1# pubsub#title as name attribute in disco#items
2# Issue 1226
4[Client] Romeo
5	password: password
6	jid: jqpcrbq@localhost
10Romeo connects
12Romeo sends:
13	<iq id="67eb1f47-1e69-4cb3-91e2-4d5943e72d4c" type="set">
14		<pubsub xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub">
15			<publish node="http://jabber.org/protocol/tune">
16				<item id="current">
17					<tune xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/tune"/>
18				</item>
19			</publish>
20		</pubsub>
21	</iq>
23Romeo receives:
24	<iq id="67eb1f47-1e69-4cb3-91e2-4d5943e72d4c" type="result">
25		<pubsub xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub">
26			<publish node="http://jabber.org/protocol/tune">
27				<item id="current"/>
28			</publish>
29		</pubsub>
30	</iq>
32Romeo sends:
33	<iq id="52d74a36-afb0-4028-87ed-b25b988b049e" type="get">
34		<pubsub xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner">
35			<configure node="http://jabber.org/protocol/tune"/>
36		</pubsub>
37	</iq>
39Romeo receives:
40	<iq id="52d74a36-afb0-4028-87ed-b25b988b049e" type="result">
41		<pubsub xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner">
42			<configure node="http://jabber.org/protocol/tune">
43				<x xmlns="jabber:x:data" type="form">
44					<field var="FORM_TYPE" type="hidden">
45						<value>http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config</value>
46					</field>
47					<field var="pubsub#title" label="Title" type="text-single"/>
48					<field var="pubsub#description" label="Description" type="text-single"/>
49					<field var="pubsub#type" label="The type of node data, usually specified by the namespace of the payload (if any)" type="text-single"/>
50					<field var="pubsub#max_items" label="Max # of items to persist" type="text-single">
51						<validate xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/xdata-validate" datatype="xs:integer"/>
52						<value>1</value>
53					</field>
54					<field var="pubsub#persist_items" label="Persist items to storage" type="boolean">
55						<value>1</value>
56					</field>
57					<field var="pubsub#access_model" label="Specify the subscriber model" type="list-single">
58						<option label="authorize">
59							<value>authorize</value>
60						</option>
61						<option label="open">
62							<value>open</value>
63						</option>
64						<option label="presence">
65							<value>presence</value>
66						</option>
67						<option label="roster">
68							<value>roster</value>
69						</option>
70						<option label="whitelist">
71							<value>whitelist</value>
72						</option>
73						<value>presence</value>
74					</field>
75					<field var="pubsub#publish_model" label="Specify the publisher model" type="list-single">
76						<option label="publishers">
77							<value>publishers</value>
78						</option>
79						<option label="subscribers">
80							<value>subscribers</value>
81						</option>
82						<option label="open">
83							<value>open</value>
84						</option>
85						<value>publishers</value>
86					</field>
87					<field var="pubsub#deliver_notifications" label="Whether to deliver event notifications" type="boolean">
88						<value>1</value>
89					</field>
90					<field var="pubsub#deliver_payloads" label="Whether to deliver payloads with event notifications" type="boolean">
91						<value>1</value>
92					</field>
93					<field var="pubsub#notification_type" label="Specify the delivery style for notifications" type="list-single">
94						<option label="Messages of type normal">
95							<value>normal</value>
96						</option>
97						<option label="Messages of type headline">
98							<value>headline</value>
99						</option>
100						<value>headline</value>
101					</field>
102					<field var="pubsub#notify_delete" label="Whether to notify subscribers when the node is deleted" type="boolean">
103						<value>1</value>
104					</field>
105					<field var="pubsub#notify_retract" label="Whether to notify subscribers when items are removed from the node" type="boolean">
106						<value>1</value>
107					</field>
108				</x>
109			</configure>
110		</pubsub>
111	</iq>
113Romeo sends:
114	<iq id="a73aac09-74be-4ee2-97e5-571bbdbcd956" type="set">
115		<pubsub xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner">
116			<configure node="http://jabber.org/protocol/tune">
117				<x xmlns="jabber:x:data" type="submit">
118					<field var="FORM_TYPE" type="hidden">
119						<value>http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config</value>
120					</field>
121					<field var="pubsub#title" type="text-single" label="Title">
122						<value>Nice tunes</value>
123					</field>
124					<field var="pubsub#description" type="text-single" label="Description"/>
125					<field var="pubsub#type" type="text-single" label="The type of node data, usually specified by the namespace of the payload (if any)"/>
126					<field var="pubsub#max_items" type="text-single" label="Max # of items to persist">
127						<validate xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/xdata-validate" datatype="xs:integer"/>
128						<value>1</value>
129					</field>
130					<field var="pubsub#persist_items" type="boolean" label="Persist items to storage">
131						<value>1</value>
132					</field>
133					<field var="pubsub#access_model" type="list-single" label="Specify the subscriber model">
134						<option label="authorize">
135							<value>authorize</value>
136						</option>
137						<option label="open">
138							<value>open</value>
139						</option>
140						<option label="presence">
141							<value>presence</value>
142						</option>
143						<option label="roster">
144							<value>roster</value>
145						</option>
146						<option label="whitelist">
147							<value>whitelist</value>
148						</option>
149						<value>presence</value>
150					</field>
151					<field var="pubsub#publish_model" type="list-single" label="Specify the publisher model">
152						<option label="publishers">
153							<value>publishers</value>
154						</option>
155						<option label="subscribers">
156							<value>subscribers</value>
157						</option>
158						<option label="open">
159							<value>open</value>
160						</option>
161						<value>publishers</value>
162					</field>
163					<field var="pubsub#deliver_notifications" type="boolean" label="Whether to deliver event notifications">
164						<value>1</value>
165					</field>
166					<field var="pubsub#deliver_payloads" type="boolean" label="Whether to deliver payloads with event notifications">
167						<value>1</value>
168					</field>
169					<field var="pubsub#notification_type" type="list-single" label="Specify the delivery style for notifications">
170						<option label="Messages of type normal">
171							<value>normal</value>
172						</option>
173						<option label="Messages of type headline">
174							<value>headline</value>
175						</option>
176						<value>headline</value>
177					</field>
178					<field var="pubsub#notify_delete" type="boolean" label="Whether to notify subscribers when the node is deleted">
179						<value>1</value>
180					</field>
181					<field var="pubsub#notify_retract" type="boolean" label="Whether to notify subscribers when items are removed from the node">
182						<value>1</value>
183					</field>
184				</x>
185			</configure>
186		</pubsub>
187	</iq>
189Romeo receives:
190	<iq id="a73aac09-74be-4ee2-97e5-571bbdbcd956" type="result"/>
192Romeo sends:
193	<iq id="ab0e92d2-c06b-4987-9d45-f9f9e7721709" type="get">
194		<query xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items"/>
195	</iq>
197Romeo receives:
198	<iq id="ab0e92d2-c06b-4987-9d45-f9f9e7721709" type="result">
199		<query xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items">
200			<item name="Nice tunes" node="http://jabber.org/protocol/tune" jid="${Romeo's JID}"/>
201		</query>
202	</iq>
204Romeo disconnects