1<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/"
2      xmlns:its="http://www.w3.org/2005/11/its"
3      xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2003/XInclude"
4      type="guide" style="task"
5      id="custom-gsource.c">
7  <info>
8    <link type="guide" xref="c#examples"/>
10    <credit type="author copyright">
11      <name>Philip Withnall</name>
12      <email its:translate="no">philip.withnall@collabora.co.uk</email>
13      <years>2015</years>
14    </credit>
16    <include href="legal.xml" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"/>
18    <desc>
19      Tutorial for writing a custom <code>GSource</code> implementation
20    </desc>
21  </info>
23  <title>Custom GSources</title>
25  <synopsis>
26    <title>Summary</title>
28    <p>
29      This article is a tutorial on creating a custom <code>GSource</code>. For
30      the reference documentation, see the
31      <link href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/stable/glib-The-Main-Event-Loop.html#GSource">GLib
32      API reference</link>.
33    </p>
34  </synopsis>
36  <section id="what-is-gsource">
37    <title>What is <code>GSource</code>?</title>
39    <p>
40      A <link href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/stable/glib-The-Main-Event-Loop.html#GSource"><code>GSource</code></link>
41      is an expected event with an associated callback function which will be
42      invoked when that event is received. An event could be a timeout or data
43      being received on a socket, for example.
44    </p>
46    <p>
47      GLib contains various types of <code>GSource</code>, but also allows
48      applications to define their own, allowing custom events to be integrated
49      into the main loop.
50    </p>
52    <p>
53      The structure of a <code>GSource</code> and its virtual functions are
54      documented in detail in the
55      <link href="https://developer.gnome.org/glib/stable/glib-The-Main-Event-Loop.html#GSourceFuncs">GLib
56      API reference</link>.
57    </p>
58  </section>
60  <section id="queue-source">
61    <title>A Message Queue Source</title>
63    <p>
64      As a running example, a message queue source will be used which dispatches
65      its callback whenever a message is enqueued to a queue internal to the
66      source (potentially from another thread).
67    </p>
69    <p>
70      This type of source is useful for efficiently transferring large numbers
71      of messages between main contexts. The alternative is transferring each
72      message as a separate idle <code>GSource</code> using
73      <code>g_source_attach()</code>. For large numbers of messages, this means
74      a lot of allocations and frees of <code>GSource</code>s.
75    </p>
77    <section id="gsource-structure">
78      <title>Structure</title>
80      <p>
81        Firstly, a structure for the source needs to be declared. This must
82        contain a <code>GSource</code> as its parent, followed by the private
83        fields for the source: the queue and a function to call to free each
84        message once finished with.
85      </p>
86      <code mime="text/x-csrc">
87typedef struct {
88  GSource         parent;
89  GAsyncQueue    *queue;  /* owned */
90  GDestroyNotify  destroy_message;
91} MessageQueueSource;</code>
92    </section>
94    <section id="prepare-function">
95      <title>Prepare Function</title>
97      <p>
98        Next, the prepare function for the source must be defined. This determines
99        whether the source is ready to be dispatched. As this source is using an
100        in-memory queue, this can be determined by checking the queue’s length: if
101        there are elements in the queue, the source can be dispatched to handle
102        them.
103      </p>
104      <code mime="text/x-csrc">
105return (g_async_queue_length (message_queue_source->queue) > 0);</code>
106    </section>
108    <section id="check-function">
109      <title>Check Function</title>
111      <p>
112        As this source has no file descriptors, the prepare and check functions
113        essentially have the same job, so a check function is not needed.
114        Setting the field to <code>NULL</code> in <code>GSourceFuncs</code>
115        bypasses the check function for this source type.
116      </p>
117    </section>
119    <section id="dispatch-function">
120      <title>Dispatch Function</title>
122      <p>
123        For this source, the dispatch function is where the complexity lies. It
124        needs to dequeue a message from the queue, then pass that message to the
125        <code>GSource</code>’s callback function. No messages may be queued: even
126        through the prepare function returned true, another source wrapping the
127        same queue may have been dispatched in the mean time and taken the final
128        message from the queue. Further, if no callback has been set for the
129        <code>GSource</code> (which is allowed), the message must be destroyed and
130        silently dropped.
131      </p>
133      <p>
134        If both a message and callback are set, the callback can be invoked on the
135        message and its return value propagated as the return value of the
136        dispatch function. This is <code>FALSE</code> to destroy the
137        <code>GSource</code> and <code>TRUE</code> to keep it alive, just as for
138        <code>GSourceFunc</code> — these semantics are the same for all dispatch
139        function implementations.
140      </p>
141      <code mime="text/x-csrc">
142/* Pop a message off the queue. */
143message = g_async_queue_try_pop (message_queue_source->queue);
145/* If there was no message, bail. */
146if (message == NULL)
147  {
148    /* Keep the source around to handle the next message. */
149    return TRUE;
150  }
152/* @func may be %NULL if no callback was specified.
153 * If so, drop the message. */
154if (func == NULL)
155  {
156    if (message_queue_source->destroy_message != NULL)
157      {
158        message_queue_source->destroy_message (message);
159      }
161    /* Keep the source around to consume the next message. */
162    return TRUE;
163  }
165return func (message, user_data);</code>
166    </section>
168    <section id="callback">
169      <title>Callback Functions</title>
171      <p>
172        The callback from a <code>GSource</code> does not have to have type
173        <code>GSourceFunc</code>. It can be whatever function type is called in
174        the source’s dispatch function, as long as that type is sufficiently
175        documented.
176      </p>
178      <p>
179        Normally, <code>g_source_set_callback()</code> is used to set the
180        callback function for a source instance. With its
181        <code>GDestroyNotify</code>, a strong reference can be held to keep an
182        object alive while the source is still alive:
183      </p>
184      <code mime="text/x-csrc">
185g_source_set_callback (source, callback_func,
186                       g_object_ref (object_to_strong_ref),
187                       (GDestroyNotify) g_object_unref);</code>
189      <p>
190        However, <code>GSource</code> has a layer of indirection for retrieving
191        this callback, exposed as <code>g_source_set_callback_indirect()</code>.
192        This allows GObject to set a <code>GClosure</code> as the callback for a
193        source, which allows for sources which are automatically destroyed when
194        an object is finalized — a <em>weak</em> reference, in contrast to the
195        <em>strong</em> reference above:
196      </p>
197      <code mime="text/x-csrc">
198g_source_set_closure (source,
199                      g_cclosure_new_object (callback_func,
200                                             object_to_weak_ref));</code>
202      <p>
203        It also allows for a generic, closure-based ‘dummy’ callback, which can
204        be used when a source needs to exist but no action needs to be performed
205        in its callback:
206      </p>
207      <code mime="text/x-csrc">
208g_source_set_dummy_callback (source);</code>
209    </section>
211    <section id="constructor">
212      <title>Constructor</title>
214      <p>
215        Finally, the <code>GSourceFuncs</code> definition of the
216        <code>GSource</code> can be written, alongside a construction function.
217        It is typical practice to expose new source types simply as
218        <code>GSource</code>s, not as the subtype structure; so the constructor
219        returns a <code>GSource*</code>.
220      </p>
222      <p>
223        The example constructor here also demonstrates use of a child source to
224        support cancellation conveniently. If the <code>GCancellable</code> is
225        cancelled, the application’s callback will be dispatched and can check
226        for cancellation. (The application code will need to make a pointer to
227        the <code>GCancellable</code> available to its callback, as a field of the
228        callback’s user data set in <code>g_source_set_callback()</code>).
229      </p>
230      <code mime="text/x-csrc">
231GSource *
232message_queue_source_new (GAsyncQueue    *queue,
233                          GDestroyNotify  destroy_message,
234                          GCancellable   *cancellable)
236  GSource *source;  /* alias of @message_queue_source */
237  MessageQueueSource *message_queue_source;  /* alias of @source */
239  g_return_val_if_fail (queue != NULL, NULL);
240  g_return_val_if_fail (cancellable == NULL ||
241                        G_IS_CANCELLABLE (cancellable), NULL);
243  source = g_source_new (&amp;message_queue_source_funcs,
244                         sizeof (MessageQueueSource));
245  message_queue_source = (MessageQueueSource *) source;
247  /* The caller can overwrite this name with something more useful later. */
248  g_source_set_name (source, "MessageQueueSource");
250  message_queue_source->queue = g_async_queue_ref (queue);
251  message_queue_source->destroy_message = destroy_message;
253  /* Add a cancellable source. */
254  if (cancellable != NULL)
255    {
256      GSource *cancellable_source;
258      cancellable_source = g_cancellable_source_new (cancellable);
259      g_source_set_dummy_callback (cancellable_source);
260      g_source_add_child_source (source, cancellable_source);
261      g_source_unref (cancellable_source);
262    }
264  return source;
266    </section>
267  </section>
269  <section id="full-listing">
270    <title>Complete Example</title>
272    <listing>
273      <title>Complete Example Code</title>
275      <code mime="text/x-csrc"><include xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
276                                        href="samples/example-custom-gsource.c"
277                                        parse="text"/></code>
278    </listing>
279  </section>
281  <section id="further-examples">
282    <title>Further Examples</title>
284    <p>
285      Sources can be more complex than the example given above. In
286      <link href="http://nice.freedesktop.org/">libnice</link>, a custom
287      <code>GSource</code> is needed to poll a set of sockets which changes
288      dynamically. The implementation is given as <code>ComponentSource</code>
289      in <link href="http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libnice/libnice/tree/agent/component.c#n941">component.c</link>
290      and demonstrates a more complex use of the prepare function.
291    </p>
293    <p>
294      Another example is a custom source to interface GnuTLS with GLib in its
295      <code>GTlsConnection</code> implementation.
296      <link href="https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/glib-networking/blob/master/tls/gnutls/gtlsconnection-gnutls.c#L1154"><code>GTlsConnectionGnutlsSource</code></link>
297      synchronizes the main thread and a TLS worker thread which performs the
298      blocking TLS operations.
299    </p>
300  </section>