1 // GNU D Compiler emulated TLS routines.
2 // Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
4 // GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
5 // the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
6 // Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
7 // version.
9 // GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
10 // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
11 // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
12 // for more details.
14 // Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
15 // permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
16 // 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
18 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
19 // a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
20 // see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see
21 // <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
23 // This code is based on the libgcc emutls.c emulated TLS support.
25 module gcc.emutls;
27 import core.atomic, core.stdc.stdlib, core.stdc.string, core.sync.mutex;
28 import rt.util.container.array, rt.util.container.hashtab;
29 import core.internal.traits : classInstanceAlignment;
30 import gcc.builtins, gcc.gthread;
32 version (GNU_EMUTLS): private:
34 alias word = __builtin_machine_uint;
35 alias pointer = __builtin_pointer_uint;
36 alias TlsArray = Array!(void**);
38 /*
39  * TLS control data emitted by GCC for every TLS variable.
40  */
41 struct __emutls_object
42 {
43     word size;
44     word align_;
45     union
46     {
47         pointer offset;
48         void* ptr;
49     }
51     ubyte* templ;
52 }
54 // Per-thread key to obtain the per-thread TLS variable array
55 __gshared __gthread_key_t emutlsKey;
56 // Largest, currently assigned TLS variable offset
57 __gshared pointer emutlsMaxOffset = 0;
58 // Contains the size of the TLS variables (for GC)
59 __gshared Array!word emutlsSizes;
60 // Contains the TLS variable array for single-threaded apps
61 __gshared TlsArray singleArray;
62 // List of all currently alive TlsArrays (for GC)
63 __gshared HashTab!(TlsArray*, TlsArray*) emutlsArrays;
65 // emutlsMutex Mutex + @nogc handling
66 enum mutexAlign = classInstanceAlignment!Mutex;
67 enum mutexClassInstanceSize = __traits(classInstanceSize, Mutex);
align(mutexAlign)68 __gshared align(mutexAlign) void[mutexClassInstanceSize] _emutlsMutex;
70 @property Mutex emutlsMutex() nothrow @nogc
71 {
72     return cast(Mutex) _emutlsMutex.ptr;
73 }
75 /*
76  * Global (de)initialization functions
77  */
_d_emutls_init()78 extern (C) void _d_emutls_init() nothrow @nogc
79 {
80     memcpy(_emutlsMutex.ptr, typeid(Mutex).initializer.ptr, _emutlsMutex.length);
81     (cast(Mutex) _emutlsMutex.ptr).__ctor();
83     if (__gthread_key_create(&emutlsKey, &emutlsDestroyThread) != 0)
84         abort();
85 }
87 __gshared __gthread_once_t initOnce = GTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
89 /*
90  * emutls main entrypoint, called by GCC for each TLS variable access.
91  */
__emutls_get_address(shared __emutls_object * obj)92 extern (C) void* __emutls_get_address(shared __emutls_object* obj) nothrow @nogc
93 {
94     pointer offset;
95     if (__gthread_active_p())
96     {
97         // Obtain the offset index into the TLS array (same for all-threads)
98         // for requested var. If it is unset, obtain a new offset index.
99         offset = atomicLoad!(MemoryOrder.acq, pointer)(obj.offset);
100         if (__builtin_expect(offset == 0, 0))
101         {
102             __gthread_once(&initOnce, &_d_emutls_init);
103             emutlsMutex.lock_nothrow();
105             offset = obj.offset;
106             if (offset == 0)
107             {
108                 offset = ++emutlsMaxOffset;
110                 emutlsSizes.ensureLength(offset);
111                 // Note: it's important that we copy any data from obj and
112                 // do not keep an reference to obj itself: If a library is
113                 // unloaded, its tls variables are not removed from the arrays
114                 // and the GC will still scan these. If we then try to reference
115                 // a pointer to the data segment of an unloaded library, this
116                 // will crash.
117                 emutlsSizes[offset - 1] = obj.size;
119                 atomicStore!(MemoryOrder.rel, pointer)(obj.offset, offset);
120             }
121             emutlsMutex.unlock_nothrow();
122         }
123     }
124     // For single-threaded systems, don't synchronize
125     else
126     {
127         if (__builtin_expect(obj.offset == 0, 0))
128         {
129             offset = ++emutlsMaxOffset;
131             emutlsSizes.ensureLength(offset);
132             emutlsSizes[offset - 1] = obj.size;
134             obj.offset = offset;
135         }
136     }
138     TlsArray* arr;
139     if (__gthread_active_p())
140         arr = cast(TlsArray*) __gthread_getspecific(emutlsKey);
141     else
142         arr = &singleArray;
144     // This will always be false for singleArray
145     if (__builtin_expect(arr == null, 0))
146     {
147         arr = mallocTlsArray(offset);
148         __gthread_setspecific(emutlsKey, arr);
149         emutlsMutex.lock_nothrow();
150         emutlsArrays[arr] = arr;
151         emutlsMutex.unlock_nothrow();
152     }
153     // Check if we have to grow the per-thread array
154     else if (__builtin_expect(offset > arr.length, 0))
155     {
156         (*arr).ensureLength(offset);
157     }
159     // Offset 0 is used as a not-initialized marker above. In the
160     // TLS array, we start at 0.
161     auto index = offset - 1;
163     // Get the per-thread pointer from the TLS array
164     void** ret = (*arr)[index];
165     if (__builtin_expect(ret == null, 0))
166     {
167         // Initial access, have to allocate the storage
168         ret = emutlsAlloc(obj);
169         (*arr)[index] = ret;
170     }
172     return ret;
173 }
175 // 1:1 copy from libgcc emutls.c
__emutls_register_common(__emutls_object * obj,word size,word align_,ubyte * templ)176 extern (C) void __emutls_register_common(__emutls_object* obj, word size, word align_, ubyte* templ) nothrow @nogc
177 {
178     if (obj.size < size)
179     {
180         obj.size = size;
181         obj.templ = null;
182     }
183     if (obj.align_ < align_)
184         obj.align_ = align_;
185     if (templ && size == obj.size)
186         obj.templ = templ;
187 }
189 // 1:1 copy from libgcc emutls.c
emutlsAlloc(shared __emutls_object * obj)190 void** emutlsAlloc(shared __emutls_object* obj) nothrow @nogc
191 {
192     void* ptr;
193     void* ret;
194     enum pointerSize = (void*).sizeof;
196     /* We could use here posix_memalign if available and adjust
197      emutls_destroy accordingly.  */
198     if ((cast() obj).align_ <= pointerSize)
199     {
200         ptr = malloc((cast() obj).size + pointerSize);
201         if (ptr == null)
202             abort();
203         (cast(void**) ptr)[0] = ptr;
204         ret = ptr + pointerSize;
205     }
206     else
207     {
208         ptr = malloc(obj.size + pointerSize + obj.align_ - 1);
209         if (ptr == null)
210             abort();
211         ret = cast(void*)((cast(pointer)(ptr + pointerSize + obj.align_ - 1)) & ~cast(
212                 pointer)(obj.align_ - 1));
213         (cast(void**) ret)[-1] = ptr;
214     }
216     if (obj.templ)
217         memcpy(ret, cast(ubyte*) obj.templ, cast() obj.size);
218     else
219         memset(ret, 0, cast() obj.size);
221     return cast(void**) ret;
222 }
224 /*
225  * When a thread has finished, remove the TLS array from the GC
226  * scan list emutlsArrays, free all allocated TLS variables and
227  * finally free the array.
228  */
emutlsDestroyThread(void * ptr)229 extern (C) void emutlsDestroyThread(void* ptr) nothrow @nogc
230 {
231     auto arr = cast(TlsArray*) ptr;
232     emutlsMutex.lock_nothrow();
233     emutlsArrays.remove(arr);
234     emutlsMutex.unlock_nothrow();
236     foreach (entry; *arr)
237     {
238         if (entry)
239             free(entry[-1]);
240     }
242     free(arr);
243 }
245 /*
246  * Allocate a new TLS array, set length according to offset.
247  */
248 TlsArray* mallocTlsArray(pointer offset = 0) nothrow @nogc
249 {
250     static assert(TlsArray.alignof == (void*).alignof);
251     void[] data = malloc(TlsArray.sizeof)[0 .. TlsArray.sizeof];
252     if (data.ptr == null)
253         abort();
255     static immutable TlsArray init = TlsArray.init;
256     memcpy(data.ptr, &init, data.length);
257     (cast(TlsArray*) data).length = 32;
258     return cast(TlsArray*) data.ptr;
259 }
261 /*
262  * Make sure array is large enough to hold an entry for offset.
263  * Note: the array index will be offset - 1!
264  */
ensureLength(Value)265 void ensureLength(Value)(ref Array!(Value) arr, size_t offset) nothrow @nogc
266 {
267     // index is offset-1
268     if (offset > arr.length)
269     {
270         auto newSize = arr.length * 2;
271         if (offset > newSize)
272             newSize = offset + 32;
273         arr.length = newSize;
274     }
275 }
277 // Public interface
278 public:
_d_emutls_scan(scope void delegate (void * pbeg,void * pend)nothrow cb)279 void _d_emutls_scan(scope void delegate(void* pbeg, void* pend) nothrow cb) nothrow
280 {
281     void scanArray(scope TlsArray* arr) nothrow
282     {
283         foreach (index, entry; *arr)
284         {
285             auto ptr = cast(void*) entry;
286             if (ptr)
287                 cb(ptr, ptr + emutlsSizes[index]);
288         }
289     }
291     __gthread_once(&initOnce, &_d_emutls_init);
292     emutlsMutex.lock_nothrow();
293     // this code is effectively nothrow
294     try
295     {
296         foreach (arr, value; emutlsArrays)
297         {
298             scanArray(arr);
299         }
300     }
301     catch (Exception)
302     {
303     }
304     emutlsMutex.unlock_nothrow();
305     scanArray(&singleArray);
306 }
308 // Call this after druntime has been unloaded
_d_emutls_destroy()309 void _d_emutls_destroy() nothrow @nogc
310 {
311     if (__gthread_key_delete(emutlsKey) != 0)
312         abort();
314     (cast(Mutex) _emutlsMutex.ptr).__dtor();
315     destroy(emutlsArrays);
316 }