1########################## 2# Included files 3########################## 4!addincludedir ${NSIDIR} 5!addplugindir ${NSIDIR}/plugin 6 7!include Sections.nsh 8!include MUI2.nsh 9!include nsDialogs.nsh 10!include Memento.nsh 11!include FileFunc.nsh 12!include UAC.nsh 13!include WinVer.nsh 14!include WordFunc.nsh 15#!include revision.nsh 16 17SetCompressor /SOLID lzma 18SetCompressorDictSize 96 19RequestExecutionLevel user 20 21########################## 22# Defines 23########################## 24!define BUILD_BITS 64 25!define QT_DIR /mingw/Qt/current/bin/ 26!define ADM_SYSDIR /mingw/bin 27!define ADM_DIR /mingw/Release 28#!define NSIDIR "/home/fx/hudson/workspace/mingw_2.6.2_nsis/avidemux/winInstaller" 29#!define SVN_VERSION 6 30!define REVISION ${SVN_VERSION} 31!define EXEDIR "${NSIDIR}/install" 32 33!define CORE_VERSION "2.6" 34!define POINT_RELEASE "8" 35!define PRODUCT_VERSION "${CORE_VERSION}.${POINT_RELEASE}.${SVN_VERSION}" 36!define PRODUCT_NAME "Avidemux ${CORE_VERSION} - 64bits" 37!define PRODUCT_FULLNAME "Avidemux ${PRODUCT_VERSION} (${BUILD_BITS}-bit Release)" 38 39!if ${BUILD_BITS} == 64 40 !define SHORTCUT_NAME "${PRODUCT_NAME}" 41 !define REG_GROUPNAME "${PRODUCT_NAME} (${BUILD_BITS}-bit)" 42!else 43 !define SHORTCUT_NAME "${PRODUCT_NAME} (${BUILD_BITS}-bit)" 44 !define REG_GROUPNAME "${PRODUCT_NAME}" 45!endif 46 47!define REGKEY "SOFTWARE\${REG_GROUPNAME}" 48!define UNINST_REGKEY "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${REG_GROUPNAME}" 49!define COMPANY "Free Software Foundation" 50!define URL "http://www.avidemux.org" 51 52OutFile "${EXEDIR}/avidemux_${CORE_VERSION}.${POINT_RELEASE}_r${REVISION}_win${BUILD_BITS}.exe" 53Name "${PRODUCT_FULLNAME}" 54 55########################## 56# Memento defines 57########################## 58!define MEMENTO_REGISTRY_ROOT HKLM 59!define MEMENTO_REGISTRY_KEY "${REGKEY}" 60 61########################## 62# MUI defines 63########################## 64!define MUI_ICON "${NSIDIR}/../common/xpm/adm.ico" 65!define MUI_HEADERIMAGE 66!define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_RIGHT 67!define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP "${NSIDIR}/PageHeader.bmp" 68!define MUI_STARTMENUPAGE_REGISTRY_ROOT HKLM 69!define MUI_STARTMENUPAGE_REGISTRY_KEY "${REGKEY}" 70!define MUI_STARTMENUPAGE_REGISTRY_VALUENAME StartMenuGroup 71!define MUI_STARTMENUPAGE_DEFAULTFOLDER "Avidemux (64bits)" 72!define MUI_STARTMENUPAGE_NODISABLE 73!define MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP "${NSIDIR}/WelcomeFinishStrip.bmp" 74!define MUI_UNWELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP "${NSIDIR}/WelcomeFinishStrip.bmp" 75!define MUI_UNICON "${NSIDIR}/../common/xpm/adm.ico" 76!define MUI_COMPONENTSPAGE_NODESC 77 78########################## 79# Variables 80########################## 81Var CreateDesktopIcon 82Var CreateStartMenuGroup 83Var CreateQuickLaunchIcon 84Var StartMenuGroup 85Var PreviousVersion 86Var PreviousVersionState 87Var ReinstallUninstall 88 89########################## 90# Installer pages 91########################## 92!define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TITLE "${PRODUCT_FULLNAME} Setup Wizard" 93!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME 94!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "${NSIDIR}/License.rtf" 95 Page custom ReinstallPage ReinstallPageLeave 96!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_COMPONENTS 97Page custom InstallOptionsPage 98!define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE IsStartMenuRequired 99!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_STARTMENU Application $StartMenuGroup 100!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY 101!define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE ActivateInternalSections 102!define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_SHOW InstFilesPageShow 103!define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_LEAVE InstFilesPageLeave 104!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES 105!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN 106!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN_FUNCTION RunAvidemux 107!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN_TEXT "Run ${PRODUCT_NAME} now" 108!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME "$INSTDIR/Change Log.html" 109!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME_TEXT "View Change Log now" 110!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_LINK "Visit the Avidemux website" 111!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_LINK_LOCATION "http://www.avidemux.org" 112!define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE ConfigureFinishPage 113!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH 114 115!define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE un.ConfirmPagePre 116!insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_CONFIRM 117!insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_INSTFILES 118!define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE un.FinishPagePre 119!insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_FINISH 120 121########################## 122# Installer languages 123########################## 124!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE English 125 126########################## 127# Installer attributes 128########################## 129!if ${BUILD_BITS} == 64 130 InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES64\${PRODUCT_NAME}" 131!else 132 InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\${PRODUCT_NAME}" 133!endif 134 135CRCCheck on 136XPStyle on 137ShowInstDetails nevershow 138ShowUninstDetails nevershow 139VIProductVersion ${PRODUCT_VERSION} 140VIAddVersionKey ProductName Avidemux 141VIAddVersionKey ProductVersion "${PRODUCT_VERSION}" 142VIAddVersionKey FileVersion "" 143VIAddVersionKey FileDescription "" 144VIAddVersionKey LegalCopyright "" 145InstallDirRegKey HKLM "${REGKEY}" Path 146BrandingText "Packaged by Gruntster" 147InstType Standard 148InstType Full 149######################################### 150# 151######################################### 152Function GetAfterChar 153 Exch $0 ; chop char 154 Exch 155 Exch $1 ; input string 156 Push $2 157 Push $3 158 StrCpy $2 0 159 loop: 160 IntOp $2 $2 - 1 161 StrCpy $3 $1 1 $2 162 StrCmp $3 "" 0 +3 163 StrCpy $0 "" 164 Goto exit2 165 StrCmp $3 $0 exit1 166 Goto loop 167 exit1: 168 IntOp $2 $2 + 1 169 StrCpy $0 $1 "" $2 170 exit2: 171 Pop $3 172 Pop $2 173 Pop $1 174 Exch $0 ; output 175FunctionEnd 176#####################################################################� 177!define StrReplace '!insertmacro "_Name"' 178 179########################## 180# Uninstaller macros 181########################## 182!insertmacro un.GetOptions 183!insertmacro un.GetParameters 184 185!define UninstallLogPath "$INSTDIR\uninstall.log" 186Var UninstallLogHandle 187 188; Uninstall log file missing. 189LangString UninstallLogMissing ${LANG_ENGLISH} "uninstall.log not found!$\r$\nUninstallation cannot proceed!" 190# Regexep Does not work with cross 191# Use only one file at a time 192!macro InstallFile FILEZ 193 File "${FILEZ}" 194 Push "${FILEZ}" 195 Push "/" 196 Call GetAfterChar 197 Pop $R0 198 FileWrite $UninstallLogHandle "$OUTDIR\$R0$\r$\n" 199!macroend 200!define File "!insertmacro InstallFile" 201 202!macro InstallFolder FILEREGEX 203 File /r "${FILEREGEX}/*" 204 Push "$OUTDIR" 205 Call InstallFolderInternal 206!macroend 207!define Folder "!insertmacro InstallFolder" 208 209Function InstallFolderInternal 210 Pop $9 211 !define Index 'Line${__LINE__}' 212 FindFirst $0 $1 "$9/*" 213 StrCmp $0 "" "${Index}-End" 214"${Index}-Loop:" 215 StrCmp $1 "" "${Index}-End" 216 StrCmp $1 "." "${Index}-Next" 217 StrCmp $1 ".." "${Index}-Next" 218 IfFileExists "$9\$1\*" 0 "${Index}-Write" 219 Push $0 220 Push $9 221 Push "$9\$1" 222 Call InstallFolderInternal 223 Pop $9 224 Pop $0 225 Goto "${Index}-Next" 226"${Index}-Write:" 227 FileWrite $UninstallLogHandle "$9\$1$\r$\n" 228"${Index}-Next:" 229 FindNext $0 $1 230 Goto "${Index}-Loop" 231"${Index}-End:" 232 !undef Index 233FunctionEnd 234 235; WriteUninstaller macro 236!macro WriteUninstaller Path 237 WriteUninstaller "${Path}" 238 FileWrite $UninstallLogHandle "${Path}$\r$\n" 239!macroend 240!define WriteUninstaller "!insertmacro WriteUninstaller" 241 242########################## 243# Macros 244########################## 245 246!macro InstallQtLanguage LANG_NAME LANG_CODE 247 SetOverwrite on 248 249 !insertmacro SectionFlagIsSet ${SecUiQt} ${SF_SELECTED} installQt${LANG_CODE} endQt${LANG_CODE} 250 251installQt${LANG_CODE}: 252 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\i18n 253 ${File} i18n/avidemux_${LANG_CODE}.qm 254 ${File} i18n/qt_${LANG_CODE}.qm 255 256endQt${LANG_CODE}: 257!macroend 258 259########################## 260# Installer sections 261########################## 262Section -OpenLogFile 263 CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR" 264 FileOpen $UninstallLogHandle ${UninstallLogPath} a 265 FileSeek $UninstallLogHandle 0 END 266SectionEnd 267 268Section "Avidemux Core" SecCore 269 SectionIn 1 2 RO 270 SetOutPath $INSTDIR 271 SetOverwrite on 272 ${File} "./Build Info.txt" 273 ${File} "./Change Log.html" 274 ${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}/libexpat-1.dll 275 #${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}/mgwz.dll 276 ${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}/libfreetype-6.dll 277 ${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}/libsqlite3-0.dll 278 ${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}/libstdc++-6.dll 279 ${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}/libgcc_s_seh-1.dll 280 ${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}/libwinpthread-1.dll 281 ${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}/libpng16-16.dll 282 ${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}/SDL.dll 283 ${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}/libz.dll 284 ${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}/libz.dll.1.2.8 285 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/libADM_audioParser6.dll 286 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/libADM_core6.dll 287 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/libADM_coreAudio6.dll 288 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/libADM_coreAudioDevice6.dll 289 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/libADM_coreAudioEncoder6.dll 290 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/libADM_coreAudioFilterAPI6.dll 291 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/libADM_coreDemuxer6.dll 292 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/libADM_coreDemuxerMpeg6.dll 293 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/libADM_coreImage6.dll 294 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/libADM_coreImageLoader6.dll 295 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/libADM_coreJobs.dll 296 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/libADM_coreMuxer6.dll 297 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/libADM_coreScript.dll 298 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/libADM_coreSocket6.dll 299 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/libADM_coreSqlLight3.dll 300 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/libADM_coreUI6.dll 301 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/libADM_coreUtils6.dll 302 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/libADM_coreVideoCodec6.dll 303 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/libADM_coreVideoEncoder6.dll 304 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/libADM_coreVideoFilter6.dll 305 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/libADM_coreSubtitle.dll 306 ${File} ${QT_DIR}/QtCore4.dll 307 ${File} ${QT_DIR}/QtGui4.dll 308 ${File} ${NSIDIR}/../../AUTHORS. 309 ${File} ${NSIDIR}/../../COPYING. 310 ${File} ${NSIDIR}/../../README. 311 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/avcodec-*.dll 312 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/avformat-*.dll 313 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/avutil-*.dll 314 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/postproc-*.dll 315 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/swscale-*.dll 316 317 WriteRegStr HKLM "${REGKEY}" CreateDesktopIcon $CreateDesktopIcon 318 WriteRegStr HKLM "${REGKEY}" CreateStartMenuGroup $CreateStartMenuGroup 319 320 ${If} ${AtMostWinVista} 321 WriteRegStr HKLM "${REGKEY}" CreateQuickLaunchIcon $CreateQuickLaunchIcon 322 ${EndIf} 323SectionEnd 324 325SectionGroup /e "User interfaces" SecGrpUI 326 ${MementoUnselectedSection} "Command Line" SecUiCli 327 SectionIn 2 328 SetOutPath $INSTDIR 329 SetOverwrite on 330 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/avidemux_cli.exe 331 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/libADM_render6_cli.dll 332 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/libADM_UI_Cli6.dll 333 ${MementoSectionEnd} 334 335 ${MementoSection} Qt SecUiQt 336 SectionIn 1 2 RO 337 SetOutPath $INSTDIR 338 SetOverwrite on 339 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/avidemux.exe 340 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/avidemux_jobs.exe 341 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/libADM_render6_QT4.dll 342 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/libADM_UIQT46.dll 343 ${File} ${QT_DIR}/QtOpenGL4.dll 344 #${File} ${QT_DIR}/libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll 345 #${File} ${QT_DIR}/mingwm10.dll 346 ${MementoSectionEnd} 347SectionGroupEnd 348 349SectionGroup "Audio Decoders" SecGrpAudioDecoder 350 ${MementoSection} "�-law" SecAudDecUlaw 351 SectionIn 1 2 352 SetOverwrite on 353 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\audioDecoder 354 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/audioDecoder/libADM_ad_ulaw.dll 355 ${MementoSectionEnd} 356 ${MementoSection} "AAC (FAAD)" SecAudDecFaad 357 SectionIn 1 2 358 SetOverwrite on 359 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\audioDecoder 360 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/audioDecoder/libADM_ad_faad.dll 361 #SetOutPath $INSTDIR 362 #${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}/libfaad2.dll 363 ${MementoSectionEnd} 364 ${MementoSection} "AAC, AC-3, ADPCM IMA AMV, DTS, E-AC-3, MP2, MP3, Nellymoser, QDesign, WMA (libavcodec)" SecAudDecAvcodec 365 SectionIn 1 2 366 SetOverwrite on 367 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\audioDecoder 368 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/audioDecoder/libADM_ad_lav.dll 369 ${MementoSectionEnd} 370 ${MementoSection} "AC-3 (liba52)" SecAudDecA52 371 SectionIn 1 2 372 SetOverwrite on 373 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\audioDecoder 374 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/audioDecoder/libADM_ad_a52.dll 375 ${MementoSectionEnd} 376 ${MementoSection} "ADPCM IMA" SecAudDecImaAdpcm 377 SectionIn 1 2 378 SetOverwrite on 379 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\audioDecoder 380 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/audioDecoder/libADM_ad_ima_adpcm.dll 381 ${MementoSectionEnd} 382 ${MementoSection} "ADPCM Microsoft" SecAudDecMsAdpcm 383 SectionIn 1 2 384 SetOverwrite on 385 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\audioDecoder 386 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/audioDecoder/libADM_ad_ms_adpcm.dll 387 ${MementoSectionEnd} 388 ${MementoSection} "AMR-NB" SecAudDecOpencoreAmrNb 389 SectionIn 1 2 390 SetOverwrite on 391 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\audioDecoder 392 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/audioDecoder/libADM_ad_opencore_amrnb.dll 393 SetOutPath $INSTDIR 394 ${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}/libopencore-amrnb-*.dll 395 ${MementoSectionEnd} 396 ${MementoSection} "AMR-WB" SecAudDecOpencoreAmrWb 397 SectionIn 1 2 398 SetOverwrite on 399 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\audioDecoder 400 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/audioDecoder/libADM_ad_opencore_amrwb.dll 401 SetOutPath $INSTDIR 402 ${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}/libopencore-amrwb-*.dll 403 ${MementoSectionEnd} 404 ${MementoSection} "MP2, MP3 (MAD)" SecAudDecMad 405 SectionIn 1 2 406 SetOverwrite on 407 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\audioDecoder 408 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/audioDecoder/libADM_ad_Mad.dll 409 ${MementoSectionEnd} 410 ${MementoSection} "Vorbis" SecAudDecVorbis 411 SectionIn 1 2 412 SetOverwrite on 413 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\audioDecoder 414 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/audioDecoder/libADM_ad_vorbis.dll 415 SetOutPath $INSTDIR 416 ${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}/libogg-0.dll 417 ${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}/libvorbis-0.dll 418 ${MementoSectionEnd} 419SectionGroupEnd 420SectionGroup "Audio Devices" SecGrpAudioDevice 421 ${MementoSection} "Waveform" SecAudDevWaveform 422 SectionIn 1 2 423 SetOverwrite on 424 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\audioDevices 425 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/audioDevices/libADM_av_win32.dll 426 ${MementoSectionEnd} 427SectionGroupEnd 428SectionGroup "Audio Encoders" SecGrpAudioEncoder 429 ${MementoSection} "AAC (FAAC)" SecAudEncFaac 430 SectionIn 1 2 431 SetOverwrite on 432 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\audioEncoders 433 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/audioEncoders/libADM_ae_faac.dll 434 #SetOutPath $INSTDIR 435 #${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}libfaac.dll 436 ${MementoSectionEnd} 437 ${MementoSection} "AAC (libavcodec)" SecAudEncLavAac 438 SectionIn 1 2 439 SetOverwrite on 440 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\audioEncoders 441 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/audioEncoders/libADM_ae_lav_aac.dll 442 ${MementoSectionEnd} 443 ${MementoSection} "AC-3 (Aften)" SecAudDecAften 444 SectionIn 1 2 445 SetOverwrite on 446 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\audioEncoders 447 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/audioEncoders/libADM_ae_aften.dll 448 SetOutPath $INSTDIR 449 ${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}/libaften.dll 450 ${MementoSectionEnd} 451 ${MementoSection} "AC-3 (libavcodec)" SecAudEncLavAc3 452 SectionIn 1 2 453 SetOverwrite on 454 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\audioEncoders 455 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/audioEncoders/libADM_ae_lav_ac3.dll 456 ${MementoSectionEnd} 457 #${MementoSection} "DTS (dcaenc)" SecAudDecDcaEnc 458 #SectionIn 1 2 459 #SetOverwrite on 460 #SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\audioEncoders 461 #${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/audioEncoders/libADM_ae_dcaenc.dll 462 #SetOutPath $INSTDIR 463 #${File} libdcaenc-0.dll 464 #${MementoSectionEnd} 465 ${MementoSection} "MP2 (libavcodec)" SecAudEncLavMp2 466 SectionIn 1 2 467 SetOverwrite on 468 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\audioEncoders 469 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/audioEncoders/libADM_ae_lav_mp2.dll 470 SetOutPath $INSTDIR 471 #${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}/libtwolame-*.dll 472 ${MementoSectionEnd} 473 #${MementoSection} "MP2 (TwoLAME)" SecAudEncTwoLame 474 #SectionIn 1 2 475 #SetOverwrite on 476 #SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\audioEncoders 477 #${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/audioEncoders/libADM_ae_twolame.dll 478 #${MementoSectionEnd} 479 ${MementoSection} "MP3" SecAudEncLame 480 SectionIn 1 2 481 SetOverwrite on 482 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\audioEncoders 483 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/audioEncoders/libADM_ae_lame.dll 484 SetOutPath $INSTDIR 485 ${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}/libmp3lame-0.dll 486 ${MementoSectionEnd} 487 ${MementoSection} "PCM" SecAudEncPcm 488 SectionIn 1 2 489 SetOverwrite on 490 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\audioEncoders 491 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/audioEncoders/libADM_ae_pcm.dll 492 ${MementoSectionEnd} 493 ${MementoSection} "Vorbis" SecAudEncVorbis 494 SectionIn 1 2 495 SetOverwrite on 496 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\audioEncoders 497 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/audioEncoders/libADM_ae_vorbis.dll 498 SetOutPath $INSTDIR 499 ${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}/libogg-0.dll 500 ${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}/libvorbis-0.dll 501 ${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}/libvorbisenc-2.dll 502 ${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}/libvorbisfile-3.dll 503 ${MementoSectionEnd} 504SectionGroupEnd 505SectionGroup "Avisynth" SecGrpAvisynth 506 ${MementoUnselectedSection} "Avisynth Proxy" SecAvsProxy 507 SectionIn 2 508 SetOutPath $INSTDIR 509 SetOverwrite on 510 ${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}/avsproxy.exe 511 ${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}/avsproxy_gui.exe 512 ${MementoSectionEnd} 513 ${MementoUnselectedSection} "Avisynth Proxy Demuxer" SecDemuxAvisynth 514 SectionIn 2 515 SetOverwrite on 516 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\demuxers 517 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/demuxers/libADM_dm_avsproxy.dll 518 ${MementoSectionEnd} 519SectionGroupEnd 520SectionGroup "Demuxers" SecGrpDemuxers 521 ${MementoSection} "ASF" SecDemuxAsf 522 SectionIn 1 2 523 SetOverwrite on 524 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\demuxers 525 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/demuxers/libADM_dm_asf.dll 526 ${MementoSectionEnd} 527 ${MementoSection} "BMP, JPEG, PNG Images" SecDemuxImage 528 SectionIn 1 2 529 SetOverwrite on 530 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\demuxers 531 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/demuxers/libADM_dm_pic.dll 532 ${MementoSectionEnd} 533 ${MementoSection} "Flash Video" SecDemuxFlv 534 SectionIn 1 2 535 SetOverwrite on 536 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\demuxers 537 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/demuxers/libADM_dm_flv.dll 538 ${MementoSectionEnd} 539 ${MementoSection} "Matroska" SecDemuxMatroska 540 SectionIn 1 2 541 SetOverwrite on 542 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\demuxers 543 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/demuxers/libADM_dm_matroska.dll 544 ${MementoSectionEnd} 545 ${MementoSection} "MP4" SecDemuxMp4 546 SectionIn 1 2 547 SetOverwrite on 548 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\demuxers 549 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/demuxers/libADM_dm_mp4.dll 550 ${MementoSectionEnd} 551 ${MementoSection} "MPEG-PS" SecDemuxMpegPs 552 SectionIn 1 2 553 SetOverwrite on 554 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\demuxers 555 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/demuxers/libADM_dm_ps.dll 556 ${MementoSectionEnd} 557 ${MementoSection} "MPEG-TS" SecDemuxMpegTs 558 SectionIn 1 2 559 SetOverwrite on 560 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\demuxers 561 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/demuxers/libADM_dm_ts.dll 562 ${MementoSectionEnd} 563 ${MementoSection} "MXF" SecDemuxMxf 564 SectionIn 1 2 565 SetOverwrite on 566 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\demuxers 567 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/demuxers/libADM_dm_mxf.dll 568 ${MementoSectionEnd} 569 ${MementoSection} "OpenDML AVI" SecDemuxOpenDml 570 SectionIn 1 2 571 SetOverwrite on 572 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\demuxers 573 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/demuxers/libADM_dm_opendml.dll 574 ${MementoSectionEnd} 575SectionGroupEnd 576SectionGroup "Muxers" SecGrpMuxers 577 ${MementoSection} "Dummy [Raw Audio/Video]" SecMuxDummy 578 SectionIn 1 2 579 SetOverwrite on 580 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\muxers 581 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/muxers/libADM_mx_dummy.dll 582 ${MementoSectionEnd} 583 ${MementoSection} "Flash Video" SecMuxLavFlv 584 SectionIn 1 2 585 SetOverwrite on 586 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\muxers 587 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/muxers/libADM_mx_flv.dll 588 ${MementoSectionEnd} 589 ${MementoSection} "Matroska" SecMuxLavMatroska 590 SectionIn 1 2 591 SetOverwrite on 592 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\muxers 593 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/muxers/libADM_mx_Mkv.dll 594 ${MementoSectionEnd} 595 ${MementoSection} "MP4 (libavcodec)" SecMuxLavMp4 596 SectionIn 1 2 597 SetOverwrite on 598 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\muxers 599 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/muxers/libADM_mx_mp4.dll 600 ${MementoSectionEnd} 601 ${MementoSection} "MP4 (MP4v2)" SecMuxMp4v2 602 SectionIn 1 2 603 SetOverwrite on 604 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\muxers 605 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/muxers/libADM_mx_mp4v2.dll 606 ${MementoSectionEnd} 607 ${MementoSection} "MPEG-PS" SecMuxLavMpegPs 608 SectionIn 1 2 609 SetOverwrite on 610 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\muxers 611 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/muxers/libADM_mx_ffPS.dll 612 ${MementoSectionEnd} 613 ${MementoSection} "MPEG-TS" SecMuxLavMpegTs 614 SectionIn 1 2 615 SetOverwrite on 616 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\muxers 617 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/muxers/libADM_mx_ffTS.dll 618 ${MementoSectionEnd} 619 ${MementoSection} "OpenDML AVI" SecMuxOpenDml 620 SectionIn 1 2 621 SetOverwrite on 622 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\muxers 623 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/muxers/libADM_mx_avi.dll 624 ${MementoSectionEnd} 625 ${MementoSection} "Raw Video" SecMuxRaw 626 SectionIn 1 2 627 SetOverwrite on 628 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\muxers 629 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/muxers/libADM_mx_raw.dll 630 ${MementoSectionEnd} 631SectionGroupEnd 632SectionGroup "Script Engines" SecGrpScriptEngine 633 #${MementoSection} "QtScript" SecScriptQt 634 #SectionIn 1 2 635 #SetOverwrite on 636 #SetOutPath $INSTDIR 637 #${File} ${QT_DIR}/QtScript4.dll 638 #${File} ${QT_DIR}/QtScriptTools4.dll 639 #SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\scriptEngines 640 #${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/scriptEngines/libADM_script_qt.dll 641 #SetOutPath $INSTDIR\help\QtScript 642 #${Folder} help/QtScript 643 #${MementoSectionEnd} 644 ${MementoSection} "Tinypy" SecScriptTinypy 645 SectionIn 1 2 646 SetOverwrite on 647 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\scriptEngines 648 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/scriptEngines/libADM_script_tinyPy.dll 649 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\autoScripts 650 ${Folder} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/autoScripts 651 ${MementoSectionEnd} 652SectionGroupEnd 653#SectionGroup "Video Decoders" SecGrpVideoDecoder 654 #${MementoSection} "VP8" SecVidDecVpx 655 #SectionIn 1 2 656 #SetOverwrite on 657 #SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoDecoders 658 #${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoDecoders/libADM_vd_vpx.dll 659 #${MementoSectionEnd} 660#SectionGroupEnd 661SectionGroup "Video Encoders" SecGrpVideoEncoder 662 ${MementoSection} "[Null]" SecVidEncNull 663 SectionIn 1 2 664 SetOverwrite on 665 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoEncoders 666 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoEncoders/libADM_ve_null.dll 667 ${MementoSectionEnd} 668 ${MementoSection} "Huffyuv, FFVHuff" SecVidEncLavHuffyuv 669 SectionIn 1 2 670 SetOverwrite on 671 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoEncoders 672 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoEncoders/libADM_ve_huff.dll 673 ${MementoSectionEnd} 674 ${MementoSection} "JPEG" SecVidEncLavJpeg 675 SectionIn 1 2 676 SetOverwrite on 677 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoEncoders 678 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoEncoders/libADM_ve_jpeg.dll 679 ${MementoSectionEnd} 680 ${MementoSection} "MPEG-2" SecVidEncLavMpeg2 681 SectionIn 1 2 682 SetOverwrite on 683 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoEncoders 684 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoEncoders/libADM_ve_ffMpeg2.dll 685 ${MementoSectionEnd} 686 ${MementoSection} "MPEG-4 ASP (libavcodec)" SecVidEncLavMpeg4asp 687 SectionIn 1 2 688 SetOverwrite on 689 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoEncoders 690 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoEncoders/libADM_ve_ffMpeg4.dll 691 ${MementoSectionEnd} 692 ${MementoSection} "MPEG-4 ASP (Xvid)" SecVidEncXvid 693 SectionIn 1 2 694 SetOverwrite on 695 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoEncoders 696 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoEncoders/libADM_ve_xvid4.dll 697 SetOutPath $INSTDIR 698 ${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}/xvidcore.dll 699 ${MementoSectionEnd} 700 ${MementoSection} "MPEG-4 AVC" SecVidEncX264 701 SectionIn 1 2 702 SetOverwrite on 703 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoEncoders 704 705 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoEncoders/libADM_ve_x264_other.dll 706 707 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoEncoders\qt4 708 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoEncoders/qt4/libADM_ve_x264_QT4.dll 709 710 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\pluginSettings\x264 711 ${Folder} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/pluginSettings/x264 712 SetOutPath $INSTDIR 713 ${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}/libx264-*.dll 714 #${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}/pthreadGC2-w64.dll 715 ${MementoSectionEnd} 716 ${MementoSection} "MPEG-4 HEC" SecVidEncX265 717 SectionIn 1 2 718 SetOverwrite on 719 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoEncoders 720 721 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoEncoders/libADM_ve_x265_other.dll 722 723 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoEncoders\qt4 724 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoEncoders/qt4/libADM_ve_x265_QT4.dll 725 726 SetOutPath $INSTDIR 727 ${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}/libx265*.dll 728 #${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}/pthreadGC2-w64.dll 729 ${MementoSectionEnd} 730${MementoSection} "PNG" SecVidEncLavPng 731 SectionIn 1 2 732 SetOverwrite on 733 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoEncoders 734 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoEncoders/libADM_ve_png.dll 735 ${MementoSectionEnd} 736 ${MementoSection} "Sorenson Spark" SecVidEncSorenson 737 SectionIn 1 2 738 SetOverwrite on 739 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoEncoders 740 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoEncoders/libADM_ve_ffFlv1.dll 741 ${MementoSectionEnd} 742 ${MementoSection} "YV12" SecVidEncYv12 743 SectionIn 1 2 744 SetOverwrite on 745 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoEncoders 746 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoEncoders/libADM_ve_yv12.dll 747 ${MementoSectionEnd} 748SectionGroupEnd 749SectionGroup "Video Filters" SecGrpVideoFilter 750 SectionGroup "Transform Filters" SecGrpVideoFilterTransform 751 ${MementoSection} "Add Black Borders" SecVidFltBlackBorders 752 SectionIn 1 2 753 SetOverwrite on 754 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoFilters 755 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoFilters/libADM_vf_addBorders.dll 756 ${MementoSectionEnd} 757 ${MementoSection} "Add Logo" SecVidFltLogo 758 SectionIn 1 2 759 SetOverwrite on 760 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoFilters 761 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoFilters/libADM_vf_logo.dll 762 ${MementoSectionEnd} 763 ${MementoSection} "Blacken Borders" SecVidFltBlackenBorders 764 SectionIn 1 2 765 SetOverwrite on 766 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoFilters 767 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoFilters/libADM_vf_blackenBorders.dll 768 ${MementoSectionEnd} 769 ${MementoSection} "Change FPS" SecVidFltChangeFps 770 SectionIn 1 2 771 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SecVidFltHorizontalFlip 796 SectionIn 1 2 797 SetOverwrite on 798 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoFilters 799 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoFilters/libADM_hf_hflip.dll 800 ${MementoSectionEnd} 801 ${MementoSection} "libswscale Resize" SecVidFltSwscaleResize 802 SectionIn 1 2 803 SetOverwrite on 804 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoFilters 805 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoFilters/libADM_vf_swscaleResize_cli.dll 806 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoFilters\qt4 807 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoFilters/qt4/libADM_vf_swscaleResizeQT4.dll 808 ${MementoSectionEnd} 809 ${MementoSection} "Resample FPS" SecVidFltResampleFps 810 SectionIn 1 2 811 SetOverwrite on 812 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoFilters 813 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoFilters/libADM_vf_resampleFps.dll 814 ${MementoSectionEnd} 815 ${MementoSection} "Rotate" SecVidFltRotate 816 SectionIn 1 2 817 SetOverwrite on 818 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoFilters 819 ${File} 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${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoFilters/libADM_vf_yadif.dll 894 ${MementoSectionEnd} 895 SectionGroupEnd 896 SectionGroup "Colour Filters" SecGrpVideoFilterColour 897 ${MementoSection} "Avisynth Colour YUV" SecVidFltAvisynthColourYuv 898 SectionIn 1 2 899 SetOverwrite on 900 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoFilters 901 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoFilters/libADM_vf_colorYuv.dll 902 ${MementoSectionEnd} 903 ${MementoSection} "ChromaShift" SecVidFltChromaShift 904 SectionIn 1 2 905 SetOverwrite on 906 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoFilters 907 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoFilters/libADM_vf_chromaShiftCli.dll 908 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoFilters\qt4 909 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoFilters/qt4/libADM_vf_chromaShiftQT4.dll 910 ${MementoSectionEnd} 911 ${MementoSection} "Contrast" SecVidFltContrast 912 SectionIn 1 2 913 SetOverwrite on 914 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoFilters 915 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoFilters/libADM_vf_contrastCli.dll 916 SetOutPath 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${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoFilters/libADM_vf_denoise3dhq.dll 990 ${MementoSectionEnd} 991 ${MementoSection} "MSharpen" SecVidFltMSharpen 992 SectionIn 1 2 993 SetOverwrite on 994 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoFilters 995 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoFilters/libADM_vf_msharpen.dll 996 ${MementoSectionEnd} 997 SectionGroupEnd 998 SectionGroup "Sharpness Filters" SecGrpVideoFilterSharpness 999 ${MementoSection} "asharp" SecVidFltAsharp 1000 SectionIn 1 2 1001 SetOverwrite on 1002 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoFilters 1003 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoFilters\qt4 1004 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoFilters/qt4/libADM_vf_asharpQT4.dll 1005 ${MementoSectionEnd} 1006 ${MementoSection} "MPlayer Delogo" SecVidFltMPlayerDelogo 1007 SectionIn 1 2 1008 SetOverwrite on 1009 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoFilters 1010 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoFilters\qt4 1011 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoFilters/qt4/libADM_vf_mpdelogoQT4.dll 1012 ${MementoSectionEnd} 1013 ${MementoSection} "Sharpen" SecVidFltSharpen 1014 SectionIn 1 2 1015 SetOverwrite on 1016 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoFilters 1017 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoFilters/libADM_vf_sharpen.dll 1018 ${MementoSectionEnd} 1019 SectionGroupEnd 1020 SectionGroup "Subtitle Filters" SecGrpVideoFilterSubtitle 1021 ${MementoSection} "ASS, SSA" SecVidFltAssSsa 1022 SectionIn 1 2 1023 SetOverwrite on 1024 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoFilters 1025 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoFilters/libADM_vf_ssa.dll 1026 SetOutPath $INSTDIR 1027 ${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}/libfribidi-0.dll 1028 ${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}/libiconv-2.dll 1029 ${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}/libfontconfig-1.dll 1030 #${File} ${ADM_SYSDIR}/libexpat-1.dll 1031 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\etc\fonts 1032 ${Folder} ${ADM_DIR}/etc/fonts 1033 ${MementoSectionEnd} 1034 SectionGroupEnd 1035 #SectionGroup "OpenGL Filters" SecGrpVideoFilterOpenGl 1036 #${MementoSection} "Fragment Shader" SecVidFltOpenGlFragmentShader 1037 #SectionIn 1 2 1038 #SetOverwrite on 1039 #SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoFilters 1040 #${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoFilters/libADM_vf_sampleGlFrag2.dll 1041 #${MementoSectionEnd} 1042 #${MementoSection} "Read Back Benchmark" SecVidFltOpenGlReadBack 1043 #SectionIn 1 2 1044 #SetOverwrite on 1045 #SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoFilters 1046 #${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoFilters/libADM_vf_glBenchmark.dll 1047 #${MementoSectionEnd} 1048 #${MementoSection} "Resize" SecVidFltOpenGlResize 1049 #SectionIn 1 2 1050 #SetOverwrite on 1051 #SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoFilters 1052 #${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoFilters/libADM_vf_glResize.dll 1053 #${MementoSectionEnd} 1054 #${MementoSection} "Rotate" SecVidFltOpenGlRotate 1055 #SectionIn 1 2 1056 #SetOverwrite on 1057 #SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoFilters 1058 #${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoFilters/libADM_vf_rotateGlFrag2.dll 1059 #${MementoSectionEnd} 1060 #${MementoSection} "Wave" SecVidFltOpenGlWave 1061 #SectionIn 1 2 1062 #SetOverwrite on 1063 #SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoFilters 1064 #${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoFilters/libADM_vf_sampleGlVertex.dll 1065 #${MementoSectionEnd} 1066 #SectionGroupEnd 1067 SectionGroup "Miscellaneous Filters" SecGrpVideoFilterMiscellaneous 1068 ${MementoSection} "Print Information" SecVidFltPrintInfo 1069 SectionIn 1 2 1070 SetOverwrite on 1071 SetOutPath $INSTDIR\plugins\videoFilters 1072 ${File} ${ADM_DIR}/plugins/videoFilters/libADM_vf_printInfo.dll 1073 ${MementoSectionEnd} 1074 SectionGroupEnd 1075SectionGroupEnd 1076 1077${MementoSection} "-Start menu Change Log" SecStartMenuChangeLog 1078 CreateDirectory $SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuGroup 1079 !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_WRITE_BEGIN Application 1080 SetOutPath $INSTDIR 1081 CreateShortcut "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuGroup\Change Log ${CORE_VERSION}.lnk" "$INSTDIR\Change Log.html" 1082 !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_WRITE_END 1083${MementoSectionEnd} 1084 1085 1086${MementoSection} "-Start menu Qt" SecStartMenuQt 1087 CreateDirectory $SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuGroup 1088 !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_WRITE_BEGIN Application 1089 SetOutPath $INSTDIR 1090 CreateShortcut "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuGroup\${SHORTCUT_NAME}.lnk" $INSTDIR\avidemux.exe 1091 CreateShortcut "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuGroup\Avidemux job control (64 Bits).lnk" $INSTDIR\avidemux_jobs.exe 1092 !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_WRITE_END 1093${MementoSectionEnd} 1094 1095${MementoSection} "-Start menu AVS Proxy GUI" SecStartMenuAvsProxyGui 1096 CreateDirectory $SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuGroup 1097 !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_WRITE_BEGIN Application 1098 SetOutPath $INSTDIR 1099 CreateShortcut "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuGroup\AVS Proxy GUI ${CORE_VERSION}.lnk" "$INSTDIR\avsproxy_gui.exe" 1100 !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_WRITE_END 1101${MementoSectionEnd} 1102 1103 1104${MementoSection} "-Quick Launch Qt" SecQuickLaunchQt 1105 SetOutPath $INSTDIR 1106 CreateShortcut "$QUICKLAUNCH\${SHORTCUT_NAME}.lnk" $INSTDIR\avidemux.exe 1107${MementoSectionEnd} 1108 1109 1110${MementoSection} "-Desktop Qt" SecDesktopQt 1111 SetOutPath $INSTDIR 1112 CreateShortcut "$DESKTOP\${SHORTCUT_NAME}.lnk" $INSTDIR\avidemux.exe 1113${MementoSectionEnd} 1114 1115${MementoSectionDone} 1116 1117Section -post SecUninstaller 1118 SectionIn 1 2 1119 WriteRegStr HKLM "${REGKEY}" Path $INSTDIR 1120 WriteRegStr HKLM "${REGKEY}" Version ${PRODUCT_VERSION} 1121 SetOutPath $INSTDIR 1122 WriteUninstaller $INSTDIR\uninstall.exe 1123 WriteRegStr HKLM "${UNINST_REGKEY}" DisplayName "${SHORTCUT_NAME}" 1124 WriteRegStr HKLM "${UNINST_REGKEY}" DisplayVersion "${PRODUCT_VERSION}" 1125 WriteRegStr HKLM "${UNINST_REGKEY}" DisplayIcon $INSTDIR\uninstall.exe 1126 WriteRegStr HKLM "${UNINST_REGKEY}" UninstallString $INSTDIR\uninstall.exe 1127 WriteRegDWORD HKLM "${UNINST_REGKEY}" NoModify 1 1128 WriteRegDWORD HKLM "${UNINST_REGKEY}" NoRepair 1 1129SectionEnd 1130 1131Section -CloseLogFile 1132 FileClose $UninstallLogHandle 1133 SetFileAttributes ${UninstallLogPath} HIDDEN 1134SectionEnd 1135 1136Section Uninstall 1137 !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_GETFOLDER Application $StartMenuGroup 1138 1139 1140 Delete /REBOOTOK "$QUICKLAUNCH\${SHORTCUT_NAME}.lnk" 1141 Delete /REBOOTOK "$DESKTOP\${SHORTCUT_NAME}.lnk" 1142 Delete /REBOOTOK "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuGroup\${SHORTCUT_NAME}.lnk" 1143 Delete /REBOOTOK "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuGroup\Avidemux job control (64 Bits).lnk" 1144 Delete /REBOOTOK "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuGroup\Change Log ${CORE_VERSION}.lnk" 1145 Delete /REBOOTOK "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuGroup\AVS Proxy GUI ${CORE_VERSION}.lnk" 1146 RmDir /REBOOTOK $SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuGroup 1147 DeleteRegValue HKLM "${REGKEY}" StartMenuGroup 1148 1149 DeleteRegKey HKLM "${UNINST_REGKEY}" 1150 DeleteRegValue HKLM "${REGKEY}" Path 1151 DeleteRegValue HKLM "${REGKEY}" CreateDesktopIcon 1152 DeleteRegValue HKLM "${REGKEY}" CreateStartMenuGroup 1153 DeleteRegValue HKLM "${REGKEY}" CreateQuickLaunchIcon 1154 DeleteRegKey /IfEmpty HKLM "${REGKEY}" 1155 1156 FileOpen $UninstallLogHandle "${UninstallLogPath}" r 1157UninstallLoop: 1158 ClearErrors 1159 FileRead $UninstallLogHandle $R0 1160 IfErrors UninstallEnd 1161 Push $R0 1162 Call un.TrimNewLines 1163 Pop $R0 1164 Delete "$R0" 1165 Goto UninstallLoop 1166UninstallEnd: 1167 FileClose $UninstallLogHandle 1168 Delete "${UninstallLogPath}" 1169 Delete "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe" 1170 Push "\" 1171 Call un.RemoveEmptyDirs 1172 RMDir "$INSTDIR" 1173SectionEnd 1174 1175########################## 1176# Installer functions 1177########################## 1178Function .onInit 1179UAC_Elevate: 1180 !insertmacro UAC_RunElevated 1181 StrCmp 1223 $0 UAC_ElevationAborted 1182 StrCmp 0 $0 0 UAC_Err 1183 StrCmp 1 $1 0 UAC_Success 1184 Quit 1185 1186UAC_Err: 1187 MessageBox MB_ICONSTOP "Unable to elevate, error $0" 1188 Abort 1189 1190UAC_ElevationAborted: 1191 Abort 1192 1193UAC_Success: 1194 StrCmp 1 $3 +4 1195 StrCmp 3 $1 0 UAC_ElevationAborted 1196 MessageBox MB_ICONSTOP "This installer requires admin access." 1197 Goto UAC_Elevate 1198 1199 Call LoadPreviousSettings 1200 ReadRegStr $PreviousVersion HKLM "${REGKEY}" Version 1201 1202 ${If} $PreviousVersion != "" 1203 ${VersionCompare} ${PRODUCT_VERSION} $PreviousVersion $PreviousVersionState 1204 ${EndIf} 1205 1206 InitPluginsDir 1207 SetShellVarContext all 1208FunctionEnd 1209 1210Function .onInstSuccess 1211 ${MementoSectionSave} 1212FunctionEnd 1213 1214Function LoadPreviousSettings 1215 ${MementoSectionRestore} 1216 !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_GETFOLDER Application $StartMenuGroup 1217 1218 ReadRegStr $CreateStartMenuGroup HKLM "${REGKEY}" CreateStartMenuGroup 1219 1220 ${If} $CreateStartMenuGroup == "" 1221 StrCpy $CreateStartMenuGroup 1 1222 ${EndIf} 1223 1224 ReadRegStr $CreateDesktopIcon HKLM "${REGKEY}" CreateDesktopIcon 1225 1226 ${If} $CreateDesktopIcon == "" 1227 StrCpy $CreateDesktopIcon 1 1228 ${EndIf} 1229 1230 ${If} ${AtMostWinVista} 1231 ReadRegStr $CreateQuickLaunchIcon HKLM "${REGKEY}" CreateQuickLaunchIcon 1232 1233 ${If} $CreateQuickLaunchIcon == "" 1234 StrCpy $CreateQuickLaunchIcon 1 1235 ${EndIf} 1236 ${EndIf} 1237 1238FunctionEnd 1239 1240Function RunUninstaller 1241 ReadRegStr $R1 HKLM "${UNINST_REGKEY}" "UninstallString" 1242 1243 ${If} $R1 == "" 1244 Return 1245 ${EndIf} 1246 1247 ;Run uninstaller 1248 HideWindow 1249 ClearErrors 1250 1251 ${If} $PreviousVersionState == 0 1252 ${AndIf} $ReinstallUninstall == 1 1253 ExecWait '$R1 _?=$INSTDIR' 1254 ${Else} 1255 ExecWait '$R1 /frominstall _?=$INSTDIR' 1256 ${EndIf} 1257 1258 IfErrors NoRemoveUninstaller 1259 IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe" 0 NoRemoveUninstaller 1260 Delete "$R1" 1261 RMDir $INSTDIR 1262 1263NoRemoveUninstaller: 1264FunctionEnd 1265 1266Function CheckSelectedUIs 1267 !insertmacro SectionFlagIsSet ${SecGrpUI} ${SF_SELECTED} end checkPartial 1268checkPartial: 1269 !insertmacro SectionFlagIsSet ${SecGrpUI} ${SF_PSELECTED} end displayError 1270displayError: 1271 MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "At least one User Interface must be selected." 1272 Abort 1273end: 1274FunctionEnd 1275 1276LangString INSTALL_OPTS_PAGE_TITLE ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Choose Install Options" 1277LangString INSTALL_OPTS_PAGE_SUBTITLE ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Choose where to install Avidemux icons." 1278Var dlgInstallOptions 1279Var lblCreateIcons 1280Var chkDesktop 1281Var chkStartMenu 1282Var chkQuickLaunch 1283 1284Function InstallOptionsPage 1285 Call IsInstallOptionsRequired 1286 !insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "$(INSTALL_OPTS_PAGE_TITLE)" "$(INSTALL_OPTS_PAGE_SUBTITLE)" 1287 1288 nsDialogs::Create 1018 1289 Pop $dlgInstallOptions 1290 1291 ${If} $dlgInstallOptions == error 1292 Abort 1293 ${EndIf} 1294 1295 ${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 0u 100% 12u "Create icons for Avidemux:" 1296 Pop $lblCreateIcons 1297 1298 ${NSD_CreateCheckBox} 0 18u 100% 12u "On my &Desktop" 1299 Pop $chkDesktop 1300 ${NSD_SetState} $chkDesktop $CreateDesktopIcon 1301 ${NSD_OnClick} $chkDesktop UpdateInstallOptions 1302 1303 ${NSD_CreateCheckBox} 0 36u 100% 12u "In my &Start Menu Programs folder" 1304 Pop $chkStartMenu 1305 ${NSD_SetState} $chkStartMenu $CreateStartMenuGroup 1306 ${NSD_OnClick} $chkStartMenu UpdateInstallOptions 1307 1308 ${If} ${AtMostWinVista} 1309 ${NSD_CreateCheckBox} 0 54u 100% 12u "In my &Quick Launch bar" 1310 Pop $chkQuickLaunch 1311 ${NSD_SetState} $chkQuickLaunch $CreateQuickLaunchIcon 1312 ${NSD_OnClick} $chkQuickLaunch UpdateInstallOptions 1313 ${EndIf} 1314 #${If} ${IsWin2003} 1315 #WriteRegStr HKCU "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" "$INSTDIR\avidemux.exe" "WIN2000" 1316 #${EndIf} 1317 #${If} ${IsWinXp} 1318 #WriteRegStr HKCU "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" "$INSTDIR\avidemux.exe" "WIN2000" 1319 #${EndIf} 1320 nsDialogs::Show 1321FunctionEnd 1322 1323Function UpdateInstallOptions 1324 ${NSD_GetState} $chkDesktop $CreateDesktopIcon 1325 ${NSD_GetState} $chkStartMenu $CreateStartMenuGroup 1326 ${NSD_GetState} $chkQuickLaunch $CreateQuickLaunchIcon 1327FunctionEnd 1328 1329Function IsInstallOptionsRequired 1330Goto end 1331 !insertmacro SectionFlagIsSet ${SecUiQt} ${SF_SELECTED} end resetOptions 1332resetOptions: 1333 1334 StrCpy $CreateDesktopIcon 0 1335 StrCpy $CreateStartMenuGroup 0 1336 StrCpy $CreateQuickLaunchIcon 0 1337 Abort 1338 1339end: 1340FunctionEnd 1341 1342Function IsStartMenuRequired 1343 StrCmp $CreateStartMenuGroup 1 +2 1344 Abort 1345FunctionEnd 1346 1347Function ActivateInternalSections 1348 #AVS Proxy GUI shortcut: 1349 SectionGetFlags ${SecAvsProxy} $0 1350 IntOp $0 $0 & ${SF_SELECTED} 1351 IntOp $0 $0 & $CreateStartMenuGroup 1352 SectionSetFlags ${SecStartMenuAvsProxyGui} $0 1353 1354 #Change Log shortcut: 1355 SectionSetFlags ${SecStartMenuChangeLog} $CreateStartMenuGroup 1356 1357 #Qt shortcuts: 1358 SectionGetFlags ${SecUiQt} $0 1359 IntOp $0 $0 & ${SF_SELECTED} 1360 1361 IntOp $1 $0 & $CreateDesktopIcon 1362 SectionSetFlags ${SecDesktopQt} $1 1363 1364 IntOp $1 $0 & $CreateQuickLaunchIcon 1365 SectionSetFlags ${SecQuickLaunchQt} $1 1366 1367 IntOp $1 $0 & $CreateStartMenuGroup 1368 SectionSetFlags ${SecStartMenuQt} $1 1369FunctionEnd 1370 1371Function InstFilesPageShow 1372 ${If} $ReinstallUninstall != "" 1373 Call RunUninstaller 1374 BringToFront 1375 ${EndIf} 1376FunctionEnd 1377 1378Function InstFilesPageLeave 1379 ; Don't advance automatically if details expanded 1380 FindWindow $R0 "#32770" "" $HWNDPARENT 1381 GetDlgItem $R0 $R0 1016 1382 System::Call user32::IsWindowVisible(i$R0)i.s 1383 Pop $R0 1384 1385 StrCmp $R0 0 +2 1386 SetAutoClose false 1387FunctionEnd 1388 1389Function ConfigureFinishPage 1390 1391 SectionGetFlags ${SecUiQt} $0 1392 IntOp $0 $0 & ${SF_SELECTED} 1393 StrCmp $0 ${SF_SELECTED} end 1394 1395 DeleteINISec "$PLUGINSDIR\ioSpecial.ini" "Field 4" 1396 1397end: 1398FunctionEnd 1399 1400Function RunAvidemux 1401 SetOutPath $INSTDIR 1402 1403 SectionGetFlags ${SecUiQt} $0 1404 IntOp $0 $0 & ${SF_SELECTED} 1405 1406 !insertmacro UAC_AsUser_ExecShell "" "$INSTDIR\avidemux.exe" "" "" "" 1407 1408 Goto end 1409 1410 1411end: 1412FunctionEnd 1413 1414Var ReinstallUninstallButton 1415 1416Function ReinstallPage 1417 ${If} $PreviousVersion == "" 1418 Abort 1419 ${EndIf} 1420 1421 nsDialogs::Create /NOUNLOAD 1018 1422 Pop $0 1423 1424 ${If} $PreviousVersionState == 1 1425 !insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "Already Installed" "Choose how you want to install ${PRODUCT_FULLNAME}." 1426 nsDialogs::CreateItem /NOUNLOAD STATIC ${WS_VISIBLE}|${WS_CHILD}|${WS_CLIPSIBLINGS} 0 0 0 100% 40 "An older version of Avidemux is installed on your system. Select the operation you want to perform and click Next to continue." 1427 Pop $R0 1428 nsDialogs::CreateItem /NOUNLOAD BUTTON ${BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON}|${BS_VCENTER}|${BS_MULTILINE}|${WS_VISIBLE}|${WS_CHILD}|${WS_CLIPSIBLINGS}|${WS_GROUP}|${WS_TABSTOP} 0 10 55 100% 30 "Upgrade Avidemux using previous settings (recommended)" 1429 Pop $ReinstallUninstallButton 1430 nsDialogs::CreateItem /NOUNLOAD BUTTON ${BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON}|${BS_TOP}|${BS_MULTILINE}|${WS_VISIBLE}|${WS_CHILD}|${WS_CLIPSIBLINGS} 0 10 85 100% 50 "Change settings (advanced)" 1431 Pop $R0 1432 1433 ${If} $ReinstallUninstall == "" 1434 StrCpy $ReinstallUninstall 1 1435 ${EndIf} 1436 ${ElseIf} $PreviousVersionState == 2 1437 !insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "Already Installed" "Choose how you want to install ${PRODUCT_FULLNAME}." 1438 nsDialogs::CreateItem /NOUNLOAD STATIC ${WS_VISIBLE}|${WS_CHILD}|${WS_CLIPSIBLINGS} 0 0 0 100% 40 "A newer version of Avidemux is already installed! It is not recommended that you downgrade to an older version. Select the operation you want to perform and click Next to continue." 1439 Pop $R0 1440 nsDialogs::CreateItem /NOUNLOAD BUTTON ${BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON}|${BS_VCENTER}|${BS_MULTILINE}|${WS_VISIBLE}|${WS_CHILD}|${WS_CLIPSIBLINGS}|${WS_GROUP}|${WS_TABSTOP} 0 10 55 100% 30 "Downgrade Avidemux using previous settings (recommended)" 1441 Pop $ReinstallUninstallButton 1442 nsDialogs::CreateItem /NOUNLOAD BUTTON ${BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON}|${BS_TOP}|${BS_MULTILINE}|${WS_VISIBLE}|${WS_CHILD}|${WS_CLIPSIBLINGS} 0 10 85 100% 50 "Change settings (advanced)" 1443 Pop $R0 1444 1445 ${If} $ReinstallUninstall == "" 1446 StrCpy $ReinstallUninstall 1 1447 ${EndIf} 1448 ${ElseIf} $PreviousVersionState == 0 1449 !insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "Already Installed" "Choose the maintenance option to perform." 1450 nsDialogs::CreateItem /NOUNLOAD STATIC ${WS_VISIBLE}|${WS_CHILD}|${WS_CLIPSIBLINGS} 0 0 0 100% 40 "${PRODUCT_FULLNAME} is already installed. Select the operation you want to perform and click Next to continue." 1451 Pop $R0 1452 nsDialogs::CreateItem /NOUNLOAD BUTTON ${BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON}|${BS_VCENTER}|${BS_MULTILINE}|${WS_VISIBLE}|${WS_CHILD}|${WS_CLIPSIBLINGS}|${WS_GROUP}|${WS_TABSTOP} 0 10 55 100% 30 "Add/Remove/Reinstall components" 1453 Pop $R0 1454 nsDialogs::CreateItem /NOUNLOAD BUTTON ${BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON}|${BS_TOP}|${BS_MULTILINE}|${WS_VISIBLE}|${WS_CHILD}|${WS_CLIPSIBLINGS} 0 10 85 100% 50 "Uninstall Avidemux" 1455 Pop $ReinstallUninstallButton 1456 1457 ${If} $ReinstallUninstall == "" 1458 StrCpy $ReinstallUninstall 2 1459 ${EndIf} 1460 ${Else} 1461 MessageBox MB_ICONSTOP "Unknown value of PreviousVersionState, aborting" /SD IDOK 1462 Abort 1463 ${EndIf} 1464 1465 ${If} $ReinstallUninstall == "1" 1466 SendMessage $ReinstallUninstallButton ${BM_SETCHECK} 1 0 1467 ${Else} 1468 SendMessage $R0 ${BM_SETCHECK} 1 0 1469 ${EndIf} 1470 1471 nsDialogs::Show 1472FunctionEnd 1473 1474Function ReinstallPageLeave 1475 SendMessage $ReinstallUninstallButton ${BM_GETCHECK} 0 0 $R0 1476 1477 ${If} $R0 == 1 1478 ; Option to uninstall old version selected 1479 StrCpy $ReinstallUninstall 1 1480 ${Else} 1481 ; Custom up/downgrade or add/remove/reinstall 1482 StrCpy $ReinstallUninstall 2 1483 ${EndIf} 1484 1485 ${If} $ReinstallUninstall == 1 1486 ${If} $PreviousVersionState == 0 1487 Call RunUninstaller 1488 Quit 1489 ${Else} 1490 ; Need to reload defaults. User could have 1491 ; chosen custom, change something, went back and selected 1492 ; the express option. 1493 Call LoadPreviousSettings 1494 ${EndIf} 1495 ${EndIf} 1496FunctionEnd 1497 1498 1499########################## 1500# Uninstaller functions 1501########################## 1502Function un.onInit 1503 SetShellVarContext all 1504 1505UAC_Elevate: 1506 !insertmacro UAC_RunElevated 1507 StrCmp 1223 $0 UAC_ElevationAborted 1508 StrCmp 0 $0 0 UAC_Err 1509 StrCmp 1 $1 0 UAC_Success 1510 Quit 1511 1512UAC_Err: 1513 MessageBox MB_ICONSTOP "Unable to elevate, error $0" 1514 Abort 1515 1516UAC_ElevationAborted: 1517 Abort 1518 1519UAC_Success: 1520 StrCmp 1 $3 +4 1521 StrCmp 3 $1 0 UAC_ElevationAborted 1522 MessageBox MB_ICONSTOP "This installer requires admin access." 1523 Goto UAC_Elevate 1524FunctionEnd 1525 1526; TrimNewlines (copied from NSIS documentation) 1527; input, top of stack (e.g. whatever$/r$/n) 1528; output, top of stack (replaces, with e.g. whatever) 1529; modifies no other variables. 1530Function un.TrimNewlines 1531 Exch $R0 1532 Push $R1 1533 Push $R2 1534 StrCpy $R1 0 1535 1536loop: 1537 IntOp $R1 $R1 - 1 1538 StrCpy $R2 $R0 1 $R1 1539 StrCmp $R2 "$\r" loop 1540 StrCmp $R2 "$\n" loop 1541 IntOp $R1 $R1 + 1 1542 IntCmp $R1 0 no_trim_needed 1543 StrCpy $R0 $R0 $R1 1544 1545no_trim_needed: 1546 Pop $R2 1547 Pop $R1 1548 Exch $R0 1549FunctionEnd 1550 1551Function un.RemoveEmptyDirs 1552 Pop $9 1553 !define Index 'Line${__LINE__}' 1554 FindFirst $0 $1 "$INSTDIR$9*" 1555 StrCmp $0 "" "${Index}-End" 1556"${Index}-Loop:" 1557 StrCmp $1 "" "${Index}-End" 1558 StrCmp $1 "." "${Index}-Next" 1559 StrCmp $1 ".." "${Index}-Next" 1560 Push $0 1561 Push $1 1562 Push $9 1563 Push "$9$1\" 1564 Call un.RemoveEmptyDirs 1565 Pop $9 1566 Pop $1 1567 Pop $0 1568;"${Index}-Remove:" 1569 RMDir "$INSTDIR$9$1" 1570"${Index}-Next:" 1571 FindNext $0 $1 1572 Goto "${Index}-Loop" 1573"${Index}-End:" 1574 FindClose $0 1575 !undef Index 1576FunctionEnd 1577 1578Function un.ConfirmPagePre 1579 ${un.GetParameters} $R0 1580 ${un.GetOptions} $R0 "/frominstall" $R1 1581 ${Unless} ${Errors} 1582 Abort 1583 ${EndUnless} 1584FunctionEnd 1585 1586Function un.FinishPagePre 1587 ${un.GetParameters} $R0 1588 ${un.GetOptions} $R0 "/frominstall" $R1 1589 ${Unless} ${Errors} 1590 SetRebootFlag false 1591 Abort 1592 ${EndUnless} 1593FunctionEnd 1594