1{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
4{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
6module PromptExamples where
7import Control.Monad.Prompt
8import Control.Monad.Cont  (MonadCont(..))
9import Control.Monad.State (MonadState(..))
10import Control.Monad       (MonadPlus(..))
11import Control.Monad.ST    (ST)
12import Data.STRef (STRef, newSTRef, readSTRef, writeSTRef)
13import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
15-- Some standard monads implemented with Prompt:
17-- State
18data SP s a where
19    Get :: SP s s
20    Put :: s -> SP s ()
22type PState s = Prompt (SP s)
24instance MonadState s (Prompt (SP s)) where
25    get = prompt Get
26    put = prompt . Put
28runPState :: forall r s. PState s r -> s -> (r, s)
29runPState = runPromptC ret prm
30  where
31    ret :: r -> s -> (r,s)
32    ret a s = (a, s)
34    prm :: forall a. SP s a -> (a -> s -> (r,s)) -> s -> (r,s)
35    prm Get      k st = k st st
36    prm (Put st) k __ = k () st
38testS :: PState Int Int
39testS = do x <- get
40           put (x+1)
41           y <- get
42           return (y*2)
44-- StateT using PromptT
45type PStateT s = PromptT (SP s)
47instance MonadState s (PromptT (SP s) m) where
48    get = prompt $ Get
49    put = prompt . Put
51runPStateT :: forall m r s. Monad m => PStateT s m r -> s -> m (r, s)
52runPStateT = runPromptT ret prm lft
53  where
54    ret :: r -> s -> m (r,s)
55    ret r s = return (r,s)
57    prm :: forall a. SP s a -> (a -> s -> m (r,s)) -> s -> m (r,s)
58    prm Get      k st = k st st
59    prm (Put st) k __ = k () st
61    lft :: forall a. m a -> (a -> s -> m (r,s)) -> s -> m (r,s)
62    lft m        k st = m >>= \a -> k a st
64-- MonadPlus with observation functions for "Maybe a" and "[a]"
65data PP m a where
66    PZero :: PP m a
67    PPlus :: m a -> m a -> PP m a
68type PPlus = RecPrompt PP
70instance MonadPlus (RecPrompt PP) where
71    mzero = prompt PZero
72    mplus x y = prompt $ PPlus x y
74runPPlus :: forall r m. (MonadPlus m) => PPlus r -> m r
75runPPlus = runRecPromptM prm
76  where prm :: forall a. PP PPlus a -> m a
77        prm PZero       = mzero
78        prm (PPlus x y) = runPPlus x `mplus` runPPlus y
80runPPlusL :: forall r. PPlus r -> [r]
81runPPlusL = runRecPromptC ret prm
82  where ret x = [x]
83        prm :: forall a. PP PPlus a -> (a -> [r]) -> [r]
84        prm PZero k       = []
85        prm (PPlus x y) k = concatMap k (runPPlusL x ++ runPPlusL y)
87runPPlusM :: forall r. PPlus r -> Maybe r
88runPPlusM = runRecPromptC ret prm
89  where
90    ret :: r -> Maybe r
91    ret = Just
92    prm :: forall a. PP PPlus a -> (a -> Maybe r) -> Maybe r
93    prm PZero       _ = Nothing
94    prm (PPlus x y) k = case (runPPlusM x, runPPlusM y) of
95        (Just a, _) -> k a
96        (_, Just a) -> k a
97        _           -> Nothing
99testP :: PPlus Int
100testP = do x <- mplus (mplus (return 1) (return 2)) (mplus (return 3) (return 4))
101           if x `div` 2 == 0 then mzero else return (x+5)
103-- References, with observation functions in ST and IO
104data PR ref a where
105    NewRef   :: a -> PR ref (ref a)
106    ReadRef  :: ref a -> PR ref a
107    WriteRef :: ref a -> a -> PR ref ()
108type PRef a = forall ref. Prompt (PR ref) a
110runPRefST :: forall s r. PRef r -> ST s r
111runPRefST m = runPromptM interp m where
112    interp :: forall a. PR (STRef s) a -> ST s a
113    interp (NewRef a)     = newSTRef a
114    interp (ReadRef r)    = readSTRef r
115    interp (WriteRef r a) = writeSTRef r a
117runPRefIO :: forall r. PRef r -> IO r
118runPRefIO m = runPromptM interp m where
119    interp :: forall a. PR IORef a -> IO a
120    interp (NewRef a)     = newIORef a
121    interp (ReadRef r)    = readIORef r
122    interp (WriteRef r a) = writeIORef r a
124-- MonadCont
126-- Implementation idea taken from the Unimo paper.
127-- Is there a simpler way to do this?  It seems like there
128-- should be, since we are representing the computation as
129-- a continuation already.
130data PromptCC r m a where
131    CallCC :: ((a -> m b) -> m a) -> PromptCC r m a
132    Apply :: r -> PromptCC r m a
133type CallCC r = RecPrompt (PromptCC r)
135instance MonadCont (RecPrompt (PromptCC r)) where
136    callCC = prompt . CallCC
138runContP :: forall ans r. CallCC ans r -> (r -> ans) -> ans
139runContP = runPromptC ret prm . unRecPrompt
140  where
141    ret :: r -> (r -> ans) -> ans
142    ret r f = f r
144    prm :: forall a. PromptCC ans (CallCC ans) a -> (a -> (r -> ans) -> ans)
145                      -> (r -> ans) -> ans
146    prm (Apply r)  _ _  = r
147    prm (CallCC f) k k2 = runContP (f cont) (\a -> k a k2)
148       where cont a = prompt $ Apply (k a k2)