1 /***************************************************************************
2                           DIA_crop.cpp  -  description
3                              -------------------
5 			    GUI for cropping including autocrop
6 			    +Revisted the Gtk2 way
7 			     +Autocrop now in RGB space (more accurate)
9     begin                : Fri May 3 2002
10     copyright            : (C) 2002/2007 by mean
11     email                : fixounet@free.fr
12  ***************************************************************************/
14 /***************************************************************************
15  *                                                                         *
16  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
17  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
18  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
19  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
20  *                                                                         *
21  ***************************************************************************/
22 #include "Q_crop.h"
23 #include "ADM_toolkitQt.h"
25 //
26 //	Video is in YV12 Colorspace
27 //
28 //
Ui_cropWindow(QWidget * parent,crop * param,ADM_coreVideoFilter * in)29 Ui_cropWindow::Ui_cropWindow(QWidget* parent, crop *param,ADM_coreVideoFilter *in) : QDialog(parent)
30   {
31     uint32_t width,height;
32         ui.setupUi(this);
33         lock=0;
34         // Allocate space for green-ised video
35         width=in->getInfo()->width;
36         height=in->getInfo()->height;
38         canvas=new ADM_QCanvas(ui.graphicsView,width,height);
40         myCrop=new flyCrop( this,width, height,in,canvas,ui.horizontalSlider);
41         myCrop->left=param->left;
42         myCrop->right=param->right;
43         myCrop->top=param->top;
44         myCrop->bottom=param->bottom;
45         myCrop->_cookie=&ui;
46         myCrop->addControl(ui.toolboxLayout);
47         myCrop->upload();
48         myCrop->sliderChanged();
51         connect( ui.horizontalSlider,SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),this,SLOT(sliderUpdate(int)));
52         connect( ui.pushButtonAutoCrop,SIGNAL(clicked(bool)),this,SLOT(autoCrop(bool)));
53         connect( ui.pushButtonReset,SIGNAL(clicked(bool)),this,SLOT(reset(bool)));
54 #define SPINNER(x) connect( ui.spinBox##x,SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),this,SLOT(valueChanged(int)));
55           SPINNER(Left);
56           SPINNER(Right);
57           SPINNER(Top);
58           SPINNER(Bottom);
60         show();
61         myCrop->adjustCanvasPosition();
62         canvas->parentWidget()->setMinimumSize(30,30); // allow resizing both ways after the dialog has settled
63   }
sliderUpdate(int foo)64   void Ui_cropWindow::sliderUpdate(int foo)
65   {
66     myCrop->sliderChanged();
67   }
gather(crop * param)68   void Ui_cropWindow::gather(crop *param)
69   {
70         myCrop->download(true);
71         param->left=myCrop->left;
72         param->right=myCrop->right;
73         param->top=myCrop->top;
74         param->bottom=myCrop->bottom;
75   }
~Ui_cropWindow()76 Ui_cropWindow::~Ui_cropWindow()
77 {
78   if(myCrop) delete myCrop;
79   myCrop=NULL;
80   if(canvas) delete canvas;
81   canvas=NULL;
82 }
valueChanged(int f)83 void Ui_cropWindow::valueChanged( int f )
84 {
85   if(lock) return;
86   lock++;
87   myCrop->download();
88   myCrop->sameImage();
89   lock--;
90 }
autoCrop(bool f)92 void Ui_cropWindow::autoCrop( bool f )
93 {
94   lock++;
95   myCrop->autocrop();
96   lock--;
97 }
reset(bool f)98 void Ui_cropWindow::reset( bool f )
99 {
100          myCrop->left=0;
101          myCrop->right=0;
102          myCrop->bottom=0;
103          myCrop->top=0;
104          lock++;
105          myCrop->upload();
106          myCrop->sameImage();
107          lock--;
108 }
resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * event)110 void Ui_cropWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event)
111 {
112     if(!canvas->height())
113         return;
114     uint32_t graphicsViewWidth = canvas->parentWidget()->width();
115     uint32_t graphicsViewHeight = canvas->parentWidget()->height();
116     myCrop->fitCanvasIntoView(graphicsViewWidth,graphicsViewHeight);
117     myCrop->adjustCanvasPosition();
118 }
120 //************************
upload(void)121 uint8_t flyCrop::upload(void)
122 {
123       Ui_cropDialog *w=(Ui_cropDialog *)_cookie;
125         w->spinBoxLeft->setValue(left);
126         w->spinBoxRight->setValue(right);
127         w->spinBoxTop->setValue(top);
128         w->spinBoxBottom->setValue(bottom);
130         return 1;
131 }
download(bool even)132 uint8_t flyCrop::download(bool even)
133 {
134     int reject=0;
135     Ui_cropDialog *w=(Ui_cropDialog *)_cookie;
136 #define SPIN_GET(x,y) x=w->spinBox##y->value();
137     SPIN_GET(left,Left);
138     SPIN_GET(right,Right);
139     SPIN_GET(top,Top);
140     SPIN_GET(bottom,Bottom);
142     printf("%d %d %d %d\n",left,right,top,bottom);
144     if((top+bottom)>_h)
145     {
146         top=bottom=0;
147         reject=1;
148         ADM_warning(" ** Rejected top bottom **\n");
149     }
150     if((left+right)>_w)
151     {
152         left=right=0;
153         reject=1;
154         ADM_warning(" ** Rejected left right **\n");
155     }
156     if(reject)
157         return upload();
159     if(even)
160     {
161         if((_w-left-right)&1)
162         {
163             if(left&1)
164                 left&=0xfffe;
165             else if(right)
166                 right--;
167             else if(left)
168                 left--;
169             else
170                 right++;
171         }
172         if((_h-top-bottom)&1)
173         {
174             if(top&1)
175                 top&=0xfffe;
176             else if(bottom)
177                 bottom--;
178             else if(top)
179                 top--;
180             else
181                 bottom++;
182         }
183     }
184     return 1;
185 }
187 /**
188       \fn     DIA_getCropParams
189       \brief  Handle crop dialog
190 */
DIA_getCropParams(const char * name,crop * param,ADM_coreVideoFilter * in)191 int DIA_getCropParams(	const char *name,crop *param,ADM_coreVideoFilter *in)
192 {
193         uint8_t ret=0;
195         Ui_cropWindow dialog(qtLastRegisteredDialog(), param,in);
196 		qtRegisterDialog(&dialog);
198         if(dialog.exec()==QDialog::Accepted)
199         {
200             dialog.gather(param);
201             ret=1;
202         }
204 		qtUnregisterDialog(&dialog);
206         return ret;
207 }
208 //____________________________________
209 // EOF