1 // This is core/vpgl/vpgl_rational_camera.h
2 #ifndef vpgl_rational_camera_h_
3 #define vpgl_rational_camera_h_
4 //:
5 // \file
6 // \brief A camera model based on ratios of cubic polynomials
7 // \author Joseph Mundy
8 // \date Oct 2006
9 //
10 //
11 //  A camera that projects 3-d world points according to ratios of
12 //  cubic polynomials. That is,
13 // \verbatim
14 //           neu_u(X,Y,Z)      neu_v(X,Y,Z)
15 //       u = ------------  v = ------------
16 //           den_u(X,Y,Z)      den_v(X,Y,X)
17 // \endverbatim
18 //  where u is the image column index and v is the image row index.
19 //
20 //  neu_u(X,Y,Z),den_u(X,Y,Z), neu_v(X,Y,Z), den_v(X,Y,Z) are
21 //  cubic polynomials in three variables and there are 20 coefficients each,
22 //  e.g.,
23 //
24 //  R(X,Y,Z) = a300 x^3 + a210 x^2y + a201 x^2z + a200 x^2 + ... + a001z + a000
25 //
26 //  The normal ordering of multi-variate polynomial coefficients is as
27 //  shown above, the highest powers in x followed by highest powers in y,
28 //  followed by powers in z. The full monomial sequence is:
29 //   0   1    2    3   4    5  6   7   8  9 10  11   12   13  14 15 16 17 18 19
30 //  x^3 x^2y x^2z x^2 xy^2 xyz xy xz^2 xz x y^3 y^2z y^2 yz^2 yz y z^3 z^2 z 1
31 //  The highest powers are in the lowest index of the coefficient vector.
32 //
33 //  Polynomial calculations are often ill-conditioned if the variables are not
34 //  normalized. Common practice is to normalize all variables to the
35 //  range [-1, 1]. This normalization requires 10 additional offset and scale
36 //  parameters for a total of 90 parameters.
37 //
38 //  The scale and offset transformation is applied to (X,Y,Z)
39 //  before applying the polynomial mapping. The resulting (u,v) is normalized
40 //  and must be mapped back (un-normalized) to the image coordinate
41 //  system to obtain the actual projection.
42 //
43 //  In order to facilitate the scale offset transformation process, a helper
44 //  class, scale_offset, is defined to process the forward and reverse
45 //  normalizations.
46 //
47 //  While the internal ordering of rational coefficients does not change,
48 //  coefficients can be input and output several different orders.
49 //
50 //  currently supported ordering schemas are:
51 //    VXL: VXL internal ordering
52 //    RPC00B
53 //    RPC00A
54 //
55 //  RPC00A ordering is defined in the public domain document
56 //    "RPC00A vs RPC00B White Paper.docx"
57 //  Available at the following links:
58 //    https://github.com/ngageoint/Rational-Polynomial-Coefficients-Mapper/raw/master/RPC00A%20vs%20RPC00B%20White%20Paper.docx
59 //    http://www.gwg.nga.mil/ntb/baseline/docs/RPC/RPC00A%20vs%20RPC00B%20White%20Paper.docx
60 //
61 //  conversion between ordering schema
62 //    x = longitude, L
63 //    y = latitude, P
64 //    z = elevation, H
65 //
66 //         VXL  RPC00B  RPC00A
67 //    xxx    0      11      11
68 //    xxy    1      14      12
69 //    xxz    2      17      13
70 //    xx     3       7       8
71 //    xyy    4      12      14
72 //    xyz    5      10       7
73 //    xy     6       4       4
74 //    xzz    7      13      17
75 //    xz     8       5       5
76 //    x      9       1       1
77 //    yyy   10      15      15
78 //    yyz   11      18      16
79 //    yy    12       8       9
80 //    yzz   13      16      18
81 //    yz    14       6       6
82 //    y     15       2       2
83 //    zzz   16      19      19
84 //    zz    17       9      10
85 //    z     18       3       3
86 //    1     19       0       0
87 //
88 #include <iostream>
89 #include <string>
90 #include <utility>
91 #include <vector>
92 #include <stdexcept>
93 #include <array>
95 #ifdef _MSC_VER
96 #  include <vcl_msvc_warnings.h>
97 #endif
98 #include <vgl/vgl_fwd.h>
99 #include <vnl/vnl_matrix_fixed.h>
100 #include <vnl/vnl_vector_fixed.h>
101 #include "vpgl_camera.h"
104 // ----------------------------------------
105 // rational camera order for input/output operations
106 enum class vpgl_rational_order {
107   VXL,
108   RPC00B,
109   RPC00A,
110 };
112 // conversion to other forms (see vpgl_rational_camera.cxx)
113 class vpgl_rational_order_func {
114  public:
115   static std::vector<unsigned> to_vector(vpgl_rational_order choice);
116   static std::string to_string(vpgl_rational_order choice);
117   static vpgl_rational_order from_string(std::string const& buf);
119   // initializer_list for iteration
120   // e.g. "for (auto item : vpgl_rational_order_func::initializer_list) {...}"
121   static constexpr std::array<vpgl_rational_order,3> initializer_list{{
122       vpgl_rational_order::VXL,
123       vpgl_rational_order::RPC00B,
124       vpgl_rational_order::RPC00A
125   }};
127  private:
128   vpgl_rational_order_func() = delete;
129 };
134 // ----------------------------------------
135 // Represent scale and offset transformations used in normalization
136 //
137 template <class T>
138 class vpgl_scale_offset
139 {
140  public:
vpgl_scale_offset()141   vpgl_scale_offset() :
142     scale_(1), offset_(0) {}
vpgl_scale_offset(const T scale,const T offset)143   vpgl_scale_offset(const T scale, const T offset) :
144     scale_(scale), offset_(offset) {}
146   //mutators/accessors
set_scale(const T scale)147   void set_scale(const T scale) {scale_ = scale;}
set_offset(const T offset)148   void set_offset(const T offset) {offset_ = offset;}
scale()149   T scale() const {return scale_;}
offset()150   T offset() const {return offset_;}
152   // normalize a coordinate value
normalize(const T value)153   T normalize(const T value) const
154   {
155     if (scale_==0)
156       return 0;
157     else
158       return (value-offset_)/scale_;
159   }
161   // un-normalize a coordinate value
un_normalize(const T value)162   T un_normalize(const T value) const
163   {
164     T temp = value*scale_;
165     return temp + offset_;
166   }
167   //: Equality test
168   inline bool operator==(vpgl_scale_offset<T> const &that) const
169   { return this == &that ||
170            (this->scale()==that.scale() &&
171             this->offset() == that.offset() );
172   }
173  private:
174   //members
175   T scale_;
176   T offset_;
177 };
180 //--------------------=== rational camera ===---------------------------
181 //
182 template <class T>
183 class vpgl_rational_camera : public vpgl_camera<T>
184 {
185  public:
186   //: enumeration for indexing coordinates
187   enum coor_index{X_INDX = 0, Y_INDX, Z_INDX, U_INDX, V_INDX};
188   //: enumeration for indexing polynomials
189   enum poly_index{NEU_U = 0, DEN_U, NEU_V, DEN_V};
191   //: default constructor
192   vpgl_rational_camera();
194   //: Constructor from 4 coefficient vectors and 5 scale, offset pairs.
195   vpgl_rational_camera(std::vector<T> const& neu_u,
196                        std::vector<T> const& den_u,
197                        std::vector<T> const& neu_v,
198                        std::vector<T> const& den_v,
199                        const T x_scale, const T x_off,
200                        const T y_scale, const T y_off,
201                        const T z_scale, const T z_off,
202                        const T u_scale, const T u_off,
203                        const T v_scale, const T v_off,
204                        vpgl_rational_order input_order = vpgl_rational_order::VXL
205                       );
207   //: Constructor from 4 coefficient arrays and 5 scale, offset pairs.
208   vpgl_rational_camera(const double* neu_u,
209                        const double* den_u,
210                        const double* neu_v,
211                        const double* den_v,
212                        const T x_scale, const T x_off,
213                        const T y_scale, const T y_off,
214                        const T z_scale, const T z_off,
215                        const T u_scale, const T u_off,
216                        const T v_scale, const T v_off,
217                        vpgl_rational_order input_order = vpgl_rational_order::VXL
218                       );
220   //: Constructor with everything wrapped up in an array and vector.
221   vpgl_rational_camera(std::vector<std::vector<T> > const& rational_coeffs,
222                        std::vector<vpgl_scale_offset<T> > const& scale_offsets,
223                        vpgl_rational_order input_order = vpgl_rational_order::VXL
224                       );
226   //: Constructor with a coefficient matrix
227   vpgl_rational_camera(vnl_matrix_fixed<T, 4, 20> const& rational_coeffs,
228                        std::vector<vpgl_scale_offset<T> > const& scale_offsets,
229                        vpgl_rational_order input_order = vpgl_rational_order::VXL
230                       );
232   ~vpgl_rational_camera() override = default;
type_name()234   std::string type_name() const override { return "vpgl_rational_camera"; }
236   //: Clone `this': creation of a new object and initialization
237   // legal C++ because the return type is covariant with vpgl_camera<T>*
238   vpgl_rational_camera<T> *clone() const override;
240   //: Equality test
241   inline bool operator==(vpgl_rational_camera<T> const &that) const
242   { return this == &that ||
243       ((this->coefficient_matrix()==that.coefficient_matrix())&&
244        (this->scale_offsets() == that.scale_offsets()) );}
246   // --- Mutators/Accessors ---
248   //: set rational polynomial coefficients
249   void set_coefficients(
250       std::vector<T> const& neu_u,
251       std::vector<T> const& den_u,
252       std::vector<T> const& neu_v,
253       std::vector<T> const& den_v,
254       vpgl_rational_order input_order = vpgl_rational_order::VXL
255       );
257   void set_coefficients(
258       const double* neu_u,
259       const double* den_u,
260       const double* neu_v,
261       const double* den_v,
262       vpgl_rational_order input_order = vpgl_rational_order::VXL
263       );
265   void set_coefficients(
266       std::vector<std::vector<T> > const& rational_coeffs,
267       vpgl_rational_order input_order = vpgl_rational_order::VXL
268       );
270   void set_coefficients(
271       vnl_matrix_fixed<T, 4, 20> const& rational_coeffs,
272       vpgl_rational_order input_order = vpgl_rational_order::VXL
273       );
275   //: get the rational polynomial coefficients in a vnl matrix
276   vnl_matrix_fixed<T, 4, 20> coefficient_matrix(
277       vpgl_rational_order output_order = vpgl_rational_order::VXL
278       ) const;
280   //: get the rational polynomial coefficients in std vector of vectors
281   std::vector<std::vector<T> > coefficients(
282       vpgl_rational_order output_order = vpgl_rational_order::VXL
283       ) const;
285   //: set all coordinate scale and offsets
286   void set_scale_offsets(const T x_scale, const T x_off,
287                          const T y_scale, const T y_off,
288                          const T z_scale, const T z_off,
289                          const T u_scale, const T u_off,
290                          const T v_scale, const T v_off
291                         );
293   void set_scale_offsets(std::vector<vpgl_scale_offset<T> > const& scale_offsets);
295   //: get the scale and offsets in a vector
scale_offsets()296   std::vector<vpgl_scale_offset<T> > scale_offsets() const
297     {return scale_offsets_;}
299   //:set a specific scale value
set_scale(const coor_index coor_index,const T scale)300   void set_scale(const coor_index coor_index, const T scale)
301     {scale_offsets_[coor_index].set_scale(scale);}
303   //:set a specific offset value
set_offset(const coor_index coor_index,const T offset)304   void set_offset(const coor_index coor_index, const T offset)
305     {scale_offsets_[coor_index].set_offset(offset);}
307   //: get a specific scale value
scale(const coor_index coor_index)308   T scale(const coor_index coor_index) const
309     {return scale_offsets_[coor_index].scale();}
311   //: get a specific offset value
offset(const coor_index coor_index)312   T offset(const coor_index coor_index) const
313     {return scale_offsets_[coor_index].offset();}
315   //: get a specific scale_offset
scl_off(const coor_index coor_index)316   vpgl_scale_offset<T> scl_off(const coor_index coor_index) const
317     {return scale_offsets_[coor_index];}
319   // --- Often useful for adjusting the camera ---
321   //:set u-v translation offset
set_image_offset(const T u_off,const T v_off)322   void set_image_offset(const T u_off, const T v_off)
323     { scale_offsets_[U_INDX].set_offset(u_off);
324       scale_offsets_[V_INDX].set_offset(v_off); }
326   //:get u-v translation offset
image_offset(T & u_off,T & v_off)327   void image_offset(T& u_off, T& v_off) const
328     {u_off = offset(U_INDX); v_off = offset(V_INDX);}
330    //:set u-v scale
set_image_scale(const T u_scale,const T v_scale)331   void set_image_scale(const T u_scale, const T v_scale)
332     { scale_offsets_[U_INDX].set_scale(u_scale);
333       scale_offsets_[V_INDX].set_scale(v_scale); }
335   //:get u-v  scale
image_scale(T & u_scale,T & v_scale)336   void image_scale(T& u_scale, T& v_scale)
337     {u_scale = scale(U_INDX); v_scale = scale(V_INDX);}
339   // --- project 3D world point to 2D image point --
341   //: The generic camera interface. u represents image column, v image row.
342   void project(const T x, const T y, const T z, T &u, T &v) const override;
344   //: Project a world point onto the image (vnl interface)
345   vnl_vector_fixed<T, 2> project(vnl_vector_fixed<T, 3> const& world_point) const;
347   //: Project a world point onto the image (vgl interface)
348   vgl_point_2d<T> project(vgl_point_3d<T> world_point) const;
350   // --- print & save camera ---
352   //: print camera parameters
353   virtual void print(
354       std::ostream& s = std::cout,
355       vpgl_rational_order output_order = vpgl_rational_order::VXL
356       ) const;
358   //: save camera parameters to a file
359   virtual bool save(
360       std::string cam_path,
361       vpgl_rational_order output_order = vpgl_rational_order::RPC00B
362       ) const;
364   //: write PVL (parameter) to output stream
365   virtual void write_pvl(std::ostream& s, vpgl_rational_order output_order) const;
367   // --- read camera ---
369   //: read from PVL (parameter value language) file/stream
370   bool read_pvl(std::string cam_path);
371   virtual bool read_pvl(std::istream& istr);
373   //: read from TXT file/stream
374   bool read_txt(std::string cam_path);
375   virtual bool read_txt(std::istream& istr);
377  protected:
378   // utilities
379   vnl_vector_fixed<T, 20> power_vector(const T x, const T y, const T z) const;
381   // members
382   vnl_matrix_fixed<T, 4, 20> rational_coeffs_;
383   std::vector<vpgl_scale_offset<T> > scale_offsets_;
384 };
386 //: Write to stream
387 // \relatesalso vpgl_rational_camera
388 template <class T>
389 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const vpgl_rational_camera<T>& p);
391 //: Read from stream
392 // \relatesalso vpgl_rational_camera
393 template <class T>
394 std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, vpgl_rational_camera<T>& p);
396 //: Creates a rational camera from a PVL file
397 // \relatesalso vpgl_rational_camera
398 template <class T>
399 vpgl_rational_camera<T>* read_rational_camera(std::string cam_path);
401 //: Creates a rational camera from a PVL input stream
402 // \relatesalso vpgl_rational_camera
403 template <class T>
404 vpgl_rational_camera<T>* read_rational_camera(std::istream& istr);
406 //: Creates a rational camera from a TXT file
407 // \relatesalso vpgl_rational_camera
408 template <class T>
409 vpgl_rational_camera<T>* read_rational_camera_from_txt(std::string cam_path);
411 //: Creates a rational camera from a TXT input stream
412 // \relatesalso vpgl_rational_camera
413 template <class T>
414 vpgl_rational_camera<T>* read_rational_camera_from_txt(std::istream& istr);
417 #define VPGL_RATIONAL_CAMERA_INSTANTIATE(T) extern "please include vgl/vpgl_rational_camera.hxx first"
420 #endif // vpgl_rational_camera_h_