1 // This file is part of Desktop App Toolkit,
2 // a set of libraries for developing nice desktop applications.
3 //
4 // For license and copyright information please follow this link:
5 // https://github.com/desktop-app/legal/blob/master/LEGAL
6 //
7 #pragma once
9 #include "storage/cache/storage_cache_database.h"
10 #include "storage/storage_encrypted_file.h"
11 #include "base/binary_guard.h"
12 #include "base/concurrent_timer.h"
13 #include "base/bytes.h"
14 #include "base/flat_set.h"
15 #include <set>
16 #include <rpl/event_stream.h>
18 namespace Storage {
19 namespace Cache {
20 namespace details {
22 class Cleaner;
23 class Compactor;
25 class DatabaseObject {
26 public:
27 	using Settings = Cache::Database::Settings;
28 	DatabaseObject(
29 		crl::weak_on_queue<DatabaseObject> weak,
30 		const QString &path,
31 		const Settings &settings);
32 	void reconfigure(const Settings &settings);
33 	void updateSettings(const SettingsUpdate &update);
35 	void open(EncryptionKey &&key, FnMut<void(Error)> &&done);
36 	void close(FnMut<void()> &&done);
38 	void put(
39 		const Key &key,
40 		TaggedValue &&value,
41 		FnMut<void(Error)> &&done);
42 	void get(const Key &key, FnMut<void(TaggedValue&&)> &&done);
43 	void remove(const Key &key, FnMut<void(Error)> &&done);
45 	void putIfEmpty(
46 		const Key &key,
47 		TaggedValue &&value,
48 		FnMut<void(Error)> &&done);
49 	void copyIfEmpty(
50 		const Key &from,
51 		const Key &to,
52 		FnMut<void(Error)> &&done);
53 	void moveIfEmpty(
54 		const Key &from,
55 		const Key &to,
56 		FnMut<void(Error)> &&done);
58 	void getWithSizes(
59 		const Key &key,
60 		std::vector<Key> &&keys,
61 		FnMut<void(QByteArray&&, std::vector<int>&&)> &&done);
63 	rpl::producer<Stats> stats() const;
65 	void clear(FnMut<void(Error)> &&done);
66 	void clearByTag(uint8 tag, FnMut<void(Error)> &&done);
67 	void waitForCleaner(FnMut<void()> &&done);
69 	static QString BinlogFilename();
70 	static QString CompactReadyFilename();
72 	void compactorDone(const QString &path, int64 originalReadTill);
73 	void compactorFail();
75 	struct Entry {
76 		Entry() = default;
77 		Entry(
78 			PlaceId place,
79 			uint8 tag,
80 			uint32 checksum,
81 			size_type size,
82 			uint64 useTime);
84 		uint64 useTime = 0;
85 		size_type size = 0;
86 		uint32 checksum = 0;
87 		PlaceId place = { { 0 } };
88 		uint8 tag = 0;
89 	};
90 	using Raw = std::pair<Key, Entry>;
91 	std::vector<Raw> getManyRaw(const std::vector<Key> &keys) const;
93 	~DatabaseObject();
95 private:
96 	struct CleanerWrap {
97 		std::unique_ptr<Cleaner> object;
98 		base::binary_guard guard;
99 		FnMut<void()> done;
100 	};
101 	struct CompactorWrap {
102 		std::unique_ptr<Compactor> object;
103 		int64 excessLength = 0;
104 		crl::time nextAttempt = 0;
105 		crl::time delayAfterFailure = 10 * crl::time(1000);
106 		base::binary_guard guard;
107 	};
108 	struct KeyPlaceChange {
109 		QString wasPath;
110 		QString nowPath;
111 		PlaceId nowPlace;
112 	};
113 	using Map = std::unordered_map<Key, Entry>;
115 	template <typename Callback, typename ...Args>
116 	void invokeCallback(Callback &&callback, Args &&...args) const;
118 	Error ioError(const QString &path) const;
120 	void checkSettings();
121 	QString computePath(Version version) const;
122 	QString binlogPath(Version version) const;
123 	QString binlogPath() const;
124 	QString compactReadyPath(Version version) const;
125 	QString compactReadyPath() const;
126 	Error openSomeBinlog(EncryptionKey &&key);
127 	Error openNewBinlog(EncryptionKey &key);
128 	File::Result openBinlog(
129 		Version version,
130 		File::Mode mode,
131 		EncryptionKey &key);
132 	bool readHeader();
133 	bool writeHeader();
135 	void readBinlog();
136 	template <typename Reader, typename ...Handlers>
137 	void readBinlogHelper(Reader &reader, Handlers &&...handlers);
138 	template <typename Record, typename Postprocess>
139 	bool processRecordStoreGeneric(
140 		const Record *record,
141 		Postprocess &&postprocess);
142 	bool processRecordStore(const Store *record, std::is_class<Store>);
143 	bool processRecordStore(
144 		const StoreWithTime *record,
145 		std::is_class<StoreWithTime>);
146 	template <typename Record, typename GetElement>
147 	bool processRecordMultiStore(
148 		const Record &header,
149 		const GetElement &element);
150 	template <typename GetElement>
151 	bool processRecordMultiRemove(
152 		const MultiRemove &header,
153 		const GetElement &element);
154 	template <typename GetElement>
155 	bool processRecordMultiAccess(
156 		const MultiAccess &header,
157 		const GetElement &element);
159 	void optimize();
160 	void checkCompactor();
161 	void adjustRelativeTime();
162 	bool startDelayedPruning();
163 	uint64 countRelativeTime() const;
164 	EstimatedTimePoint countTimePoint() const;
165 	void applyTimePoint(EstimatedTimePoint time);
167 	uint64 pruneBeforeTime() const;
168 	void prune();
169 	void collectTimeStale(
170 		base::flat_set<Key> &stale,
171 		int64 &staleTotalSize);
172 	void collectSizeStale(
173 		base::flat_set<Key> &stale,
174 		int64 &staleTotalSize);
175 	void startStaleClear();
176 	void clearStaleNow(const base::flat_set<Key> &stale);
177 	void clearStaleChunkDelayed();
178 	void clearStaleChunk();
180 	void updateStats(const Entry &was, const Entry &now);
181 	Stats collectStats() const;
182 	void pushStatsDelayed();
183 	void pushStats();
185 	void setMapEntry(const Key &key, Entry &&entry);
186 	void eraseMapEntry(const Map::const_iterator &i);
187 	void recordEntryAccess(const Key &key);
188 	QByteArray readValueData(PlaceId place, size_type size) const;
190 	Version findAvailableVersion() const;
191 	QString versionPath() const;
192 	bool writeVersion(Version version);
193 	Version readVersion() const;
195 	QString placePath(PlaceId place) const;
196 	bool isFreePlace(PlaceId place) const;
198 	KeyPlaceChange chooseKeyPlace(
199 		const Key &key,
200 		const TaggedValue &value,
201 		uint32 checksum);
202 	Error writeNewEntry(
203 		const QString &path,
204 		QByteArray &&content);
205 	template <typename StoreRecord>
206 	Error writeKeyPlaceGeneric(
207 		StoreRecord &&record,
208 		const Key &key,
209 		const PlaceId &place,
210 		const TaggedValue &value,
211 		uint32 checksum);
212 	Error writeKeyPlace(
213 		const Key &key,
214 		const PlaceId &place,
215 		const TaggedValue &value,
216 		uint32 checksum);
217 	template <typename StoreRecord>
218 	Error writeExistingPlaceGeneric(
219 		StoreRecord &&record,
220 		const Key &key,
221 		const Entry &entry);
222 	Error writeExistingPlace(
223 		const Key &key,
224 		const Entry &entry);
225 	void writeMultiRemoveLazy();
226 	Error writeMultiRemove();
227 	void writeMultiAccessLazy();
228 	Error writeMultiAccess();
229 	Error writeMultiAccessBlock();
230 	void writeBundlesLazy();
231 	void writeBundles();
233 	void createCleaner();
234 	void cleanerDone(Error error);
235 	void clearState();
237 	crl::weak_on_queue<DatabaseObject> _weak;
238 	QString _base, _path;
239 	Settings _settings;
240 	EncryptionKey _key;
241 	File _binlog;
242 	Map _map;
243 	std::set<Key> _removing;
244 	std::set<Key> _accessed;
245 	std::vector<Key> _stale;
247 	EstimatedTimePoint _time;
249 	int64 _binlogExcessLength = 0;
250 	int64 _totalSize = 0;
251 	uint64 _minimalEntryTime = 0;
252 	size_type _entriesWithMinimalTimeCount = 0;
254 	base::flat_map<uint8, TaggedSummary> _taggedStats;
255 	rpl::event_stream<Stats> _stats;
256 	bool _pushingStats = false;
257 	bool _clearingStale = false;
259 	base::ConcurrentTimer _writeBundlesTimer;
260 	base::ConcurrentTimer _pruneTimer;
262 	CleanerWrap _cleaner;
263 	CompactorWrap _compactor;
265 };
267 } // namespace details
268 } // namespace Cache
269 } // namespace Storage