1 /******************************************************************************
2  *  bwm-ng online help                                                        *
3  *                                                                            *
4  *  Copyright (C) 2004 Volker Gropp (vgropp@pefra.de)                         *
5  *                                                                            *
6  *  for more info read README.                                                *
7  *                                                                            *
8  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify      *
9  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      *
10  *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or         *
11  *  (at your option) any later version.                                       *
12  *                                                                            *
13  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,           *
14  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
16  *  GNU General Public License for more details.                              *
17  *                                                                            *
18  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License         *
19  *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software               *
20  *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA *
21  *                                                                            *
22  *****************************************************************************/
24 #include "global_vars.h"
25 #include "help.h"
print_help_line(char * short_c,char * long_c,char * descr)27 inline void print_help_line(char *short_c,char * long_c,char *descr) {
28 #ifdef LONG_OPTIONS
29     printf("  %-23s",long_c);
30 #else
31     printf("  %-23s",short_c);
32 #endif
33     printf(" %s\n",descr);
34 }
36 /* prints a helpscreen and exists */
37 inline void cmdln_printhelp(void) FUNCATTR_NORETURN;
cmdln_printhelp()38 inline void cmdln_printhelp() {
39     print_version;
40     printf("USAGE: bwm-ng [OPTION] ...");
42     printf(" [CONFIGFILE]\n");
43 #else
44     printf("\n");
45 #endif
46     printf("displays current ethernet interfaces stats\n\n");
47     printf("Options:\n");
48     print_help_line("-t <msec>","-t, --timeout <msec>","displays stats every <msec> (1msec = 1/1000sec)");
49     print_help_line("","","default: 500");
50     print_help_line("-d","-d, --dynamic [value]","show values dynamicly (Byte KB or MB)");
51     print_help_line("-a [mode]","-a, --allif [mode]","where mode is one of:");
52     print_help_line("","","0=show only up (and selected) interfaces");
53     print_help_line("","","1=show all up interfaces (default)");
54     print_help_line("","","2=show all and down interfaces");
55     print_help_line("-I <list>","-I, --interfaces <list>","show only interfaces in <list> (comma seperated), or");
56     print_help_line("","","if list is prefaced with % show all but interfaces");
57     print_help_line("","","in list");
58     print_help_line("-S","-S, --sumhidden [value]","count hidden interfaces for total");
60     print_help_line("-A","-A, --avglength <sec>","sets the span of average stats (Default 30s)");
61 #endif
62     print_help_line("-D","-D, --daemon [value]","fork into background and daemonize");
63     print_help_line("-h","-h, --help","displays this help");
64     print_help_line("-V","-V, --version","print version info");
65     printf("\nInput:\n");
66     print_help_line("-i <method>","-i, --input <method>","input method, one of:" INPUT_METHODS);
67 #ifdef PROC_NET_DEV
68     print_help_line("-f <file>","-f, --procfile <file>","filename to read raw data from. (" PROC_NET_DEV ")");
69 #endif
71 	 print_help_line("","    --diskstatsfile <file>","filename to read diskstats (Linux 2.6+) from. (" PROC_DISKSTATS ")");
72 	 print_help_line("","    --partitionsfile <file>","filename to read diskstats (Linux 2.4) from. (" PROC_PARTITIONS ")");
73 #endif
75 #ifdef NETSTAT
76     print_help_line("-n <path>","-n, --netstat <path>","use <path> as netstat binary");
77 #endif
78 #endif
79     printf("\nOutput:\n");
80     print_help_line("-o <method>","-o, --output <method>","output method, one of: ");
81 	 print_help_line("","",OUTPUT_METHODS);
82     print_help_line("-u","-u, --unit <value>","unit to show. one of bytes, bits, packets, errors");
84     print_help_line("-T","-T, --type <value>","type of stats. one of rate, max, sum, avg");
85 #endif
86 #ifdef CSV
87     print_help_line("-C <char>","-C, --csvchar <char>","delimiter for csv");
88 #endif
89 #if CSV || HTML
90     print_help_line("-F <file>","-F, --outfile <file>","output file for csv and html (default stdout)");
91 #endif
92 #ifdef HTML
93     print_help_line("-R <num>","-R, --htmlrefresh <num>","meta refresh for html output");
94     print_help_line("-H","-H, --htmlheader","show <html> and <meta> frame for html output");
95 #endif
96     print_help_line("-c <num>","-c, --count <num>","number of query/output for plain & csv");
97 	 print_help_line("-N","-N, --ansiout","disable ansi codes for plain output");
98     print_help_line("","","(ie 1 for one single output)");
99     printf("\n");
100     exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
101 }
103 #ifdef HAVE_CURSES
print_online_help()104 void print_online_help() {
105     WINDOW *helpwin;
106     helpwin=newwin(15,76,0,1);
107     box(helpwin,ACS_VLINE, ACS_HLINE);
108     mvwprintw(helpwin,0,2,"bwm-ng v" VERSION " - Keybindings:");
109     mvwprintw(helpwin,2,2,"'h'  show this help");
110     mvwprintw(helpwin,3,2,"'q'  exit");
111     mvwprintw(helpwin,4,2,"'+'  increases timeout by 100ms");
112     mvwprintw(helpwin,5,2,"'-'  decreases timeout by 100ms");
113     if (output_method==CURSES_OUT)
114 		mvwprintw(helpwin,6,2,"'d'  switch KB and auto assign Byte/KB/MB/GB");
115     else
116 		mvwprintw(helpwin,6,2,"'d'  cycle: show interfaces step by step");
117     mvwprintw(helpwin,7,2,"'a'  cycle: show all interfaces, only those which are up,");
118     mvwprintw(helpwin,8,2,"            only up and not hidden");
119     mvwprintw(helpwin,9,2,"'s'  sum hidden ifaces to total aswell or not");
120     mvwprintw(helpwin,10,2,"'n'  cycle: input methods");
121     if (output_method==CURSES_OUT) { mvwprintw(helpwin,11,2,"'u'  cycle: bytes,bits,packets,errors");
123     mvwprintw(helpwin,12,2,"'t'  cycle: current rate, max, sum since start, average for last 30s");
124 #endif
125     }
126     else {
128       mvwprintw(helpwin,11,2,"'t'  cycle: current rate, max, sum since start, average for last 30s");
129 #endif
130     };
131     mvwprintw(helpwin,14,2," press any key to continue... ");
132     wrefresh(helpwin);
133     timeout(-1);
134     getch();
135     timeout(delay);
136     delwin(helpwin);
137 }
138 #endif