1 /*
2  *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3  *
4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9  */
11 #include "video/receive_statistics_proxy.h"
13 #include <algorithm>
14 #include <cmath>
15 #include <utility>
17 #include "modules/video_coding/include/video_codec_interface.h"
18 #include "rtc_base/checks.h"
19 #include "rtc_base/logging.h"
20 #include "rtc_base/strings/string_builder.h"
21 #include "rtc_base/time_utils.h"
22 #include "system_wrappers/include/clock.h"
23 #include "system_wrappers/include/field_trial.h"
24 #include "system_wrappers/include/metrics.h"
26 namespace webrtc {
27 namespace {
28 // Periodic time interval for processing samples for |freq_offset_counter_|.
29 const int64_t kFreqOffsetProcessIntervalMs = 40000;
31 // Configuration for bad call detection.
32 const int kBadCallMinRequiredSamples = 10;
33 const int kMinSampleLengthMs = 990;
34 const int kNumMeasurements = 10;
35 const int kNumMeasurementsVariance = kNumMeasurements * 1.5;
36 const float kBadFraction = 0.8f;
37 // For fps:
38 // Low means low enough to be bad, high means high enough to be good
39 const int kLowFpsThreshold = 12;
40 const int kHighFpsThreshold = 14;
41 // For qp and fps variance:
42 // Low means low enough to be good, high means high enough to be bad
43 const int kLowQpThresholdVp8 = 60;
44 const int kHighQpThresholdVp8 = 70;
45 const int kLowVarianceThreshold = 1;
46 const int kHighVarianceThreshold = 2;
48 // Some metrics are reported as a maximum over this period.
49 // This should be synchronized with a typical getStats polling interval in
50 // the clients.
51 const int kMovingMaxWindowMs = 1000;
53 // How large window we use to calculate the framerate/bitrate.
54 const int kRateStatisticsWindowSizeMs = 1000;
56 // Some sane ballpark estimate for maximum common value of inter-frame delay.
57 // Values below that will be stored explicitly in the array,
58 // values above - in the map.
59 const int kMaxCommonInterframeDelayMs = 500;
UmaPrefixForContentType(VideoContentType content_type)61 const char* UmaPrefixForContentType(VideoContentType content_type) {
62   if (videocontenttypehelpers::IsScreenshare(content_type))
63     return "WebRTC.Video.Screenshare";
64   return "WebRTC.Video";
65 }
UmaSuffixForContentType(VideoContentType content_type)67 std::string UmaSuffixForContentType(VideoContentType content_type) {
68   char ss_buf[1024];
69   rtc::SimpleStringBuilder ss(ss_buf);
70   int simulcast_id = videocontenttypehelpers::GetSimulcastId(content_type);
71   if (simulcast_id > 0) {
72     ss << ".S" << simulcast_id - 1;
73   }
74   int experiment_id = videocontenttypehelpers::GetExperimentId(content_type);
75   if (experiment_id > 0) {
76     ss << ".ExperimentGroup" << experiment_id - 1;
77   }
78   return ss.str();
79 }
81 }  // namespace
ReceiveStatisticsProxy(const VideoReceiveStream::Config * config,Clock * clock)83 ReceiveStatisticsProxy::ReceiveStatisticsProxy(
84     const VideoReceiveStream::Config* config,
85     Clock* clock)
86     : clock_(clock),
87       config_(*config),
88       start_ms_(clock->TimeInMilliseconds()),
89       enable_decode_time_histograms_(
90           !field_trial::IsEnabled("WebRTC-DecodeTimeHistogramsKillSwitch")),
91       last_sample_time_(clock->TimeInMilliseconds()),
92       fps_threshold_(kLowFpsThreshold,
93                      kHighFpsThreshold,
94                      kBadFraction,
95                      kNumMeasurements),
96       qp_threshold_(kLowQpThresholdVp8,
97                     kHighQpThresholdVp8,
98                     kBadFraction,
99                     kNumMeasurements),
100       variance_threshold_(kLowVarianceThreshold,
101                           kHighVarianceThreshold,
102                           kBadFraction,
103                           kNumMeasurementsVariance),
104       num_bad_states_(0),
105       num_certain_states_(0),
106       // 1000ms window, scale 1000 for ms to s.
107       decode_fps_estimator_(1000, 1000),
108       renders_fps_estimator_(1000, 1000),
109       render_fps_tracker_(100, 10u),
110       render_pixel_tracker_(100, 10u),
111       video_quality_observer_(
112           new VideoQualityObserver(VideoContentType::UNSPECIFIED)),
113       interframe_delay_max_moving_(kMovingMaxWindowMs),
114       freq_offset_counter_(clock, nullptr, kFreqOffsetProcessIntervalMs),
115       avg_rtt_ms_(0),
116       last_content_type_(VideoContentType::UNSPECIFIED),
117       last_codec_type_(kVideoCodecVP8),
118       num_delayed_frames_rendered_(0),
119       sum_missed_render_deadline_ms_(0),
120       timing_frame_info_counter_(kMovingMaxWindowMs) {
121   decode_thread_.Detach();
122   network_thread_.Detach();
123   stats_.ssrc = config_.rtp.remote_ssrc;
124 }
UpdateHistograms(absl::optional<int> fraction_lost,const StreamDataCounters & rtp_stats,const StreamDataCounters * rtx_stats)126 void ReceiveStatisticsProxy::UpdateHistograms(
127     absl::optional<int> fraction_lost,
128     const StreamDataCounters& rtp_stats,
129     const StreamDataCounters* rtx_stats) {
130   // Not actually running on the decoder thread, but must be called after
131   // DecoderThreadStopped, which detaches the thread checker. It is therefore
132   // safe to access |qp_counters_|, which were updated on the decode thread
133   // earlier.
134   RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&decode_thread_);
136   MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
138   char log_stream_buf[8 * 1024];
139   rtc::SimpleStringBuilder log_stream(log_stream_buf);
140   int stream_duration_sec = (clock_->TimeInMilliseconds() - start_ms_) / 1000;
141   if (stats_.frame_counts.key_frames > 0 ||
142       stats_.frame_counts.delta_frames > 0) {
143     RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100000("WebRTC.Video.ReceiveStreamLifetimeInSeconds",
144                                 stream_duration_sec);
145     log_stream << "WebRTC.Video.ReceiveStreamLifetimeInSeconds "
146                << stream_duration_sec << '\n';
147   }
149   log_stream << "Frames decoded " << stats_.frames_decoded << '\n';
151   if (num_unique_frames_) {
152     int num_dropped_frames = *num_unique_frames_ - stats_.frames_decoded;
153     RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_1000("WebRTC.Video.DroppedFrames.Receiver",
154                               num_dropped_frames);
155     log_stream << "WebRTC.Video.DroppedFrames.Receiver " << num_dropped_frames
156                << '\n';
157   }
159   if (fraction_lost && stream_duration_sec >= metrics::kMinRunTimeInSeconds) {
160     RTC_HISTOGRAM_PERCENTAGE("WebRTC.Video.ReceivedPacketsLostInPercent",
161                              *fraction_lost);
162     log_stream << "WebRTC.Video.ReceivedPacketsLostInPercent " << *fraction_lost
163                << '\n';
164   }
166   if (first_decoded_frame_time_ms_) {
167     const int64_t elapsed_ms =
168         (clock_->TimeInMilliseconds() - *first_decoded_frame_time_ms_);
169     if (elapsed_ms >=
170         metrics::kMinRunTimeInSeconds * rtc::kNumMillisecsPerSec) {
171       int decoded_fps = static_cast<int>(
172           (stats_.frames_decoded * 1000.0f / elapsed_ms) + 0.5f);
173       RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100("WebRTC.Video.DecodedFramesPerSecond",
174                                decoded_fps);
175       log_stream << "WebRTC.Video.DecodedFramesPerSecond " << decoded_fps
176                  << '\n';
178       const uint32_t frames_rendered = stats_.frames_rendered;
179       if (frames_rendered > 0) {
180         RTC_HISTOGRAM_PERCENTAGE("WebRTC.Video.DelayedFramesToRenderer",
181                                  static_cast<int>(num_delayed_frames_rendered_ *
182                                                   100 / frames_rendered));
183         if (num_delayed_frames_rendered_ > 0) {
184           RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_1000(
185               "WebRTC.Video.DelayedFramesToRenderer_AvgDelayInMs",
186               static_cast<int>(sum_missed_render_deadline_ms_ /
187                                num_delayed_frames_rendered_));
188         }
189       }
190     }
191   }
193   const int kMinRequiredSamples = 200;
194   int samples = static_cast<int>(render_fps_tracker_.TotalSampleCount());
195   if (samples >= kMinRequiredSamples) {
196     int rendered_fps = round(render_fps_tracker_.ComputeTotalRate());
197     RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100("WebRTC.Video.RenderFramesPerSecond",
198                              rendered_fps);
199     log_stream << "WebRTC.Video.RenderFramesPerSecond " << rendered_fps << '\n';
200     RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100000(
201         "WebRTC.Video.RenderSqrtPixelsPerSecond",
202         round(render_pixel_tracker_.ComputeTotalRate()));
203   }
205   absl::optional<int> sync_offset_ms =
206       sync_offset_counter_.Avg(kMinRequiredSamples);
207   if (sync_offset_ms) {
208     RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_10000("WebRTC.Video.AVSyncOffsetInMs",
209                                *sync_offset_ms);
210     log_stream << "WebRTC.Video.AVSyncOffsetInMs " << *sync_offset_ms << '\n';
211   }
212   AggregatedStats freq_offset_stats = freq_offset_counter_.GetStats();
213   if (freq_offset_stats.num_samples > 0) {
214     RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_10000("WebRTC.Video.RtpToNtpFreqOffsetInKhz",
215                                freq_offset_stats.average);
216     log_stream << "WebRTC.Video.RtpToNtpFreqOffsetInKhz "
217                << freq_offset_stats.ToString() << '\n';
218   }
220   int num_total_frames =
221       stats_.frame_counts.key_frames + stats_.frame_counts.delta_frames;
222   if (num_total_frames >= kMinRequiredSamples) {
223     int num_key_frames = stats_.frame_counts.key_frames;
224     int key_frames_permille =
225         (num_key_frames * 1000 + num_total_frames / 2) / num_total_frames;
226     RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_1000("WebRTC.Video.KeyFramesReceivedInPermille",
227                               key_frames_permille);
228     log_stream << "WebRTC.Video.KeyFramesReceivedInPermille "
229                << key_frames_permille << '\n';
230   }
232   absl::optional<int> qp = qp_counters_.vp8.Avg(kMinRequiredSamples);
233   if (qp) {
234     RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_200("WebRTC.Video.Decoded.Vp8.Qp", *qp);
235     log_stream << "WebRTC.Video.Decoded.Vp8.Qp " << *qp << '\n';
236   }
237   absl::optional<int> decode_ms = decode_time_counter_.Avg(kMinRequiredSamples);
238   if (decode_ms) {
239     RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_1000("WebRTC.Video.DecodeTimeInMs", *decode_ms);
240     log_stream << "WebRTC.Video.DecodeTimeInMs " << *decode_ms << '\n';
241   }
242   absl::optional<int> jb_delay_ms =
243       jitter_buffer_delay_counter_.Avg(kMinRequiredSamples);
244   if (jb_delay_ms) {
245     RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_10000("WebRTC.Video.JitterBufferDelayInMs",
246                                *jb_delay_ms);
247     log_stream << "WebRTC.Video.JitterBufferDelayInMs " << *jb_delay_ms << '\n';
248   }
250   absl::optional<int> target_delay_ms =
251       target_delay_counter_.Avg(kMinRequiredSamples);
252   if (target_delay_ms) {
253     RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_10000("WebRTC.Video.TargetDelayInMs",
254                                *target_delay_ms);
255     log_stream << "WebRTC.Video.TargetDelayInMs " << *target_delay_ms << '\n';
256   }
257   absl::optional<int> current_delay_ms =
258       current_delay_counter_.Avg(kMinRequiredSamples);
259   if (current_delay_ms) {
260     RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_10000("WebRTC.Video.CurrentDelayInMs",
261                                *current_delay_ms);
262     log_stream << "WebRTC.Video.CurrentDelayInMs " << *current_delay_ms << '\n';
263   }
264   absl::optional<int> delay_ms = delay_counter_.Avg(kMinRequiredSamples);
265   if (delay_ms)
266     RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_10000("WebRTC.Video.OnewayDelayInMs", *delay_ms);
268   // Aggregate content_specific_stats_ by removing experiment or simulcast
269   // information;
270   std::map<VideoContentType, ContentSpecificStats> aggregated_stats;
271   for (const auto& it : content_specific_stats_) {
272     // Calculate simulcast specific metrics (".S0" ... ".S2" suffixes).
273     VideoContentType content_type = it.first;
274     if (videocontenttypehelpers::GetSimulcastId(content_type) > 0) {
275       // Aggregate on experiment id.
276       videocontenttypehelpers::SetExperimentId(&content_type, 0);
277       aggregated_stats[content_type].Add(it.second);
278     }
279     // Calculate experiment specific metrics (".ExperimentGroup[0-7]" suffixes).
280     content_type = it.first;
281     if (videocontenttypehelpers::GetExperimentId(content_type) > 0) {
282       // Aggregate on simulcast id.
283       videocontenttypehelpers::SetSimulcastId(&content_type, 0);
284       aggregated_stats[content_type].Add(it.second);
285     }
286     // Calculate aggregated metrics (no suffixes. Aggregated on everything).
287     content_type = it.first;
288     videocontenttypehelpers::SetSimulcastId(&content_type, 0);
289     videocontenttypehelpers::SetExperimentId(&content_type, 0);
290     aggregated_stats[content_type].Add(it.second);
291   }
293   for (const auto& it : aggregated_stats) {
294     // For the metric Foo we report the following slices:
295     // WebRTC.Video.Foo,
296     // WebRTC.Video.Screenshare.Foo,
297     // WebRTC.Video.Foo.S[0-3],
298     // WebRTC.Video.Foo.ExperimentGroup[0-7],
299     // WebRTC.Video.Screenshare.Foo.S[0-3],
300     // WebRTC.Video.Screenshare.Foo.ExperimentGroup[0-7].
301     auto content_type = it.first;
302     auto stats = it.second;
303     std::string uma_prefix = UmaPrefixForContentType(content_type);
304     std::string uma_suffix = UmaSuffixForContentType(content_type);
305     // Metrics can be sliced on either simulcast id or experiment id but not
306     // both.
307     RTC_DCHECK(videocontenttypehelpers::GetExperimentId(content_type) == 0 ||
308                videocontenttypehelpers::GetSimulcastId(content_type) == 0);
310     absl::optional<int> e2e_delay_ms =
311         stats.e2e_delay_counter.Avg(kMinRequiredSamples);
312     if (e2e_delay_ms) {
314           uma_prefix + ".EndToEndDelayInMs" + uma_suffix, *e2e_delay_ms);
315       log_stream << uma_prefix << ".EndToEndDelayInMs" << uma_suffix << " "
316                  << *e2e_delay_ms << '\n';
317     }
318     absl::optional<int> e2e_delay_max_ms = stats.e2e_delay_counter.Max();
319     if (e2e_delay_max_ms && e2e_delay_ms) {
321           uma_prefix + ".EndToEndDelayMaxInMs" + uma_suffix, *e2e_delay_max_ms);
322       log_stream << uma_prefix << ".EndToEndDelayMaxInMs" << uma_suffix << " "
323                  << *e2e_delay_max_ms << '\n';
324     }
325     absl::optional<int> interframe_delay_ms =
326         stats.interframe_delay_counter.Avg(kMinRequiredSamples);
327     if (interframe_delay_ms) {
329           uma_prefix + ".InterframeDelayInMs" + uma_suffix,
330           *interframe_delay_ms);
331       log_stream << uma_prefix << ".InterframeDelayInMs" << uma_suffix << " "
332                  << *interframe_delay_ms << '\n';
333     }
334     absl::optional<int> interframe_delay_max_ms =
335         stats.interframe_delay_counter.Max();
336     if (interframe_delay_max_ms && interframe_delay_ms) {
338           uma_prefix + ".InterframeDelayMaxInMs" + uma_suffix,
339           *interframe_delay_max_ms);
340       log_stream << uma_prefix << ".InterframeDelayMaxInMs" << uma_suffix << " "
341                  << *interframe_delay_max_ms << '\n';
342     }
344     absl::optional<uint32_t> interframe_delay_95p_ms =
345         stats.interframe_delay_percentiles.GetPercentile(0.95f);
346     if (interframe_delay_95p_ms && interframe_delay_ms != -1) {
348           uma_prefix + ".InterframeDelay95PercentileInMs" + uma_suffix,
349           *interframe_delay_95p_ms);
350       log_stream << uma_prefix << ".InterframeDelay95PercentileInMs"
351                  << uma_suffix << " " << *interframe_delay_95p_ms << '\n';
352     }
354     absl::optional<int> width = stats.received_width.Avg(kMinRequiredSamples);
355     if (width) {
357           uma_prefix + ".ReceivedWidthInPixels" + uma_suffix, *width);
358       log_stream << uma_prefix << ".ReceivedWidthInPixels" << uma_suffix << " "
359                  << *width << '\n';
360     }
362     absl::optional<int> height = stats.received_height.Avg(kMinRequiredSamples);
363     if (height) {
365           uma_prefix + ".ReceivedHeightInPixels" + uma_suffix, *height);
366       log_stream << uma_prefix << ".ReceivedHeightInPixels" << uma_suffix << " "
367                  << *height << '\n';
368     }
370     if (content_type != VideoContentType::UNSPECIFIED) {
371       // Don't report these 3 metrics unsliced, as more precise variants
372       // are reported separately in this method.
373       float flow_duration_sec = stats.flow_duration_ms / 1000.0;
374       if (flow_duration_sec >= metrics::kMinRunTimeInSeconds) {
375         int media_bitrate_kbps = static_cast<int>(stats.total_media_bytes * 8 /
376                                                   flow_duration_sec / 1000);
378             uma_prefix + ".MediaBitrateReceivedInKbps" + uma_suffix,
379             media_bitrate_kbps);
380         log_stream << uma_prefix << ".MediaBitrateReceivedInKbps" << uma_suffix
381                    << " " << media_bitrate_kbps << '\n';
382       }
384       int num_total_frames =
385           stats.frame_counts.key_frames + stats.frame_counts.delta_frames;
386       if (num_total_frames >= kMinRequiredSamples) {
387         int num_key_frames = stats.frame_counts.key_frames;
388         int key_frames_permille =
389             (num_key_frames * 1000 + num_total_frames / 2) / num_total_frames;
391             uma_prefix + ".KeyFramesReceivedInPermille" + uma_suffix,
392             key_frames_permille);
393         log_stream << uma_prefix << ".KeyFramesReceivedInPermille" << uma_suffix
394                    << " " << key_frames_permille << '\n';
395       }
397       absl::optional<int> qp = stats.qp_counter.Avg(kMinRequiredSamples);
398       if (qp) {
400             uma_prefix + ".Decoded.Vp8.Qp" + uma_suffix, *qp);
401         log_stream << uma_prefix << ".Decoded.Vp8.Qp" << uma_suffix << " "
402                    << *qp << '\n';
403       }
404     }
405   }
407   StreamDataCounters rtp_rtx_stats = rtp_stats;
408   if (rtx_stats)
409     rtp_rtx_stats.Add(*rtx_stats);
410   int64_t elapsed_sec =
411       rtp_rtx_stats.TimeSinceFirstPacketInMs(clock_->TimeInMilliseconds()) /
412       1000;
413   if (elapsed_sec >= metrics::kMinRunTimeInSeconds) {
415         "WebRTC.Video.BitrateReceivedInKbps",
416         static_cast<int>(rtp_rtx_stats.transmitted.TotalBytes() * 8 /
417                          elapsed_sec / 1000));
418     int media_bitrate_kbs = static_cast<int>(rtp_stats.MediaPayloadBytes() * 8 /
419                                              elapsed_sec / 1000);
420     RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_10000("WebRTC.Video.MediaBitrateReceivedInKbps",
421                                media_bitrate_kbs);
422     log_stream << "WebRTC.Video.MediaBitrateReceivedInKbps "
423                << media_bitrate_kbs << '\n';
425         "WebRTC.Video.PaddingBitrateReceivedInKbps",
426         static_cast<int>(rtp_rtx_stats.transmitted.padding_bytes * 8 /
427                          elapsed_sec / 1000));
429         "WebRTC.Video.RetransmittedBitrateReceivedInKbps",
430         static_cast<int>(rtp_rtx_stats.retransmitted.TotalBytes() * 8 /
431                          elapsed_sec / 1000));
432     if (rtx_stats) {
433       RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_10000(
434           "WebRTC.Video.RtxBitrateReceivedInKbps",
435           static_cast<int>(rtx_stats->transmitted.TotalBytes() * 8 /
436                            elapsed_sec / 1000));
437     }
438     const RtcpPacketTypeCounter& counters = stats_.rtcp_packet_type_counts;
439     RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_10000("WebRTC.Video.NackPacketsSentPerMinute",
440                                counters.nack_packets * 60 / elapsed_sec);
441     RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_10000("WebRTC.Video.FirPacketsSentPerMinute",
442                                counters.fir_packets * 60 / elapsed_sec);
443     RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_10000("WebRTC.Video.PliPacketsSentPerMinute",
444                                counters.pli_packets * 60 / elapsed_sec);
445     if (counters.nack_requests > 0) {
446       RTC_HISTOGRAM_PERCENTAGE("WebRTC.Video.UniqueNackRequestsSentInPercent",
447                                counters.UniqueNackRequestsInPercent());
448     }
449   }
451   if (num_certain_states_ >= kBadCallMinRequiredSamples) {
452     RTC_HISTOGRAM_PERCENTAGE("WebRTC.Video.BadCall.Any",
453                              100 * num_bad_states_ / num_certain_states_);
454   }
455   absl::optional<double> fps_fraction =
456       fps_threshold_.FractionHigh(kBadCallMinRequiredSamples);
457   if (fps_fraction) {
458     RTC_HISTOGRAM_PERCENTAGE("WebRTC.Video.BadCall.FrameRate",
459                              static_cast<int>(100 * (1 - *fps_fraction)));
460   }
461   absl::optional<double> variance_fraction =
462       variance_threshold_.FractionHigh(kBadCallMinRequiredSamples);
463   if (variance_fraction) {
464     RTC_HISTOGRAM_PERCENTAGE("WebRTC.Video.BadCall.FrameRateVariance",
465                              static_cast<int>(100 * *variance_fraction));
466   }
467   absl::optional<double> qp_fraction =
468       qp_threshold_.FractionHigh(kBadCallMinRequiredSamples);
469   if (qp_fraction) {
471                              static_cast<int>(100 * *qp_fraction));
472   }
474   RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << log_stream.str();
475   video_quality_observer_->UpdateHistograms();
476 }
QualitySample()478 void ReceiveStatisticsProxy::QualitySample() {
479   int64_t now = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
480   if (last_sample_time_ + kMinSampleLengthMs > now)
481     return;
483   double fps =
484       render_fps_tracker_.ComputeRateForInterval(now - last_sample_time_);
485   absl::optional<int> qp = qp_sample_.Avg(1);
487   bool prev_fps_bad = !fps_threshold_.IsHigh().value_or(true);
488   bool prev_qp_bad = qp_threshold_.IsHigh().value_or(false);
489   bool prev_variance_bad = variance_threshold_.IsHigh().value_or(false);
490   bool prev_any_bad = prev_fps_bad || prev_qp_bad || prev_variance_bad;
492   fps_threshold_.AddMeasurement(static_cast<int>(fps));
493   if (qp)
494     qp_threshold_.AddMeasurement(*qp);
495   absl::optional<double> fps_variance_opt = fps_threshold_.CalculateVariance();
496   double fps_variance = fps_variance_opt.value_or(0);
497   if (fps_variance_opt) {
498     variance_threshold_.AddMeasurement(static_cast<int>(fps_variance));
499   }
501   bool fps_bad = !fps_threshold_.IsHigh().value_or(true);
502   bool qp_bad = qp_threshold_.IsHigh().value_or(false);
503   bool variance_bad = variance_threshold_.IsHigh().value_or(false);
504   bool any_bad = fps_bad || qp_bad || variance_bad;
506   if (!prev_any_bad && any_bad) {
507     RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Bad call (any) start: " << now;
508   } else if (prev_any_bad && !any_bad) {
509     RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Bad call (any) end: " << now;
510   }
512   if (!prev_fps_bad && fps_bad) {
513     RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Bad call (fps) start: " << now;
514   } else if (prev_fps_bad && !fps_bad) {
515     RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Bad call (fps) end: " << now;
516   }
518   if (!prev_qp_bad && qp_bad) {
519     RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Bad call (qp) start: " << now;
520   } else if (prev_qp_bad && !qp_bad) {
521     RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Bad call (qp) end: " << now;
522   }
524   if (!prev_variance_bad && variance_bad) {
525     RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Bad call (variance) start: " << now;
526   } else if (prev_variance_bad && !variance_bad) {
527     RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Bad call (variance) end: " << now;
528   }
530   RTC_LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "SAMPLE: sample_length: " << (now - last_sample_time_)
531                       << " fps: " << fps << " fps_bad: " << fps_bad
532                       << " qp: " << qp.value_or(-1) << " qp_bad: " << qp_bad
533                       << " variance_bad: " << variance_bad
534                       << " fps_variance: " << fps_variance;
536   last_sample_time_ = now;
537   qp_sample_.Reset();
539   if (fps_threshold_.IsHigh() || variance_threshold_.IsHigh() ||
540       qp_threshold_.IsHigh()) {
541     if (any_bad)
542       ++num_bad_states_;
543     ++num_certain_states_;
544   }
545 }
UpdateFramerate(int64_t now_ms) const547 void ReceiveStatisticsProxy::UpdateFramerate(int64_t now_ms) const {
548   int64_t old_frames_ms = now_ms - kRateStatisticsWindowSizeMs;
549   while (!frame_window_.empty() &&
550          frame_window_.begin()->first < old_frames_ms) {
551     frame_window_.erase(frame_window_.begin());
552   }
554   size_t framerate =
555       (frame_window_.size() * 1000 + 500) / kRateStatisticsWindowSizeMs;
556   stats_.network_frame_rate = static_cast<int>(framerate);
557 }
UpdateDecodeTimeHistograms(int width,int height,int decode_time_ms) const559 void ReceiveStatisticsProxy::UpdateDecodeTimeHistograms(
560     int width,
561     int height,
562     int decode_time_ms) const {
563   bool is_4k = (width == 3840 || width == 4096) && height == 2160;
564   bool is_hd = width == 1920 && height == 1080;
565   // Only update histograms for 4k/HD and VP9/H264.
566   if ((is_4k || is_hd) && (last_codec_type_ == kVideoCodecVP9 ||
567                            last_codec_type_ == kVideoCodecH264)) {
568     const std::string kDecodeTimeUmaPrefix =
569         "WebRTC.Video.DecodeTimePerFrameInMs.";
571     // Each histogram needs its own line for it to not be reused in the wrong
572     // way when the format changes.
573     if (last_codec_type_ == kVideoCodecVP9) {
574       bool is_sw_decoder =
575           stats_.decoder_implementation_name.compare(0, 6, "libvpx") == 0;
576       if (is_4k) {
577         if (is_sw_decoder)
578           RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_1000(kDecodeTimeUmaPrefix + "Vp9.4k.Sw",
579                                     decode_time_ms);
580         else
581           RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_1000(kDecodeTimeUmaPrefix + "Vp9.4k.Hw",
582                                     decode_time_ms);
583       } else {
584         if (is_sw_decoder)
585           RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_1000(kDecodeTimeUmaPrefix + "Vp9.Hd.Sw",
586                                     decode_time_ms);
587         else
588           RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_1000(kDecodeTimeUmaPrefix + "Vp9.Hd.Hw",
589                                     decode_time_ms);
590       }
591     } else {
592       bool is_sw_decoder =
593           stats_.decoder_implementation_name.compare(0, 6, "FFmpeg") == 0;
594       if (is_4k) {
595         if (is_sw_decoder)
596           RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_1000(kDecodeTimeUmaPrefix + "H264.4k.Sw",
597                                     decode_time_ms);
598         else
599           RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_1000(kDecodeTimeUmaPrefix + "H264.4k.Hw",
600                                     decode_time_ms);
602       } else {
603         if (is_sw_decoder)
604           RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_1000(kDecodeTimeUmaPrefix + "H264.Hd.Sw",
605                                     decode_time_ms);
606         else
607           RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_1000(kDecodeTimeUmaPrefix + "H264.Hd.Hw",
608                                     decode_time_ms);
609       }
610     }
611   }
612 }
614 absl::optional<int64_t>
GetCurrentEstimatedPlayoutNtpTimestampMs(int64_t now_ms) const615 ReceiveStatisticsProxy::GetCurrentEstimatedPlayoutNtpTimestampMs(
616     int64_t now_ms) const {
617   if (!last_estimated_playout_ntp_timestamp_ms_ ||
618       !last_estimated_playout_time_ms_) {
619     return absl::nullopt;
620   }
621   int64_t elapsed_ms = now_ms - *last_estimated_playout_time_ms_;
622   return *last_estimated_playout_ntp_timestamp_ms_ + elapsed_ms;
623 }
GetStats() const625 VideoReceiveStream::Stats ReceiveStatisticsProxy::GetStats() const {
626   MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
627   // Get current frame rates here, as only updating them on new frames prevents
628   // us from ever correctly displaying frame rate of 0.
629   int64_t now_ms = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
630   UpdateFramerate(now_ms);
631   stats_.render_frame_rate = renders_fps_estimator_.Rate(now_ms).value_or(0);
632   stats_.decode_frame_rate = decode_fps_estimator_.Rate(now_ms).value_or(0);
633   stats_.interframe_delay_max_ms =
634       interframe_delay_max_moving_.Max(now_ms).value_or(-1);
635   stats_.freeze_count = video_quality_observer_->NumFreezes();
636   stats_.pause_count = video_quality_observer_->NumPauses();
637   stats_.total_freezes_duration_ms =
638       video_quality_observer_->TotalFreezesDurationMs();
639   stats_.total_pauses_duration_ms =
640       video_quality_observer_->TotalPausesDurationMs();
641   stats_.total_frames_duration_ms =
642       video_quality_observer_->TotalFramesDurationMs();
643   stats_.sum_squared_frame_durations =
644       video_quality_observer_->SumSquaredFrameDurationsSec();
645   stats_.content_type = last_content_type_;
646   stats_.timing_frame_info = timing_frame_info_counter_.Max(now_ms);
647   stats_.jitter_buffer_delay_seconds =
648       static_cast<double>(current_delay_counter_.Sum(1).value_or(0)) /
649       rtc::kNumMillisecsPerSec;
650   stats_.jitter_buffer_emitted_count = current_delay_counter_.NumSamples();
651   stats_.estimated_playout_ntp_timestamp_ms =
652       GetCurrentEstimatedPlayoutNtpTimestampMs(now_ms);
653   return stats_;
654 }
OnIncomingPayloadType(int payload_type)656 void ReceiveStatisticsProxy::OnIncomingPayloadType(int payload_type) {
657   MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
658   stats_.current_payload_type = payload_type;
659 }
OnDecoderImplementationName(const char * implementation_name)661 void ReceiveStatisticsProxy::OnDecoderImplementationName(
662     const char* implementation_name) {
663   MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
664   stats_.decoder_implementation_name = implementation_name;
665 }
OnFrameBufferTimingsUpdated(int max_decode_ms,int current_delay_ms,int target_delay_ms,int jitter_buffer_ms,int min_playout_delay_ms,int render_delay_ms)667 void ReceiveStatisticsProxy::OnFrameBufferTimingsUpdated(
668     int max_decode_ms,
669     int current_delay_ms,
670     int target_delay_ms,
671     int jitter_buffer_ms,
672     int min_playout_delay_ms,
673     int render_delay_ms) {
674   MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
675   stats_.max_decode_ms = max_decode_ms;
676   stats_.current_delay_ms = current_delay_ms;
677   stats_.target_delay_ms = target_delay_ms;
678   stats_.jitter_buffer_ms = jitter_buffer_ms;
679   stats_.min_playout_delay_ms = min_playout_delay_ms;
680   stats_.render_delay_ms = render_delay_ms;
681   jitter_buffer_delay_counter_.Add(jitter_buffer_ms);
682   target_delay_counter_.Add(target_delay_ms);
683   current_delay_counter_.Add(current_delay_ms);
684   // Network delay (rtt/2) + target_delay_ms (jitter delay + decode time +
685   // render delay).
686   delay_counter_.Add(target_delay_ms + avg_rtt_ms_ / 2);
687 }
OnUniqueFramesCounted(int num_unique_frames)689 void ReceiveStatisticsProxy::OnUniqueFramesCounted(int num_unique_frames) {
690   MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
691   num_unique_frames_.emplace(num_unique_frames);
692 }
OnTimingFrameInfoUpdated(const TimingFrameInfo & info)694 void ReceiveStatisticsProxy::OnTimingFrameInfoUpdated(
695     const TimingFrameInfo& info) {
696   MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
697   if (info.flags != VideoSendTiming::kInvalid) {
698     int64_t now_ms = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
699     timing_frame_info_counter_.Add(info, now_ms);
700   }
702   // Measure initial decoding latency between the first frame arriving and the
703   // first frame being decoded.
704   if (!first_frame_received_time_ms_.has_value()) {
705     first_frame_received_time_ms_ = info.receive_finish_ms;
706   }
707   if (stats_.first_frame_received_to_decoded_ms == -1 &&
708       first_decoded_frame_time_ms_) {
709     stats_.first_frame_received_to_decoded_ms =
710         *first_decoded_frame_time_ms_ - *first_frame_received_time_ms_;
711   }
712 }
RtcpPacketTypesCounterUpdated(uint32_t ssrc,const RtcpPacketTypeCounter & packet_counter)714 void ReceiveStatisticsProxy::RtcpPacketTypesCounterUpdated(
715     uint32_t ssrc,
716     const RtcpPacketTypeCounter& packet_counter) {
717   MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
718   if (stats_.ssrc != ssrc)
719     return;
720   stats_.rtcp_packet_type_counts = packet_counter;
721 }
OnCname(uint32_t ssrc,absl::string_view cname)723 void ReceiveStatisticsProxy::OnCname(uint32_t ssrc, absl::string_view cname) {
724   MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
725   // TODO(pbos): Handle both local and remote ssrcs here and RTC_DCHECK that we
726   // receive stats from one of them.
727   if (stats_.ssrc != ssrc)
728     return;
729   stats_.c_name = std::string(cname);
730 }
OnDecodedFrame(const VideoFrame & frame,absl::optional<uint8_t> qp,int32_t decode_time_ms,VideoContentType content_type)732 void ReceiveStatisticsProxy::OnDecodedFrame(const VideoFrame& frame,
733                                             absl::optional<uint8_t> qp,
734                                             int32_t decode_time_ms,
735                                             VideoContentType content_type) {
736   MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
738   uint64_t now_ms = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
740   if (videocontenttypehelpers::IsScreenshare(content_type) !=
741       videocontenttypehelpers::IsScreenshare(last_content_type_)) {
742     // Reset the quality observer if content type is switched. But first report
743     // stats for the previous part of the call.
744     video_quality_observer_->UpdateHistograms();
745     video_quality_observer_.reset(new VideoQualityObserver(content_type));
746   }
748   video_quality_observer_->OnDecodedFrame(frame, qp, last_codec_type_);
750   ContentSpecificStats* content_specific_stats =
751       &content_specific_stats_[content_type];
752   ++stats_.frames_decoded;
753   if (qp) {
754     if (!stats_.qp_sum) {
755       if (stats_.frames_decoded != 1) {
756         RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING)
757             << "Frames decoded was not 1 when first qp value was received.";
758       }
759       stats_.qp_sum = 0;
760     }
761     *stats_.qp_sum += *qp;
762     content_specific_stats->qp_counter.Add(*qp);
763   } else if (stats_.qp_sum) {
765         << "QP sum was already set and no QP was given for a frame.";
766     stats_.qp_sum.reset();
767   }
768   decode_time_counter_.Add(decode_time_ms);
769   stats_.decode_ms = decode_time_ms;
770   stats_.total_decode_time_ms += decode_time_ms;
771   if (enable_decode_time_histograms_) {
772     UpdateDecodeTimeHistograms(frame.width(), frame.height(), decode_time_ms);
773   }
775   last_content_type_ = content_type;
776   decode_fps_estimator_.Update(1, now_ms);
777   if (last_decoded_frame_time_ms_) {
778     int64_t interframe_delay_ms = now_ms - *last_decoded_frame_time_ms_;
779     RTC_DCHECK_GE(interframe_delay_ms, 0);
780     double interframe_delay = interframe_delay_ms / 1000.0;
781     stats_.total_inter_frame_delay += interframe_delay;
782     stats_.total_squared_inter_frame_delay +=
783         interframe_delay * interframe_delay;
784     interframe_delay_max_moving_.Add(interframe_delay_ms, now_ms);
785     content_specific_stats->interframe_delay_counter.Add(interframe_delay_ms);
786     content_specific_stats->interframe_delay_percentiles.Add(
787         interframe_delay_ms);
788     content_specific_stats->flow_duration_ms += interframe_delay_ms;
789   }
790   if (stats_.frames_decoded == 1) {
791     first_decoded_frame_time_ms_.emplace(now_ms);
792   }
793   last_decoded_frame_time_ms_.emplace(now_ms);
794 }
OnRenderedFrame(const VideoFrame & frame)796 void ReceiveStatisticsProxy::OnRenderedFrame(const VideoFrame& frame) {
797   int width = frame.width();
798   int height = frame.height();
799   RTC_DCHECK_GT(width, 0);
800   RTC_DCHECK_GT(height, 0);
801   int64_t now_ms = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
802   MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
804   video_quality_observer_->OnRenderedFrame(frame, now_ms);
806   ContentSpecificStats* content_specific_stats =
807       &content_specific_stats_[last_content_type_];
808   renders_fps_estimator_.Update(1, now_ms);
809   ++stats_.frames_rendered;
810   stats_.width = width;
811   stats_.height = height;
812   render_fps_tracker_.AddSamples(1);
813   render_pixel_tracker_.AddSamples(sqrt(width * height));
814   content_specific_stats->received_width.Add(width);
815   content_specific_stats->received_height.Add(height);
817   // Consider taking stats_.render_delay_ms into account.
818   const int64_t time_until_rendering_ms = frame.render_time_ms() - now_ms;
819   if (time_until_rendering_ms < 0) {
820     sum_missed_render_deadline_ms_ += -time_until_rendering_ms;
821     ++num_delayed_frames_rendered_;
822   }
824   if (frame.ntp_time_ms() > 0) {
825     int64_t delay_ms = clock_->CurrentNtpInMilliseconds() - frame.ntp_time_ms();
826     if (delay_ms >= 0) {
827       content_specific_stats->e2e_delay_counter.Add(delay_ms);
828     }
829   }
830   QualitySample();
831 }
OnSyncOffsetUpdated(int64_t video_playout_ntp_ms,int64_t sync_offset_ms,double estimated_freq_khz)833 void ReceiveStatisticsProxy::OnSyncOffsetUpdated(int64_t video_playout_ntp_ms,
834                                                  int64_t sync_offset_ms,
835                                                  double estimated_freq_khz) {
836   MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
837   sync_offset_counter_.Add(std::abs(sync_offset_ms));
838   stats_.sync_offset_ms = sync_offset_ms;
839   last_estimated_playout_ntp_timestamp_ms_ = video_playout_ntp_ms;
840   last_estimated_playout_time_ms_ = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
842   const double kMaxFreqKhz = 10000.0;
843   int offset_khz = kMaxFreqKhz;
844   // Should not be zero or negative. If so, report max.
845   if (estimated_freq_khz < kMaxFreqKhz && estimated_freq_khz > 0.0)
846     offset_khz = static_cast<int>(std::fabs(estimated_freq_khz - 90.0) + 0.5);
848   freq_offset_counter_.Add(offset_khz);
849 }
OnCompleteFrame(bool is_keyframe,size_t size_bytes,VideoContentType content_type)851 void ReceiveStatisticsProxy::OnCompleteFrame(bool is_keyframe,
852                                              size_t size_bytes,
853                                              VideoContentType content_type) {
854   MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
855   if (is_keyframe) {
856     ++stats_.frame_counts.key_frames;
857   } else {
858     ++stats_.frame_counts.delta_frames;
859   }
861   // Content type extension is set only for keyframes and should be propagated
862   // for all the following delta frames. Here we may receive frames out of order
863   // and miscategorise some delta frames near the layer switch.
864   // This may slightly offset calculated bitrate and keyframes permille metrics.
865   VideoContentType propagated_content_type =
866       is_keyframe ? content_type : last_content_type_;
868   ContentSpecificStats* content_specific_stats =
869       &content_specific_stats_[propagated_content_type];
871   content_specific_stats->total_media_bytes += size_bytes;
872   if (is_keyframe) {
873     ++content_specific_stats->frame_counts.key_frames;
874   } else {
875     ++content_specific_stats->frame_counts.delta_frames;
876   }
878   int64_t now_ms = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
879   frame_window_.insert(std::make_pair(now_ms, size_bytes));
880   UpdateFramerate(now_ms);
881 }
OnDroppedFrames(uint32_t frames_dropped)883 void ReceiveStatisticsProxy::OnDroppedFrames(uint32_t frames_dropped) {
884   MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
885   stats_.frames_dropped += frames_dropped;
886 }
OnPreDecode(VideoCodecType codec_type,int qp)888 void ReceiveStatisticsProxy::OnPreDecode(VideoCodecType codec_type, int qp) {
889   RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&decode_thread_);
890   MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
891   last_codec_type_ = codec_type;
892   if (last_codec_type_ == kVideoCodecVP8 && qp != -1) {
893     qp_counters_.vp8.Add(qp);
894     qp_sample_.Add(qp);
895   }
896 }
OnStreamInactive()898 void ReceiveStatisticsProxy::OnStreamInactive() {
899   // TODO(sprang): Figure out any other state that should be reset.
901   MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
902   // Don't report inter-frame delay if stream was paused.
903   last_decoded_frame_time_ms_.reset();
904   video_quality_observer_->OnStreamInactive();
905 }
OnRttUpdate(int64_t avg_rtt_ms,int64_t max_rtt_ms)907 void ReceiveStatisticsProxy::OnRttUpdate(int64_t avg_rtt_ms,
908                                          int64_t max_rtt_ms) {
909   MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
910   avg_rtt_ms_ = avg_rtt_ms;
911 }
DecoderThreadStarting()913 void ReceiveStatisticsProxy::DecoderThreadStarting() {
914   RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&main_thread_);
915 }
DecoderThreadStopped()917 void ReceiveStatisticsProxy::DecoderThreadStopped() {
918   RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&main_thread_);
919   decode_thread_.Detach();
920 }
ContentSpecificStats()922 ReceiveStatisticsProxy::ContentSpecificStats::ContentSpecificStats()
923     : interframe_delay_percentiles(kMaxCommonInterframeDelayMs) {}
925 ReceiveStatisticsProxy::ContentSpecificStats::~ContentSpecificStats() = default;
Add(const ContentSpecificStats & other)927 void ReceiveStatisticsProxy::ContentSpecificStats::Add(
928     const ContentSpecificStats& other) {
929   e2e_delay_counter.Add(other.e2e_delay_counter);
930   interframe_delay_counter.Add(other.interframe_delay_counter);
931   flow_duration_ms += other.flow_duration_ms;
932   total_media_bytes += other.total_media_bytes;
933   received_height.Add(other.received_height);
934   received_width.Add(other.received_width);
935   qp_counter.Add(other.qp_counter);
936   frame_counts.key_frames += other.frame_counts.key_frames;
937   frame_counts.delta_frames += other.frame_counts.delta_frames;
938   interframe_delay_percentiles.Add(other.interframe_delay_percentiles);
939 }
940 }  // namespace webrtc