1# A Swagger 2.0 (a.k.a. OpenAPI) definition of the Engine API.
3# This is used for generating API documentation and the types used by the
4# client/server. See api/README.md for more information.
6# Some style notes:
7# - This file is used by ReDoc, which allows GitHub Flavored Markdown in
8#   descriptions.
9# - There is no maximum line length, for ease of editing and pretty diffs.
10# - operationIds are in the format "NounVerb", with a singular noun.
12swagger: "2.0"
14  - "http"
15  - "https"
17  - "application/json"
18  - "text/plain"
20  - "application/json"
21  - "text/plain"
22basePath: "/v1.30"
24  title: "Docker Engine API"
25  version: "1.30"
26  x-logo:
27    url: "https://docs.docker.com/images/logo-docker-main.png"
28  description: |
29    The Engine API is an HTTP API served by Docker Engine. It is the API the Docker client uses to communicate with the Engine, so everything the Docker client can do can be done with the API.
31    Most of the client's commands map directly to API endpoints (e.g. `docker ps` is `GET /containers/json`). The notable exception is running containers, which consists of several API calls.
33    # Errors
35    The API uses standard HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of the API call. The body of the response will be JSON in the following format:
37    ```
38    {
39      "message": "page not found"
40    }
41    ```
43    # Versioning
45    The API is usually changed in each release of Docker, so API calls are versioned to ensure that clients don't break.
47    For Docker Engine 17.06, the API version is 1.30. To lock to this version, you prefix the URL with `/v1.30`. For example, calling `/info` is the same as calling `/v1.30/info`.
49    Engine releases in the near future should support this version of the API, so your client will continue to work even if it is talking to a newer Engine.
51    In previous versions of Docker, it was possible to access the API without providing a version. This behaviour is now deprecated will be removed in a future version of Docker.
53    The API uses an open schema model, which means server may add extra properties to responses. Likewise, the server will ignore any extra query parameters and request body properties. When you write clients, you need to ignore additional properties in responses to ensure they do not break when talking to newer Docker daemons.
55    This documentation is for version 1.30 of the API, which was introduced with Docker 17.06. Use this table to find documentation for previous versions of the API:
57    Docker version  | API version | Changes
58    ----------------|-------------|---------
59    17.05.x | [1.29](https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/v1.29/) | [API changes](https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/version-history/#v1-29-api-changes)
60    17.04.x | [1.28](https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/v1.28/) | [API changes](https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/version-history/#v1-28-api-changes)
61    17.03.1 | [1.27](https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/v1.27/) | [API changes](https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/version-history/#v1-27-api-changes)
62    1.13.1 & 17.03.0 | [1.26](https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/v1.26/) | [API changes](https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/version-history/#v1-26-api-changes)
63    1.13.0 | [1.25](https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/v1.25/) | [API changes](https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/version-history/#v1-25-api-changes)
64    1.12.x | [1.24](https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/v1.24/) | [API changes](https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/version-history/#v1-24-api-changes)
65    1.11.x | [1.23](https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/v1.23/) | [API changes](https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/version-history/#v1-23-api-changes)
66    1.10.x | [1.22](https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/v1.22/) | [API changes](https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/version-history/#v1-22-api-changes)
67    1.9.x | [1.21](https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/v1.21/) | [API changes](https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/version-history/#v1-21-api-changes)
68    1.8.x | [1.20](https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/v1.20/) | [API changes](https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/version-history/#v1-20-api-changes)
69    1.7.x | [1.19](https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/v1.19/) | [API changes](https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/version-history/#v1-19-api-changes)
70    1.6.x | [1.18](https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/v1.18/) | [API changes](https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/version-history/#v1-18-api-changes)
72    # Authentication
74    Authentication for registries is handled client side. The client has to send authentication details to various endpoints that need to communicate with registries, such as `POST /images/(name)/push`. These are sent as `X-Registry-Auth` header as a Base64 encoded (JSON) string with the following structure:
76    ```
77    {
78      "username": "string",
79      "password": "string",
80      "email": "string",
81      "serveraddress": "string"
82    }
83    ```
85    The `serveraddress` is a domain/IP without a protocol. Throughout this structure, double quotes are required.
87    If you have already got an identity token from the [`/auth` endpoint](#operation/SystemAuth), you can just pass this instead of credentials:
89    ```
90    {
91      "identitytoken": "9cbaf023786cd7..."
92    }
93    ```
95# The tags on paths define the menu sections in the ReDoc documentation, so
96# the usage of tags must make sense for that:
97# - They should be singular, not plural.
98# - There should not be too many tags, or the menu becomes unwieldy. For
99#   example, it is preferable to add a path to the "System" tag instead of
100#   creating a tag with a single path in it.
101# - The order of tags in this list defines the order in the menu.
103  # Primary objects
104  - name: "Container"
105    x-displayName: "Containers"
106    description: |
107      Create and manage containers.
108  - name: "Image"
109    x-displayName: "Images"
110  - name: "Network"
111    x-displayName: "Networks"
112    description: |
113      Networks are user-defined networks that containers can be attached to. See the [networking documentation](https://docs.docker.com/network/) for more information.
114  - name: "Volume"
115    x-displayName: "Volumes"
116    description: |
117      Create and manage persistent storage that can be attached to containers.
118  - name: "Exec"
119    x-displayName: "Exec"
120    description: |
121      Run new commands inside running containers. See the [command-line reference](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/exec/) for more information.
123      To exec a command in a container, you first need to create an exec instance, then start it. These two API endpoints are wrapped up in a single command-line command, `docker exec`.
124  # Swarm things
125  - name: "Swarm"
126    x-displayName: "Swarm"
127    description: |
128      Engines can be clustered together in a swarm. See [the swarm mode documentation](https://docs.docker.com/engine/swarm/) for more information.
129  - name: "Node"
130    x-displayName: "Nodes"
131    description: |
132      Nodes are instances of the Engine participating in a swarm. Swarm mode must be enabled for these endpoints to work.
133  - name: "Service"
134    x-displayName: "Services"
135    description: |
136      Services are the definitions of tasks to run on a swarm. Swarm mode must be enabled for these endpoints to work.
137  - name: "Task"
138    x-displayName: "Tasks"
139    description: |
140      A task is a container running on a swarm. It is the atomic scheduling unit of swarm. Swarm mode must be enabled for these endpoints to work.
141  - name: "Secret"
142    x-displayName: "Secrets"
143    description: |
144      Secrets are sensitive data that can be used by services. Swarm mode must be enabled for these endpoints to work.
145  # System things
146  - name: "Plugin"
147    x-displayName: "Plugins"
148  - name: "System"
149    x-displayName: "System"
152  Port:
153    type: "object"
154    description: "An open port on a container"
155    required: [PrivatePort, Type]
156    properties:
157      IP:
158        type: "string"
159        format: "ip-address"
160      PrivatePort:
161        type: "integer"
162        format: "uint16"
163        x-nullable: false
164        description: "Port on the container"
165      PublicPort:
166        type: "integer"
167        format: "uint16"
168        description: "Port exposed on the host"
169      Type:
170        type: "string"
171        x-nullable: false
172        enum: ["tcp", "udp"]
173    example:
174      PrivatePort: 8080
175      PublicPort: 80
176      Type: "tcp"
178  MountPoint:
179    type: "object"
180    description: "A mount point inside a container"
181    properties:
182      Type:
183        type: "string"
184      Name:
185        type: "string"
186      Source:
187        type: "string"
188      Destination:
189        type: "string"
190      Driver:
191        type: "string"
192      Mode:
193        type: "string"
194      RW:
195        type: "boolean"
196      Propagation:
197        type: "string"
199  DeviceMapping:
200    type: "object"
201    description: "A device mapping between the host and container"
202    properties:
203      PathOnHost:
204        type: "string"
205      PathInContainer:
206        type: "string"
207      CgroupPermissions:
208        type: "string"
209    example:
210      PathOnHost: "/dev/deviceName"
211      PathInContainer: "/dev/deviceName"
212      CgroupPermissions: "mrw"
214  ThrottleDevice:
215    type: "object"
216    properties:
217      Path:
218        description: "Device path"
219        type: "string"
220      Rate:
221        description: "Rate"
222        type: "integer"
223        format: "int64"
224        minimum: 0
226  Mount:
227    type: "object"
228    properties:
229      Target:
230        description: "Container path."
231        type: "string"
232      Source:
233        description: "Mount source (e.g. a volume name, a host path)."
234        type: "string"
235      Type:
236        description: |
237          The mount type. Available types:
239          - `bind` Mounts a file or directory from the host into the container. Must exist prior to creating the container.
240          - `volume` Creates a volume with the given name and options (or uses a pre-existing volume with the same name and options). These are **not** removed when the container is removed.
241          - `tmpfs` Create a tmpfs with the given options. The mount source cannot be specified for tmpfs.
242        type: "string"
243        enum:
244          - "bind"
245          - "volume"
246          - "tmpfs"
247      ReadOnly:
248        description: "Whether the mount should be read-only."
249        type: "boolean"
250      Consistency:
251        description: "The consistency requirement for the mount: `default`, `consistent`, `cached`, or `delegated`."
252        type: "string"
253      BindOptions:
254        description: "Optional configuration for the `bind` type."
255        type: "object"
256        properties:
257          Propagation:
258            description: "A propagation mode with the value `[r]private`, `[r]shared`, or `[r]slave`."
259            enum:
260              - "private"
261              - "rprivate"
262              - "shared"
263              - "rshared"
264              - "slave"
265              - "rslave"
266      VolumeOptions:
267        description: "Optional configuration for the `volume` type."
268        type: "object"
269        properties:
270          NoCopy:
271            description: "Populate volume with data from the target."
272            type: "boolean"
273            default: false
274          Labels:
275            description: "User-defined key/value metadata."
276            type: "object"
277            additionalProperties:
278              type: "string"
279          DriverConfig:
280            description: "Map of driver specific options"
281            type: "object"
282            properties:
283              Name:
284                description: "Name of the driver to use to create the volume."
285                type: "string"
286              Options:
287                description: "key/value map of driver specific options."
288                type: "object"
289                additionalProperties:
290                  type: "string"
291      TmpfsOptions:
292        description: "Optional configuration for the `tmpfs` type."
293        type: "object"
294        properties:
295          SizeBytes:
296            description: "The size for the tmpfs mount in bytes."
297            type: "integer"
298            format: "int64"
299          Mode:
300            description: "The permission mode for the tmpfs mount in an integer."
301            type: "integer"
302  RestartPolicy:
303    description: |
304      The behavior to apply when the container exits. The default is not to restart.
306      An ever increasing delay (double the previous delay, starting at 100ms) is added before each restart to prevent flooding the server.
307    type: "object"
308    properties:
309      Name:
310        type: "string"
311        description: |
312          - Empty string means not to restart
313          - `always` Always restart
314          - `unless-stopped` Restart always except when the user has manually stopped the container
315          - `on-failure` Restart only when the container exit code is non-zero
316        enum:
317          - ""
318          - "always"
319          - "unless-stopped"
320          - "on-failure"
321      MaximumRetryCount:
322        type: "integer"
323        description: "If `on-failure` is used, the number of times to retry before giving up"
325  Resources:
326    description: "A container's resources (cgroups config, ulimits, etc)"
327    type: "object"
328    properties:
329      # Applicable to all platforms
330      CpuShares:
331        description: "An integer value representing this container's relative CPU weight versus other containers."
332        type: "integer"
333      Memory:
334        description: "Memory limit in bytes."
335        type: "integer"
336        default: 0
337      # Applicable to UNIX platforms
338      CgroupParent:
339        description: "Path to `cgroups` under which the container's `cgroup` is created. If the path is not absolute, the path is considered to be relative to the `cgroups` path of the init process. Cgroups are created if they do not already exist."
340        type: "string"
341      BlkioWeight:
342        description: "Block IO weight (relative weight)."
343        type: "integer"
344        minimum: 0
345        maximum: 1000
346      BlkioWeightDevice:
347        description: |
348          Block IO weight (relative device weight) in the form `[{"Path": "device_path", "Weight": weight}]`.
349        type: "array"
350        items:
351          type: "object"
352          properties:
353            Path:
354              type: "string"
355            Weight:
356              type: "integer"
357              minimum: 0
358      BlkioDeviceReadBps:
359        description: |
360          Limit read rate (bytes per second) from a device, in the form `[{"Path": "device_path", "Rate": rate}]`.
361        type: "array"
362        items:
363          $ref: "#/definitions/ThrottleDevice"
364      BlkioDeviceWriteBps:
365        description: |
366          Limit write rate (bytes per second) to a device, in the form `[{"Path": "device_path", "Rate": rate}]`.
367        type: "array"
368        items:
369          $ref: "#/definitions/ThrottleDevice"
370      BlkioDeviceReadIOps:
371        description: |
372          Limit read rate (IO per second) from a device, in the form `[{"Path": "device_path", "Rate": rate}]`.
373        type: "array"
374        items:
375          $ref: "#/definitions/ThrottleDevice"
376      BlkioDeviceWriteIOps:
377        description: |
378          Limit write rate (IO per second) to a device, in the form `[{"Path": "device_path", "Rate": rate}]`.
379        type: "array"
380        items:
381          $ref: "#/definitions/ThrottleDevice"
382      CpuPeriod:
383        description: "The length of a CPU period in microseconds."
384        type: "integer"
385        format: "int64"
386      CpuQuota:
387        description: "Microseconds of CPU time that the container can get in a CPU period."
388        type: "integer"
389        format: "int64"
390      CpuRealtimePeriod:
391        description: "The length of a CPU real-time period in microseconds. Set to 0 to allocate no time allocated to real-time tasks."
392        type: "integer"
393        format: "int64"
394      CpuRealtimeRuntime:
395        description: "The length of a CPU real-time runtime in microseconds. Set to 0 to allocate no time allocated to real-time tasks."
396        type: "integer"
397        format: "int64"
398      CpusetCpus:
399        description: "CPUs in which to allow execution (e.g., `0-3`, `0,1`)"
400        type: "string"
401      CpusetMems:
402        description: "Memory nodes (MEMs) in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1). Only effective on NUMA systems."
403        type: "string"
404      Devices:
405        description: "A list of devices to add to the container."
406        type: "array"
407        items:
408          $ref: "#/definitions/DeviceMapping"
409      DeviceCgroupRules:
410        description: "a list of cgroup rules to apply to the container"
411        type: "array"
412        items:
413          type: "string"
414          example: "c 13:* rwm"
415      DiskQuota:
416        description: "Disk limit (in bytes)."
417        type: "integer"
418        format: "int64"
419      KernelMemory:
420        description: "Kernel memory limit in bytes."
421        type: "integer"
422        format: "int64"
423      MemoryReservation:
424        description: "Memory soft limit in bytes."
425        type: "integer"
426        format: "int64"
427      MemorySwap:
428        description: "Total memory limit (memory + swap). Set as `-1` to enable unlimited swap."
429        type: "integer"
430        format: "int64"
431      MemorySwappiness:
432        description: "Tune a container's memory swappiness behavior. Accepts an integer between 0 and 100."
433        type: "integer"
434        format: "int64"
435        minimum: 0
436        maximum: 100
437      NanoCpus:
438        description: "CPU quota in units of 10<sup>-9</sup> CPUs."
439        type: "integer"
440        format: "int64"
441      OomKillDisable:
442        description: "Disable OOM Killer for the container."
443        type: "boolean"
444      PidsLimit:
445        description: "Tune a container's pids limit. Set -1 for unlimited."
446        type: "integer"
447        format: "int64"
448      Ulimits:
449        description: |
450          A list of resource limits to set in the container. For example: `{"Name": "nofile", "Soft": 1024, "Hard": 2048}`"
451        type: "array"
452        items:
453          type: "object"
454          properties:
455            Name:
456              description: "Name of ulimit"
457              type: "string"
458            Soft:
459              description: "Soft limit"
460              type: "integer"
461            Hard:
462              description: "Hard limit"
463              type: "integer"
464      # Applicable to Windows
465      CpuCount:
466        description: |
467          The number of usable CPUs (Windows only).
469          On Windows Server containers, the processor resource controls are mutually exclusive. The order of precedence is `CPUCount` first, then `CPUShares`, and `CPUPercent` last.
470        type: "integer"
471        format: "int64"
472      CpuPercent:
473        description: |
474          The usable percentage of the available CPUs (Windows only).
476          On Windows Server containers, the processor resource controls are mutually exclusive. The order of precedence is `CPUCount` first, then `CPUShares`, and `CPUPercent` last.
477        type: "integer"
478        format: "int64"
479      IOMaximumIOps:
480        description: "Maximum IOps for the container system drive (Windows only)"
481        type: "integer"
482        format: "int64"
483      IOMaximumBandwidth:
484        description: "Maximum IO in bytes per second for the container system drive (Windows only)"
485        type: "integer"
486        format: "int64"
488  HealthConfig:
489    description: "A test to perform to check that the container is healthy."
490    type: "object"
491    properties:
492      Test:
493        description: |
494          The test to perform. Possible values are:
496          - `[]` inherit healthcheck from image or parent image
497          - `["NONE"]` disable healthcheck
498          - `["CMD", args...]` exec arguments directly
499          - `["CMD-SHELL", command]` run command with system's default shell
500        type: "array"
501        items:
502          type: "string"
503      Interval:
504        description: "The time to wait between checks in nanoseconds. It should be 0 or at least 1000000 (1 ms). 0 means inherit."
505        type: "integer"
506      Timeout:
507        description: "The time to wait before considering the check to have hung. It should be 0 or at least 1000000 (1 ms). 0 means inherit."
508        type: "integer"
509      Retries:
510        description: "The number of consecutive failures needed to consider a container as unhealthy. 0 means inherit."
511        type: "integer"
512      StartPeriod:
513        description: "Start period for the container to initialize before starting health-retries countdown in nanoseconds. It should be 0 or at least 1000000 (1 ms). 0 means inherit."
514        type: "integer"
516  HostConfig:
517    description: "Container configuration that depends on the host we are running on"
518    allOf:
519      - $ref: "#/definitions/Resources"
520      - type: "object"
521        properties:
522          # Applicable to all platforms
523          Binds:
524            type: "array"
525            description: |
526              A list of volume bindings for this container. Each volume binding is a string in one of these forms:
528              - `host-src:container-dest` to bind-mount a host path into the container. Both `host-src`, and `container-dest` must be an _absolute_ path.
529              - `host-src:container-dest:ro` to make the bind-mount read-only inside the container. Both `host-src`, and `container-dest` must be an _absolute_ path.
530              - `volume-name:container-dest` to bind-mount a volume managed by a volume driver into the container. `container-dest` must be an _absolute_ path.
531              - `volume-name:container-dest:ro` to mount the volume read-only inside the container.  `container-dest` must be an _absolute_ path.
532            items:
533              type: "string"
534          ContainerIDFile:
535            type: "string"
536            description: "Path to a file where the container ID is written"
537          LogConfig:
538            type: "object"
539            description: "The logging configuration for this container"
540            properties:
541              Type:
542                type: "string"
543                enum:
544                  - "json-file"
545                  - "syslog"
546                  - "journald"
547                  - "gelf"
548                  - "fluentd"
549                  - "awslogs"
550                  - "splunk"
551                  - "etwlogs"
552                  - "none"
553              Config:
554                type: "object"
555                additionalProperties:
556                  type: "string"
557          NetworkMode:
558            type: "string"
559            description: "Network mode to use for this container. Supported standard values are: `bridge`, `host`, `none`, and `container:<name|id>`. Any other value is taken
560              as a custom network's name to which this container should connect to."
561          PortBindings:
562            type: "object"
563            description: "A map of exposed container ports and the host port they should map to."
564            additionalProperties:
565              type: "object"
566              properties:
567                HostIp:
568                  type: "string"
569                  description: "The host IP address"
570                HostPort:
571                  type: "string"
572                  description: "The host port number, as a string"
573          RestartPolicy:
574            $ref: "#/definitions/RestartPolicy"
575          AutoRemove:
576            type: "boolean"
577            description: "Automatically remove the container when the container's process exits. This has no effect if `RestartPolicy` is set."
578          VolumeDriver:
579            type: "string"
580            description: "Driver that this container uses to mount volumes."
581          VolumesFrom:
582            type: "array"
583            description: "A list of volumes to inherit from another container, specified in the form `<container name>[:<ro|rw>]`."
584            items:
585              type: "string"
586          Mounts:
587            description: "Specification for mounts to be added to the container."
588            type: "array"
589            items:
590              $ref: "#/definitions/Mount"
592          # Applicable to UNIX platforms
593          CapAdd:
594            type: "array"
595            description: "A list of kernel capabilities to add to the container."
596            items:
597              type: "string"
598          CapDrop:
599            type: "array"
600            description: "A list of kernel capabilities to drop from the container."
601            items:
602              type: "string"
603          Dns:
604            type: "array"
605            description: "A list of DNS servers for the container to use."
606            items:
607              type: "string"
608          DnsOptions:
609            type: "array"
610            description: "A list of DNS options."
611            items:
612              type: "string"
613          DnsSearch:
614            type: "array"
615            description: "A list of DNS search domains."
616            items:
617              type: "string"
618          ExtraHosts:
619            type: "array"
620            description: |
621              A list of hostnames/IP mappings to add to the container's `/etc/hosts` file. Specified in the form `["hostname:IP"]`.
622            items:
623              type: "string"
624          GroupAdd:
625            type: "array"
626            description: "A list of additional groups that the container process will run as."
627            items:
628              type: "string"
629          IpcMode:
630            type: "string"
631            description: "IPC namespace to use for the container."
632          Cgroup:
633            type: "string"
634            description: "Cgroup to use for the container."
635          Links:
636            type: "array"
637            description: "A list of links for the container in the form `container_name:alias`."
638            items:
639              type: "string"
640          OomScoreAdj:
641            type: "integer"
642            description: "An integer value containing the score given to the container in order to tune OOM killer preferences."
643          PidMode:
644            type: "string"
645            description: |
646              Set the PID (Process) Namespace mode for the container. It can be either:
648              - `"container:<name|id>"`: joins another container's PID namespace
649              - `"host"`: use the host's PID namespace inside the container
650          Privileged:
651            type: "boolean"
652            description: "Gives the container full access to the host."
653          PublishAllPorts:
654            type: "boolean"
655            description: "Allocates a random host port for all of a container's exposed ports."
656          ReadonlyRootfs:
657            type: "boolean"
658            description: "Mount the container's root filesystem as read only."
659          SecurityOpt:
660            type: "array"
661            description: "A list of string values to customize labels for MLS
662            systems, such as SELinux."
663            items:
664              type: "string"
665          StorageOpt:
666            type: "object"
667            description: |
668              Storage driver options for this container, in the form `{"size": "120G"}`.
669            additionalProperties:
670              type: "string"
671          Tmpfs:
672            type: "object"
673            description: |
674              A map of container directories which should be replaced by tmpfs mounts, and their corresponding mount options. For example: `{ "/run": "rw,noexec,nosuid,size=65536k" }`.
675            additionalProperties:
676              type: "string"
677          UTSMode:
678            type: "string"
679            description: "UTS namespace to use for the container."
680          UsernsMode:
681            type: "string"
682            description: "Sets the usernamespace mode for the container when usernamespace remapping option is enabled."
683          ShmSize:
684            type: "integer"
685            description: "Size of `/dev/shm` in bytes. If omitted, the system uses 64MB."
686            minimum: 0
687          Sysctls:
688            type: "object"
689            description: |
690              A list of kernel parameters (sysctls) to set in the container. For example: `{"net.ipv4.ip_forward": "1"}`
691            additionalProperties:
692              type: "string"
693          Runtime:
694            type: "string"
695            description: "Runtime to use with this container."
696          # Applicable to Windows
697          ConsoleSize:
698            type: "array"
699            description: "Initial console size, as an `[height, width]` array. (Windows only)"
700            minItems: 2
701            maxItems: 2
702            items:
703              type: "integer"
704              minimum: 0
705          Isolation:
706            type: "string"
707            description: "Isolation technology of the container. (Windows only)"
708            enum:
709              - "default"
710              - "process"
711              - "hyperv"
713  ContainerConfig:
714    description: "Configuration for a container that is portable between hosts"
715    type: "object"
716    properties:
717      Hostname:
718        description: "The hostname to use for the container, as a valid RFC 1123 hostname."
719        type: "string"
720      Domainname:
721        description: "The domain name to use for the container."
722        type: "string"
723      User:
724        description: "The user that commands are run as inside the container."
725        type: "string"
726      AttachStdin:
727        description: "Whether to attach to `stdin`."
728        type: "boolean"
729        default: false
730      AttachStdout:
731        description: "Whether to attach to `stdout`."
732        type: "boolean"
733        default: true
734      AttachStderr:
735        description: "Whether to attach to `stderr`."
736        type: "boolean"
737        default: true
738      ExposedPorts:
739        description: |
740          An object mapping ports to an empty object in the form:
742          `{"<port>/<tcp|udp>": {}}`
743        type: "object"
744        additionalProperties:
745          type: "object"
746          enum:
747            - {}
748          default: {}
749      Tty:
750        description: "Attach standard streams to a TTY, including `stdin` if it is not closed."
751        type: "boolean"
752        default: false
753      OpenStdin:
754        description: "Open `stdin`"
755        type: "boolean"
756        default: false
757      StdinOnce:
758        description: "Close `stdin` after one attached client disconnects"
759        type: "boolean"
760        default: false
761      Env:
762        description: |
763          A list of environment variables to set inside the container in the form `["VAR=value", ...]`. A variable without `=` is removed from the environment, rather than to have an empty value.
764        type: "array"
765        items:
766          type: "string"
767      Cmd:
768        description: "Command to run specified as a string or an array of strings."
769        type:
770          - "array"
771          - "string"
772        items:
773          type: "string"
774      Healthcheck:
775        $ref: "#/definitions/HealthConfig"
776      ArgsEscaped:
777        description: "Command is already escaped (Windows only)"
778        type: "boolean"
779      Image:
780        description: "The name of the image to use when creating the container"
781        type: "string"
782      Volumes:
783        description: "An object mapping mount point paths inside the container to empty objects."
784        type: "object"
785        properties:
786          additionalProperties:
787            type: "object"
788            enum:
789              - {}
790            default: {}
791      WorkingDir:
792        description: "The working directory for commands to run in."
793        type: "string"
794      Entrypoint:
795        description: |
796          The entry point for the container as a string or an array of strings.
798          If the array consists of exactly one empty string (`[""]`) then the entry point is reset to system default (i.e., the entry point used by docker when there is no `ENTRYPOINT` instruction in the `Dockerfile`).
799        type:
800          - "array"
801          - "string"
802        items:
803          type: "string"
804      NetworkDisabled:
805        description: "Disable networking for the container."
806        type: "boolean"
807      MacAddress:
808        description: "MAC address of the container."
809        type: "string"
810      OnBuild:
811        description: "`ONBUILD` metadata that were defined in the image's `Dockerfile`."
812        type: "array"
813        items:
814          type: "string"
815      Labels:
816        description: "User-defined key/value metadata."
817        type: "object"
818        additionalProperties:
819          type: "string"
820      StopSignal:
821        description: "Signal to stop a container as a string or unsigned integer."
822        type: "string"
823        default: "SIGTERM"
824      StopTimeout:
825        description: "Timeout to stop a container in seconds."
826        type: "integer"
827        default: 10
828      Shell:
829        description: "Shell for when `RUN`, `CMD`, and `ENTRYPOINT` uses a shell."
830        type: "array"
831        items:
832          type: "string"
834  NetworkConfig:
835    description: "TODO: check is correct"
836    type: "object"
837    properties:
838      Bridge:
839        type: "string"
840      Gateway:
841        type: "string"
842      Address:
843        type: "string"
844      IPPrefixLen:
845        type: "integer"
846      MacAddress:
847        type: "string"
848      PortMapping:
849        type: "string"
850      Ports:
851        type: "array"
852        items:
853          $ref: "#/definitions/Port"
855  GraphDriverData:
856    description: "Information about a container's graph driver."
857    type: "object"
858    required: [Name, Data]
859    properties:
860      Name:
861        type: "string"
862        x-nullable: false
863      Data:
864        type: "object"
865        x-nullable: false
866        additionalProperties:
867          type: "string"
869  Image:
870    type: "object"
871    required:
872      - Id
873      - Parent
874      - Comment
875      - Created
876      - Container
877      - DockerVersion
878      - Author
879      - Architecture
880      - Os
881      - Size
882      - VirtualSize
883      - GraphDriver
884      - RootFS
885    properties:
886      Id:
887        type: "string"
888        x-nullable: false
889      RepoTags:
890        type: "array"
891        items:
892          type: "string"
893      RepoDigests:
894        type: "array"
895        items:
896          type: "string"
897      Parent:
898        type: "string"
899        x-nullable: false
900      Comment:
901        type: "string"
902        x-nullable: false
903      Created:
904        type: "string"
905        x-nullable: false
906      Container:
907        type: "string"
908        x-nullable: false
909      ContainerConfig:
910        $ref: "#/definitions/ContainerConfig"
911      DockerVersion:
912        type: "string"
913        x-nullable: false
914      Author:
915        type: "string"
916        x-nullable: false
917      Config:
918        $ref: "#/definitions/ContainerConfig"
919      Architecture:
920        type: "string"
921        x-nullable: false
922      Os:
923        type: "string"
924        x-nullable: false
925      OsVersion:
926        type: "string"
927      Size:
928        type: "integer"
929        format: "int64"
930        x-nullable: false
931      VirtualSize:
932        type: "integer"
933        format: "int64"
934        x-nullable: false
935      GraphDriver:
936        $ref: "#/definitions/GraphDriverData"
937      RootFS:
938        type: "object"
939        required: [Type]
940        properties:
941          Type:
942            type: "string"
943            x-nullable: false
944          Layers:
945            type: "array"
946            items:
947              type: "string"
948          BaseLayer:
949            type: "string"
951  ImageSummary:
952    type: "object"
953    required:
954      - Id
955      - ParentId
956      - RepoTags
957      - RepoDigests
958      - Created
959      - Size
960      - SharedSize
961      - VirtualSize
962      - Labels
963      - Containers
964    properties:
965      Id:
966        type: "string"
967        x-nullable: false
968      ParentId:
969        type: "string"
970        x-nullable: false
971      RepoTags:
972        type: "array"
973        x-nullable: false
974        items:
975          type: "string"
976      RepoDigests:
977        type: "array"
978        x-nullable: false
979        items:
980          type: "string"
981      Created:
982        type: "integer"
983        x-nullable: false
984      Size:
985        type: "integer"
986        x-nullable: false
987      SharedSize:
988        type: "integer"
989        x-nullable: false
990      VirtualSize:
991        type: "integer"
992        x-nullable: false
993      Labels:
994        type: "object"
995        x-nullable: false
996        additionalProperties:
997          type: "string"
998      Containers:
999        x-nullable: false
1000        type: "integer"
1002  AuthConfig:
1003    type: "object"
1004    properties:
1005      username:
1006        type: "string"
1007      password:
1008        type: "string"
1009      email:
1010        type: "string"
1011      serveraddress:
1012        type: "string"
1013    example:
1014      username: "hannibal"
1015      password: "xxxx"
1016      serveraddress: "https://index.docker.io/v1/"
1018  ProcessConfig:
1019    type: "object"
1020    properties:
1021      privileged:
1022        type: "boolean"
1023      user:
1024        type: "string"
1025      tty:
1026        type: "boolean"
1027      entrypoint:
1028        type: "string"
1029      arguments:
1030        type: "array"
1031        items:
1032          type: "string"
1034  Volume:
1035    type: "object"
1036    required: [Name, Driver, Mountpoint, Labels, Scope, Options]
1037    properties:
1038      Name:
1039        type: "string"
1040        description: "Name of the volume."
1041        x-nullable: false
1042      Driver:
1043        type: "string"
1044        description: "Name of the volume driver used by the volume."
1045        x-nullable: false
1046      Mountpoint:
1047        type: "string"
1048        description: "Mount path of the volume on the host."
1049        x-nullable: false
1050      Status:
1051        type: "object"
1052        description: |
1053          Low-level details about the volume, provided by the volume driver.
1054          Details are returned as a map with key/value pairs:
1055          `{"key":"value","key2":"value2"}`.
1057          The `Status` field is optional, and is omitted if the volume driver
1058          does not support this feature.
1059        additionalProperties:
1060          type: "object"
1061      Labels:
1062        type: "object"
1063        description: "User-defined key/value metadata."
1064        x-nullable: false
1065        additionalProperties:
1066          type: "string"
1067      Scope:
1068        type: "string"
1069        description: "The level at which the volume exists. Either `global` for cluster-wide, or `local` for machine level."
1070        default: "local"
1071        x-nullable: false
1072        enum: ["local", "global"]
1073      Options:
1074        type: "object"
1075        description: "The driver specific options used when creating the volume."
1076        additionalProperties:
1077          type: "string"
1078      UsageData:
1079        type: "object"
1080        x-nullable: true
1081        required: [Size, RefCount]
1082        description: |
1083          Usage details about the volume. This information is used by the
1084          `GET /system/df` endpoint, and omitted in other endpoints.
1085        properties:
1086          Size:
1087            type: "integer"
1088            default: -1
1089            description: |
1090              Amount of disk space used by the volume (in bytes). This information
1091              is only available for volumes created with the `"local"` volume
1092              driver. For volumes created with other volume drivers, this field
1093              is set to `-1` ("not available")
1094            x-nullable: false
1095          RefCount:
1096            type: "integer"
1097            default: -1
1098            description: |
1099              The number of containers referencing this volume. This field
1100              is set to `-1` if the reference-count is not available.
1101            x-nullable: false
1103    example:
1104      Name: "tardis"
1105      Driver: "custom"
1106      Mountpoint: "/var/lib/docker/volumes/tardis"
1107      Status:
1108        hello: "world"
1109      Labels:
1110        com.example.some-label: "some-value"
1111        com.example.some-other-label: "some-other-value"
1112      Scope: "local"
1114  Network:
1115    type: "object"
1116    properties:
1117      Name:
1118        type: "string"
1119      Id:
1120        type: "string"
1121      Created:
1122        type: "string"
1123        format: "dateTime"
1124      Scope:
1125        type: "string"
1126      Driver:
1127        type: "string"
1128      EnableIPv6:
1129        type: "boolean"
1130      IPAM:
1131        $ref: "#/definitions/IPAM"
1132      Internal:
1133        type: "boolean"
1134      Attachable:
1135        type: "boolean"
1136      Ingress:
1137        type: "boolean"
1138      Containers:
1139        type: "object"
1140        additionalProperties:
1141          $ref: "#/definitions/NetworkContainer"
1142      Options:
1143        type: "object"
1144        additionalProperties:
1145          type: "string"
1146      Labels:
1147        type: "object"
1148        additionalProperties:
1149          type: "string"
1150    example:
1151      Name: "net01"
1152      Id: "7d86d31b1478e7cca9ebed7e73aa0fdeec46c5ca29497431d3007d2d9e15ed99"
1153      Created: "2016-10-19T04:33:30.360899459Z"
1154      Scope: "local"
1155      Driver: "bridge"
1156      EnableIPv6: false
1157      IPAM:
1158        Driver: "default"
1159        Config:
1160          - Subnet: ""
1161            Gateway: ""
1162        Options:
1163          foo: "bar"
1164      Internal: false
1165      Attachable: false
1166      Ingress: false
1167      Containers:
1168        19a4d5d687db25203351ed79d478946f861258f018fe384f229f2efa4b23513c:
1169          Name: "test"
1170          EndpointID: "628cadb8bcb92de107b2a1e516cbffe463e321f548feb37697cce00ad694f21a"
1171          MacAddress: "02:42:ac:13:00:02"
1172          IPv4Address: ""
1173          IPv6Address: ""
1174      Options:
1175        com.docker.network.bridge.default_bridge: "true"
1176        com.docker.network.bridge.enable_icc: "true"
1177        com.docker.network.bridge.enable_ip_masquerade: "true"
1178        com.docker.network.bridge.host_binding_ipv4: ""
1179        com.docker.network.bridge.name: "docker0"
1180        com.docker.network.driver.mtu: "1500"
1181      Labels:
1182        com.example.some-label: "some-value"
1183        com.example.some-other-label: "some-other-value"
1184  IPAM:
1185    type: "object"
1186    properties:
1187      Driver:
1188        description: "Name of the IPAM driver to use."
1189        type: "string"
1190        default: "default"
1191      Config:
1192        description: "List of IPAM configuration options, specified as a map: `{\"Subnet\": <CIDR>, \"IPRange\": <CIDR>, \"Gateway\": <IP address>, \"AuxAddress\": <device_name:IP address>}`"
1193        type: "array"
1194        items:
1195          type: "object"
1196          additionalProperties:
1197            type: "string"
1198      Options:
1199        description: "Driver-specific options, specified as a map."
1200        type: "array"
1201        items:
1202          type: "object"
1203          additionalProperties:
1204            type: "string"
1205  NetworkContainer:
1206    type: "object"
1207    properties:
1208      Name:
1209        type: "string"
1210      EndpointID:
1211        type: "string"
1212      MacAddress:
1213        type: "string"
1214      IPv4Address:
1215        type: "string"
1216      IPv6Address:
1217        type: "string"
1219  BuildInfo:
1220    type: "object"
1221    properties:
1222      id:
1223        type: "string"
1224      stream:
1225        type: "string"
1226      error:
1227        type: "string"
1228      errorDetail:
1229        $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorDetail"
1230      status:
1231        type: "string"
1232      progress:
1233        type: "string"
1234      progressDetail:
1235        $ref: "#/definitions/ProgressDetail"
1237  CreateImageInfo:
1238    type: "object"
1239    properties:
1240      error:
1241        type: "string"
1242      status:
1243        type: "string"
1244      progress:
1245        type: "string"
1246      progressDetail:
1247        $ref: "#/definitions/ProgressDetail"
1249  PushImageInfo:
1250    type: "object"
1251    properties:
1252      error:
1253        type: "string"
1254      status:
1255        type: "string"
1256      progress:
1257        type: "string"
1258      progressDetail:
1259        $ref: "#/definitions/ProgressDetail"
1260  ErrorDetail:
1261    type: "object"
1262    properties:
1263      code:
1264        type: "integer"
1265      message:
1266        type: "string"
1267  ProgressDetail:
1268    type: "object"
1269    properties:
1270      code:
1271        type: "integer"
1272      message:
1273        type: "integer"
1275  ErrorResponse:
1276    description: "Represents an error."
1277    type: "object"
1278    required: ["message"]
1279    properties:
1280      message:
1281        description: "The error message."
1282        type: "string"
1283        x-nullable: false
1284    example:
1285      message: "Something went wrong."
1287  IdResponse:
1288    description: "Response to an API call that returns just an Id"
1289    type: "object"
1290    required: ["Id"]
1291    properties:
1292      Id:
1293        description: "The id of the newly created object."
1294        type: "string"
1295        x-nullable: false
1297  EndpointSettings:
1298    description: "Configuration for a network endpoint."
1299    type: "object"
1300    properties:
1301      IPAMConfig:
1302        description: "IPAM configurations for the endpoint"
1303        type: "object"
1304        properties:
1305          IPv4Address:
1306            type: "string"
1307          IPv6Address:
1308            type: "string"
1309          LinkLocalIPs:
1310            type: "array"
1311            items:
1312              type: "string"
1313      Links:
1314        type: "array"
1315        items:
1316          type: "string"
1317      Aliases:
1318        type: "array"
1319        items:
1320          type: "string"
1321      NetworkID:
1322        type: "string"
1323      EndpointID:
1324        type: "string"
1325      Gateway:
1326        type: "string"
1327      IPAddress:
1328        type: "string"
1329      IPPrefixLen:
1330        type: "integer"
1331      IPv6Gateway:
1332        type: "string"
1333      GlobalIPv6Address:
1334        type: "string"
1335      GlobalIPv6PrefixLen:
1336        type: "integer"
1337        format: "int64"
1338      MacAddress:
1339        type: "string"
1341  PluginMount:
1342    type: "object"
1343    x-nullable: false
1344    required: [Name, Description, Settable, Source, Destination, Type, Options]
1345    properties:
1346      Name:
1347        type: "string"
1348        x-nullable: false
1349        example: "some-mount"
1350      Description:
1351        type: "string"
1352        x-nullable: false
1353        example: "This is a mount that's used by the plugin."
1354      Settable:
1355        type: "array"
1356        items:
1357          type: "string"
1358      Source:
1359        type: "string"
1360        example: "/var/lib/docker/plugins/"
1361      Destination:
1362        type: "string"
1363        x-nullable: false
1364        example: "/mnt/state"
1365      Type:
1366        type: "string"
1367        x-nullable: false
1368        example: "bind"
1369      Options:
1370        type: "array"
1371        items:
1372          type: "string"
1373        example:
1374          - "rbind"
1375          - "rw"
1376  PluginDevice:
1377    type: "object"
1378    required: [Name, Description, Settable, Path]
1379    x-nullable: false
1380    properties:
1381      Name:
1382        type: "string"
1383        x-nullable: false
1384      Description:
1385        type: "string"
1386        x-nullable: false
1387      Settable:
1388        type: "array"
1389        items:
1390          type: "string"
1391      Path:
1392        type: "string"
1393        example: "/dev/fuse"
1395  PluginEnv:
1396    type: "object"
1397    x-nullable: false
1398    required: [Name, Description, Settable, Value]
1399    properties:
1400      Name:
1401        x-nullable: false
1402        type: "string"
1403      Description:
1404        x-nullable: false
1405        type: "string"
1406      Settable:
1407        type: "array"
1408        items:
1409          type: "string"
1410      Value:
1411        type: "string"
1413  PluginInterfaceType:
1414    type: "object"
1415    x-nullable: false
1416    required: [Prefix, Capability, Version]
1417    properties:
1418      Prefix:
1419        type: "string"
1420        x-nullable: false
1421      Capability:
1422        type: "string"
1423        x-nullable: false
1424      Version:
1425        type: "string"
1426        x-nullable: false
1428  Plugin:
1429    description: "A plugin for the Engine API"
1430    type: "object"
1431    required: [Settings, Enabled, Config, Name]
1432    properties:
1433      Id:
1434        type: "string"
1435        example: "5724e2c8652da337ab2eedd19fc6fc0ec908e4bd907c7421bf6a8dfc70c4c078"
1436      Name:
1437        type: "string"
1438        x-nullable: false
1439        example: "tiborvass/sample-volume-plugin"
1440      Enabled:
1441        description: "True if the plugin is running. False if the plugin is not running, only installed."
1442        type: "boolean"
1443        x-nullable: false
1444        example: true
1445      Settings:
1446        description: "Settings that can be modified by users."
1447        type: "object"
1448        x-nullable: false
1449        required: [Args, Devices, Env, Mounts]
1450        properties:
1451          Mounts:
1452            type: "array"
1453            items:
1454              $ref: "#/definitions/PluginMount"
1455          Env:
1456            type: "array"
1457            items:
1458              type: "string"
1459            example:
1460              - "DEBUG=0"
1461          Args:
1462            type: "array"
1463            items:
1464              type: "string"
1465          Devices:
1466            type: "array"
1467            items:
1468              $ref: "#/definitions/PluginDevice"
1469      PluginReference:
1470        description: "plugin remote reference used to push/pull the plugin"
1471        type: "string"
1472        x-nullable: false
1473        example: "localhost:5000/tiborvass/sample-volume-plugin:latest"
1474      Config:
1475        description: "The config of a plugin."
1476        type: "object"
1477        x-nullable: false
1478        required:
1479          - Description
1480          - Documentation
1481          - Interface
1482          - Entrypoint
1483          - WorkDir
1484          - Network
1485          - Linux
1486          - PidHost
1487          - PropagatedMount
1488          - IpcHost
1489          - Mounts
1490          - Env
1491          - Args
1492        properties:
1493          DockerVersion:
1494            description: "Docker Version used to create the plugin"
1495            type: "string"
1496            x-nullable: false
1497            example: "17.06.0-ce"
1498          Description:
1499            type: "string"
1500            x-nullable: false
1501            example: "A sample volume plugin for Docker"
1502          Documentation:
1503            type: "string"
1504            x-nullable: false
1505            example: "https://docs.docker.com/engine/extend/plugins/"
1506          Interface:
1507            description: "The interface between Docker and the plugin"
1508            x-nullable: false
1509            type: "object"
1510            required: [Types, Socket]
1511            properties:
1512              Types:
1513                type: "array"
1514                items:
1515                  $ref: "#/definitions/PluginInterfaceType"
1516                example:
1517                  - "docker.volumedriver/1.0"
1518              Socket:
1519                type: "string"
1520                x-nullable: false
1521                example: "plugins.sock"
1522          Entrypoint:
1523            type: "array"
1524            items:
1525              type: "string"
1526            example:
1527              - "/usr/bin/sample-volume-plugin"
1528              - "/data"
1529          WorkDir:
1530            type: "string"
1531            x-nullable: false
1532            example: "/bin/"
1533          User:
1534            type: "object"
1535            x-nullable: false
1536            properties:
1537              UID:
1538                type: "integer"
1539                format: "uint32"
1540                example: 1000
1541              GID:
1542                type: "integer"
1543                format: "uint32"
1544                example: 1000
1545          Network:
1546            type: "object"
1547            x-nullable: false
1548            required: [Type]
1549            properties:
1550              Type:
1551                x-nullable: false
1552                type: "string"
1553                example: "host"
1554          Linux:
1555            type: "object"
1556            x-nullable: false
1557            required: [Capabilities, AllowAllDevices, Devices]
1558            properties:
1559              Capabilities:
1560                type: "array"
1561                items:
1562                  type: "string"
1563                example:
1564                  - "CAP_SYS_ADMIN"
1565                  - "CAP_SYSLOG"
1566              AllowAllDevices:
1567                type: "boolean"
1568                x-nullable: false
1569                example: false
1570              Devices:
1571                type: "array"
1572                items:
1573                  $ref: "#/definitions/PluginDevice"
1574          PropagatedMount:
1575            type: "string"
1576            x-nullable: false
1577            example: "/mnt/volumes"
1578          IpcHost:
1579            type: "boolean"
1580            x-nullable: false
1581            example: false
1582          PidHost:
1583            type: "boolean"
1584            x-nullable: false
1585            example: false
1586          Mounts:
1587            type: "array"
1588            items:
1589              $ref: "#/definitions/PluginMount"
1590          Env:
1591            type: "array"
1592            items:
1593              $ref: "#/definitions/PluginEnv"
1594            example:
1595              - Name: "DEBUG"
1596                Description: "If set, prints debug messages"
1597                Settable: null
1598                Value: "0"
1599          Args:
1600            type: "object"
1601            x-nullable: false
1602            required: [Name, Description, Settable, Value]
1603            properties:
1604              Name:
1605                x-nullable: false
1606                type: "string"
1607                example: "args"
1608              Description:
1609                x-nullable: false
1610                type: "string"
1611                example: "command line arguments"
1612              Settable:
1613                type: "array"
1614                items:
1615                  type: "string"
1616              Value:
1617                type: "array"
1618                items:
1619                  type: "string"
1620          rootfs:
1621            type: "object"
1622            properties:
1623              type:
1624                type: "string"
1625                example: "layers"
1626              diff_ids:
1627                type: "array"
1628                items:
1629                  type: "string"
1630                example:
1631                  - "sha256:675532206fbf3030b8458f88d6e26d4eb1577688a25efec97154c94e8b6b4887"
1632                  - "sha256:e216a057b1cb1efc11f8a268f37ef62083e70b1b38323ba252e25ac88904a7e8"
1634  ObjectVersion:
1635    description: |
1636      The version number of the object such as node, service, etc. This is needed to avoid conflicting writes.
1637      The client must send the version number along with the modified specification when updating these objects.
1638      This approach ensures safe concurrency and determinism in that the change on the object
1639      may not be applied if the version number has changed from the last read. In other words,
1640      if two update requests specify the same base version, only one of the requests can succeed.
1641      As a result, two separate update requests that happen at the same time will not
1642      unintentially overwrite each other.
1643    type: "object"
1644    properties:
1645      Index:
1646        type: "integer"
1647        format: "int64"
1649  NodeSpec:
1650    type: "object"
1651    properties:
1652      Name:
1653        description: "Name for the node."
1654        type: "string"
1655      Labels:
1656        description: "User-defined key/value metadata."
1657        type: "object"
1658        additionalProperties:
1659          type: "string"
1660      Role:
1661        description: "Role of the node."
1662        type: "string"
1663        enum:
1664          - "worker"
1665          - "manager"
1666      Availability:
1667        description: "Availability of the node."
1668        type: "string"
1669        enum:
1670          - "active"
1671          - "pause"
1672          - "drain"
1673    example:
1674      Availability: "active"
1675      Name: "node-name"
1676      Role: "manager"
1677      Labels:
1678        foo: "bar"
1679  Node:
1680    type: "object"
1681    properties:
1682      ID:
1683        type: "string"
1684      Version:
1685        $ref: "#/definitions/ObjectVersion"
1686      CreatedAt:
1687        type: "string"
1688        format: "dateTime"
1689      UpdatedAt:
1690        type: "string"
1691        format: "dateTime"
1692      Spec:
1693        $ref: "#/definitions/NodeSpec"
1694      Description:
1695        type: "object"
1696        properties:
1697          Hostname:
1698            type: "string"
1699          Platform:
1700            type: "object"
1701            properties:
1702              Architecture:
1703                type: "string"
1704              OS:
1705                type: "string"
1706          Resources:
1707            type: "object"
1708            properties:
1709              NanoCPUs:
1710                type: "integer"
1711                format: "int64"
1712              MemoryBytes:
1713                type: "integer"
1714                format: "int64"
1715          Engine:
1716            type: "object"
1717            properties:
1718              EngineVersion:
1719                type: "string"
1720              Labels:
1721                type: "object"
1722                additionalProperties:
1723                  type: "string"
1724              Plugins:
1725                type: "array"
1726                items:
1727                  type: "object"
1728                  properties:
1729                    Type:
1730                      type: "string"
1731                    Name:
1732                      type: "string"
1733          TLSInfo:
1734            $ref: "#/definitions/SwarmSpec"
1735    example:
1736      ID: "24ifsmvkjbyhk"
1737      Version:
1738        Index: 8
1739      CreatedAt: "2016-06-07T20:31:11.853781916Z"
1740      UpdatedAt: "2016-06-07T20:31:11.999868824Z"
1741      Spec:
1742        Name: "my-node"
1743        Role: "manager"
1744        Availability: "active"
1745        Labels:
1746          foo: "bar"
1747      Description:
1748        Hostname: "bf3067039e47"
1749        Platform:
1750          Architecture: "x86_64"
1751          OS: "linux"
1752        Resources:
1753          NanoCPUs: 4000000000
1754          MemoryBytes: 8272408576
1755        Engine:
1756          EngineVersion: "17.04.0"
1757          Labels:
1758            foo: "bar"
1759          Plugins:
1760            - Type: "Volume"
1761              Name: "local"
1762            - Type: "Network"
1763              Name: "bridge"
1764            - Type: "Network"
1765              Name: "null"
1766            - Type: "Network"
1767              Name: "overlay"
1768      Status:
1769        State: "ready"
1770        Addr: ""
1771      ManagerStatus:
1772        Leader: true
1773        Reachability: "reachable"
1774        Addr: ""
1775      TLSInfo:
1776        TrustRoot: |
1777          -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
1778          MIIBajCCARCgAwIBAgIUbYqrLSOSQHoxD8CwG6Bi2PJi9c8wCgYIKoZIzj0EAwIw
1779          EzERMA8GA1UEAxMIc3dhcm0tY2EwHhcNMTcwNDI0MjE0MzAwWhcNMzcwNDE5MjE0
1781          A0IABJk/VyMPYdaqDXJb/VXh5n/1Yuv7iNrxV3Qb3l06XD46seovcDWs3IZNV1lf
1782          3Skyr0ofcchipoiHkXBODojJydSjQjBAMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIBBjAPBgNVHRMB
1783          Af8EBTADAQH/MB0GA1UdDgQWBBRUXxuRcnFjDfR/RIAUQab8ZV/n4jAKBggqhkjO
1784          PQQDAgNIADBFAiAy+JTe6Uc3KyLCMiqGl2GyWGQqQDEcO3/YG36x7om65AIhAJvz
1785          pxv6zFeVEkAEEkqIYi0omA9+CjanB/6Bz4n1uw8H
1786          -----END CERTIFICATE-----
1787        CertIssuerSubject: "MBMxETAPBgNVBAMTCHN3YXJtLWNh"
1788        CertIssuerPublicKey: "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEmT9XIw9h1qoNclv9VeHmf/Vi6/uI2vFXdBveXTpcPjqx6i9wNazchk1XWV/dKTKvSh9xyGKmiIeRcE4OiMnJ1A=="
1789  TLSInfo:
1790    description: "Information about the issuer of leaf TLS certificates and the trusted root CA certificate"
1791    type: "object"
1792    properties:
1793      TrustRoot:
1794        description: "The root CA certificate(s) that are used to validate leaf TLS certificates"
1795        type: "string"
1796      CertIssuerSubject:
1797        description: "The base64-url-safe-encoded raw subject bytes of the issuer"
1798        type: "string"
1799      CertIssuerPublicKey:
1800        description: "The base64-url-safe-encoded raw public key bytes of the issuer"
1801        type: "string"
1802    example:
1803      TrustRoot: |
1804        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
1805        MIIBajCCARCgAwIBAgIUbYqrLSOSQHoxD8CwG6Bi2PJi9c8wCgYIKoZIzj0EAwIw
1806        EzERMA8GA1UEAxMIc3dhcm0tY2EwHhcNMTcwNDI0MjE0MzAwWhcNMzcwNDE5MjE0
1808        A0IABJk/VyMPYdaqDXJb/VXh5n/1Yuv7iNrxV3Qb3l06XD46seovcDWs3IZNV1lf
1809        3Skyr0ofcchipoiHkXBODojJydSjQjBAMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIBBjAPBgNVHRMB
1810        Af8EBTADAQH/MB0GA1UdDgQWBBRUXxuRcnFjDfR/RIAUQab8ZV/n4jAKBggqhkjO
1811        PQQDAgNIADBFAiAy+JTe6Uc3KyLCMiqGl2GyWGQqQDEcO3/YG36x7om65AIhAJvz
1812        pxv6zFeVEkAEEkqIYi0omA9+CjanB/6Bz4n1uw8H
1813        -----END CERTIFICATE-----
1814      CertIssuerSubject: "MBMxETAPBgNVBAMTCHN3YXJtLWNh"
1815      CertIssuerPublicKey: "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEmT9XIw9h1qoNclv9VeHmf/Vi6/uI2vFXdBveXTpcPjqx6i9wNazchk1XWV/dKTKvSh9xyGKmiIeRcE4OiMnJ1A=="
1816  SwarmSpec:
1817    description: "User modifiable swarm configuration."
1818    type: "object"
1819    properties:
1820      Name:
1821        description: "Name of the swarm."
1822        type: "string"
1823      Labels:
1824        description: "User-defined key/value metadata."
1825        type: "object"
1826        additionalProperties:
1827          type: "string"
1828      Orchestration:
1829        description: "Orchestration configuration."
1830        type: "object"
1831        properties:
1832          TaskHistoryRetentionLimit:
1833            description: "The number of historic tasks to keep per instance or node. If negative, never remove completed or failed tasks."
1834            type: "integer"
1835            format: "int64"
1836      Raft:
1837        description: "Raft configuration."
1838        type: "object"
1839        properties:
1840          SnapshotInterval:
1841            description: "The number of log entries between snapshots."
1842            type: "integer"
1843            format: "int64"
1844          KeepOldSnapshots:
1845            description: "The number of snapshots to keep beyond the current snapshot."
1846            type: "integer"
1847            format: "int64"
1848          LogEntriesForSlowFollowers:
1849            description: "The number of log entries to keep around to sync up slow followers after a snapshot is created."
1850            type: "integer"
1851            format: "int64"
1852          ElectionTick:
1853            description: |
1854              The number of ticks that a follower will wait for a message from the leader before becoming a candidate and starting an election. `ElectionTick` must be greater than `HeartbeatTick`.
1856              A tick currently defaults to one second, so these translate directly to seconds currently, but this is NOT guaranteed.
1857            type: "integer"
1858          HeartbeatTick:
1859            description: |
1860              The number of ticks between heartbeats. Every HeartbeatTick ticks, the leader will send a heartbeat to the followers.
1862              A tick currently defaults to one second, so these translate directly to seconds currently, but this is NOT guaranteed.
1863            type: "integer"
1864      Dispatcher:
1865        description: "Dispatcher configuration."
1866        type: "object"
1867        properties:
1868          HeartbeatPeriod:
1869            description: "The delay for an agent to send a heartbeat to the dispatcher."
1870            type: "integer"
1871            format: "int64"
1872      CAConfig:
1873        description: "CA configuration."
1874        type: "object"
1875        properties:
1876          NodeCertExpiry:
1877            description: "The duration node certificates are issued for."
1878            type: "integer"
1879            format: "int64"
1880          ExternalCAs:
1881            description: "Configuration for forwarding signing requests to an external certificate authority."
1882            type: "array"
1883            items:
1884              type: "object"
1885              properties:
1886                Protocol:
1887                  description: "Protocol for communication with the external CA (currently only `cfssl` is supported)."
1888                  type: "string"
1889                  enum:
1890                    - "cfssl"
1891                  default: "cfssl"
1892                URL:
1893                  description: "URL where certificate signing requests should be sent."
1894                  type: "string"
1895                Options:
1896                  description: "An object with key/value pairs that are interpreted as protocol-specific options for the external CA driver."
1897                  type: "object"
1898                  additionalProperties:
1899                    type: "string"
1900                CACert:
1901                  description: "The root CA certificate (in PEM format) this external CA uses to issue TLS certificates (assumed to be to the current swarm root CA certificate if not provided)."
1902                  type: "string"
1903          SigningCACert:
1904            description: "The desired signing CA certificate for all swarm node TLS leaf certificates, in PEM format."
1905            type: "string"
1906          SigningCAKey:
1907            description: "The desired signing CA key for all swarm node TLS leaf certificates, in PEM format."
1908            type: "string"
1909          ForceRotate:
1910            description: "An integer whose purpose is to force swarm to generate a new signing CA certificate and key, if none have been specified in `SigningCACert` and `SigningCAKey`"
1911      EncryptionConfig:
1912        description: "Parameters related to encryption-at-rest."
1913        type: "object"
1914        properties:
1915          AutoLockManagers:
1916            description: "If set, generate a key and use it to lock data stored on the managers."
1917            type: "boolean"
1918      TaskDefaults:
1919        description: "Defaults for creating tasks in this cluster."
1920        type: "object"
1921        properties:
1922          LogDriver:
1923            description: |
1924              The log driver to use for tasks created in the orchestrator if unspecified by a service.
1926              Updating this value will only have an affect on new tasks. Old tasks will continue use their previously configured log driver until recreated.
1927            type: "object"
1928            properties:
1929              Name:
1930                type: "string"
1931              Options:
1932                type: "object"
1933                additionalProperties:
1934                  type: "string"
1935    example:
1936      Name: "default"
1937      Orchestration:
1938        TaskHistoryRetentionLimit: 10
1939      Raft:
1940        SnapshotInterval: 10000
1941        LogEntriesForSlowFollowers: 500
1942        HeartbeatTick: 1
1943        ElectionTick: 3
1944      Dispatcher:
1945        HeartbeatPeriod: 5000000000
1946      CAConfig:
1947        NodeCertExpiry: 7776000000000000
1948      JoinTokens:
1949        Worker: "SWMTKN-1-3pu6hszjas19xyp7ghgosyx9k8atbfcr8p2is99znpy26u2lkl-1awxwuwd3z9j1z3puu7rcgdbx"
1950        Manager: "SWMTKN-1-3pu6hszjas19xyp7ghgosyx9k8atbfcr8p2is99znpy26u2lkl-7p73s1dx5in4tatdymyhg9hu2"
1951      EncryptionConfig:
1952        AutoLockManagers: false
1953  # The Swarm information for `GET /info`. It is the same as `GET /swarm`, but
1954  # without `JoinTokens`.
1955  ClusterInfo:
1956    type: "object"
1957    properties:
1958      ID:
1959        description: "The ID of the swarm."
1960        type: "string"
1961      Version:
1962        $ref: "#/definitions/ObjectVersion"
1963      CreatedAt:
1964        type: "string"
1965        format: "dateTime"
1966      UpdatedAt:
1967        type: "string"
1968        format: "dateTime"
1969      Spec:
1970        $ref: "#/definitions/SwarmSpec"
1971      TLSInfo:
1972        $ref: "#/definitions/TLSInfo"
1973      RootRotationInProgress:
1974        description: "Whether there is currently a root CA rotation in progress for the swarm"
1975        type: "boolean"
1976  TaskSpec:
1977    description: "User modifiable task configuration."
1978    type: "object"
1979    properties:
1980      ContainerSpec:
1981        type: "object"
1982        properties:
1983          Image:
1984            description: "The image name to use for the container."
1985            type: "string"
1986          Labels:
1987            description: "User-defined key/value data."
1988            type: "object"
1989            additionalProperties:
1990              type: "string"
1991          Command:
1992            description: "The command to be run in the image."
1993            type: "array"
1994            items:
1995              type: "string"
1996          Args:
1997            description: "Arguments to the command."
1998            type: "array"
1999            items:
2000              type: "string"
2001          Hostname:
2002            description: "The hostname to use for the container, as a valid RFC 1123 hostname."
2003            type: "string"
2004          Env:
2005            description: "A list of environment variables in the form `VAR=value`."
2006            type: "array"
2007            items:
2008              type: "string"
2009          Dir:
2010            description: "The working directory for commands to run in."
2011            type: "string"
2012          User:
2013            description: "The user inside the container."
2014            type: "string"
2015          Groups:
2016            type: "array"
2017            description: "A list of additional groups that the container process will run as."
2018            items:
2019              type: "string"
2020          Privileges:
2021            type: "object"
2022            description: "Security options for the container"
2023            properties:
2024              CredentialSpec:
2025                type: "object"
2026                description: "CredentialSpec for managed service account (Windows only)"
2027                properties:
2028                  File:
2029                    type: "string"
2030                    description: |
2031                      Load credential spec from this file. The file is read by the daemon, and must be present in the
2032                      `CredentialSpecs` subdirectory in the docker data directory, which defaults to
2033                      `C:\ProgramData\Docker\` on Windows.
2035                      For example, specifying `spec.json` loads `C:\ProgramData\Docker\CredentialSpecs\spec.json`.
2037                      <p><br /></p>
2039                      > **Note**: `CredentialSpec.File` and `CredentialSpec.Registry` are mutually exclusive.
2040                  Registry:
2041                    type: "string"
2042                    description: |
2043                      Load credential spec from this value in the Windows registry. The specified registry value must be
2044                      located in:
2046                      `HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Virtualization\Containers\CredentialSpecs`
2048                      <p><br /></p>
2051                      > **Note**: `CredentialSpec.File` and `CredentialSpec.Registry` are mutually exclusive.
2052              SELinuxContext:
2053                type: "object"
2054                description: "SELinux labels of the container"
2055                properties:
2056                  Disable:
2057                    type: "boolean"
2058                    description: "Disable SELinux"
2059                  User:
2060                    type: "string"
2061                    description: "SELinux user label"
2062                  Role:
2063                    type: "string"
2064                    description: "SELinux role label"
2065                  Type:
2066                    type: "string"
2067                    description: "SELinux type label"
2068                  Level:
2069                    type: "string"
2070                    description: "SELinux level label"
2071          TTY:
2072            description: "Whether a pseudo-TTY should be allocated."
2073            type: "boolean"
2074          OpenStdin:
2075            description: "Open `stdin`"
2076            type: "boolean"
2077          ReadOnly:
2078            description: "Mount the container's root filesystem as read only."
2079            type: "boolean"
2080          Mounts:
2081            description: "Specification for mounts to be added to containers created as part of the service."
2082            type: "array"
2083            items:
2084              $ref: "#/definitions/Mount"
2085          StopSignal:
2086            description: "Signal to stop the container."
2087            type: "string"
2088          StopGracePeriod:
2089            description: "Amount of time to wait for the container to terminate before forcefully killing it."
2090            type: "integer"
2091            format: "int64"
2092          HealthCheck:
2093            $ref: "#/definitions/HealthConfig"
2094          Hosts:
2095            type: "array"
2096            description: |
2097              A list of hostnames/IP mappings to add to the container's `/etc/hosts` file.
2098              The format of extra hosts on swarmkit is specified in:
2099              http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man5/hosts.5.html
2100                IP_address canonical_hostname [aliases...]
2101            items:
2102              type: "string"
2103          DNSConfig:
2104            description: "Specification for DNS related configurations in resolver configuration file (`resolv.conf`)."
2105            type: "object"
2106            properties:
2107              Nameservers:
2108                description: "The IP addresses of the name servers."
2109                type: "array"
2110                items:
2111                  type: "string"
2112              Search:
2113                description: "A search list for host-name lookup."
2114                type: "array"
2115                items:
2116                  type: "string"
2117              Options:
2118                description: "A list of internal resolver variables to be modified (e.g., `debug`, `ndots:3`, etc.)."
2119                type: "array"
2120                items:
2121                  type: "string"
2122          Secrets:
2123            description: "Secrets contains references to zero or more secrets that will be exposed to the service."
2124            type: "array"
2125            items:
2126              type: "object"
2127              properties:
2128                File:
2129                  description: "File represents a specific target that is backed by a file."
2130                  type: "object"
2131                  properties:
2132                    Name:
2133                      description: "Name represents the final filename in the filesystem."
2134                      type: "string"
2135                    UID:
2136                      description: "UID represents the file UID."
2137                      type: "string"
2138                    GID:
2139                      description: "GID represents the file GID."
2140                      type: "string"
2141                    Mode:
2142                      description: "Mode represents the FileMode of the file."
2143                      type: "integer"
2144                      format: "uint32"
2145                SecretID:
2146                  description: "SecretID represents the ID of the specific secret that we're referencing."
2147                  type: "string"
2148                SecretName:
2149                  description: |
2150                    SecretName is the name of the secret that this references, but this is just provided for
2151                    lookup/display purposes. The secret in the reference will be identified by its ID.
2152                  type: "string"
2153          Configs:
2154            description: "Configs contains references to zero or more configs that will be exposed to the service."
2155            type: "array"
2156            items:
2157              type: "object"
2158              properties:
2159                File:
2160                  description: "File represents a specific target that is backed by a file."
2161                  type: "object"
2162                  properties:
2163                    Name:
2164                      description: "Name represents the final filename in the filesystem."
2165                      type: "string"
2166                    UID:
2167                      description: "UID represents the file UID."
2168                      type: "string"
2169                    GID:
2170                      description: "GID represents the file GID."
2171                      type: "string"
2172                    Mode:
2173                      description: "Mode represents the FileMode of the file."
2174                      type: "integer"
2175                      format: "uint32"
2176                ConfigID:
2177                  description: "ConfigID represents the ID of the specific config that we're referencing."
2178                  type: "string"
2179                ConfigName:
2180                  description: |
2181                    ConfigName is the name of the config that this references, but this is just provided for
2182                    lookup/display purposes. The config in the reference will be identified by its ID.
2183                  type: "string"
2185      Resources:
2186        description: "Resource requirements which apply to each individual container created as part of the service."
2187        type: "object"
2188        properties:
2189          Limits:
2190            description: "Define resources limits."
2191            type: "object"
2192            properties:
2193              NanoCPUs:
2194                description: "CPU limit in units of 10<sup>-9</sup> CPU shares."
2195                type: "integer"
2196                format: "int64"
2197              MemoryBytes:
2198                description: "Memory limit in Bytes."
2199                type: "integer"
2200                format: "int64"
2201          Reservation:
2202            description: "Define resources reservation."
2203            properties:
2204              NanoCPUs:
2205                description: "CPU reservation in units of 10<sup>-9</sup> CPU shares."
2206                type: "integer"
2207                format: "int64"
2208              MemoryBytes:
2209                description: "Memory reservation in Bytes."
2210                type: "integer"
2211                format: "int64"
2212      RestartPolicy:
2213        description: "Specification for the restart policy which applies to containers created as part of this service."
2214        type: "object"
2215        properties:
2216          Condition:
2217            description: "Condition for restart."
2218            type: "string"
2219            enum:
2220              - "none"
2221              - "on-failure"
2222              - "any"
2223          Delay:
2224            description: "Delay between restart attempts."
2225            type: "integer"
2226            format: "int64"
2227          MaxAttempts:
2228            description: "Maximum attempts to restart a given container before giving up (default value is 0, which is ignored)."
2229            type: "integer"
2230            format: "int64"
2231            default: 0
2232          Window:
2233            description: "Windows is the time window used to evaluate the restart policy (default value is 0, which is unbounded)."
2234            type: "integer"
2235            format: "int64"
2236            default: 0
2237      Placement:
2238        type: "object"
2239        properties:
2240          Constraints:
2241            description: "An array of constraints."
2242            type: "array"
2243            items:
2244              type: "string"
2245          Preferences:
2246            description: "Preferences provide a way to make the scheduler aware of factors such as topology. They are provided in order from highest to lowest precedence."
2247            type: "array"
2248            items:
2249              type: "object"
2250              properties:
2251                Spread:
2252                  type: "object"
2253                  properties:
2254                    SpreadDescriptor:
2255                      description: "label descriptor, such as engine.labels.az"
2256                      type: "string"
2257          Platforms:
2258            description: "An array of supported platforms."
2259            type: "array"
2260            items:
2261              type: "object"
2262              properties:
2263                Architecture:
2264                  type: "string"
2265                OS:
2266                  type: "string"
2267      ForceUpdate:
2268        description: "A counter that triggers an update even if no relevant parameters have been changed."
2269        type: "integer"
2270      Runtime:
2271        description: "Runtime is the type of runtime specified for the task executor."
2272        type: "string"
2273      Networks:
2274        type: "array"
2275        items:
2276          type: "object"
2277          properties:
2278            Target:
2279              type: "string"
2280            Aliases:
2281              type: "array"
2282              items:
2283                type: "string"
2284      LogDriver:
2285        description: "Specifies the log driver to use for tasks created from this spec. If not present, the default one for the swarm will be used, finally falling back to the engine default if not specified."
2286        type: "object"
2287        properties:
2288          Name:
2289            type: "string"
2290          Options:
2291            type: "object"
2292            additionalProperties:
2293              type: "string"
2294  TaskState:
2295    type: "string"
2296    enum:
2297      - "new"
2298      - "allocated"
2299      - "pending"
2300      - "assigned"
2301      - "accepted"
2302      - "preparing"
2303      - "ready"
2304      - "starting"
2305      - "running"
2306      - "complete"
2307      - "shutdown"
2308      - "failed"
2309      - "rejected"
2310  Task:
2311    type: "object"
2312    properties:
2313      ID:
2314        description: "The ID of the task."
2315        type: "string"
2316      Version:
2317        $ref: "#/definitions/ObjectVersion"
2318      CreatedAt:
2319        type: "string"
2320        format: "dateTime"
2321      UpdatedAt:
2322        type: "string"
2323        format: "dateTime"
2324      Name:
2325        description: "Name of the task."
2326        type: "string"
2327      Labels:
2328        description: "User-defined key/value metadata."
2329        type: "object"
2330        additionalProperties:
2331          type: "string"
2332      Spec:
2333        $ref: "#/definitions/TaskSpec"
2334      ServiceID:
2335        description: "The ID of the service this task is part of."
2336        type: "string"
2337      Slot:
2338        type: "integer"
2339      NodeID:
2340        description: "The ID of the node that this task is on."
2341        type: "string"
2342      Status:
2343        type: "object"
2344        properties:
2345          Timestamp:
2346            type: "string"
2347            format: "dateTime"
2348          State:
2349            $ref: "#/definitions/TaskState"
2350          Message:
2351            type: "string"
2352          Err:
2353            type: "string"
2354          ContainerStatus:
2355            type: "object"
2356            properties:
2357              ContainerID:
2358                type: "string"
2359              PID:
2360                type: "integer"
2361              ExitCode:
2362                type: "integer"
2363      DesiredState:
2364        $ref: "#/definitions/TaskState"
2365    example:
2366      ID: "0kzzo1i0y4jz6027t0k7aezc7"
2367      Version:
2368        Index: 71
2369      CreatedAt: "2016-06-07T21:07:31.171892745Z"
2370      UpdatedAt: "2016-06-07T21:07:31.376370513Z"
2371      Spec:
2372        ContainerSpec:
2373          Image: "redis"
2374        Resources:
2375          Limits: {}
2376          Reservations: {}
2377        RestartPolicy:
2378          Condition: "any"
2379          MaxAttempts: 0
2380        Placement: {}
2381      ServiceID: "9mnpnzenvg8p8tdbtq4wvbkcz"
2382      Slot: 1
2383      NodeID: "60gvrl6tm78dmak4yl7srz94v"
2384      Status:
2385        Timestamp: "2016-06-07T21:07:31.290032978Z"
2386        State: "running"
2387        Message: "started"
2388        ContainerStatus:
2389          ContainerID: "e5d62702a1b48d01c3e02ca1e0212a250801fa8d67caca0b6f35919ebc12f035"
2390          PID: 677
2391      DesiredState: "running"
2392      NetworksAttachments:
2393        - Network:
2394            ID: "4qvuz4ko70xaltuqbt8956gd1"
2395            Version:
2396              Index: 18
2397            CreatedAt: "2016-06-07T20:31:11.912919752Z"
2398            UpdatedAt: "2016-06-07T21:07:29.955277358Z"
2399            Spec:
2400              Name: "ingress"
2401              Labels:
2402                com.docker.swarm.internal: "true"
2403              DriverConfiguration: {}
2404              IPAMOptions:
2405                Driver: {}
2406                Configs:
2407                  - Subnet: ""
2408                    Gateway: ""
2409            DriverState:
2410              Name: "overlay"
2411              Options:
2412                com.docker.network.driver.overlay.vxlanid_list: "256"
2413            IPAMOptions:
2414              Driver:
2415                Name: "default"
2416              Configs:
2417                - Subnet: ""
2418                  Gateway: ""
2419          Addresses:
2420            - ""
2421  ServiceSpec:
2422    description: "User modifiable configuration for a service."
2423    properties:
2424      Name:
2425        description: "Name of the service."
2426        type: "string"
2427      Labels:
2428        description: "User-defined key/value metadata."
2429        type: "object"
2430        additionalProperties:
2431          type: "string"
2432      TaskTemplate:
2433        $ref: "#/definitions/TaskSpec"
2434      Mode:
2435        description: "Scheduling mode for the service."
2436        type: "object"
2437        properties:
2438          Replicated:
2439            type: "object"
2440            properties:
2441              Replicas:
2442                type: "integer"
2443                format: "int64"
2444          Global:
2445            type: "object"
2446      UpdateConfig:
2447        description: "Specification for the update strategy of the service."
2448        type: "object"
2449        properties:
2450          Parallelism:
2451            description: "Maximum number of tasks to be updated in one iteration (0 means unlimited parallelism)."
2452            type: "integer"
2453            format: "int64"
2454          Delay:
2455            description: "Amount of time between updates, in nanoseconds."
2456            type: "integer"
2457            format: "int64"
2458          FailureAction:
2459            description: "Action to take if an updated task fails to run, or stops running during the update."
2460            type: "string"
2461            enum:
2462              - "continue"
2463              - "pause"
2464              - "rollback"
2465          Monitor:
2466            description: "Amount of time to monitor each updated task for failures, in nanoseconds."
2467            type: "integer"
2468            format: "int64"
2469          MaxFailureRatio:
2470            description: "The fraction of tasks that may fail during an update before the failure action is invoked, specified as a floating point number between 0 and 1."
2471            type: "number"
2472            default: 0
2473          Order:
2474            description: "The order of operations when rolling out an updated task. Either the old task is shut down before the new task is started, or the new task is started before the old task is shut down."
2475            type: "string"
2476            enum:
2477              - "stop-first"
2478              - "start-first"
2479      RollbackConfig:
2480        description: "Specification for the rollback strategy of the service."
2481        type: "object"
2482        properties:
2483          Parallelism:
2484            description: "Maximum number of tasks to be rolled back in one iteration (0 means unlimited parallelism)."
2485            type: "integer"
2486            format: "int64"
2487          Delay:
2488            description: "Amount of time between rollback iterations, in nanoseconds."
2489            type: "integer"
2490            format: "int64"
2491          FailureAction:
2492            description: "Action to take if an rolled back task fails to run, or stops running during the rollback."
2493            type: "string"
2494            enum:
2495              - "continue"
2496              - "pause"
2497          Monitor:
2498            description: "Amount of time to monitor each rolled back task for failures, in nanoseconds."
2499            type: "integer"
2500            format: "int64"
2501          MaxFailureRatio:
2502            description: "The fraction of tasks that may fail during a rollback before the failure action is invoked, specified as a floating point number between 0 and 1."
2503            type: "number"
2504            default: 0
2505          Order:
2506            description: "The order of operations when rolling back a task. Either the old task is shut down before the new task is started, or the new task is started before the old task is shut down."
2507            type: "string"
2508            enum:
2509              - "stop-first"
2510              - "start-first"
2511      Networks:
2512        description: "Array of network names or IDs to attach the service to."
2513        type: "array"
2514        items:
2515          type: "object"
2516          properties:
2517            Target:
2518              type: "string"
2519            Aliases:
2520              type: "array"
2521              items:
2522                type: "string"
2523      EndpointSpec:
2524        $ref: "#/definitions/EndpointSpec"
2525  EndpointPortConfig:
2526    type: "object"
2527    properties:
2528      Name:
2529        type: "string"
2530      Protocol:
2531        type: "string"
2532        enum:
2533          - "tcp"
2534          - "udp"
2535      TargetPort:
2536        description: "The port inside the container."
2537        type: "integer"
2538      PublishedPort:
2539        description: "The port on the swarm hosts."
2540        type: "integer"
2541  EndpointSpec:
2542    description: "Properties that can be configured to access and load balance a service."
2543    type: "object"
2544    properties:
2545      Mode:
2546        description: "The mode of resolution to use for internal load balancing
2547      between tasks."
2548        type: "string"
2549        enum:
2550          - "vip"
2551          - "dnsrr"
2552        default: "vip"
2553      Ports:
2554        description: "List of exposed ports that this service is accessible on from the outside. Ports can only be provided if `vip` resolution mode is used."
2555        type: "array"
2556        items:
2557          $ref: "#/definitions/EndpointPortConfig"
2558  Service:
2559    type: "object"
2560    properties:
2561      ID:
2562        type: "string"
2563      Version:
2564        $ref: "#/definitions/ObjectVersion"
2565      CreatedAt:
2566        type: "string"
2567        format: "dateTime"
2568      UpdatedAt:
2569        type: "string"
2570        format: "dateTime"
2571      Spec:
2572        $ref: "#/definitions/ServiceSpec"
2573      Endpoint:
2574        type: "object"
2575        properties:
2576          Spec:
2577            $ref: "#/definitions/EndpointSpec"
2578          Ports:
2579            type: "array"
2580            items:
2581              $ref: "#/definitions/EndpointPortConfig"
2582          VirtualIPs:
2583            type: "array"
2584            items:
2585              type: "object"
2586              properties:
2587                NetworkID:
2588                  type: "string"
2589                Addr:
2590                  type: "string"
2591      UpdateStatus:
2592        description: "The status of a service update."
2593        type: "object"
2594        properties:
2595          State:
2596            type: "string"
2597            enum:
2598              - "updating"
2599              - "paused"
2600              - "completed"
2601          StartedAt:
2602            type: "string"
2603            format: "dateTime"
2604          CompletedAt:
2605            type: "string"
2606            format: "dateTime"
2607          Message:
2608            type: "string"
2609    example:
2610      ID: "9mnpnzenvg8p8tdbtq4wvbkcz"
2611      Version:
2612        Index: 19
2613      CreatedAt: "2016-06-07T21:05:51.880065305Z"
2614      UpdatedAt: "2016-06-07T21:07:29.962229872Z"
2615      Spec:
2616        Name: "hopeful_cori"
2617        TaskTemplate:
2618          ContainerSpec:
2619            Image: "redis"
2620          Resources:
2621            Limits: {}
2622            Reservations: {}
2623          RestartPolicy:
2624            Condition: "any"
2625            MaxAttempts: 0
2626          Placement: {}
2627          ForceUpdate: 0
2628        Mode:
2629          Replicated:
2630            Replicas: 1
2631        UpdateConfig:
2632          Parallelism: 1
2633          Delay: 1000000000
2634          FailureAction: "pause"
2635          Monitor: 15000000000
2636          MaxFailureRatio: 0.15
2637        RollbackConfig:
2638          Parallelism: 1
2639          Delay: 1000000000
2640          FailureAction: "pause"
2641          Monitor: 15000000000
2642          MaxFailureRatio: 0.15
2643        EndpointSpec:
2644          Mode: "vip"
2645          Ports:
2646            -
2647              Protocol: "tcp"
2648              TargetPort: 6379
2649              PublishedPort: 30001
2650      Endpoint:
2651        Spec:
2652          Mode: "vip"
2653          Ports:
2654            -
2655              Protocol: "tcp"
2656              TargetPort: 6379
2657              PublishedPort: 30001
2658        Ports:
2659          -
2660            Protocol: "tcp"
2661            TargetPort: 6379
2662            PublishedPort: 30001
2663        VirtualIPs:
2664          -
2665            NetworkID: "4qvuz4ko70xaltuqbt8956gd1"
2666            Addr: ""
2667          -
2668            NetworkID: "4qvuz4ko70xaltuqbt8956gd1"
2669            Addr: ""
2670  ImageDeleteResponseItem:
2671    type: "object"
2672    properties:
2673      Untagged:
2674        description: "The image ID of an image that was untagged"
2675        type: "string"
2676      Deleted:
2677        description: "The image ID of an image that was deleted"
2678        type: "string"
2679  ServiceUpdateResponse:
2680    type: "object"
2681    properties:
2682      Warnings:
2683        description: "Optional warning messages"
2684        type: "array"
2685        items:
2686          type: "string"
2687    example:
2688      Warning: "unable to pin image doesnotexist:latest to digest: image library/doesnotexist:latest not found"
2689  ContainerSummary:
2690    type: "array"
2691    items:
2692      type: "object"
2693      properties:
2694        Id:
2695          description: "The ID of this container"
2696          type: "string"
2697          x-go-name: "ID"
2698        Names:
2699          description: "The names that this container has been given"
2700          type: "array"
2701          items:
2702            type: "string"
2703        Image:
2704          description: "The name of the image used when creating this container"
2705          type: "string"
2706        ImageID:
2707          description: "The ID of the image that this container was created from"
2708          type: "string"
2709        Command:
2710          description: "Command to run when starting the container"
2711          type: "string"
2712        Created:
2713          description: "When the container was created"
2714          type: "integer"
2715          format: "int64"
2716        Ports:
2717          description: "The ports exposed by this container"
2718          type: "array"
2719          items:
2720            $ref: "#/definitions/Port"
2721        SizeRw:
2722          description: "The size of files that have been created or changed by this container"
2723          type: "integer"
2724          format: "int64"
2725        SizeRootFs:
2726          description: "The total size of all the files in this container"
2727          type: "integer"
2728          format: "int64"
2729        Labels:
2730          description: "User-defined key/value metadata."
2731          type: "object"
2732          additionalProperties:
2733            type: "string"
2734        State:
2735          description: "The state of this container (e.g. `Exited`)"
2736          type: "string"
2737        Status:
2738          description: "Additional human-readable status of this container (e.g. `Exit 0`)"
2739          type: "string"
2740        HostConfig:
2741          type: "object"
2742          properties:
2743            NetworkMode:
2744              type: "string"
2745        NetworkSettings:
2746          description: "A summary of the container's network settings"
2747          type: "object"
2748          properties:
2749            Networks:
2750              type: "object"
2751              additionalProperties:
2752                $ref: "#/definitions/EndpointSettings"
2753        Mounts:
2754          type: "array"
2755          items:
2756            $ref: "#/definitions/Mount"
2757  SecretSpec:
2758    type: "object"
2759    properties:
2760      Name:
2761        description: "User-defined name of the secret."
2762        type: "string"
2763      Labels:
2764        description: "User-defined key/value metadata."
2765        type: "object"
2766        additionalProperties:
2767          type: "string"
2768      Data:
2769        description: "Base64-url-safe-encoded secret data"
2770        type: "array"
2771        items:
2772          type: "string"
2773  Secret:
2774    type: "object"
2775    properties:
2776      ID:
2777        type: "string"
2778      Version:
2779        $ref: "#/definitions/ObjectVersion"
2780      CreatedAt:
2781        type: "string"
2782        format: "dateTime"
2783      UpdatedAt:
2784        type: "string"
2785        format: "dateTime"
2786      Spec:
2787        $ref: "#/definitions/SecretSpec"
2788  ConfigSpec:
2789    type: "object"
2790    properties:
2791      Name:
2792        description: "User-defined name of the config."
2793        type: "string"
2794      Labels:
2795        description: "User-defined key/value metadata."
2796        type: "object"
2797        additionalProperties:
2798          type: "string"
2799      Data:
2800        description: "Base64-url-safe-encoded config data"
2801        type: "array"
2802        items:
2803          type: "string"
2804  Config:
2805    type: "object"
2806    properties:
2807      ID:
2808        type: "string"
2809      Version:
2810        $ref: "#/definitions/ObjectVersion"
2811      CreatedAt:
2812        type: "string"
2813        format: "dateTime"
2814      UpdatedAt:
2815        type: "string"
2816        format: "dateTime"
2817      Spec:
2818        $ref: "#/definitions/ConfigSpec"
2821  /containers/json:
2822    get:
2823      summary: "List containers"
2824      operationId: "ContainerList"
2825      produces:
2826        - "application/json"
2827      parameters:
2828        - name: "all"
2829          in: "query"
2830          description: "Return all containers. By default, only running containers are shown"
2831          type: "boolean"
2832          default: false
2833        - name: "limit"
2834          in: "query"
2835          description: "Return this number of most recently created containers, including non-running ones."
2836          type: "integer"
2837        - name: "size"
2838          in: "query"
2839          description: "Return the size of container as fields `SizeRw` and `SizeRootFs`."
2840          type: "boolean"
2841          default: false
2842        - name: "filters"
2843          in: "query"
2844          description: |
2845            Filters to process on the container list, encoded as JSON (a `map[string][]string`). For example, `{"status": ["paused"]}` will only return paused containers. Available filters:
2847            - `ancestor`=(`<image-name>[:<tag>]`, `<image id>`, or `<image@digest>`)
2848            - `before`=(`<container id>` or `<container name>`)
2849            - `expose`=(`<port>[/<proto>]`|`<startport-endport>/[<proto>]`)
2850            - `exited=<int>` containers with exit code of `<int>`
2851            - `health`=(`starting`|`healthy`|`unhealthy`|`none`)
2852            - `id=<ID>` a container's ID
2853            - `isolation=`(`default`|`process`|`hyperv`) (Windows daemon only)
2854            - `is-task=`(`true`|`false`)
2855            - `label=key` or `label="key=value"` of a container label
2856            - `name=<name>` a container's name
2857            - `network`=(`<network id>` or `<network name>`)
2858            - `publish`=(`<port>[/<proto>]`|`<startport-endport>/[<proto>]`)
2859            - `since`=(`<container id>` or `<container name>`)
2860            - `status=`(`created`|`restarting`|`running`|`removing`|`paused`|`exited`|`dead`)
2861            - `volume`=(`<volume name>` or `<mount point destination>`)
2862          type: "string"
2863      responses:
2864        200:
2865          description: "no error"
2866          schema:
2867            $ref: "#/definitions/ContainerSummary"
2868          examples:
2869            application/json:
2870              - Id: "8dfafdbc3a40"
2871                Names:
2872                  - "/boring_feynman"
2873                Image: "ubuntu:latest"
2874                ImageID: "d74508fb6632491cea586a1fd7d748dfc5274cd6fdfedee309ecdcbc2bf5cb82"
2875                Command: "echo 1"
2876                Created: 1367854155
2877                State: "Exited"
2878                Status: "Exit 0"
2879                Ports:
2880                  - PrivatePort: 2222
2881                    PublicPort: 3333
2882                    Type: "tcp"
2883                Labels:
2884                  com.example.vendor: "Acme"
2885                  com.example.license: "GPL"
2886                  com.example.version: "1.0"
2887                SizeRw: 12288
2888                SizeRootFs: 0
2889                HostConfig:
2890                  NetworkMode: "default"
2891                NetworkSettings:
2892                  Networks:
2893                    bridge:
2894                      NetworkID: "7ea29fc1412292a2d7bba362f9253545fecdfa8ce9a6e37dd10ba8bee7129812"
2895                      EndpointID: "2cdc4edb1ded3631c81f57966563e5c8525b81121bb3706a9a9a3ae102711f3f"
2896                      Gateway: ""
2897                      IPAddress: ""
2898                      IPPrefixLen: 16
2899                      IPv6Gateway: ""
2900                      GlobalIPv6Address: ""
2901                      GlobalIPv6PrefixLen: 0
2902                      MacAddress: "02:42:ac:11:00:02"
2903                Mounts:
2904                  - Name: "fac362...80535"
2905                    Source: "/data"
2906                    Destination: "/data"
2907                    Driver: "local"
2908                    Mode: "ro,Z"
2909                    RW: false
2910                    Propagation: ""
2911              - Id: "9cd87474be90"
2912                Names:
2913                  - "/coolName"
2914                Image: "ubuntu:latest"
2915                ImageID: "d74508fb6632491cea586a1fd7d748dfc5274cd6fdfedee309ecdcbc2bf5cb82"
2916                Command: "echo 222222"
2917                Created: 1367854155
2918                State: "Exited"
2919                Status: "Exit 0"
2920                Ports: []
2921                Labels: {}
2922                SizeRw: 12288
2923                SizeRootFs: 0
2924                HostConfig:
2925                  NetworkMode: "default"
2926                NetworkSettings:
2927                  Networks:
2928                    bridge:
2929                      NetworkID: "7ea29fc1412292a2d7bba362f9253545fecdfa8ce9a6e37dd10ba8bee7129812"
2930                      EndpointID: "88eaed7b37b38c2a3f0c4bc796494fdf51b270c2d22656412a2ca5d559a64d7a"
2931                      Gateway: ""
2932                      IPAddress: ""
2933                      IPPrefixLen: 16
2934                      IPv6Gateway: ""
2935                      GlobalIPv6Address: ""
2936                      GlobalIPv6PrefixLen: 0
2937                      MacAddress: "02:42:ac:11:00:08"
2938                Mounts: []
2939              - Id: "3176a2479c92"
2940                Names:
2941                  - "/sleepy_dog"
2942                Image: "ubuntu:latest"
2943                ImageID: "d74508fb6632491cea586a1fd7d748dfc5274cd6fdfedee309ecdcbc2bf5cb82"
2944                Command: "echo 3333333333333333"
2945                Created: 1367854154
2946                State: "Exited"
2947                Status: "Exit 0"
2948                Ports: []
2949                Labels: {}
2950                SizeRw: 12288
2951                SizeRootFs: 0
2952                HostConfig:
2953                  NetworkMode: "default"
2954                NetworkSettings:
2955                  Networks:
2956                    bridge:
2957                      NetworkID: "7ea29fc1412292a2d7bba362f9253545fecdfa8ce9a6e37dd10ba8bee7129812"
2958                      EndpointID: "8b27c041c30326d59cd6e6f510d4f8d1d570a228466f956edf7815508f78e30d"
2959                      Gateway: ""
2960                      IPAddress: ""
2961                      IPPrefixLen: 16
2962                      IPv6Gateway: ""
2963                      GlobalIPv6Address: ""
2964                      GlobalIPv6PrefixLen: 0
2965                      MacAddress: "02:42:ac:11:00:06"
2966                Mounts: []
2967              - Id: "4cb07b47f9fb"
2968                Names:
2969                  - "/running_cat"
2970                Image: "ubuntu:latest"
2971                ImageID: "d74508fb6632491cea586a1fd7d748dfc5274cd6fdfedee309ecdcbc2bf5cb82"
2972                Command: "echo 444444444444444444444444444444444"
2973                Created: 1367854152
2974                State: "Exited"
2975                Status: "Exit 0"
2976                Ports: []
2977                Labels: {}
2978                SizeRw: 12288
2979                SizeRootFs: 0
2980                HostConfig:
2981                  NetworkMode: "default"
2982                NetworkSettings:
2983                  Networks:
2984                    bridge:
2985                      NetworkID: "7ea29fc1412292a2d7bba362f9253545fecdfa8ce9a6e37dd10ba8bee7129812"
2986                      EndpointID: "d91c7b2f0644403d7ef3095985ea0e2370325cd2332ff3a3225c4247328e66e9"
2987                      Gateway: ""
2988                      IPAddress: ""
2989                      IPPrefixLen: 16
2990                      IPv6Gateway: ""
2991                      GlobalIPv6Address: ""
2992                      GlobalIPv6PrefixLen: 0
2993                      MacAddress: "02:42:ac:11:00:05"
2994                Mounts: []
2995        400:
2996          description: "bad parameter"
2997          schema:
2998            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
2999        500:
3000          description: "server error"
3001          schema:
3002            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
3003      tags: ["Container"]
3004  /containers/create:
3005    post:
3006      summary: "Create a container"
3007      operationId: "ContainerCreate"
3008      consumes:
3009        - "application/json"
3010        - "application/octet-stream"
3011      produces:
3012        - "application/json"
3013      parameters:
3014        - name: "name"
3015          in: "query"
3016          description: "Assign the specified name to the container. Must match `/?[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+`."
3017          type: "string"
3018          pattern: "/?[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+"
3019        - name: "body"
3020          in: "body"
3021          description: "Container to create"
3022          schema:
3023            allOf:
3024              - $ref: "#/definitions/ContainerConfig"
3025              - type: "object"
3026                properties:
3027                  HostConfig:
3028                    $ref: "#/definitions/HostConfig"
3029                  NetworkingConfig:
3030                    description: "This container's networking configuration."
3031                    type: "object"
3032                    properties:
3033                      EndpointsConfig:
3034                        description: "A mapping of network name to endpoint configuration for that network."
3035                        type: "object"
3036                        additionalProperties:
3037                          $ref: "#/definitions/EndpointSettings"
3038            example:
3039              Hostname: ""
3040              Domainname: ""
3041              User: ""
3042              AttachStdin: false
3043              AttachStdout: true
3044              AttachStderr: true
3045              Tty: false
3046              OpenStdin: false
3047              StdinOnce: false
3048              Env:
3049                - "FOO=bar"
3050                - "BAZ=quux"
3051              Cmd:
3052                - "date"
3053              Entrypoint: ""
3054              Image: "ubuntu"
3055              Labels:
3056                com.example.vendor: "Acme"
3057                com.example.license: "GPL"
3058                com.example.version: "1.0"
3059              Volumes:
3060                /volumes/data: {}
3061              WorkingDir: ""
3062              NetworkDisabled: false
3063              MacAddress: "12:34:56:78:9a:bc"
3064              ExposedPorts:
3065                22/tcp: {}
3066              StopSignal: "SIGTERM"
3067              StopTimeout: 10
3068              HostConfig:
3069                Binds:
3070                  - "/tmp:/tmp"
3071                Links:
3072                  - "redis3:redis"
3073                Memory: 0
3074                MemorySwap: 0
3075                MemoryReservation: 0
3076                KernelMemory: 0
3077                NanoCpus: 500000
3078                CpuPercent: 80
3079                CpuShares: 512
3080                CpuPeriod: 100000
3081                CpuRealtimePeriod: 1000000
3082                CpuRealtimeRuntime: 10000
3083                CpuQuota: 50000
3084                CpusetCpus: "0,1"
3085                CpusetMems: "0,1"
3086                MaximumIOps: 0
3087                MaximumIOBps: 0
3088                BlkioWeight: 300
3089                BlkioWeightDevice:
3090                  - {}
3091                BlkioDeviceReadBps:
3092                  - {}
3093                BlkioDeviceReadIOps:
3094                  - {}
3095                BlkioDeviceWriteBps:
3096                  - {}
3097                BlkioDeviceWriteIOps:
3098                  - {}
3099                MemorySwappiness: 60
3100                OomKillDisable: false
3101                OomScoreAdj: 500
3102                PidMode: ""
3103                PidsLimit: -1
3104                PortBindings:
3105                  22/tcp:
3106                    - HostPort: "11022"
3107                PublishAllPorts: false
3108                Privileged: false
3109                ReadonlyRootfs: false
3110                Dns:
3111                  - ""
3112                DnsOptions:
3113                  - ""
3114                DnsSearch:
3115                  - ""
3116                VolumesFrom:
3117                  - "parent"
3118                  - "other:ro"
3119                CapAdd:
3120                  - "NET_ADMIN"
3121                CapDrop:
3122                  - "MKNOD"
3123                GroupAdd:
3124                  - "newgroup"
3125                RestartPolicy:
3126                  Name: ""
3127                  MaximumRetryCount: 0
3128                AutoRemove: true
3129                NetworkMode: "bridge"
3130                Devices: []
3131                Ulimits:
3132                  - {}
3133                LogConfig:
3134                  Type: "json-file"
3135                  Config: {}
3136                SecurityOpt: []
3137                StorageOpt: {}
3138                CgroupParent: ""
3139                VolumeDriver: ""
3140                ShmSize: 67108864
3141              NetworkingConfig:
3142                EndpointsConfig:
3143                  isolated_nw:
3144                    IPAMConfig:
3145                      IPv4Address: ""
3146                      IPv6Address: "2001:db8:abcd::3033"
3147                      LinkLocalIPs:
3148                        - ""
3149                        - "fe80::3468"
3150                    Links:
3151                      - "container_1"
3152                      - "container_2"
3153                    Aliases:
3154                      - "server_x"
3155                      - "server_y"
3157          required: true
3158      responses:
3159        201:
3160          description: "Container created successfully"
3161          schema:
3162            type: "object"
3163            required: [Id, Warnings]
3164            properties:
3165              Id:
3166                description: "The ID of the created container"
3167                type: "string"
3168                x-nullable: false
3169              Warnings:
3170                description: "Warnings encountered when creating the container"
3171                type: "array"
3172                x-nullable: false
3173                items:
3174                  type: "string"
3175          examples:
3176            application/json:
3177              Id: "e90e34656806"
3178              Warnings: []
3179        400:
3180          description: "bad parameter"
3181          schema:
3182            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
3183        404:
3184          description: "no such container"
3185          schema:
3186            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
3187          examples:
3188            application/json:
3189              message: "No such container: c2ada9df5af8"
3190        406:
3191          description: "impossible to attach"
3192          schema:
3193            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
3194        409:
3195          description: "conflict"
3196          schema:
3197            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
3198        500:
3199          description: "server error"
3200          schema:
3201            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
3202      tags: ["Container"]
3203  /containers/{id}/json:
3204    get:
3205      summary: "Inspect a container"
3206      description: "Return low-level information about a container."
3207      operationId: "ContainerInspect"
3208      produces:
3209        - "application/json"
3210      responses:
3211        200:
3212          description: "no error"
3213          schema:
3214            type: "object"
3215            properties:
3216              Id:
3217                description: "The ID of the container"
3218                type: "string"
3219              Created:
3220                description: "The time the container was created"
3221                type: "string"
3222              Path:
3223                description: "The path to the command being run"
3224                type: "string"
3225              Args:
3226                description: "The arguments to the command being run"
3227                type: "array"
3228                items:
3229                  type: "string"
3230              State:
3231                description: "The state of the container."
3232                type: "object"
3233                properties:
3234                  Status:
3235                    description: |
3236                      The status of the container. For example, `"running"` or `"exited"`.
3237                    type: "string"
3238                    enum: ["created", "running", "paused", "restarting", "removing", "exited", "dead"]
3239                  Running:
3240                    description: |
3241                      Whether this container is running.
3243                      Note that a running container can be _paused_. The `Running` and `Paused`
3244                      booleans are not mutually exclusive:
3246                      When pausing a container (on Linux), the cgroups freezer is used to suspend
3247                      all processes in the container. Freezing the process requires the process to
3248                      be running. As a result, paused containers are both `Running` _and_ `Paused`.
3250                      Use the `Status` field instead to determine if a container's state is "running".
3251                    type: "boolean"
3252                  Paused:
3253                    description: "Whether this container is paused."
3254                    type: "boolean"
3255                  Restarting:
3256                    description: "Whether this container is restarting."
3257                    type: "boolean"
3258                  OOMKilled:
3259                    description: "Whether this container has been killed because it ran out of memory."
3260                    type: "boolean"
3261                  Dead:
3262                    type: "boolean"
3263                  Pid:
3264                    description: "The process ID of this container"
3265                    type: "integer"
3266                  ExitCode:
3267                    description: "The last exit code of this container"
3268                    type: "integer"
3269                  Error:
3270                    type: "string"
3271                  StartedAt:
3272                    description: "The time when this container was last started."
3273                    type: "string"
3274                  FinishedAt:
3275                    description: "The time when this container last exited."
3276                    type: "string"
3277              Image:
3278                description: "The container's image"
3279                type: "string"
3280              ResolvConfPath:
3281                type: "string"
3282              HostnamePath:
3283                type: "string"
3284              HostsPath:
3285                type: "string"
3286              LogPath:
3287                type: "string"
3288              Node:
3289                description: "TODO"
3290                type: "object"
3291              Name:
3292                type: "string"
3293              RestartCount:
3294                type: "integer"
3295              Driver:
3296                type: "string"
3297              MountLabel:
3298                type: "string"
3299              ProcessLabel:
3300                type: "string"
3301              AppArmorProfile:
3302                type: "string"
3303              ExecIDs:
3304                type: "string"
3305              HostConfig:
3306                $ref: "#/definitions/HostConfig"
3307              GraphDriver:
3308                $ref: "#/definitions/GraphDriverData"
3309              SizeRw:
3310                description: "The size of files that have been created or changed by this container."
3311                type: "integer"
3312                format: "int64"
3313              SizeRootFs:
3314                description: "The total size of all the files in this container."
3315                type: "integer"
3316                format: "int64"
3317              Mounts:
3318                type: "array"
3319                items:
3320                  $ref: "#/definitions/MountPoint"
3321              Config:
3322                $ref: "#/definitions/ContainerConfig"
3323              NetworkSettings:
3324                $ref: "#/definitions/NetworkConfig"
3325          examples:
3326            application/json:
3327              AppArmorProfile: ""
3328              Args:
3329                - "-c"
3330                - "exit 9"
3331              Config:
3332                AttachStderr: true
3333                AttachStdin: false
3334                AttachStdout: true
3335                Cmd:
3336                  - "/bin/sh"
3337                  - "-c"
3338                  - "exit 9"
3339                Domainname: ""
3340                Env:
3341                  - "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
3342                Hostname: "ba033ac44011"
3343                Image: "ubuntu"
3344                Labels:
3345                  com.example.vendor: "Acme"
3346                  com.example.license: "GPL"
3347                  com.example.version: "1.0"
3348                MacAddress: ""
3349                NetworkDisabled: false
3350                OpenStdin: false
3351                StdinOnce: false
3352                Tty: false
3353                User: ""
3354                Volumes:
3355                  /volumes/data: {}
3356                WorkingDir: ""
3357                StopSignal: "SIGTERM"
3358                StopTimeout: 10
3359              Created: "2015-01-06T15:47:31.485331387Z"
3360              Driver: "devicemapper"
3361              HostConfig:
3362                MaximumIOps: 0
3363                MaximumIOBps: 0
3364                BlkioWeight: 0
3365                BlkioWeightDevice:
3366                  - {}
3367                BlkioDeviceReadBps:
3368                  - {}
3369                BlkioDeviceWriteBps:
3370                  - {}
3371                BlkioDeviceReadIOps:
3372                  - {}
3373                BlkioDeviceWriteIOps:
3374                  - {}
3375                ContainerIDFile: ""
3376                CpusetCpus: ""
3377                CpusetMems: ""
3378                CpuPercent: 80
3379                CpuShares: 0
3380                CpuPeriod: 100000
3381                CpuRealtimePeriod: 1000000
3382                CpuRealtimeRuntime: 10000
3383                Devices: []
3384                IpcMode: ""
3385                LxcConf: []
3386                Memory: 0
3387                MemorySwap: 0
3388                MemoryReservation: 0
3389                KernelMemory: 0
3390                OomKillDisable: false
3391                OomScoreAdj: 500
3392                NetworkMode: "bridge"
3393                PidMode: ""
3394                PortBindings: {}
3395                Privileged: false
3396                ReadonlyRootfs: false
3397                PublishAllPorts: false
3398                RestartPolicy:
3399                  MaximumRetryCount: 2
3400                  Name: "on-failure"
3401                LogConfig:
3402                  Type: "json-file"
3403                Sysctls:
3404                  net.ipv4.ip_forward: "1"
3405                Ulimits:
3406                  - {}
3407                VolumeDriver: ""
3408                ShmSize: 67108864
3409              HostnamePath: "/var/lib/docker/containers/ba033ac4401106a3b513bc9d639eee123ad78ca3616b921167cd74b20e25ed39/hostname"
3410              HostsPath: "/var/lib/docker/containers/ba033ac4401106a3b513bc9d639eee123ad78ca3616b921167cd74b20e25ed39/hosts"
3411              LogPath: "/var/lib/docker/containers/1eb5fabf5a03807136561b3c00adcd2992b535d624d5e18b6cdc6a6844d9767b/1eb5fabf5a03807136561b3c00adcd2992b535d624d5e18b6cdc6a6844d9767b-json.log"
3412              Id: "ba033ac4401106a3b513bc9d639eee123ad78ca3616b921167cd74b20e25ed39"
3413              Image: "04c5d3b7b0656168630d3ba35d8889bd0e9caafcaeb3004d2bfbc47e7c5d35d2"
3414              MountLabel: ""
3415              Name: "/boring_euclid"
3416              NetworkSettings:
3417                Bridge: ""
3418                SandboxID: ""
3419                HairpinMode: false
3420                LinkLocalIPv6Address: ""
3421                LinkLocalIPv6PrefixLen: 0
3422                SandboxKey: ""
3423                SecondaryIPAddresses: null
3424                SecondaryIPv6Addresses: null
3425                EndpointID: ""
3426                Gateway: ""
3427                GlobalIPv6Address: ""
3428                GlobalIPv6PrefixLen: 0
3429                IPAddress: ""
3430                IPPrefixLen: 0
3431                IPv6Gateway: ""
3432                MacAddress: ""
3433                Networks:
3434                  bridge:
3435                    NetworkID: "7ea29fc1412292a2d7bba362f9253545fecdfa8ce9a6e37dd10ba8bee7129812"
3436                    EndpointID: "7587b82f0dada3656fda26588aee72630c6fab1536d36e394b2bfbcf898c971d"
3437                    Gateway: ""
3438                    IPAddress: ""
3439                    IPPrefixLen: 16
3440                    IPv6Gateway: ""
3441                    GlobalIPv6Address: ""
3442                    GlobalIPv6PrefixLen: 0
3443                    MacAddress: "02:42:ac:12:00:02"
3444              Path: "/bin/sh"
3445              ProcessLabel: ""
3446              ResolvConfPath: "/var/lib/docker/containers/ba033ac4401106a3b513bc9d639eee123ad78ca3616b921167cd74b20e25ed39/resolv.conf"
3447              RestartCount: 1
3448              State:
3449                Error: ""
3450                ExitCode: 9
3451                FinishedAt: "2015-01-06T15:47:32.080254511Z"
3452                OOMKilled: false
3453                Dead: false
3454                Paused: false
3455                Pid: 0
3456                Restarting: false
3457                Running: true
3458                StartedAt: "2015-01-06T15:47:32.072697474Z"
3459                Status: "running"
3460              Mounts:
3461                - Name: "fac362...80535"
3462                  Source: "/data"
3463                  Destination: "/data"
3464                  Driver: "local"
3465                  Mode: "ro,Z"
3466                  RW: false
3467                  Propagation: ""
3468        404:
3469          description: "no such container"
3470          schema:
3471            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
3472          examples:
3473            application/json:
3474              message: "No such container: c2ada9df5af8"
3475        500:
3476          description: "server error"
3477          schema:
3478            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
3479      parameters:
3480        - name: "id"
3481          in: "path"
3482          required: true
3483          description: "ID or name of the container"
3484          type: "string"
3485        - name: "size"
3486          in: "query"
3487          type: "boolean"
3488          default: false
3489          description: "Return the size of container as fields `SizeRw` and `SizeRootFs`"
3490      tags: ["Container"]
3491  /containers/{id}/top:
3492    get:
3493      summary: "List processes running inside a container"
3494      description: "On Unix systems, this is done by running the `ps` command. This endpoint is not supported on Windows."
3495      operationId: "ContainerTop"
3496      responses:
3497        200:
3498          description: "no error"
3499          schema:
3500            type: "object"
3501            properties:
3502              Titles:
3503                description: "The ps column titles"
3504                type: "array"
3505                items:
3506                  type: "string"
3507              Processes:
3508                description: "Each process running in the container, where each is process is an array of values corresponding to the titles"
3509                type: "array"
3510                items:
3511                  type: "array"
3512                  items:
3513                    type: "string"
3514          examples:
3515            application/json:
3516              Titles:
3517                - "UID"
3518                - "PID"
3519                - "PPID"
3520                - "C"
3521                - "STIME"
3522                - "TTY"
3523                - "TIME"
3524                - "CMD"
3525              Processes:
3526                -
3527                  - "root"
3528                  - "13642"
3529                  - "882"
3530                  - "0"
3531                  - "17:03"
3532                  - "pts/0"
3533                  - "00:00:00"
3534                  - "/bin/bash"
3535                -
3536                  - "root"
3537                  - "13735"
3538                  - "13642"
3539                  - "0"
3540                  - "17:06"
3541                  - "pts/0"
3542                  - "00:00:00"
3543                  - "sleep 10"
3544        404:
3545          description: "no such container"
3546          schema:
3547            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
3548          examples:
3549            application/json:
3550              message: "No such container: c2ada9df5af8"
3551        500:
3552          description: "server error"
3553          schema:
3554            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
3555      parameters:
3556        - name: "id"
3557          in: "path"
3558          required: true
3559          description: "ID or name of the container"
3560          type: "string"
3561        - name: "ps_args"
3562          in: "query"
3563          description: "The arguments to pass to `ps`. For example, `aux`"
3564          type: "string"
3565          default: "-ef"
3566      tags: ["Container"]
3567  /containers/{id}/logs:
3568    get:
3569      summary: "Get container logs"
3570      description: |
3571        Get `stdout` and `stderr` logs from a container.
3573        Note: This endpoint works only for containers with the `json-file` or `journald` logging driver.
3574      operationId: "ContainerLogs"
3575      responses:
3576        101:
3577          description: "logs returned as a stream"
3578          schema:
3579            type: "string"
3580            format: "binary"
3581        200:
3582          description: "logs returned as a string in response body"
3583          schema:
3584            type: "string"
3585        404:
3586          description: "no such container"
3587          schema:
3588            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
3589          examples:
3590            application/json:
3591              message: "No such container: c2ada9df5af8"
3592        500:
3593          description: "server error"
3594          schema:
3595            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
3596      parameters:
3597        - name: "id"
3598          in: "path"
3599          required: true
3600          description: "ID or name of the container"
3601          type: "string"
3602        - name: "follow"
3603          in: "query"
3604          description: |
3605            Return the logs as a stream.
3607            This will return a `101` HTTP response with a `Connection: upgrade` header, then hijack the HTTP connection to send raw output. For more information about hijacking and the stream format, [see the documentation for the attach endpoint](#operation/ContainerAttach).
3608          type: "boolean"
3609          default: false
3610        - name: "stdout"
3611          in: "query"
3612          description: "Return logs from `stdout`"
3613          type: "boolean"
3614          default: false
3615        - name: "stderr"
3616          in: "query"
3617          description: "Return logs from `stderr`"
3618          type: "boolean"
3619          default: false
3620        - name: "since"
3621          in: "query"
3622          description: "Only return logs since this time, as a UNIX timestamp"
3623          type: "integer"
3624          default: 0
3625        - name: "timestamps"
3626          in: "query"
3627          description: "Add timestamps to every log line"
3628          type: "boolean"
3629          default: false
3630        - name: "tail"
3631          in: "query"
3632          description: "Only return this number of log lines from the end of the logs. Specify as an integer or `all` to output all log lines."
3633          type: "string"
3634          default: "all"
3635      tags: ["Container"]
3636  /containers/{id}/changes:
3637    get:
3638      summary: "Get changes on a container’s filesystem"
3639      description: |
3640        Returns which files in a container's filesystem have been added, deleted,
3641        or modified. The `Kind` of modification can be one of:
3643        - `0`: Modified
3644        - `1`: Added
3645        - `2`: Deleted
3646      operationId: "ContainerChanges"
3647      produces: ["application/json"]
3648      responses:
3649        200:
3650          description: "The list of changes"
3651          schema:
3652            type: "array"
3653            items:
3654              type: "object"
3655              x-go-name: "ContainerChangeResponseItem"
3656              required: [Path, Kind]
3657              properties:
3658                Path:
3659                  description: "Path to file that has changed"
3660                  type: "string"
3661                  x-nullable: false
3662                Kind:
3663                  description: "Kind of change"
3664                  type: "integer"
3665                  format: "uint8"
3666                  enum: [0, 1, 2]
3667                  x-nullable: false
3668          examples:
3669            application/json:
3670              - Path: "/dev"
3671                Kind: 0
3672              - Path: "/dev/kmsg"
3673                Kind: 1
3674              - Path: "/test"
3675                Kind: 1
3676        404:
3677          description: "no such container"
3678          schema:
3679            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
3680          examples:
3681            application/json:
3682              message: "No such container: c2ada9df5af8"
3683        500:
3684          description: "server error"
3685          schema:
3686            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
3687      parameters:
3688        - name: "id"
3689          in: "path"
3690          required: true
3691          description: "ID or name of the container"
3692          type: "string"
3693      tags: ["Container"]
3694  /containers/{id}/export:
3695    get:
3696      summary: "Export a container"
3697      description: "Export the contents of a container as a tarball."
3698      operationId: "ContainerExport"
3699      produces:
3700        - "application/octet-stream"
3701      responses:
3702        200:
3703          description: "no error"
3704        404:
3705          description: "no such container"
3706          schema:
3707            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
3708          examples:
3709            application/json:
3710              message: "No such container: c2ada9df5af8"
3711        500:
3712          description: "server error"
3713          schema:
3714            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
3715      parameters:
3716        - name: "id"
3717          in: "path"
3718          required: true
3719          description: "ID or name of the container"
3720          type: "string"
3721      tags: ["Container"]
3722  /containers/{id}/stats:
3723    get:
3724      summary: "Get container stats based on resource usage"
3725      description: |
3726        This endpoint returns a live stream of a container’s resource usage
3727        statistics.
3729        The `precpu_stats` is the CPU statistic of last read, which is used
3730        for calculating the CPU usage percentage. It is not the same as the
3731        `cpu_stats` field.
3733        If either `precpu_stats.online_cpus` or `cpu_stats.online_cpus` is
3734        nil then for compatibility with older daemons the length of the
3735        corresponding `cpu_usage.percpu_usage` array should be used.
3736      operationId: "ContainerStats"
3737      produces: ["application/json"]
3738      responses:
3739        200:
3740          description: "no error"
3741          schema:
3742            type: "object"
3743          examples:
3744            application/json:
3745              read: "2015-01-08T22:57:31.547920715Z"
3746              pids_stats:
3747                current: 3
3748              networks:
3749                eth0:
3750                  rx_bytes: 5338
3751                  rx_dropped: 0
3752                  rx_errors: 0
3753                  rx_packets: 36
3754                  tx_bytes: 648
3755                  tx_dropped: 0
3756                  tx_errors: 0
3757                  tx_packets: 8
3758                eth5:
3759                  rx_bytes: 4641
3760                  rx_dropped: 0
3761                  rx_errors: 0
3762                  rx_packets: 26
3763                  tx_bytes: 690
3764                  tx_dropped: 0
3765                  tx_errors: 0
3766                  tx_packets: 9
3767              memory_stats:
3768                stats:
3769                  total_pgmajfault: 0
3770                  cache: 0
3771                  mapped_file: 0
3772                  total_inactive_file: 0
3773                  pgpgout: 414
3774                  rss: 6537216
3775                  total_mapped_file: 0
3776                  writeback: 0
3777                  unevictable: 0
3778                  pgpgin: 477
3779                  total_unevictable: 0
3780                  pgmajfault: 0
3781                  total_rss: 6537216
3782                  total_rss_huge: 6291456
3783                  total_writeback: 0
3784                  total_inactive_anon: 0
3785                  rss_huge: 6291456
3786                  hierarchical_memory_limit: 67108864
3787                  total_pgfault: 964
3788                  total_active_file: 0
3789                  active_anon: 6537216
3790                  total_active_anon: 6537216
3791                  total_pgpgout: 414
3792                  total_cache: 0
3793                  inactive_anon: 0
3794                  active_file: 0
3795                  pgfault: 964
3796                  inactive_file: 0
3797                  total_pgpgin: 477
3798                max_usage: 6651904
3799                usage: 6537216
3800                failcnt: 0
3801                limit: 67108864
3802              blkio_stats: {}
3803              cpu_stats:
3804                cpu_usage:
3805                  percpu_usage:
3806                    - 8646879
3807                    - 24472255
3808                    - 36438778
3809                    - 30657443
3810                  usage_in_usermode: 50000000
3811                  total_usage: 100215355
3812                  usage_in_kernelmode: 30000000
3813                system_cpu_usage: 739306590000000
3814                online_cpus: 4
3815                throttling_data:
3816                  periods: 0
3817                  throttled_periods: 0
3818                  throttled_time: 0
3819              precpu_stats:
3820                cpu_usage:
3821                  percpu_usage:
3822                    - 8646879
3823                    - 24350896
3824                    - 36438778
3825                    - 30657443
3826                  usage_in_usermode: 50000000
3827                  total_usage: 100093996
3828                  usage_in_kernelmode: 30000000
3829                system_cpu_usage: 9492140000000
3830                online_cpus: 4
3831                throttling_data:
3832                  periods: 0
3833                  throttled_periods: 0
3834                  throttled_time: 0
3835        404:
3836          description: "no such container"
3837          schema:
3838            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
3839          examples:
3840            application/json:
3841              message: "No such container: c2ada9df5af8"
3842        500:
3843          description: "server error"
3844          schema:
3845            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
3846      parameters:
3847        - name: "id"
3848          in: "path"
3849          required: true
3850          description: "ID or name of the container"
3851          type: "string"
3852        - name: "stream"
3853          in: "query"
3854          description: "Stream the output. If false, the stats will be output once and then it will disconnect."
3855          type: "boolean"
3856          default: true
3857      tags: ["Container"]
3858  /containers/{id}/resize:
3859    post:
3860      summary: "Resize a container TTY"
3861      description: "Resize the TTY for a container. You must restart the container for the resize to take effect."
3862      operationId: "ContainerResize"
3863      consumes:
3864        - "application/octet-stream"
3865      produces:
3866        - "text/plain"
3867      responses:
3868        200:
3869          description: "no error"
3870        404:
3871          description: "no such container"
3872          schema:
3873            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
3874          examples:
3875            application/json:
3876              message: "No such container: c2ada9df5af8"
3877        500:
3878          description: "cannot resize container"
3879          schema:
3880            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
3881      parameters:
3882        - name: "id"
3883          in: "path"
3884          required: true
3885          description: "ID or name of the container"
3886          type: "string"
3887        - name: "h"
3888          in: "query"
3889          description: "Height of the tty session in characters"
3890          type: "integer"
3891        - name: "w"
3892          in: "query"
3893          description: "Width of the tty session in characters"
3894          type: "integer"
3895      tags: ["Container"]
3896  /containers/{id}/start:
3897    post:
3898      summary: "Start a container"
3899      operationId: "ContainerStart"
3900      responses:
3901        204:
3902          description: "no error"
3903        304:
3904          description: "container already started"
3905          schema:
3906            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
3907        404:
3908          description: "no such container"
3909          schema:
3910            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
3911          examples:
3912            application/json:
3913              message: "No such container: c2ada9df5af8"
3914        500:
3915          description: "server error"
3916          schema:
3917            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
3918      parameters:
3919        - name: "id"
3920          in: "path"
3921          required: true
3922          description: "ID or name of the container"
3923          type: "string"
3924        - name: "detachKeys"
3925          in: "query"
3926          description: "Override the key sequence for detaching a container. Format is a single character `[a-Z]` or `ctrl-<value>` where `<value>` is one of: `a-z`, `@`, `^`, `[`, `,` or `_`."
3927          type: "string"
3928      tags: ["Container"]
3929  /containers/{id}/stop:
3930    post:
3931      summary: "Stop a container"
3932      operationId: "ContainerStop"
3933      responses:
3934        204:
3935          description: "no error"
3936        304:
3937          description: "container already stopped"
3938          schema:
3939            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
3940        404:
3941          description: "no such container"
3942          schema:
3943            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
3944          examples:
3945            application/json:
3946              message: "No such container: c2ada9df5af8"
3947        500:
3948          description: "server error"
3949          schema:
3950            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
3951      parameters:
3952        - name: "id"
3953          in: "path"
3954          required: true
3955          description: "ID or name of the container"
3956          type: "string"
3957        - name: "t"
3958          in: "query"
3959          description: "Number of seconds to wait before killing the container"
3960          type: "integer"
3961      tags: ["Container"]
3962  /containers/{id}/restart:
3963    post:
3964      summary: "Restart a container"
3965      operationId: "ContainerRestart"
3966      responses:
3967        204:
3968          description: "no error"
3969        404:
3970          description: "no such container"
3971          schema:
3972            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
3973          examples:
3974            application/json:
3975              message: "No such container: c2ada9df5af8"
3976        500:
3977          description: "server error"
3978          schema:
3979            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
3980      parameters:
3981        - name: "id"
3982          in: "path"
3983          required: true
3984          description: "ID or name of the container"
3985          type: "string"
3986        - name: "t"
3987          in: "query"
3988          description: "Number of seconds to wait before killing the container"
3989          type: "integer"
3990      tags: ["Container"]
3991  /containers/{id}/kill:
3992    post:
3993      summary: "Kill a container"
3994      description: "Send a POSIX signal to a container, defaulting to killing to the container."
3995      operationId: "ContainerKill"
3996      responses:
3997        204:
3998          description: "no error"
3999        404:
4000          description: "no such container"
4001          schema:
4002            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4003          examples:
4004            application/json:
4005              message: "No such container: c2ada9df5af8"
4006        500:
4007          description: "server error"
4008          schema:
4009            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4010      parameters:
4011        - name: "id"
4012          in: "path"
4013          required: true
4014          description: "ID or name of the container"
4015          type: "string"
4016        - name: "signal"
4017          in: "query"
4018          description: "Signal to send to the container as an integer or string (e.g. `SIGINT`)"
4019          type: "string"
4020          default: "SIGKILL"
4021      tags: ["Container"]
4022  /containers/{id}/update:
4023    post:
4024      summary: "Update a container"
4025      description: "Change various configuration options of a container without having to recreate it."
4026      operationId: "ContainerUpdate"
4027      consumes: ["application/json"]
4028      produces: ["application/json"]
4029      responses:
4030        200:
4031          description: "The container has been updated."
4032          schema:
4033            type: "object"
4034            properties:
4035              Warnings:
4036                type: "array"
4037                items:
4038                  type: "string"
4039        404:
4040          description: "no such container"
4041          schema:
4042            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4043          examples:
4044            application/json:
4045              message: "No such container: c2ada9df5af8"
4046        500:
4047          description: "server error"
4048          schema:
4049            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4050      parameters:
4051        - name: "id"
4052          in: "path"
4053          required: true
4054          description: "ID or name of the container"
4055          type: "string"
4056        - name: "update"
4057          in: "body"
4058          required: true
4059          schema:
4060            allOf:
4061              - $ref: "#/definitions/Resources"
4062              - type: "object"
4063                properties:
4064                  RestartPolicy:
4065                    $ref: "#/definitions/RestartPolicy"
4066            example:
4067              BlkioWeight: 300
4068              CpuShares: 512
4069              CpuPeriod: 100000
4070              CpuQuota: 50000
4071              CpuRealtimePeriod: 1000000
4072              CpuRealtimeRuntime: 10000
4073              CpusetCpus: "0,1"
4074              CpusetMems: "0"
4075              Memory: 314572800
4076              MemorySwap: 514288000
4077              MemoryReservation: 209715200
4078              KernelMemory: 52428800
4079              RestartPolicy:
4080                MaximumRetryCount: 4
4081                Name: "on-failure"
4082      tags: ["Container"]
4083  /containers/{id}/rename:
4084    post:
4085      summary: "Rename a container"
4086      operationId: "ContainerRename"
4087      responses:
4088        204:
4089          description: "no error"
4090        404:
4091          description: "no such container"
4092          schema:
4093            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4094          examples:
4095            application/json:
4096              message: "No such container: c2ada9df5af8"
4097        409:
4098          description: "name already in use"
4099          schema:
4100            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4101        500:
4102          description: "server error"
4103          schema:
4104            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4105      parameters:
4106        - name: "id"
4107          in: "path"
4108          required: true
4109          description: "ID or name of the container"
4110          type: "string"
4111        - name: "name"
4112          in: "query"
4113          required: true
4114          description: "New name for the container"
4115          type: "string"
4116      tags: ["Container"]
4117  /containers/{id}/pause:
4118    post:
4119      summary: "Pause a container"
4120      description: |
4121        Use the cgroups freezer to suspend all processes in a container.
4123        Traditionally, when suspending a process the `SIGSTOP` signal is used, which is observable by the process being suspended. With the cgroups freezer the process is unaware, and unable to capture, that it is being suspended, and subsequently resumed.
4124      operationId: "ContainerPause"
4125      responses:
4126        204:
4127          description: "no error"
4128        404:
4129          description: "no such container"
4130          schema:
4131            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4132          examples:
4133            application/json:
4134              message: "No such container: c2ada9df5af8"
4135        500:
4136          description: "server error"
4137          schema:
4138            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4139      parameters:
4140        - name: "id"
4141          in: "path"
4142          required: true
4143          description: "ID or name of the container"
4144          type: "string"
4145      tags: ["Container"]
4146  /containers/{id}/unpause:
4147    post:
4148      summary: "Unpause a container"
4149      description: "Resume a container which has been paused."
4150      operationId: "ContainerUnpause"
4151      responses:
4152        204:
4153          description: "no error"
4154        404:
4155          description: "no such container"
4156          schema:
4157            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4158          examples:
4159            application/json:
4160              message: "No such container: c2ada9df5af8"
4161        500:
4162          description: "server error"
4163          schema:
4164            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4165      parameters:
4166        - name: "id"
4167          in: "path"
4168          required: true
4169          description: "ID or name of the container"
4170          type: "string"
4171      tags: ["Container"]
4172  /containers/{id}/attach:
4173    post:
4174      summary: "Attach to a container"
4175      description: |
4176        Attach to a container to read its output or send it input. You can attach to the same container multiple times and you can reattach to containers that have been detached.
4178        Either the `stream` or `logs` parameter must be `true` for this endpoint to do anything.
4180        See [the documentation for the `docker attach` command](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/attach/) for more details.
4182        ### Hijacking
4184        This endpoint hijacks the HTTP connection to transport `stdin`, `stdout`, and `stderr` on the same socket.
4186        This is the response from the daemon for an attach request:
4188        ```
4189        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
4190        Content-Type: application/vnd.docker.raw-stream
4192        [STREAM]
4193        ```
4195        After the headers and two new lines, the TCP connection can now be used for raw, bidirectional communication between the client and server.
4197        To hint potential proxies about connection hijacking, the Docker client can also optionally send connection upgrade headers.
4199        For example, the client sends this request to upgrade the connection:
4201        ```
4202        POST /containers/16253994b7c4/attach?stream=1&stdout=1 HTTP/1.1
4203        Upgrade: tcp
4204        Connection: Upgrade
4205        ```
4207        The Docker daemon will respond with a `101 UPGRADED` response, and will similarly follow with the raw stream:
4209        ```
4210        HTTP/1.1 101 UPGRADED
4211        Content-Type: application/vnd.docker.raw-stream
4212        Connection: Upgrade
4213        Upgrade: tcp
4215        [STREAM]
4216        ```
4218        ### Stream format
4220        When the TTY setting is disabled in [`POST /containers/create`](#operation/ContainerCreate), the stream over the hijacked connected is multiplexed to separate out `stdout` and `stderr`. The stream consists of a series of frames, each containing a header and a payload.
4222        The header contains the information which the stream writes (`stdout` or `stderr`). It also contains the size of the associated frame encoded in the last four bytes (`uint32`).
4224        It is encoded on the first eight bytes like this:
4226        ```go
4227        header := [8]byte{STREAM_TYPE, 0, 0, 0, SIZE1, SIZE2, SIZE3, SIZE4}
4228        ```
4230        `STREAM_TYPE` can be:
4232        - 0: `stdin` (is written on `stdout`)
4233        - 1: `stdout`
4234        - 2: `stderr`
4236        `SIZE1, SIZE2, SIZE3, SIZE4` are the four bytes of the `uint32` size encoded as big endian.
4238        Following the header is the payload, which is the specified number of bytes of `STREAM_TYPE`.
4240        The simplest way to implement this protocol is the following:
4242        1. Read 8 bytes.
4243        2. Choose `stdout` or `stderr` depending on the first byte.
4244        3. Extract the frame size from the last four bytes.
4245        4. Read the extracted size and output it on the correct output.
4246        5. Goto 1.
4248        ### Stream format when using a TTY
4250        When the TTY setting is enabled in [`POST /containers/create`](#operation/ContainerCreate), the stream is not multiplexed. The data exchanged over the hijacked connection is simply the raw data from the process PTY and client's `stdin`.
4252      operationId: "ContainerAttach"
4253      produces:
4254        - "application/vnd.docker.raw-stream"
4255      responses:
4256        101:
4257          description: "no error, hints proxy about hijacking"
4258        200:
4259          description: "no error, no upgrade header found"
4260        400:
4261          description: "bad parameter"
4262          schema:
4263            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4264        404:
4265          description: "no such container"
4266          schema:
4267            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4268          examples:
4269            application/json:
4270              message: "No such container: c2ada9df5af8"
4271        500:
4272          description: "server error"
4273          schema:
4274            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4275      parameters:
4276        - name: "id"
4277          in: "path"
4278          required: true
4279          description: "ID or name of the container"
4280          type: "string"
4281        - name: "detachKeys"
4282          in: "query"
4283          description: "Override the key sequence for detaching a container.Format is a single character `[a-Z]` or `ctrl-<value>` where `<value>` is one of: `a-z`, `@`, `^`, `[`, `,` or `_`."
4284          type: "string"
4285        - name: "logs"
4286          in: "query"
4287          description: |
4288            Replay previous logs from the container.
4290            This is useful for attaching to a container that has started and you want to output everything since the container started.
4292            If `stream` is also enabled, once all the previous output has been returned, it will seamlessly transition into streaming current output.
4293          type: "boolean"
4294          default: false
4295        - name: "stream"
4296          in: "query"
4297          description: "Stream attached streams from the time the request was made onwards"
4298          type: "boolean"
4299          default: false
4300        - name: "stdin"
4301          in: "query"
4302          description: "Attach to `stdin`"
4303          type: "boolean"
4304          default: false
4305        - name: "stdout"
4306          in: "query"
4307          description: "Attach to `stdout`"
4308          type: "boolean"
4309          default: false
4310        - name: "stderr"
4311          in: "query"
4312          description: "Attach to `stderr`"
4313          type: "boolean"
4314          default: false
4315      tags: ["Container"]
4316  /containers/{id}/attach/ws:
4317    get:
4318      summary: "Attach to a container via a websocket"
4319      operationId: "ContainerAttachWebsocket"
4320      responses:
4321        101:
4322          description: "no error, hints proxy about hijacking"
4323        200:
4324          description: "no error, no upgrade header found"
4325        400:
4326          description: "bad parameter"
4327          schema:
4328            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4329        404:
4330          description: "no such container"
4331          schema:
4332            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4333          examples:
4334            application/json:
4335              message: "No such container: c2ada9df5af8"
4336        500:
4337          description: "server error"
4338          schema:
4339            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4340      parameters:
4341        - name: "id"
4342          in: "path"
4343          required: true
4344          description: "ID or name of the container"
4345          type: "string"
4346        - name: "detachKeys"
4347          in: "query"
4348          description: "Override the key sequence for detaching a container.Format is a single character `[a-Z]` or `ctrl-<value>` where `<value>` is one of: `a-z`, `@`, `^`, `[`, `,`, or `_`."
4349          type: "string"
4350        - name: "logs"
4351          in: "query"
4352          description: "Return logs"
4353          type: "boolean"
4354          default: false
4355        - name: "stream"
4356          in: "query"
4357          description: "Return stream"
4358          type: "boolean"
4359          default: false
4360        - name: "stdin"
4361          in: "query"
4362          description: "Attach to `stdin`"
4363          type: "boolean"
4364          default: false
4365        - name: "stdout"
4366          in: "query"
4367          description: "Attach to `stdout`"
4368          type: "boolean"
4369          default: false
4370        - name: "stderr"
4371          in: "query"
4372          description: "Attach to `stderr`"
4373          type: "boolean"
4374          default: false
4375      tags: ["Container"]
4376  /containers/{id}/wait:
4377    post:
4378      summary: "Wait for a container"
4379      description: "Block until a container stops, then returns the exit code."
4380      operationId: "ContainerWait"
4381      produces: ["application/json"]
4382      responses:
4383        200:
4384          description: "The container has exit."
4385          schema:
4386            type: "object"
4387            required: [StatusCode]
4388            properties:
4389              StatusCode:
4390                description: "Exit code of the container"
4391                type: "integer"
4392                x-nullable: false
4393        404:
4394          description: "no such container"
4395          schema:
4396            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4397          examples:
4398            application/json:
4399              message: "No such container: c2ada9df5af8"
4400        500:
4401          description: "server error"
4402          schema:
4403            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4404      parameters:
4405        - name: "id"
4406          in: "path"
4407          required: true
4408          description: "ID or name of the container"
4409          type: "string"
4410        - name: "condition"
4411          in: "query"
4412          description: "Wait until a container state reaches the given condition, either 'not-running' (default), 'next-exit', or 'removed'."
4413          type: "string"
4414          default: "not-running"
4415      tags: ["Container"]
4416  /containers/{id}:
4417    delete:
4418      summary: "Remove a container"
4419      operationId: "ContainerDelete"
4420      responses:
4421        204:
4422          description: "no error"
4423        400:
4424          description: "bad parameter"
4425          schema:
4426            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4427        404:
4428          description: "no such container"
4429          schema:
4430            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4431          examples:
4432            application/json:
4433              message: "No such container: c2ada9df5af8"
4434        409:
4435          description: "conflict"
4436          schema:
4437            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4438          examples:
4439            application/json:
4440              message: "You cannot remove a running container: c2ada9df5af8. Stop the container before attempting removal or force remove"
4441        500:
4442          description: "server error"
4443          schema:
4444            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4445      parameters:
4446        - name: "id"
4447          in: "path"
4448          required: true
4449          description: "ID or name of the container"
4450          type: "string"
4451        - name: "v"
4452          in: "query"
4453          description: "Remove anonymous volumes associated with the container."
4454          type: "boolean"
4455          default: false
4456        - name: "force"
4457          in: "query"
4458          description: "If the container is running, kill it before removing it."
4459          type: "boolean"
4460          default: false
4461        - name: "link"
4462          in: "query"
4463          description: "Remove the specified link associated with the container."
4464          type: "boolean"
4465          default: false
4466      tags: ["Container"]
4467  /containers/{id}/archive:
4468    head:
4469      summary: "Get information about files in a container"
4470      description: "A response header `X-Docker-Container-Path-Stat` is return containing a base64 - encoded JSON object with some filesystem header information about the path."
4471      operationId: "ContainerArchiveInfo"
4472      responses:
4473        200:
4474          description: "no error"
4475          headers:
4476            X-Docker-Container-Path-Stat:
4477              type: "string"
4478              description: "TODO"
4479        400:
4480          description: "Bad parameter"
4481          schema:
4482            allOf:
4483              - $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4484              - type: "object"
4485                properties:
4486                  message:
4487                    description: "The error message. Either \"must specify path parameter\" (path cannot be empty) or \"not a directory\" (path was asserted to be a directory but exists as a file)."
4488                    type: "string"
4489                    x-nullable: false
4490        404:
4491          description: "Container or path does not exist"
4492          schema:
4493            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4494          examples:
4495            application/json:
4496              message: "No such container: c2ada9df5af8"
4497        500:
4498          description: "Server error"
4499          schema:
4500            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4501      parameters:
4502        - name: "id"
4503          in: "path"
4504          required: true
4505          description: "ID or name of the container"
4506          type: "string"
4507        - name: "path"
4508          in: "query"
4509          required: true
4510          description: "Resource in the container’s filesystem to archive."
4511          type: "string"
4512      tags: ["Container"]
4513    get:
4514      summary: "Get an archive of a filesystem resource in a container"
4515      description: "Get a tar archive of a resource in the filesystem of container id."
4516      operationId: "ContainerArchive"
4517      produces: ["application/x-tar"]
4518      responses:
4519        200:
4520          description: "no error"
4521        400:
4522          description: "Bad parameter"
4523          schema:
4524            allOf:
4525              - $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4526              - type: "object"
4527                properties:
4528                  message:
4529                    description: "The error message. Either \"must specify path parameter\" (path cannot be empty) or \"not a directory\" (path was asserted to be a directory but exists as a file)."
4530                    type: "string"
4531                    x-nullable: false
4532        404:
4533          description: "Container or path does not exist"
4534          schema:
4535            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4536          examples:
4537            application/json:
4538              message: "No such container: c2ada9df5af8"
4539        500:
4540          description: "server error"
4541          schema:
4542            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4543      parameters:
4544        - name: "id"
4545          in: "path"
4546          required: true
4547          description: "ID or name of the container"
4548          type: "string"
4549        - name: "path"
4550          in: "query"
4551          required: true
4552          description: "Resource in the container’s filesystem to archive."
4553          type: "string"
4554      tags: ["Container"]
4555    put:
4556      summary: "Extract an archive of files or folders to a directory in a container"
4557      description: "Upload a tar archive to be extracted to a path in the filesystem of container id."
4558      operationId: "PutContainerArchive"
4559      consumes: ["application/x-tar", "application/octet-stream"]
4560      responses:
4561        200:
4562          description: "The content was extracted successfully"
4563        400:
4564          description: "Bad parameter"
4565          schema:
4566            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4567        403:
4568          description: "Permission denied, the volume or container rootfs is marked as read-only."
4569          schema:
4570            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4571        404:
4572          description: "No such container or path does not exist inside the container"
4573          schema:
4574            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4575          examples:
4576            application/json:
4577              message: "No such container: c2ada9df5af8"
4578        500:
4579          description: "Server error"
4580          schema:
4581            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4582      parameters:
4583        - name: "id"
4584          in: "path"
4585          required: true
4586          description: "ID or name of the container"
4587          type: "string"
4588        - name: "path"
4589          in: "query"
4590          required: true
4591          description: "Path to a directory in the container to extract the archive’s contents into. "
4592          type: "string"
4593        - name: "noOverwriteDirNonDir"
4594          in: "query"
4595          description: "If “1”, “true”, or “True” then it will be an error if unpacking the given content would cause an existing directory to be replaced with a non-directory and vice versa."
4596          type: "string"
4597        - name: "inputStream"
4598          in: "body"
4599          required: true
4600          description: "The input stream must be a tar archive compressed with one of the following algorithms: identity (no compression), gzip, bzip2, xz."
4601          schema:
4602            type: "string"
4603      tags: ["Container"]
4604  /containers/prune:
4605    post:
4606      summary: "Delete stopped containers"
4607      produces:
4608        - "application/json"
4609      operationId: "ContainerPrune"
4610      parameters:
4611        - name: "filters"
4612          in: "query"
4613          description: |
4614            Filters to process on the prune list, encoded as JSON (a `map[string][]string`).
4616            Available filters:
4617            - `until=<timestamp>` Prune containers created before this timestamp. The `<timestamp>` can be Unix timestamps, date formatted timestamps, or Go duration strings (e.g. `10m`, `1h30m`) computed relative to the daemon machine’s time.
4618            - `label` (`label=<key>`, `label=<key>=<value>`, `label!=<key>`, or `label!=<key>=<value>`) Prune containers with (or without, in case `label!=...` is used) the specified labels.
4619          type: "string"
4620      responses:
4621        200:
4622          description: "No error"
4623          schema:
4624            type: "object"
4625            properties:
4626              ContainersDeleted:
4627                description: "Container IDs that were deleted"
4628                type: "array"
4629                items:
4630                  type: "string"
4631              SpaceReclaimed:
4632                description: "Disk space reclaimed in bytes"
4633                type: "integer"
4634                format: "int64"
4635        500:
4636          description: "Server error"
4637          schema:
4638            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4639      tags: ["Container"]
4640  /images/json:
4641    get:
4642      summary: "List Images"
4643      description: "Returns a list of images on the server. Note that it uses a different, smaller representation of an image than inspecting a single image."
4644      operationId: "ImageList"
4645      produces:
4646        - "application/json"
4647      responses:
4648        200:
4649          description: "Summary image data for the images matching the query"
4650          schema:
4651            type: "array"
4652            items:
4653              $ref: "#/definitions/ImageSummary"
4654          examples:
4655            application/json:
4656              - Id: "sha256:e216a057b1cb1efc11f8a268f37ef62083e70b1b38323ba252e25ac88904a7e8"
4657                ParentId: ""
4658                RepoTags:
4659                  - "ubuntu:12.04"
4660                  - "ubuntu:precise"
4661                RepoDigests:
4662                  - "ubuntu@sha256:992069aee4016783df6345315302fa59681aae51a8eeb2f889dea59290f21787"
4663                Created: 1474925151
4664                Size: 103579269
4665                VirtualSize: 103579269
4666                SharedSize: 0
4667                Labels: {}
4668                Containers: 2
4669              - Id: "sha256:3e314f95dcace0f5e4fd37b10862fe8398e3c60ed36600bc0ca5fda78b087175"
4670                ParentId: ""
4671                RepoTags:
4672                  - "ubuntu:12.10"
4673                  - "ubuntu:quantal"
4674                RepoDigests:
4675                  - "ubuntu@sha256:002fba3e3255af10be97ea26e476692a7ebed0bb074a9ab960b2e7a1526b15d7"
4676                  - "ubuntu@sha256:68ea0200f0b90df725d99d823905b04cf844f6039ef60c60bf3e019915017bd3"
4677                Created: 1403128455
4678                Size: 172064416
4679                VirtualSize: 172064416
4680                SharedSize: 0
4681                Labels: {}
4682                Containers: 5
4683        500:
4684          description: "server error"
4685          schema:
4686            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4687      parameters:
4688        - name: "all"
4689          in: "query"
4690          description: "Show all images. Only images from a final layer (no children) are shown by default."
4691          type: "boolean"
4692          default: false
4693        - name: "filters"
4694          in: "query"
4695          description: |
4696            A JSON encoded value of the filters (a `map[string][]string`) to process on the images list. Available filters:
4698            - `before`=(`<image-name>[:<tag>]`,  `<image id>` or `<image@digest>`)
4699            - `dangling=true`
4700            - `label=key` or `label="key=value"` of an image label
4701            - `reference`=(`<image-name>[:<tag>]`)
4702            - `since`=(`<image-name>[:<tag>]`,  `<image id>` or `<image@digest>`)
4703          type: "string"
4704        - name: "digests"
4705          in: "query"
4706          description: "Show digest information as a `RepoDigests` field on each image."
4707          type: "boolean"
4708          default: false
4709      tags: ["Image"]
4710  /build:
4711    post:
4712      summary: "Build an image"
4713      description: |
4714        Build an image from a tar archive with a `Dockerfile` in it.
4716        The `Dockerfile` specifies how the image is built from the tar archive. It is typically in the archive's root, but can be at a different path or have a different name by specifying the `dockerfile` parameter. [See the `Dockerfile` reference for more information](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/).
4718        The Docker daemon performs a preliminary validation of the `Dockerfile` before starting the build, and returns an error if the syntax is incorrect. After that, each instruction is run one-by-one until the ID of the new image is output.
4720        The build is canceled if the client drops the connection by quitting or being killed.
4721      operationId: "ImageBuild"
4722      consumes:
4723        - "application/octet-stream"
4724      produces:
4725        - "application/json"
4726      parameters:
4727        - name: "inputStream"
4728          in: "body"
4729          description: "A tar archive compressed with one of the following algorithms: identity (no compression), gzip, bzip2, xz."
4730          schema:
4731            type: "string"
4732            format: "binary"
4733        - name: "dockerfile"
4734          in: "query"
4735          description: "Path within the build context to the `Dockerfile`. This is ignored if `remote` is specified and points to an external `Dockerfile`."
4736          type: "string"
4737          default: "Dockerfile"
4738        - name: "t"
4739          in: "query"
4740          description: "A name and optional tag to apply to the image in the `name:tag` format. If you omit the tag the default `latest` value is assumed. You can provide several `t` parameters."
4741          type: "string"
4742        - name: "extrahosts"
4743          in: "query"
4744          description: "Extra hosts to add to /etc/hosts"
4745          type: "string"
4746        - name: "remote"
4747          in: "query"
4748          description: "A Git repository URI or HTTP/HTTPS context URI. If the URI points to a single text file, the file’s contents are placed into a file called `Dockerfile` and the image is built from that file. If the URI points to a tarball, the file is downloaded by the daemon and the contents therein used as the context for the build. If the URI points to a tarball and the `dockerfile` parameter is also specified, there must be a file with the corresponding path inside the tarball."
4749          type: "string"
4750        - name: "q"
4751          in: "query"
4752          description: "Suppress verbose build output."
4753          type: "boolean"
4754          default: false
4755        - name: "nocache"
4756          in: "query"
4757          description: "Do not use the cache when building the image."
4758          type: "boolean"
4759          default: false
4760        - name: "cachefrom"
4761          in: "query"
4762          description: "JSON array of images used for build cache resolution."
4763          type: "string"
4764        - name: "pull"
4765          in: "query"
4766          description: "Attempt to pull the image even if an older image exists locally."
4767          type: "string"
4768        - name: "rm"
4769          in: "query"
4770          description: "Remove intermediate containers after a successful build."
4771          type: "boolean"
4772          default: true
4773        - name: "forcerm"
4774          in: "query"
4775          description: "Always remove intermediate containers, even upon failure."
4776          type: "boolean"
4777          default: false
4778        - name: "memory"
4779          in: "query"
4780          description: "Set memory limit for build."
4781          type: "integer"
4782        - name: "memswap"
4783          in: "query"
4784          description: "Total memory (memory + swap). Set as `-1` to disable swap."
4785          type: "integer"
4786        - name: "cpushares"
4787          in: "query"
4788          description: "CPU shares (relative weight)."
4789          type: "integer"
4790        - name: "cpusetcpus"
4791          in: "query"
4792          description: "CPUs in which to allow execution (e.g., `0-3`, `0,1`)."
4793          type: "string"
4794        - name: "cpuperiod"
4795          in: "query"
4796          description: "The length of a CPU period in microseconds."
4797          type: "integer"
4798        - name: "cpuquota"
4799          in: "query"
4800          description: "Microseconds of CPU time that the container can get in a CPU period."
4801          type: "integer"
4802        - name: "buildargs"
4803          in: "query"
4804          description: "JSON map of string pairs for build-time variables. Users pass these values at build-time. Docker uses the buildargs as the environment context for commands run via the `Dockerfile` RUN instruction, or for variable expansion in other `Dockerfile` instructions. This is not meant for passing secret values. [Read more about the buildargs instruction.](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/#arg)"
4805          type: "integer"
4806        - name: "shmsize"
4807          in: "query"
4808          description: "Size of `/dev/shm` in bytes. The size must be greater than 0. If omitted the system uses 64MB."
4809          type: "integer"
4810        - name: "squash"
4811          in: "query"
4812          description: "Squash the resulting images layers into a single layer. *(Experimental release only.)*"
4813          type: "boolean"
4814        - name: "labels"
4815          in: "query"
4816          description: "Arbitrary key/value labels to set on the image, as a JSON map of string pairs."
4817          type: "string"
4818        - name: "networkmode"
4819          in: "query"
4820          description: "Sets the networking mode for the run commands during
4821        build. Supported standard values are: `bridge`, `host`, `none`, and
4822        `container:<name|id>`. Any other value is taken as a custom network's
4823        name to which this container should connect to."
4824          type: "string"
4825        - name: "Content-type"
4826          in: "header"
4827          type: "string"
4828          enum:
4829            - "application/x-tar"
4830          default: "application/x-tar"
4831        - name: "X-Registry-Config"
4832          in: "header"
4833          description: |
4834            This is a base64-encoded JSON object with auth configurations for multiple registries that a build may refer to.
4836            The key is a registry URL, and the value is an auth configuration object, [as described in the authentication section](#section/Authentication). For example:
4838            ```
4839            {
4840              "docker.example.com": {
4841                "username": "janedoe",
4842                "password": "hunter2"
4843              },
4844              "https://index.docker.io/v1/": {
4845                "username": "mobydock",
4846                "password": "conta1n3rize14"
4847              }
4848            }
4849            ```
4851            Only the registry domain name (and port if not the default 443) are required. However, for legacy reasons, the Docker Hub registry must be specified with both a `https://` prefix and a `/v1/` suffix even though Docker will prefer to use the v2 registry API.
4852          type: "string"
4853      responses:
4854        200:
4855          description: "no error"
4856        400:
4857          description: "Bad parameter"
4858          schema:
4859            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4860        500:
4861          description: "server error"
4862          schema:
4863            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4864      tags: ["Image"]
4865  /images/create:
4866    post:
4867      summary: "Create an image"
4868      description: "Create an image by either pulling it from a registry or importing it."
4869      operationId: "ImageCreate"
4870      consumes:
4871        - "text/plain"
4872        - "application/octet-stream"
4873      produces:
4874        - "application/json"
4875      responses:
4876        200:
4877          description: "no error"
4878        404:
4879          description: "repository does not exist or no read access"
4880          schema:
4881            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4882        500:
4883          description: "server error"
4884          schema:
4885            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
4886      parameters:
4887        - name: "fromImage"
4888          in: "query"
4889          description: "Name of the image to pull. The name may include a tag or digest. This parameter may only be used when pulling an image. The pull is cancelled if the HTTP connection is closed."
4890          type: "string"
4891        - name: "fromSrc"
4892          in: "query"
4893          description: "Source to import. The value may be a URL from which the image can be retrieved or `-` to read the image from the request body. This parameter may only be used when importing an image."
4894          type: "string"
4895        - name: "repo"
4896          in: "query"
4897          description: "Repository name given to an image when it is imported. The repo may include a tag. This parameter may only be used when importing an image."
4898          type: "string"
4899        - name: "tag"
4900          in: "query"
4901          description: "Tag or digest. If empty when pulling an image, this causes all tags for the given image to be pulled."
4902          type: "string"
4903        - name: "inputImage"
4904          in: "body"
4905          description: "Image content if the value `-` has been specified in fromSrc query parameter"
4906          schema:
4907            type: "string"
4908          required: false
4909        - name: "X-Registry-Auth"
4910          in: "header"
4911          description: "A base64-encoded auth configuration. [See the authentication section for details.](#section/Authentication)"
4912          type: "string"
4913      tags: ["Image"]
4914  /images/{name}/json:
4915    get:
4916      summary: "Inspect an image"
4917      description: "Return low-level information about an image."
4918      operationId: "ImageInspect"
4919      produces:
4920        - "application/json"
4921      responses:
4922        200:
4923          description: "No error"
4924          schema:
4925            $ref: "#/definitions/Image"
4926          examples:
4927            application/json:
4928              Id: "sha256:85f05633ddc1c50679be2b16a0479ab6f7637f8884e0cfe0f4d20e1ebb3d6e7c"
4929              Container: "cb91e48a60d01f1e27028b4fc6819f4f290b3cf12496c8176ec714d0d390984a"
4930              Comment: ""
4931              Os: "linux"
4932              Architecture: "amd64"
4933              Parent: "sha256:91e54dfb11794fad694460162bf0cb0a4fa710cfa3f60979c177d920813e267c"
4934              ContainerConfig:
4935                Tty: false
4936                Hostname: "e611e15f9c9d"
4937                Domainname: ""
4938                AttachStdout: false
4939                PublishService: ""
4940                AttachStdin: false
4941                OpenStdin: false
4942                StdinOnce: false
4943                NetworkDisabled: false
4944                OnBuild: []
4945                Image: "91e54dfb11794fad694460162bf0cb0a4fa710cfa3f60979c177d920813e267c"
4946                User: ""
4947                WorkingDir: ""
4948                MacAddress: ""
4949                AttachStderr: false
4950                Labels:
4951                  com.example.license: "GPL"
4952                  com.example.version: "1.0"
4953                  com.example.vendor: "Acme"
4954                Env:
4955                  - "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
4956                Cmd:
4957                  - "/bin/sh"
4958                  - "-c"
4959                  - "#(nop) LABEL com.example.vendor=Acme com.example.license=GPL com.example.version=1.0"
4960              DockerVersion: "1.9.0-dev"
4961              VirtualSize: 188359297
4962              Size: 0
4963              Author: ""
4964              Created: "2015-09-10T08:30:53.26995814Z"
4965              GraphDriver:
4966                Name: "aufs"
4967                Data: {}
4968              RepoDigests:
4969                - "localhost:5000/test/busybox/example@sha256:cbbf2f9a99b47fc460d422812b6a5adff7dfee951d8fa2e4a98caa0382cfbdbf"
4970              RepoTags:
4971                - "example:1.0"
4972                - "example:latest"
4973                - "example:stable"
4974              Config:
4975                Image: "91e54dfb11794fad694460162bf0cb0a4fa710cfa3f60979c177d920813e267c"
4976                NetworkDisabled: false
4977                OnBuild: []
4978                StdinOnce: false
4979                PublishService: ""
4980                AttachStdin: false
4981                OpenStdin: false
4982                Domainname: ""
4983                AttachStdout: false
4984                Tty: false
4985                Hostname: "e611e15f9c9d"
4986                Cmd:
4987                  - "/bin/bash"
4988                Env:
4989                  - "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
4990                Labels:
4991                  com.example.vendor: "Acme"
4992                  com.example.version: "1.0"
4993                  com.example.license: "GPL"
4994                MacAddress: ""
4995                AttachStderr: false
4996                WorkingDir: ""
4997                User: ""
4998              RootFS:
4999                Type: "layers"
5000                Layers:
5001                  - "sha256:1834950e52ce4d5a88a1bbd131c537f4d0e56d10ff0dd69e66be3b7dfa9df7e6"
5002                  - "sha256:5f70bf18a086007016e948b04aed3b82103a36bea41755b6cddfaf10ace3c6ef"
5003        404:
5004          description: "No such image"
5005          schema:
5006            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
5007          examples:
5008            application/json:
5009              message: "No such image: someimage (tag: latest)"
5010        500:
5011          description: "Server error"
5012          schema:
5013            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
5014      parameters:
5015        - name: "name"
5016          in: "path"
5017          description: "Image name or id"
5018          type: "string"
5019          required: true
5020      tags: ["Image"]
5021  /images/{name}/history:
5022    get:
5023      summary: "Get the history of an image"
5024      description: "Return parent layers of an image."
5025      operationId: "ImageHistory"
5026      produces: ["application/json"]
5027      responses:
5028        200:
5029          description: "List of image layers"
5030          schema:
5031            type: "array"
5032            items:
5033              type: "object"
5034              x-go-name: HistoryResponseItem
5035              required: [Id, Created, CreatedBy, Tags, Size, Comment]
5036              properties:
5037                Id:
5038                  type: "string"
5039                  x-nullable: false
5040                Created:
5041                  type: "integer"
5042                  format: "int64"
5043                  x-nullable: false
5044                CreatedBy:
5045                  type: "string"
5046                  x-nullable: false
5047                Tags:
5048                  type: "array"
5049                  items:
5050                    type: "string"
5051                Size:
5052                  type: "integer"
5053                  format: "int64"
5054                  x-nullable: false
5055                Comment:
5056                  type: "string"
5057                  x-nullable: false
5058          examples:
5059            application/json:
5060              - Id: "3db9c44f45209632d6050b35958829c3a2aa256d81b9a7be45b362ff85c54710"
5061                Created: 1398108230
5062                CreatedBy: "/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:eb15dbd63394e063b805a3c32ca7bf0266ef64676d5a6fab4801f2e81e2a5148 in /"
5063                Tags:
5064                  - "ubuntu:lucid"
5065                  - "ubuntu:10.04"
5066                Size: 182964289
5067                Comment: ""
5068              - Id: "6cfa4d1f33fb861d4d114f43b25abd0ac737509268065cdfd69d544a59c85ab8"
5069                Created: 1398108222
5070                CreatedBy: "/bin/sh -c #(nop) MAINTAINER Tianon Gravi <admwiggin@gmail.com> - mkimage-debootstrap.sh -i iproute,iputils-ping,ubuntu-minimal -t lucid.tar.xz lucid http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/"
5071                Tags: []
5072                Size: 0
5073                Comment: ""
5074              - Id: "511136ea3c5a64f264b78b5433614aec563103b4d4702f3ba7d4d2698e22c158"
5075                Created: 1371157430
5076                CreatedBy: ""
5077                Tags:
5078                  - "scratch12:latest"
5079                  - "scratch:latest"
5080                Size: 0
5081                Comment: "Imported from -"
5082        404:
5083          description: "No such image"
5084          schema:
5085            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
5086        500:
5087          description: "Server error"
5088          schema:
5089            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
5090      parameters:
5091        - name: "name"
5092          in: "path"
5093          description: "Image name or ID"
5094          type: "string"
5095          required: true
5096      tags: ["Image"]
5097  /images/{name}/push:
5098    post:
5099      summary: "Push an image"
5100      description: |
5101        Push an image to a registry.
5103        If you wish to push an image on to a private registry, that image must already have a tag which references the registry. For example, `registry.example.com/myimage:latest`.
5105        The push is cancelled if the HTTP connection is closed.
5106      operationId: "ImagePush"
5107      consumes:
5108        - "application/octet-stream"
5109      responses:
5110        200:
5111          description: "No error"
5112        404:
5113          description: "No such image"
5114          schema:
5115            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
5116        500:
5117          description: "Server error"
5118          schema:
5119            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
5120      parameters:
5121        - name: "name"
5122          in: "path"
5123          description: "Image name or ID."
5124          type: "string"
5125          required: true
5126        - name: "tag"
5127          in: "query"
5128          description: "The tag to associate with the image on the registry."
5129          type: "string"
5130        - name: "X-Registry-Auth"
5131          in: "header"
5132          description: "A base64-encoded auth configuration. [See the authentication section for details.](#section/Authentication)"
5133          type: "string"
5134          required: true
5135      tags: ["Image"]
5136  /images/{name}/tag:
5137    post:
5138      summary: "Tag an image"
5139      description: "Tag an image so that it becomes part of a repository."
5140      operationId: "ImageTag"
5141      responses:
5142        201:
5143          description: "No error"
5144        400:
5145          description: "Bad parameter"
5146          schema:
5147            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
5148        404:
5149          description: "No such image"
5150          schema:
5151            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
5152        409:
5153          description: "Conflict"
5154          schema:
5155            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
5156        500:
5157          description: "Server error"
5158          schema:
5159            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
5160      parameters:
5161        - name: "name"
5162          in: "path"
5163          description: "Image name or ID to tag."
5164          type: "string"
5165          required: true
5166        - name: "repo"
5167          in: "query"
5168          description: "The repository to tag in. For example, `someuser/someimage`."
5169          type: "string"
5170        - name: "tag"
5171          in: "query"
5172          description: "The name of the new tag."
5173          type: "string"
5174      tags: ["Image"]
5175  /images/{name}:
5176    delete:
5177      summary: "Remove an image"
5178      description: |
5179        Remove an image, along with any untagged parent images that were
5180        referenced by that image.
5182        Images can't be removed if they have descendant images, are being
5183        used by a running container or are being used by a build.
5184      operationId: "ImageDelete"
5185      produces: ["application/json"]
5186      responses:
5187        200:
5188          description: "The image was deleted successfully"
5189          schema:
5190            type: "array"
5191            items:
5192              $ref: "#/definitions/ImageDeleteResponseItem"
5193          examples:
5194            application/json:
5195              - Untagged: "3e2f21a89f"
5196              - Deleted: "3e2f21a89f"
5197              - Deleted: "53b4f83ac9"
5198        404:
5199          description: "No such image"
5200          schema:
5201            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
5202        409:
5203          description: "Conflict"
5204          schema:
5205            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
5206        500:
5207          description: "Server error"
5208          schema:
5209            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
5210      parameters:
5211        - name: "name"
5212          in: "path"
5213          description: "Image name or ID"
5214          type: "string"
5215          required: true
5216        - name: "force"
5217          in: "query"
5218          description: "Remove the image even if it is being used by stopped containers or has other tags"
5219          type: "boolean"
5220          default: false
5221        - name: "noprune"
5222          in: "query"
5223          description: "Do not delete untagged parent images"
5224          type: "boolean"
5225          default: false
5226      tags: ["Image"]
5227  /images/search:
5228    get:
5229      summary: "Search images"
5230      description: "Search for an image on Docker Hub."
5231      operationId: "ImageSearch"
5232      produces:
5233        - "application/json"
5234      responses:
5235        200:
5236          description: "No error"
5237          schema:
5238            type: "array"
5239            items:
5240              type: "object"
5241              properties:
5242                description:
5243                  type: "string"
5244                is_official:
5245                  type: "boolean"
5246                is_automated:
5247                  type: "boolean"
5248                name:
5249                  type: "string"
5250                star_count:
5251                  type: "integer"
5252          examples:
5253            application/json:
5254              - description: ""
5255                is_official: false
5256                is_automated: false
5257                name: "wma55/u1210sshd"
5258                star_count: 0
5259              - description: ""
5260                is_official: false
5261                is_automated: false
5262                name: "jdswinbank/sshd"
5263                star_count: 0
5264              - description: ""
5265                is_official: false
5266                is_automated: false
5267                name: "vgauthier/sshd"
5268                star_count: 0
5269        500:
5270          description: "Server error"
5271          schema:
5272            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
5273      parameters:
5274        - name: "term"
5275          in: "query"
5276          description: "Term to search"
5277          type: "string"
5278          required: true
5279        - name: "limit"
5280          in: "query"
5281          description: "Maximum number of results to return"
5282          type: "integer"
5283        - name: "filters"
5284          in: "query"
5285          description: |
5286            A JSON encoded value of the filters (a `map[string][]string`) to process on the images list. Available filters:
5288            - `is-automated=(true|false)`
5289            - `is-official=(true|false)`
5290            - `stars=<number>` Matches images that has at least 'number' stars.
5291          type: "string"
5292      tags: ["Image"]
5293  /images/prune:
5294    post:
5295      summary: "Delete unused images"
5296      produces:
5297        - "application/json"
5298      operationId: "ImagePrune"
5299      parameters:
5300        - name: "filters"
5301          in: "query"
5302          description: |
5303            Filters to process on the prune list, encoded as JSON (a `map[string][]string`). Available filters:
5305            - `dangling=<boolean>` When set to `true` (or `1`), prune only
5306               unused *and* untagged images. When set to `false`
5307               (or `0`), all unused images are pruned.
5308            - `until=<string>` Prune images created before this timestamp. The `<timestamp>` can be Unix timestamps, date formatted timestamps, or Go duration strings (e.g. `10m`, `1h30m`) computed relative to the daemon machine’s time.
5309            - `label` (`label=<key>`, `label=<key>=<value>`, `label!=<key>`, or `label!=<key>=<value>`) Prune images with (or without, in case `label!=...` is used) the specified labels.
5310          type: "string"
5311      responses:
5312        200:
5313          description: "No error"
5314          schema:
5315            type: "object"
5316            properties:
5317              ImagesDeleted:
5318                description: "Images that were deleted"
5319                type: "array"
5320                items:
5321                  $ref: "#/definitions/ImageDeleteResponseItem"
5322              SpaceReclaimed:
5323                description: "Disk space reclaimed in bytes"
5324                type: "integer"
5325                format: "int64"
5326        500:
5327          description: "Server error"
5328          schema:
5329            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
5330      tags: ["Image"]
5331  /auth:
5332    post:
5333      summary: "Check auth configuration"
5334      description: "Validate credentials for a registry and, if available, get an identity token for accessing the registry without password."
5335      operationId: "SystemAuth"
5336      consumes: ["application/json"]
5337      produces: ["application/json"]
5338      responses:
5339        200:
5340          description: "An identity token was generated successfully."
5341          schema:
5342            type: "object"
5343            required: [Status]
5344            properties:
5345              Status:
5346                description: "The status of the authentication"
5347                type: "string"
5348                x-nullable: false
5349              IdentityToken:
5350                description: "An opaque token used to authenticate a user after a successful login"
5351                type: "string"
5352                x-nullable: false
5353          examples:
5354            application/json:
5355              Status: "Login Succeeded"
5356              IdentityToken: "9cbaf023786cd7..."
5357        204:
5358          description: "No error"
5359        500:
5360          description: "Server error"
5361          schema:
5362            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
5363      parameters:
5364        - name: "authConfig"
5365          in: "body"
5366          description: "Authentication to check"
5367          schema:
5368            $ref: "#/definitions/AuthConfig"
5369      tags: ["System"]
5370  /info:
5371    get:
5372      summary: "Get system information"
5373      operationId: "SystemInfo"
5374      produces:
5375        - "application/json"
5376      responses:
5377        200:
5378          description: "No error"
5379          schema:
5380            type: "object"
5381            properties:
5382              Architecture:
5383                type: "string"
5384              Containers:
5385                type: "integer"
5386              ContainersRunning:
5387                type: "integer"
5388              ContainersStopped:
5389                type: "integer"
5390              ContainersPaused:
5391                type: "integer"
5392              CpuCfsPeriod:
5393                type: "boolean"
5394              CpuCfsQuota:
5395                type: "boolean"
5396              Debug:
5397                type: "boolean"
5398              DiscoveryBackend:
5399                type: "string"
5400              DockerRootDir:
5401                type: "string"
5402              Driver:
5403                type: "string"
5404              DriverStatus:
5405                type: "array"
5406                items:
5407                  type: "array"
5408                  items:
5409                    type: "string"
5410              SystemStatus:
5411                type: "array"
5412                items:
5413                  type: "array"
5414                  items:
5415                    type: "string"
5416              Plugins:
5417                type: "object"
5418                properties:
5419                  Volume:
5420                    type: "array"
5421                    items:
5422                      type: "string"
5423                  Network:
5424                    type: "array"
5425                    items:
5426                      type: "string"
5427                  Log:
5428                    type: "array"
5429                    items:
5430                      type: "string"
5431              ExperimentalBuild:
5432                type: "boolean"
5433              HttpProxy:
5434                type: "string"
5435              HttpsProxy:
5436                type: "string"
5437              ID:
5438                type: "string"
5439              IPv4Forwarding:
5440                type: "boolean"
5441              Images:
5442                type: "integer"
5443              IndexServerAddress:
5444                type: "string"
5445              InitPath:
5446                type: "string"
5447              InitSha1:
5448                type: "string"
5449              KernelVersion:
5450                type: "string"
5451              Labels:
5452                type: "array"
5453                items:
5454                  type: "string"
5455              MemTotal:
5456                type: "integer"
5457              MemoryLimit:
5458                type: "boolean"
5459              NCPU:
5460                type: "integer"
5461              NEventsListener:
5462                type: "integer"
5463              NFd:
5464                type: "integer"
5465              NGoroutines:
5466                type: "integer"
5467              Name:
5468                type: "string"
5469              NoProxy:
5470                type: "string"
5471              OomKillDisable:
5472                type: "boolean"
5473              OSType:
5474                type: "string"
5475              OomScoreAdj:
5476                type: "integer"
5477              OperatingSystem:
5478                type: "string"
5479              RegistryConfig:
5480                type: "object"
5481                properties:
5482                  IndexConfigs:
5483                    type: "object"
5484                    additionalProperties:
5485                      type: "object"
5486                      properties:
5487                        Mirrors:
5488                          type: "array"
5489                          items:
5490                            type: "string"
5491                        Name:
5492                          type: "string"
5493                        Official:
5494                          type: "boolean"
5495                        Secure:
5496                          type: "boolean"
5497                  InsecureRegistryCIDRs:
5498                    type: "array"
5499                    items:
5500                      type: "string"
5501              SwapLimit:
5502                type: "boolean"
5503              SystemTime:
5504                type: "string"
5505              ServerVersion:
5506                type: "string"
5507          examples:
5508            application/json:
5509              Architecture: "x86_64"
5510              ClusterStore: "etcd://localhost:2379"
5511              CgroupDriver: "cgroupfs"
5512              Containers: 11
5513              ContainersRunning: 7
5514              ContainersStopped: 3
5515              ContainersPaused: 1
5516              CpuCfsPeriod: true
5517              CpuCfsQuota: true
5518              Debug: false
5519              DockerRootDir: "/var/lib/docker"
5520              Driver: "btrfs"
5521              DriverStatus:
5522                -
5523                  - ""
5524              ExperimentalBuild: false
5525              HttpProxy: "http://test:test@localhost:8080"
5526              HttpsProxy: "https://test:test@localhost:8080"
5528              IPv4Forwarding: true
5529              Images: 16
5530              IndexServerAddress: "https://index.docker.io/v1/"
5531              InitPath: "/usr/bin/docker"
5532              InitSha1: ""
5533              KernelMemory: true
5534              KernelVersion: "3.12.0-1-amd64"
5535              Labels:
5536                - "storage=ssd"
5537              MemTotal: 2099236864
5538              MemoryLimit: true
5539              NCPU: 1
5540              NEventsListener: 0
5541              NFd: 11
5542              NGoroutines: 21
5543              Name: "prod-server-42"
5544              NoProxy: ""
5545              OomKillDisable: true
5546              OSType: "linux"
5547              OperatingSystem: "Boot2Docker"
5548              Plugins:
5549                Volume:
5550                  - "local"
5551                Network:
5552                  - "null"
5553                  - "host"
5554                  - "bridge"
5555              RegistryConfig:
5556                IndexConfigs:
5557                  docker.io:
5558                    Name: "docker.io"
5559                    Official: true
5560                    Secure: true
5561                InsecureRegistryCIDRs:
5562                  - ""
5563              SecurityOptions:
5564                - Key: "Name"
5565                  Value: "seccomp"
5566                - Key: "Profile"
5567                  Value: "default"
5568                - Key: "Name"
5569                  Value: "apparmor"
5570                - Key: "Name"
5571                  Value: "selinux"
5572                - Key: "Name"
5573                  Value: "userns"
5574              ServerVersion: "1.9.0"
5575              SwapLimit: false
5576              SystemStatus:
5577                -
5578                  - "State"
5579                  - "Healthy"
5580              SystemTime: "2015-03-10T11:11:23.730591467-07:00"
5581        500:
5582          description: "Server error"
5583          schema:
5584            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
5585      tags: ["System"]
5586  /version:
5587    get:
5588      summary: "Get version"
5589      description: "Returns the version of Docker that is running and various information about the system that Docker is running on."
5590      operationId: "SystemVersion"
5591      produces: ["application/json"]
5592      responses:
5593        200:
5594          description: "no error"
5595          schema:
5596            type: "object"
5597            properties:
5598              Version:
5599                type: "string"
5600              ApiVersion:
5601                type: "string"
5602              MinAPIVersion:
5603                type: "string"
5604              GitCommit:
5605                type: "string"
5606              GoVersion:
5607                type: "string"
5608              Os:
5609                type: "string"
5610              Arch:
5611                type: "string"
5612              KernelVersion:
5613                type: "string"
5614              Experimental:
5615                type: "boolean"
5616              BuildTime:
5617                type: "string"
5618          examples:
5619            application/json:
5620              Version: "17.04.0"
5621              Os: "linux"
5622              KernelVersion: "3.19.0-23-generic"
5623              GoVersion: "go1.7.5"
5624              GitCommit: "deadbee"
5625              Arch: "amd64"
5626              ApiVersion: "1.27"
5627              MinAPIVersion: "1.12"
5628              BuildTime: "2016-06-14T07:09:13.444803460+00:00"
5629              Experimental: true
5630        500:
5631          description: "server error"
5632          schema:
5633            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
5634      tags: ["System"]
5635  /_ping:
5636    get:
5637      summary: "Ping"
5638      description: "This is a dummy endpoint you can use to test if the server is accessible."
5639      operationId: "SystemPing"
5640      produces: ["text/plain"]
5641      responses:
5642        200:
5643          description: "no error"
5644          schema:
5645            type: "string"
5646            example: "OK"
5647          headers:
5648            API-Version:
5649              type: "string"
5650              description: "Max API Version the server supports"
5651            Docker-Experimental:
5652              type: "boolean"
5653              description: "If the server is running with experimental mode enabled"
5654        500:
5655          description: "server error"
5656          schema:
5657            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
5658      tags: ["System"]
5659  /commit:
5660    post:
5661      summary: "Create a new image from a container"
5662      operationId: "ImageCommit"
5663      consumes:
5664        - "application/json"
5665      produces:
5666        - "application/json"
5667      responses:
5668        201:
5669          description: "no error"
5670          schema:
5671            $ref: "#/definitions/IdResponse"
5672        404:
5673          description: "no such container"
5674          schema:
5675            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
5676          examples:
5677            application/json:
5678              message: "No such container: c2ada9df5af8"
5679        500:
5680          description: "server error"
5681          schema:
5682            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
5683      parameters:
5684        - name: "containerConfig"
5685          in: "body"
5686          description: "The container configuration"
5687          schema:
5688            $ref: "#/definitions/ContainerConfig"
5689        - name: "container"
5690          in: "query"
5691          description: "The ID or name of the container to commit"
5692          type: "string"
5693        - name: "repo"
5694          in: "query"
5695          description: "Repository name for the created image"
5696          type: "string"
5697        - name: "tag"
5698          in: "query"
5699          description: "Tag name for the create image"
5700          type: "string"
5701        - name: "comment"
5702          in: "query"
5703          description: "Commit message"
5704          type: "string"
5705        - name: "author"
5706          in: "query"
5707          description: "Author of the image (e.g., `John Hannibal Smith <hannibal@a-team.com>`)"
5708          type: "string"
5709        - name: "pause"
5710          in: "query"
5711          description: "Whether to pause the container before committing"
5712          type: "boolean"
5713          default: true
5714        - name: "changes"
5715          in: "query"
5716          description: "`Dockerfile` instructions to apply while committing"
5717          type: "string"
5718      tags: ["Image"]
5719  /events:
5720    get:
5721      summary: "Monitor events"
5722      description: |
5723        Stream real-time events from the server.
5725        Various objects within Docker report events when something happens to them.
5727        Containers report these events: `attach`, `commit`, `copy`, `create`, `destroy`, `detach`, `die`, `exec_create`, `exec_detach`, `exec_start`, `export`, `health_status`, `kill`, `oom`, `pause`, `rename`, `resize`, `restart`, `start`, `stop`, `top`, `unpause`, and `update`
5729        Images report these events: `delete`, `import`, `load`, `pull`, `push`, `save`, `tag`, and `untag`
5731        Volumes report these events: `create`, `mount`, `unmount`, and `destroy`
5733        Networks report these events: `create`, `connect`, `disconnect`, `destroy`, `update`, and `remove`
5735        The Docker daemon reports these events: `reload`
5737        Services report these events: `create`, `update`, and `remove`
5739        Nodes report these events: `create`, `update`, and `remove`
5741        Secrets report these events: `create`, `update`, and `remove`
5743      operationId: "SystemEvents"
5744      produces:
5745        - "application/json"
5746      responses:
5747        200:
5748          description: "no error"
5749          schema:
5750            type: "object"
5751            properties:
5752              Type:
5753                description: "The type of object emitting the event"
5754                type: "string"
5755              Action:
5756                description: "The type of event"
5757                type: "string"
5758              Actor:
5759                type: "object"
5760                properties:
5761                  ID:
5762                    description: "The ID of the object emitting the event"
5763                    type: "string"
5764                  Attributes:
5765                    description: "Various key/value attributes of the object, depending on its type"
5766                    type: "object"
5767                    additionalProperties:
5768                      type: "string"
5769              time:
5770                description: "Timestamp of event"
5771                type: "integer"
5772              timeNano:
5773                description: "Timestamp of event, with nanosecond accuracy"
5774                type: "integer"
5775                format: "int64"
5776          examples:
5777            application/json:
5778              Type: "container"
5779              Action: "create"
5780              Actor:
5781                ID: "ede54ee1afda366ab42f824e8a5ffd195155d853ceaec74a927f249ea270c743"
5782                Attributes:
5783                  com.example.some-label: "some-label-value"
5784                  image: "alpine"
5785                  name: "my-container"
5786              time: 1461943101
5787        400:
5788          description: "bad parameter"
5789          schema:
5790            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
5791        500:
5792          description: "server error"
5793          schema:
5794            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
5795      parameters:
5796        - name: "since"
5797          in: "query"
5798          description: "Show events created since this timestamp then stream new events."
5799          type: "string"
5800        - name: "until"
5801          in: "query"
5802          description: "Show events created until this timestamp then stop streaming."
5803          type: "string"
5804        - name: "filters"
5805          in: "query"
5806          description: |
5807            A JSON encoded value of filters (a `map[string][]string`) to process on the event list. Available filters:
5809            - `container=<string>` container name or ID
5810            - `daemon=<string>` daemon name or ID
5811            - `event=<string>` event type
5812            - `image=<string>` image name or ID
5813            - `label=<string>` image or container label
5814            - `network=<string>` network name or ID
5815            - `plugin`=<string> plugin name or ID
5816            - `scope`=<string> local or swarm
5817            - `type=<string>` object to filter by, one of `container`, `image`, `volume`, `network`, `daemon`, `plugin`, `node`, `service` or `secret`
5818            - `volume=<string>` volume name or ID
5819          type: "string"
5820      tags: ["System"]
5821  /system/df:
5822    get:
5823      summary: "Get data usage information"
5824      operationId: "SystemDataUsage"
5825      responses:
5826        200:
5827          description: "no error"
5828          schema:
5829            type: "object"
5830            properties:
5831              LayersSize:
5832                type: "integer"
5833                format: "int64"
5834              Images:
5835                type: "array"
5836                items:
5837                  $ref: "#/definitions/ImageSummary"
5838              Containers:
5839                type: "array"
5840                items:
5841                  $ref: "#/definitions/ContainerSummary"
5842              Volumes:
5843                type: "array"
5844                items:
5845                  $ref: "#/definitions/Volume"
5846            example:
5847              LayersSize: 1092588
5848              Images:
5849                -
5850                  Id: "sha256:2b8fd9751c4c0f5dd266fcae00707e67a2545ef34f9a29354585f93dac906749"
5851                  ParentId: ""
5852                  RepoTags:
5853                    - "busybox:latest"
5854                  RepoDigests:
5855                    - "busybox@sha256:a59906e33509d14c036c8678d687bd4eec81ed7c4b8ce907b888c607f6a1e0e6"
5856                  Created: 1466724217
5857                  Size: 1092588
5858                  SharedSize: 0
5859                  VirtualSize: 1092588
5860                  Labels: {}
5861                  Containers: 1
5862              Containers:
5863                -
5864                  Id: "e575172ed11dc01bfce087fb27bee502db149e1a0fad7c296ad300bbff178148"
5865                  Names:
5866                    - "/top"
5867                  Image: "busybox"
5868                  ImageID: "sha256:2b8fd9751c4c0f5dd266fcae00707e67a2545ef34f9a29354585f93dac906749"
5869                  Command: "top"
5870                  Created: 1472592424
5871                  Ports: []
5872                  SizeRootFs: 1092588
5873                  Labels: {}
5874                  State: "exited"
5875                  Status: "Exited (0) 56 minutes ago"
5876                  HostConfig:
5877                    NetworkMode: "default"
5878                  NetworkSettings:
5879                    Networks:
5880                      bridge:
5881                        IPAMConfig: null
5882                        Links: null
5883                        Aliases: null
5884                        NetworkID: "d687bc59335f0e5c9ee8193e5612e8aee000c8c62ea170cfb99c098f95899d92"
5885                        EndpointID: "8ed5115aeaad9abb174f68dcf135b49f11daf597678315231a32ca28441dec6a"
5886                        Gateway: ""
5887                        IPAddress: ""
5888                        IPPrefixLen: 16
5889                        IPv6Gateway: ""
5890                        GlobalIPv6Address: ""
5891                        GlobalIPv6PrefixLen: 0
5892                        MacAddress: "02:42:ac:12:00:02"
5893                  Mounts: []
5894              Volumes:
5895                -
5896                  Name: "my-volume"
5897                  Driver: "local"
5898                  Mountpoint: "/var/lib/docker/volumes/my-volume/_data"
5899                  Labels: null
5900                  Scope: "local"
5901                  Options: null
5902                  UsageData:
5903                    Size: 10920104
5904                    RefCount: 2
5905        500:
5906          description: "server error"
5907          schema:
5908            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
5909      tags: ["System"]
5910  /images/{name}/get:
5911    get:
5912      summary: "Export an image"
5913      description: |
5914        Get a tarball containing all images and metadata for a repository.
5916        If `name` is a specific name and tag (e.g. `ubuntu:latest`), then only that image (and its parents) are returned. If `name` is an image ID, similarly only that image (and its parents) are returned, but with the exclusion of the `repositories` file in the tarball, as there were no image names referenced.
5918        ### Image tarball format
5920        An image tarball contains one directory per image layer (named using its long ID), each containing these files:
5922        - `VERSION`: currently `1.0` - the file format version
5923        - `json`: detailed layer information, similar to `docker inspect layer_id`
5924        - `layer.tar`: A tarfile containing the filesystem changes in this layer
5926        The `layer.tar` file contains `aufs` style `.wh..wh.aufs` files and directories for storing attribute changes and deletions.
5928        If the tarball defines a repository, the tarball should also include a `repositories` file at the root that contains a list of repository and tag names mapped to layer IDs.
5930        ```json
5931        {
5932          "hello-world": {
5933            "latest": "565a9d68a73f6706862bfe8409a7f659776d4d60a8d096eb4a3cbce6999cc2a1"
5934          }
5935        }
5936        ```
5937      operationId: "ImageGet"
5938      produces:
5939        - "application/x-tar"
5940      responses:
5941        200:
5942          description: "no error"
5943          schema:
5944            type: "string"
5945            format: "binary"
5946        500:
5947          description: "server error"
5948          schema:
5949            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
5950      parameters:
5951        - name: "name"
5952          in: "path"
5953          description: "Image name or ID"
5954          type: "string"
5955          required: true
5956      tags: ["Image"]
5957  /images/get:
5958    get:
5959      summary: "Export several images"
5960      description: |
5961        Get a tarball containing all images and metadata for several image repositories.
5963        For each value of the `names` parameter: if it is a specific name and tag (e.g. `ubuntu:latest`), then only that image (and its parents) are returned; if it is an image ID, similarly only that image (and its parents) are returned and there would be no names referenced in the 'repositories' file for this image ID.
5965        For details on the format, see [the export image endpoint](#operation/ImageGet).
5966      operationId: "ImageGetAll"
5967      produces:
5968        - "application/x-tar"
5969      responses:
5970        200:
5971          description: "no error"
5972          schema:
5973            type: "string"
5974            format: "binary"
5975        500:
5976          description: "server error"
5977          schema:
5978            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
5979      parameters:
5980        - name: "names"
5981          in: "query"
5982          description: "Image names to filter by"
5983          type: "array"
5984          items:
5985            type: "string"
5986      tags: ["Image"]
5987  /images/load:
5988    post:
5989      summary: "Import images"
5990      description: |
5991        Load a set of images and tags into a repository.
5993        For details on the format, see [the export image endpoint](#operation/ImageGet).
5994      operationId: "ImageLoad"
5995      consumes:
5996        - "application/x-tar"
5997      produces:
5998        - "application/json"
5999      responses:
6000        200:
6001          description: "no error"
6002        500:
6003          description: "server error"
6004          schema:
6005            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6006      parameters:
6007        - name: "imagesTarball"
6008          in: "body"
6009          description: "Tar archive containing images"
6010          schema:
6011            type: "string"
6012            format: "binary"
6013        - name: "quiet"
6014          in: "query"
6015          description: "Suppress progress details during load."
6016          type: "boolean"
6017          default: false
6018      tags: ["Image"]
6019  /containers/{id}/exec:
6020    post:
6021      summary: "Create an exec instance"
6022      description: "Run a command inside a running container."
6023      operationId: "ContainerExec"
6024      consumes:
6025        - "application/json"
6026      produces:
6027        - "application/json"
6028      responses:
6029        201:
6030          description: "no error"
6031          schema:
6032            $ref: "#/definitions/IdResponse"
6033        404:
6034          description: "no such container"
6035          schema:
6036            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6037          examples:
6038            application/json:
6039              message: "No such container: c2ada9df5af8"
6040        409:
6041          description: "container is paused"
6042          schema:
6043            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6044        500:
6045          description: "Server error"
6046          schema:
6047            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6048      parameters:
6049        - name: "execConfig"
6050          in: "body"
6051          description: "Exec configuration"
6052          schema:
6053            type: "object"
6054            properties:
6055              AttachStdin:
6056                type: "boolean"
6057                description: "Attach to `stdin` of the exec command."
6058              AttachStdout:
6059                type: "boolean"
6060                description: "Attach to `stdout` of the exec command."
6061              AttachStderr:
6062                type: "boolean"
6063                description: "Attach to `stderr` of the exec command."
6064              DetachKeys:
6065                type: "string"
6066                description: "Override the key sequence for detaching a container. Format is a single character `[a-Z]` or `ctrl-<value>` where `<value>` is one of: `a-z`, `@`, `^`, `[`, `,` or `_`."
6067              Tty:
6068                type: "boolean"
6069                description: "Allocate a pseudo-TTY."
6070              Env:
6071                description: "A list of environment variables in the form `[\"VAR=value\", ...]`."
6072                type: "array"
6073                items:
6074                  type: "string"
6075              Cmd:
6076                type: "array"
6077                description: "Command to run, as a string or array of strings."
6078                items:
6079                  type: "string"
6080              Privileged:
6081                type: "boolean"
6082                description: "Runs the exec process with extended privileges."
6083                default: false
6084              User:
6085                type: "string"
6086                description: "The user, and optionally, group to run the exec process inside the container. Format is one of: `user`, `user:group`, `uid`, or `uid:gid`."
6087            example:
6088              AttachStdin: false
6089              AttachStdout: true
6090              AttachStderr: true
6091              DetachKeys: "ctrl-p,ctrl-q"
6092              Tty: false
6093              Cmd:
6094                - "date"
6095              Env:
6096                - "FOO=bar"
6097                - "BAZ=quux"
6098          required: true
6099        - name: "id"
6100          in: "path"
6101          description: "ID or name of container"
6102          type: "string"
6103          required: true
6104      tags: ["Exec"]
6105  /exec/{id}/start:
6106    post:
6107      summary: "Start an exec instance"
6108      description: "Starts a previously set up exec instance. If detach is true, this endpoint returns immediately after starting the command. Otherwise, it sets up an interactive session with the command."
6109      operationId: "ExecStart"
6110      consumes:
6111        - "application/json"
6112      produces:
6113        - "application/vnd.docker.raw-stream"
6114      responses:
6115        200:
6116          description: "No error"
6117        404:
6118          description: "No such exec instance"
6119          schema:
6120            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6121        409:
6122          description: "Container is stopped or paused"
6123          schema:
6124            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6125      parameters:
6126        - name: "execStartConfig"
6127          in: "body"
6128          schema:
6129            type: "object"
6130            properties:
6131              Detach:
6132                type: "boolean"
6133                description: "Detach from the command."
6134              Tty:
6135                type: "boolean"
6136                description: "Allocate a pseudo-TTY."
6137            example:
6138              Detach: false
6139              Tty: false
6140        - name: "id"
6141          in: "path"
6142          description: "Exec instance ID"
6143          required: true
6144          type: "string"
6145      tags: ["Exec"]
6146  /exec/{id}/resize:
6147    post:
6148      summary: "Resize an exec instance"
6149      description: "Resize the TTY session used by an exec instance. This endpoint only works if `tty` was specified as part of creating and starting the exec instance."
6150      operationId: "ExecResize"
6151      responses:
6152        201:
6153          description: "No error"
6154        404:
6155          description: "No such exec instance"
6156          schema:
6157            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6158      parameters:
6159        - name: "id"
6160          in: "path"
6161          description: "Exec instance ID"
6162          required: true
6163          type: "string"
6164        - name: "h"
6165          in: "query"
6166          description: "Height of the TTY session in characters"
6167          type: "integer"
6168        - name: "w"
6169          in: "query"
6170          description: "Width of the TTY session in characters"
6171          type: "integer"
6172      tags: ["Exec"]
6173  /exec/{id}/json:
6174    get:
6175      summary: "Inspect an exec instance"
6176      description: "Return low-level information about an exec instance."
6177      operationId: "ExecInspect"
6178      produces:
6179        - "application/json"
6180      responses:
6181        200:
6182          description: "No error"
6183          schema:
6184            type: "object"
6185            properties:
6186              ID:
6187                type: "string"
6188              Running:
6189                type: "boolean"
6190              ExitCode:
6191                type: "integer"
6192              ProcessConfig:
6193                $ref: "#/definitions/ProcessConfig"
6194              OpenStdin:
6195                type: "boolean"
6196              OpenStderr:
6197                type: "boolean"
6198              OpenStdout:
6199                type: "boolean"
6200              ContainerID:
6201                type: "string"
6202              Pid:
6203                type: "integer"
6204                description: "The system process ID for the exec process."
6205          examples:
6206            application/json:
6207              CanRemove: false
6208              ContainerID: "b53ee82b53a40c7dca428523e34f741f3abc51d9f297a14ff874bf761b995126"
6209              DetachKeys: ""
6210              ExitCode: 2
6211              ID: "f33bbfb39f5b142420f4759b2348913bd4a8d1a6d7fd56499cb41a1bb91d7b3b"
6212              OpenStderr: true
6213              OpenStdin: true
6214              OpenStdout: true
6215              ProcessConfig:
6216                arguments:
6217                  - "-c"
6218                  - "exit 2"
6219                entrypoint: "sh"
6220                privileged: false
6221                tty: true
6222                user: "1000"
6223              Running: false
6224              Pid: 42000
6225        404:
6226          description: "No such exec instance"
6227          schema:
6228            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6229        500:
6230          description: "Server error"
6231          schema:
6232            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6233      parameters:
6234        - name: "id"
6235          in: "path"
6236          description: "Exec instance ID"
6237          required: true
6238          type: "string"
6239      tags: ["Exec"]
6241  /volumes:
6242    get:
6243      summary: "List volumes"
6244      operationId: "VolumeList"
6245      produces: ["application/json"]
6246      responses:
6247        200:
6248          description: "Summary volume data that matches the query"
6249          schema:
6250            type: "object"
6251            required: [Volumes, Warnings]
6252            properties:
6253              Volumes:
6254                type: "array"
6255                x-nullable: false
6256                description: "List of volumes"
6257                items:
6258                  $ref: "#/definitions/Volume"
6259              Warnings:
6260                type: "array"
6261                x-nullable: false
6262                description: "Warnings that occurred when fetching the list of volumes"
6263                items:
6264                  type: "string"
6266          examples:
6267            application/json:
6268              Volumes:
6269                - Name: "tardis"
6270                  Driver: "local"
6271                  Mountpoint: "/var/lib/docker/volumes/tardis"
6272                  Labels:
6273                    com.example.some-label: "some-value"
6274                    com.example.some-other-label: "some-other-value"
6275                  Scope: "local"
6276                  Options:
6277                    device: "tmpfs"
6278                    o: "size=100m,uid=1000"
6279                    type: "tmpfs"
6280              Warnings: []
6281        500:
6282          description: "Server error"
6283          schema:
6284            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6285      parameters:
6286        - name: "filters"
6287          in: "query"
6288          description: |
6289            JSON encoded value of the filters (a `map[string][]string`) to
6290            process on the volumes list. Available filters:
6292            - `dangling=<boolean>` When set to `true` (or `1`), returns all
6293               volumes that are not in use by a container. When set to `false`
6294               (or `0`), only volumes that are in use by one or more
6295               containers are returned.
6296            - `driver=<volume-driver-name>` Matches volumes based on their driver.
6297            - `label=<key>` or `label=<key>:<value>` Matches volumes based on
6298               the presence of a `label` alone or a `label` and a value.
6299            - `name=<volume-name>` Matches all or part of a volume name.
6300          type: "string"
6301          format: "json"
6302      tags: ["Volume"]
6304  /volumes/create:
6305    post:
6306      summary: "Create a volume"
6307      operationId: "VolumeCreate"
6308      consumes: ["application/json"]
6309      produces: ["application/json"]
6310      responses:
6311        201:
6312          description: "The volume was created successfully"
6313          schema:
6314            $ref: "#/definitions/Volume"
6315        500:
6316          description: "Server error"
6317          schema:
6318            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6319      parameters:
6320        - name: "volumeConfig"
6321          in: "body"
6322          required: true
6323          description: "Volume configuration"
6324          schema:
6325            type: "object"
6326            properties:
6327              Name:
6328                description: "The new volume's name. If not specified, Docker generates a name."
6329                type: "string"
6330                x-nullable: false
6331              Driver:
6332                description: "Name of the volume driver to use."
6333                type: "string"
6334                default: "local"
6335                x-nullable: false
6336              DriverOpts:
6337                description: "A mapping of driver options and values. These options are passed directly to the driver and are driver specific."
6338                type: "object"
6339                additionalProperties:
6340                  type: "string"
6341              Labels:
6342                description: "User-defined key/value metadata."
6343                type: "object"
6344                additionalProperties:
6345                  type: "string"
6346            example:
6347              Name: "tardis"
6348              Labels:
6349                com.example.some-label: "some-value"
6350                com.example.some-other-label: "some-other-value"
6351              Driver: "custom"
6352      tags: ["Volume"]
6354  /volumes/{name}:
6355    get:
6356      summary: "Inspect a volume"
6357      operationId: "VolumeInspect"
6358      produces: ["application/json"]
6359      responses:
6360        200:
6361          description: "No error"
6362          schema:
6363            $ref: "#/definitions/Volume"
6364        404:
6365          description: "No such volume"
6366          schema:
6367            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6368        500:
6369          description: "Server error"
6370          schema:
6371            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6372      parameters:
6373        - name: "name"
6374          in: "path"
6375          required: true
6376          description: "Volume name or ID"
6377          type: "string"
6378      tags: ["Volume"]
6380    delete:
6381      summary: "Remove a volume"
6382      description: "Instruct the driver to remove the volume."
6383      operationId: "VolumeDelete"
6384      responses:
6385        204:
6386          description: "The volume was removed"
6387        404:
6388          description: "No such volume or volume driver"
6389          schema:
6390            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6391        409:
6392          description: "Volume is in use and cannot be removed"
6393          schema:
6394            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6395        500:
6396          description: "Server error"
6397          schema:
6398            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6399      parameters:
6400        - name: "name"
6401          in: "path"
6402          required: true
6403          description: "Volume name or ID"
6404          type: "string"
6405        - name: "force"
6406          in: "query"
6407          description: "Force the removal of the volume"
6408          type: "boolean"
6409          default: false
6410      tags: ["Volume"]
6411  /volumes/prune:
6412    post:
6413      summary: "Delete unused volumes"
6414      produces:
6415        - "application/json"
6416      operationId: "VolumePrune"
6417      parameters:
6418        - name: "filters"
6419          in: "query"
6420          description: |
6421            Filters to process on the prune list, encoded as JSON (a `map[string][]string`).
6423            Available filters:
6424            - `label` (`label=<key>`, `label=<key>=<value>`, `label!=<key>`, or `label!=<key>=<value>`) Prune volumes with (or without, in case `label!=...` is used) the specified labels.
6425          type: "string"
6426      responses:
6427        200:
6428          description: "No error"
6429          schema:
6430            type: "object"
6431            properties:
6432              VolumesDeleted:
6433                description: "Volumes that were deleted"
6434                type: "array"
6435                items:
6436                  type: "string"
6437              SpaceReclaimed:
6438                description: "Disk space reclaimed in bytes"
6439                type: "integer"
6440                format: "int64"
6441        500:
6442          description: "Server error"
6443          schema:
6444            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6445      tags: ["Volume"]
6446  /networks:
6447    get:
6448      summary: "List networks"
6449      description: |
6450        Returns a list of networks. For details on the format, see [the network inspect endpoint](#operation/NetworkInspect).
6452        Note that it uses a different, smaller representation of a network than inspecting a single network. For example,
6453        the list of containers attached to the network is not propagated in API versions 1.28 and up.
6454      operationId: "NetworkList"
6455      produces:
6456        - "application/json"
6457      responses:
6458        200:
6459          description: "No error"
6460          schema:
6461            type: "array"
6462            items:
6463              $ref: "#/definitions/Network"
6464          examples:
6465            application/json:
6466              - Name: "bridge"
6467                Id: "f2de39df4171b0dc801e8002d1d999b77256983dfc63041c0f34030aa3977566"
6468                Created: "2016-10-19T06:21:00.416543526Z"
6469                Scope: "local"
6470                Driver: "bridge"
6471                EnableIPv6: false
6472                Internal: false
6473                Attachable: false
6474                Ingress: false
6475                IPAM:
6476                  Driver: "default"
6477                  Config:
6478                    -
6479                      Subnet: ""
6480                Options:
6481                  com.docker.network.bridge.default_bridge: "true"
6482                  com.docker.network.bridge.enable_icc: "true"
6483                  com.docker.network.bridge.enable_ip_masquerade: "true"
6484                  com.docker.network.bridge.host_binding_ipv4: ""
6485                  com.docker.network.bridge.name: "docker0"
6486                  com.docker.network.driver.mtu: "1500"
6487              - Name: "none"
6488                Id: "e086a3893b05ab69242d3c44e49483a3bbbd3a26b46baa8f61ab797c1088d794"
6489                Created: "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
6490                Scope: "local"
6491                Driver: "null"
6492                EnableIPv6: false
6493                Internal: false
6494                Attachable: false
6495                Ingress: false
6496                IPAM:
6497                  Driver: "default"
6498                  Config: []
6499                Containers: {}
6500                Options: {}
6501              - Name: "host"
6502                Id: "13e871235c677f196c4e1ecebb9dc733b9b2d2ab589e30c539efeda84a24215e"
6503                Created: "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
6504                Scope: "local"
6505                Driver: "host"
6506                EnableIPv6: false
6507                Internal: false
6508                Attachable: false
6509                Ingress: false
6510                IPAM:
6511                  Driver: "default"
6512                  Config: []
6513                Containers: {}
6514                Options: {}
6515        500:
6516          description: "Server error"
6517          schema:
6518            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6519      parameters:
6520        - name: "filters"
6521          in: "query"
6522          description: |
6523            JSON encoded value of the filters (a `map[string][]string`) to process on the networks list. Available filters:
6525            - `driver=<driver-name>` Matches a network's driver.
6526            - `id=<network-id>` Matches all or part of a network ID.
6527            - `label=<key>` or `label=<key>=<value>` of a network label.
6528            - `name=<network-name>` Matches all or part of a network name.
6529            - `scope=["swarm"|"global"|"local"]` Filters networks by scope (`swarm`, `global`, or `local`).
6530            - `type=["custom"|"builtin"]` Filters networks by type. The `custom` keyword returns all user-defined networks.
6531          type: "string"
6532      tags: ["Network"]
6534  /networks/{id}:
6535    get:
6536      summary: "Inspect a network"
6537      operationId: "NetworkInspect"
6538      produces:
6539        - "application/json"
6540      responses:
6541        200:
6542          description: "No error"
6543          schema:
6544            $ref: "#/definitions/Network"
6545        404:
6546          description: "Network not found"
6547          schema:
6548            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6549        500:
6550          description: "Server error"
6551          schema:
6552            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6553      parameters:
6554        - name: "id"
6555          in: "path"
6556          description: "Network ID or name"
6557          required: true
6558          type: "string"
6559        - name: "verbose"
6560          in: "query"
6561          description: "Detailed inspect output for troubleshooting"
6562          type: "boolean"
6563          default: false
6564      tags: ["Network"]
6566    delete:
6567      summary: "Remove a network"
6568      operationId: "NetworkDelete"
6569      responses:
6570        204:
6571          description: "No error"
6572        403:
6573          description: "operation not supported for pre-defined networks"
6574          schema:
6575            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6576        404:
6577          description: "no such network"
6578          schema:
6579            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6580        500:
6581          description: "Server error"
6582          schema:
6583            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6584      parameters:
6585        - name: "id"
6586          in: "path"
6587          description: "Network ID or name"
6588          required: true
6589          type: "string"
6590      tags: ["Network"]
6592  /networks/create:
6593    post:
6594      summary: "Create a network"
6595      operationId: "NetworkCreate"
6596      consumes:
6597        - "application/json"
6598      produces:
6599        - "application/json"
6600      responses:
6601        201:
6602          description: "No error"
6603          schema:
6604            type: "object"
6605            properties:
6606              Id:
6607                description: "The ID of the created network."
6608                type: "string"
6609              Warning:
6610                type: "string"
6611            example:
6612              Id: "22be93d5babb089c5aab8dbc369042fad48ff791584ca2da2100db837a1c7c30"
6613              Warning: ""
6614        403:
6615          description: "operation not supported for pre-defined networks"
6616          schema:
6617            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6618        404:
6619          description: "plugin not found"
6620          schema:
6621            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6622        500:
6623          description: "Server error"
6624          schema:
6625            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6626      parameters:
6627        - name: "networkConfig"
6628          in: "body"
6629          description: "Network configuration"
6630          required: true
6631          schema:
6632            type: "object"
6633            required: ["Name"]
6634            properties:
6635              Name:
6636                description: "The network's name."
6637                type: "string"
6638              CheckDuplicate:
6639                description: "Check for networks with duplicate names. Since Network is primarily keyed based on a random ID and not on the name, and network name is strictly a user-friendly alias to the network which is uniquely identified using ID, there is no guaranteed way to check for duplicates. CheckDuplicate is there to provide a best effort checking of any networks which has the same name but it is not guaranteed to catch all name collisions."
6640                type: "boolean"
6641              Driver:
6642                description: "Name of the network driver plugin to use."
6643                type: "string"
6644                default: "bridge"
6645              Internal:
6646                description: "Restrict external access to the network."
6647                type: "boolean"
6648              Attachable:
6649                description: "Globally scoped network is manually attachable by regular containers from workers in swarm mode."
6650                type: "boolean"
6651              Ingress:
6652                description: "Ingress network is the network which provides the routing-mesh in swarm mode."
6653                type: "boolean"
6654              IPAM:
6655                description: "Optional custom IP scheme for the network."
6656                $ref: "#/definitions/IPAM"
6657              EnableIPv6:
6658                description: "Enable IPv6 on the network."
6659                type: "boolean"
6660              Options:
6661                description: "Network specific options to be used by the drivers."
6662                type: "object"
6663                additionalProperties:
6664                  type: "string"
6665              Labels:
6666                description: "User-defined key/value metadata."
6667                type: "object"
6668                additionalProperties:
6669                  type: "string"
6670            example:
6671              Name: "isolated_nw"
6672              CheckDuplicate: false
6673              Driver: "bridge"
6674              EnableIPv6: true
6675              IPAM:
6676                Driver: "default"
6677                Config:
6678                  - Subnet: ""
6679                    IPRange: ""
6680                    Gateway: ""
6681                  - Subnet: "2001:db8:abcd::/64"
6682                    Gateway: "2001:db8:abcd::1011"
6683                Options:
6684                  foo: "bar"
6685              Internal: true
6686              Attachable: false
6687              Ingress: false
6688              Options:
6689                com.docker.network.bridge.default_bridge: "true"
6690                com.docker.network.bridge.enable_icc: "true"
6691                com.docker.network.bridge.enable_ip_masquerade: "true"
6692                com.docker.network.bridge.host_binding_ipv4: ""
6693                com.docker.network.bridge.name: "docker0"
6694                com.docker.network.driver.mtu: "1500"
6695              Labels:
6696                com.example.some-label: "some-value"
6697                com.example.some-other-label: "some-other-value"
6698      tags: ["Network"]
6700  /networks/{id}/connect:
6701    post:
6702      summary: "Connect a container to a network"
6703      operationId: "NetworkConnect"
6704      consumes:
6705        - "application/octet-stream"
6706      responses:
6707        200:
6708          description: "No error"
6709        403:
6710          description: "Operation not supported for swarm scoped networks"
6711          schema:
6712            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6713        404:
6714          description: "Network or container not found"
6715          schema:
6716            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6717        500:
6718          description: "Server error"
6719          schema:
6720            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6721      parameters:
6722        - name: "id"
6723          in: "path"
6724          description: "Network ID or name"
6725          required: true
6726          type: "string"
6727        - name: "container"
6728          in: "body"
6729          required: true
6730          schema:
6731            type: "object"
6732            properties:
6733              Container:
6734                type: "string"
6735                description: "The ID or name of the container to connect to the network."
6736              EndpointConfig:
6737                $ref: "#/definitions/EndpointSettings"
6738            example:
6739              Container: "3613f73ba0e4"
6740              EndpointConfig:
6741                IPAMConfig:
6742                  IPv4Address: ""
6743                  IPv6Address: "2001:db8::5689"
6744      tags: ["Network"]
6746  /networks/{id}/disconnect:
6747    post:
6748      summary: "Disconnect a container from a network"
6749      operationId: "NetworkDisconnect"
6750      consumes:
6751        - "application/json"
6752      responses:
6753        200:
6754          description: "No error"
6755        403:
6756          description: "Operation not supported for swarm scoped networks"
6757          schema:
6758            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6759        404:
6760          description: "Network or container not found"
6761          schema:
6762            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6763        500:
6764          description: "Server error"
6765          schema:
6766            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6767      parameters:
6768        - name: "id"
6769          in: "path"
6770          description: "Network ID or name"
6771          required: true
6772          type: "string"
6773        - name: "container"
6774          in: "body"
6775          required: true
6776          schema:
6777            type: "object"
6778            properties:
6779              Container:
6780                type: "string"
6781                description: "The ID or name of the container to disconnect from the network."
6782              Force:
6783                type: "boolean"
6784                description: "Force the container to disconnect from the network."
6785      tags: ["Network"]
6786  /networks/prune:
6787    post:
6788      summary: "Delete unused networks"
6789      produces:
6790        - "application/json"
6791      operationId: "NetworkPrune"
6792      parameters:
6793        - name: "filters"
6794          in: "query"
6795          description: |
6796            Filters to process on the prune list, encoded as JSON (a `map[string][]string`).
6798            Available filters:
6799            - `until=<timestamp>` Prune networks created before this timestamp. The `<timestamp>` can be Unix timestamps, date formatted timestamps, or Go duration strings (e.g. `10m`, `1h30m`) computed relative to the daemon machine’s time.
6800            - `label` (`label=<key>`, `label=<key>=<value>`, `label!=<key>`, or `label!=<key>=<value>`) Prune networks with (or without, in case `label!=...` is used) the specified labels.
6801          type: "string"
6802      responses:
6803        200:
6804          description: "No error"
6805          schema:
6806            type: "object"
6807            properties:
6808              NetworksDeleted:
6809                description: "Networks that were deleted"
6810                type: "array"
6811                items:
6812                  type: "string"
6813        500:
6814          description: "Server error"
6815          schema:
6816            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6817      tags: ["Network"]
6818  /plugins:
6819    get:
6820      summary: "List plugins"
6821      operationId: "PluginList"
6822      description: "Returns information about installed plugins."
6823      produces: ["application/json"]
6824      responses:
6825        200:
6826          description: "No error"
6827          schema:
6828            type: "array"
6829            items:
6830              $ref: "#/definitions/Plugin"
6831        500:
6832          description: "Server error"
6833          schema:
6834            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6835      parameters:
6836        - name: "filters"
6837          in: "query"
6838          type: "string"
6839          description: |
6840            A JSON encoded value of the filters (a `map[string][]string`) to process on the plugin list. Available filters:
6842            - `capability=<capability name>`
6843            - `enable=<true>|<false>`
6844      tags: ["Plugin"]
6846  /plugins/privileges:
6847    get:
6848      summary: "Get plugin privileges"
6849      operationId: "GetPluginPrivileges"
6850      responses:
6851        200:
6852          description: "no error"
6853          schema:
6854            type: "array"
6855            items:
6856              description: "Describes a permission the user has to accept upon installing the plugin."
6857              type: "object"
6858              properties:
6859                Name:
6860                  type: "string"
6861                Description:
6862                  type: "string"
6863                Value:
6864                  type: "array"
6865                  items:
6866                    type: "string"
6867            example:
6868              - Name: "network"
6869                Description: ""
6870                Value:
6871                  - "host"
6872              - Name: "mount"
6873                Description: ""
6874                Value:
6875                  - "/data"
6876              - Name: "device"
6877                Description: ""
6878                Value:
6879                  - "/dev/cpu_dma_latency"
6880        500:
6881          description: "server error"
6882          schema:
6883            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6884      parameters:
6885        - name: "remote"
6886          in: "query"
6887          description: "The name of the plugin. The `:latest` tag is optional, and is the default if omitted."
6888          required: true
6889          type: "string"
6890      tags:
6891        - "Plugin"
6893  /plugins/pull:
6894    post:
6895      summary: "Install a plugin"
6896      operationId: "PluginPull"
6897      description: |
6898        Pulls and installs a plugin. After the plugin is installed, it can be enabled using the [`POST /plugins/{name}/enable` endpoint](#operation/PostPluginsEnable).
6899      produces:
6900        - "application/json"
6901      responses:
6902        204:
6903          description: "no error"
6904        500:
6905          description: "server error"
6906          schema:
6907            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6908      parameters:
6909        - name: "remote"
6910          in: "query"
6911          description: |
6912            Remote reference for plugin to install.
6914            The `:latest` tag is optional, and is used as the default if omitted.
6915          required: true
6916          type: "string"
6917        - name: "name"
6918          in: "query"
6919          description: |
6920            Local name for the pulled plugin.
6922            The `:latest` tag is optional, and is used as the default if omitted.
6923          required: false
6924          type: "string"
6925        - name: "X-Registry-Auth"
6926          in: "header"
6927          description: "A base64-encoded auth configuration to use when pulling a plugin from a registry. [See the authentication section for details.](#section/Authentication)"
6928          type: "string"
6929        - name: "body"
6930          in: "body"
6931          schema:
6932            type: "array"
6933            items:
6934              description: "Describes a permission accepted by the user upon installing the plugin."
6935              type: "object"
6936              properties:
6937                Name:
6938                  type: "string"
6939                Description:
6940                  type: "string"
6941                Value:
6942                  type: "array"
6943                  items:
6944                    type: "string"
6945            example:
6946              - Name: "network"
6947                Description: ""
6948                Value:
6949                  - "host"
6950              - Name: "mount"
6951                Description: ""
6952                Value:
6953                  - "/data"
6954              - Name: "device"
6955                Description: ""
6956                Value:
6957                  - "/dev/cpu_dma_latency"
6958      tags: ["Plugin"]
6959  /plugins/{name}/json:
6960    get:
6961      summary: "Inspect a plugin"
6962      operationId: "PluginInspect"
6963      responses:
6964        200:
6965          description: "no error"
6966          schema:
6967            $ref: "#/definitions/Plugin"
6968        404:
6969          description: "plugin is not installed"
6970          schema:
6971            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6972        500:
6973          description: "server error"
6974          schema:
6975            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6976      parameters:
6977        - name: "name"
6978          in: "path"
6979          description: "The name of the plugin. The `:latest` tag is optional, and is the default if omitted."
6980          required: true
6981          type: "string"
6982      tags: ["Plugin"]
6983  /plugins/{name}:
6984    delete:
6985      summary: "Remove a plugin"
6986      operationId: "PluginDelete"
6987      responses:
6988        200:
6989          description: "no error"
6990          schema:
6991            $ref: "#/definitions/Plugin"
6992        404:
6993          description: "plugin is not installed"
6994          schema:
6995            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
6996        500:
6997          description: "server error"
6998          schema:
6999            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7000      parameters:
7001        - name: "name"
7002          in: "path"
7003          description: "The name of the plugin. The `:latest` tag is optional, and is the default if omitted."
7004          required: true
7005          type: "string"
7006        - name: "force"
7007          in: "query"
7008          description: "Disable the plugin before removing. This may result in issues if the plugin is in use by a container."
7009          type: "boolean"
7010          default: false
7011      tags: ["Plugin"]
7012  /plugins/{name}/enable:
7013    post:
7014      summary: "Enable a plugin"
7015      operationId: "PluginEnable"
7016      responses:
7017        200:
7018          description: "no error"
7019        404:
7020          description: "plugin is not installed"
7021          schema:
7022            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7023        500:
7024          description: "server error"
7025          schema:
7026            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7027      parameters:
7028        - name: "name"
7029          in: "path"
7030          description: "The name of the plugin. The `:latest` tag is optional, and is the default if omitted."
7031          required: true
7032          type: "string"
7033        - name: "timeout"
7034          in: "query"
7035          description: "Set the HTTP client timeout (in seconds)"
7036          type: "integer"
7037          default: 0
7038      tags: ["Plugin"]
7039  /plugins/{name}/disable:
7040    post:
7041      summary: "Disable a plugin"
7042      operationId: "PluginDisable"
7043      responses:
7044        200:
7045          description: "no error"
7046        404:
7047          description: "plugin is not installed"
7048          schema:
7049            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7050        500:
7051          description: "server error"
7052          schema:
7053            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7054      parameters:
7055        - name: "name"
7056          in: "path"
7057          description: "The name of the plugin. The `:latest` tag is optional, and is the default if omitted."
7058          required: true
7059          type: "string"
7060      tags: ["Plugin"]
7061  /plugins/{name}/upgrade:
7062    post:
7063      summary: "Upgrade a plugin"
7064      operationId: "PluginUpgrade"
7065      responses:
7066        204:
7067          description: "no error"
7068        404:
7069          description: "plugin not installed"
7070          schema:
7071            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7072        500:
7073          description: "server error"
7074          schema:
7075            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7076      parameters:
7077        - name: "name"
7078          in: "path"
7079          description: "The name of the plugin. The `:latest` tag is optional, and is the default if omitted."
7080          required: true
7081          type: "string"
7082        - name: "remote"
7083          in: "query"
7084          description: |
7085            Remote reference to upgrade to.
7087            The `:latest` tag is optional, and is used as the default if omitted.
7088          required: true
7089          type: "string"
7090        - name: "X-Registry-Auth"
7091          in: "header"
7092          description: "A base64-encoded auth configuration to use when pulling a plugin from a registry. [See the authentication section for details.](#section/Authentication)"
7093          type: "string"
7094        - name: "body"
7095          in: "body"
7096          schema:
7097            type: "array"
7098            items:
7099              description: "Describes a permission accepted by the user upon installing the plugin."
7100              type: "object"
7101              properties:
7102                Name:
7103                  type: "string"
7104                Description:
7105                  type: "string"
7106                Value:
7107                  type: "array"
7108                  items:
7109                    type: "string"
7110            example:
7111              - Name: "network"
7112                Description: ""
7113                Value:
7114                  - "host"
7115              - Name: "mount"
7116                Description: ""
7117                Value:
7118                  - "/data"
7119              - Name: "device"
7120                Description: ""
7121                Value:
7122                  - "/dev/cpu_dma_latency"
7123      tags: ["Plugin"]
7124  /plugins/create:
7125    post:
7126      summary: "Create a plugin"
7127      operationId: "PluginCreate"
7128      consumes:
7129        - "application/x-tar"
7130      responses:
7131        204:
7132          description: "no error"
7133        500:
7134          description: "server error"
7135          schema:
7136            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7137      parameters:
7138        - name: "name"
7139          in: "query"
7140          description: "The name of the plugin. The `:latest` tag is optional, and is the default if omitted."
7141          required: true
7142          type: "string"
7143        - name: "tarContext"
7144          in: "body"
7145          description: "Path to tar containing plugin rootfs and manifest"
7146          schema:
7147            type: "string"
7148            format: "binary"
7149      tags: ["Plugin"]
7150  /plugins/{name}/push:
7151    post:
7152      summary: "Push a plugin"
7153      operationId: "PluginPush"
7154      description: |
7155        Push a plugin to the registry.
7156      parameters:
7157        - name: "name"
7158          in: "path"
7159          description: "The name of the plugin. The `:latest` tag is optional, and is the default if omitted."
7160          required: true
7161          type: "string"
7162      responses:
7163        200:
7164          description: "no error"
7165        404:
7166          description: "plugin not installed"
7167          schema:
7168            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7169        500:
7170          description: "server error"
7171          schema:
7172            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7173      tags: ["Plugin"]
7174  /plugins/{name}/set:
7175    post:
7176      summary: "Configure a plugin"
7177      operationId: "PluginSet"
7178      consumes:
7179        - "application/json"
7180      parameters:
7181        - name: "name"
7182          in: "path"
7183          description: "The name of the plugin. The `:latest` tag is optional, and is the default if omitted."
7184          required: true
7185          type: "string"
7186        - name: "body"
7187          in: "body"
7188          schema:
7189            type: "array"
7190            items:
7191              type: "string"
7192            example: ["DEBUG=1"]
7193      responses:
7194        204:
7195          description: "No error"
7196        404:
7197          description: "Plugin not installed"
7198          schema:
7199            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7200        500:
7201          description: "Server error"
7202          schema:
7203            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7204      tags: ["Plugin"]
7205  /nodes:
7206    get:
7207      summary: "List nodes"
7208      operationId: "NodeList"
7209      responses:
7210        200:
7211          description: "no error"
7212          schema:
7213            type: "array"
7214            items:
7215              $ref: "#/definitions/Node"
7216        500:
7217          description: "server error"
7218          schema:
7219            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7220        503:
7221          description: "node is not part of a swarm"
7222          schema:
7223            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7224      parameters:
7225        - name: "filters"
7226          in: "query"
7227          description: |
7228            Filters to process on the nodes list, encoded as JSON (a `map[string][]string`).
7230            Available filters:
7231            - `id=<node id>`
7232            - `label=<engine label>`
7233            - `membership=`(`accepted`|`pending`)`
7234            - `name=<node name>`
7235            - `role=`(`manager`|`worker`)`
7236          type: "string"
7237      tags: ["Node"]
7238  /nodes/{id}:
7239    get:
7240      summary: "Inspect a node"
7241      operationId: "NodeInspect"
7242      responses:
7243        200:
7244          description: "no error"
7245          schema:
7246            $ref: "#/definitions/Node"
7247        404:
7248          description: "no such node"
7249          schema:
7250            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7251        500:
7252          description: "server error"
7253          schema:
7254            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7255        503:
7256          description: "node is not part of a swarm"
7257          schema:
7258            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7259      parameters:
7260        - name: "id"
7261          in: "path"
7262          description: "The ID or name of the node"
7263          type: "string"
7264          required: true
7265      tags: ["Node"]
7266    delete:
7267      summary: "Delete a node"
7268      operationId: "NodeDelete"
7269      responses:
7270        200:
7271          description: "no error"
7272        404:
7273          description: "no such node"
7274          schema:
7275            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7276        500:
7277          description: "server error"
7278          schema:
7279            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7280        503:
7281          description: "node is not part of a swarm"
7282          schema:
7283            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7284      parameters:
7285        - name: "id"
7286          in: "path"
7287          description: "The ID or name of the node"
7288          type: "string"
7289          required: true
7290        - name: "force"
7291          in: "query"
7292          description: "Force remove a node from the swarm"
7293          default: false
7294          type: "boolean"
7295      tags: ["Node"]
7296  /nodes/{id}/update:
7297    post:
7298      summary: "Update a node"
7299      operationId: "NodeUpdate"
7300      responses:
7301        200:
7302          description: "no error"
7303        400:
7304          description: "bad parameter"
7305          schema:
7306            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7307        404:
7308          description: "no such node"
7309          schema:
7310            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7311        500:
7312          description: "server error"
7313          schema:
7314            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7315        503:
7316          description: "node is not part of a swarm"
7317          schema:
7318            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7319      parameters:
7320        - name: "id"
7321          in: "path"
7322          description: "The ID of the node"
7323          type: "string"
7324          required: true
7325        - name: "body"
7326          in: "body"
7327          schema:
7328            $ref: "#/definitions/NodeSpec"
7329        - name: "version"
7330          in: "query"
7331          description: "The version number of the node object being updated. This is required to avoid conflicting writes."
7332          type: "integer"
7333          format: "int64"
7334          required: true
7335      tags: ["Node"]
7336  /swarm:
7337    get:
7338      summary: "Inspect swarm"
7339      operationId: "SwarmInspect"
7340      responses:
7341        200:
7342          description: "no error"
7343          schema:
7344            allOf:
7345              - $ref: "#/definitions/ClusterInfo"
7346              - type: "object"
7347                properties:
7348                  JoinTokens:
7349                    description: "The tokens workers and managers need to join the swarm."
7350                    type: "object"
7351                    properties:
7352                      Worker:
7353                        description: "The token workers can use to join the swarm."
7354                        type: "string"
7355                      Manager:
7356                        description: "The token managers can use to join the swarm."
7357                        type: "string"
7358            example:
7359              CreatedAt: "2016-08-15T16:00:20.349727406Z"
7360              Spec:
7361                Dispatcher:
7362                  HeartbeatPeriod: 5000000000
7363                Orchestration:
7364                  TaskHistoryRetentionLimit: 10
7365                CAConfig:
7366                  NodeCertExpiry: 7776000000000000
7367                Raft:
7368                  LogEntriesForSlowFollowers: 500
7369                  HeartbeatTick: 1
7370                  SnapshotInterval: 10000
7371                  ElectionTick: 3
7372                TaskDefaults: {}
7373                EncryptionConfig:
7374                  AutoLockManagers: false
7375                Name: "default"
7376              JoinTokens:
7377                Worker: "SWMTKN-1-1h8aps2yszaiqmz2l3oc5392pgk8e49qhx2aj3nyv0ui0hez2a-6qmn92w6bu3jdvnglku58u11a"
7378                Manager: "SWMTKN-1-1h8aps2yszaiqmz2l3oc5392pgk8e49qhx2aj3nyv0ui0hez2a-8llk83c4wm9lwioey2s316r9l"
7379              ID: "70ilmkj2f6sp2137c753w2nmt"
7380              UpdatedAt: "2016-08-15T16:32:09.623207604Z"
7381              Version:
7382                Index: 51
7383              RootRotationInProgress: false
7384              TLSInfo:
7385                TrustRoot: |
7386                  -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
7387                  MIIBajCCARCgAwIBAgIUbYqrLSOSQHoxD8CwG6Bi2PJi9c8wCgYIKoZIzj0EAwIw
7388                  EzERMA8GA1UEAxMIc3dhcm0tY2EwHhcNMTcwNDI0MjE0MzAwWhcNMzcwNDE5MjE0
7389                  MzAwWjATMREwDwYDVQQDEwhzd2FybS1jYTBZMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEH
7390                  A0IABJk/VyMPYdaqDXJb/VXh5n/1Yuv7iNrxV3Qb3l06XD46seovcDWs3IZNV1lf
7391                  3Skyr0ofcchipoiHkXBODojJydSjQjBAMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIBBjAPBgNVHRMB
7392                  Af8EBTADAQH/MB0GA1UdDgQWBBRUXxuRcnFjDfR/RIAUQab8ZV/n4jAKBggqhkjO
7393                  PQQDAgNIADBFAiAy+JTe6Uc3KyLCMiqGl2GyWGQqQDEcO3/YG36x7om65AIhAJvz
7394                  pxv6zFeVEkAEEkqIYi0omA9+CjanB/6Bz4n1uw8H
7395                  -----END CERTIFICATE-----
7396                CertIssuerSubject: "MBMxETAPBgNVBAMTCHN3YXJtLWNh"
7397                CertIssuerPublicKey: "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEmT9XIw9h1qoNclv9VeHmf/Vi6/uI2vFXdBveXTpcPjqx6i9wNazchk1XWV/dKTKvSh9xyGKmiIeRcE4OiMnJ1A=="
7398        404:
7399          description: "no such swarm"
7400          schema:
7401            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7402        500:
7403          description: "server error"
7404          schema:
7405            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7406        503:
7407          description: "node is not part of a swarm"
7408          schema:
7409            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7410      tags: ["Swarm"]
7411  /swarm/init:
7412    post:
7413      summary: "Initialize a new swarm"
7414      operationId: "SwarmInit"
7415      produces:
7416        - "application/json"
7417        - "text/plain"
7418      responses:
7419        200:
7420          description: "no error"
7421          schema:
7422            description: "The node ID"
7423            type: "string"
7424            example: "7v2t30z9blmxuhnyo6s4cpenp"
7425        400:
7426          description: "bad parameter"
7427          schema:
7428            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7429        500:
7430          description: "server error"
7431          schema:
7432            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7433        503:
7434          description: "node is already part of a swarm"
7435          schema:
7436            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7437      parameters:
7438        - name: "body"
7439          in: "body"
7440          required: true
7441          schema:
7442            type: "object"
7443            properties:
7444              ListenAddr:
7445                description: "Listen address used for inter-manager communication, as well as determining the networking interface used for the VXLAN Tunnel Endpoint (VTEP). This can either be an address/port combination in the form ``, or an interface followed by a port number, like `eth0:4567`. If the port number is omitted, the default swarm listening port is used."
7446                type: "string"
7447              AdvertiseAddr:
7448                description: "Externally reachable address advertised to other nodes. This can either be an address/port combination in the form ``, or an interface followed by a port number, like `eth0:4567`. If the port number is omitted, the port number from the listen address is used. If `AdvertiseAddr` is not specified, it will be automatically detected when possible."
7449                type: "string"
7450              DataPathAddr:
7451                description: |
7452                  Address or interface to use for data path traffic (format: `<ip|interface>`), for example,  ``,
7453                  or an interface, like `eth0`. If `DataPathAddr` is unspecified, the same address as `AdvertiseAddr`
7454                  is used.
7456                  The `DataPathAddr` specifies the address that global scope network drivers will publish towards other
7457                  nodes in order to reach the containers running on this node. Using this parameter it is possible to
7458                  separate the container data traffic from the management traffic of the cluster.
7459                type: "string"
7460              ForceNewCluster:
7461                description: "Force creation of a new swarm."
7462                type: "boolean"
7463              Spec:
7464                $ref: "#/definitions/SwarmSpec"
7465            example:
7466              ListenAddr: ""
7467              AdvertiseAddr: ""
7468              ForceNewCluster: false
7469              Spec:
7470                Orchestration: {}
7471                Raft: {}
7472                Dispatcher: {}
7473                CAConfig: {}
7474                EncryptionConfig:
7475                  AutoLockManagers: false
7476      tags: ["Swarm"]
7477  /swarm/join:
7478    post:
7479      summary: "Join an existing swarm"
7480      operationId: "SwarmJoin"
7481      responses:
7482        200:
7483          description: "no error"
7484        400:
7485          description: "bad parameter"
7486          schema:
7487            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7488        500:
7489          description: "server error"
7490          schema:
7491            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7492        503:
7493          description: "node is already part of a swarm"
7494          schema:
7495            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7496      parameters:
7497        - name: "body"
7498          in: "body"
7499          required: true
7500          schema:
7501            type: "object"
7502            properties:
7503              ListenAddr:
7504                description: "Listen address used for inter-manager communication if the node gets promoted to manager, as well as determining the networking interface used for the VXLAN Tunnel Endpoint (VTEP)."
7505                type: "string"
7506              AdvertiseAddr:
7507                description: "Externally reachable address advertised to other nodes. This can either be an address/port combination in the form ``, or an interface followed by a port number, like `eth0:4567`. If the port number is omitted, the port number from the listen address is used. If `AdvertiseAddr` is not specified, it will be automatically detected when possible."
7508                type: "string"
7509              DataPathAddr:
7510                description: |
7511                  Address or interface to use for data path traffic (format: `<ip|interface>`), for example,  ``,
7512                  or an interface, like `eth0`. If `DataPathAddr` is unspecified, the same address as `AdvertiseAddr`
7513                  is used.
7515                  The `DataPathAddr` specifies the address that global scope network drivers will publish towards other
7516                  nodes in order to reach the containers running on this node. Using this parameter it is possible to
7517                  separate the container data traffic from the management traffic of the cluster.
7519                type: "string"
7520              RemoteAddrs:
7521                description: "Addresses of manager nodes already participating in the swarm."
7522                type: "string"
7523              JoinToken:
7524                description: "Secret token for joining this swarm."
7525                type: "string"
7526            example:
7527              ListenAddr: ""
7528              AdvertiseAddr: ""
7529              RemoteAddrs:
7530                - "node1:2377"
7531              JoinToken: "SWMTKN-1-3pu6hszjas19xyp7ghgosyx9k8atbfcr8p2is99znpy26u2lkl-7p73s1dx5in4tatdymyhg9hu2"
7532      tags: ["Swarm"]
7533  /swarm/leave:
7534    post:
7535      summary: "Leave a swarm"
7536      operationId: "SwarmLeave"
7537      responses:
7538        200:
7539          description: "no error"
7540        500:
7541          description: "server error"
7542          schema:
7543            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7544        503:
7545          description: "node is not part of a swarm"
7546          schema:
7547            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7548      parameters:
7549        - name: "force"
7550          description: "Force leave swarm, even if this is the last manager or that it will break the cluster."
7551          in: "query"
7552          type: "boolean"
7553          default: false
7554      tags: ["Swarm"]
7555  /swarm/update:
7556    post:
7557      summary: "Update a swarm"
7558      operationId: "SwarmUpdate"
7559      responses:
7560        200:
7561          description: "no error"
7562        400:
7563          description: "bad parameter"
7564          schema:
7565            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7566        500:
7567          description: "server error"
7568          schema:
7569            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7570        503:
7571          description: "node is not part of a swarm"
7572          schema:
7573            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7574      parameters:
7575        - name: "body"
7576          in: "body"
7577          required: true
7578          schema:
7579            $ref: "#/definitions/SwarmSpec"
7580        - name: "version"
7581          in: "query"
7582          description: "The version number of the swarm object being updated. This is required to avoid conflicting writes."
7583          type: "integer"
7584          format: "int64"
7585          required: true
7586        - name: "rotateWorkerToken"
7587          in: "query"
7588          description: "Rotate the worker join token."
7589          type: "boolean"
7590          default: false
7591        - name: "rotateManagerToken"
7592          in: "query"
7593          description: "Rotate the manager join token."
7594          type: "boolean"
7595          default: false
7596        - name: "rotateManagerUnlockKey"
7597          in: "query"
7598          description: "Rotate the manager unlock key."
7599          type: "boolean"
7600          default: false
7601      tags: ["Swarm"]
7602  /swarm/unlockkey:
7603    get:
7604      summary: "Get the unlock key"
7605      operationId: "SwarmUnlockkey"
7606      consumes:
7607        - "application/json"
7608      responses:
7609        200:
7610          description: "no error"
7611          schema:
7612            type: "object"
7613            properties:
7614              UnlockKey:
7615                description: "The swarm's unlock key."
7616                type: "string"
7617            example:
7618              UnlockKey: "SWMKEY-1-7c37Cc8654o6p38HnroywCi19pllOnGtbdZEgtKxZu8"
7619        500:
7620          description: "server error"
7621          schema:
7622            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7623        503:
7624          description: "node is not part of a swarm"
7625          schema:
7626            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7627      tags: ["Swarm"]
7628  /swarm/unlock:
7629    post:
7630      summary: "Unlock a locked manager"
7631      operationId: "SwarmUnlock"
7632      consumes:
7633        - "application/json"
7634      produces:
7635        - "application/json"
7636      parameters:
7637        - name: "body"
7638          in: "body"
7639          required: true
7640          schema:
7641            type: "object"
7642            properties:
7643              UnlockKey:
7644                description: "The swarm's unlock key."
7645                type: "string"
7646            example:
7647              UnlockKey: "SWMKEY-1-7c37Cc8654o6p38HnroywCi19pllOnGtbdZEgtKxZu8"
7648      responses:
7649        200:
7650          description: "no error"
7651        500:
7652          description: "server error"
7653          schema:
7654            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7655        503:
7656          description: "node is not part of a swarm"
7657          schema:
7658            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7659      tags: ["Swarm"]
7660  /services:
7661    get:
7662      summary: "List services"
7663      operationId: "ServiceList"
7664      responses:
7665        200:
7666          description: "no error"
7667          schema:
7668            type: "array"
7669            items:
7670              $ref: "#/definitions/Service"
7671        500:
7672          description: "server error"
7673          schema:
7674            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7675        503:
7676          description: "node is not part of a swarm"
7677          schema:
7678            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7679      parameters:
7680        - name: "filters"
7681          in: "query"
7682          type: "string"
7683          description: |
7684            A JSON encoded value of the filters (a `map[string][]string`) to process on the services list. Available filters:
7686            - `id=<service id>`
7687            - `label=<service label>`
7688            - `mode=["replicated"|"global"]`
7689            - `name=<service name>`
7690      tags: ["Service"]
7691  /services/create:
7692    post:
7693      summary: "Create a service"
7694      operationId: "ServiceCreate"
7695      consumes:
7696        - "application/json"
7697      produces:
7698        - "application/json"
7699      responses:
7700        201:
7701          description: "no error"
7702          schema:
7703            type: "object"
7704            properties:
7705              ID:
7706                description: "The ID of the created service."
7707                type: "string"
7708              Warning:
7709                description: "Optional warning message"
7710                type: "string"
7711            example:
7712              ID: "ak7w3gjqoa3kuz8xcpnyy0pvl"
7713              Warning: "unable to pin image doesnotexist:latest to digest: image library/doesnotexist:latest not found"
7714        400:
7715          description: "bad parameter"
7716          schema:
7717            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7718        403:
7719          description: "network is not eligible for services"
7720          schema:
7721            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7722        409:
7723          description: "name conflicts with an existing service"
7724          schema:
7725            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7726        500:
7727          description: "server error"
7728          schema:
7729            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7730        503:
7731          description: "node is not part of a swarm"
7732          schema:
7733            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7734      parameters:
7735        - name: "body"
7736          in: "body"
7737          required: true
7738          schema:
7739            allOf:
7740              - $ref: "#/definitions/ServiceSpec"
7741              - type: "object"
7742                example:
7743                  Name: "web"
7744                  TaskTemplate:
7745                    ContainerSpec:
7746                      Image: "nginx:alpine"
7747                      Mounts:
7748                        -
7749                          ReadOnly: true
7750                          Source: "web-data"
7751                          Target: "/usr/share/nginx/html"
7752                          Type: "volume"
7753                          VolumeOptions:
7754                            DriverConfig: {}
7755                            Labels:
7756                              com.example.something: "something-value"
7757                      Hosts: [" host1", "ABCD:EF01:2345:6789:ABCD:EF01:2345:6789 host2"]
7758                      User: "33"
7759                      DNSConfig:
7760                        Nameservers: [""]
7761                        Search: ["example.org"]
7762                        Options: ["timeout:3"]
7763                      Secrets:
7764                        -
7765                          File:
7766                            Name: "www.example.org.key"
7767                            UID: "33"
7768                            GID: "33"
7769                            Mode: 384
7770                          SecretID: "fpjqlhnwb19zds35k8wn80lq9"
7771                          SecretName: "example_org_domain_key"
7772                    LogDriver:
7773                      Name: "json-file"
7774                      Options:
7775                        max-file: "3"
7776                        max-size: "10M"
7777                    Placement: {}
7778                    Resources:
7779                      Limits:
7780                        MemoryBytes: 104857600
7781                      Reservations: {}
7782                    RestartPolicy:
7783                      Condition: "on-failure"
7784                      Delay: 10000000000
7785                      MaxAttempts: 10
7786                  Mode:
7787                    Replicated:
7788                      Replicas: 4
7789                  UpdateConfig:
7790                    Parallelism: 2
7791                    Delay: 1000000000
7792                    FailureAction: "pause"
7793                    Monitor: 15000000000
7794                    MaxFailureRatio: 0.15
7795                  RollbackConfig:
7796                    Parallelism: 1
7797                    Delay: 1000000000
7798                    FailureAction: "pause"
7799                    Monitor: 15000000000
7800                    MaxFailureRatio: 0.15
7801                  EndpointSpec:
7802                    Ports:
7803                      -
7804                        Protocol: "tcp"
7805                        PublishedPort: 8080
7806                        TargetPort: 80
7807                  Labels:
7808                    foo: "bar"
7809        - name: "X-Registry-Auth"
7810          in: "header"
7811          description: "A base64-encoded auth configuration for pulling from private registries. [See the authentication section for details.](#section/Authentication)"
7812          type: "string"
7813      tags: ["Service"]
7814  /services/{id}:
7815    get:
7816      summary: "Inspect a service"
7817      operationId: "ServiceInspect"
7818      responses:
7819        200:
7820          description: "no error"
7821          schema:
7822            $ref: "#/definitions/Service"
7823        404:
7824          description: "no such service"
7825          schema:
7826            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7827        500:
7828          description: "server error"
7829          schema:
7830            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7831        503:
7832          description: "node is not part of a swarm"
7833          schema:
7834            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7835      parameters:
7836        - name: "id"
7837          in: "path"
7838          description: "ID or name of service."
7839          required: true
7840          type: "string"
7841        - name: "insertDefaults"
7842          in: "query"
7843          description: "Fill empty fields with default values."
7844          type: "boolean"
7845          default: false
7846      tags: ["Service"]
7847    delete:
7848      summary: "Delete a service"
7849      operationId: "ServiceDelete"
7850      responses:
7851        200:
7852          description: "no error"
7853        404:
7854          description: "no such service"
7855          schema:
7856            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7857        500:
7858          description: "server error"
7859          schema:
7860            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7861        503:
7862          description: "node is not part of a swarm"
7863          schema:
7864            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7865      parameters:
7866        - name: "id"
7867          in: "path"
7868          description: "ID or name of service."
7869          required: true
7870          type: "string"
7871      tags: ["Service"]
7872  /services/{id}/update:
7873    post:
7874      summary: "Update a service"
7875      operationId: "ServiceUpdate"
7876      consumes: ["application/json"]
7877      produces: ["application/json"]
7878      responses:
7879        200:
7880          description: "no error"
7881          schema:
7882            $ref: "#/definitions/ServiceUpdateResponse"
7883        400:
7884          description: "bad parameter"
7885          schema:
7886            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7887        404:
7888          description: "no such service"
7889          schema:
7890            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7891        500:
7892          description: "server error"
7893          schema:
7894            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7895        503:
7896          description: "node is not part of a swarm"
7897          schema:
7898            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7899      parameters:
7900        - name: "id"
7901          in: "path"
7902          description: "ID or name of service."
7903          required: true
7904          type: "string"
7905        - name: "body"
7906          in: "body"
7907          required: true
7908          schema:
7909            allOf:
7910              - $ref: "#/definitions/ServiceSpec"
7911              - type: "object"
7912                example:
7913                  Name: "top"
7914                  TaskTemplate:
7915                    ContainerSpec:
7916                      Image: "busybox"
7917                      Args:
7918                        - "top"
7919                    Resources:
7920                      Limits: {}
7921                      Reservations: {}
7922                    RestartPolicy:
7923                      Condition: "any"
7924                      MaxAttempts: 0
7925                    Placement: {}
7926                    ForceUpdate: 0
7927                  Mode:
7928                    Replicated:
7929                      Replicas: 1
7930                  UpdateConfig:
7931                    Parallelism: 2
7932                    Delay: 1000000000
7933                    FailureAction: "pause"
7934                    Monitor: 15000000000
7935                    MaxFailureRatio: 0.15
7936                  RollbackConfig:
7937                    Parallelism: 1
7938                    Delay: 1000000000
7939                    FailureAction: "pause"
7940                    Monitor: 15000000000
7941                    MaxFailureRatio: 0.15
7942                  EndpointSpec:
7943                    Mode: "vip"
7945        - name: "version"
7946          in: "query"
7947          description: "The version number of the service object being updated. This is required to avoid conflicting writes."
7948          required: true
7949          type: "integer"
7950        - name: "registryAuthFrom"
7951          in: "query"
7952          type: "string"
7953          description: "If the X-Registry-Auth header is not specified, this
7954  parameter indicates where to find registry authorization credentials. The
7955  valid values are `spec` and `previous-spec`."
7956          default: "spec"
7957        - name: "rollback"
7958          in: "query"
7959          type: "string"
7960          description: "Set to this parameter to `previous` to cause a
7961  server-side rollback to the previous service spec. The supplied spec will be
7962  ignored in this case."
7963        - name: "X-Registry-Auth"
7964          in: "header"
7965          description: "A base64-encoded auth configuration for pulling from private registries. [See the authentication section for details.](#section/Authentication)"
7966          type: "string"
7968      tags: ["Service"]
7969  /services/{id}/logs:
7970    get:
7971      summary: "Get service logs"
7972      description: |
7973        Get `stdout` and `stderr` logs from a service.
7975        **Note**: This endpoint works only for services with the `json-file` or `journald` logging drivers.
7976      operationId: "ServiceLogs"
7977      produces:
7978        - "application/vnd.docker.raw-stream"
7979        - "application/json"
7980      responses:
7981        101:
7982          description: "logs returned as a stream"
7983          schema:
7984            type: "string"
7985            format: "binary"
7986        200:
7987          description: "logs returned as a string in response body"
7988          schema:
7989            type: "string"
7990        404:
7991          description: "no such service"
7992          schema:
7993            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
7994          examples:
7995            application/json:
7996              message: "No such service: c2ada9df5af8"
7997        500:
7998          description: "server error"
7999          schema:
8000            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8001        503:
8002          description: "node is not part of a swarm"
8003          schema:
8004            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8005      parameters:
8006        - name: "id"
8007          in: "path"
8008          required: true
8009          description: "ID or name of the service"
8010          type: "string"
8011        - name: "details"
8012          in: "query"
8013          description: "Show service context and extra details provided to logs."
8014          type: "boolean"
8015          default: false
8016        - name: "follow"
8017          in: "query"
8018          description: |
8019            Return the logs as a stream.
8021            This will return a `101` HTTP response with a `Connection: upgrade` header, then hijack the HTTP connection to send raw output. For more information about hijacking and the stream format, [see the documentation for the attach endpoint](#operation/ContainerAttach).
8022          type: "boolean"
8023          default: false
8024        - name: "stdout"
8025          in: "query"
8026          description: "Return logs from `stdout`"
8027          type: "boolean"
8028          default: false
8029        - name: "stderr"
8030          in: "query"
8031          description: "Return logs from `stderr`"
8032          type: "boolean"
8033          default: false
8034        - name: "since"
8035          in: "query"
8036          description: "Only return logs since this time, as a UNIX timestamp"
8037          type: "integer"
8038          default: 0
8039        - name: "timestamps"
8040          in: "query"
8041          description: "Add timestamps to every log line"
8042          type: "boolean"
8043          default: false
8044        - name: "tail"
8045          in: "query"
8046          description: "Only return this number of log lines from the end of the logs. Specify as an integer or `all` to output all log lines."
8047          type: "string"
8048          default: "all"
8049      tags: ["Service"]
8050  /tasks:
8051    get:
8052      summary: "List tasks"
8053      operationId: "TaskList"
8054      produces:
8055        - "application/json"
8056      responses:
8057        200:
8058          description: "no error"
8059          schema:
8060            type: "array"
8061            items:
8062              $ref: "#/definitions/Task"
8063            example:
8064              - ID: "0kzzo1i0y4jz6027t0k7aezc7"
8065                Version:
8066                  Index: 71
8067                CreatedAt: "2016-06-07T21:07:31.171892745Z"
8068                UpdatedAt: "2016-06-07T21:07:31.376370513Z"
8069                Spec:
8070                  ContainerSpec:
8071                    Image: "redis"
8072                  Resources:
8073                    Limits: {}
8074                    Reservations: {}
8075                  RestartPolicy:
8076                    Condition: "any"
8077                    MaxAttempts: 0
8078                  Placement: {}
8079                ServiceID: "9mnpnzenvg8p8tdbtq4wvbkcz"
8080                Slot: 1
8081                NodeID: "60gvrl6tm78dmak4yl7srz94v"
8082                Status:
8083                  Timestamp: "2016-06-07T21:07:31.290032978Z"
8084                  State: "running"
8085                  Message: "started"
8086                  ContainerStatus:
8087                    ContainerID: "e5d62702a1b48d01c3e02ca1e0212a250801fa8d67caca0b6f35919ebc12f035"
8088                    PID: 677
8089                DesiredState: "running"
8090                NetworksAttachments:
8091                  - Network:
8092                      ID: "4qvuz4ko70xaltuqbt8956gd1"
8093                      Version:
8094                        Index: 18
8095                      CreatedAt: "2016-06-07T20:31:11.912919752Z"
8096                      UpdatedAt: "2016-06-07T21:07:29.955277358Z"
8097                      Spec:
8098                        Name: "ingress"
8099                        Labels:
8100                          com.docker.swarm.internal: "true"
8101                        DriverConfiguration: {}
8102                        IPAMOptions:
8103                          Driver: {}
8104                          Configs:
8105                            - Subnet: ""
8106                              Gateway: ""
8107                      DriverState:
8108                        Name: "overlay"
8109                        Options:
8110                          com.docker.network.driver.overlay.vxlanid_list: "256"
8111                      IPAMOptions:
8112                        Driver:
8113                          Name: "default"
8114                        Configs:
8115                          - Subnet: ""
8116                            Gateway: ""
8117                    Addresses:
8118                      - ""
8119              - ID: "1yljwbmlr8er2waf8orvqpwms"
8120                Version:
8121                  Index: 30
8122                CreatedAt: "2016-06-07T21:07:30.019104782Z"
8123                UpdatedAt: "2016-06-07T21:07:30.231958098Z"
8124                Name: "hopeful_cori"
8125                Spec:
8126                  ContainerSpec:
8127                    Image: "redis"
8128                  Resources:
8129                    Limits: {}
8130                    Reservations: {}
8131                  RestartPolicy:
8132                    Condition: "any"
8133                    MaxAttempts: 0
8134                  Placement: {}
8135                ServiceID: "9mnpnzenvg8p8tdbtq4wvbkcz"
8136                Slot: 1
8137                NodeID: "60gvrl6tm78dmak4yl7srz94v"
8138                Status:
8139                  Timestamp: "2016-06-07T21:07:30.202183143Z"
8140                  State: "shutdown"
8141                  Message: "shutdown"
8142                  ContainerStatus:
8143                    ContainerID: "1cf8d63d18e79668b0004a4be4c6ee58cddfad2dae29506d8781581d0688a213"
8144                DesiredState: "shutdown"
8145                NetworksAttachments:
8146                  - Network:
8147                      ID: "4qvuz4ko70xaltuqbt8956gd1"
8148                      Version:
8149                        Index: 18
8150                      CreatedAt: "2016-06-07T20:31:11.912919752Z"
8151                      UpdatedAt: "2016-06-07T21:07:29.955277358Z"
8152                      Spec:
8153                        Name: "ingress"
8154                        Labels:
8155                          com.docker.swarm.internal: "true"
8156                        DriverConfiguration: {}
8157                        IPAMOptions:
8158                          Driver: {}
8159                          Configs:
8160                            - Subnet: ""
8161                              Gateway: ""
8162                      DriverState:
8163                        Name: "overlay"
8164                        Options:
8165                          com.docker.network.driver.overlay.vxlanid_list: "256"
8166                      IPAMOptions:
8167                        Driver:
8168                          Name: "default"
8169                        Configs:
8170                          - Subnet: ""
8171                            Gateway: ""
8172                    Addresses:
8173                      - ""
8174        500:
8175          description: "server error"
8176          schema:
8177            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8178        503:
8179          description: "node is not part of a swarm"
8180          schema:
8181            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8182      parameters:
8183        - name: "filters"
8184          in: "query"
8185          type: "string"
8186          description: |
8187            A JSON encoded value of the filters (a `map[string][]string`) to process on the tasks list. Available filters:
8189            - `desired-state=(running | shutdown | accepted)`
8190            - `id=<task id>`
8191            - `label=key` or `label="key=value"`
8192            - `name=<task name>`
8193            - `node=<node id or name>`
8194            - `service=<service name>`
8195      tags: ["Task"]
8196  /tasks/{id}:
8197    get:
8198      summary: "Inspect a task"
8199      operationId: "TaskInspect"
8200      produces:
8201        - "application/json"
8202      responses:
8203        200:
8204          description: "no error"
8205          schema:
8206            $ref: "#/definitions/Task"
8207        404:
8208          description: "no such task"
8209          schema:
8210            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8211        500:
8212          description: "server error"
8213          schema:
8214            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8215        503:
8216          description: "node is not part of a swarm"
8217          schema:
8218            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8219      parameters:
8220        - name: "id"
8221          in: "path"
8222          description: "ID of the task"
8223          required: true
8224          type: "string"
8225      tags: ["Task"]
8226  /tasks/{id}/logs:
8227    get:
8228      summary: "Get task logs"
8229      description: |
8230        Get `stdout` and `stderr` logs from a task.
8232        **Note**: This endpoint works only for services with the `json-file` or `journald` logging drivers.
8233      operationId: "TaskLogs"
8234      produces:
8235        - "application/vnd.docker.raw-stream"
8236        - "application/json"
8237      responses:
8238        101:
8239          description: "logs returned as a stream"
8240          schema:
8241            type: "string"
8242            format: "binary"
8243        200:
8244          description: "logs returned as a string in response body"
8245          schema:
8246            type: "string"
8247        404:
8248          description: "no such task"
8249          schema:
8250            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8251          examples:
8252            application/json:
8253              message: "No such task: c2ada9df5af8"
8254        500:
8255          description: "server error"
8256          schema:
8257            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8258        503:
8259          description: "node is not part of a swarm"
8260          schema:
8261            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8262      parameters:
8263        - name: "id"
8264          in: "path"
8265          required: true
8266          description: "ID of the task"
8267          type: "string"
8268        - name: "details"
8269          in: "query"
8270          description: "Show task context and extra details provided to logs."
8271          type: "boolean"
8272          default: false
8273        - name: "follow"
8274          in: "query"
8275          description: |
8276            Return the logs as a stream.
8278            This will return a `101` HTTP response with a `Connection: upgrade` header, then hijack the HTTP connection to send raw output. For more information about hijacking and the stream format, [see the documentation for the attach endpoint](#operation/ContainerAttach).
8279          type: "boolean"
8280          default: false
8281        - name: "stdout"
8282          in: "query"
8283          description: "Return logs from `stdout`"
8284          type: "boolean"
8285          default: false
8286        - name: "stderr"
8287          in: "query"
8288          description: "Return logs from `stderr`"
8289          type: "boolean"
8290          default: false
8291        - name: "since"
8292          in: "query"
8293          description: "Only return logs since this time, as a UNIX timestamp"
8294          type: "integer"
8295          default: 0
8296        - name: "timestamps"
8297          in: "query"
8298          description: "Add timestamps to every log line"
8299          type: "boolean"
8300          default: false
8301        - name: "tail"
8302          in: "query"
8303          description: "Only return this number of log lines from the end of the logs. Specify as an integer or `all` to output all log lines."
8304          type: "string"
8305          default: "all"
8306  /secrets:
8307    get:
8308      summary: "List secrets"
8309      operationId: "SecretList"
8310      produces:
8311        - "application/json"
8312      responses:
8313        200:
8314          description: "no error"
8315          schema:
8316            type: "array"
8317            items:
8318              $ref: "#/definitions/Secret"
8319            example:
8320              - ID: "ktnbjxoalbkvbvedmg1urrz8h"
8321                Version:
8322                  Index: 11
8323                CreatedAt: "2016-11-05T01:20:17.327670065Z"
8324                UpdatedAt: "2016-11-05T01:20:17.327670065Z"
8325                Spec:
8326                  Name: "app-dev.crt"
8327        500:
8328          description: "server error"
8329          schema:
8330            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8331        503:
8332          description: "node is not part of a swarm"
8333          schema:
8334            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8335      parameters:
8336        - name: "filters"
8337          in: "query"
8338          type: "string"
8339          description: |
8340            A JSON encoded value of the filters (a `map[string][]string`) to process on the secrets list. Available filters:
8342            - `id=<secret id>`
8343            - `label=<key> or label=<key>=value`
8344            - `name=<secret name>`
8345            - `names=<secret name>`
8346      tags: ["Secret"]
8347  /secrets/create:
8348    post:
8349      summary: "Create a secret"
8350      operationId: "SecretCreate"
8351      consumes:
8352        - "application/json"
8353      produces:
8354        - "application/json"
8355      responses:
8356        201:
8357          description: "no error"
8358          schema:
8359            type: "object"
8360            properties:
8361              ID:
8362                description: "The ID of the created secret."
8363                type: "string"
8364            example:
8365              ID: "ktnbjxoalbkvbvedmg1urrz8h"
8366        409:
8367          description: "name conflicts with an existing object"
8368          schema:
8369            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8370        500:
8371          description: "server error"
8372          schema:
8373            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8374        503:
8375          description: "node is not part of a swarm"
8376          schema:
8377            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8378      parameters:
8379        - name: "body"
8380          in: "body"
8381          schema:
8382            allOf:
8383              - $ref: "#/definitions/SecretSpec"
8384              - type: "object"
8385                example:
8386                  Name: "app-key.crt"
8387                  Labels:
8388                    foo: "bar"
8389                  Data: "VEhJUyBJUyBOT1QgQSBSRUFMIENFUlRJRklDQVRFCg=="
8390      tags: ["Secret"]
8391  /secrets/{id}:
8392    get:
8393      summary: "Inspect a secret"
8394      operationId: "SecretInspect"
8395      produces:
8396        - "application/json"
8397      responses:
8398        200:
8399          description: "no error"
8400          schema:
8401            $ref: "#/definitions/Secret"
8402          examples:
8403            application/json:
8404              ID: "ktnbjxoalbkvbvedmg1urrz8h"
8405              Version:
8406                Index: 11
8407              CreatedAt: "2016-11-05T01:20:17.327670065Z"
8408              UpdatedAt: "2016-11-05T01:20:17.327670065Z"
8409              Spec:
8410                Name: "app-dev.crt"
8411        404:
8412          description: "secret not found"
8413          schema:
8414            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8415        500:
8416          description: "server error"
8417          schema:
8418            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8419        503:
8420          description: "node is not part of a swarm"
8421          schema:
8422            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8423      parameters:
8424        - name: "id"
8425          in: "path"
8426          required: true
8427          type: "string"
8428          description: "ID of the secret"
8429      tags: ["Secret"]
8430    delete:
8431      summary: "Delete a secret"
8432      operationId: "SecretDelete"
8433      produces:
8434        - "application/json"
8435      responses:
8436        204:
8437          description: "no error"
8438        404:
8439          description: "secret not found"
8440          schema:
8441            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8442        500:
8443          description: "server error"
8444          schema:
8445            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8446        503:
8447          description: "node is not part of a swarm"
8448          schema:
8449            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8450      parameters:
8451        - name: "id"
8452          in: "path"
8453          required: true
8454          type: "string"
8455          description: "ID of the secret"
8456      tags: ["Secret"]
8457  /secrets/{id}/update:
8458    post:
8459      summary: "Update a Secret"
8460      operationId: "SecretUpdate"
8461      responses:
8462        200:
8463          description: "no error"
8464        400:
8465          description: "bad parameter"
8466          schema:
8467            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8468        404:
8469          description: "no such secret"
8470          schema:
8471            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8472        500:
8473          description: "server error"
8474          schema:
8475            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8476        503:
8477          description: "node is not part of a swarm"
8478          schema:
8479            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8480      parameters:
8481        - name: "id"
8482          in: "path"
8483          description: "The ID or name of the secret"
8484          type: "string"
8485          required: true
8486        - name: "body"
8487          in: "body"
8488          schema:
8489            $ref: "#/definitions/SecretSpec"
8490          description: "The spec of the secret to update. Currently, only the Labels field can be updated. All other fields must remain unchanged from the [SecretInspect endpoint](#operation/SecretInspect) response values."
8491        - name: "version"
8492          in: "query"
8493          description: "The version number of the secret object being updated. This is required to avoid conflicting writes."
8494          type: "integer"
8495          format: "int64"
8496          required: true
8497      tags: ["Secret"]
8498  /configs:
8499    get:
8500      summary: "List configs"
8501      operationId: "ConfigList"
8502      produces:
8503        - "application/json"
8504      responses:
8505        200:
8506          description: "no error"
8507          schema:
8508            type: "array"
8509            items:
8510              $ref: "#/definitions/Config"
8511            example:
8512              - ID: "ktnbjxoalbkvbvedmg1urrz8h"
8513                Version:
8514                  Index: 11
8515                CreatedAt: "2016-11-05T01:20:17.327670065Z"
8516                UpdatedAt: "2016-11-05T01:20:17.327670065Z"
8517                Spec:
8518                  Name: "server.conf"
8519        500:
8520          description: "server error"
8521          schema:
8522            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8523        503:
8524          description: "node is not part of a swarm"
8525          schema:
8526            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8527      parameters:
8528        - name: "filters"
8529          in: "query"
8530          type: "string"
8531          description: |
8532            A JSON encoded value of the filters (a `map[string][]string`) to process on the configs list. Available filters:
8534            - `id=<config id>`
8535            - `label=<key> or label=<key>=value`
8536            - `name=<config name>`
8537            - `names=<config name>`
8538      tags: ["Config"]
8539  /configs/create:
8540    post:
8541      summary: "Create a config"
8542      operationId: "ConfigCreate"
8543      consumes:
8544        - "application/json"
8545      produces:
8546        - "application/json"
8547      responses:
8548        201:
8549          description: "no error"
8550          schema:
8551            type: "object"
8552            properties:
8553              ID:
8554                description: "The ID of the created config."
8555                type: "string"
8556            example:
8557              ID: "ktnbjxoalbkvbvedmg1urrz8h"
8558        409:
8559          description: "name conflicts with an existing object"
8560          schema:
8561            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8562        500:
8563          description: "server error"
8564          schema:
8565            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8566        503:
8567          description: "node is not part of a swarm"
8568          schema:
8569            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8570      parameters:
8571        - name: "body"
8572          in: "body"
8573          schema:
8574            allOf:
8575              - $ref: "#/definitions/ConfigSpec"
8576              - type: "object"
8577                example:
8578                  Name: "server.conf"
8579                  Labels:
8580                    foo: "bar"
8581                  Data: "VEhJUyBJUyBOT1QgQSBSRUFMIENFUlRJRklDQVRFCg=="
8582      tags: ["Config"]
8583  /configs/{id}:
8584    get:
8585      summary: "Inspect a config"
8586      operationId: "ConfigInspect"
8587      produces:
8588        - "application/json"
8589      responses:
8590        200:
8591          description: "no error"
8592          schema:
8593            $ref: "#/definitions/Config"
8594          examples:
8595            application/json:
8596              ID: "ktnbjxoalbkvbvedmg1urrz8h"
8597              Version:
8598                Index: 11
8599              CreatedAt: "2016-11-05T01:20:17.327670065Z"
8600              UpdatedAt: "2016-11-05T01:20:17.327670065Z"
8601              Spec:
8602                Name: "app-dev.crt"
8603        404:
8604          description: "config not found"
8605          schema:
8606            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8607        500:
8608          description: "server error"
8609          schema:
8610            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8611        503:
8612          description: "node is not part of a swarm"
8613          schema:
8614            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8615      parameters:
8616        - name: "id"
8617          in: "path"
8618          required: true
8619          type: "string"
8620          description: "ID of the config"
8621      tags: ["Config"]
8622    delete:
8623      summary: "Delete a config"
8624      operationId: "ConfigDelete"
8625      produces:
8626        - "application/json"
8627      responses:
8628        204:
8629          description: "no error"
8630        404:
8631          description: "config not found"
8632          schema:
8633            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8634        500:
8635          description: "server error"
8636          schema:
8637            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8638        503:
8639          description: "node is not part of a swarm"
8640          schema:
8641            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8642      parameters:
8643        - name: "id"
8644          in: "path"
8645          required: true
8646          type: "string"
8647          description: "ID of the config"
8648      tags: ["Config"]
8649  /configs/{id}/update:
8650    post:
8651      summary: "Update a Config"
8652      operationId: "ConfigUpdate"
8653      responses:
8654        200:
8655          description: "no error"
8656        400:
8657          description: "bad parameter"
8658          schema:
8659            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8660        404:
8661          description: "no such config"
8662          schema:
8663            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8664        500:
8665          description: "server error"
8666          schema:
8667            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8668        503:
8669          description: "node is not part of a swarm"
8670          schema:
8671            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8672      parameters:
8673        - name: "id"
8674          in: "path"
8675          description: "The ID or name of the config"
8676          type: "string"
8677          required: true
8678        - name: "body"
8679          in: "body"
8680          schema:
8681            $ref: "#/definitions/ConfigSpec"
8682          description: "The spec of the config to update. Currently, only the Labels field can be updated. All other fields must remain unchanged from the [ConfigInspect endpoint](#operation/ConfigInspect) response values."
8683        - name: "version"
8684          in: "query"
8685          description: "The version number of the config object being updated. This is required to avoid conflicting writes."
8686          type: "integer"
8687          format: "int64"
8688          required: true
8689      tags: ["Config"]
8690  /distribution/{name}/json:
8691    get:
8692      summary: "Get image information from the registry"
8693      description: "Return image digest and platform information by contacting the registry."
8694      operationId: "DistributionInspect"
8695      produces:
8696        - "application/json"
8697      responses:
8698        200:
8699          description: "descriptor and platform information"
8700          schema:
8701            type: "object"
8702            x-go-name: DistributionInspect
8703            required: [Descriptor, Platforms]
8704            properties:
8705              Descriptor:
8706                type: "object"
8707                description: "A descriptor struct containing digest, media type, and size"
8708                properties:
8709                  MediaType:
8710                    type: "string"
8711                  Size:
8712                    type: "integer"
8713                    format: "int64"
8714                  Digest:
8715                    type: "string"
8716                  URLs:
8717                    type: "array"
8718                    items:
8719                      type: "string"
8720              Platforms:
8721                type: "array"
8722                description: "An array containing all platforms supported by the image"
8723                items:
8724                  type: "object"
8725                  properties:
8726                    Architecture:
8727                      type: "string"
8728                    OS:
8729                      type: "string"
8730                    OSVersion:
8731                      type: "string"
8732                    OSFeatures:
8733                      type: "array"
8734                      items:
8735                        type: "string"
8736                    Variant:
8737                      type: "string"
8738                    Features:
8739                      type: "array"
8740                      items:
8741                        type: "string"
8742          examples:
8743            application/json:
8744              Descriptor:
8745                MediaType: "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json"
8746                Digest: "sha256:c0537ff6a5218ef531ece93d4984efc99bbf3f7497c0a7726c88e2bb7584dc96"
8747                Size: 3987495
8748                URLs:
8749                  - ""
8750              Platforms:
8751                - Architecture: "amd64"
8752                  OS: "linux"
8753                  OSVersion: ""
8754                  OSFeatures:
8755                    - ""
8756                  Variant: ""
8757                  Features:
8758                    - ""
8759        401:
8760          description: "Failed authentication or no image found"
8761          schema:
8762            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8763          examples:
8764            application/json:
8765              message: "No such image: someimage (tag: latest)"
8766        500:
8767          description: "Server error"
8768          schema:
8769            $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
8770      parameters:
8771        - name: "name"
8772          in: "path"
8773          description: "Image name or id"
8774          type: "string"
8775          required: true
8776      tags: ["Distribution"]