1 /*
2  *  Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Team Kodi
3  *  This file is part of Kodi - https://kodi.tv
4  *
5  *  SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
6  *  See LICENSES/README.md for more information.
7  */
9 #pragma once
11 #include "JoystickTypes.h"
13 namespace KODI
14 {
15 namespace JOYSTICK
16 {
17 class CDriverPrimitive;
19 /*!
20  * \brief Joystick translation utilities
21  */
22 class CJoystickTranslator
23 {
24 public:
25   /*!
26    * \brief Translate a hat state to a string representation
27    *
28    * \param state The hat state
29    *
30    * \return A capitalized string representation, or "RELEASED" if the hat is centered.
31    */
32   static const char* HatStateToString(HAT_STATE state);
34   /*!
35    * \brief Translate an analog stick direction to a lower-case string
36    *
37    * \param dir The analog stick direction
38    *
39    * \return A lower-case string representation, or "" if the direction is invalid
40    */
41   static const char* TranslateAnalogStickDirection(ANALOG_STICK_DIRECTION dir);
43   /*!
44    * \brief Translate an analog stick direction string to an enum value
45    *
46    * \param dir The analog stick direction
47    *
48    * \return The translated direction, or ANALOG_STICK_DIRECTION::UNKNOWN if unknown
49    */
50   static ANALOG_STICK_DIRECTION TranslateAnalogStickDirection(const std::string& dir);
52   /*!
53    * \brief Translate a wheel direction to a lower-case string
54    *
55    * \param dir The wheel direction
56    *
57    * \return A lower-case string representation, or "" if the direction is invalid
58    */
59   static const char* TranslateWheelDirection(WHEEL_DIRECTION dir);
61   /*!
62    * \brief Translate a wheel direction string to an enum value
63    *
64    * \param dir The wheel direction
65    *
66    * \return The translated direction, or WHEEL_DIRECTION::UNKNOWN if unknown
67    */
68   static WHEEL_DIRECTION TranslateWheelDirection(const std::string& dir);
70   /*!
71    * \brief Translate a throttle direction to a lower-case string
72    *
73    * \param dir The analog stick direction
74    *
75    * \return A lower-case string representation, or "" if the direction is invalid
76    */
77   static const char* TranslateThrottleDirection(THROTTLE_DIRECTION dir);
79   /*!
80    * \brief Translate a throttle direction string to an enum value
81    *
82    * \param dir The throttle direction
83    *
84    * \return The translated direction, or THROTTLE_DIRECTION::UNKNOWN if unknown
85    */
86   static THROTTLE_DIRECTION TranslateThrottleDirection(const std::string& dir);
88   /*!
89    * \brief Get the semi-axis direction containing the specified position
90    *
91    * \param position The position of the axis
92    *
93    * \return POSITIVE, NEGATIVE, or UNKNOWN if position is 0
94    */
95   static SEMIAXIS_DIRECTION PositionToSemiAxisDirection(float position);
97   /*!
98    * \brief Get the wheel direction containing the specified position
99    *
100    * \param position The position of the axis
101    *
102    * \return LEFT, RIGHT, or UNKNOWN if position is 0
103    */
104   static WHEEL_DIRECTION PositionToWheelDirection(float position);
106   /*!
107    * \brief Get the throttle direction containing the specified position
108    *
109    * \param position The position of the axis
110    *
111    * \return UP, DOWN, or UNKNOWN if position is 0
112    */
113   static THROTTLE_DIRECTION PositionToThrottleDirection(float position);
115   /*!
116    * \brief Get the localized name of the primitive
117    *
118    * \param primitive The primitive, currently only buttons and axes are supported
119    *
120    * \return A title for the primitive, e.g. "Button 0" or "Axis 1"
121    */
122   static std::string GetPrimitiveName(const CDriverPrimitive& primitive);
123 };
124 } // namespace JOYSTICK
125 } // namespace KODI