1from gi.repository import Gtk
2from gi.repository import Pango
3import sys
5list_of_dvd = [["The Usual Suspects"],
6               ["Gilda"],
7               ["The Godfather"],
8               ["Pulp Fiction"],
9               ["Once Upon a Time in the West"],
10               ["Rear Window"]]
13class MyWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
15    def __init__(self, app):
16        Gtk.Window.__init__(self, title="My DVDs", application=app)
17        self.set_default_size(250, 100)
18        self.set_border_width(10)
20        # the data are stored in the model
21        # create a liststore with one column
22        self.listmodel = Gtk.ListStore(str)
23        for i in range(len(list_of_dvd)):
24            self.listmodel.append(list_of_dvd[i])
26        # a treeview to see the data stored in the model
27        view = Gtk.TreeView(model=self.listmodel)
29        # cellrenderer for the first column
30        cell = Gtk.CellRendererText()
31        # the first column is created
32        col = Gtk.TreeViewColumn("Title", cell, text=0)
33        # and it is appended to the treeview
34        view.append_column(col)
36        # when a row of the treeview is selected, it emits a signal
37        self.selection = view.get_selection()
38        self.selection.connect("changed", self.on_changed)
40        # the label we use to show the selection
41        self.label = Gtk.Label()
42        self.label.set_text("")
44        # a button to add new titles, connected to a callback function
45        self.button_add = Gtk.Button(label="Add")
46        self.button_add.connect("clicked", self.add_cb)
48        # an entry to enter titles
49        self.entry = Gtk.Entry()
51        # a button to remove titles, connected to a callback function
52        self.button_remove = Gtk.Button(label="Remove")
53        self.button_remove.connect("clicked", self.remove_cb)
55        # a button to remove all titles, connected to a callback function
56        self.button_remove_all = Gtk.Button(label="Remove All")
57        self.button_remove_all.connect("clicked", self.remove_all_cb)
59        # a grid to attach the widgets
60        grid = Gtk.Grid()
61        grid.attach(view, 0, 0, 4, 1)
62        grid.attach(self.label, 0, 1, 4, 1)
63        grid.attach(self.button_add, 0, 2, 1, 1)
64        grid.attach_next_to(
65            self.entry, self.button_add, Gtk.PositionType.RIGHT, 1, 1)
66        grid.attach_next_to(
67            self.button_remove, self.entry, Gtk.PositionType.RIGHT, 1, 1)
68        grid.attach_next_to(
69            self.button_remove_all, self.button_remove, Gtk.PositionType.RIGHT, 1, 1)
71        # add the grid to the window
72        self.add(grid)
74    def on_changed(self, selection):
75        # get the model and the iterator that points at the data in the model
76        (model, iter) = selection.get_selected()
77        # set the label to a new value depending on the selection, if there is
78        # one
79        if iter is not None:
80            self.label.set_text("\n %s" % (model[iter][0]))
81        else:
82            self.label.set_text("")
83        return True
85    # callback function for the "Add" button
86    def add_cb(self, button):
87        # append to the model the title that is in the entry
88        title = self.entry.get_text()
89        self.listmodel.append([title])
90        # and print a message in the terminal
91        print("%s has been added" % (title))
93    def remove_cb(self, button):
94        # if there is still an entry in the model
95        if len(self.listmodel) != 0:
96            # get the selection
97            (model, iter) = self.selection.get_selected()
98            # if there is a selection, print a message in the terminal
99            # and remove it from the model
100            if iter is not None:
101                print("%s has been removed" % (model[iter][0]))
102                self.listmodel.remove(iter)
103            # otherwise, ask the user to select something to remove
104            else:
105                print("Select a title to remove")
106        # else, if there are no entries in the model, print "Empty list"
107        # in the terminal
108        else:
109            print("Empty list")
111    def remove_all_cb(self, button):
112        # if there is still an entry in the model
113        if len(self.listmodel) != 0:
114            # remove all the entries in the model
115            for i in range(len(self.listmodel)):
116                iter = self.listmodel.get_iter(0)
117                self.listmodel.remove(iter)
118        # print a message in the terminal alerting that the model is empty
119        print("Empty list")
122class MyApplication(Gtk.Application):
124    def __init__(self):
125        Gtk.Application.__init__(self)
127    def do_activate(self):
128        win = MyWindow(self)
129        win.show_all()
131    def do_startup(self):
132        Gtk.Application.do_startup(self)
134app = MyApplication()
135exit_status = app.run(sys.argv)