = NL then
90         New_Line (S);
91      else
92         Put_7bit (S, Item);
93      end if;
94   end Put_7bit_NL;
96   procedure Put_Character (S : in out Sink'Class; Item : Character) is
97   begin
98      if Character'Pos (Item) < 2**7 then
99         Put_7bit_NL (S, Item);
100      else
101         Put_Wide_Wide_Character (S, To_Wide_Wide (Item));
102      end if;
103   end Put_Character;
105   procedure Put_Wide_Character
106     (S : in out Sink'Class; Item : Wide_Character) is
107   begin
108      if Wide_Character'Pos (Item) < 2**7 then
109         Put_7bit_NL (S, From_Wide (Item));
110      else
111         Put_Wide_Wide_Character (S, To_Wide_Wide (Item));
112      end if;
113   end Put_Wide_Character;
115   procedure Put_Wide_Wide_Character
116     (S : in out Sink'Class; Item : Wide_Wide_Character) is
117   begin
118      if Wide_Wide_Character'Pos (Item) < 2**7 then
119         Put_7bit_NL (S, From_Wide_Wide (Item));
120      else
121         S.All_7_Bits := False;
122         if Wide_Wide_Character'Pos (Item) >= 2**8 then
123            S.All_8_Bits := False;
124         end if;
125         declare
126            Temp : constant UTF_8_Lines :=
127              UTF_Encoding.Wide_Wide_Strings.Encode ((1 => Item));
128         begin
129            for X of Temp loop
130               pragma Assert (X /= NL);
131               Adjust_Column (S);
132               Put_Octet (S, X);
133            end loop;
134         end;
135      end if;
136   end Put_Wide_Wide_Character;
138   procedure Put_UTF_8_Outline (S : in out Sink'Class; Item : UTF_8) is
139   begin
140      if S.Last + Item'Length = S.Chunk_Length then
141         --  Item fits exactly in current chunk
143         S.Cur_Chunk.Chars (S.Last + 1 .. S.Last + Item'Length) := Item;
144         S.Last := S.Last + Item'Length;
145         S.Column := S.Column + Item'Length;
146         Full (S);
147         --  ???Seems like maybe we shouldn't call Full until we have MORE
148         --  characters. But then we can't pass Chunk_Length => 1 to
149         --  Create_File to get unbuffered output.
150      else
151         --  We get here only if Item doesn't fit in the current chunk, which
152         --  should be fairly rare. We split Item into Left and Right, where
153         --  Left exactly fills the current chunk, and recurse on Left and
154         --  Right. Right will fit into the next chunk unless it's very long,
155         --  so another level of recursion will be extremely rare.
157         declare
158            Left_Length : constant Natural := S.Chunk_Length - S.Last;
159            Right_First : constant Natural := Item'First + Left_Length;
160            Left : UTF_8 renames Item (Item'First .. Right_First - 1);
161            Right : UTF_8 renames Item (Right_First .. Item'Last);
162            pragma Assert (Left & Right = Item);
163         begin
164            Put_UTF_8 (S, Left); -- This will call Full.
165            Put_UTF_8 (S, Right); -- This might call Full, but probably not.
166         end;
167      end if;
168   end Put_UTF_8_Outline;
170   procedure Put_UTF_8 (S : in out Sink'Class; Item : UTF_8) is
171   begin
172      Adjust_Column (S);
174      if S.Last + Item'Length < S.Chunk_Length then
175         --  Item fits in current chunk
177         S.Cur_Chunk.Chars (S.Last + 1 .. S.Last + Item'Length) := Item;
178         S.Last := S.Last + Item'Length;
179         S.Column := S.Column + Item'Length;
180      else
181         Put_UTF_8_Outline (S, Item);
182      end if;
183   end Put_UTF_8;
185   procedure Put_UTF_8_Lines (S : in out Sink'Class; Item : UTF_8_Lines) is
186      Line_Start, Index : Integer := Item'First;
187      --  Needs to be Integer, because Item'First might be negative for empty
188      --  Items.
189   begin
190      while Index <= Item'Last loop
191         if Item (Index) = NL then
192            if Index > Line_Start then
193               Put_UTF_8 (S, Item (Line_Start .. Index - 1));
194            end if;
195            New_Line (S);
196            Line_Start := Index + 1;
197         end if;
199         Index := @ + 1;
200      end loop;
202      if Index > Line_Start then
203         Put_UTF_8 (S, Item (Line_Start .. Index - 1));
204      end if;
205   end Put_UTF_8_Lines;
207   procedure Put_String (S : in out Sink'Class; Item : String) is
208   begin
209      for X of Item loop
210         Put_Character (S, X);
211      end loop;
212   end Put_String;
214   procedure Put_Wide_String (S : in out Sink'Class; Item : Wide_String) is
215   begin
216      for X of Item loop
217         Put_Wide_Character (S, X);
218      end loop;
219   end Put_Wide_String;
221   procedure Put_Wide_Wide_String
222     (S : in out Sink'Class; Item : Wide_Wide_String) is
223   begin
224      for X of Item loop
225         Put_Wide_Wide_Character (S, X);
226      end loop;
227   end Put_Wide_Wide_String;
229   procedure New_Line (S : in out Sink'Class) is
230   begin
231      S.Column := 1;
232      Put_Octet (S, NL);
233   end New_Line;
235   function Column (S : Sink'Class) return Positive is (S.Column);
237   procedure Tab_To_Column (S : in out Sink'Class; Column : Positive) is
238   begin
239      if S.Column < Column then
240         for X in 1 .. Column - S.Column loop
241            Put_Octet (S, ' ');
242         end loop;
243         S.Column := Column;
244      end if;
245   end Tab_To_Column;
247   procedure Set_Indentation (S : in out Sink'Class; Amount : Natural) is
248   begin
249      S.Indentation := Amount;
250   end Set_Indentation;
252   function Indentation (S : Sink'Class) return Natural is (S.Indentation);
254   procedure Indent
255     (S : in out Sink'Class; Amount : Optional_Indentation := Default)
256   is
257      By : constant Natural :=
258        (if Amount = Default then S.Indent_Amount else Amount);
259   begin
260      Set_Indentation (S, Indentation (S) + By);
261   end Indent;
263   procedure Outdent
264     (S : in out Sink'Class; Amount : Optional_Indentation := Default)
265   is
266      By : constant Natural :=
267        (if Amount = Default then S.Indent_Amount else Amount);
268   begin
269      Set_Indentation (S, Indentation (S) - By);
270   end Outdent;
272end Ada.Strings.Text_Output.Utils;