1 /* avi-fix v0.1 (C) A'rpi
2  * simple tool to fix chunk sizes in a RIFF AVI file
3  * it doesn't check/fix index, use mencoder -forceidx -oac copy -ovc copy to fix index!
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8  * (at your option) any later version.
9  *
10  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
16  * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
17  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
18  */
20 #include "config.h"
21 #ifdef MP_DEBUG
22 #define mp_debug(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
23 #else
24 #define mp_debug(...)
25 #endif
27 #include <stdio.h>
28 #include <stdlib.h>
29 #include <string.h>
31 #define FCC(a,b,c,d)  (((a)<<24)|((b)<<16)|((c)<<8)|(d))
xx(unsigned char c)33 static inline char xx(unsigned char c){
34     if(c>=32 && c<128) return c;
35     return '?';
36 }
getid(FILE * f)38 static inline unsigned int getid(FILE* f){
39     unsigned int id;
40     id=fgetc(f);
41     id=(id<<8)|fgetc(f);
42     id=(id<<8)|fgetc(f);
43     id=(id<<8)|fgetc(f);
44     return id;
45 }
main(int argc,char * argv[])47 int main(int argc,char* argv[]){
48 //FILE* f=fopen("edgar.avi","rb");  // readonly (report errors)
49 //FILE* f=fopen("edgar.avi","rb+"); // fix mode (fix chunk sizes)
50 unsigned int lastgood=0;
51 unsigned int fixat=0;
52 unsigned int offset=0;
53 int fix_flag=0;
54 FILE* f;
56 if(argc<=1){
57     printf("Usage: %s [-fix] badfile.avi\n",argv[0]);
58     exit(1);
59 }
61 if(!strcmp(argv[1],"-fix")){
62     fix_flag=1;
63     f=fopen(argv[argc-1],"rb+");
64 } else
65     f=fopen(argv[argc-1],"rb");
67 if(!f){
68     perror("error");
69     printf("couldnt open '%s'\n",argv[argc-1]);
70     exit(2);
71 }
73 while(1){
74     unsigned int id,len;
75 again:
76     id=fgetc(f);
77     id=(id<<8)|fgetc(f);
78     id=(id<<8)|fgetc(f);
79 faszom:
80     if(feof(f)) break;
81 //    if(!lastgood && feof(f)) break;
82     id=(id<<8)|fgetc(f);
83 //    lastgood=ftell(f);
84     mp_debug("%08X: %c%c%c%c\n",(int)ftell(f)-4,xx(id>>24),xx(id>>16),xx(id>>8),xx(id));
85     switch(id){
86     case FCC('R','I','F','F'):
87 	fread(&len,4,1,f); // filesize
88 	id=getid(f);  // AVI
89 	mp_debug("RIFF header, filesize=0x%X  format=%c%c%c%c\n",len,xx(id>>24),xx(id>>16),xx(id>>8),xx(id));
90 	break;
91     case FCC('L','I','S','T'):
92 	fread(&len,4,1,f); // size
93 	id=getid(f);  // AVI
94 	mp_debug("LIST size=0x%X  format=%c%c%c%c\n",len,xx(id>>24),xx(id>>16),xx(id>>8),xx(id));
95 	//case FCC('h','d','r','l'):
96 	//case FCC('s','t','r','l'):
97 	//case FCC('o','d','m','l'):
98 	//case FCC('m','o','v','i'):
99 	break;
100     // legal chunk IDs:
101     case FCC('a','v','i','h'): // avi header
102     case FCC('s','t','r','h'): // stream header
103     case FCC('s','t','r','f'): // stream format
104     case FCC('J','U','N','K'): // official shit
105     // index:
106     case FCC('i','d','x','1'): // main index??
107     case FCC('d','m','l','h'): // opendml header
108     case FCC('i','n','d','x'): // opendml main index??
109     case FCC('i','x','0','0'): // opendml sub index??
110     case FCC('i','x','0','1'): // opendml sub index??
111     // data:
112     case FCC('0','1','w','b'): // audio track #1
113     case FCC('0','2','w','b'): // audio track #2
114     case FCC('0','3','w','b'): // audio track #3
115     case FCC('0','0','d','b'): // uncompressed video
116     case FCC('0','0','d','c'): // compressed video
117     case FCC('0','0','_','_'): // A-V interleaved (type2 DV file)
118     // info:
119     case FCC('I','S','F','T'): // INFO: software
120     case FCC('I','S','R','C'): // INFO: source
121     case FCC('I','N','A','M'): // INFO: name
122     case FCC('I','S','B','J'): // INFO: subject
123     case FCC('I','A','R','T'): // INFO: artist
124     case FCC('I','C','O','P'): // INFO: copyright
125     case FCC('I','C','M','T'): // INFO: comment
126 	lastgood=ftell(f);
127 	if(fixat && fix_flag){
128 	    // fix last chunk's size field:
129 	    fseek(f,fixat,SEEK_SET);
130 	    len=lastgood-fixat-8;
131 	    mp_debug("Correct len to 0x%X\n",len);
132 	    fwrite(&len,4,1,f);
133 	    fseek(f,lastgood,SEEK_SET);
134 	    fixat=0;
135 	}
136 	fread(&len,4,1,f); // size
137 	mp_debug("ID ok, chunk len=0x%X\n",len);
138 	len+=len&1; // align at 2
139 	fseek(f,len,SEEK_CUR); // skip data
140 	break;
141     default:
142 	if(!lastgood){
143 	    ++offset;
144 	    mp_debug("invalid ID, trying %d byte offset\n",offset);
145 	    goto faszom; // try again @ next post
146 	}
147 	mp_debug("invalid ID, parsing next chunk's data at 0x%X\n",lastgood);
148 	fseek(f,lastgood,SEEK_SET);
149 	fixat=lastgood;
150 	lastgood=0;
151 	goto again;
152     }
153     offset=0;
154 }
156 return 0;
157 }