1-- XEP-0313: Message Archive Management for Prosody
2-- Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Kim Alvefur
4-- This file is MIT/X11 licensed.
6local xmlns_mam0    = "urn:xmpp:mam:0";
7local xmlns_mam1    = "urn:xmpp:mam:1";
8local xmlns_mam2    = "urn:xmpp:mam:2";
9local xmlns_delay   = "urn:xmpp:delay";
10local xmlns_forward = "urn:xmpp:forward:0";
11local xmlns_st_id   = "urn:xmpp:sid:0";
13local um = require "core.usermanager";
14local st = require "util.stanza";
15local rsm = module:require "rsm";
16local get_prefs = module:require"mamprefs".get;
17local set_prefs = module:require"mamprefs".set;
18local prefs_to_stanza = module:require"mamprefsxml".tostanza;
19local prefs_from_stanza = module:require"mamprefsxml".fromstanza;
20local jid_bare = require "util.jid".bare;
21local jid_split = require "util.jid".split;
22local jid_prepped_split = require "util.jid".prepped_split;
23local dataform = require "util.dataforms".new;
24local host = module.host;
26local rm_load_roster = require "core.rostermanager".load_roster;
28local getmetatable = getmetatable;
29local function is_stanza(x)
30	return getmetatable(x) == st.stanza_mt;
33local tostring = tostring;
34local time_now = os.time;
35local m_min = math.min;
36local timestamp, timestamp_parse = require "util.datetime".datetime, require "util.datetime".parse;
37local default_max_items, max_max_items = 20, module:get_option_number("max_archive_query_results", 50);
38local global_default_policy = module:get_option("default_archive_policy", true);
39if global_default_policy ~= "roster" then
40	global_default_policy = module:get_option_boolean("default_archive_policy", global_default_policy);
43local archive_store = module:get_option_string("archive_store", "archive2");
44local archive = module:open_store(archive_store, "archive");
46if archive.name == "null" or not archive.find then
47	-- luacheck: ignore 631
48	if not archive.find then
49		module:log("debug", "Attempt to open archive storage returned a valid driver but it does not seem to implement the storage API");
50		module:log("debug", "mod_%s does not support archiving", archive._provided_by or archive.name and "storage_"..archive.name.."(?)" or "<unknown>");
51	else
52		module:log("debug", "Attempt to open archive storage returned null driver");
53	end
54	module:log("debug", "See https://prosody.im/doc/storage and https://prosody.im/doc/archiving for more information");
55	module:log("info", "Using in-memory fallback archive driver");
56	archive = module:require "fallback_archive";
59local use_total = true;
61local cleanup;
63local function schedule_cleanup(username)
64	if cleanup and not cleanup[username] then
65		table.insert(cleanup, username);
66		cleanup[username] = true;
67	end
70-- Handle prefs.
71local function handle_prefs(event)
72	local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza;
73	local xmlns_mam = stanza.tags[1].attr.xmlns;
74	local user = origin.username;
75	if stanza.attr.type == "get" then
76		local prefs = prefs_to_stanza(get_prefs(user), xmlns_mam);
77		local reply = st.reply(stanza):add_child(prefs);
78		origin.send(reply);
79	else -- type == "set"
80		local new_prefs = stanza:get_child("prefs", xmlns_mam);
81		local prefs = prefs_from_stanza(new_prefs);
82		local ok, err = set_prefs(user, prefs);
83		if not ok then
84			origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "internal-server-error", "Error storing preferences: "..tostring(err)));
85		else
86			origin.send(st.reply(stanza));
87		end
88	end
89	return true;
92module:hook("iq/self/"..xmlns_mam0..":prefs", handle_prefs);
93module:hook("iq/self/"..xmlns_mam1..":prefs", handle_prefs);
94module:hook("iq/self/"..xmlns_mam2..":prefs", handle_prefs);
96local query_form = dataform {
97	{ name = "FORM_TYPE"; type = "hidden"; value = xmlns_mam0; };
98	{ name = "with"; type = "jid-single"; };
99	{ name = "start"; type = "text-single" };
100	{ name = "end"; type = "text-single"; };
103-- Serve form
104local function handle_get_form(event)
105	local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza;
106	local xmlns_mam = stanza.tags[1].attr.xmlns;
107	query_form[1].value = xmlns_mam;
108	origin.send(st.reply(stanza):query(xmlns_mam):add_child(query_form:form()));
109	return true;
112module:hook("iq-get/self/"..xmlns_mam0..":query", handle_get_form);
113module:hook("iq-get/self/"..xmlns_mam1..":query", handle_get_form);
114module:hook("iq-get/self/"..xmlns_mam2..":query", handle_get_form);
116-- Handle archive queries
117local function handle_mam_query(event)
118	local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza;
119	local xmlns_mam = stanza.tags[1].attr.xmlns;
120	local query = stanza.tags[1];
121	local qid = query.attr.queryid;
123	origin.mam_requested = true;
125	schedule_cleanup(origin.username);
127	-- Search query parameters
128	local qwith, qstart, qend;
129	local form = query:get_child("x", "jabber:x:data");
130	if form then
131		local err;
132		query_form[1].value = xmlns_mam;
133		form, err = query_form:data(form);
134		if err then
135			origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "bad-request", select(2, next(err))));
136			return true;
137		end
138		qwith, qstart, qend = form["with"], form["start"], form["end"];
139		qwith = qwith and jid_bare(qwith); -- dataforms does jidprep
140	end
142	if qstart or qend then -- Validate timestamps
143		local vstart, vend = (qstart and timestamp_parse(qstart)), (qend and timestamp_parse(qend));
144		if (qstart and not vstart) or (qend and not vend) then
145			origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "bad-request", "Invalid timestamp"))
146			return true;
147		end
148		qstart, qend = vstart, vend;
149	end
151	module:log("debug", "Archive query, id %s with %s from %s until %s)",
152		tostring(qid), qwith or "anyone", qstart or "the dawn of time", qend or "now");
154	-- RSM stuff
155	local qset = rsm.get(query);
156	local qmax = m_min(qset and qset.max or default_max_items, max_max_items);
157	local reverse = qset and qset.before or false;
158	local before, after = qset and qset.before, qset and qset.after;
159	if type(before) ~= "string" then before = nil; end
161	-- Load all the data!
162	local data, err = archive:find(origin.username, {
163		start = qstart; ["end"] = qend; -- Time range
164		with = qwith;
165		limit = qmax + 1;
166		before = before; after = after;
167		reverse = reverse;
168		total = use_total;
169	});
171	if not data then
172		origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "internal-server-error", err));
173		return true;
174	end
175	local total = tonumber(err);
177	if xmlns_mam == xmlns_mam0 then
178		origin.send(st.reply(stanza));
179	end
180	local msg_reply_attr = { to = stanza.attr.from, from = stanza.attr.to };
182	local results = {};
184	-- Wrap it in stuff and deliver
185	local first, last;
186	local count = 0;
187	local complete = "true";
188	for id, item, when in data do
189		count = count + 1;
190		if count > qmax then
191			complete = nil;
192			break;
193		end
194		local fwd_st = st.message(msg_reply_attr)
195			:tag("result", { xmlns = xmlns_mam, queryid = qid, id = id })
196				:tag("forwarded", { xmlns = xmlns_forward })
197					:tag("delay", { xmlns = xmlns_delay, stamp = timestamp(when) }):up();
199		if not is_stanza(item) then
200			item = st.deserialize(item);
201		end
202		item.attr.xmlns = "jabber:client";
203		fwd_st:add_child(item);
205		if not first then first = id; end
206		last = id;
208		if reverse then
209			results[count] = fwd_st;
210		else
211			origin.send(fwd_st);
212		end
213	end
215	if reverse then
216		for i = #results, 1, -1 do
217			origin.send(results[i]);
218		end
219		first, last = last, first;
220	end
222	-- That's all folks!
223	module:log("debug", "Archive query %s completed", tostring(qid));
225	local fin;
226	if xmlns_mam == xmlns_mam0 then
227		fin = st.message(msg_reply_attr);
228	else
229		fin = st.reply(stanza);
230	end
231	do
232		fin:tag("fin", { xmlns = xmlns_mam, queryid = qid, complete = complete })
233			:add_child(rsm.generate {
234				first = first, last = last, count = total })
235	end
236	origin.send(fin);
237	return true;
239module:hook("iq-set/self/"..xmlns_mam0..":query", handle_mam_query);
240module:hook("iq-set/self/"..xmlns_mam1..":query", handle_mam_query);
241module:hook("iq-set/self/"..xmlns_mam2..":query", handle_mam_query);
243local function has_in_roster(user, who)
244	local roster = rm_load_roster(user, host);
245	module:log("debug", "%s has %s in roster? %s", user, who, roster[who] and "yes" or "no");
246	return roster[who];
249local function shall_store(user, who)
250	-- TODO Cache this?
251	if not um.user_exists(user, host) then
252		return false;
253	end
254	local prefs = get_prefs(user);
255	local rule = prefs[who];
256	module:log("debug", "%s's rule for %s is %s", user, who, tostring(rule));
257	if rule ~= nil then
258		return rule;
259	end
260	-- Below could be done by a metatable
261	local default = prefs[false];
262	module:log("debug", "%s's default rule is %s", user, tostring(default));
263	if default == nil then
264		default = global_default_policy;
265		module:log("debug", "Using global default rule, %s", tostring(default));
266	end
267	if default == "roster" then
268		return has_in_roster(user, who);
269	end
270	return default;
273-- Handle messages
274local function message_handler(event, c2s)
275	local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza;
276	local log = c2s and origin.log or module._log;
277	local orig_type = stanza.attr.type or "normal";
278	local orig_from = stanza.attr.from;
279	local orig_to = stanza.attr.to or orig_from;
280	-- Stanza without 'to' are treated as if it was to their own bare jid
282	-- Whos storage do we put it in?
283	local store_user = c2s and origin.username or jid_split(orig_to);
284	-- And who are they chatting with?
285	local with = jid_bare(c2s and orig_to or orig_from);
287	-- Filter out <stanza-id> that claim to be from us
288	if stanza:get_child("stanza-id", xmlns_st_id) then
289		stanza = st.clone(stanza);
290		stanza:maptags(function (tag)
291			if tag.name == "stanza-id" and tag.attr.xmlns == xmlns_st_id then
292				local by_user, by_host, res = jid_prepped_split(tag.attr.by);
293				if not res and by_host == module.host and by_user == store_user then
294					return nil;
295				end
296			end
297			return tag;
298		end);
299		event.stanza = stanza;
300	end
302	-- We store chat messages or normal messages that have a body
303	if not(orig_type == "chat" or (orig_type == "normal" and stanza:get_child("body")) ) then
304		log("debug", "Not archiving stanza: %s (type)", stanza:top_tag());
305		return;
306	end
308	-- or if hints suggest we shouldn't
309	if not stanza:get_child("store", "urn:xmpp:hints") then -- No hint telling us we should store
310		if stanza:get_child("no-permanent-store", "urn:xmpp:hints")
311			or stanza:get_child("no-store", "urn:xmpp:hints") then -- Hint telling us we should NOT store
312			log("debug", "Not archiving stanza: %s (hint)", stanza:top_tag());
313			return;
314		end
315	end
317	-- Check with the users preferences
318	if shall_store(store_user, with) then
319		log("debug", "Archiving stanza: %s", stanza:top_tag());
321		-- And stash it
322		local ok = archive:append(store_user, nil, stanza, time_now(), with);
323		if ok then
324			local clone_for_other_handlers = st.clone(stanza);
325			local id = ok;
326			clone_for_other_handlers:tag("stanza-id", { xmlns = xmlns_st_id, by = store_user.."@"..host, id = id }):up();
327			event.stanza = clone_for_other_handlers;
328			schedule_cleanup(store_user);
329			module:fire_event("archive-message-added", { origin = origin, stanza = stanza, for_user = store_user, id = id });
330		end
331	else
332		log("debug", "Not archiving stanza: %s (prefs)", stanza:top_tag());
333	end
336local function c2s_message_handler(event)
337	return message_handler(event, true);
340local function strip_stanza_id(event)
341	local strip_by = jid_bare(event.origin.full_jid);
342	event.stanza = st.clone(event.stanza);
343	event.stanza:maptags(function(tag)
344		if not ( tag.attr.xmlns == xmlns_st_id and tag.attr.by == strip_by ) then
345			return tag;
346		end
347	end);
350module:hook("pre-message/bare", strip_stanza_id, 0.01);
351module:hook("pre-message/full", strip_stanza_id, 0.01);
353local cleanup_after = module:get_option_string("archive_expires_after", "1w");
354local cleanup_interval = module:get_option_number("archive_cleanup_interval", 4 * 60 * 60);
355if cleanup_after ~= "never" then
356	local day = 86400;
357	local multipliers = { d = day, w = day * 7, m = 31 * day, y = 365.2425 * day };
358	local n, m = cleanup_after:lower():match("(%d+)%s*([dwmy]?)");
359	if not n then
360		module:log("error", "Could not parse archive_expires_after string %q", cleanup_after);
361		return false;
362	end
364	cleanup_after = tonumber(n) * ( multipliers[m] or 1 );
366	module:log("debug", "archive_expires_after = %d -- in seconds", cleanup_after);
368	if not archive.delete then
369		module:log("error", "archive_expires_after set but mod_%s does not support deleting", archive._provided_by);
370		return false;
371	end
373	-- Set of known users to do message expiry for
374	-- Populated either below or when new messages are added
375	cleanup = {};
377	-- Iterating over users is not supported by all authentication modules
378	-- Catch and ignore error if not supported
379	pcall(function ()
380		-- If this works, then we schedule cleanup for all known users on startup
381		for user in um.users(module.host) do
382			schedule_cleanup(user);
383		end
384	end);
386	-- At odd intervals, delete old messages for one user
387	module:add_timer(math.random(10, 60), function()
388		local user = table.remove(cleanup, 1);
389		if user then
390			module:log("debug", "Removing old messages for user %q", user);
391			local ok, err = archive:delete(user, { ["end"] = os.time() - cleanup_after; })
392			if not ok then
393				module:log("warn", "Could not expire archives for user %s: %s", user, err);
394			else
395				-- :affected() is a recent addition for eg SQLite3 in LuaDBI
396				pcall(function(stmt)
397					module:log("debug", "Removed %d messages", stmt:affected());
398				end, err);
399			end
400			cleanup[user] = nil;
401		end
402		return math.random(cleanup_interval, cleanup_interval * 2);
403	end);
405	-- Don't ask the backend to count the potentially unbounded number of items,
406	-- it'll get slow.
407	use_total = false;
410-- Stanzas sent by local clients
411local priority = 0.075
412assert(priority < 0.1, "priority must be after mod_firewall");
413assert(priority > 0.05, "priority must be before mod_carbons");
414assert(priority > 0.01, "priority must be before strip_stanza_id");
415module:hook("pre-message/bare", c2s_message_handler, priority);
416module:hook("pre-message/full", c2s_message_handler, priority);
417-- Stanszas to local clients
418priority = 0.075
419assert(priority > 0, "priority must be before mod_message");
420assert(priority < 0.1, "priority must be after mod_firewall");
421assert(priority > 0.05, "priority must be before mod_carbons");
422module:hook("message/bare", message_handler, priority);
423module:hook("message/full", message_handler, priority);
425module:add_feature(xmlns_mam0); -- COMPAT with XEP-0313 v 0.1
427module:hook("account-disco-info", function(event)
428	(event.reply or event.stanza):tag("feature", {var=xmlns_mam0}):up();
429	(event.reply or event.stanza):tag("feature", {var=xmlns_mam1}):up();
430	(event.reply or event.stanza):tag("feature", {var=xmlns_mam2}):up();
431	(event.reply or event.stanza):tag("feature", {var=xmlns_st_id}):up();