2use v5.22;
3use feature qw(refaliasing signatures postderef);
4no warnings map { "experimental::$_" } qw(refaliasing signatures postderef);
7# I added the error_text method in this version. You might have
8# to pull from GitHub to use the latest sources.
9# https://github.com/briandfoy/business-isbn
10use Business::ISBN '2.010_01';
13# https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1559281/comments/2
15# This UbuntuOne thread has some example data for a publisher using
16# unassigned group codes. It does not note what the publisher code
17# ranges should be.
18my @tests = (
19	[ qw(9786316294241 6316294247) ],  # https://www.worldcat.org/title/black-mass/oclc/933728185
20	[ qw(9786316271976 6316271972) ], # DVD "Bridge of Spies" - https://www.worldcat.org/title/bridge-of-spies/oclc/933729520
21	[ qw(9786316364036) ], # DVD "Alvin and the Chipmunks. The road chip"  - http://www.btol.com/home_whatshot_details.cfm?sideMenu=Featured%20CDs%20and%20DVDs&home=home_whatshot_details.cfm
22	[ qw(9786316334886) ], # DVD "Spectre"
23	[ qw(9786316321183) ], # DVD "Southerner"
24	[ qw(9786316319401) ], # DVD "Spotlight"
25	[ qw(9786316291431) ], # DVD "Steve Jobs"
26	);
29# This part tries the test cases with the official ISBN data
30# These should fail since the publisher is using unassigned group
31# codes, which are cleverly created in a way that an invalid
32# group code throws off the rest of the parsing.
33say "========= Before fake group insertion";
34test_isbns( \@tests );
37# Now insert the fake group code by playing with the internal data
38# structure that you aren't supposed to know about. But, if you want
39# to use "bad" data, that's the trade-off
40say "========= After fake group insertion";
42# the group code is a key in this hash. The first element of the
43# array ref is the label for the group code. The second argument is
44# another array ref that are the publisher code ranges. To see more,
45# look as Business::ISBN::Data's guts. The publisher ranges must be
46# strings so items such as "00" are correctly handled as something of
47# length 2.
49# I don't know what Baker and Taylor are claiming to be the publishers.
50$Business::ISBN::country_data{ '631' } = [
51	'Baker and Taylor',
52	[ '0' => '9' ],
53	];
54test_isbns( \@tests );
57# This sub goes through the array of arrays and makes an ISBN
58# object out of each thing. It's an array of arrays because I
59# kept together the ISBN-10 and ISBN-13 versions.
61# I use three experimental Perl features here (if I'm going to spend
62# the time writing the example for you, I get to choose!), but it's
63# not much work to not use them. You get the idea of what this is
64# doing.
65sub test_isbns ( $tests ) {
66	foreach \my @test ( $tests->@* ) {
67		foreach my $test_isbn ( @test ) {
68			my $isbn = Business::ISBN->new( $test_isbn );
69			if( $isbn->is_valid ) {
70				say "$test_isbn is valid";
71				say "\tgroup     -> ", $isbn->group_code;
72				say "\tpublisher -> ", $isbn->publisher_code;
73				say "\tarticle   -> ", $isbn->article_code;
74				say "\tchecksum  -> ", $isbn->checksum;
75				}
76			else {
77				printf qq(%s is not valid! Error is "%s"\n),
78					$test_isbn, $isbn->error_text;
79				}
80			}
81		}
82	}