1 // Copyright Contributors to the OpenVDB Project
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
4 /// @file LeafManager.h
5 ///
6 /// @brief A LeafManager manages a linear array of pointers to a given tree's
7 /// leaf nodes, as well as optional auxiliary buffers (one or more per leaf)
8 /// that can be swapped with the leaf nodes' voxel data buffers.
9 /// @details The leaf array is useful for multithreaded computations over
10 /// leaf voxels in a tree with static topology but varying voxel values.
11 /// The auxiliary buffers are convenient for temporal integration.
12 /// Efficient methods are provided for multithreaded swapping and synching
13 /// (i.e., copying the contents) of these buffers.
18 #include <openvdb/Types.h>
19 #include <openvdb/tree/RootNode.h> // for NodeChain
20 #include <tbb/blocked_range.h>
21 #include <tbb/parallel_for.h>
22 #include <tbb/parallel_reduce.h>
23 #include <deque>
24 #include <functional>
25 #include <type_traits>
28 namespace openvdb {
31 namespace tree {
33 namespace leafmgr {
35 //@{
36 /// Useful traits for Tree types
37 template<typename TreeT> struct TreeTraits {
38     static const bool IsConstTree = false;
39     using LeafIterType = typename TreeT::LeafIter;
40 };
41 template<typename TreeT> struct TreeTraits<const TreeT> {
42     static const bool IsConstTree = true;
43     using LeafIterType = typename TreeT::LeafCIter;
44 };
45 //@}
47 } // namespace leafmgr
50 /// This helper class implements LeafManager methods that need to be
51 /// specialized for const vs. non-const trees.
52 template<typename ManagerT>
53 struct LeafManagerImpl
54 {
55     using RangeT = typename ManagerT::RangeType;
56     using LeafT = typename ManagerT::LeafType;
57     using BufT = typename ManagerT::BufferType;
59     static inline void doSwapLeafBuffer(const RangeT& r, size_t auxBufferIdx,
60                                         LeafT** leafs, BufT* bufs, size_t bufsPerLeaf)
61     {
62         for (size_t n = r.begin(), m = r.end(), N = bufsPerLeaf; n != m; ++n) {
63             leafs[n]->swap(bufs[n * N + auxBufferIdx]);
64         }
65     }
66 };
69 ////////////////////////////////////////
72 /// @brief This class manages a linear array of pointers to a given tree's
73 /// leaf nodes, as well as optional auxiliary buffers (one or more per leaf)
74 /// that can be swapped with the leaf nodes' voxel data buffers.
75 /// @details The leaf array is useful for multithreaded computations over
76 /// leaf voxels in a tree with static topology but varying voxel values.
77 /// The auxiliary buffers are convenient for temporal integration.
78 /// Efficient methods are provided for multithreaded swapping and sync'ing
79 /// (i.e., copying the contents) of these buffers.
80 ///
81 /// @note Buffer index 0 denotes a leaf node's internal voxel data buffer.
82 /// Any auxiliary buffers are indexed starting from one.
83 template<typename TreeT>
84 class LeafManager
85 {
86 public:
87     using TreeType = TreeT;
88     using ValueType = typename TreeT::ValueType;
89     using RootNodeType = typename TreeT::RootNodeType;
90     using NonConstLeafType = typename TreeType::LeafNodeType;
91     using LeafType = typename CopyConstness<TreeType, NonConstLeafType>::Type;
92     using LeafNodeType = LeafType;
93     using LeafIterType = typename leafmgr::TreeTraits<TreeT>::LeafIterType;
94     using NonConstBufferType = typename LeafType::Buffer;
95     using BufferType = typename CopyConstness<TreeType, NonConstBufferType>::Type;
96     using RangeType = tbb::blocked_range<size_t>; // leaf index range
97     static const Index DEPTH = 2; // root + leaf nodes
99     static const bool IsConstTree = leafmgr::TreeTraits<TreeT>::IsConstTree;
101     class LeafRange
102     {
103     public:
104         class Iterator
105         {
106         public:
107             Iterator(const LeafRange& range, size_t pos): mRange(range), mPos(pos)
108             {
109                 assert(this->isValid());
110             }
111             Iterator(const Iterator&) = default;
112             Iterator& operator=(const Iterator&) = default;
113             /// Advance to the next leaf node.
114             Iterator& operator++() { ++mPos; return *this; }
115             /// Return a reference to the leaf node to which this iterator is pointing.
116             LeafType& operator*() const { return mRange.mLeafManager.leaf(mPos); }
117             /// Return a pointer to the leaf node to which this iterator is pointing.
118             LeafType* operator->() const { return &(this->operator*()); }
119             /// @brief Return the nth buffer for the leaf node to which this iterator is pointing,
120             /// where n = @a bufferIdx and n = 0 corresponds to the leaf node's own buffer.
121             BufferType& buffer(size_t bufferIdx)
122             {
123                 return mRange.mLeafManager.getBuffer(mPos, bufferIdx);
124             }
125             /// Return the index into the leaf array of the current leaf node.
126             size_t pos() const { return mPos; }
127             /// Return @c true if the position of this iterator is in a valid range.
128             bool isValid() const { return mPos>=mRange.mBegin && mPos<=mRange.mEnd; }
129             /// Return @c true if this iterator is not yet exhausted.
130             bool test() const { return mPos < mRange.mEnd; }
131             /// Return @c true if this iterator is not yet exhausted.
132             operator bool() const { return this->test(); }
133             /// Return @c true if this iterator is exhausted.
134             bool empty() const { return !this->test(); }
135             bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) const
136             {
137                 return (mPos != other.mPos) || (&mRange != &other.mRange);
138             }
139             bool operator==(const Iterator& other) const { return !(*this != other); }
140             const LeafRange& leafRange() const { return mRange; }
142         private:
143             const LeafRange& mRange;
144             size_t mPos;
145         };// end Iterator
147         LeafRange(size_t begin, size_t end, const LeafManager& leafManager, size_t grainSize=1)
148             : mEnd(end)
149             , mBegin(begin)
150             , mGrainSize(grainSize)
151             , mLeafManager(leafManager)
152         {
153         }
155         Iterator begin() const {return Iterator(*this, mBegin);}
157         Iterator end() const {return Iterator(*this, mEnd);}
159         size_t size() const { return mEnd - mBegin; }
161         size_t grainsize() const { return mGrainSize; }
163         const LeafManager& leafManager() const { return mLeafManager; }
165         bool empty() const {return !(mBegin < mEnd);}
167         bool is_divisible() const {return mGrainSize < this->size();}
169         LeafRange(LeafRange& r, tbb::split)
170             : mEnd(r.mEnd)
171             , mBegin(doSplit(r))
172             , mGrainSize(r.mGrainSize)
173             , mLeafManager(r.mLeafManager)
174         {
175         }
177     private:
178         size_t mEnd, mBegin, mGrainSize;
179         const LeafManager& mLeafManager;
181         static size_t doSplit(LeafRange& r)
182         {
183             assert(r.is_divisible());
184             size_t middle = r.mBegin + (r.mEnd - r.mBegin) / 2u;
185             r.mEnd = middle;
186             return middle;
187         }
188     };// end of LeafRange
190     /// @brief Constructor from a tree reference and an auxiliary buffer count
191     /// @note  The default is no auxiliary buffers
192     LeafManager(TreeType& tree, size_t auxBuffersPerLeaf=0, bool serial=false)
193         : mTree(&tree)
194         , mLeafCount(0)
195         , mAuxBufferCount(0)
196         , mAuxBuffersPerLeaf(auxBuffersPerLeaf)
197     {
198         this->rebuild(serial);
199     }
201     /// @brief Construct directly from an existing array of leafnodes.
202     /// @warning The leafnodes are implicitly assumed to exist in the
203     ///          input @a tree.
204     LeafManager(TreeType& tree, LeafType** begin, LeafType** end,
205                 size_t auxBuffersPerLeaf=0, bool serial=false)
206         : mTree(&tree)
207         , mLeafCount(end-begin)
208         , mAuxBufferCount(0)
209         , mAuxBuffersPerLeaf(auxBuffersPerLeaf)
210         , mLeafPtrs(new LeafType*[mLeafCount])
211         , mLeafs(mLeafPtrs.get())
212     {
213         size_t n = mLeafCount;
214         LeafType **target = mLeafs, **source = begin;
215         while (n--) *target++ = *source++;
216         if (auxBuffersPerLeaf) this->initAuxBuffers(serial);
217     }
219     /// Shallow copy constructor called by tbb::parallel_for() threads
220     ///
221     /// @note This should never get called directly
222     LeafManager(const LeafManager& other)
223         : mTree(other.mTree)
224         , mLeafCount(other.mLeafCount)
225         , mAuxBufferCount(other.mAuxBufferCount)
226         , mAuxBuffersPerLeaf(other.mAuxBuffersPerLeaf)
227         , mLeafs(other.mLeafs)
228         , mAuxBuffers(other.mAuxBuffers)
229         , mTask(other.mTask)
230     {
231     }
233     /// @brief (Re)initialize by resizing (if necessary) and repopulating the leaf array
234     /// and by deleting existing auxiliary buffers and allocating new ones.
235     /// @details Call this method if the tree's topology, and therefore the number
236     /// of leaf nodes, changes.  New auxiliary buffers are initialized with copies
237     /// of corresponding leaf node buffers.
238     void rebuild(bool serial=false)
239     {
240         this->initLeafArray(serial);
241         this->initAuxBuffers(serial);
242     }
243     //@{
244     /// Repopulate the leaf array and delete and reallocate auxiliary buffers.
245     void rebuild(size_t auxBuffersPerLeaf, bool serial=false)
246     {
247         mAuxBuffersPerLeaf = auxBuffersPerLeaf;
248         this->rebuild(serial);
249     }
250     void rebuild(TreeType& tree, bool serial=false)
251     {
252         mTree = &tree;
253         this->rebuild(serial);
254     }
255     void rebuild(TreeType& tree, size_t auxBuffersPerLeaf, bool serial=false)
256     {
257         mTree = &tree;
258         mAuxBuffersPerLeaf = auxBuffersPerLeaf;
259         this->rebuild(serial);
260     }
261     //@}
262     /// @brief Change the number of auxiliary buffers.
263     /// @details If auxBuffersPerLeaf is 0, all existing auxiliary buffers are deleted.
264     /// New auxiliary buffers are initialized with copies of corresponding leaf node buffers.
265     /// This method does not rebuild the leaf array.
266     void rebuildAuxBuffers(size_t auxBuffersPerLeaf, bool serial=false)
267     {
268         mAuxBuffersPerLeaf = auxBuffersPerLeaf;
269         this->initAuxBuffers(serial);
270     }
271     /// @brief Remove the auxiliary buffers, but don't rebuild the leaf array.
272     void removeAuxBuffers() { this->rebuildAuxBuffers(0); }
274     /// @brief Remove the auxiliary buffers and rebuild the leaf array.
275     void rebuildLeafArray(bool serial = false)
276     {
277         this->removeAuxBuffers();
278         this->initLeafArray(serial);
279     }
281     /// @brief Return the total number of allocated auxiliary buffers.
282     size_t auxBufferCount() const { return mAuxBufferCount; }
283     /// @brief Return the number of auxiliary buffers per leaf node.
284     size_t auxBuffersPerLeaf() const { return mAuxBuffersPerLeaf; }
286     /// @brief Return the number of leaf nodes.
287     size_t leafCount() const { return mLeafCount; }
289     /// @brief Return the number of active voxels in the leaf nodes.
290     /// @note Multi-threaded for better performance than Tree::activeLeafVoxelCount
291     Index64 activeLeafVoxelCount() const
292     {
293         return tbb::parallel_reduce(this->leafRange(), Index64(0),
294             [] (const LeafRange& range, Index64 sum) -> Index64 {
295                 for (const auto& leaf: range) { sum += leaf.onVoxelCount(); }
296                 return sum;
297             },
298             [] (Index64 n, Index64 m) -> Index64 { return n + m; });
299     }
301     /// Return a const reference to tree associated with this manager.
302     const TreeType& tree() const { return *mTree; }
304     /// Return a reference to the tree associated with this manager.
305     TreeType& tree() { return *mTree; }
307     /// Return a const reference to root node associated with this manager.
308     const RootNodeType& root() const { return mTree->root(); }
310     /// Return a reference to the root node associated with this manager.
311     RootNodeType& root() { return mTree->root(); }
313     /// Return @c true if the tree associated with this manager is immutable.
314     bool isConstTree() const { return this->IsConstTree; }
316     /// @brief Return a pointer to the leaf node at index @a leafIdx in the array.
317     /// @note For performance reasons no range check is performed (other than an assertion)!
318     LeafType& leaf(size_t leafIdx) const { assert(leafIdx<mLeafCount); return *mLeafs[leafIdx]; }
320     /// @brief Return the leaf or auxiliary buffer for the leaf node at index @a leafIdx.
321     /// If @a bufferIdx is zero, return the leaf buffer, otherwise return the nth
322     /// auxiliary buffer, where n = @a bufferIdx - 1.
323     ///
324     /// @note For performance reasons no range checks are performed on the inputs
325     /// (other than assertions)! Since auxiliary buffers, unlike leaf buffers,
326     /// might not exist, be especially careful when specifying the @a bufferIdx.
327     /// @note For const trees, this method always returns a reference to a const buffer.
328     /// It is safe to @c const_cast and modify any auxiliary buffer (@a bufferIdx > 0),
329     /// but it is not safe to modify the leaf buffer (@a bufferIdx = 0).
330     BufferType& getBuffer(size_t leafIdx, size_t bufferIdx) const
331     {
332         assert(leafIdx < mLeafCount);
333         assert(bufferIdx == 0 || bufferIdx - 1 < mAuxBuffersPerLeaf);
334         return bufferIdx == 0 ? mLeafs[leafIdx]->buffer()
335              : mAuxBuffers[leafIdx * mAuxBuffersPerLeaf + bufferIdx - 1];
336     }
338     /// @brief Return a @c tbb::blocked_range of leaf array indices.
339     ///
340     /// @note Consider using leafRange() instead, which provides access methods
341     /// to leaf nodes and buffers.
342     RangeType getRange(size_t grainsize = 1) const { return RangeType(0, mLeafCount, grainsize); }
344     /// Return a TBB-compatible LeafRange.
345     LeafRange leafRange(size_t grainsize = 1) const
346     {
347         return LeafRange(0, mLeafCount, *this, grainsize);
348     }
350     /// @brief Swap each leaf node's buffer with the nth corresponding auxiliary buffer,
351     /// where n = @a bufferIdx.
352     /// @return @c true if the swap was successful
353     /// @param bufferIdx  index of the buffer that will be swapped with
354     ///                   the corresponding leaf node buffer
355     /// @param serial     if false, swap buffers in parallel using multiple threads.
356     /// @note Recall that the indexing of auxiliary buffers is 1-based, since
357     /// buffer index 0 denotes the leaf node buffer.  So buffer index 1 denotes
358     /// the first auxiliary buffer.
359     bool swapLeafBuffer(size_t bufferIdx, bool serial = false)
360     {
361         namespace ph = std::placeholders;
362         if (bufferIdx == 0 || bufferIdx > mAuxBuffersPerLeaf || this->isConstTree()) return false;
363         mTask = std::bind(&LeafManager::doSwapLeafBuffer, ph::_1, ph::_2, bufferIdx - 1);
364         this->cook(serial ? 0 : 512);
365         return true;//success
366     }
367     /// @brief Swap any two buffers for each leaf node.
368     /// @note Recall that the indexing of auxiliary buffers is 1-based, since
369     /// buffer index 0 denotes the leaf node buffer.  So buffer index 1 denotes
370     /// the first auxiliary buffer.
371     bool swapBuffer(size_t bufferIdx1, size_t bufferIdx2, bool serial = false)
372     {
373         namespace ph = std::placeholders;
374         const size_t b1 = std::min(bufferIdx1, bufferIdx2);
375         const size_t b2 = std::max(bufferIdx1, bufferIdx2);
376         if (b1 == b2 || b2 > mAuxBuffersPerLeaf) return false;
377         if (b1 == 0) {
378             if (this->isConstTree()) return false;
379             mTask = std::bind(&LeafManager::doSwapLeafBuffer, ph::_1, ph::_2, b2-1);
380         } else {
381             mTask = std::bind(&LeafManager::doSwapAuxBuffer, ph::_1, ph::_2, b1-1, b2-1);
382         }
383         this->cook(serial ? 0 : 512);
384         return true;//success
385     }
387     /// @brief Sync up the specified auxiliary buffer with the corresponding leaf node buffer.
388     /// @return @c true if the sync was successful
389     /// @param bufferIdx index of the buffer that will contain a
390     ///                  copy of the corresponding leaf node buffer
391     /// @param serial    if false, sync buffers in parallel using multiple threads.
392     /// @note Recall that the indexing of auxiliary buffers is 1-based, since
393     /// buffer index 0 denotes the leaf node buffer.  So buffer index 1 denotes
394     /// the first auxiliary buffer.
395     bool syncAuxBuffer(size_t bufferIdx, bool serial = false)
396     {
397         namespace ph = std::placeholders;
398         if (bufferIdx == 0 || bufferIdx > mAuxBuffersPerLeaf) return false;
399         mTask = std::bind(&LeafManager::doSyncAuxBuffer, ph::_1, ph::_2, bufferIdx - 1);
400         this->cook(serial ? 0 : 64);
401         return true;//success
402     }
404     /// @brief Sync up all auxiliary buffers with their corresponding leaf node buffers.
405     /// @return true if the sync was successful
406     /// @param serial  if false, sync buffers in parallel using multiple threads.
407     bool syncAllBuffers(bool serial = false)
408     {
409         namespace ph = std::placeholders;
410         switch (mAuxBuffersPerLeaf) {
411             case 0: return false;//nothing to do
412             case 1: mTask = std::bind(&LeafManager::doSyncAllBuffers1, ph::_1, ph::_2); break;
413             case 2: mTask = std::bind(&LeafManager::doSyncAllBuffers2, ph::_1, ph::_2); break;
414             default: mTask = std::bind(&LeafManager::doSyncAllBuffersN, ph::_1, ph::_2); break;
415         }
416         this->cook(serial ? 0 : 64);
417         return true;//success
418     }
420     /// @brief   Threaded method that applies a user-supplied functor
421     ///          to each leaf node in the LeafManager.
422     ///
423     /// @details The user-supplied functor needs to define the methods
424     ///          required for tbb::parallel_for.
425     ///
426     /// @param op        user-supplied functor, see examples for interface details.
427     /// @param threaded  optional toggle to disable threading, on by default.
428     /// @param grainSize optional parameter to specify the grainsize
429     ///                  for threading, one by default.
430     ///
431     /// @warning The functor object is deep-copied to create TBB tasks.
432     ///          This allows the function to use non-thread-safe members
433     ///          like a ValueAccessor.
434     ///
435     /// @par Example:
436     /// @code
437     /// // Functor to offset a tree's voxel values with values from another tree.
438     /// template<typename TreeType>
439     /// struct OffsetOp
440     /// {
441     ///     using Accessor = tree::ValueAccessor<const TreeType>;
442     ///
443     ///     OffsetOp(const TreeType& tree): mRhsTreeAcc(tree) {}
444     ///
445     ///     template <typename LeafNodeType>
446     ///     void operator()(LeafNodeType &lhsLeaf, size_t) const
447     ///     {
448     ///         const LeafNodeType *rhsLeaf = mRhsTreeAcc.probeConstLeaf(lhsLeaf.origin());
449     ///         if (rhsLeaf) {
450     ///             typename LeafNodeType::ValueOnIter iter = lhsLeaf.beginValueOn();
451     ///             for (; iter; ++iter) {
452     ///                 iter.setValue(iter.getValue() + rhsLeaf->getValue(iter.pos()));
453     ///             }
454     ///         }
455     ///     }
456     ///     Accessor mRhsTreeAcc;
457     /// };
458     ///
459     /// // usage:
460     /// tree::LeafManager<FloatTree> leafNodes(lhsTree);
461     /// leafNodes.foreach(OffsetOp<FloatTree>(rhsTree));
462     ///
463     /// // A functor that performs a min operation between different auxiliary buffers.
464     /// template<typename LeafManagerType>
465     /// struct MinOp
466     /// {
467     ///     using BufferType = typename LeafManagerType::BufferType;
468     ///
469     ///     MinOp(LeafManagerType& leafNodes): mLeafs(leafNodes) {}
470     ///
471     ///     template <typename LeafNodeType>
472     ///     void operator()(LeafNodeType &leaf, size_t leafIndex) const
473     ///     {
474     ///         // get the first buffer
475     ///         BufferType& buffer = mLeafs.getBuffer(leafIndex, 1);
476     ///
477     ///         // min ...
478     ///     }
479     ///     LeafManagerType& mLeafs;
480     /// };
481     /// @endcode
482     template<typename LeafOp>
483     void foreach(const LeafOp& op, bool threaded = true, size_t grainSize=1)
484     {
485         LeafTransformer<LeafOp> transform(op);
486         transform.run(this->leafRange(grainSize), threaded);
487     }
489     /// @brief   Threaded method that applies a user-supplied functor
490     ///          to each leaf node in the LeafManager. Unlike foreach
491     ///          (defined above) this method performs a reduction on
492     ///          all the leaf nodes.
493     ///
494     /// @details The user-supplied functor needs to define the methods
495     ///          required for tbb::parallel_reduce.
496     ///
497     /// @param op        user-supplied functor, see examples for interface details.
498     /// @param threaded  optional toggle to disable threading, on by default.
499     /// @param grainSize optional parameter to specify the grainsize
500     ///                  for threading, one by default.
501     ///
502     /// @warning The functor object is deep-copied to create TBB tasks.
503     ///          This allows the function to use non-thread-safe members
504     ///          like a ValueAccessor.
505     ///
506     /// @par Example:
507     /// @code
508     /// // Functor to count the number of negative (active) leaf values
509     /// struct CountOp
510     /// {
511     ///     CountOp() : mCounter(0) {}
512     ///     CountOp(const CountOp &other) : mCounter(other.mCounter) {}
513     ///     CountOp(const CountOp &other, tbb::split) : mCounter(0) {}
514     ///     template <typename LeafNodeType>
515     ///     void operator()(LeafNodeType &leaf, size_t)
516     ///     {
517     ///       typename LeafNodeType::ValueOnIter iter = leaf.beginValueOn();
518     ///       for (; iter; ++iter) if (*iter < 0.0f) ++mCounter;
519     ///     }
520     ///     void join(const CountOp &other) {mCounter += other.mCounter;}
521     ///     size_t mCounter;
522     /// };
523     ///
524     /// // usage:
525     /// tree::LeafManager<FloatTree> leafNodes(tree);
526     /// MinValueOp min;
527     /// leafNodes.reduce(min);
528     /// std::cerr << "Number of negative active voxels = " << min.mCounter << std::endl;
529     ///
530     /// @endcode
531     template<typename LeafOp>
532     void reduce(LeafOp& op, bool threaded = true, size_t grainSize=1)
533     {
534         LeafReducer<LeafOp> transform(op);
535         transform.run(this->leafRange(grainSize), threaded);
536     }
538     template<typename ArrayT>
539     OPENVDB_DEPRECATED_MESSAGE("Use Tree::getNodes()") void getNodes(ArrayT& array)
540     {
541         using T = typename ArrayT::value_type;
542         static_assert(std::is_pointer<T>::value, "argument to getNodes() must be a pointer array");
543         using LeafT = typename std::conditional<std::is_const<
544             typename std::remove_pointer<T>::type>::value, const LeafType, LeafType>::type;
547         if (std::is_same<T, LeafT*>::value) {
548             array.resize(mLeafCount);
549             for (size_t i=0; i<mLeafCount; ++i) array[i] = reinterpret_cast<T>(mLeafs[i]);
550         } else {
551             mTree->getNodes(array);
552         }
554     }
556     template<typename ArrayT>
557     OPENVDB_DEPRECATED_MESSAGE("Use Tree::getNodes()") void getNodes(ArrayT& array) const
558     {
559         using T = typename ArrayT::value_type;
560         static_assert(std::is_pointer<T>::value, "argument to getNodes() must be a pointer array");
561         static_assert(std::is_const<typename std::remove_pointer<T>::type>::value,
562             "argument to getNodes() must be an array of const node pointers");
565         if (std::is_same<T, const LeafType*>::value) {
566             array.resize(mLeafCount);
567             for (size_t i=0; i<mLeafCount; ++i) array[i] = reinterpret_cast<T>(mLeafs[i]);
568         } else {
569             mTree->getNodes(array);
570         }
572     }
574     /// @brief Generate a linear array of prefix sums of offsets into the
575     /// active voxels in the leafs. So @a offsets[n]+m is the offset to the
576     /// mth active voxel in the nth leaf node (useful for
577     /// user-managed value buffers, e.g. in tools/LevelSetAdvect.h).
578     /// @return The total number of active values in the leaf nodes
579     /// @param offsets    array of prefix sums of offsets to active voxels
580     /// @param size       on input, the size of @a offsets; on output, its new size
581     /// @param grainSize  optional grain size for threading
582     /// @details If @a offsets is @c nullptr or @a size is smaller than the
583     /// total number of active voxels (the return value) then @a offsets
584     /// is reallocated and @a size equals the total number of active voxels.
585     size_t getPrefixSum(size_t*& offsets, size_t& size, size_t grainSize=1) const
586     {
587         if (offsets == nullptr || size < mLeafCount) {
588             delete [] offsets;
589             offsets = new size_t[mLeafCount];
590             size = mLeafCount;
591         }
592         size_t prefix = 0;
593         if ( grainSize > 0 ) {
594             PrefixSum tmp(this->leafRange( grainSize ), offsets, prefix);
595         } else {// serial
596             for (size_t i=0; i<mLeafCount; ++i) {
597                 offsets[i] = prefix;
598                 prefix += mLeafs[i]->onVoxelCount();
599             }
600         }
601         return prefix;
602     }
604     ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
605     // All methods below are for internal use only and should never be called directly
607     /// Used internally by tbb::parallel_for() - never call it directly!
608     void operator()(const RangeType& r) const
609     {
610         if (mTask) mTask(const_cast<LeafManager*>(this), r);
611         else OPENVDB_THROW(ValueError, "task is undefined");
612     }
614 private:
616     void initLeafArray(bool serial = false)
617     {
618         // Build an array of all nodes that have leaf nodes as their immediate children
620         using NodeChainT = typename NodeChain<RootNodeType, RootNodeType::LEVEL>::Type;
621         using NonConstLeafParentT = typename NodeChainT::template Get</*Level=*/1>;
622         using LeafParentT = typename CopyConstness<TreeType, NonConstLeafParentT>::Type;
624         std::deque<LeafParentT*> leafParents;
625         mTree->getNodes(leafParents);
627         // Compute the leaf counts for each node
629         std::vector<Index32> leafCounts;
630         if (serial) {
631             leafCounts.reserve(leafParents.size());
632             for (LeafParentT* leafParent : leafParents) {
633                 leafCounts.push_back(leafParent->childCount());
634             }
635         } else {
636             leafCounts.resize(leafParents.size());
637             tbb::parallel_for(
638                 // with typical node sizes and SSE enabled, there are only a handful
639                 // of instructions executed per-operation with a default grainsize
640                 // of 1, so increase to 64 to reduce parallel scheduling overhead
641                 tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, leafParents.size(), /*grainsize=*/64),
642                 [&](tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range)
643                 {
644                     for (size_t i = range.begin(); i < range.end(); i++) {
645                         leafCounts[i] = leafParents[i]->childCount();
646                     }
647                 }
648             );
649         }
651         // Turn leaf counts into a cumulative histogram and obtain total leaf count
653         for (size_t i = 1; i < leafCounts.size(); i++) {
654             leafCounts[i] += leafCounts[i-1];
655         }
657         const size_t leafCount = leafCounts.empty() ? 0 : leafCounts.back();
659         // Allocate (or deallocate) the leaf pointer array
661         if (leafCount != mLeafCount) {
662             if (leafCount > 0) {
663                 mLeafPtrs.reset(new LeafType*[leafCount]);
664                 mLeafs = mLeafPtrs.get();
665             } else {
666                 mLeafPtrs.reset();
667                 mLeafs = nullptr;
668             }
669             mLeafCount = leafCount;
670         }
672         if (mLeafCount == 0)    return;
674         // Populate the leaf node pointers
676         if (serial) {
677             LeafType** leafPtr = mLeafs;
678             for (LeafParentT* leafParent : leafParents) {
679                 for (auto iter = leafParent->beginChildOn(); iter; ++iter) {
680                     *leafPtr++ = &iter.getValue();
681                 }
682             }
683         } else {
684             tbb::parallel_for(
685                 tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, leafParents.size()),
686                 [&](tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range)
687                 {
688                     size_t i = range.begin();
689                     LeafType** leafPtr = mLeafs;
690                     if (i > 0)  leafPtr += leafCounts[i-1];
691                     for ( ; i < range.end(); i++) {
692                         for (auto iter = leafParents[i]->beginChildOn(); iter; ++iter) {
693                             *leafPtr++ = &iter.getValue();
694                         }
695                     }
696                 }
697             );
698         }
699     }
701     void initAuxBuffers(bool serial)
702     {
703         const size_t auxBufferCount = mLeafCount * mAuxBuffersPerLeaf;
704         if (auxBufferCount != mAuxBufferCount) {
705             if (auxBufferCount > 0) {
706                 mAuxBufferPtrs.reset(new NonConstBufferType[auxBufferCount]);
707                 mAuxBuffers = mAuxBufferPtrs.get();
708             } else {
709                 mAuxBufferPtrs.reset();
710                 mAuxBuffers = nullptr;
711             }
712             mAuxBufferCount = auxBufferCount;
713         }
714         this->syncAllBuffers(serial);
715     }
717     void cook(size_t grainsize)
718     {
719         if (grainsize>0) {
720             tbb::parallel_for(this->getRange(grainsize), *this);
721         } else {
722             (*this)(this->getRange());
723         }
724     }
726     void doSwapLeafBuffer(const RangeType& r, size_t auxBufferIdx)
727     {
728         LeafManagerImpl<LeafManager>::doSwapLeafBuffer(
729             r, auxBufferIdx, mLeafs, mAuxBuffers, mAuxBuffersPerLeaf);
730     }
732     void doSwapAuxBuffer(const RangeType& r, size_t auxBufferIdx1, size_t auxBufferIdx2)
733     {
734         for (size_t N = mAuxBuffersPerLeaf, n = N*r.begin(), m = N*r.end(); n != m; n+=N) {
735             mAuxBuffers[n + auxBufferIdx1].swap(mAuxBuffers[n + auxBufferIdx2]);
736         }
737     }
739     void doSyncAuxBuffer(const RangeType& r, size_t auxBufferIdx)
740     {
741         for (size_t n = r.begin(), m = r.end(), N = mAuxBuffersPerLeaf; n != m; ++n) {
742             mAuxBuffers[n*N + auxBufferIdx] = mLeafs[n]->buffer();
743         }
744     }
746     void doSyncAllBuffers1(const RangeType& r)
747     {
748         for (size_t n = r.begin(), m = r.end(); n != m; ++n) {
749             mAuxBuffers[n] = mLeafs[n]->buffer();
750         }
751     }
753     void doSyncAllBuffers2(const RangeType& r)
754     {
755         for (size_t n = r.begin(), m = r.end(); n != m; ++n) {
756             const BufferType& leafBuffer = mLeafs[n]->buffer();
757             mAuxBuffers[2*n  ] = leafBuffer;
758             mAuxBuffers[2*n+1] = leafBuffer;
759         }
760     }
762     void doSyncAllBuffersN(const RangeType& r)
763     {
764         for (size_t n = r.begin(), m = r.end(), N = mAuxBuffersPerLeaf; n != m; ++n) {
765             const BufferType& leafBuffer = mLeafs[n]->buffer();
766             for (size_t i=n*N, j=i+N; i!=j; ++i) mAuxBuffers[i] = leafBuffer;
767         }
768     }
770     /// @brief Private member class that applies a user-defined
771     /// functor to perform parallel_for on all the leaf nodes.
772     template<typename LeafOp>
773     struct LeafTransformer
774     {
775         LeafTransformer(const LeafOp &leafOp) : mLeafOp(leafOp)
776         {
777         }
778         void run(const LeafRange &range, bool threaded) const
779         {
780             threaded ? tbb::parallel_for(range, *this) : (*this)(range);
781         }
782         void operator()(const LeafRange &range) const
783         {
784             for (typename LeafRange::Iterator it = range.begin(); it; ++it) mLeafOp(*it, it.pos());
785         }
786         const LeafOp mLeafOp;
787     };// LeafTransformer
789     /// @brief Private member class that applies a user-defined
790     /// functor to perform parallel_reduce on all the leaf nodes.
791     template<typename LeafOp>
792     struct LeafReducer
793     {
794         LeafReducer(LeafOp &leafOp) : mLeafOp(&leafOp)
795         {
796         }
797         LeafReducer(const LeafReducer &other, tbb::split)
798             : mLeafOpPtr(std::make_unique<LeafOp>(*(other.mLeafOp), tbb::split()))
799             , mLeafOp(mLeafOpPtr.get())
800         {
801         }
802         void run(const LeafRange& range, bool threaded)
803         {
804             threaded ? tbb::parallel_reduce(range, *this) : (*this)(range);
805         }
806         void operator()(const LeafRange& range)
807         {
808             LeafOp &op = *mLeafOp;//local registry
809             for (typename LeafRange::Iterator it = range.begin(); it; ++it) op(*it, it.pos());
810         }
811         void join(const LeafReducer& other) { mLeafOp->join(*(other.mLeafOp)); }
812         std::unique_ptr<LeafOp> mLeafOpPtr;
813         LeafOp *mLeafOp = nullptr;
814     };// LeafReducer
816     // Helper class to compute a prefix sum of offsets to active voxels
817     struct PrefixSum
818     {
819         PrefixSum(const LeafRange& r, size_t* offsets, size_t& prefix)
820             : mOffsets(offsets)
821         {
822             tbb::parallel_for( r, *this);
823             for (size_t i=0, leafCount = r.size(); i<leafCount; ++i) {
824                 size_t tmp = offsets[i];
825                 offsets[i] = prefix;
826                 prefix += tmp;
827             }
828         }
829         inline void operator()(const LeafRange& r) const {
830             for (typename LeafRange::Iterator i = r.begin(); i; ++i) {
831                 mOffsets[i.pos()] = i->onVoxelCount();
832             }
833         }
834         size_t* mOffsets;
835     };// PrefixSum
837     using FuncType = typename std::function<void (LeafManager*, const RangeType&)>;
839     TreeType*                           mTree;
840     size_t                              mLeafCount, mAuxBufferCount, mAuxBuffersPerLeaf;
841     std::unique_ptr<LeafType*[]>        mLeafPtrs;
842     LeafType**                          mLeafs = nullptr;//array of LeafNode pointers
843     std::unique_ptr<NonConstBufferType[]> mAuxBufferPtrs;
844     NonConstBufferType*                 mAuxBuffers = nullptr;//array of auxiliary buffers
845     FuncType                            mTask = nullptr;
846 };//end of LeafManager class
849 // Partial specializations of LeafManager methods for const trees
850 template<typename TreeT>
851 struct LeafManagerImpl<LeafManager<const TreeT> >
852 {
853     using ManagerT = LeafManager<const TreeT>;
854     using RangeT = typename ManagerT::RangeType;
855     using LeafT = typename ManagerT::LeafType;
856     using BufT = typename ManagerT::BufferType;
858     static inline void doSwapLeafBuffer(const RangeT&, size_t /*auxBufferIdx*/,
859                                         LeafT**, BufT*, size_t /*bufsPerLeaf*/)
860     {
861         // Buffers can't be swapped into const trees.
862     }
863 };
865 } // namespace tree
866 } // namespace OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME
867 } // namespace openvdb