1-- Created On      : Fri Apr 26 08:13:44 1996
3with Ada.Text_IO;
4with Ada.Strings.Fixed;
5with Ada.Strings.Maps;
6with Ada.Characters.Handling;
7with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
9package body Config is
11   procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation(String, Str_Ptr);
13   procedure Init(Cfg              : out Configuration;
14                  File_Name        :  in String;
15                  Case_Sensitive   :  in Boolean := True;
16                  On_Type_Mismatch :  in Type_Mismatch_Action := Raise_Data_Error
17                  )
18   is
19   begin
20      Free(Cfg.Config_File);
21      Cfg.Config_File := new String'(File_Name);
22      Cfg.Case_Sensitive:= Case_Sensitive;
23      Cfg.On_Type_Mismatch:= On_Type_Mismatch;
24   end Init;
26   function Is_number_start(c: Character) return Boolean is
27   begin
28      case c is
29         when '0'..'9' | '+' | '-' =>
30            return True;
31         when others =>
32            return False;
33      end case;
34   end Is_number_start;
36   -- Internal
37   --
38   procedure Get_Value(Cfg         :  in Configuration;
39                       Section     :  in String;
40                       Mark        :  in String;
41                       Line        : out String;
42                       Value_Start : out Natural;
43                       Value_End   : out Natural;
44                       Found_Line  : out Natural
45                      )
46   is
47      use Ada.Text_IO;
48      use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
49      use Ada.Strings.Maps;
50      use Ada.Strings;
51      use Ada.Characters.Handling;
53      File              : File_Type;
55      Line_End          : Natural                       := 0;
56      Line_Count        : Natural                       := 0;
58      Sect_End          : Natural;
59      Comment_Ind       : Natural;
60      Equal_Ind         : Natural;
62      Found_Section_End : Natural;
63      Found_Mark_Start  : Natural;
64      Found_Mark_End    : Natural                       := 0;
65      In_Found_Section  : Boolean                       := False;
67      Value_Start_Try   : Natural;
69   begin -- Get_Value
70      Value_Start  := Line'First;
71      Value_End    := Line'First - 1;
72      Found_Line   := 0;
73      Open(File, In_File, Cfg.Config_File.all);
74      Read_File:
75      while not End_Of_File(File) loop
76         Get_Line(File, Line, Line_End); -- error if line end > line'Last
77         Line_Count:= Line_Count + 1;
78         if Line_End > 1 then
79            case Line(Line'First) is
80               when '[' =>
81                  Sect_End := Index(Source  => Line(Line'First .. Line_End),
82                                    Pattern => "]");
83                  -- error if ext_end = 0
84                  Found_Section_End := Sect_End - 1;
85                  -- pragma Debug(Put_Line("Config: found_section => " &
86                  -- Line(2..Found_Section_End)));
87                  if Cfg.Case_Sensitive then
88                     In_Found_Section := Section = Line(Line'First+1..Found_Section_End);
89                  else
90                     In_Found_Section :=
91                       To_Lower(Section) = To_Lower(Line(Line'First+1..Found_Section_End));
92                  end if;
93               when ';' | '#' =>
94                  null; -- This is a full-line comment
95               when others =>
96                  if Section = "*" then
97                     In_Found_Section := True;
98                  end if;
99                  if In_Found_Section then
100                     Comment_Ind := Index(Source => Line(Line'First .. Line_End),
101                                          Set    => To_Set("#;"));
102                     if Comment_Ind >= Line'First then
103                        Line_End := Comment_Ind - 1;
104                     end if;
105                     Equal_Ind := Index(Source  => Line(Line'First .. Line_End),
106                                        Pattern => "=");
107                     if Equal_Ind >= Line'First then
108                        Found_Mark_Start :=
109                          Index_Non_Blank(Line(Line'First .. Equal_Ind-1), Forward);
110                        Found_Mark_End :=
111                          Index_Non_Blank(Line(Line'First .. Equal_Ind-1), Backward);
112                     else
113                        Found_Mark_Start :=
114                          Index_Non_Blank(Line(Line'First .. Line_End), Forward);
115                        Found_Mark_End :=
116                          Index_Non_Blank(Line(Line'First .. Line_End), Backward);
117                     end if;
118                     -- pragma Debug(Put_Line("Config: found_mark    => " &
119                     -- Line(Found_Mark_start..Found_Mark_End)));
120                     if Found_Mark_Start > 0 and then
121                       Found_Mark_End > 0
122                     then
123                        if (Cfg.Case_Sensitive and then
124                            (Line(Found_Mark_Start..Found_Mark_End) = Mark))
125                          or else (not Cfg.Case_Sensitive and then
126                                   (To_Lower(Line(Found_Mark_Start..
127                                                  Found_Mark_End))
128                                    = To_Lower(Mark)))
129                        then
130                           Found_Line := Line_Count;
131                           if Equal_Ind >= Line'First then
132                              Value_Start_Try :=
133                                Index_Non_Blank(Line(Equal_Ind+1..Line_End),
134                                                Forward);
135                              if Value_Start_Try >= Line'First then
136                                 Value_End :=
137                                   Index_Non_Blank(Line(Value_Start_Try..Line_End),
138                                                   Backward);
139                                 Value_Start  := Value_Start_Try;
140                              end if;
141                           end if;
142                           exit Read_File;
143                        end if;
144                     end if;
145                  end if;
146            end case;
147         end if;
148      end loop Read_File;
149      Close(File);
150   end Get_Value;
152   Max_Line_Length: constant:= 1000;
154   function Value_Of(Cfg     : in Configuration;
155                     Section : in String;
156                     Mark    : in String;
157                     Default : in String := "")
158                    return String
159   is
160      Line              : String(1 .. Max_Line_Length);
161      Value_Start       : Natural;
162      Value_End         : Natural;
163      Found_Line        : Natural;
164   begin
165      Get_Value(Cfg, Section, Mark, Line, Value_Start, Value_End, Found_Line);
166      if Line(Value_Start .. Value_End) = "" then
167         return Default;
168      else
169         return Line(Value_Start .. Value_End);
170      end if;
171   end Value_Of;
173   procedure Type_Error(Cfg: in Configuration; Val, Desc: String) is
174      use Ada.Text_IO;
175   begin
176      case Cfg.On_Type_Mismatch is
177         when Raise_Data_Error =>
178            raise Ada.Text_IO.Data_Error;
180         when Print_Warning    =>
181            Put_Line(
182               Standard_Error,
183               "Config: warning: `" & val & "' is not " & desc
184            );
186         when Be_Quiet         =>
187            null;
188      end case;
189   end Type_Error;
191   function Value_Of(Cfg     : in Configuration;
192                     Section : in String;
193                     Mark    : in String;
194                     Default : in Integer := 0)
195                    return Integer
196   is
197      Value_As_String : constant String := Value_Of(Cfg, Section, Mark);
198   begin
199      if Value_As_String'Length > 2 and then
200        Value_As_String(Value_As_String'First..Value_As_String'First+1) = "0x"
201      then
202         return Integer'Value("16#" &
203                              Value_As_String(Value_As_String'First+2 ..
204                                              Value_As_String'Last) &
205                              "#");
206      elsif Value_As_String'Length > 0  and then
207         Is_number_start(Value_As_String(Value_As_String'First))
208      then
209         return Integer'Value(Value_As_String);
210      else
211         Type_Error(Cfg, Value_As_String, "an integer number");
212         return Default;
213      end if;
215   exception
216      when others =>
217         Type_Error(Cfg, Value_As_String, "an integer number");
218         return Default;
219   end Value_Of;
222   function Value_Of(Cfg     : in Configuration;
223                     Section : in String;
224                     Mark    : in String;
225                     Default : in Long_Float := 0.0)
226                    return Long_Float
227   is
228      Value_As_String : constant String := Value_Of(Cfg, Section, Mark);
229      Val  : Long_Float;
230      Last : Positive;
231      package LFIO is new Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO(Long_FLoat);
232   begin
233      if Value_As_String'Length > 0 and then
234         Is_number_start(Value_As_String(Value_As_String'First))
235      then
236         -- Val := Float'Value(Value_As_String);
237         -- ^ an old compiler doesn't like some floats repr. through 'Value
238         LFIO.Get(Value_As_String, Val, Last);
239         return Val;
240      else
241         Type_Error(Cfg, Value_As_String, "a floating-point number");
242         return Default;
243      end if;
244   exception
245      when others =>
246         Type_Error(Cfg, Value_As_String, "a floating-point number");
247         return Default;
248   end Value_Of;
250   function Value_Of(Cfg     : in Configuration;
251                     Section : in String;
252                     Mark    : in String;
253                     Default : in Boolean := False) return Boolean
254   is
255   begin
256      return Boolean'Value(Value_Of(Cfg, Section, Mark, Boolean'Image(Default)));
257   end Value_Of;
259   -- Return True if one of the following conditions is met:
260   --  o the Mark is within the Section, but no equal sign is in that line,
261   --  o the Mark is set to either 1, True or Yes.
262   -- All other cases return False.
263   function Is_Set(Cfg     : in Configuration;
264                   Section : in String;
265                   Mark    : in String)
266                  return Boolean is
267      use Ada.Characters.Handling;
268      Line              : String(1 .. Max_Line_Length);
269      Value_Start       : Natural;
270      Value_End         : Natural;
271      Found_Line        : Natural;
272   begin
273      Get_Value(Cfg, Section, Mark, Line, Value_Start, Value_End, Found_Line);
274      declare
275        Value : constant String := To_Lower(Line(Value_Start .. Value_End));
276      begin
277         return Found_Line > 0 and then
278           (Value = ""     or else Value = "1" or else
279            Value = "true" or else Value = "yes");
280      end;
281   end Is_Set;
283   function File_Name(Cfg: Configuration) return String is
284   begin
285     return Cfg.Config_File.all;
286   end File_Name;
288   -- List of strings, for memorizing a config file.
290   type Ini_Line;
291   type Ini_Line_Ptr is access Ini_Line;
292   type Ini_Line is record
293     next: Ini_Line_Ptr:= null;
294     line: Str_Ptr;
295   end record;
296   procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation(Ini_Line, Ini_Line_Ptr);
299   procedure Write_and_Free(Cfg         : in     Configuration;
300                            new_contents: in out Ini_Line_Ptr)
301   is
302      curr, to_free: Ini_Line_Ptr:= null;
303      use Ada.Text_IO;
304      File              : File_Type;
305   begin
306      Create(File, Out_File, Cfg.Config_File.all);
307      curr:= new_contents;
308      while curr /= null loop
309         Put_Line(File, curr.line.all);
310         to_free:= curr;
311         curr:= curr.next;
312         Free(to_free.line);
313         Free(to_free);
314      end loop;
315      Close(File);
316      new_contents:= null;
317   end Write_and_Free;
319   procedure Replace_Value(Cfg     : in Configuration;
320                           Section : in String;
321                           Mark    : in String;
322                           New_Value: in String)
323   is
324      Line              : String(1 .. Max_Line_Length);
325      Value_Start       : Natural;
326      Value_End         : Natural;
327      Found_Line        : Natural;
328      Equal_Ind         : Natural;
329      Line_End          : Natural    := 0;
330      Line_Count        : Natural    := 0;
331      use Ada.Text_IO;
332      File              : File_Type;
333      use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
334      --
335      root, curr, new_ini_line: Ini_Line_Ptr:= null;
336   begin
337      Get_Value(Cfg, Section, Mark, Line, Value_Start, Value_End, Found_Line);
338      if Found_Line = 0 then
339         raise Location_Not_found;
340      end if;
341      Open(File, In_File, Cfg.Config_File.all);
342      Read_File:
343      while not End_Of_File(File) loop
344         Get_Line(File, Line, Line_End);
345         Line_Count:= Line_Count + 1;
346         --
347         new_ini_line:= new Ini_Line;
348         if root = null then
349           root:= new_ini_line;
350         else
351           curr.next:= new_ini_line;
352         end if;
353         curr:= new_ini_line;
354         --
355         if Line_Count = Found_Line then -- Change this line
356            Equal_Ind := Index(Source  => Line(1 .. Line_End),
357                               Pattern => "=");
358            if Equal_Ind < 1 then -- No '=' yet, will change...
359              curr.line:= new String'(Line(1 .. Line_End) & '=' & New_Value);
360            else
361              curr.line:= new String'(Line(1 .. Equal_Ind) & New_Value);
362            end if;
363         else -- any other line: just copy
364            curr.line:= new String'(Line(1 .. Line_End));
365         end if;
366      end loop Read_File;
367      Close(File);
368      -- Now, write the new file
369      Write_and_Free(Cfg, root);
370   end Replace_Value;
372   procedure Replace_Section(Cfg         : in Configuration;
373                             Section     : in String;
374                             New_Contents: in String)
375   is
376      Line              : String(1 .. Max_Line_Length);
377      Line_End          : Natural    := 0;
378      Line_Count        : Natural    := 0;
379      use Ada.Text_IO;
380      File              : File_Type;
381      use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
382      --
383      root, curr, new_ini_line: Ini_Line_Ptr:= null;
384      --
385      procedure List_progress is
386      begin
387         new_ini_line:= new Ini_Line;
388         if root = null then
389           root:= new_ini_line;
390         else
391           curr.next:= new_ini_line;
392         end if;
393         curr:= new_ini_line;
394      end;
395      --
396      Matched_section, Found_section: Boolean:= False;
397      I: Natural:= New_Contents'First;
398      use Ada.Characters.Handling;
399   begin
400      Open(File, In_File, Cfg.Config_File.all);
401      Read_File:
402      while not End_Of_File(File) loop
403         Get_Line(File, Line, Line_End);
404         Line_Count:= Line_Count + 1;
405         if Line_End > 0 and then
406            Line(1)= '['
407         then                     -- It is a section header.
408            Matched_section:=
409               Line_End >= 2 + Section'Length and then
410                 (
411                      (Cfg.Case_Sensitive and then
412                       Line(2..2 + Section'Length) = Section & ']'
413                      )
414                    or else
415                      ((not Cfg.Case_Sensitive) and then
416                        To_Lower(Line(2..2 + Section'Length)) = To_Lower(Section) & ']'
417                      )
418                 );
419            List_progress;
420            curr.line:= new String'(Line(1 .. Line_End));
421            if Matched_section then
422               Found_section:= True;
423               for J in New_Contents'Range loop -- copy new contents
424                  if New_contents(J)= LF then
425                     List_progress;
426                     curr.line:= new String'(New_contents(I .. J-1));
427                     I:= J+1;
428                  end if;
429                  if J = New_contents'Last then
430                     List_progress;
431                     curr.line:= new String'(New_contents(I .. J));
432                  end if;
433                  -- NB: we can have have a LF at the end, hence both "if"-s
434               end loop;
435            end if;
436         elsif Matched_section then
437            null; -- don't copy old contents
438         else
439            List_progress;
440            curr.line:= new String'(Line(1 .. Line_End));
441         end if;
442      end loop Read_File;
443      Close(File);
444      -- Now, write the new file
445      Write_and_Free(Cfg, root);
446      if not Found_Section then
447         raise Section_Not_found;
448      end if;
449   end Replace_Section;
451end Config;