1 // Copyright (c) 2017-2021, The rav1e contributors. All rights reserved
2 //
3 // This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
4 // the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
5 // was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
6 // obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open
7 // Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
8 // PATENTS file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent.
10 use super::cdf_context::ContextWriter;
12 use super::*;
14 // Generates 4 bit field in which each bit set to 1 represents
15 // a blocksize partition  1111 means we split 64x64, 32x32, 16x16
16 // and 8x8.  1000 means we just split the 64x64 to 32x32
17 pub static partition_context_lookup: [[u8; 2]; BlockSize::BLOCK_SIZES_ALL] = [
18   [31, 31], // 4X4   - {0b11111, 0b11111}
19   [31, 30], // 4X8   - {0b11111, 0b11110}
20   [30, 31], // 8X4   - {0b11110, 0b11111}
21   [30, 30], // 8X8   - {0b11110, 0b11110}
22   [30, 28], // 8X16  - {0b11110, 0b11100}
23   [28, 30], // 16X8  - {0b11100, 0b11110}
24   [28, 28], // 16X16 - {0b11100, 0b11100}
25   [28, 24], // 16X32 - {0b11100, 0b11000}
26   [24, 28], // 32X16 - {0b11000, 0b11100}
27   [24, 24], // 32X32 - {0b11000, 0b11000}
28   [24, 16], // 32X64 - {0b11000, 0b10000}
29   [16, 24], // 64X32 - {0b10000, 0b11000}
30   [16, 16], // 64X64 - {0b10000, 0b10000}
31   [16, 0],  // 64X128- {0b10000, 0b00000}
32   [0, 16],  // 128X64- {0b00000, 0b10000}
33   [0, 0],   // 128X128-{0b00000, 0b00000}
34   [31, 28], // 4X16  - {0b11111, 0b11100}
35   [28, 31], // 16X4  - {0b11100, 0b11111}
36   [30, 24], // 8X32  - {0b11110, 0b11000}
37   [24, 30], // 32X8  - {0b11000, 0b11110}
38   [28, 16], // 16X64 - {0b11100, 0b10000}
39   [16, 28], // 64X16 - {0b10000, 0b11100}
40 ];
42 pub const CFL_JOINT_SIGNS: usize = 8;
43 pub const CFL_ALPHA_CONTEXTS: usize = 6;
44 pub const CFL_ALPHABET_SIZE: usize = 16;
46 pub const PARTITION_PLOFFSET: usize = 4;
47 pub const PARTITION_BLOCK_SIZES: usize = 4 + 1;
51 pub const PARTITION_TYPES: usize = 4;
52 pub const EXT_PARTITION_TYPES: usize = 10;
54 pub const SKIP_CONTEXTS: usize = 3;
55 pub const SKIP_MODE_CONTEXTS: usize = 3;
57 // partition contexts are at 8x8 granularity, as it is not possible to
58 // split 4x4 blocks any further than that
59 pub const PARTITION_CONTEXT_GRANULARITY: usize = 8;
60 pub const PARTITION_CONTEXT_MAX_WIDTH: usize =
63 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
64 pub enum CFLSign {
65   CFL_SIGN_ZERO = 0,
66   CFL_SIGN_NEG = 1,
67   CFL_SIGN_POS = 2,
68 }
70 impl CFLSign {
from_alpha(a: i16) -> CFLSign71   pub fn from_alpha(a: i16) -> CFLSign {
72     [CFL_SIGN_NEG, CFL_SIGN_ZERO, CFL_SIGN_POS][(a.signum() + 1) as usize]
73   }
74 }
76 use crate::context::CFLSign::*;
78 const CFL_SIGNS: usize = 3;
79 static cfl_sign_value: [i16; CFL_SIGNS] = [0, -1, 1];
81 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
82 pub struct CFLParams {
83   pub sign: [CFLSign; 2],
84   pub scale: [u8; 2],
85 }
87 impl Default for CFLParams {
88   #[inline]
default() -> Self89   fn default() -> Self {
90     Self { sign: [CFL_SIGN_NEG, CFL_SIGN_ZERO], scale: [1, 0] }
91   }
92 }
94 impl CFLParams {
95   #[inline]
joint_sign(self) -> u3296   pub fn joint_sign(self) -> u32 {
97     assert!(self.sign[0] != CFL_SIGN_ZERO || self.sign[1] != CFL_SIGN_ZERO);
98     (self.sign[0] as u32) * (CFL_SIGNS as u32) + (self.sign[1] as u32) - 1
99   }
100   #[inline]
context(self, uv: usize) -> usize101   pub fn context(self, uv: usize) -> usize {
102     assert!(self.sign[uv] != CFL_SIGN_ZERO);
103     (self.sign[uv] as usize - 1) * CFL_SIGNS + (self.sign[1 - uv] as usize)
104   }
105   #[inline]
index(self, uv: usize) -> u32106   pub fn index(self, uv: usize) -> u32 {
107     assert!(self.sign[uv] != CFL_SIGN_ZERO && self.scale[uv] != 0);
108     (self.scale[uv] - 1) as u32
109   }
110   #[inline]
alpha(self, uv: usize) -> i16111   pub fn alpha(self, uv: usize) -> i16 {
112     cfl_sign_value[self.sign[uv] as usize] * (self.scale[uv] as i16)
113   }
114   #[inline]
from_alpha(u: i16, v: i16) -> CFLParams115   pub fn from_alpha(u: i16, v: i16) -> CFLParams {
116     CFLParams {
117       sign: [CFLSign::from_alpha(u), CFLSign::from_alpha(v)],
118       scale: [u.abs() as u8, v.abs() as u8],
119     }
120   }
121 }
123 #[cfg(test)]
124 mod test {
125   #[test]
cdf_map()126   fn cdf_map() {
127     use super::*;
129     let cdf = CDFContext::new(8);
130     let cdf_map = FieldMap { map: cdf.build_map() };
131     let f = &cdf.partition_cdf[2];
132     cdf_map.lookup(f.as_ptr() as usize);
133   }
135   use super::CFLSign;
136   use super::CFLSign::*;
138   static cfl_alpha_signs: [[CFLSign; 2]; 8] = [
147   ];
149   static cfl_context: [[usize; 8]; 2] =
150     [[0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [0, 3, 0, 1, 4, 0, 2, 5]];
152   #[test]
cfl_joint_sign()153   fn cfl_joint_sign() {
154     use super::*;
156     let mut cfl = CFLParams::default();
157     for (joint_sign, &signs) in cfl_alpha_signs.iter().enumerate() {
158       cfl.sign = signs;
159       assert!(cfl.joint_sign() as usize == joint_sign);
160       for uv in 0..2 {
161         if signs[uv] != CFL_SIGN_ZERO {
162           assert!(cfl.context(uv) == cfl_context[uv][joint_sign]);
163         }
164       }
165     }
166   }
167 }
169 impl<'a> ContextWriter<'a> {
partition_gather_horz_alike( out: &mut [u16; 2], cdf_in: &[u16], _bsize: BlockSize, )170   fn partition_gather_horz_alike(
171     out: &mut [u16; 2], cdf_in: &[u16], _bsize: BlockSize,
172   ) {
173     out[0] = 32768;
174     out[0] -= ContextWriter::cdf_element_prob(
175       cdf_in,
176       PartitionType::PARTITION_HORZ as usize,
177     );
178     out[0] -= ContextWriter::cdf_element_prob(
179       cdf_in,
180       PartitionType::PARTITION_SPLIT as usize,
181     );
182     out[0] -= ContextWriter::cdf_element_prob(
183       cdf_in,
184       PartitionType::PARTITION_HORZ_A as usize,
185     );
186     out[0] -= ContextWriter::cdf_element_prob(
187       cdf_in,
188       PartitionType::PARTITION_HORZ_B as usize,
189     );
190     out[0] -= ContextWriter::cdf_element_prob(
191       cdf_in,
192       PartitionType::PARTITION_VERT_A as usize,
193     );
194     out[0] -= ContextWriter::cdf_element_prob(
195       cdf_in,
196       PartitionType::PARTITION_HORZ_4 as usize,
197     );
198     out[0] = 32768 - out[0];
199     out[1] = 0;
200   }
partition_gather_vert_alike( out: &mut [u16; 2], cdf_in: &[u16], _bsize: BlockSize, )202   fn partition_gather_vert_alike(
203     out: &mut [u16; 2], cdf_in: &[u16], _bsize: BlockSize,
204   ) {
205     out[0] = 32768;
206     out[0] -= ContextWriter::cdf_element_prob(
207       cdf_in,
208       PartitionType::PARTITION_VERT as usize,
209     );
210     out[0] -= ContextWriter::cdf_element_prob(
211       cdf_in,
212       PartitionType::PARTITION_SPLIT as usize,
213     );
214     out[0] -= ContextWriter::cdf_element_prob(
215       cdf_in,
216       PartitionType::PARTITION_HORZ_A as usize,
217     );
218     out[0] -= ContextWriter::cdf_element_prob(
219       cdf_in,
220       PartitionType::PARTITION_VERT_A as usize,
221     );
222     out[0] -= ContextWriter::cdf_element_prob(
223       cdf_in,
224       PartitionType::PARTITION_VERT_B as usize,
225     );
226     out[0] -= ContextWriter::cdf_element_prob(
227       cdf_in,
228       PartitionType::PARTITION_VERT_4 as usize,
229     );
230     out[0] = 32768 - out[0];
231     out[1] = 0;
232   }
234   #[inline]
write_skip<W: Writer>( &mut self, w: &mut W, bo: TileBlockOffset, skip: bool, )235   pub fn write_skip<W: Writer>(
236     &mut self, w: &mut W, bo: TileBlockOffset, skip: bool,
237   ) {
238     let ctx = self.bc.skip_context(bo);
239     let cdf = &mut self.fc.skip_cdfs[ctx];
240     symbol_with_update!(self, w, skip as u32, cdf, 2);
241   }
get_segment_pred(&self, bo: TileBlockOffset) -> (u8, u8)243   pub fn get_segment_pred(&self, bo: TileBlockOffset) -> (u8, u8) {
244     let mut prev_ul = -1;
245     let mut prev_u = -1;
246     let mut prev_l = -1;
247     if bo.0.x > 0 && bo.0.y > 0 {
248       prev_ul = self.bc.blocks.above_left_of(bo).segmentation_idx as i8;
249     }
250     if bo.0.y > 0 {
251       prev_u = self.bc.blocks.above_of(bo).segmentation_idx as i8;
252     }
253     if bo.0.x > 0 {
254       prev_l = self.bc.blocks.left_of(bo).segmentation_idx as i8;
255     }
257     /* Pick CDF index based on number of matching/out-of-bounds segment IDs. */
258     let cdf_index: u8;
259     if prev_ul < 0 || prev_u < 0 || prev_l < 0 {
260       /* Edge case */
261       cdf_index = 0;
262     } else if (prev_ul == prev_u) && (prev_ul == prev_l) {
263       cdf_index = 2;
264     } else if (prev_ul == prev_u) || (prev_ul == prev_l) || (prev_u == prev_l)
265     {
266       cdf_index = 1;
267     } else {
268       cdf_index = 0;
269     }
271     /* If 2 or more are identical returns that as predictor, otherwise prev_l. */
272     let r: i8;
273     if prev_u == -1 {
274       /* edge case */
275       r = if prev_l == -1 { 0 } else { prev_l };
276     } else if prev_l == -1 {
277       /* edge case */
278       r = prev_u;
279     } else {
280       r = if prev_ul == prev_u { prev_u } else { prev_l };
281     }
282     (r as u8, cdf_index)
283   }
write_cfl_alphas<W: Writer>(&mut self, w: &mut W, cfl: CFLParams)285   pub fn write_cfl_alphas<W: Writer>(&mut self, w: &mut W, cfl: CFLParams) {
286     symbol_with_update!(self, w, cfl.joint_sign(), &mut self.fc.cfl_sign_cdf);
287     for uv in 0..2 {
288       if cfl.sign[uv] != CFL_SIGN_ZERO {
289         symbol_with_update!(
290           self,
291           w,
292           cfl.index(uv),
293           &mut self.fc.cfl_alpha_cdf[cfl.context(uv)]
294         );
295       }
296     }
297   }
write_partition( &mut self, w: &mut impl Writer, bo: TileBlockOffset, p: PartitionType, bsize: BlockSize, )299   pub fn write_partition(
300     &mut self, w: &mut impl Writer, bo: TileBlockOffset, p: PartitionType,
301     bsize: BlockSize,
302   ) {
303     debug_assert!(bsize.is_sqr());
304     assert!(bsize >= BlockSize::BLOCK_8X8);
305     let hbs = bsize.width_mi() / 2;
306     let has_cols = (bo.0.x + hbs) < self.bc.blocks.cols();
307     let has_rows = (bo.0.y + hbs) < self.bc.blocks.rows();
308     let ctx = self.bc.partition_plane_context(bo, bsize);
309     assert!(ctx < PARTITION_CONTEXTS);
311     if !has_rows && !has_cols {
312       return;
313     }
315     if has_rows && has_cols {
316       if ctx < PARTITION_TYPES {
317         let cdf = &mut self.fc.partition_w8_cdf[ctx];
318         symbol_with_update!(self, w, p as u32, cdf, 4);
319       } else if ctx < 4 * PARTITION_TYPES {
320         let cdf = &mut self.fc.partition_cdf[ctx - PARTITION_TYPES];
321         symbol_with_update!(self, w, p as u32, cdf);
322       } else {
323         let cdf = &mut self.fc.partition_w128_cdf[ctx - 4 * PARTITION_TYPES];
324         symbol_with_update!(self, w, p as u32, cdf);
325       }
326     } else if !has_rows && has_cols {
327       assert!(
328         p == PartitionType::PARTITION_SPLIT
329           || p == PartitionType::PARTITION_HORZ
330       );
331       assert!(bsize > BlockSize::BLOCK_8X8);
332       let mut cdf = [0u16; 2];
333       if ctx < PARTITION_TYPES {
334         let partition_cdf = &mut self.fc.partition_w8_cdf[ctx];
335         ContextWriter::partition_gather_vert_alike(
336           &mut cdf,
337           partition_cdf,
338           bsize,
339         );
340       } else if ctx < 4 * PARTITION_TYPES {
341         let partition_cdf = &mut self.fc.partition_cdf[ctx - PARTITION_TYPES];
342         ContextWriter::partition_gather_vert_alike(
343           &mut cdf,
344           partition_cdf,
345           bsize,
346         );
347       } else {
348         let partition_cdf =
349           &mut self.fc.partition_w128_cdf[ctx - 4 * PARTITION_TYPES];
350         ContextWriter::partition_gather_vert_alike(
351           &mut cdf,
352           partition_cdf,
353           bsize,
354         );
355       }
356       w.symbol((p == PartitionType::PARTITION_SPLIT) as u32, &cdf);
357     } else {
358       assert!(
359         p == PartitionType::PARTITION_SPLIT
360           || p == PartitionType::PARTITION_VERT
361       );
362       assert!(bsize > BlockSize::BLOCK_8X8);
363       let mut cdf = [0u16; 2];
364       if ctx < PARTITION_TYPES {
365         let partition_cdf = &mut self.fc.partition_w8_cdf[ctx];
366         ContextWriter::partition_gather_horz_alike(
367           &mut cdf,
368           partition_cdf,
369           bsize,
370         );
371       } else if ctx < 4 * PARTITION_TYPES {
372         let partition_cdf = &mut self.fc.partition_cdf[ctx - PARTITION_TYPES];
373         ContextWriter::partition_gather_horz_alike(
374           &mut cdf,
375           partition_cdf,
376           bsize,
377         );
378       } else {
379         let partition_cdf =
380           &mut self.fc.partition_w128_cdf[ctx - 4 * PARTITION_TYPES];
381         ContextWriter::partition_gather_horz_alike(
382           &mut cdf,
383           partition_cdf,
384           bsize,
385         );
386       }
387       w.symbol((p == PartitionType::PARTITION_SPLIT) as u32, &cdf);
388     }
389   }
neg_interleave(x: i32, r: i32, max: i32) -> i32391   fn neg_interleave(x: i32, r: i32, max: i32) -> i32 {
392     assert!(x < max);
393     if r == 0 {
394       return x;
395     } else if r >= (max - 1) {
396       return -x + max - 1;
397     }
398     let diff = x - r;
399     if 2 * r < max {
400       if diff.abs() <= r {
401         if diff > 0 {
402           return (diff << 1) - 1;
403         } else {
404           return (-diff) << 1;
405         }
406       }
407       x
408     } else {
409       if diff.abs() < (max - r) {
410         if diff > 0 {
411           return (diff << 1) - 1;
412         } else {
413           return (-diff) << 1;
414         }
415       }
416       (max - x) - 1
417     }
418   }
write_segmentation<W: Writer>( &mut self, w: &mut W, bo: TileBlockOffset, bsize: BlockSize, skip: bool, last_active_segid: u8, )420   pub fn write_segmentation<W: Writer>(
421     &mut self, w: &mut W, bo: TileBlockOffset, bsize: BlockSize, skip: bool,
422     last_active_segid: u8,
423   ) {
424     let (pred, cdf_index) = self.get_segment_pred(bo);
425     if skip {
426       self.bc.blocks.set_segmentation_idx(bo, bsize, pred);
427       return;
428     }
429     let seg_idx = self.bc.blocks[bo].segmentation_idx;
430     let coded_id = Self::neg_interleave(
431       seg_idx as i32,
432       pred as i32,
433       (last_active_segid + 1) as i32,
434     );
435     symbol_with_update!(
436       self,
437       w,
438       coded_id as u32,
439       &mut self.fc.spatial_segmentation_cdfs[cdf_index as usize]
440     );
441   }
442 }
444 impl<'a> BlockContext<'a> {
partition_plane_context( &self, bo: TileBlockOffset, bsize: BlockSize, ) -> usize445   pub fn partition_plane_context(
446     &self, bo: TileBlockOffset, bsize: BlockSize,
447   ) -> usize {
448     // TODO: this should be way simpler without sub8x8
449     let above_ctx = self.above_partition_context[bo.0.x >> 1];
450     let left_ctx = self.left_partition_context[bo.y_in_sb() >> 1];
451     let bsl = bsize.width_log2() - BLOCK_8X8.width_log2();
452     let above = (above_ctx >> bsl) & 1;
453     let left = (left_ctx >> bsl) & 1;
455     assert!(bsize.is_sqr());
457     (left * 2 + above) as usize + bsl as usize * PARTITION_PLOFFSET
458   }
reset_skip_context( &mut self, bo: TileBlockOffset, bsize: BlockSize, xdec: usize, ydec: usize, cs: ChromaSampling, )460   pub fn reset_skip_context(
461     &mut self, bo: TileBlockOffset, bsize: BlockSize, xdec: usize,
462     ydec: usize, cs: ChromaSampling,
463   ) {
464     let num_planes = if cs == ChromaSampling::Cs400 { 1 } else { 3 };
465     let nplanes = if bsize >= BLOCK_8X8 {
466       num_planes
467     } else {
468       1 + (num_planes - 1) * has_chroma(bo, bsize, xdec, ydec, cs) as usize
469     };
471     for plane in 0..nplanes {
472       let xdec2 = if plane == 0 { 0 } else { xdec };
473       let ydec2 = if plane == 0 { 0 } else { ydec };
475       let plane_bsize =
476         if plane == 0 { bsize } else { bsize.subsampled_size(xdec2, ydec2) };
477       let bw = plane_bsize.width_mi();
478       let bh = plane_bsize.height_mi();
480       for above in
481         &mut self.above_coeff_context[plane][(bo.0.x >> xdec2)..][..bw]
482       {
483         *above = 0;
484       }
486       let bo_y = bo.y_in_sb();
487       for left in &mut self.left_coeff_context[plane][(bo_y >> ydec2)..][..bh]
488       {
489         *left = 0;
490       }
491     }
492   }
skip_context(&self, bo: TileBlockOffset) -> usize494   pub fn skip_context(&self, bo: TileBlockOffset) -> usize {
495     let above_skip = bo.0.y > 0 && self.blocks.above_of(bo).skip;
496     let left_skip = bo.0.x > 0 && self.blocks.left_of(bo).skip;
497     above_skip as usize + left_skip as usize
498   }
update_partition_context( &mut self, bo: TileBlockOffset, subsize: BlockSize, bsize: BlockSize, )500   pub fn update_partition_context(
501     &mut self, bo: TileBlockOffset, subsize: BlockSize, bsize: BlockSize,
502   ) {
503     assert!(bsize.is_sqr());
505     let bw = bsize.width_mi();
506     let bh = bsize.height_mi();
508     let above_ctx =
509       &mut self.above_partition_context[bo.0.x >> 1..(bo.0.x + bw) >> 1];
510     let left_ctx = &mut self.left_partition_context
511       [bo.y_in_sb() >> 1..(bo.y_in_sb() + bh) >> 1];
513     // update the partition context at the end notes. set partition bits
514     // of block sizes larger than the current one to be one, and partition
515     // bits of smaller block sizes to be zero.
516     for above in &mut above_ctx[..bw >> 1] {
517       *above = partition_context_lookup[subsize as usize][0];
518     }
520     for left in &mut left_ctx[..bh >> 1] {
521       *left = partition_context_lookup[subsize as usize][1];
522     }
523   }
524 }