1 /*****************************************************************************
2  * clock.h: clocks synchronisation
3  *****************************************************************************
4  * Copyright (C) 2008 VLC authors and VideoLAN
5  * Copyright (C) 2008 Laurent Aimar
6  * $Id: dc4c8bd9352ed669930fe4b36dcd601783d6026c $
7  *
8  * Authors: Laurent Aimar < fenrir _AT_ videolan _DOT_ org >
9  *
10  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11  * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
12  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
13  * (at your option) any later version.
14  *
15  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
19  *
20  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
21  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
22  * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
23  *****************************************************************************/
28 #include <vlc_common.h>
29 #include <vlc_input.h> /* FIXME Needed for input_clock_t */
31 /** @struct input_clock_t
32  * This structure is used to manage clock drift and reception jitters
33  *
34  * XXX input_clock_GetTS can be called from any threads. All others functions
35  * MUST be called from one and only one thread.
36  */
37 typedef struct input_clock_t input_clock_t;
39 /**
40  * This function creates a new input_clock_t.
41  * You must use input_clock_Delete to delete it once unused.
42  */
43 input_clock_t *input_clock_New( int i_rate );
45 /**
46  * This function destroys a input_clock_t created by input_clock_New.
47  */
48 void           input_clock_Delete( input_clock_t * );
50 /**
51  * This function will update a input_clock_t with a new clock reference point.
52  * It will also tell if the clock point is late regarding our buffering.
53  *
54  * \param b_buffering_allowed tells if we are allowed to bufferize more data in
55  * advanced (if possible).
56  */
57 void    input_clock_Update( input_clock_t *, vlc_object_t *p_log,
58                             bool *pb_late,
59                             bool b_can_pace_control, bool b_buffering_allowed,
60                             mtime_t i_clock, mtime_t i_system );
61 /**
62  * This function will reset the drift of a input_clock_t.
63  *
64  * The actual jitter estimation will not be reseted by it.
65  */
66 void    input_clock_Reset( input_clock_t * );
68 /**
69  * This functions will return a deadline used to control the reading speed.
70  */
71 mtime_t input_clock_GetWakeup( input_clock_t * );
73 /**
74  * This functions allows changing the actual reading speed.
75  */
76 void    input_clock_ChangeRate( input_clock_t *, int i_rate );
78 /**
79  * This function allows changing the pause status.
80  */
81 void    input_clock_ChangePause( input_clock_t *, bool b_paused, mtime_t i_date );
83 /**
84  * This function returns the original system value date and the delay for the current
85  * reference point (a valid reference point must have been set).
86  */
87 void    input_clock_GetSystemOrigin( input_clock_t *, mtime_t *pi_system, mtime_t *pi_delay );
89 /**
90  * This function allows rebasing the original system value date (a valid
91  * reference point must have been set).
92  * When using the absolute mode, it will create a discontinuity unless
93  * called imediatly after a input_clock_Update.
94  */
95 void    input_clock_ChangeSystemOrigin( input_clock_t *, bool b_absolute, mtime_t i_system );
97 /**
98  * This function converts a pair of timestamp from stream clock to system clock.
99  *
100  * If pi_rate is provided it will be filled with the rate value used for
101  * the conversion.
102  * p_ts0 is a pointer to a timestamp to be converted (in place) and must be non NULL.
103  * p_ts1 is a pointer to a timestamp to be converted (in place) and can be NULL.
104  *
105  * It will return VLC_EGENERIC if i_ts_bound is not INT64_MAX and if the value *p_ts0
106  * after conversion is not before the deadline mdate() + i_pts_delay + i_ts_bound.
107  * It will also return VLC_EGENERIC if the conversion cannot be done successfully. In
108  * this case, *p_ts0 and *p_ts1 will hold an invalid timestamp.
109  * Otherwise it will return VLC_SUCCESS.
110  */
111 int input_clock_ConvertTS( vlc_object_t *, input_clock_t *, int *pi_rate,
112                            mtime_t *pi_ts0, mtime_t *pi_ts1, mtime_t i_ts_bound );
114 /**
115  * This function returns the current rate.
116  */
117 int input_clock_GetRate( input_clock_t * );
119 /**
120  * This function returns current clock state or VLC_EGENERIC if there is not a
121  * reference point.
122  */
123 int input_clock_GetState( input_clock_t *,
124                           mtime_t *pi_stream_start, mtime_t *pi_system_start,
125                           mtime_t *pi_stream_duration, mtime_t *pi_system_duration );
127 /**
128  * This function allows the set the minimal configuration for the jitter estimation algo.
129  */
130 void input_clock_SetJitter( input_clock_t *,
131                             mtime_t i_pts_delay, int i_cr_average );
133 /**
134  * This function returns an estimation of the pts_delay needed to avoid rebufferization.
135  * XXX in the current implementation, the pts_delay will never be decreased.
136  */
137 mtime_t input_clock_GetJitter( input_clock_t * );
139 #endif