1 <#
3     Author:  @jhowardmsft
5     Summary: Windows native build script. This is similar to functionality provided
6              by hack\make.sh, but uses native Windows PowerShell semantics. It does
7              not support the full set of options provided by the Linux counterpart.
8              For example:
10              - You can't cross-build Linux docker binaries on Windows
11              - Hashes aren't generated on binaries
12              - 'Releasing' isn't supported.
13              - Integration tests. This is because they currently cannot run inside a container,
14                and require significant external setup.
16              It does however provided the minimum necessary to support parts of local Windows
17              development and Windows to Windows CI.
19              Usage Examples (run from repo root):
20                 "hack\make.ps1 -Client" to build docker.exe client 64-bit binary (remote repo)
21                 "hack\make.ps1 -TestUnit" to run unit tests
22                 "hack\make.ps1 -Daemon -TestUnit" to build the daemon and run unit tests
23                 "hack\make.ps1 -All" to run everything this script knows about that can run in a container
24                 "hack\make.ps1" to build the daemon binary (same as -Daemon)
25                 "hack\make.ps1 -Binary" shortcut to -Client and -Daemon
27 .PARAMETER Client
28      Builds the client binaries.
30 .PARAMETER Daemon
31      Builds the daemon binary.
33 .PARAMETER Binary
34      Builds the client and daemon binaries. A convenient shortcut to `make.ps1 -Client -Daemon`.
37      Use -race in go build and go test.
40      Use -v in go build.
42 .PARAMETER ForceBuildAll
43      Use -a in go build.
46      Use -gcflags -N -l in go build to disable optimisation (can aide debugging).
48 .PARAMETER CommitSuffix
49      Adds a custom string to be appended to the commit ID (spaces are stripped).
52      Runs the DCO (Developer Certificate Of Origin) test (must be run outside a container).
54 .PARAMETER PkgImports
55      Runs the pkg\ directory imports test (must be run outside a container).
57 .PARAMETER GoFormat
58      Runs the Go formatting test (must be run outside a container).
60 .PARAMETER TestUnit
61      Runs unit tests.
63 .PARAMETER TestIntegration
64      Runs integration tests.
67      Runs everything this script knows about that can run in a container.
71 - Unify the head commit
72 - Add golint and other checks (swagger maybe?)
74 #>
77 param(
78     [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][switch]$Client,
79     [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][switch]$Daemon,
80     [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][switch]$Binary,
81     [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][switch]$Race,
82     [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][switch]$Noisy,
83     [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][switch]$ForceBuildAll,
84     [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][switch]$NoOpt,
85     [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][string]$CommitSuffix="",
86     [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][switch]$DCO,
87     [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][switch]$PkgImports,
88     [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][switch]$GoFormat,
89     [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][switch]$TestUnit,
90     [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][switch]$TestIntegration,
91     [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][switch]$All
92 )
94 $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
95 $ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
96 $pushed=$False  # To restore the directory if we have temporarily pushed to one.
97 Set-Variable GOTESTSUM_LOCATION -option Constant -value "$env:GOPATH/bin/"
99 # Utility function to get the commit ID of the repository
Get-GitCommit()100 Function Get-GitCommit() {
101     if (-not (Test-Path ".\.git")) {
102         # If we don't have a .git directory, but we do have the environment
103         # variable DOCKER_GITCOMMIT set, that can override it.
104         if ($env:DOCKER_GITCOMMIT.Length -eq 0) {
105             Throw ".git directory missing and DOCKER_GITCOMMIT environment variable not specified."
106         }
107         Write-Host "INFO: Git commit ($env:DOCKER_GITCOMMIT) assumed from DOCKER_GITCOMMIT environment variable"
108         return $env:DOCKER_GITCOMMIT
109     }
110     $gitCommit=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
111     if ($(git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no).Length -ne 0) {
112         $gitCommit="$gitCommit-unsupported"
113         Write-Host ""
114         Write-Warning "This version is unsupported because there are uncommitted file(s)."
115         Write-Warning "Either commit these changes, or add them to .gitignore."
116         git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no | Write-Warning
117         Write-Host ""
118     }
119     return $gitCommit
120 }
122 # Utility function to determine if we are running in a container or not.
123 # In Windows, we get this through an environment variable set in `Dockerfile.Windows`
Check-InContainer()124 Function Check-InContainer() {
125     if ($env:FROM_DOCKERFILE.Length -eq 0) {
126         Write-Host ""
127         Write-Warning "Not running in a container. The result might be an incorrect build."
128         Write-Host ""
129         return $False
130     }
131     return $True
132 }
134 # Utility function to warn if the version of go is correct. Used for local builds
135 # outside of a container where it may be out of date with master.
Verify-GoVersion()136 Function Verify-GoVersion() {
137     Try {
138         $goVersionDockerfile=(Select-String -Path ".\Dockerfile" -Pattern "^ARG[\s]+GO_VERSION=(.*)$").Matches.groups[1].Value -replace '\.0$',''
139         $goVersionInstalled=(go version).ToString().Split(" ")[2].SubString(2)
140     }
141     Catch [Exception] {
142         Throw "Failed to validate go version correctness: $_"
143     }
144     if (-not($goVersionInstalled -eq $goVersionDockerfile)) {
145         Write-Host ""
146         Write-Warning "Building with golang version $goVersionInstalled. You should update to $goVersionDockerfile"
147         Write-Host ""
148     }
149 }
151 # Utility function to get the commit for HEAD
Get-HeadCommit()152 Function Get-HeadCommit() {
153     $head = Invoke-Expression "git rev-parse --verify HEAD"
154     if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Throw "Failed getting HEAD commit" }
156     return $head
157 }
159 # Utility function to get the commit for upstream
Get-UpstreamCommit()160 Function Get-UpstreamCommit() {
161     Invoke-Expression "git fetch -q https://github.com/docker/docker.git refs/heads/master"
162     if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Throw "Failed fetching" }
164     $upstream = Invoke-Expression "git rev-parse --verify FETCH_HEAD"
165     if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Throw "Failed getting upstream commit" }
167     return $upstream
168 }
170 # Build a binary (client or daemon)
Execute-Build($type, $additionalBuildTags, $directory)171 Function Execute-Build($type, $additionalBuildTags, $directory) {
172     # Generate the build flags
173     $buildTags = "autogen"
174     if ($Noisy)                     { $verboseParm=" -v" }
175     if ($Race)                      { Write-Warning "Using race detector"; $raceParm=" -race"}
176     if ($ForceBuildAll)             { $allParm=" -a" }
177     if ($NoOpt)                     { $optParm=" -gcflags "+""""+"-N -l"+"""" }
178     if ($additionalBuildTags -ne "") { $buildTags += $(" " + $additionalBuildTags) }
180     # Do the go build in the appropriate directory
181     # Note -linkmode=internal is required to be able to debug on Windows.
182     # https://github.com/golang/go/issues/14319#issuecomment-189576638
183     Write-Host "INFO: Building $type..."
184     Push-Location $root\cmd\$directory; $global:pushed=$True
185     $buildCommand = "go build" + `
186                     $raceParm + `
187                     $verboseParm + `
188                     $allParm + `
189                     $optParm + `
190                     " -tags """ + $buildTags + """" + `
191                     " -ldflags """ + "-linkmode=internal" + """" + `
192                     " -o $root\bundles\"+$directory+".exe"
193     Invoke-Expression $buildCommand
194     if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Throw "Failed to compile $type" }
195     Pop-Location; $global:pushed=$False
196 }
199 # Validates the DCO marker is present on each commit
Validate-DCO($headCommit, $upstreamCommit)200 Function Validate-DCO($headCommit, $upstreamCommit) {
201     Write-Host "INFO: Validating Developer Certificate of Origin..."
202     # Username may only contain alphanumeric characters or dashes and cannot begin with a dash
203     $usernameRegex='[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]+'
205     $dcoPrefix="Signed-off-by:"
206     $dcoRegex="^(Docker-DCO-1.1-)?$dcoPrefix ([^<]+) <([^<>@]+@[^<>]+)>( \(github: ($usernameRegex)\))?$"
208     $counts = Invoke-Expression "git diff --numstat $upstreamCommit...$headCommit"
209     if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Throw "Failed git diff --numstat" }
211     # Counts of adds and deletes after removing multiple white spaces. AWK anyone? :(
212     $adds=0; $dels=0; $($counts -replace '\s+', ' ') | %{
213         $a=$_.Split(" ");
214         if ($a[0] -ne "-") { $adds+=[int]$a[0] }
215         if ($a[1] -ne "-") { $dels+=[int]$a[1] }
216     }
217     if (($adds -eq 0) -and ($dels -eq 0)) {
218         Write-Warning "DCO validation - nothing to validate!"
219         return
220     }
222     $commits = Invoke-Expression "git log  $upstreamCommit..$headCommit --format=format:%H%n"
223     if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Throw "Failed git log --format" }
224     $commits = $($commits -split '\s+' -match '\S')
225     $badCommits=@()
226     $commits | ForEach-Object{
227         # Skip commits with no content such as merge commits etc
228         if ($(git log -1 --format=format: --name-status $_).Length -gt 0) {
229             # Ignore exit code on next call - always process regardless
230             $commitMessage = Invoke-Expression "git log -1 --format=format:%B --name-status $_"
231             if (($commitMessage -match $dcoRegex).Length -eq 0) { $badCommits+=$_ }
232         }
233     }
234     if ($badCommits.Length -eq 0) {
235         Write-Host "Congratulations!  All commits are properly signed with the DCO!"
236     } else {
237         $e = "`nThese commits do not have a proper '$dcoPrefix' marker:`n"
238         $badCommits | %{ $e+=" - $_`n"}
239         $e += "`nPlease amend each commit to include a properly formatted DCO marker.`n`n"
240         $e += "Visit the following URL for information about the Docker DCO:`n"
241         $e += "https://github.com/docker/docker/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#sign-your-work`n"
242         Throw $e
243     }
244 }
246 # Validates that .\pkg\... is safely isolated from internal code
Validate-PkgImports($headCommit, $upstreamCommit)247 Function Validate-PkgImports($headCommit, $upstreamCommit) {
248     Write-Host "INFO: Validating pkg import isolation..."
250     # Get a list of go source-code files which have changed under pkg\. Ignore exit code on next call - always process regardless
251     $files=@(); $files = Invoke-Expression "git diff $upstreamCommit...$headCommit --diff-filter=ACMR --name-only -- `'pkg\*.go`'"
252     $badFiles=@(); $files | ForEach-Object{
253         $file=$_
254         # For the current changed file, get its list of dependencies, sorted and uniqued.
255         $imports = Invoke-Expression "go list -e -f `'{{ .Deps }}`' $file"
256         if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Throw "Failed go list for dependencies on $file" }
257         $imports = $imports -Replace "\[" -Replace "\]", "" -Split(" ") | Sort-Object | Get-Unique
258         # Filter out what we are looking for
259         $imports = @() + $imports -NotMatch "^github.com/docker/docker/pkg/" `
260                                   -NotMatch "^github.com/docker/docker/vendor" `
261                                   -Match "^github.com/docker/docker" `
262                                   -Replace "`n", ""
263         $imports | ForEach-Object{ $badFiles+="$file imports $_`n" }
264     }
265     if ($badFiles.Length -eq 0) {
266         Write-Host 'Congratulations!  ".\pkg\*.go" is safely isolated from internal code.'
267     } else {
268         $e = "`nThese files import internal code: (either directly or indirectly)`n"
269         $badFiles | ForEach-Object{ $e+=" - $_"}
270         Throw $e
271     }
272 }
274 # Validates that changed files are correctly go-formatted
Validate-GoFormat($headCommit, $upstreamCommit)275 Function Validate-GoFormat($headCommit, $upstreamCommit) {
276     Write-Host "INFO: Validating go formatting on changed files..."
278     # Verify gofmt is installed
279     if ($(Get-Command gofmt -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $nil) { Throw "gofmt does not appear to be installed" }
281     # Get a list of all go source-code files which have changed.  Ignore exit code on next call - always process regardless
282     $files=@(); $files = Invoke-Expression "git diff $upstreamCommit...$headCommit --diff-filter=ACMR --name-only -- `'*.go`'"
283     $files = $files | Select-String -NotMatch "^vendor/"
284     $badFiles=@(); $files | %{
285         # Deliberately ignore error on next line - treat as failed
286         $content=Invoke-Expression "git show $headCommit`:$_"
288         # Next set of hoops are to ensure we have LF not CRLF semantics as otherwise gofmt on Windows will not succeed.
289         # Also note that gofmt on Windows does not appear to support stdin piping correctly. Hence go through a temporary file.
290         $content=$content -join "`n"
291         $content+="`n"
292         $outputFile=[System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
293         if (Test-Path $outputFile) { Remove-Item $outputFile }
294         [System.IO.File]::WriteAllText($outputFile, $content, (New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding($False)))
295         $currentFile = $_ -Replace("/","\")
296         Write-Host Checking $currentFile
297         Invoke-Expression "gofmt -s -l $outputFile"
298         if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { $badFiles+=$currentFile }
299         if (Test-Path $outputFile) { Remove-Item $outputFile }
300     }
301     if ($badFiles.Length -eq 0) {
302         Write-Host 'Congratulations!  All Go source files are properly formatted.'
303     } else {
304         $e = "`nThese files are not properly gofmt`'d:`n"
305         $badFiles | ForEach-Object{ $e+=" - $_`n"}
306         $e+= "`nPlease reformat the above files using `"gofmt -s -w`" and commit the result."
307         Throw $e
308     }
309 }
311 # Run the unit tests
Run-UnitTests()312 Function Run-UnitTests() {
313     Write-Host "INFO: Running unit tests..."
314     $testPath="./..."
315     $goListCommand = "go list -e -f '{{if ne .Name """ + '\"github.com/docker/docker\"' + """}}{{.ImportPath}}{{end}}' $testPath"
316     $pkgList = $(Invoke-Expression $goListCommand)
317     if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Throw "go list for unit tests failed" }
318     $pkgList = $pkgList | Select-String -Pattern "github.com/docker/docker"
319     $pkgList = $pkgList | Select-String -NotMatch "github.com/docker/docker/vendor"
320     $pkgList = $pkgList | Select-String -NotMatch "github.com/docker/docker/man"
321     $pkgList = $pkgList | Select-String -NotMatch "github.com/docker/docker/integration"
322     $pkgList = $pkgList -replace "`r`n", " "
324     $goTestArg = "--format=standard-verbose --jsonfile=bundles\go-test-report-unit-tests.json --junitfile=bundles\junit-report-unit-tests.xml -- " + $raceParm + " -cover -ldflags -w -a """ + "-test.timeout=10m" + """ $pkgList"
325     Write-Host "INFO: Invoking unit tests run with $GOTESTSUM_LOCATION\gotestsum.exe $goTestArg"
326     $pinfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
327     $pinfo.FileName = "$GOTESTSUM_LOCATION\gotestsum.exe"
328     $pinfo.WorkingDirectory = "$($PWD.Path)"
329     $pinfo.UseShellExecute = $false
330     $pinfo.Arguments = $goTestArg
331     $p = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process
332     $p.StartInfo = $pinfo
333     $p.Start() | Out-Null
334     $p.WaitForExit()
335     if ($p.ExitCode -ne 0) { Throw "Unit tests failed" }
336 }
338 # Run the integration tests
Run-IntegrationTests()339 Function Run-IntegrationTests() {
340     $escRoot = [Regex]::Escape($root)
341     $env:DOCKER_INTEGRATION_DAEMON_DEST = $bundlesDir + "\tmp"
342     $dirs = go list -test -f '{{- if ne .ForTest `"`" -}}{{- .Dir -}}{{- end -}}' .\integration\...
343     ForEach($dir in $dirs) {
344         # Normalize directory name for using in the test results files.
345         $normDir = $dir.Trim()
346         $normDir = $normDir -replace $escRoot, ""
347         $normDir = $normDir -replace "\\", "-"
348         $normDir = $normDir -replace "\/", "-"
349         $normDir = $normDir -replace "\.", "-"
350         if ($normDir.StartsWith("-"))
351         {
352             $normDir = $normDir.TrimStart("-")
353         }
354         if ($normDir.EndsWith("-"))
355         {
356             $normDir = $normDir.TrimEnd("-")
357         }
358         $jsonFilePath = $bundlesDir + "\go-test-report-int-tests-$normDir" + ".json"
359         $xmlFilePath = $bundlesDir + "\junit-report-int-tests-$normDir" + ".xml"
360         Set-Location $dir
361         Write-Host "Running $($PWD.Path)"
362         $pinfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
363         $pinfo.FileName = "gotestsum.exe"
364         $pinfo.WorkingDirectory = "$($PWD.Path)"
365         $pinfo.UseShellExecute = $false
366         $pinfo.Arguments = "--format=standard-verbose --jsonfile=$jsonFilePath --junitfile=$xmlFilePath -- $env:INTEGRATION_TESTFLAGS"
367         $p = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process
368         $p.StartInfo = $pinfo
369         $p.Start() | Out-Null
370         $p.WaitForExit()
371         if ($p.ExitCode -ne 0) { Throw "Integration tests failed" }
372     }
373 }
375 # Start of main code.
376 Try {
377     Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "INFO: make.ps1 starting at $(Get-Date)"
379     # Get to the root of the repo
380     $root = $(Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent | Split-Path -Parent)
381     Push-Location $root
383     # Ensure the bundles directory exists
384     $bundlesDir = $root + "\bundles"
385     Set-Variable bundlesDir -option ReadOnly
386     New-Item -Force $bundlesDir -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
388     # Handle the "-All" shortcut to turn on all things we can handle.
389     # Note we expressly only include the items which can run in a container - the validations tests cannot
390     # as they require the .git directory which is excluded from the image by .dockerignore
391     if ($All) { $Client=$True; $Daemon=$True; $TestUnit=$True; }
393     # Handle the "-Binary" shortcut to build both client and daemon.
394     if ($Binary) { $Client = $True; $Daemon = $True }
396     # Default to building the daemon if not asked for anything explicitly.
397     if (-not($Client) -and -not($Daemon) -and -not($DCO) -and -not($PkgImports) -and -not($GoFormat) -and -not($TestUnit) -and -not($TestIntegration)) { $Daemon=$True }
399     # Verify git is installed
400     if ($(Get-Command git -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $nil) { Throw "Git does not appear to be installed" }
402     # Verify go is installed
403     if ($(Get-Command go -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $nil) { Throw "GoLang does not appear to be installed" }
405     # Get the git commit. This will also verify if we are in a repo or not. Then add a custom string if supplied.
406     $gitCommit=Get-GitCommit
407     if ($CommitSuffix -ne "") { $gitCommit += "-"+$CommitSuffix -Replace ' ', '' }
409     # Get the version of docker (eg 17.04.0-dev)
410     $dockerVersion="0.0.0-dev"
411     # Overwrite dockerVersion if VERSION Environment variable is available
412     if (Test-Path Env:\VERSION) { $dockerVersion=$env:VERSION }
414     # Give a warning if we are not running in a container and are building binaries or running unit tests.
415     # Not relevant for validation tests as these are fine to run outside of a container.
416     if ($Client -or $Daemon -or $TestUnit) { $inContainer=Check-InContainer }
418     # If we are not in a container, validate the version of GO that is installed.
419     if (-not $inContainer) { Verify-GoVersion }
421     # Verify GOPATH is set
422     if ($env:GOPATH.Length -eq 0) { Throw "Missing GOPATH environment variable. See https://golang.org/doc/code.html#GOPATH" }
424     # Run autogen if building binaries or running unit tests.
425     if ($Client -or $Daemon -or $TestUnit) {
426         Write-Host "INFO: Invoking autogen..."
427         Try { .\hack\make\.go-autogen.ps1 -CommitString $gitCommit -DockerVersion $dockerVersion -Platform "$env:PLATFORM" -Product "$env:PRODUCT" }
428         Catch [Exception] { Throw $_ }
429     }
431     # DCO, Package import and Go formatting tests.
432     if ($DCO -or $PkgImports -or $GoFormat) {
433         # We need the head and upstream commits for these
434         $headCommit=Get-HeadCommit
435         $upstreamCommit=Get-UpstreamCommit
437         # Run DCO validation
438         if ($DCO) { Validate-DCO $headCommit $upstreamCommit }
440         # Run `gofmt` validation
441         if ($GoFormat) { Validate-GoFormat $headCommit $upstreamCommit }
443         # Run pkg isolation validation
444         if ($PkgImports) { Validate-PkgImports $headCommit $upstreamCommit }
445     }
447     # Build the binaries
448     if ($Client -or $Daemon) {
450         # Perform the actual build
451         if ($Daemon) { Execute-Build "daemon" "daemon" "dockerd" }
452         if ($Client) {
453             # Get the Docker channel and version from the environment, or use the defaults.
454             if (-not ($channel = $env:DOCKERCLI_CHANNEL)) { $channel = "stable" }
455             if (-not ($version = $env:DOCKERCLI_VERSION)) { $version = "17.06.2-ce" }
457             # Download the zip file and extract the client executable.
458             Write-Host "INFO: Downloading docker/cli version $version from $channel..."
459             $url = "https://download.docker.com/win/static/$channel/x86_64/docker-$version.zip"
460             Invoke-WebRequest $url -OutFile "docker.zip"
461             Try {
462                 Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
463                 $zip = [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::OpenRead("$PWD\docker.zip")
464                 Try {
465                     if (-not ($entry = $zip.Entries | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "docker.exe" })) {
466                         Throw "Cannot find docker.exe in $url"
467                     }
468                     [System.IO.Compression.ZipFileExtensions]::ExtractToFile($entry, "$PWD\bundles\docker.exe", $true)
469                 }
470                 Finally {
471                     $zip.Dispose()
472                 }
473             }
474             Finally {
475                 Remove-Item -Force "docker.zip"
476             }
477         }
478     }
480     # Run unit tests
481     if ($TestUnit) { Run-UnitTests }
483     # Run integration tests
484     if ($TestIntegration) { Run-IntegrationTests }
486     # Gratuitous ASCII art.
487     if ($Daemon -or $Client) {
488         Write-Host
489         Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green " ________   ____  __."
490         Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green " \_____  \ `|    `|/ _`|"
491         Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green " /   `|   \`|      `<"
492         Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green " /    `|    \    `|  \"
493         Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green " \_______  /____`|__ \"
494         Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "         \/        \/"
495         Write-Host
496     }
497 }
498 Catch [Exception] {
499     Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red ("`nERROR: make.ps1 failed:`n$_")
500     Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red ($_.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage)
502     # More gratuitous ASCII art.
503     Write-Host
504     Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red  "___________      .__.__             .___"
505     Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red  "\_   _____/____  `|__`|  `|   ____   __`| _/"
506     Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red  " `|    __) \__  \ `|  `|  `| _/ __ \ / __ `| "
507     Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red  " `|     \   / __ \`|  `|  `|_\  ___// /_/ `| "
508     Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red  " \___  /  (____  /__`|____/\___  `>____ `| "
509     Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red  "     \/        \/             \/     \/ "
510     Write-Host
512     exit 1
513 }
514 Finally {
515     Pop-Location # As we pushed to the root of the repo as the very first thing
516     if ($global:pushed) { Pop-Location }
517     Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "INFO: make.ps1 ended at $(Get-Date)"
518 }