1 C
2 C Copyright 1981-2016 ECMWF.
3 C
4 C This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence
5 C Version 2.0 which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
6 C
7 C In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities
8 C granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation
9 C nor does it submit to any jurisdiction.
10 C
11 C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12 C
13 C     ECMWF local GRIB use definition 13.
14 C     Wave 2D spectra direction and frequency
15 C     ---------------------------------------
16 C
17 C     Octet        KSEC1(n)
18 C     -----        --------
19 C
20 C     41           37           ECMWF local GRIB use definition identifier:
21 C                               13 = Wave 2D spectra direction and frequency
22 C
23 C     42           38           Class
24 C                               1 = Operations
25 C                               2 = Research
26 C
27 C     43           39           Type
28 C
29 C     44->45       40           Stream
30 C                               1045 = Wave
31 C
32 C     46->49       41           Version number/experiment identifier.
33 C                               (four ASCII characters, right justified)
34 C
35 C     50           42           As for MARS labelling
36 C                               (eg set to zero, or
37 C                                ensemble forecast number if appropriate)
38 C
39 C     51           43           As for MARS labelling
40 C                               (eg set to zero, or
41 C                                total number in ensembles if appropriate)
42 C
43 C     52           44           Direction number
44 C
45 C     53           45           Frequency number
46 C
47 C     54           46           Total number of directions (Nd)
48 C
49 C     55           47           Total number of frequencies (Nf)
50 C
51 C     56->59       48           Integer scaling factor applied to directions
52 C                               in following list of direction definitions
53 C                               (4-byte integer)
54 C
55 C     60->63       49           Integer scaling factor applied to frequencies
56 C                               in following list of frequency definitions
57 C                               (4-byte integer)
58 C
59 C     64            -           Flag to show whether or not system and method
60 C                               number are present:
61 C                                 0 = not present (old style product)
62 C                                 1 = present
63 C
64 C     65->66      (50+Nd+Nf)    System number: the "scientific version" number.
65 C                                 0 = RD experiment
66 C                                 1 -> 65534 = operational version number
67 C                                 65535 = missing
68 C
69 C     67->68      (51+Nd+Nf)    Method number: distinguishes scientifically
70 C                               different forecast ensembles (eg different
71 C                               calibration/bias correction)
72 C                                 0 = control integration
73 C                                    (ie without data assimilation)
74 C                                 1 -> 65534 = operational version number
75 C                                 65535 = missing
76 C
77 C     69->100                   Spare (set to zero)
78 C
79 C    101->         50->         List of Nd scaled directions
80 C   (100+Nd*4)    (49+Nd)       (4-byte integers)
81 C
82 C   (101+Nd*4)->  (50+Nd)->     List of Nf scaled frequencies
83 C (100+Nd*4+Nf*4) (49+Nd+Nf)    (4-byte integers)
84 C
85 C
86 C
87 C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
88 C