1 /*
2  *  Copyright 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3  *
4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9  */
14 #include <stdint.h>
16 #include <functional>
17 #include <map>
18 #include <memory>
19 #include <set>
20 #include <string>
21 #include <utility>
22 #include <vector>
24 #include "absl/types/optional.h"
25 #include "api/adaptation/resource.h"
26 #include "api/async_resolver_factory.h"
27 #include "api/audio_options.h"
28 #include "api/candidate.h"
29 #include "api/crypto/crypto_options.h"
30 #include "api/data_channel_interface.h"
31 #include "api/dtls_transport_interface.h"
32 #include "api/ice_transport_interface.h"
33 #include "api/jsep.h"
34 #include "api/media_stream_interface.h"
35 #include "api/media_types.h"
36 #include "api/packet_socket_factory.h"
37 #include "api/peer_connection_interface.h"
38 #include "api/rtc_error.h"
39 #include "api/rtc_event_log/rtc_event_log.h"
40 #include "api/rtc_event_log_output.h"
41 #include "api/rtp_parameters.h"
42 #include "api/rtp_receiver_interface.h"
43 #include "api/rtp_sender_interface.h"
44 #include "api/rtp_transceiver_interface.h"
45 #include "api/scoped_refptr.h"
46 #include "api/sctp_transport_interface.h"
47 #include "api/sequence_checker.h"
48 #include "api/set_local_description_observer_interface.h"
49 #include "api/set_remote_description_observer_interface.h"
50 #include "api/stats/rtc_stats_collector_callback.h"
51 #include "api/transport/bitrate_settings.h"
52 #include "api/transport/data_channel_transport_interface.h"
53 #include "api/transport/enums.h"
54 #include "api/turn_customizer.h"
55 #include "api/video/video_bitrate_allocator_factory.h"
56 #include "call/call.h"
57 #include "media/base/media_channel.h"
58 #include "media/base/media_engine.h"
59 #include "p2p/base/ice_transport_internal.h"
60 #include "p2p/base/port.h"
61 #include "p2p/base/port_allocator.h"
62 #include "p2p/base/transport_description.h"
63 #include "pc/channel.h"
64 #include "pc/channel_interface.h"
65 #include "pc/channel_manager.h"
66 #include "pc/connection_context.h"
67 #include "pc/data_channel_controller.h"
68 #include "pc/data_channel_utils.h"
69 #include "pc/dtls_transport.h"
70 #include "pc/jsep_transport_controller.h"
71 #include "pc/peer_connection_internal.h"
72 #include "pc/peer_connection_message_handler.h"
73 #include "pc/rtc_stats_collector.h"
74 #include "pc/rtp_data_channel.h"
75 #include "pc/rtp_receiver.h"
76 #include "pc/rtp_sender.h"
77 #include "pc/rtp_transceiver.h"
78 #include "pc/rtp_transmission_manager.h"
79 #include "pc/rtp_transport_internal.h"
80 #include "pc/sctp_data_channel.h"
81 #include "pc/sctp_transport.h"
82 #include "pc/sdp_offer_answer.h"
83 #include "pc/session_description.h"
84 #include "pc/stats_collector.h"
85 #include "pc/stream_collection.h"
86 #include "pc/transceiver_list.h"
87 #include "pc/transport_stats.h"
88 #include "pc/usage_pattern.h"
89 #include "rtc_base/checks.h"
90 #include "rtc_base/copy_on_write_buffer.h"
91 #include "rtc_base/network/sent_packet.h"
92 #include "rtc_base/rtc_certificate.h"
93 #include "rtc_base/ssl_certificate.h"
94 #include "rtc_base/ssl_stream_adapter.h"
95 #include "rtc_base/task_utils/pending_task_safety_flag.h"
96 #include "rtc_base/third_party/sigslot/sigslot.h"
97 #include "rtc_base/thread.h"
98 #include "rtc_base/thread_annotations.h"
99 #include "rtc_base/unique_id_generator.h"
101 namespace webrtc {
103 // PeerConnection is the implementation of the PeerConnection object as defined
104 // by the PeerConnectionInterface API surface.
105 // The class currently is solely responsible for the following:
106 // - Managing the session state machine (signaling state).
107 // - Creating and initializing lower-level objects, like PortAllocator and
108 //   BaseChannels.
109 // - Owning and managing the life cycle of the RtpSender/RtpReceiver and track
110 //   objects.
111 // - Tracking the current and pending local/remote session descriptions.
112 // The class currently is jointly responsible for the following:
113 // - Parsing and interpreting SDP.
114 // - Generating offers and answers based on the current state.
115 // - The ICE state machine.
116 // - Generating stats.
117 class PeerConnection : public PeerConnectionInternal,
118                        public JsepTransportController::Observer,
119                        public sigslot::has_slots<> {
120  public:
121   // Creates a PeerConnection and initializes it with the given values.
122   // If the initialization fails, the function releases the PeerConnection
123   // and returns nullptr.
124   //
125   // Note that the function takes ownership of dependencies, and will
126   // either use them or release them, whether it succeeds or fails.
127   static RTCErrorOr<rtc::scoped_refptr<PeerConnection>> Create(
128       rtc::scoped_refptr<ConnectionContext> context,
129       const PeerConnectionFactoryInterface::Options& options,
130       std::unique_ptr<RtcEventLog> event_log,
131       std::unique_ptr<Call> call,
132       const PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration& configuration,
133       PeerConnectionDependencies dependencies);
135   rtc::scoped_refptr<StreamCollectionInterface> local_streams() override;
136   rtc::scoped_refptr<StreamCollectionInterface> remote_streams() override;
137   bool AddStream(MediaStreamInterface* local_stream) override;
138   void RemoveStream(MediaStreamInterface* local_stream) override;
140   RTCErrorOr<rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpSenderInterface>> AddTrack(
141       rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamTrackInterface> track,
142       const std::vector<std::string>& stream_ids) override;
143   bool RemoveTrack(RtpSenderInterface* sender) override;
144   RTCError RemoveTrackNew(
145       rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpSenderInterface> sender) override;
147   RTCErrorOr<rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpTransceiverInterface>> AddTransceiver(
148       rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamTrackInterface> track) override;
149   RTCErrorOr<rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpTransceiverInterface>> AddTransceiver(
150       rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamTrackInterface> track,
151       const RtpTransceiverInit& init) override;
152   RTCErrorOr<rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpTransceiverInterface>> AddTransceiver(
153       cricket::MediaType media_type) override;
154   RTCErrorOr<rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpTransceiverInterface>> AddTransceiver(
155       cricket::MediaType media_type,
156       const RtpTransceiverInit& init) override;
158   rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpSenderInterface> CreateSender(
159       const std::string& kind,
160       const std::string& stream_id) override;
162   std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpSenderInterface>> GetSenders()
163       const override;
164   std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpReceiverInterface>> GetReceivers()
165       const override;
166   std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpTransceiverInterface>> GetTransceivers()
167       const override;
169   rtc::scoped_refptr<DataChannelInterface> CreateDataChannel(
170       const std::string& label,
171       const DataChannelInit* config) override;
172   // WARNING: LEGACY. See peerconnectioninterface.h
173   bool GetStats(StatsObserver* observer,
174                 webrtc::MediaStreamTrackInterface* track,
175                 StatsOutputLevel level) override;
176   // Spec-complaint GetStats(). See peerconnectioninterface.h
177   void GetStats(RTCStatsCollectorCallback* callback) override;
178   void GetStats(
179       rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpSenderInterface> selector,
180       rtc::scoped_refptr<RTCStatsCollectorCallback> callback) override;
181   void GetStats(
182       rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpReceiverInterface> selector,
183       rtc::scoped_refptr<RTCStatsCollectorCallback> callback) override;
184   void ClearStatsCache() override;
186   SignalingState signaling_state() override;
188   IceConnectionState ice_connection_state() override;
189   IceConnectionState standardized_ice_connection_state() override;
190   PeerConnectionState peer_connection_state() override;
191   IceGatheringState ice_gathering_state() override;
192   absl::optional<bool> can_trickle_ice_candidates() override;
194   const SessionDescriptionInterface* local_description() const override;
195   const SessionDescriptionInterface* remote_description() const override;
196   const SessionDescriptionInterface* current_local_description() const override;
197   const SessionDescriptionInterface* current_remote_description()
198       const override;
199   const SessionDescriptionInterface* pending_local_description() const override;
200   const SessionDescriptionInterface* pending_remote_description()
201       const override;
203   void RestartIce() override;
205   // JSEP01
206   void CreateOffer(CreateSessionDescriptionObserver* observer,
207                    const RTCOfferAnswerOptions& options) override;
208   void CreateAnswer(CreateSessionDescriptionObserver* observer,
209                     const RTCOfferAnswerOptions& options) override;
211   void SetLocalDescription(
212       std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface> desc,
213       rtc::scoped_refptr<SetLocalDescriptionObserverInterface> observer)
214       override;
215   void SetLocalDescription(
216       rtc::scoped_refptr<SetLocalDescriptionObserverInterface> observer)
217       override;
218   // TODO(https://crbug.com/webrtc/11798): Delete these methods in favor of the
219   // ones taking SetLocalDescriptionObserverInterface as argument.
220   void SetLocalDescription(SetSessionDescriptionObserver* observer,
221                            SessionDescriptionInterface* desc) override;
222   void SetLocalDescription(SetSessionDescriptionObserver* observer) override;
224   void SetRemoteDescription(
225       std::unique_ptr<SessionDescriptionInterface> desc,
226       rtc::scoped_refptr<SetRemoteDescriptionObserverInterface> observer)
227       override;
228   // TODO(https://crbug.com/webrtc/11798): Delete this methods in favor of the
229   // ones taking SetRemoteDescriptionObserverInterface as argument.
230   void SetRemoteDescription(SetSessionDescriptionObserver* observer,
231                             SessionDescriptionInterface* desc) override;
233   PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration GetConfiguration() override;
234   RTCError SetConfiguration(
235       const PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration& configuration) override;
236   bool AddIceCandidate(const IceCandidateInterface* candidate) override;
237   void AddIceCandidate(std::unique_ptr<IceCandidateInterface> candidate,
238                        std::function<void(RTCError)> callback) override;
239   bool RemoveIceCandidates(
240       const std::vector<cricket::Candidate>& candidates) override;
242   RTCError SetBitrate(const BitrateSettings& bitrate) override;
244   void SetAudioPlayout(bool playout) override;
245   void SetAudioRecording(bool recording) override;
247   rtc::scoped_refptr<DtlsTransportInterface> LookupDtlsTransportByMid(
248       const std::string& mid) override;
249   rtc::scoped_refptr<DtlsTransport> LookupDtlsTransportByMidInternal(
250       const std::string& mid);
252   rtc::scoped_refptr<SctpTransportInterface> GetSctpTransport() const override;
254   void AddAdaptationResource(rtc::scoped_refptr<Resource> resource) override;
256   bool StartRtcEventLog(std::unique_ptr<RtcEventLogOutput> output,
257                         int64_t output_period_ms) override;
258   bool StartRtcEventLog(std::unique_ptr<RtcEventLogOutput> output) override;
259   void StopRtcEventLog() override;
261   void Close() override;
signaling_thread()263   rtc::Thread* signaling_thread() const final {
264     return context_->signaling_thread();
265   }
267   // PeerConnectionInternal implementation.
network_thread()268   rtc::Thread* network_thread() const final {
269     return context_->network_thread();
270   }
worker_thread()271   rtc::Thread* worker_thread() const final { return context_->worker_thread(); }
session_id()273   std::string session_id() const override {
274     return session_id_;
275   }
initial_offerer()277   bool initial_offerer() const override {
278     RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
279     return transport_controller_ && transport_controller_->initial_offerer();
280   }
282   std::vector<
283       rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpTransceiverProxyWithInternal<RtpTransceiver>>>
GetTransceiversInternal()284   GetTransceiversInternal() const override {
285     RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
286     return rtp_manager()->transceivers()->List();
287   }
SignalRtpDataChannelCreated()289   sigslot::signal1<RtpDataChannel*>& SignalRtpDataChannelCreated() override {
290     return data_channel_controller_.SignalRtpDataChannelCreated();
291   }
SignalSctpDataChannelCreated()293   sigslot::signal1<SctpDataChannel*>& SignalSctpDataChannelCreated() override {
294     return data_channel_controller_.SignalSctpDataChannelCreated();
295   }
rtp_data_channel()297   cricket::RtpDataChannel* rtp_data_channel() const override {
298     return data_channel_controller_.rtp_data_channel();
299   }
301   std::vector<DataChannelStats> GetDataChannelStats() const override;
303   absl::optional<std::string> sctp_transport_name() const override;
305   cricket::CandidateStatsList GetPooledCandidateStats() const override;
306   std::map<std::string, std::string> GetTransportNamesByMid() const override;
307   std::map<std::string, cricket::TransportStats> GetTransportStatsByNames(
308       const std::set<std::string>& transport_names) override;
309   Call::Stats GetCallStats() override;
311   bool GetLocalCertificate(
312       const std::string& transport_name,
313       rtc::scoped_refptr<rtc::RTCCertificate>* certificate) override;
314   std::unique_ptr<rtc::SSLCertChain> GetRemoteSSLCertChain(
315       const std::string& transport_name) override;
316   bool IceRestartPending(const std::string& content_name) const override;
317   bool NeedsIceRestart(const std::string& content_name) const override;
318   bool GetSslRole(const std::string& content_name, rtc::SSLRole* role) override;
320   // Functions needed by DataChannelController
NoteDataAddedEvent()321   void NoteDataAddedEvent() { NoteUsageEvent(UsageEvent::DATA_ADDED); }
322   // Returns the observer. Will crash on CHECK if the observer is removed.
323   PeerConnectionObserver* Observer() const;
IsClosed()324   bool IsClosed() const {
325     RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
326     return !sdp_handler_ ||
327            sdp_handler_->signaling_state() == PeerConnectionInterface::kClosed;
328   }
329   // Get current SSL role used by SCTP's underlying transport.
330   bool GetSctpSslRole(rtc::SSLRole* role);
331   // Handler for the "channel closed" signal
332   void OnSctpDataChannelClosed(DataChannelInterface* channel);
334   bool ShouldFireNegotiationNeededEvent(uint32_t event_id) override;
336   // Functions needed by SdpOfferAnswerHandler
stats()337   StatsCollector* stats() {
338     RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
339     return stats_.get();
340   }
data_channel_controller()341   DataChannelController* data_channel_controller() {
342     RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
343     return &data_channel_controller_;
344   }
dtls_enabled()345   bool dtls_enabled() const {
346     RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
347     return dtls_enabled_;
348   }
configuration()349   const PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration* configuration() const {
350     RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
351     return &configuration_;
352   }
sctp_mid()353   absl::optional<std::string> sctp_mid() {
354     RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
355     return sctp_mid_s_;
356   }
message_handler()357   PeerConnectionMessageHandler* message_handler() {
358     RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
359     return &message_handler_;
360   }
rtp_manager()362   RtpTransmissionManager* rtp_manager() { return rtp_manager_.get(); }
rtp_manager()363   const RtpTransmissionManager* rtp_manager() const {
364     return rtp_manager_.get();
365   }
366   cricket::ChannelManager* channel_manager() const;
transport_controller()368   JsepTransportController* transport_controller() {
369     return transport_controller_.get();
370   }
port_allocator()371   cricket::PortAllocator* port_allocator() { return port_allocator_.get(); }
call_ptr()372   Call* call_ptr() { return call_ptr_; }
context()374   ConnectionContext* context() { return context_.get(); }
options()375   const PeerConnectionFactoryInterface::Options* options() const {
376     return &options_;
377   }
378   cricket::DataChannelType data_channel_type() const;
379   void SetIceConnectionState(IceConnectionState new_state);
380   void NoteUsageEvent(UsageEvent event);
382   // Asynchronously adds a remote candidate on the network thread.
383   void AddRemoteCandidate(const std::string& mid,
384                           const cricket::Candidate& candidate);
386   // Report the UMA metric SdpFormatReceived for the given remote description.
387   void ReportSdpFormatReceived(
388       const SessionDescriptionInterface& remote_description);
390   // Report the UMA metric BundleUsage for the given remote description.
391   void ReportSdpBundleUsage(
392       const SessionDescriptionInterface& remote_description);
394   // Returns true if the PeerConnection is configured to use Unified Plan
395   // semantics for creating offers/answers and setting local/remote
396   // descriptions. If this is true the RtpTransceiver API will also be available
397   // to the user. If this is false, Plan B semantics are assumed.
398   // TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/8530): Flip the default to be Unified Plan once
399   // sufficient time has passed.
IsUnifiedPlan()400   bool IsUnifiedPlan() const {
401     RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
402     return is_unified_plan_;
403   }
404   bool ValidateBundleSettings(const cricket::SessionDescription* desc);
406   // Returns the MID for the data section associated with either the
407   // RtpDataChannel or SCTP data channel, if it has been set. If no data
408   // channels are configured this will return nullopt.
409   absl::optional<std::string> GetDataMid() const;
411   void SetSctpDataMid(const std::string& mid);
413   void ResetSctpDataMid();
415   // Asynchronously calls SctpTransport::Start() on the network thread for
416   // |sctp_mid()| if set. Called as part of setting the local description.
417   void StartSctpTransport(int local_port,
418                           int remote_port,
419                           int max_message_size);
421   // Returns the CryptoOptions for this PeerConnection. This will always
422   // return the RTCConfiguration.crypto_options if set and will only default
423   // back to the PeerConnectionFactory settings if nothing was set.
424   CryptoOptions GetCryptoOptions();
426   // Internal implementation for AddTransceiver family of methods. If
427   // |fire_callback| is set, fires OnRenegotiationNeeded callback if successful.
428   RTCErrorOr<rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpTransceiverInterface>> AddTransceiver(
429       cricket::MediaType media_type,
430       rtc::scoped_refptr<MediaStreamTrackInterface> track,
431       const RtpTransceiverInit& init,
432       bool fire_callback = true);
434   // Returns rtp transport, result can not be nullptr.
435   RtpTransportInternal* GetRtpTransport(const std::string& mid);
437   // Returns true if SRTP (either using DTLS-SRTP or SDES) is required by
438   // this session.
439   bool SrtpRequired() const;
441   void OnSentPacket_w(const rtc::SentPacket& sent_packet);
443   bool SetupDataChannelTransport_n(const std::string& mid)
444       RTC_RUN_ON(network_thread());
445   void SetupRtpDataChannelTransport_n(cricket::RtpDataChannel* data_channel)
446       RTC_RUN_ON(network_thread());
447   void TeardownDataChannelTransport_n() RTC_RUN_ON(network_thread());
448   cricket::ChannelInterface* GetChannel(const std::string& content_name);
450   // Functions made public for testing.
ReturnHistogramVeryQuicklyForTesting()451   void ReturnHistogramVeryQuicklyForTesting() {
452     RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
453     return_histogram_very_quickly_ = true;
454   }
455   void RequestUsagePatternReportForTesting();
457  protected:
458   // Available for rtc::scoped_refptr creation
459   PeerConnection(rtc::scoped_refptr<ConnectionContext> context,
460                  const PeerConnectionFactoryInterface::Options& options,
461                  bool is_unified_plan,
462                  std::unique_ptr<RtcEventLog> event_log,
463                  std::unique_ptr<Call> call,
464                  PeerConnectionDependencies& dependencies,
465                  bool dtls_enabled);
467   ~PeerConnection() override;
469  private:
470   RTCError Initialize(
471       const PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration& configuration,
472       PeerConnectionDependencies dependencies);
473   void InitializeTransportController_n(
474       const RTCConfiguration& configuration,
475       const PeerConnectionDependencies& dependencies)
476       RTC_RUN_ON(network_thread());
478   rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpTransceiverProxyWithInternal<RtpTransceiver>>
479   FindTransceiverBySender(rtc::scoped_refptr<RtpSenderInterface> sender)
480       RTC_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
482   void SetStandardizedIceConnectionState(
483       PeerConnectionInterface::IceConnectionState new_state)
484       RTC_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
485   void SetConnectionState(
486       PeerConnectionInterface::PeerConnectionState new_state)
487       RTC_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
489   // Called any time the IceGatheringState changes.
490   void OnIceGatheringChange(IceGatheringState new_state)
491       RTC_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
492   // New ICE candidate has been gathered.
493   void OnIceCandidate(std::unique_ptr<IceCandidateInterface> candidate)
494       RTC_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
495   // Gathering of an ICE candidate failed.
496   void OnIceCandidateError(const std::string& address,
497                            int port,
498                            const std::string& url,
499                            int error_code,
500                            const std::string& error_text)
501       RTC_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
502   // Some local ICE candidates have been removed.
503   void OnIceCandidatesRemoved(const std::vector<cricket::Candidate>& candidates)
504       RTC_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
506   void OnSelectedCandidatePairChanged(
507       const cricket::CandidatePairChangeEvent& event)
508       RTC_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
510   void OnNegotiationNeeded();
512   // Returns the specified SCTP DataChannel in sctp_data_channels_,
513   // or nullptr if not found.
514   SctpDataChannel* FindDataChannelBySid(int sid) const
515       RTC_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
517   // Called when first configuring the port allocator.
518   struct InitializePortAllocatorResult {
519     bool enable_ipv6;
520   };
521   InitializePortAllocatorResult InitializePortAllocator_n(
522       const cricket::ServerAddresses& stun_servers,
523       const std::vector<cricket::RelayServerConfig>& turn_servers,
524       const RTCConfiguration& configuration);
525   // Called when SetConfiguration is called to apply the supported subset
526   // of the configuration on the network thread.
527   bool ReconfigurePortAllocator_n(
528       const cricket::ServerAddresses& stun_servers,
529       const std::vector<cricket::RelayServerConfig>& turn_servers,
530       IceTransportsType type,
531       int candidate_pool_size,
532       PortPrunePolicy turn_port_prune_policy,
533       webrtc::TurnCustomizer* turn_customizer,
534       absl::optional<int> stun_candidate_keepalive_interval,
535       bool have_local_description);
537   // Starts output of an RTC event log to the given output object.
538   // This function should only be called from the worker thread.
539   bool StartRtcEventLog_w(std::unique_ptr<RtcEventLogOutput> output,
540                           int64_t output_period_ms);
542   // Stops recording an RTC event log.
543   // This function should only be called from the worker thread.
544   void StopRtcEventLog_w();
546   // Returns true and the TransportInfo of the given |content_name|
547   // from |description|. Returns false if it's not available.
548   static bool GetTransportDescription(
549       const cricket::SessionDescription* description,
550       const std::string& content_name,
551       cricket::TransportDescription* info);
553   // Returns the media index for a local ice candidate given the content name.
554   // Returns false if the local session description does not have a media
555   // content called  |content_name|.
556   bool GetLocalCandidateMediaIndex(const std::string& content_name,
557                                    int* sdp_mline_index)
558       RTC_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
560   // JsepTransportController signal handlers.
561   void OnTransportControllerConnectionState(cricket::IceConnectionState state)
562       RTC_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
563   void OnTransportControllerGatheringState(cricket::IceGatheringState state)
564       RTC_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
565   void OnTransportControllerCandidatesGathered(
566       const std::string& transport_name,
567       const std::vector<cricket::Candidate>& candidates)
568       RTC_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
569   void OnTransportControllerCandidateError(
570       const cricket::IceCandidateErrorEvent& event)
571       RTC_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
572   void OnTransportControllerCandidatesRemoved(
573       const std::vector<cricket::Candidate>& candidates)
574       RTC_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
575   void OnTransportControllerCandidateChanged(
576       const cricket::CandidatePairChangeEvent& event)
577       RTC_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
578   void OnTransportControllerDtlsHandshakeError(rtc::SSLHandshakeError error);
580   // Invoked when TransportController connection completion is signaled.
581   // Reports stats for all transports in use.
582   void ReportTransportStats() RTC_RUN_ON(network_thread());
584   // Gather the usage of IPv4/IPv6 as best connection.
585   static void ReportBestConnectionState(const cricket::TransportStats& stats);
587   static void ReportNegotiatedCiphers(
588       bool dtls_enabled,
589       const cricket::TransportStats& stats,
590       const std::set<cricket::MediaType>& media_types);
591   void ReportIceCandidateCollected(const cricket::Candidate& candidate)
592       RTC_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
594   void ReportUsagePattern() const RTC_RUN_ON(signaling_thread());
596   void ReportRemoteIceCandidateAdded(const cricket::Candidate& candidate);
598   // JsepTransportController::Observer override.
599   //
600   // Called by |transport_controller_| when processing transport information
601   // from a session description, and the mapping from m= sections to transports
602   // changed (as a result of BUNDLE negotiation, or m= sections being
603   // rejected).
604   bool OnTransportChanged(
605       const std::string& mid,
606       RtpTransportInternal* rtp_transport,
607       rtc::scoped_refptr<DtlsTransport> dtls_transport,
608       DataChannelTransportInterface* data_channel_transport) override;
610   std::function<void(const rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer& packet,
611                      int64_t packet_time_us)>
612   InitializeRtcpCallback();
614   const rtc::scoped_refptr<ConnectionContext> context_;
615   const PeerConnectionFactoryInterface::Options options_;
616   PeerConnectionObserver* observer_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(signaling_thread()) =
617       nullptr;
619   const bool is_unified_plan_;
621   // The EventLog needs to outlive |call_| (and any other object that uses it).
622   std::unique_ptr<RtcEventLog> event_log_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(worker_thread());
624   // Points to the same thing as `event_log_`. Since it's const, we may read the
625   // pointer (but not touch the object) from any thread.
626   RtcEventLog* const event_log_ptr_ RTC_PT_GUARDED_BY(worker_thread());
628   IceConnectionState ice_connection_state_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(signaling_thread()) =
629       kIceConnectionNew;
630   PeerConnectionInterface::IceConnectionState standardized_ice_connection_state_
631       RTC_GUARDED_BY(signaling_thread()) = kIceConnectionNew;
632   PeerConnectionInterface::PeerConnectionState connection_state_
633       RTC_GUARDED_BY(signaling_thread()) = PeerConnectionState::kNew;
635   IceGatheringState ice_gathering_state_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(signaling_thread()) =
636       kIceGatheringNew;
637   PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration configuration_
638       RTC_GUARDED_BY(signaling_thread());
640   // TODO(zstein): |async_resolver_factory_| can currently be nullptr if it
641   // is not injected. It should be required once chromium supplies it.
642   // This member variable is only used by JsepTransportController so we should
643   // consider moving ownership to there.
644   const std::unique_ptr<AsyncResolverFactory> async_resolver_factory_;
645   std::unique_ptr<cricket::PortAllocator>
646       port_allocator_;  // TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/9987): Accessed on both
647                         // signaling and network thread.
648   const std::unique_ptr<webrtc::IceTransportFactory>
649       ice_transport_factory_;  // TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/9987): Accessed on the
650                                // signaling thread but the underlying raw
651                                // pointer is given to
652                                // |jsep_transport_controller_| and used on the
653                                // network thread.
654   const std::unique_ptr<rtc::SSLCertificateVerifier> tls_cert_verifier_
655       RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread());
657   // The unique_ptr belongs to the worker thread, but the Call object manages
658   // its own thread safety.
659   std::unique_ptr<Call> call_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(worker_thread());
660   ScopedTaskSafety signaling_thread_safety_;
661   rtc::scoped_refptr<PendingTaskSafetyFlag> network_thread_safety_;
662   rtc::scoped_refptr<PendingTaskSafetyFlag> worker_thread_safety_;
664   // Points to the same thing as `call_`. Since it's const, we may read the
665   // pointer from any thread.
666   // TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/11992): Remove this workaround (and potential dangling
667   // pointer).
668   Call* const call_ptr_;
670   std::unique_ptr<StatsCollector> stats_
671       RTC_GUARDED_BY(signaling_thread());  // A pointer is passed to senders_
672   rtc::scoped_refptr<RTCStatsCollector> stats_collector_
673       RTC_GUARDED_BY(signaling_thread());
675   const std::string session_id_;
677   std::unique_ptr<JsepTransportController>
678       transport_controller_;  // TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/9987): Accessed on both
679                               // signaling and network thread.
681   // |sctp_mid_| is the content name (MID) in SDP.
682   // Note: this is used as the data channel MID by both SCTP and data channel
683   // transports.  It is set when either transport is initialized and unset when
684   // both transports are deleted.
685   // There is one copy on the signaling thread and another copy on the
686   // networking thread. Changes are always initiated from the signaling
687   // thread, but applied first on the networking thread via an invoke().
688   absl::optional<std::string> sctp_mid_s_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(signaling_thread());
689   absl::optional<std::string> sctp_mid_n_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(network_thread());
690   std::string sctp_transport_name_s_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(signaling_thread());
692   // The machinery for handling offers and answers. Const after initialization.
693   std::unique_ptr<SdpOfferAnswerHandler> sdp_handler_
694       RTC_GUARDED_BY(signaling_thread());
696   const bool dtls_enabled_;
698   UsagePattern usage_pattern_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(signaling_thread());
699   bool return_histogram_very_quickly_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(signaling_thread()) =
700       false;
702   DataChannelController data_channel_controller_;
704   // Machinery for handling messages posted to oneself
705   PeerConnectionMessageHandler message_handler_;
707   // Administration of senders, receivers and transceivers
708   // Accessed on both signaling and network thread. Const after Initialize().
709   std::unique_ptr<RtpTransmissionManager> rtp_manager_;
711   rtc::WeakPtrFactory<PeerConnection> weak_factory_;
713   // Did the connectionState ever change to `connected`?
714   // Used to gather metrics only the first such state change.
715   bool was_ever_connected_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(signaling_thread()) = false;
716 };
718 }  // namespace webrtc
720 #endif  // PC_PEER_CONNECTION_H_