3 * jQuery Engine Helper for JsHelper
4 *
5 * Provides jQuery specific JavaScript for JsHelper.
6 *
7 * Implements the JsHelper interface for jQuery. All $options arrays
8 * support all options found in the JsHelper, as well as those in the jQuery
9 * documentation.
10 *
11 * CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (https://cakephp.org)
12 * Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (https://cakefoundation.org)
13 *
14 * Licensed under The MIT License
15 * For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt
16 * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
17 *
18 * @copyright     Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (https://cakefoundation.org)
19 * @link          https://cakephp.org CakePHP(tm) Project
20 * @package       Cake.View.Helper
21 * @since         CakePHP(tm) v 1.3
22 * @license       https://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License
23 */
25App::uses('AppHelper', 'View/Helper');
26App::uses('JsBaseEngineHelper', 'View/Helper');
29 * jQuery Engine Helper for JsHelper
30 *
31 * Provides jQuery specific JavaScript for JsHelper.
32 *
33 * Implements the JsHelper interface for jQuery. All $options arrays
34 * support all options found in the JsHelper, as well as those in the jQuery
35 * documentation.
36 *
37 * @package       Cake.View.Helper
38 */
39class JqueryEngineHelper extends JsBaseEngineHelper {
42 * Option mappings for jQuery
43 *
44 * @var array
45 */
46	protected $_optionMap = array(
47		'request' => array(
48			'type' => 'dataType',
49			'before' => 'beforeSend',
50			'method' => 'type',
51		),
52		'sortable' => array(
53			'complete' => 'stop',
54		),
55		'drag' => array(
56			'snapGrid' => 'grid',
57			'container' => 'containment',
58		),
59		'drop' => array(
60			'leave' => 'out',
61			'hover' => 'over'
62		),
63		'slider' => array(
64			'complete' => 'stop',
65			'direction' => 'orientation'
66		)
67	);
70 * Callback arguments lists
71 *
72 * @var string
73 */
74	protected $_callbackArguments = array(
75		'slider' => array(
76			'start' => 'event, ui',
77			'slide' => 'event, ui',
78			'change' => 'event, ui',
79			'stop' => 'event, ui'
80		),
81		'sortable' => array(
82			'start' => 'event, ui',
83			'sort' => 'event, ui',
84			'change' => 'event, ui',
85			'beforeStop' => 'event, ui',
86			'stop' => 'event, ui',
87			'update' => 'event, ui',
88			'receive' => 'event, ui',
89			'remove' => 'event, ui',
90			'over' => 'event, ui',
91			'out' => 'event, ui',
92			'activate' => 'event, ui',
93			'deactivate' => 'event, ui'
94		),
95		'drag' => array(
96			'start' => 'event, ui',
97			'drag' => 'event, ui',
98			'stop' => 'event, ui',
99		),
100		'drop' => array(
101			'activate' => 'event, ui',
102			'deactivate' => 'event, ui',
103			'over' => 'event, ui',
104			'out' => 'event, ui',
105			'drop' => 'event, ui'
106		),
107		'request' => array(
108			'beforeSend' => 'XMLHttpRequest',
109			'error' => 'XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown',
110			'success' => 'data, textStatus',
111			'complete' => 'XMLHttpRequest, textStatus',
112			'xhr' => ''
113		)
114	);
117 * The variable name of the jQuery Object, useful
118 * when jQuery is put into noConflict() mode.
119 *
120 * @var string
121 */
122	public $jQueryObject = '$';
125 * Helper function to wrap repetitive simple method templating.
126 *
127 * @param string $method The method name being generated.
128 * @param string $template The method template
129 * @param array $options Array of options for method
130 * @param array $extraSafeKeys Extra safe keys
131 * @return string Composed method string
132 */
133	protected function _methodTemplate($method, $template, $options, $extraSafeKeys = array()) {
134		$options = $this->_mapOptions($method, $options);
135		$options = $this->_prepareCallbacks($method, $options);
136		$callbacks = array_keys($this->_callbackArguments[$method]);
137		if (!empty($extraSafeKeys)) {
138			$callbacks = array_merge($callbacks, $extraSafeKeys);
139		}
140		$options = $this->_parseOptions($options, $callbacks);
141		return sprintf($template, $this->selection, $options);
142	}
145 * Create javascript selector for a CSS rule
146 *
147 * @param string $selector The selector that is targeted
148 * @return self
149 */
150	public function get($selector) {
151		if ($selector === 'window' || $selector === 'document') {
152			$this->selection = $this->jQueryObject . '(' . $selector . ')';
153		} else {
154			$this->selection = $this->jQueryObject . '("' . $selector . '")';
155		}
156		return $this;
157	}
160 * Add an event to the script cache. Operates on the currently selected elements.
161 *
162 * ### Options
163 *
164 * - 'wrap' - Whether you want the callback wrapped in an anonymous function. (defaults true)
165 * - 'stop' - Whether you want the event to stopped. (defaults true)
166 *
167 * @param string $type Type of event to bind to the current dom id
168 * @param string $callback The JavaScript function you wish to trigger or the function literal
169 * @param array $options Options for the event.
170 * @return string completed event handler
171 */
172	public function event($type, $callback, $options = array()) {
173		$defaults = array('wrap' => true, 'stop' => true);
174		$options += $defaults;
176		$function = 'function (event) {%s}';
177		if ($options['wrap'] && $options['stop']) {
178			$callback .= "\nreturn false;";
179		}
180		if ($options['wrap']) {
181			$callback = sprintf($function, $callback);
182		}
183		return sprintf('%s.bind("%s", %s);', $this->selection, $type, $callback);
184	}
187 * Create a domReady event. For jQuery. This method does not
188 * bind a 'traditional event' as `$(document).bind('ready', fn)`
189 * Works in an entirely different fashion than  `$(document).ready()`
190 * The first will not run the function when eval()'d as part of a response
191 * The second will. Because of the way that ajax pagination is done
192 * `$().ready()` is used.
193 *
194 * @param string $functionBody The code to run on domReady
195 * @return string completed domReady method
196 */
197	public function domReady($functionBody) {
198		return $this->jQueryObject . '(document).ready(function () {' . $functionBody . '});';
199	}
202 * Create an iteration over the current selection result.
203 *
204 * @param string $callback The function body you wish to apply during the iteration.
205 * @return string completed iteration
206 */
207	public function each($callback) {
208		return $this->selection . '.each(function () {' . $callback . '});';
209	}
212 * Trigger an Effect.
213 *
214 * @param string $name The name of the effect to trigger.
215 * @param array $options Array of options for the effect.
216 * @return string completed string with effect.
217 * @see JsBaseEngineHelper::effect()
218 */
219	public function effect($name, $options = array()) {
220		$speed = null;
221		if (isset($options['speed']) && in_array($options['speed'], array('fast', 'slow'))) {
222			$speed = $this->value($options['speed']);
223		}
224		$effect = '';
225		switch ($name) {
226			case 'slideIn':
227			case 'slideOut':
228				$name = ($name === 'slideIn') ? 'slideDown' : 'slideUp';
229			case 'hide':
230			case 'show':
231			case 'fadeIn':
232			case 'fadeOut':
233			case 'slideDown':
234			case 'slideUp':
235				$effect = ".$name($speed);";
236				break;
237		}
238		return $this->selection . $effect;
239	}
242 * Create an $.ajax() call.
243 *
244 * If the 'update' key is set, success callback will be overridden.
245 *
246 * @param string|array $url URL
247 * @param array $options See JsHelper::request() for options.
248 * @return string The completed ajax call.
249 * @see JsBaseEngineHelper::request() for options list.
250 */
251	public function request($url, $options = array()) {
252		$url = html_entity_decode($this->url($url), ENT_COMPAT, Configure::read('App.encoding'));
253		$options = $this->_mapOptions('request', $options);
254		if (isset($options['data']) && is_array($options['data'])) {
255			$options['data'] = $this->_toQuerystring($options['data']);
256		}
257		$options['url'] = $url;
258		if (isset($options['update'])) {
259			$wrapCallbacks = isset($options['wrapCallbacks']) ? $options['wrapCallbacks'] : true;
260			$success = '';
261			if (isset($options['success']) && !empty($options['success'])) {
262				$success .= $options['success'];
263			}
264			$success .= $this->jQueryObject . '("' . $options['update'] . '").html(data);';
265			if (!$wrapCallbacks) {
266				$success = 'function (data, textStatus) {' . $success . '}';
267			}
268			$options['dataType'] = 'html';
269			$options['success'] = $success;
270			unset($options['update']);
271		}
272		$callbacks = array('success', 'error', 'beforeSend', 'complete', 'xhr');
273		if (!empty($options['dataExpression'])) {
274			$callbacks[] = 'data';
275			unset($options['dataExpression']);
276		}
277		$options = $this->_prepareCallbacks('request', $options);
278		$options = $this->_parseOptions($options, $callbacks);
279		return $this->jQueryObject . '.ajax({' . $options . '});';
280	}
283 * Create a sortable element.
284 *
285 * Requires both Ui.Core and Ui.Sortables to be loaded.
286 *
287 * @param array $options Array of options for the sortable.
288 * @return string Completed sortable script.
289 * @see JsBaseEngineHelper::sortable() for options list.
290 */
291	public function sortable($options = array()) {
292		$template = '%s.sortable({%s});';
293		return $this->_methodTemplate('sortable', $template, $options);
294	}
297 * Create a Draggable element
298 *
299 * Requires both Ui.Core and Ui.Draggable to be loaded.
300 *
301 * @param array $options Array of options for the draggable element.
302 * @return string Completed Draggable script.
303 * @see JsBaseEngineHelper::drag() for options list.
304 */
305	public function drag($options = array()) {
306		$template = '%s.draggable({%s});';
307		return $this->_methodTemplate('drag', $template, $options);
308	}
311 * Create a Droppable element
312 *
313 * Requires both Ui.Core and Ui.Droppable to be loaded.
314 *
315 * @param array $options Array of options for the droppable element.
316 * @return string Completed Droppable script.
317 * @see JsBaseEngineHelper::drop() for options list.
318 */
319	public function drop($options = array()) {
320		$template = '%s.droppable({%s});';
321		return $this->_methodTemplate('drop', $template, $options);
322	}
325 * Create a Slider element
326 *
327 * Requires both Ui.Core and Ui.Slider to be loaded.
328 *
329 * @param array $options Array of options for the droppable element.
330 * @return string Completed Slider script.
331 * @see JsBaseEngineHelper::slider() for options list.
332 */
333	public function slider($options = array()) {
334		$callbacks = array('start', 'change', 'slide', 'stop');
335		$template = '%s.slider({%s});';
336		return $this->_methodTemplate('slider', $template, $options, $callbacks);
337	}
340 * Serialize a form attached to $selector. If the current selection is not an input or
341 * form, errors will be created in the JavaScript.
342 *
343 * @param array $options Options for the serialization
344 * @return string completed form serialization script.
345 * @see JsBaseEngineHelper::serializeForm() for option list.
346 */
347	public function serializeForm($options = array()) {
348		$options += array('isForm' => false, 'inline' => false);
349		$selector = $this->selection;
350		if (!$options['isForm']) {
351			$selector = $this->selection . '.closest("form")';
352		}
353		$method = '.serialize()';
354		if (!$options['inline']) {
355			$method .= ';';
356		}
357		return $selector . $method;
358	}