1function [L,U,prow,pcol] = mexsuperlu(A,psparse);
2% MEXSUPERLU : Supernodal LU factorization
4%  MEXSUPERLU is the mex-file version of the supernodal factorization.
5%  The user will normally call SUPERLU, which calls MEXSUPERLU.
6%  See SUPERLU for a description of parameters.
8% Above is the text for HELP MEXSUPERLU; the following will be executed
9% only if the mex-file appropriate for the machine can't be found.
11disp('Warning:  Executable mexsuperlu.mex not found for this architecture.');
12disp('The supernodal LU package seems not to be installed for Matlab.');
13n = max(size(A));
14L = sparse(n,n);
15U = sparse(n,n);
16prow = 1:n;
17pcol = 1:n;