2    /NOTE/: This module is preliminary and may change at a future date.
4    This module is intended to help converting a list of tags into a
5    tree of tags.
8module Text.HTML.TagSoup.Tree
9    (
10    TagTree(..), tagTree, parseTree, parseTreeOptions, ParseOptions(..),
11    flattenTree, renderTree, renderTreeOptions, RenderOptions(..), transformTree, universeTree
12    ) where
14import Text.HTML.TagSoup (parseTags, parseTagsOptions, renderTags, renderTagsOptions, ParseOptions(..), RenderOptions(..))
15import Text.HTML.TagSoup.Type
16import Control.Arrow
17import GHC.Exts (build)
20-- | A tree of 'Tag' values.
21data TagTree str
22    = -- | A 'TagOpen'/'TagClose' pair with the 'Tag' values in between.
23      TagBranch str [Attribute str] [TagTree str]
24    | -- | Any leaf node
25      TagLeaf (Tag str)
26                   deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
28instance Functor TagTree where
29    fmap f (TagBranch x y z) = TagBranch (f x) (map (f***f) y) (map (fmap f) z)
30    fmap f (TagLeaf x) = TagLeaf (fmap f x)
33-- | Convert a list of tags into a tree. This version is not lazy at
34--   all, that is saved for version 2.
35tagTree :: Eq str => [Tag str] -> [TagTree str]
36tagTree = g
37    where
38        g :: Eq str => [Tag str] -> [TagTree str]
39        g [] = []
40        g xs = a ++ map TagLeaf (take 1 b) ++ g (drop 1 b)
41            where (a,b) = f xs
43        -- the second tuple is either null or starts with a close
44        f :: Eq str => [Tag str] -> ([TagTree str],[Tag str])
45        f (TagOpen name atts:rest) =
46            case f rest of
47                (inner,[]) -> (TagLeaf (TagOpen name atts):inner, [])
48                (inner,TagClose x:xs)
49                    | x == name -> let (a,b) = f xs in (TagBranch name atts inner:a, b)
50                    | otherwise -> (TagLeaf (TagOpen name atts):inner, TagClose x:xs)
51                _ -> error "TagSoup.Tree.tagTree: safe as - forall x . isTagClose (snd (f x))"
53        f (TagClose x:xs) = ([], TagClose x:xs)
54        f (x:xs) = (TagLeaf x:a,b)
55            where (a,b) = f xs
56        f [] = ([], [])
58-- | Build a 'TagTree' from a string.
59parseTree :: StringLike str => str -> [TagTree str]
60parseTree = tagTree . parseTags
62-- | Build a 'TagTree' from a string, specifying the 'ParseOptions'.
63parseTreeOptions :: StringLike str => ParseOptions str -> str -> [TagTree str]
64parseTreeOptions opts str = tagTree $ parseTagsOptions opts str
66-- | Flatten a 'TagTree' back to a list of 'Tag'.
67flattenTree :: [TagTree str] -> [Tag str]
68flattenTree xs = build $ flattenTreeFB xs
70flattenTreeFB :: [TagTree str] -> (Tag str -> lst -> lst) -> lst -> lst
71flattenTreeFB xs cons nil = flattenTreeOnto xs nil
72    where
73        flattenTreeOnto [] tags = tags
74        flattenTreeOnto (TagBranch name atts inner:trs) tags =
75            TagOpen name atts `cons` flattenTreeOnto inner (TagClose name `cons` flattenTreeOnto trs tags)
76        flattenTreeOnto (TagLeaf x:trs) tags = x `cons` flattenTreeOnto trs tags
78-- | Render a 'TagTree'.
79renderTree :: StringLike str => [TagTree str] -> str
80renderTree = renderTags . flattenTree
82-- | Render a 'TagTree' with some 'RenderOptions'.
83renderTreeOptions :: StringLike str => RenderOptions str -> [TagTree str] -> str
84renderTreeOptions opts trees = renderTagsOptions opts $ flattenTree trees
86-- | This operation is based on the Uniplate @universe@ function. Given a
87--   list of trees, it returns those trees, and all the children trees at
88--   any level. For example:
90-- > universeTree
91-- >    [TagBranch "a" [("href","url")] [TagBranch "b" [] [TagLeaf (TagText "text")]]]
92-- > == [TagBranch "a" [("href","url")] [TagBranch "b" [] [TagLeaf (TagText "text")]]]
93-- >    ,TagBranch "b" [] [TagLeaf (TagText "text")]]
95--   This operation is particularly useful for queries. To collect all @\"a\"@
96--   tags in a tree, simply do:
98-- > [x | x@(TagBranch "a" _ _) <- universeTree tree]
99universeTree :: [TagTree str] -> [TagTree str]
100universeTree = concatMap f
101    where
102        f t@(TagBranch _ _ inner) = t : universeTree inner
103        f x = [x]
106-- | This operation is based on the Uniplate @transform@ function. Given a
107--   list of trees, it applies the function to every tree in a bottom-up
108--   manner. This operation is useful for manipulating a tree - for example
109--   to make all tag names upper case:
111-- > upperCase = transformTree f
112-- >   where f (TagBranch name atts inner) = [TagBranch (map toUpper name) atts inner]
113-- >         f x = [x]
114transformTree :: (TagTree str -> [TagTree str]) -> [TagTree str] -> [TagTree str]
115transformTree act = concatMap f
116    where
117        f (TagBranch a b inner) = act $ TagBranch a b (transformTree act inner)
118        f x = act x