1 /****************************************************************************
2  *
3  * ViSP, open source Visual Servoing Platform software.
4  * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2019 by Inria. All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  * (at your option) any later version.
10  * See the file LICENSE.txt at the root directory of this source
11  * distribution for additional information about the GNU GPL.
12  *
13  * For using ViSP with software that can not be combined with the GNU
14  * GPL, please contact Inria about acquiring a ViSP Professional
15  * Edition License.
16  *
17  * See http://visp.inria.fr for more information.
18  *
19  * This software was developed at:
20  * Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique
21  * Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
22  * 35042 Rennes Cedex
23  * France
24  *
25  * If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
26  * Inria at visp@inria.fr
27  *
28  * This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
30  *
31  * Description:
32  * Moving edges.
33  *
34  * Authors:
35  * Eric Marchand
36  *
37  *****************************************************************************/
39 #include <visp3/me/vpMeEllipse.h>
41 #include <visp3/core/vpDebug.h>
42 #include <visp3/core/vpException.h>
43 #include <visp3/core/vpImagePoint.h>
44 #include <visp3/core/vpRobust.h>
45 #include <visp3/me/vpMe.h>
47 #include <cmath>  // std::fabs
48 #include <limits> // numeric_limits
49 #include <vector>
51 /*!
52   Basic constructor that calls the constructor of the class vpMeTracker.
53 */
vpMeEllipse()54 vpMeEllipse::vpMeEllipse()
55   : K(), iPc(), a(0.), b(0.), e(0.),
56     iP1(), iP2(), alpha1(0), alpha2(2 * M_PI),
57     ce(0.), se(0.), angle(), m00(0.),
59     mu11(0.), mu20(0.), mu02(0.),
60     m10(0.), m01(0.),
61     m11(0.), m02(0.), m20(0.),
62     #endif
63     thresholdWeight(0.2),
65     expecteddensity(0.),
66     #endif
67     m_alphamin(0.), m_alphamax(0.), m_uc(0.), m_vc(0.), m_n20(0.), m_n11(0.), m_n02(0.),
68     m_expectedDensity(0), m_numberOfGoodPoints(0), m_trackArc(false), m_arcEpsilon(1e-6)
69 {
70   // Resize internal parameters vector
71   // K0 u^2 + K1 v^2 + 2 K2 u v + 2 K3 u + 2 K4 v + K5 =  0
72   K.resize(6);
73   iP1.set_ij(0,0);
74   iP2.set_ij(0,0);
75 }
77 /*!
78   Copy constructor.
79 */
vpMeEllipse(const vpMeEllipse & me_ellipse)80 vpMeEllipse::vpMeEllipse(const vpMeEllipse &me_ellipse)
81   : vpMeTracker(me_ellipse),
82     K(me_ellipse.K), iPc(me_ellipse.iPc), a(me_ellipse.a), b(me_ellipse.b), e(me_ellipse.e),
83     iP1(me_ellipse.iP1), iP2(me_ellipse.iP2), alpha1(me_ellipse.alpha1), alpha2(me_ellipse.alpha2),
84     ce(me_ellipse.ce), se(me_ellipse.se), angle(me_ellipse.angle), m00(me_ellipse.m00),
86     mu11(me_ellipse.mu11), mu20(me_ellipse.mu20), mu02(me_ellipse.mu02),
87     m10(me_ellipse.m10), m01(me_ellipse.m01), m11(me_ellipse.m11),
88     m02(me_ellipse.m02), m20(me_ellipse.m20),
89     #endif
90     thresholdWeight(me_ellipse.thresholdWeight),
92     expecteddensity(me_ellipse.expecteddensity),
93     #endif
94     m_alphamin(me_ellipse.m_alphamin), m_alphamax(me_ellipse.m_alphamax),
95     m_uc(me_ellipse.m_uc), m_vc(me_ellipse.m_vc),
96     m_n20(me_ellipse.m_n20), m_n11(me_ellipse.m_n11), m_n02(me_ellipse.m_n02),
97     m_expectedDensity(me_ellipse.m_expectedDensity), m_numberOfGoodPoints(me_ellipse.m_numberOfGoodPoints), m_trackArc(me_ellipse.m_trackArc)
98 {
99 }
101 /*!
102   Basic destructor.
103 */
~vpMeEllipse()104 vpMeEllipse::~vpMeEllipse()
105 {
106   list.clear();
107   angle.clear();
108 }
110 /*!
111   Computes the \f$ \theta \f$ angle that represents the angle between the
112   tangent to the curve and the u axis. This angle is used for tracking the
113   vpMeSite.
115   \param iP : The point belonging to the ellipse where the angle is computed.
116 */
computeTheta(const vpImagePoint & iP) const117 double vpMeEllipse::computeTheta(const vpImagePoint &iP) const
118 {
119   double u = iP.get_u();
120   double v = iP.get_v();
122   return (computeTheta(u, v));
123 }
125 /*!
126   Computes the \f$ \theta \f$ angle that represents the angle between the
127   tangent to the curve and the u axis. This angle is used for tracking the
128   vpMeSite.
130   \param u,v : The point belonging to the ellipse where the angle is computed.
131 */
computeTheta(double u,double v) const132 double vpMeEllipse::computeTheta(double u, double v) const
133 {
134   double A = K[0] * u + K[2] * v + K[3];
135   double B = K[1] * v + K[2] * u + K[4];
137   double theta = atan2(B, A); // Angle between the tangent and the u axis.
138   if (theta < 0) {  // theta in [0;Pi]  // FC : pourquoi ? pour me sans doute
139     theta += M_PI;
140   }
141   return (theta);
142 }
144 /*!
145   Compute the \f$ theta \f$ angle for each vpMeSite.
147   \note The \f$ theta \f$ angle is useful during the tracking part.
148 */
updateTheta()149 void vpMeEllipse::updateTheta()
150 {
151   vpMeSite p_me;
152   vpImagePoint iP;
153   for (std::list<vpMeSite>::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) {
154     p_me = *it;
155     // (i,j) frame used for vpMESite
156     iP.set_ij(p_me.ifloat, p_me.jfloat);
157     p_me.alpha = computeTheta(iP);
158     *it = p_me;
159   }
160 }
162 /*!
163   Compute the coordinates of a point on an ellipse from its angle with respect
164   to the main orientation of the ellipse.
166   \param angle : Angle on the ellipse with respect to its major axis.
167   \param iP : Image point on the ellipse.
168 */
computePointOnEllipse(const double angle,vpImagePoint & iP)169 void vpMeEllipse::computePointOnEllipse(const double angle, vpImagePoint &iP)
170 {
171   // Two versions are available. If you change from one version to the other
172   // one, do not forget to change also the reciprocical function
173   // computeAngleOnEllipse() just below and, for a correct display of an arc
174   // of ellipse, adapt vpMeEllipse::display() below and
175   // vp_display_display_ellipse() in modules/core/src/display/vpDisplay_impl.h
176   // so that the two extremities of the arc are correctly shown.
178   // Version that gives a regular angular sampling on the ellipse, so less
179   // points at its extremities
180   /*
181   double co = cos(angle);
182   double si = sin(angle);
183   double coef = a * b / sqrt(b * b * co * co + a * a * si * si);
184   double u = co * coef;
185   double v = si * coef;
186   iP.set_u(uc + ce * u - se * v);
187   iP.set_v(vc + se * u + ce * v);
188   */
190   // Version from "the two concentric circles" method that gives more points
191   // at the ellipse extremities for a regular angle sampling. It is better to
192   // display an ellipse, not necessarily to track it
194   // (u,v) are the coordinates on the canonical centered ellipse;
195   double u = a * cos(angle);
196   double v = b * sin(angle);
197   // a rotation of e and a translation by (uc,vc) are done
198   // to get the coordinates of the point on the shifted ellipse
199   iP.set_uv(m_uc + ce * u - se * v, m_vc + se * u + ce * v);
200 }
202 /*!
203   Compute the angle of a point on the ellipse wrt the ellipse major axis.
204   \param pt : Image point on the ellipse.
205   \return The computed angle.
206 */
computeAngleOnEllipse(const vpImagePoint & pt) const207 double vpMeEllipse::computeAngleOnEllipse(const vpImagePoint &pt) const
208 {
209   // Two versions are available. If you change from one version to the other
210   // one, do not forget to change also the reciprocical function
211   // computePointOnEllipse() just above. Adapt also the display; see comment
212   // at the beginning of computePointOnEllipse()
214   // Regular angle smapling method
215   /*
216   double du = pt.get_u() - uc;
217   double dv = pt.get_v() - vc;
218   double ang = atan2(dv,du) - e;
219   if (ang > M_PI) {
220     ang -= 2.0 * M_PI;
221   }
222   else if (ang < -M_PI) {
223     ang += 2.0 * M_PI;
224   }
225   */
226   // for the "two concentric circles method" starting from the previous one
227   // (just to remember the link between both methods:
228   // tan(theta_2cc) = a/b tan(theta_rs))
229   /*
230   double co = cos(ang);
231   double si = sin(ang);
232   double coeff = 1.0/sqrt(b*b*co*co+a*a*si*si);
233   si *= a*coeff;
234   co *= b*coeff;
235   ang = atan2(si,co);
236   */
237   // For the "two concentric circles" method starting from scratch
238   double du = pt.get_u() - m_uc;
239   double dv = pt.get_v() - m_vc;
240   double co = (du * ce + dv * se)/a;
241   double si = (- du * se + dv * ce)/b;
242   double angle = atan2(si,co);
244   return(angle);
245 }
247 /*!
248   Computes the length of the semimajor axis \f$ a \f$, the length of the
249   semiminor axis \f$ b \f$, and \f$ e \f$ that is the angle
250   made by the major axis and the u axis of the image frame \f$ (u,v) \f$.
251   They are computed from the normalized moments $ \f$ n_{ij} \f$.
252 */
computeAbeFromNij()253 void vpMeEllipse::computeAbeFromNij()
254 {
255   double num = m_n20 - m_n02;
256   double d = num * num + 4.0 * m_n11 * m_n11;   // always >= 0
257   if (d <= std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
258     e = 0.0;  // case n20 = n02 and n11 = 0 : circle, e undefined
259     ce = 1.0;
260     se = 0.0;
261     a = b = 2.0*sqrt(m_n20);   // = sqrt(2.0*(n20+n02))
262   }
263   else { // real ellipse
264     e = atan2(2.0*m_n11, num)/2.0;  // e in [-Pi/2 ; Pi/2]
265     ce = cos(e);
266     se = sin(e);
268     d = sqrt(d); // d in sqrt always >= 0
269     num = m_n20 + m_n02;
270     a = sqrt(2.0*(num + d)); // term in sqrt always > 0
271     b = sqrt(2.0*(num - d)); // term in sqrt always > 0
272   }
273 }
275 /*!
276   Computes the parameters \f$ K = {K_0, ...,  K_5} \f$ from the center of
277   the ellipse and the normalized moments \f$ n_{ij} \f$. The parameters
278   \f$ K \f$ are such that \f$ K0 = n02, K1 = n20 \f$, etc. as in Eq (25)
279   of Chaumette 2004 TRO paper.
280 */
computeKiFromNij()281 void vpMeEllipse::computeKiFromNij()
282 {
283   K[0] = m_n02;
284   K[1] = m_n20;
285   K[2] = -m_n11;
286   K[3] = m_n11 * m_vc - m_n02 * m_uc;
287   K[4] = m_n11 * m_uc - m_n20 * m_vc;
288   K[5] = m_n02 * m_uc * m_uc + m_n20 * m_vc * m_vc - 2.0 * m_n11 * m_uc * m_vc
289       + 4.0 * (m_n11 * m_n11 - m_n20 * m_n02);
290 }
292 /*!
293   Computes the normalized moments \f$ n_{ij} \f$ from the \f$ A, B, E \f$
294   parameters as in Eq (24) of Chaumette 2004 TRO paper after simplifications
295   to deal with the case cos(e) = 0.0
296 */
computeNijFromAbe()297 void vpMeEllipse::computeNijFromAbe()
298 {
299   m_n20 = 0.25 * (a * a * ce * ce + b * b * se * se);
300   m_n11 = 0.25 * se * ce * (a * a - b * b);
301   m_n02 = 0.25 * (a * a * se * se + b * b * ce * ce);
302 }
304 /*!
305   Computes the coordinates of the ellipse center, the normalized
306   moments \f$ n_{ij} \f$, the length of the semimajor axis \f$ a \f$, the
307   length of the semiminor axis \f$ b \f$, and \f$ e \f$ that is the angle
308   made by the major axis and the u axis of the image frame \f$ (u,v) \f$.
310   All those computations are made from the parameters \f$ K ={K_0, ..., K_5} \f$
311   so that \f$ K_0 u^2 + K1 v^2 + 2 K2 u v + 2 K3 u + 2 K4 v + K5 = 0 \f$.
312 */
getParameters()313 void vpMeEllipse::getParameters()
314 {
315   // Equations below from Chaumette PhD and TRO 2004 paper
316   double num = K[0] * K[1] - K[2] * K[2]; // > 0 for an ellipse
317   if (num <= 0) {
318     throw(vpException(vpException::fatalError, "The points do not belong to an ellipse!"));
319   }
321   m_uc = (K[2] * K[4] - K[1] * K[3]) / num;
322   m_vc = (K[2] * K[3] - K[0] * K[4]) / num;
323   iPc.set_uv(m_uc, m_vc);
325   double d = (K[0] * m_uc * m_uc + K[1] * m_vc * m_vc + 2.0 * K[2] * m_uc * m_vc - K[5])
326       / (4.0 * num);
327   m_n20 =  K[1] * d;  // always > 0
328   m_n11 = -K[2] * d;
329   m_n02 =  K[0] * d;  // always > 0
331   computeAbeFromNij();
333   // normalization so that K0 = n02, K1 = n20, etc (Eq (25) of TRO paper)
334   d = m_n02/K[0];  // fabs(K[0]) > 0
335   for (unsigned int i=0; i < 6; i++) {
336     K[i] *= d;
337   }
338   if (vpDEBUG_ENABLE(3)) {
339     printParameters();
340   }
341 }
343 /*!
344   Print the parameters \f$ K = {K_0, ..., K_5} \f$, the coordinates of the
345   ellipse center, the normalized moments, and the A, B, E parameters.
346 */
printParameters() const347 void vpMeEllipse::printParameters() const
348 {
349   std::cout << "K :" << K.t() << std::endl;
350   std::cout << "xc = " << m_uc << ", yc = " << m_vc  << std::endl;
351   std::cout << "n20 = " << m_n20 << ", n11 = " << m_n11 << ", n02 = " << m_n02 <<std::endl;
352   std::cout << "A = " << a << ", B = " << b << ", E (dg) " << vpMath::deg(e) <<std::endl;
353 }
355 /*!
356   Construct a list of vpMeSite moving edges at a particular sampling
357   step between the two extremities. The two extremities are defined by
358   the points with the smallest and the biggest \f$ alpha \f$ angle.
360   \param I : Image in which the ellipse appears.
361   \param doNotTrack : If true, moving-edges are not tracked.
363   \exception vpTrackingException::initializationError : Moving edges not
364   initialized.
366 */
sample(const vpImage<unsigned char> & I,bool doNotTrack)367 void vpMeEllipse::sample(const vpImage<unsigned char> &I, bool doNotTrack)
368 {
369   // Warning: similar code in vpMbtMeEllipse::sample()
370   if (!me) {
371     throw(vpException(vpException::fatalError, "Moving edges on ellipse not initialized"));
372   }
373   // Delete old lists
374   list.clear();
375   angle.clear();
377   int nbrows = static_cast<int>(I.getHeight());
378   int nbcols = static_cast<int>(I.getWidth());
380   if (std::fabs(me->getSampleStep()) <= std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
381     std::cout << "In vpMeEllipse::sample: ";
382     std::cout << "function called with sample step = 0, set to 10 dg";
383     me->setSampleStep(10.0);
384   }
385   double incr = vpMath::rad(me->getSampleStep()); // angle increment
386   // alpha2 - alpha1 = 2 * M_PI for a complete ellipse
387   m_expectedDensity = static_cast<unsigned int>(floor((alpha2 - alpha1) / incr));
389   expecteddensity = static_cast<double>(m_expectedDensity);
390 #endif
392   // starting angle for sampling
393   double ang = alpha1 + ((alpha2 - alpha1) - static_cast<double>(m_expectedDensity) * incr)/2.0;
394   // sample positions
395   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_expectedDensity; i++) {
396     vpImagePoint iP;
397     computePointOnEllipse(ang,iP);
398     // If point is in the image, add to the sample list
399     // Check done in (i,j) frame)
400     if (!outOfImage(vpMath::round(iP.get_i()), vpMath::round(iP.get_j()), 0, nbrows, nbcols)) {
401       vpDisplay::displayCross(I, iP, 5, vpColor::red);
403       double theta = computeTheta(iP);
404       vpMeSite pix;
405       // (i,j) frame used for vpMeSite
406       pix.init(iP.get_i(), iP.get_j(), theta);
407       pix.setDisplay(selectDisplay);
408       pix.setState(vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION);
409       list.push_back(pix);
410       angle.push_back(ang);
411     }
412     ang += incr;
413   }
414   if (!doNotTrack) {
415     vpMeTracker::initTracking(I);
416   }
417 }
419 /*!
420   Seek along the ellipse or arc of ellipse its two extremities to try
421   recovering lost points. Try also to complete the parts with no tracked points.
423   \param I : Image in which the ellipse appears.
425   \return The function returns the number of points added to the list.
427   \exception vpTrackingException::initializationError : Moving edges not
428   initialized.
429 */
plugHoles(const vpImage<unsigned char> & I)430 unsigned int vpMeEllipse::plugHoles(const vpImage<unsigned char> &I)
431 {
432   if (!me) {
433     throw(vpException(vpException::fatalError, "Moving edges on ellipse tracking not initialized"));
434   }
435   unsigned int nb_pts_added = 0;
436   int nbrows = static_cast<int>(I.getHeight());
437   int nbcols = static_cast<int>(I.getWidth());
439   unsigned int memory_range = me->getRange();
440   me->setRange(2);
441   double memory_mu1 = me->getMu1();
442   me->setMu1(0.5);
443   double memory_mu2 = me->getMu2();
444   me->setMu2(0.5);
446   double incr = vpMath::rad(me->getSampleStep());
447   // Detect holes and try to complete them
448   // FC : Currently only one point is looked at the middle of each hole
449   // (to avoid multiple insertions that are time consuming).
450   // A different choice could be done.
451   std::list<double>::iterator angleList = angle.begin();
452   double ang = *angleList;
453   for (std::list<vpMeSite>::iterator meList = list.begin(); meList != list.end();) {
454     ++angleList;
455     ++meList;
456     double nextang = *angleList;
457     // The minimal size of a hole (1 point lost for sure).
458     // could be increased to reduce time processing
459     if ((nextang - ang) > 1.6 * incr) {
460       ang = (nextang + ang) / 2.0; // mid angle
461       vpImagePoint iP;
462       computePointOnEllipse(ang,iP);
463       if (!outOfImage(vpMath::round(iP.get_i()), vpMath::round(iP.get_j()), 0, nbrows, nbcols)) {
464         double theta = computeTheta(iP);
465         vpMeSite pix;
466         pix.init(iP.get_i(), iP.get_j(), theta);
467         pix.setDisplay(selectDisplay);
468         pix.setState(vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION);
469         pix.track(I, me, false);
470         if (pix.getState() == vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION) { // good point
471           nb_pts_added ++;
472           iP.set_ij(pix.ifloat, pix.jfloat);
473           double new_ang = computeAngleOnEllipse(iP);
474           if ((new_ang - ang) > M_PI) {
475             new_ang -= 2.0 * M_PI;
476           }
477           else if ((ang - new_ang) > M_PI) {
478             new_ang += 2.0 * M_PI;
479           }
480           list.insert(meList,pix);
481           angle.insert(angleList,new_ang);
482           if (vpDEBUG_ENABLE(3)) {
483             vpDisplay::displayCross(I, iP, 5, vpColor::blue);
484           }
485         }
486       }
487     }
488     ang = nextang;
489   }
491   // Try to fill the first extremity: from alpha_min - incr to alpha1
492   unsigned int nbpts = static_cast<unsigned int>(floor((m_alphamin-alpha1)/incr));
493   ang = m_alphamin - incr;
494   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nbpts; i++) {
495     vpImagePoint iP;
496     computePointOnEllipse(ang ,iP);
497     if (!outOfImage(vpMath::round(iP.get_i()), vpMath::round(iP.get_j()), 0, nbrows, nbcols)) {
498       double theta = computeTheta(iP);
499       vpMeSite pix;
500       pix.init(iP.get_i(), iP.get_j(), theta);
501       pix.setDisplay(selectDisplay);
502       pix.setState(vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION);
503       pix.track(I, me, false);
504       if (pix.getState() == vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION) {
505         nb_pts_added ++;
506         iP.set_ij(pix.ifloat, pix.jfloat);
507         double new_ang = computeAngleOnEllipse(iP);
508         if ((new_ang - ang) > M_PI) {
509           new_ang -= 2.0 * M_PI;
510         }
511         else if ((ang - new_ang) > M_PI) {
512           new_ang += 2.0 * M_PI;
513         }
514         list.push_front(pix);
515         angle.push_front(new_ang);
516         if (vpDEBUG_ENABLE(3)) {
517           vpDisplay::displayCross(I, iP, 5, vpColor::blue);
518         }
519       }
520     }
521     ang -= incr;
522   }
524   // Try to fill the second extremity: from alphamax + incr to alpha2
525   nbpts = static_cast<unsigned int>(floor((alpha2-m_alphamax)/incr));
526   ang = m_alphamax + incr;
527   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nbpts; i++) {
528     vpImagePoint iP;
529     computePointOnEllipse(ang,iP);
530     if (!outOfImage(vpMath::round(iP.get_i()), vpMath::round(iP.get_j()), 0, nbrows, nbcols)) {
531       double theta = computeTheta(iP);
532       vpMeSite pix;
533       pix.init(iP.get_i(), iP.get_j(), theta);
534       pix.setDisplay(selectDisplay);
535       pix.setState(vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION);
536       pix.track(I, me, false);
537       if (pix.getState() == vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION) {
538         nb_pts_added ++;
539         iP.set_ij(pix.ifloat, pix.jfloat);
540         double new_ang = computeAngleOnEllipse(iP);
541         if ((new_ang - ang) > M_PI) {
542           new_ang -= 2.0 * M_PI;
543         }
544         else if ((ang - new_ang) > M_PI) {
545           new_ang += 2.0 * M_PI;
546         }
547         list.push_back(pix);
548         angle.push_back(new_ang);
549         if (vpDEBUG_ENABLE(3)) {
550           vpDisplay::displayCross(I, iP, 5, vpColor::blue);
551         }
552       }
553     }
554     ang += incr;
555   }
556   me->setRange(memory_range);
557   me->setMu1(memory_mu1);
558   me->setMu2(memory_mu2);
560   if (vpDEBUG_ENABLE(3)) {
561     printf("In plugHoles(): nb of added points : %d\n", nb_pts_added);
562   }
563   return nb_pts_added;
564 }
566 /*!
567   Least squares method to compute the ellipse to which the points belong.
569   \param I : Image in which the ellipse appears (useful just to get its number
570              of rows and columns...
571   \param iP : A vector of points belonging to the ellipse.
572 */
leastSquare(const vpImage<unsigned char> & I,const std::vector<vpImagePoint> & iP)573 void vpMeEllipse::leastSquare(const vpImage<unsigned char> &I, const std::vector<vpImagePoint> &iP)
574 {
575   // Homogeneous system A x = 0  ; x is the nullspace of A
576   // K0 u^2 + K1 v^2 + 2 K2 u v + 2 K3 u + 2 K4 v + K5 = 0
577   // A = (u^2 v^2 2uv 2u 2v 1), x = (K0 K1 K2 K3 K4 K5)^T
579   // It would be a bad idea to solve the same system using A x = b where
580   // A = (u^2 v^2 2uv 2u 2v), b = (-1), x = (K0 K1 K2 K3 K4)^T since it
581   // cannot consider the case where the origin belongs to the ellipse.
582   // Another possibility would be to consider K0+K1=1 which is always valid,
583   // leading to the system A x = b where
584   // A = (u^2-v^2 2uv 2u 2v 1), b = (-v^2), x = (K0 K2 K3 K4 K5)^T
586   double um = I.getWidth() / 2.;
587   double vm = I.getHeight() / 2.;
588   unsigned int n = static_cast<unsigned int>(iP.size());
590   vpMatrix A(n, 6);
592   for (unsigned int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
593     // normalization so that (u,v) in [-1;1]
594     double u = (iP[k].get_u() - um) / um;
595     double v = (iP[k].get_v() - vm) / vm;
596     A[k][0] = u * u;
597     A[k][1] = v * v;
598     A[k][2] = 2.0 * u * v;
599     A[k][3] = 2.0 * u;
600     A[k][4] = 2.0 * v;
601     A[k][5] = 1.0;
602   }
603   vpMatrix KerA;
604   unsigned int dim = A.nullSpace(KerA, 1);
605   if (dim > 1) { // case with less than 5 independent points
606     // FC : should create a rankError exception
607     throw(vpException(vpException::fatalError, "Linear sytem for computing the ellipse equation ill conditionned"));
608   }
609   // the term um*vm is for counterbalancing the bad conditioning of the
610   // inverse normalization below
611   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 6 ; i++) K[i] = um * vm * KerA[i][0];
613   // Inverse normalization to go back to pixel values
614   K[0] /= um * um;
615   K[1] /= vm * vm;
616   K[2] /= um * vm;
617   K[3] = K[3]/um - K[0] * um - K[2] * vm;
618   K[4] = K[4]/vm - K[1] * vm - K[2] * um;
619   K[5] = K[5] - K[0] * um * um - K[1] * vm * vm - 2.0 * K[2] * um * vm - 2.0 * K[3] * um - 2.0 * K[4] * vm;
621   getParameters();
622 }
624 /*!
625   Robust least squares method to compute the ellipse to which the vpMeSite
626   belong. Manage also the lists of vpMeSite and corresponding angles.
628   \param I : Image where tracking is done (useful just to get its number
629              of rows and columns...
630 */
leastSquareRobust(const vpImage<unsigned char> & I)631 void vpMeEllipse::leastSquareRobust(const vpImage<unsigned char> &I)
632 {
633   // Homogeneous system A x = 0  ; x is the nullspace of A
634   // K0 u^2 + K1 v^2 + 2 K2 u v + 2 K3 u + 2 K4 v + K5 = 0
635   // A = (u^2 v^2 2uv 2u 2v 1), x = (K0 K1 K2 K3 K4 K5)^T
637   // It would be a bad idea to solve the same system using A x = b where
638   // A = (u^2 v^2 2uv 2u 2v), b = (-1), x = (K0 K1 K2 K3 K4)^T since it
639   // cannot consider the case where the origin belongs to the ellipse.
640   // Another possibility would be to consider K0+K1=1 which is always valid,
641   // leading to the system A x = b where
642   // A = (u^2-v^2 2uv 2u 2v 1), b = (-v^2), x = (K0 K2 K3 K4 K5)^T
644   const unsigned int nos = numberOfSignal();
646   // Note that the (nos-k) last rows of A, xp and yp are not used.
647   // Hopefully, this is not an issue.
649   vpMatrix A(nos, 6);
650   // Useful to compute the weights in the robust estimation
651   vpColVector xp(nos), yp(nos);
653   unsigned int k = 0;
654   double um = I.getWidth() / 2.;
655   double vm = I.getHeight() / 2.;
656   for (std::list<vpMeSite>::const_iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) {
657     vpMeSite p_me = *it;
658     if (p_me.getState() == vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION) {
659       // from (i,j) to (u,v) frame + normalization so that (u,v) in [-1;1]
660       double u = (p_me.jfloat  - um) / um;
661       double v = (p_me.ifloat  - vm) / vm;
662       A[k][0] = u * u;
663       A[k][1] = v * v;
664       A[k][2] = 2.0 * u * v;
665       A[k][3] = 2.0 * u;
666       A[k][4] = 2.0 * v;
667       A[k][5] = 1.0;
668       // Useful to compute the weights in the robust estimation
669       xp[k] = p_me.jfloat;
670       yp[k] = p_me.ifloat;
672       k++;
673     }
674   }
675   if (k < 5) {
676     throw(vpException(vpException::dimensionError, "Not enough moving edges to track the ellipse"));
677   }
679   vpRobust r;
680   // r.setThreshold(0.02);  // Old version where this threshold was highly
681   // sensitive since the residues do not represent the Euclidean distance
682   // from the point to the ellipse
683   r.setMinMedianAbsoluteDeviation(1.0);  // image noise in pixels for the geometrical distance
684   vpColVector w(k);
685   w = 1.0;
686   unsigned int iter = 0;
687   double var = 1.0;
688   vpColVector Kprev(6);
689   vpMatrix DA(k, 6);
690   vpMatrix KerDA;
692   // stop after 4 it or if variation of K between 2 iterations is more than 0.1 %
693   while ((iter < 4) && (var > 0.001)) {
694     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < k ; i++) {
695       for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 6 ; j++) {
696         DA[i][j] = w[i] * A[i][j];
697       }
698     }
699     unsigned int dim = DA.nullSpace(KerDA, 1);
700     if (dim > 1) { // case with less than 5 independent points
701       // FC : should create a rankError exception
702       throw(vpException(vpException::fatalError, "Linear sytem for computing the ellipse equation ill conditionned"));
703     }
705     for (unsigned int i=0; i<6 ; i++) K[i] = KerDA[i][0]; // norm(K) = 1
706     var = (K-Kprev).frobeniusNorm();
707     Kprev = K;
708     // the term um*vm is for counterbalancing the bad conditioning of the
709     // inverse normalization just below
710     K *= (um * vm);
711     // vpColVector residu(k);  // old version for considering the algebraic distance
712     // residu = A * K;
713     // Better version considering the geometric distance
714     // Inverse normalization to go back to pixels
715     K[0] /= um * um;
716     K[1] /= vm * vm;
717     K[2] /= um * vm;
718     K[3] = K[3]/um - K[0] * um - K[2] * vm;
719     K[4] = K[4]/vm - K[1] * vm - K[2] * um;
720     K[5] = K[5] - K[0] * um * um - K[1] * vm * vm - 2.0 * K[2] * um * vm - 2.0 * K[3] * um - 2.0 * K[4] * vm;
721     getParameters();  // since a, b, and e are used just after
723     vpColVector residu(k);
724     for (unsigned int i=0; i < k ; i++) {
725       vpImagePoint ip1, ip2;
726       ip1.set_uv(xp[i],yp[i]);
727       double ang = computeAngleOnEllipse(ip1);
728       computePointOnEllipse(ang, ip2);
729       // residu = 0 if point is exactly on the ellipse, not otherwise
730       residu[i] = vpImagePoint::distance(ip1, ip2);
731     }
732     // end of new version
733     r.MEstimator(vpRobust::TUKEY, residu, w);
734     iter++;
735   }
736   /*  FC : for old version with algebraic distance
737   // Inverse normalization to go back to pixels
738   K[0] /= um * um;
739   K[1] /= vm * vm;
740   K[2] /= um * vm;
741   K[3] = K[3]/um - K[0] * um - K[2] * vm;
742   K[4] = K[4]/vm - K[1] * vm - K[2] * um;
743   K[5] = K[5] - K[0] * um * um - K[1] * vm * vm - 2.0 * K[2] * um * vm - 2.0 * K[3] * um - 2.0 * K[4] * vm;
744   getParameters();
745   */
746   double previous_ang = - 4.0 * M_PI;
747   double incr = vpMath::rad(me->getSampleStep());
748   // Remove bad points, too near points, and outliers from the lists
749   k = m_numberOfGoodPoints = 0;
750   std::list<double>::iterator angleList = angle.begin();
751   for (std::list<vpMeSite>::iterator meList = list.begin(); meList != list.end();) {
752     vpMeSite p_me = *meList;
753     if (p_me.getState() == vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION) {
754       if (w[k] > thresholdWeight) { // inlier
755         // Management of the angle to keep only the points in the interval
756         // [alpha1 ; alpha2]
757         double ang = *angleList;
758         vpImagePoint iP;
759         iP.set_ij(p_me.ifloat,p_me.jfloat);
760         double new_ang = computeAngleOnEllipse(iP);
761         if ((new_ang - ang) > M_PI) {
762           new_ang -= 2.0 * M_PI;
763         }
764         else if ((ang - new_ang) > M_PI) {
765           new_ang += 2.0 * M_PI;
766         }
767         if ((new_ang >= alpha1) && (new_ang <= alpha2) ) {
768           // good point if not too near from the previous one in the list
769           // if so,  udate of its angle
770           if ((new_ang - previous_ang) >= (0.6 * incr)) {
771             *angleList = previous_ang = new_ang;
772             m_numberOfGoodPoints++;
773             ++meList;
774             ++angleList;
775             if (vpDEBUG_ENABLE(3)) {
776               vpDisplay::displayCross(I, iP, 10, vpColor::red, 1);
777               printf("In LQR: angle : %lf, i = %.0lf, j = %.0lf\n",
778                      vpMath::deg(new_ang), iP.get_i(), iP.get_j());
779             }
780           }
781           else {
782             if (vpDEBUG_ENABLE(3)) {
783               vpDisplay::displayCross(I, iP, 10, vpColor::orange, 1);
784               printf("too near : angle  %lf, i %.0f , j : %0.f\n",
785                      vpMath::deg(new_ang), p_me.ifloat, p_me.jfloat);
786             }
787             meList = list.erase(meList);
788             angleList = angle.erase(angleList);
789           }
790         }
791         else { // point not in the interval [alpha1 ; alpha2]
792           if (vpDEBUG_ENABLE(3)) {
793             vpDisplay::displayCross(I, iP, 10, vpColor::green, 1);
794             printf("not in interval: angle : %lf, i %.0f , j : %0.f\n",
795                    vpMath::deg(new_ang), p_me.ifloat, p_me.jfloat);
796           }
797           meList = list.erase(meList);
798           angleList = angle.erase(angleList);
799         }
800       }
801       else { // outlier
802         if (vpDEBUG_ENABLE(3)) {
803           vpImagePoint iP;
804           iP.set_ij(p_me.ifloat,p_me.jfloat);
805           printf("point %d outlier i : %.0f , j : %0.f, poids : %lf\n",
806                  k, p_me.ifloat, p_me.jfloat, w[k]);
807           vpDisplay::displayCross(I, iP, 10, vpColor::cyan, 1);
808         }
809         meList = list.erase(meList);
810         angleList = angle.erase(angleList);
811       }
812       k++;
813     }
814     else {  // points not selected as me
815       meList = list.erase(meList);
816       angleList = angle.erase(angleList);
817       if (vpDEBUG_ENABLE(3)) {
818         vpImagePoint iP;
819         iP.set_ij(p_me.ifloat,p_me.jfloat);
820         printf("point not me i : %.0f , j : %0.f\n", p_me.ifloat, p_me.jfloat);
821         vpDisplay::displayCross(I, iP, 10, vpColor::blue, 1);
822       }
823     }
824   }
825   // set extremities of the angle list
826   m_alphamin = angle.front();
827   m_alphamax = angle.back();
829   if (vpDEBUG_ENABLE(3)) {
830     printf("alphamin : %lf, alphamax : %lf\n", vpMath::deg(m_alphamin), vpMath::deg(m_alphamax));
831     printf("dans leastSquareRobust : nb pts ok  = %d \n", m_numberOfGoodPoints);
832   }
833 }
835 /*!
836   Display the ellipse or arc of ellipse
838   \warning To effectively display the ellipse a call to
839   vpDisplay::flush() is needed.
841   \param I : Image in which the ellipse appears.
842   \param col : Color of the displayed ellipse.
843  */
display(const vpImage<unsigned char> & I,vpColor col)844 void vpMeEllipse::display(const vpImage<unsigned char> &I, vpColor col)
845 {
846   vpMeEllipse::display(I, iPc, a, b, e, alpha1, alpha2, col);
847 }
849 /*!
850   Initialize the tracking of an ellipse or an arc of an ellipse when \e trackArc is set to true.
851   Ask the user to click on five points located on the ellipse to be tracked.
853   \warning The points should be selected as far as possible from each other.
854   When an arc of an ellipse is tracked, it is recommended to select the 5 points clockwise.
856   \param I : Image in which the ellipse appears.
857   \param trackArc : When true, track an arc of the ellipse.
858   First and fifth points specify the extremities of the arc (clockwise).
859   When false track the complete ellipse.
860 */
initTracking(const vpImage<unsigned char> & I,bool trackArc)861 void vpMeEllipse::initTracking(const vpImage<unsigned char> &I, bool trackArc)
862 {
863   const unsigned int n = 5;
864   std::vector<vpImagePoint> iP(n);
865   m_trackArc = trackArc;
867   if (m_trackArc) {
868     std::cout << "First and fifth points specify the extremities of the arc of ellipse (clockwise)" << std::endl;
869   }
870   for (unsigned int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
871     std::cout << "Click point " << k + 1 << "/" << n << " on the ellipse " << std::endl;
872     vpDisplay::getClick(I, iP[k], true);
873     vpDisplay::displayCross(I, iP[k], 10, vpColor::red);
874     vpDisplay::flush(I);
875     std::cout << iP[k] << std::endl;
876   }
877   initTracking(I, iP, trackArc);
878 }
880 /*!
881   Initialize the tracking of an ellipse or an arc of an ellipse when \e trackArc is set to true.
882   The ellipse is defined thanks to a vector of image points.
884   \warning It is mandatory to use at least five image points to estimate the
885   ellipse parameters.
886   \warning The image points should be selected as far as possible from each other.
887   When an arc of an ellipse is tracked, it is recommended to select the 5 points clockwise.
889   \param I : Image in which the ellipse appears.
890   \param iP : A vector of image points belonging to the ellipse edge used to
891   initialize the tracking.
892   \param trackArc : When true, track an arc of the ellipse.
893   First and last points specify the extremities of the arc (clockwise).
894   When false track the complete ellipse.
895 */
initTracking(const vpImage<unsigned char> & I,const std::vector<vpImagePoint> & iP,bool trackArc)896 void vpMeEllipse::initTracking(const vpImage<unsigned char> &I, const std::vector<vpImagePoint> &iP, bool trackArc)
897 {
898   m_trackArc = trackArc;
899   // useful for sample(I):
900   leastSquare(I, iP);
901   if (trackArc) {
902     // useful for track(I):
903     iP1 = iP.front();
904     iP2 = iP.back();
905     // useful for sample(I):
906     alpha1 = computeAngleOnEllipse(iP1);
907     alpha2 = computeAngleOnEllipse(iP2);
908     if ((alpha2 <= alpha1) || (std::fabs(alpha2 - alpha1) < m_arcEpsilon)) {
909       alpha2 += 2.0 * M_PI;
910     }
911   }
912   else {
913     alpha1 = 0.0;
914     alpha2 = 2 * M_PI;
915     // useful for track(I):
916     vpImagePoint ip;
917     computePointOnEllipse(alpha1, ip);
918     iP1 = iP2 = ip;
919   }
921   sample(I);
922   track(I);
923   vpMeTracker::display(I);
924   vpDisplay::flush(I);
925 }
927 /*!
928   Initialize the tracking of an ellipse or an arc of an ellipse when arc extremities are given.
929   The ellipse is defined by the vector containing the coordinates of its center and the three second order
930   centered normalized moments \f$ n_ij \f$. Without setting the arc extremities with
931   parameters \e pt1 and \e pt2, the complete ellipse is considered. When extremities
932   are set, we consider an ellipse arc defined clockwise from first extremity to second extremity.
934   \param I : Image in which the ellipse appears.
935   \param param : Vector with the five parameters \f$(u_c, v_c, n_{20}, n_{11}, n_{02})\f$ defining the ellipse
936   (expressed in pixels).
937   \param pt1 : Image point defining the first extremity of the arc or NULL to track a complete ellipse.
938   \param pt2 : Image point defining the second extremity of the arc or NULL to track a complete ellipse.
940 */
initTracking(const vpImage<unsigned char> & I,const vpColVector & param,vpImagePoint * pt1,const vpImagePoint * pt2)941 void vpMeEllipse::initTracking(const vpImage<unsigned char> &I, const vpColVector &param, vpImagePoint *pt1, const vpImagePoint *pt2)
942 {
943   if (pt1 != NULL && pt2 != NULL) {
944     m_trackArc = true;
945   }
946   // useful for sample(I) : uc, vc, a, b, e, Ki, alpha1, alpha2
947   m_uc = param[0];
948   m_vc = param[1];
949   m_n20 = param[2];
950   m_n11 = param[3];
951   m_n02 = param[4];
952   computeAbeFromNij();
953   computeKiFromNij();
955   if (m_trackArc) {
956     alpha1 = computeAngleOnEllipse(*pt1);
957     alpha2 = computeAngleOnEllipse(*pt2);
958     if ((alpha2 <= alpha1) || (std::fabs(alpha2 - alpha1) < m_arcEpsilon)) {
959       alpha2 += 2.0 * M_PI;
960     }
961     // useful for track(I)
962     iP1 = *pt1;
963     iP2 = *pt2;
964   }
965   else {
966     alpha1 = 0.0;
967     alpha2 = 2.0 * M_PI;
968     // useful for track(I)
969     vpImagePoint ip;
970     computePointOnEllipse(alpha1, ip);
971     iP1 = iP2 = ip;
972   }
973   // useful for display(I) so useless if no display before track(I)
974   iPc.set_uv(m_uc, m_vc);
976   sample(I);
977   track(I);
978   vpMeTracker::display(I);
979   vpDisplay::flush(I);
980 }
982 /*!
983   Track the ellipse in the image I.
985   \param I : Image in which the ellipse appears.
986 */
track(const vpImage<unsigned char> & I)987 void vpMeEllipse::track(const vpImage<unsigned char> &I)
988 {
989   vpMeTracker::track(I);
991   // recompute alpha1 and alpha2 in case they have been changed by setEndPoints()
992   if (m_trackArc) {
993     alpha1 = computeAngleOnEllipse(iP1);
994     alpha2 = computeAngleOnEllipse(iP2);
995     if ((alpha2 <= alpha1) || (std::fabs(alpha2 - alpha1) < m_arcEpsilon)) {
996       alpha2 += 2.0 * M_PI;
997     }
998   }
999   // Compute the ellipse parameters from the tracked points and manage the lists
1000   leastSquareRobust(I);
1001   if (vpDEBUG_ENABLE(3)) {
1002     printf("nb of Good points %u, density %d, alphamin %lf, alphamax %lf\n",
1003            m_numberOfGoodPoints, m_expectedDensity,
1004            vpMath::deg(m_alphamin), vpMath::deg(m_alphamax));
1005   }
1007   // Try adding points at the extremities and in the holes if needed
1008   if (m_numberOfGoodPoints < m_expectedDensity) { // at least one point has been lost
1009     if (plugHoles(I) > 0) {
1010       leastSquareRobust(I);  // if new points have been added, recompute the ellipse parameters and manage again the lists
1011     }
1012   }
1013   if (vpDEBUG_ENABLE(3)) {
1014     printf("nb of Good points %u, density %d, alphamin %lf, alphamax %lf\n",
1015            m_numberOfGoodPoints, m_expectedDensity,
1016            vpMath::deg(m_alphamin), vpMath::deg(m_alphamax));
1017   }
1019   // resample if needed in case of unsufficient number of points or
1020   // bad repartition
1021   // FC : (thresholds ad hoc and sensitive...)
1022   if ( ((3 * m_numberOfGoodPoints) < m_expectedDensity) || (m_numberOfGoodPoints <= 5)  || ( (m_alphamax - m_alphamin) < vpMath::rad(120.0) ) ) {
1023     if (vpDEBUG_ENABLE(3)) {
1024       printf("Before RESAMPLE !!! nb points %d \n", m_numberOfGoodPoints);
1025       printf("A click to continue \n");
1026       vpDisplay::flush(I);
1027       vpDisplay::getClick(I);
1028       vpDisplay::display(I);
1029     }
1031     sample(I);
1032     vpMeTracker::track(I);
1033     leastSquareRobust(I);
1034     if (vpDEBUG_ENABLE(3)) {
1035       printf("nb of Good points %u, density %d, alphamax %lf, alphamin %lf\n",
1036              m_numberOfGoodPoints, m_expectedDensity, vpMath::deg(m_alphamax), vpMath::deg(m_alphamin));
1037     }
1039     // Stop in case of failure after resample
1040     if ( ((3 * m_numberOfGoodPoints) < m_expectedDensity) || (m_numberOfGoodPoints <= 5)  || ( (m_alphamax - m_alphamin) < vpMath::rad(120.0) ) ) {
1041       // FC : dimensionError pas vraiment le bon terme...
1042       throw(vpException(vpException::dimensionError, "Impossible to track the ellipse"));
1043     }
1044   }
1046   if (vpDEBUG_ENABLE(3)) {
1047     printParameters();
1048   }
1049   // remet a jour l'angle delta pour chaque vpMeSite de la liste
1050   updateTheta();
1051   // not in getParameters since computed only once for each image
1052   m00 = M_PI * a * b;
1054   // Useful only for tracking an arc of ellipse, but done to give them a value
1055   computePointOnEllipse(alpha1, iP1);
1056   computePointOnEllipse(alpha2, iP2);
1059   computeMoments();
1060 #endif
1062   if (vpDEBUG_ENABLE(3)) {
1063     display(I, vpColor::red);
1064     vpMeTracker::display(I);
1065     vpDisplay::flush(I);
1066   }
1067 }
1071 /*!
1072   \deprecated Computes the first and second order moments \f$ m_{ij} \f$
1073 */
computeMoments()1074 void vpMeEllipse::computeMoments()
1075 {
1076   // m00 = M_PI * a * b;  // moved in track(I)
1078   m10 = m_uc * m00;
1079   m01 = m_vc * m00;
1081   mu20 = m_n20 * m00;
1082   mu11 = m_n11 * m00;
1083   mu02 = m_n02 * m00;
1085   m20 = mu20 + m10 * m_uc;
1086   m11 = mu11 + m10 * m_vc;
1087   m02 = mu02 + m01 * m_vc;
1088 }
1090 /*!
1091   \deprecated Initialization of the tracking. The arc of the ellipse is defined thanks to
1092   its center, semimajor axis, semiminor axis, orientation and the angle
1093   of its two extremities
1095   \param I : Image in which the ellipse appears.
1096   \param center_p : Ellipse center.
1097   \param a_p : Semimajor axis.
1098   \param b_p : Semiminor axis.
1099   \param e_p : Orientationn in rad.
1100   \param alpha1_p : Angle in rad defining the first extremity of the arc.
1101   \param alpha2_p : Angle in rad defining the second extremity of the arc.
1102 */
initTracking(const vpImage<unsigned char> & I,const vpImagePoint & center_p,double a_p,double b_p,double e_p,double alpha1_p,double alpha2_p)1103 void vpMeEllipse::initTracking(const vpImage<unsigned char> &I, const vpImagePoint &center_p,
1104                                double a_p, double b_p, double e_p, double alpha1_p, double alpha2_p)
1105 {
1106   m_trackArc = true;
1107   // useful for sample(I): uc, vc, a, b, e, Ki, alpha1, alpha2
1108   m_uc = center_p.get_u();
1109   m_vc = center_p.get_v();
1110   a = a_p;
1111   b = b_p;
1112   e = e_p;
1113   ce = cos(e);
1114   se = sin(e);
1115   computeNijFromAbe();
1116   computeKiFromNij();
1118   alpha1 = alpha1_p;
1119   alpha2 = alpha2_p;
1120   if (alpha2 < alpha1) {
1121     alpha2 += 2 * M_PI;
1122   }
1123   // useful for track(I)
1124   vpImagePoint ip;
1125   computePointOnEllipse(alpha1, ip);
1126   iP1 = ip;
1127   computePointOnEllipse(alpha2, ip);
1128   iP2 = ip;
1129   // currently not used after, but done to be complete
1130   // would be needed for displaying the ellipse here
1131   iPc = center_p;
1133   sample(I);
1134   track(I);
1135   vpMeTracker::display(I);
1136   vpDisplay::flush(I);
1137 }
1139 /*!
1140   \deprecated Initialization of the tracking. The ellipse is defined thanks to the
1141   coordinates of n points.
1143   \warning It is mandatory to use at least five points to estimate the
1144   ellipse parameters.
1145   \warning The n points should be selected as far as possible from each other.
1147   \param I : Image in which the ellipse appears.
1148   \param n : The number of points in the list.
1149   \param iP : A pointer to a list of points belonging to the ellipse edge.
1150 */
initTracking(const vpImage<unsigned char> & I,unsigned int n,vpImagePoint * iP)1151 void vpMeEllipse::initTracking(const vpImage<unsigned char> &I, unsigned int n, vpImagePoint *iP)
1152 {
1153   std::vector<vpImagePoint> v_iP(n);
1155   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
1156     v_iP[i] = iP[i];
1157   }
1158   initTracking(I, v_iP);
1159 }
1161 /*!
1162  * \deprecated Use an other initTracking() function.
1163  */
initTracking(const vpImage<unsigned char> & I,unsigned int n,unsigned * i,unsigned * j)1164 void vpMeEllipse::initTracking(const vpImage<unsigned char> &I, unsigned int n, unsigned *i, unsigned *j)
1165 {
1166   std::vector<vpImagePoint> v_iP(n);
1168   for (unsigned int k=0; k < n; k++) {
1169     v_iP[k].set_ij(i[k],j[k]);
1170   }
1171   initTracking(I, v_iP);
1172 }
1173 #endif // Deprecated
1175 /*!
1176   Display the ellipse or the arc of ellipse thanks to the ellipse parameters.
1178   \param I : The image used as background.
1180   \param center : Center of the ellipse.
1182   \param A : Semimajor axis of the ellipse.
1184   \param B : Semiminor axis of the ellipse.
1186   \param E : Angle made by the major axis and the u axis of the image frame
1187   \f$ (u,v) \f$ (in rad).
1189   \param smallalpha : Smallest \f$ alpha \f$ angle in rad (0 for a complete ellipse).
1191   \param highalpha : Highest \f$ alpha \f$ angle in rad (2 \f$ \Pi \f$ for a complete ellipse).
1193   \param color : Color used to display the ellipse.
1195   \param thickness : Thickness of the drawings.
1196 */
display(const vpImage<unsigned char> & I,const vpImagePoint & center,const double & A,const double & B,const double & E,const double & smallalpha,const double & highalpha,const vpColor & color,unsigned int thickness)1197 void vpMeEllipse::display(const vpImage<unsigned char> &I,
1198                           const vpImagePoint &center, const double &A, const double &B, const double &E,
1199                           const double &smallalpha, const double &highalpha,
1200                           const vpColor &color, unsigned int thickness)
1201 {
1202   vpDisplay::displayEllipse(I, center, A, B, E, smallalpha, highalpha, false, color, thickness, true, true);
1203 }
1205 /*!
1207   Display the ellipse or the arc of ellipse thanks to the ellipse parameters.
1209   \param I : The image used as background.
1211   \param center : Center of the ellipse
1213   \param A : Semimajor axis of the ellipse.
1215   \param B : Semiminor axis of the ellipse.
1217   \param E : Angle made by the major axis and the u axis of the image frame
1218   \f$ (u,v) \f$ (in rad)
1220   \param smallalpha : Smallest \f$ alpha \f$ angle in rad  (0 for a complete ellipse)
1222   \param highalpha : Highest \f$ alpha \f$ angle in rad  (\f$ 2 \Pi \f$ for a complete ellipse)
1224   \param color : Color used to display th lines.
1226   \param thickness : Thickness of the drawings.
1227 */
display(const vpImage<vpRGBa> & I,const vpImagePoint & center,const double & A,const double & B,const double & E,const double & smallalpha,const double & highalpha,const vpColor & color,unsigned int thickness)1228 void vpMeEllipse::display(const vpImage<vpRGBa> &I,
1229                           const vpImagePoint &center, const double &A, const double &B, const double &E,
1230                           const double &smallalpha, const double &highalpha,
1231                           const vpColor &color, unsigned int thickness)
1232 {
1233   vpDisplay::displayEllipse(I, center, A, B, E, smallalpha, highalpha, false, color, thickness, true, true);
1234 }