2   Copyright The containerd Authors.
4   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6   You may obtain a copy of the License at
8       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   limitations under the License.
17package server
19import (
20	"context"
21	"path/filepath"
22	goruntime "runtime"
23	"testing"
25	"github.com/containerd/containerd/oci"
26	imagespec "github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/specs-go/v1"
27	runtimespec "github.com/opencontainers/runtime-spec/specs-go"
28	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
29	"github.com/stretchr/testify/require"
30	runtime "k8s.io/cri-api/pkg/apis/runtime/v1alpha2"
32	"github.com/containerd/containerd/pkg/cri/config"
33	"github.com/containerd/containerd/pkg/cri/constants"
34	"github.com/containerd/containerd/pkg/cri/opts"
37func checkMount(t *testing.T, mounts []runtimespec.Mount, src, dest, typ string,
38	contains, notcontains []string) {
39	found := false
40	for _, m := range mounts {
41		if m.Source == src && m.Destination == dest {
42			assert.Equal(t, m.Type, typ)
43			for _, c := range contains {
44				assert.Contains(t, m.Options, c)
45			}
46			for _, n := range notcontains {
47				assert.NotContains(t, m.Options, n)
48			}
49			found = true
50			break
51		}
52	}
53	assert.True(t, found, "mount from %q to %q not found", src, dest)
56const testImageName = "container-image-name"
58func TestGeneralContainerSpec(t *testing.T) {
59	testID := "test-id"
60	testPid := uint32(1234)
61	containerConfig, sandboxConfig, imageConfig, specCheck := getCreateContainerTestData()
62	ociRuntime := config.Runtime{}
63	c := newTestCRIService()
64	testSandboxID := "sandbox-id"
65	testContainerName := "container-name"
66	spec, err := c.containerSpec(testID, testSandboxID, testPid, "", testContainerName, testImageName, containerConfig, sandboxConfig, imageConfig, nil, ociRuntime)
67	require.NoError(t, err)
68	specCheck(t, testID, testSandboxID, testPid, spec)
71func TestPodAnnotationPassthroughContainerSpec(t *testing.T) {
72	if goruntime.GOOS == "darwin" {
73		t.Skip("not implemented on Darwin")
74	}
76	testID := "test-id"
77	testSandboxID := "sandbox-id"
78	testContainerName := "container-name"
79	testPid := uint32(1234)
81	for desc, test := range map[string]struct {
82		podAnnotations []string
83		configChange   func(*runtime.PodSandboxConfig)
84		specCheck      func(*testing.T, *runtimespec.Spec)
85	}{
86		"a passthrough annotation should be passed as an OCI annotation": {
87			podAnnotations: []string{"c"},
88			specCheck: func(t *testing.T, spec *runtimespec.Spec) {
89				assert.Equal(t, spec.Annotations["c"], "d")
90			},
91		},
92		"a non-passthrough annotation should not be passed as an OCI annotation": {
93			configChange: func(c *runtime.PodSandboxConfig) {
94				c.Annotations["d"] = "e"
95			},
96			podAnnotations: []string{"c"},
97			specCheck: func(t *testing.T, spec *runtimespec.Spec) {
98				assert.Equal(t, spec.Annotations["c"], "d")
99				_, ok := spec.Annotations["d"]
100				assert.False(t, ok)
101			},
102		},
103		"passthrough annotations should support wildcard match": {
104			configChange: func(c *runtime.PodSandboxConfig) {
105				c.Annotations["t.f"] = "j"
106				c.Annotations["z.g"] = "o"
107				c.Annotations["z"] = "o"
108				c.Annotations["y.ca"] = "b"
109				c.Annotations["y"] = "b"
110			},
111			podAnnotations: []string{"t*", "z.*", "y.c*"},
112			specCheck: func(t *testing.T, spec *runtimespec.Spec) {
113				t.Logf("%+v", spec.Annotations)
114				assert.Equal(t, spec.Annotations["t.f"], "j")
115				assert.Equal(t, spec.Annotations["z.g"], "o")
116				assert.Equal(t, spec.Annotations["y.ca"], "b")
117				_, ok := spec.Annotations["y"]
118				assert.False(t, ok)
119				_, ok = spec.Annotations["z"]
120				assert.False(t, ok)
121			},
122		},
123	} {
124		t.Run(desc, func(t *testing.T) {
125			c := newTestCRIService()
126			containerConfig, sandboxConfig, imageConfig, specCheck := getCreateContainerTestData()
127			if test.configChange != nil {
128				test.configChange(sandboxConfig)
129			}
131			ociRuntime := config.Runtime{
132				PodAnnotations: test.podAnnotations,
133			}
134			spec, err := c.containerSpec(testID, testSandboxID, testPid, "", testContainerName, testImageName,
135				containerConfig, sandboxConfig, imageConfig, nil, ociRuntime)
136			assert.NoError(t, err)
137			assert.NotNil(t, spec)
138			specCheck(t, testID, testSandboxID, testPid, spec)
139			if test.specCheck != nil {
140				test.specCheck(t, spec)
141			}
142		})
143	}
146func TestContainerSpecCommand(t *testing.T) {
147	for desc, test := range map[string]struct {
148		criEntrypoint   []string
149		criArgs         []string
150		imageEntrypoint []string
151		imageArgs       []string
152		expected        []string
153		expectErr       bool
154	}{
155		"should use cri entrypoint if it's specified": {
156			criEntrypoint:   []string{"a", "b"},
157			imageEntrypoint: []string{"c", "d"},
158			imageArgs:       []string{"e", "f"},
159			expected:        []string{"a", "b"},
160		},
161		"should use cri entrypoint if it's specified even if it's empty": {
162			criEntrypoint:   []string{},
163			criArgs:         []string{"a", "b"},
164			imageEntrypoint: []string{"c", "d"},
165			imageArgs:       []string{"e", "f"},
166			expected:        []string{"a", "b"},
167		},
168		"should use cri entrypoint and args if they are specified": {
169			criEntrypoint:   []string{"a", "b"},
170			criArgs:         []string{"c", "d"},
171			imageEntrypoint: []string{"e", "f"},
172			imageArgs:       []string{"g", "h"},
173			expected:        []string{"a", "b", "c", "d"},
174		},
175		"should use image entrypoint if cri entrypoint is not specified": {
176			criArgs:         []string{"a", "b"},
177			imageEntrypoint: []string{"c", "d"},
178			imageArgs:       []string{"e", "f"},
179			expected:        []string{"c", "d", "a", "b"},
180		},
181		"should use image args if both cri entrypoint and args are not specified": {
182			imageEntrypoint: []string{"c", "d"},
183			imageArgs:       []string{"e", "f"},
184			expected:        []string{"c", "d", "e", "f"},
185		},
186		"should return error if both entrypoint and args are empty": {
187			expectErr: true,
188		},
189	} {
191		config, _, imageConfig, _ := getCreateContainerTestData()
192		config.Command = test.criEntrypoint
193		config.Args = test.criArgs
194		imageConfig.Entrypoint = test.imageEntrypoint
195		imageConfig.Cmd = test.imageArgs
197		var spec runtimespec.Spec
198		err := opts.WithProcessArgs(config, imageConfig)(context.Background(), nil, nil, &spec)
199		if test.expectErr {
200			assert.Error(t, err)
201			continue
202		}
203		assert.NoError(t, err)
204		assert.Equal(t, test.expected, spec.Process.Args, desc)
205	}
208func TestVolumeMounts(t *testing.T) {
209	testContainerRootDir := "test-container-root"
210	for desc, test := range map[string]struct {
211		criMounts         []*runtime.Mount
212		imageVolumes      map[string]struct{}
213		expectedMountDest []string
214	}{
215		"should setup rw mount for image volumes": {
216			imageVolumes: map[string]struct{}{
217				"/test-volume-1": {},
218				"/test-volume-2": {},
219			},
220			expectedMountDest: []string{
221				"/test-volume-1",
222				"/test-volume-2",
223			},
224		},
225		"should skip image volumes if already mounted by CRI": {
226			criMounts: []*runtime.Mount{
227				{
228					ContainerPath: "/test-volume-1",
229					HostPath:      "/test-hostpath-1",
230				},
231			},
232			imageVolumes: map[string]struct{}{
233				"/test-volume-1": {},
234				"/test-volume-2": {},
235			},
236			expectedMountDest: []string{
237				"/test-volume-2",
238			},
239		},
240		"should compare and return cleanpath": {
241			criMounts: []*runtime.Mount{
242				{
243					ContainerPath: "/test-volume-1",
244					HostPath:      "/test-hostpath-1",
245				},
246			},
247			imageVolumes: map[string]struct{}{
248				"/test-volume-1/": {},
249				"/test-volume-2/": {},
250			},
251			expectedMountDest: []string{
252				"/test-volume-2/",
253			},
254		},
255	} {
256		t.Logf("TestCase %q", desc)
257		config := &imagespec.ImageConfig{
258			Volumes: test.imageVolumes,
259		}
260		c := newTestCRIService()
261		got := c.volumeMounts(testContainerRootDir, test.criMounts, config)
262		assert.Len(t, got, len(test.expectedMountDest))
263		for _, dest := range test.expectedMountDest {
264			found := false
265			for _, m := range got {
266				if m.ContainerPath == dest {
267					found = true
268					assert.Equal(t,
269						filepath.Dir(m.HostPath),
270						filepath.Join(testContainerRootDir, "volumes"))
271					break
272				}
273			}
274			assert.True(t, found)
275		}
276	}
279func TestContainerAnnotationPassthroughContainerSpec(t *testing.T) {
280	if goruntime.GOOS == "darwin" {
281		t.Skip("not implemented on Darwin")
282	}
284	testID := "test-id"
285	testSandboxID := "sandbox-id"
286	testContainerName := "container-name"
287	testPid := uint32(1234)
289	for desc, test := range map[string]struct {
290		podAnnotations       []string
291		containerAnnotations []string
292		podConfigChange      func(*runtime.PodSandboxConfig)
293		configChange         func(*runtime.ContainerConfig)
294		specCheck            func(*testing.T, *runtimespec.Spec)
295	}{
296		"passthrough annotations from pod and container should be passed as an OCI annotation": {
297			podConfigChange: func(p *runtime.PodSandboxConfig) {
298				p.Annotations["pod.annotation.1"] = "1"
299				p.Annotations["pod.annotation.2"] = "2"
300				p.Annotations["pod.annotation.3"] = "3"
301			},
302			configChange: func(c *runtime.ContainerConfig) {
303				c.Annotations["container.annotation.1"] = "1"
304				c.Annotations["container.annotation.2"] = "2"
305				c.Annotations["container.annotation.3"] = "3"
306			},
307			podAnnotations:       []string{"pod.annotation.1"},
308			containerAnnotations: []string{"container.annotation.1"},
309			specCheck: func(t *testing.T, spec *runtimespec.Spec) {
310				assert.Equal(t, "1", spec.Annotations["container.annotation.1"])
311				_, ok := spec.Annotations["container.annotation.2"]
312				assert.False(t, ok)
313				_, ok = spec.Annotations["container.annotation.3"]
314				assert.False(t, ok)
315				assert.Equal(t, "1", spec.Annotations["pod.annotation.1"])
316				_, ok = spec.Annotations["pod.annotation.2"]
317				assert.False(t, ok)
318				_, ok = spec.Annotations["pod.annotation.3"]
319				assert.False(t, ok)
320			},
321		},
322		"passthrough annotations from pod and container should support wildcard": {
323			podConfigChange: func(p *runtime.PodSandboxConfig) {
324				p.Annotations["pod.annotation.1"] = "1"
325				p.Annotations["pod.annotation.2"] = "2"
326				p.Annotations["pod.annotation.3"] = "3"
327			},
328			configChange: func(c *runtime.ContainerConfig) {
329				c.Annotations["container.annotation.1"] = "1"
330				c.Annotations["container.annotation.2"] = "2"
331				c.Annotations["container.annotation.3"] = "3"
332			},
333			podAnnotations:       []string{"pod.annotation.*"},
334			containerAnnotations: []string{"container.annotation.*"},
335			specCheck: func(t *testing.T, spec *runtimespec.Spec) {
336				assert.Equal(t, "1", spec.Annotations["container.annotation.1"])
337				assert.Equal(t, "2", spec.Annotations["container.annotation.2"])
338				assert.Equal(t, "3", spec.Annotations["container.annotation.3"])
339				assert.Equal(t, "1", spec.Annotations["pod.annotation.1"])
340				assert.Equal(t, "2", spec.Annotations["pod.annotation.2"])
341				assert.Equal(t, "3", spec.Annotations["pod.annotation.3"])
342			},
343		},
344		"annotations should not pass through if no passthrough annotations are configured": {
345			podConfigChange: func(p *runtime.PodSandboxConfig) {
346				p.Annotations["pod.annotation.1"] = "1"
347				p.Annotations["pod.annotation.2"] = "2"
348				p.Annotations["pod.annotation.3"] = "3"
349			},
350			configChange: func(c *runtime.ContainerConfig) {
351				c.Annotations["container.annotation.1"] = "1"
352				c.Annotations["container.annotation.2"] = "2"
353				c.Annotations["container.annotation.3"] = "3"
354			},
355			podAnnotations:       []string{},
356			containerAnnotations: []string{},
357			specCheck: func(t *testing.T, spec *runtimespec.Spec) {
358				_, ok := spec.Annotations["container.annotation.1"]
359				assert.False(t, ok)
360				_, ok = spec.Annotations["container.annotation.2"]
361				assert.False(t, ok)
362				_, ok = spec.Annotations["container.annotation.3"]
363				assert.False(t, ok)
364				_, ok = spec.Annotations["pod.annotation.1"]
365				assert.False(t, ok)
366				_, ok = spec.Annotations["pod.annotation.2"]
367				assert.False(t, ok)
368				_, ok = spec.Annotations["pod.annotation.3"]
369				assert.False(t, ok)
370			},
371		},
372	} {
373		t.Run(desc, func(t *testing.T) {
374			c := newTestCRIService()
375			containerConfig, sandboxConfig, imageConfig, specCheck := getCreateContainerTestData()
376			if test.configChange != nil {
377				test.configChange(containerConfig)
378			}
379			if test.podConfigChange != nil {
380				test.podConfigChange(sandboxConfig)
381			}
382			ociRuntime := config.Runtime{
383				PodAnnotations:       test.podAnnotations,
384				ContainerAnnotations: test.containerAnnotations,
385			}
386			spec, err := c.containerSpec(testID, testSandboxID, testPid, "", testContainerName, testImageName,
387				containerConfig, sandboxConfig, imageConfig, nil, ociRuntime)
388			assert.NoError(t, err)
389			assert.NotNil(t, spec)
390			specCheck(t, testID, testSandboxID, testPid, spec)
391			if test.specCheck != nil {
392				test.specCheck(t, spec)
393			}
394		})
395	}
398func TestBaseRuntimeSpec(t *testing.T) {
399	c := newTestCRIService()
400	c.baseOCISpecs = map[string]*oci.Spec{
401		"/etc/containerd/cri-base.json": {
402			Version:  "1.0.2",
403			Hostname: "old",
404		},
405	}
407	out, err := c.runtimeSpec("id1", "/etc/containerd/cri-base.json", oci.WithHostname("new"))
408	assert.NoError(t, err)
410	assert.Equal(t, "1.0.2", out.Version)
411	assert.Equal(t, "new", out.Hostname)
413	// Make sure original base spec not changed
414	assert.NotEqual(t, out, c.baseOCISpecs["/etc/containerd/cri-base.json"])
415	assert.Equal(t, c.baseOCISpecs["/etc/containerd/cri-base.json"].Hostname, "old")
417	assert.Equal(t, filepath.Join("/", constants.K8sContainerdNamespace, "id1"), out.Linux.CgroupsPath)